Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Here we are at the

ChengDu HeHuaChi Chinese Herbal Medicine Market

Let's check it out !

It's extraordinary, just mind-blowing

It looks delicious, it smells good

Some things look really weird though

this can be used to heal any kind of disease, or as a prevention

But the corp sinensis has been used for more than 2000 years now

by the emperor in order to have enough sexual strength

in order to take care of the numerous concubines he had

Look at all the things nature gives us

My enthusiasm is increasing right now, you must feel it,

My level of energy is going up

For me, my health comes first and the reason why is

How can I give the best of me in my relationship ?

How can I take up my challenges, whether its in business

or in my various projects ?

In the end, the most important is your health

That's why they take some as well, right ?

It's important to remember that our health has an impact on all

the other aspects of our lives

And I have history with this because my mother died

of cancer when I was 26 years old

She was 54 years old and it reminded me of how important our health really is

Not only our longevity but just the fact that if we don't pay

attention to our health, we don't pay attention to our lives

And I have an American friend who spent 10-15 years working like crazy

he made a lot of money, but suddenly he told me:

You know what: I've spent my entire life making big money

And now I spend my time and my money on trying to be healthy again

Try to think about it

For me, having a extraordinary life begins with having

an extraordinary health and vitality

And this starts by making the decision to put your health first !

Every French thing is very chic here, look at the baguette

There is a French Chef as well

Honestly, ChengDu is really fancy !

Between Marine and me, who will be capable of getting this first ?

You're cheating ! You're cheating !

For more infomation >> PRIORITÉ SANTÉ ET MÉDECINE CHINOISE | VLOG 52 - Duration: 5:04.


Kielecki tydzień #2 | Kulisy meczu z Koroną Kielce - Duration: 15:05.

For more infomation >> Kielecki tydzień #2 | Kulisy meczu z Koroną Kielce - Duration: 15:05.


Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy : Les systèmes Tamsa & Min - VOSTFR - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy : Les systèmes Tamsa & Min - VOSTFR - Duration: 11:55.


Soy Luna 2 odcinek 74 Ambar chce dołaczyć do Sliders by zniszczyc roller (tłumaczenie pl) - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 2 odcinek 74 Ambar chce dołaczyć do Sliders by zniszczyc roller (tłumaczenie pl) - Duration: 2:07.


Full Slow Russian | How YouTube Changed Me - Duration: 6:11.

Hello friends. How are you? My name is Fedor

and today this video will be fully

in Russian. Many of you have

asked me, been convincing me, said "Fedor,

why a Slow Russian video has only two minutes in Russian

out of five". Today

the entire video will be in Russian. I will

To talk slowly, slower than I

usually talk so that It will be more clear

for you to understand the meaning. Today, I will

talk about how YouTube has changed me and

of course, as you probably already noticed, that

there are subtitles below the video,

English as well as Russian, so

turn them on for you to understand more

from this video. How YouTube has changed me?

When I first started YouTube I was

eighteen years old, so two years ago.

That summer I had nothing to do, I

thought, "what can I do, something that

I can develop and do everyday? What I can

to do?" And the idea of ​​teaching English and Russian language

came to me.

I started two ... two branches at once on one channel.

Then my girlfriend Victoria said, "Fedya,

you have 50 subscribers already. Why

they do not know who I am? "

She wanted to appear on my channel, I

I say, "good." And ever since we started

a channel Living Life, where we just

talk about some interesting

topic, in general the channel

is entertainment and I forgot about Russian, about

English. Half a year went by

I thought, "why I don't make Russian

videos and English video?", and I began BeFluent channel and

since I have it, how did this whole thing changed me?

Firstly, I got better at speaking, before I

spoke very unclear, very

fast. no one could understand me. Now I

I speak better, because I record

myself, and I hear myself on camera

and it was very unpleasant.

So I worked on myself, and corrected

my pronunciation a little bit. Second,

is nowI understand that I was

meant to teach you. I was meant

to ... to make videos, to teach

anything: English, Russian, it does not matter. To me

I just enjoy teaching. I got it

through YouTube, after six months.. after year

on YouTube, my channel I started growing very

fast. You came, said "Fedor,

thanks, you're a great teacher, you are a good

teacher." I certainly could not

not to rejoice it. I saw, that my efforts were needed

by someone and they help someone. That is, I was

always watching YouTube, and I always, not that

I adored youtubers, but I ... I

respected them.They were

for me like a... like some figure, that is, I

gravitated toward them. Now I realize that I

am a such figure for nearly ten thousand people.

And it's a very, very great

responsibility.So, I really cannot

imagine still what it's like to be in front

of eyes of multi-thousand

audience. I do not yet I understand, because

Now in front of ... of me there's only

a camera and that's all. There are no people at all. And so

I do not feel it yet. And the third, and the last one

It is that I have become truly happy

When many thousands of people really

value what you do, ask

you questions, are reaching out,

help you, some even give money.

This is big a compliment, that is,

you're appreciated and when you know, you're

appreciated, confidence

rises, and somehow the strength finds itself,

to go further.

I truly realized that ... I realized what I am

capable of and it's just ... it is a gift, it's just

a gift of fate that I could so early in life

in such an early age get so much

of emotion and so much...

and so much of respect

from people that I have never even

seen. And this is all about YouTube,

about how I changed. I hope that

you understand what I said, and maybe ... and

I hope that I spoke not too

quickly and legibly. And that's

basically everything. Please tell me

if you liked it... if you liked

this format or not, or should I

speak English, Russian, and again

English, or all in Russian.

Put it in the comments I

will read it for sure, and I will consