Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 24 2017

Calligraphy Masters


What's your PASSION??

For more infomation >> Passion Calligraphy Ligature x Sachinspiration Calligraphy with Automatic Pen - Duration: 1:21.


#BFRBWEEK - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> #BFRBWEEK - Duration: 6:08.


DE BESTE DISSTRACK OOIT!🔥 - Duration: 8:29.


For more infomation >> DE BESTE DISSTRACK OOIT!🔥 - Duration: 8:29.


Vai tomar no rabitiscosiamouse!-Análise Pika do episodio 24 de Boku no Hero 2 | Tio Izuku - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Vai tomar no rabitiscosiamouse!-Análise Pika do episodio 24 de Boku no Hero 2 | Tio Izuku - Duration: 3:22.


Maher Zain - Medina (Official Music Video 2017) - Duration: 4:10.

Medina, Medina

Medinatun Nabi (The city of the Prophet)

Medina, Medina

Medinatun Nabi (The city of the Prophet)

In my dreams I make my way to Medina

The home and chosen place

Of our beloved Prophet

Where all I feel is peace

And so much joy around

No better place for me, yeah!

Medina, Medina

Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)

Medina, Medina

That's where I want to be

Medina, Medina

Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)

Medina, Medina

That's where I want to be

Oh, oh, Medina Medina

Oh, oh, Medina Medina

I wake with the morning light in Medina

Everywhere I see blue skies

Set above these mountains

Bright colours fill the streets

A smile on every face

A special place for me, yeah!

Medina, Medina

Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)

Medina, Medina

That's where I want to be

Medina, Medina

Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)

Medina, Medina

That's where I want to be

Oh, oh, Medina Medina

Tala'al badru 'alayna (The full Moon rose over us)

Tala'al badru 'alayna (The full Moon rose over us)

Medina Medina

Tala'al badru 'alayna, min thaniyyatil wadaa' (The full Moon rose over us From the valley of Wadaa')

Medina Medina

Wajabash shukru 'alayna (And we owe it to show gratefulness)

Ma da'a lillahi daa' (Whenever a caller prays to Allah)

Medina Medina

Ayyuhal mab'uthu fina (O you who were raised amongst us)

Ji'ta bil amril mutaa' (Coming with the word to be obeyed)

Ji'ta sharraftal Medina, (You have brought to Medina nobleness)

Marhaban ya khayra daa' (Welcome, best caller to God's way)

Medina Medina

Medina Medina

Medinatun Nabi (The city of the Prophet)

Medina Medina

That's where I want to be

Medina Medina

Medinatun Nabi (The city of the Prophet)

Medina Medina

That's where I want to be

Oh, oh, Medina Medina

Medina Medina

Medinatun Nabi (The city of the Prophet)

Medina Medina

Medinatun Nabi (The city of the Prophet)

Medina Medina

Medinatun Nabi (The city of the Prophet)

Medina Medina

Medinatun Nabi (The city of the Prophet)

For more infomation >> Maher Zain - Medina (Official Music Video 2017) - Duration: 4:10.


ردة فعل كوريين على سعد لمجرد لمعلم / Saad Lamjarred - LM3ALLEM - Duration: 5:46.

Hey guys this is Steve

I've got a request of doing a reaction on MV from Middle East

I heard that this MV is super famous around Middle East.

Just can't wait to find out!

Let's get started!


The guy is on the motorcycle running away from someone?

His outfit is very unique, it's very colorful

where is he going?

I see characters that I can't read at all...

It's very colorful

I like the rhythme

The dancers are dancing gentley

I really like those colors

Why are ladies pointing at the men? Any reason?

He is very handsome, manly

I'm very curious what they are talking about here

Everyone is enjoying, dancing

Can anyone tell me what this means

This song is very unique

it's very addictive

They are just full of energy!

Oh! old lady with sewing machine Swaggg!

Clothes they wear are very colorful and fancy

Their music style is very unique! I like it!

Wow what is that?

They are drinking bottle of soda?

Old lady is all hyped up

Everyone is joyful but I don't know why lyric would have explained it

I saw his type of hat the man is wearing

It's the same hat the characters were wearing in animation Aladdin from Disney

What do you call these clothes? I really want one

I want the clothing that ladies are wearing they are very colorful

I think they are for fashionistas, trend setters

Their dances are very active yet calm

hmm what is he up to?

Wow, they are such a great dancers

I think this song is a mixture of both hiphop and traditional Arabic music

It's very different from other songs that I've heard

it's very unique

I can feel Arab from this song.

I've grew up only listening to K-pop all my life but I've never heard anything like this

He is riding a motorcycle

It's very addictive! I like it


Wow it's really interesting!

I really liked the colorfulness of the MV

As a Korean citizen who've exposed to K-pop and Billboard charts all my life

This is first time listening to music from Middle East and it was very addictive

The song make me feel comfortable. I don't know why

and also hype me up get me to dance

I'm so sad that I get to know these songs now..

So, I've just listened to Saad Lamjarred's super famous song

It was hiphop based(?) I think and I really like the beat

It makes me want to dance

and I'm really curious about the lyric. What is it about

If I knew the lyrics then I would enjoyed this song even more. I really liked it

I've justed watched the MV and

Colorfulness really caught my eyes

I thought it was very fancy.

and I heard Malab(?) a word something like this repeating.

I'm really curious what that means. If anyone want to help us out please comment below for answers

Thank you for your suggestions! we really had fun watching

If you suggest us more MV to watch we will always check them out so please suggest us for more

and Before you go!

Please don't forget to Subscribe and Like our video

We'll be back soon BYE!

For more infomation >> ردة فعل كوريين على سعد لمجرد لمعلم / Saad Lamjarred - LM3ALLEM - Duration: 5:46.


Stop Saying Tomorrow! - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:32.

here's something that's important to relay to children that you are not your

accomplishments you are you and the only way you are gonna get better

at accomplishing things is to be 100% honest about the amount

of effort you put in and what the actual result of that effort is whether it's a

failure or a success that does not define you that defines your

participation in this particular activity it is not you you are an

individual that will hopefully learn from all of your endeavors but you're

never gonna learn if you lie to yourself you're never gonna learn if somebody

makes this nobody scores a point and there are no winners and there are no

losers and everybody's amazing that's not good because

that's not good because there's going to be people out there that are driven and

psychotic and they're gonna get ahead there's people that are task oriented

and goal oriented and they they have an idea ahead of them gonna try to figure

out how to make this happen they have a goal they want to reach it and if you're

competing with that person in any form of life and they're not burdened down by

the bullsh that we give so many kids today they're gonna have a massive

advantage and this idea that this kid who's been coddled and treated like he's

always gonna be a winner that somehow or another they're gonna be happier is

crazy stop doing the things that you know are wrong that you could stop doing

right so it's it's a fairly it's a fairly limited attempt first of all

we're not gonna say that you know what the good is or what the truth is in any

ultimate sense but we will presume that there are things that you're doing that

for one reason or another you know are not in your best interests there's

something about them that you just know you should stop there are kind of

self-evident to you other things you're gonna be doubtful about you're not gonna

know which way is up and which way is down but there are things that you're

doing that you know you shouldn't do now some of those you won't stop doing for

whatever reason you don't have the discipline or maybe there's a secondary

payoff or you don't believe it's necessary or it's too much of a

sacrifice or you're angry or resentful or or afraid who knows so forget about

those for now but there's another subset that you could stop doing it might be

little thing well that's fine stop doing it and see

what happens and what will happen is your vision will clear a little bit and

then something else will pop up in your field of apprehension that you will also

know you should stop doing and that you could stop doing because you've

strengthened yourself a bit by stopping doing the particular stupid thing that

you were doing before that just puts you together a little bit more and you could

do that repeatedly for an indefinite period of time and and you know that

doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to ever be able to formulate a

clear and final picture of what constitutes the truth and the good but

it does mean that you'll be able to continually move away from what's

untruth and what's bad and you know well that's not a bad start I was a fool in

my 20s I was such I had such low self-esteem and I was trying to find my

way just as all 20 year olds are how old are you I'm gonna be 20 you're gonna be 20

you're not even 20 no not yet

so this is the thing I would say to experience the 20s as an adventure in

learning about yourself it really is the opportunity where you get to discover

who you are what you want to do what your passion where your passion lies

you're supposed to do things figure out this doesn't really feel like where I'm

supposed to be in my life and then move on

listening to your instincts is really key in your 20s so that you don't mess

yourself up you know for really truly I did all my awful stuff including drugs

and wrong men and it's about discovering who you are and not giving over your

power to someone else and believing that anybody else defines your life that just

shows you again so much for it can't be done this is why I try to tell you

anything and everything can be done if you can visualize it and if you believe

in yourself it was the same thing again when I ran for governor you can imagine

when I went on at the night show and I announced that I'm gonna run for

governor of the great state of California people came to me afterwards

says you're crazy you don't announce something like this

under the night show you have an official press conference at the State

capital plus you don't start with governorship

you go start first with mayor or with state senator and I said I don't want to

be senator I don't want to be mayor I want to be governor don't you understand

that well the rest is history I won in 2003 and I won also in 2006 let me

tell you you're going to find the naysayers in every turn that you make

don't listen just visualize your goal know exactly

where you want to go trust yourself get out there and work like hell and

break some of the rules and never ever be afraid of failure just spoke to the

USC football team and I said something in there that really caught my attention

I said something I'm sure you'll edit and make it fly because that's how you

do it D-Rock for 80 or 90% of you this is gonna be the best this is gonna be as

good as it gets this is the prime this is the best and this rant is about

timing you need to be aware of when you have your big opportunities you squeeze

so hard when you've got that moment you have to understand that you will always

change if it's terrible right now it's going to get better if it is phenomenal

right now it is going to get worse that is just the way it's always been

I'm not smart it's just history so please if you take anything out of this

mini little rant for D-Rock it's about timing recognize your moments and strike

that has absolutely been the foundation of my success whether it was selling my

baseball cards when I just felt it whether it was the Internet itself

whether it was other things like starting Vaynermedia when I had all

these other opportunities but I wanted to triple down on my strengths during

this golden era sometimes they're fun sometimes they're taking a step back in

theory but it's all about knowing when to go all-in and the one thing we get is

regret when we didn't squeeze our best opportunity so when you're a football

player at USC that is a big time an opportunity because most of you don't go

to the league and most of you aren't successful in the league and this is

your apex and whether you're a manager in a store right now whether you're a

great student in high school whether you're awfully pretty right now but you

know you're not going yes pretty one day I'm being serious now

I know this is silly but when you have your best situation

when you have the leverage you need to strike and when you don't you don't pout

you put in the work to rebuild your next leverage I had YouTube I had Twitter and

when they weren't as big anymore I didn't cry that Instagram or Snapchat

came I put in the work to build myself back up and matter in that ecosystem and

now that I've got the Instagram moment again I'm pounding I'm pounding harder

than I did the last time because I learned because when pattern recognition

from experience you get better and so if this can inspire you if you're good

right now quadruple down and if it's not stay quiet and build and look for that

moment when you know it's good pound I need you to be very honest about

where you are in terms of what you're trying to do like where are you so for

those of you who like I want to be a millionaire I just need you to really be

like think through where are you financially like in terms of financial

literacy where are you in terms of financial discipline where are you and

in your past where are you do you spend money you don't have

so I heard somebody said he said today I thought it was fun right somebody was

talking about and I'm talking about mentality I need y'all to hear me can you can

you lift your own weight right can you lift your own weight so somebody would

say it like yo I don't know why y'all on the phone all proud of the fact that you

could change your own oil like why would you want to change your oil anyway

that's not your job right and somebody was like well I saved 140 dollars

he like saved one hundred and forty dollars but what if you made two

hundred and fifty dollars an hour no hear what I'm saying why would you

change your own oil to save 140 dollars when it took you three hours to do it

and somebody like yo so you said you always and I said look let me jump in

like I ain't trying to be disrespectful but first of all I didn't go to school

to change oil that ain't my job that's somebody's job let my man do his job

somebody else said that when he changed your oil because he went to school

there's some other stuff other the engine that he's see that you don't see

when you change the oil so why you saved a hundred and forty dollars you

miss something else that he would have helped you catch so that the life of

your car so you changed your oil but you didn't notice the three or four the

things that was missing I said look let's not talk about you

saving 140 here's the challenge you can't pull your own weight the challenge

is you shouldn't have a car that costs you a hundred and forty dollars to

change the oil when you ain't got a hundred forty dollars to change the oil you shouldn't

have that car in the first place why do you have a vehicle that the oil

costs 140 and you can't afford it why would you buy something that you got to

change the oil that's not your job and you know why you're doing it because

it's no longer a car to you now it's a status symbol and so we dealing with

something deeper you can't hold your own weight you bought something you can't

afford why the deeper issues because you got a self-esteem problem and so you got

shortcuts so you drive a car to make it look like you somewhere you are but when

you actually there you ain't gotta have a car that look like you there cuz you

there no hear what I just said when you're there you don't have to look like

you there cuz you there but when you're not there you can't pick your own weight

up you have to do stuff and now you didn't messed up your whole credit

because you bought a car so that people can think you somewhere that you not and

you've destroyed your whole future then if you can hold your own weight you can

drive around in a Ford Fusion and be I'm talking about comfort like a Range Rover

you can have that joy like a Range Rover

you getting out the Ford Fusion like what like you in a 745 like what

why because you ready are you hearing me you ready

For more infomation >> Stop Saying Tomorrow! - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:32.


Being Transgender in Germany [GER]| Learn German | Listening Comprehension | Deutsch Für Euch 103 - Duration: 42:02.

For more infomation >> Being Transgender in Germany [GER]| Learn German | Listening Comprehension | Deutsch Für Euch 103 - Duration: 42:02.



For more infomation >> YOUTUBE KANALIMI KAPATIYOR! (GERÇEK) - Duration: 7:36.



For more infomation >> iPHONE HİLELERİ - REKLAM ENGELLEME * ADBLOCK - iCAREFONE PRO - Duration: 3:56.


Essence of Murli 25-09-2017 - Duration: 5:34.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date is 25th September 2017

( Today is 5th day of festival Navratri. Lets hear what Sweet Sweet Baapdada said in Murli of today )

Essence: Sweet children, race in donating the imperishable jewels of knowledge that you receive from the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge.

Question:What is the main reason for your going ahead or staying behind in the rosary?

Answer: Your following shrimat.

Those who follow shrimat very well claim a number ahead,

whereas those who follow shrimat well today but who,

tomorrow, mix the dictates of their own minds with shrimat because of the influence of body consciousness

claim a number towards the end.

Even though they may have come last, those who follow shrimat accurately can claim a number ahead.

Song: O traveller of the night, do not become weary! The destination of dawn is not far off.

Essence for dharna: 1. Remain clean and honest with the Father inside and out.

If you make a mistake, instantly ask for forgiveness. Do both types of service: physical and spiritual.

2. Don't engage yourself in thinking about others because of jealousy.

If anyone tells you wrong things about others, then hear but don't hear.

Don't speak about such things and spoil the hearts of others.

Blessing: May you become an image that attracts with your colour and form by imbibing the fragrance of complete purity.

By becoming Brahmins, everyone receives colour and their form too is been transformed, but the fragrance is numberwise.

In order to become an image that attracts,

together with having colour and beauty, they also have to have the fragrance of complete purity.

Purity does not just mean celibacy, but also to be detached from the attachment to the body.

Let the mind not be attached to anyone in any way except the Father.

Be celibate in terms of the body, celibate in terms of your relationships and also celibate in terms of your sanskars.

Only the spiritual roses who have such fragrance become images that attract.

Slogan: Recognise the accurate truth and it will become easy to experience supersensuous joy.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 25-09-2017 - Duration: 5:34.


Install an Android Virtual Device on Kali Linux - Technology Tech - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Install an Android Virtual Device on Kali Linux - Technology Tech - Duration: 4:13.


Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, russian-hackers-election-states-targeted-dhs - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, russian-hackers-election-states-targeted-dhs - Duration: 5:15.


滝沢市役所~盛岡駅 20170913 - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> 滝沢市役所~盛岡駅 20170913 - Duration: 7:54.


3 Ways to Monetize Your Website - Duration: 11:24.

hi, it's addi ganley here, good morning from where I love teaching

entrepreneurs how to create smarter systems have more success with less

sacrifice so today I'm gonna talk about three ways that you can monetize your

website so this is one of the biggest questions I receive on my blog

people are always asking me how I got started monetizing my site what I'm

doing now what works and what doesn't work. So today I kind of just wanted to

share three different ways that you can monetize your website and figure out

what's gonna work best for you so I have tried a ton of different ways i've

had my blog, frugal fanatic since 2011 and since that time I've

tried numerous ways to monetize my site so today I'm gonna share three.

Whether you are just getting started with monetizing or maybe you've tried a

couple different ways and you kind of haven't figured out what works best for

you or what you want to actually spend a lot of time and energy and doing I'm

gonna share three different ways okay so let's just get into it the first way is

advertising and this is actually my least favorite way to make money with a

website so I have my frugal fanatic site which I've had since 2011 and that

actually has ads on the website it earns money month after month for me so it

sounds great because it's a passive revenue stream but in order to make

money with it you do have to have a large volume of traffic so that's why I

say it's my least favorite way because what advertising is is you will put an

ad code on your website so you can work with like Google Adsense, adthrive, and I

think there's one called mediavine there's a bunch of different ad

companies and they'll give you a code and you can put those on your site and

when someone clicks on the ads then you'll earn a commission or a certain

amount of money which normally is like pennies. So in order to earn money you

really really need to have a lot of traffic so that's why I say it's my

least favorite way because you need to have a ton of traffic and then people

need to be clicking on these ads and if they're clicking on the ads that means

they are then leaving your website so they're not signing up for your email

list or not reading your blog post or not getting to know you or your site

they're clicking on this ad and you're just earning a couple pennies so this is

definitely my least favorite way because you kind of expect to make a lot of

money and you don't and I I learned that the hard way whenever I put ads on my

site years and years ago. I put them on and I was like oh this would be awesome

I'm just gonna stick these ads on my site and then I will earn money from it

and within like a three or four months time I think I earned like a hundred

dollars and yeah a hundred dollars is cool I mean it's better than having

nothing but for three months of sending thousands of people away from my

site it didn't do much for me so if you go to my throat with next site you will

see I have ads on there because I have built up the traffic since 2011 - now on

that site so I am making a decent amount of money reoccurring month after month

from those ads but again I'm still sending people away so on my

site I don't have any ads I like to focus on my own products and the things

that work really well for me what you want to talk about in a minute but that

is a way that you can monetize your site. Again it's my least favorite it's kind

of spammy I mean you have lots of ads on your site it confuses your audience

they're not sure where they should be clicking or what it actually is so

that's the first way the second way I want to talk about is products and

services so this is something that I waited a really long time to do on my site

so I didn't offer my own product or course until I believe it was the

end of 2015 so I made a little budgeting spreadsheet which I sell on my frugal

fanatic site and then I also created my first course at the beginning of 2016 so

I definitely waited really really long to do this and it's actually one of the

most profitable ways to earn money online because you make the money from

what you create so you're setting the pricing you're setting the advertising

budget the marketing you're doing everything for it and you can earn that

money and you're not sending or taking away a part of the

commission for somebody else and it lets you be creative let you create your own

products to fit your audience needs and that's kind of why I wait a little bit

to do my own products and services because I wasn't sure what to offer my

audience so I didn't want to just rush in to like sell anything to make money

so I waited years upon years to create

anything because I just wasn't sure how I could serve them what product I could

offer but it is a great way to make money so you could do like online

courses you could do digital products physical products you could offer

coaching or one-on-one services small mastermind groups whatever you feel is

not only gonna serve your audience but feel really good for you because you

don't want to just put out a product with the intentions of making money

you're still gonna be serving your audience so that's kind of one of the

reasons why I waited I didn't want to just put anything out there I wanted it

to align with my brand and with my goals and what I wanted to do so this is

definitely a major way that I have diversified my own income online because

up until like a year and a half ago or two years ago I didn't have anything to

offer and now I have a ton of different like small products to serve my audience

I have online courses I've offered one-on-one services I have a mastermind

group and I realized that's a lot of fun having your own products and services

it's really cool to be able to create what you know is gonna help your

audience and then see them get results with your products or services so that's

another way that you can monetize your site and I definitely recommend doing

that way because again it's more profitable especially compared to

advertising and then once you have your own products and services you can

definitely scale your business and start to grow it larger once you have a

product to offer the third way I wanted to talk about today and this is my

favorite way and that is affiliate marketing so if you've been around my site you see that I talked about affiliate marketing all the time

and that's because this was one of the things that kind of took my business to

the next level so like I told you I started with advertising and I didn't

earn a lot of money and I was like okay this isn't gonna work for me like how is

everyone else doing this online like what can I do I have a limited amount of

time I have small children that I have to take care of and they come first a

for my business so I needed to kind of build something that works passively in

the back end so this is when I turn to affiliate marketing so this is when you

recommend a product or service from another business or another company and

anyone who purchases it through your link you receive a commission for it so

it can be like a percentage like 10% 30% 50% or it could be like a flat fee so if

someone purchases using your affiliate link you might earn $25 or $100

depending on the product so that kind of is what I think marketing is all about

is you are essentially recommending a product to your audience to solve a

problem they're having when it's not something that you're gonna create

yourself so you don't have your own products or services and you can

recommend an affiliate product and this is actually a great way to get started

if you're just starting out monetizing your site because you don't have the

overhead you don't have to spend a lot of time creating a new product or

service you can just start to look for affiliate partners from maybe products

that you've tried things that you use and you love and you can start

recommending this your audience that you know is gonna actually help them and get

them a good result so I know a lot of people are afraid to try if you like

marketing because they feel like it's spammy and they don't want to be selling

their audience but essentially you're solving a problem and you're helping

them and you're still serving them as long as you do it with integrity and

you're not just trying to sell them out with some sort of product it can work

really really well so for me it was one of the best options because I was able

to create different passive revenue streams using affiliate marketing where

it didn't require me to be my computer in working hours upon hours every single

week or every single day because I just didn't have the time and now it has

built upon each other where I earn this reoccurring Commission or have these

passive revenue streams where I don't have to trade my hours for dollars

anymore it just kind of happens in the backend of my business so at the end of

last year affiliate marketing was more than 58 percent of my revenue for the

year so it's definitely a great solution if you're looking to get started with

monetizing your site because it's super simple

again there's no overhead you don't have to spend months creating a product and

then launching it and then trying to do all kinds of marketing for it there's

some strategies that you can just put in place and then start to earn that money

so that you do have the time to create your own

product or service or spend the time on what you enjoy doing best in in your

business so it's really really allowed me to build my business and to earn

money without having to be st. a computer and working so much because I

have a limited amount of time I work maybe three hours a day if that and then

not on weekends so I always try to find different strategies that are gonna work

where I don't have to physically be here as much just because it's just not

possible at this time in my life so there are so many different ways for you

to monetize your site those are just three I wanted to talk about today and

again affiliate marketing is my favorite way and if you are just getting started

or you want to get started with affiliate marketing you can download my

affiliate starter guide I put the link there also put it in the comments below

when this is done but the affiliate starter guide will help walk you through

all the different steps so that you can start to implement affiliate marketing

on your site and then start to monetize your content so that's just like a free

download to help you get started but again that's like my favorite way

you don't have to use that way if you don't want to um I just really like it

because it's allowed me to build this business and not have to again like sit

there and build these launches and do a ton of products um it's just really

allowed me to have these revenue streams happening all the time and then I don't

have to go back and edit in fixings and it's actually a lot of fun because you

get to recommend products to your audience that you know we're gonna help

them and you know they're gonna see a result with us and you didn't have to

create it or take the time to do a lot of the work so again the three ways

we're advertising your own products and services in affiliate marketing

so there's definitely other ways out there I did do sponsored content in the

past I've done collaborations to earn money there's a ton of different things

but I definitely recommend starting with one and figuring out what's gonna work

for you and putting a lot of time and energy into doing that before you trying

to like throw up ads and do affiliate marketing and creating your own product

because it'll become very overwhelming and it'll be hard to do all of them so I

did advertising I realize it wasn't working

and then I put all my time and energy into affiliate marketing and was able to

make a huge difference in what I was doing and how I was gonna earn money

online so that's all for today thank you so much for being here and again you can

download the affiliate starter guide and enjoy the rest of your week

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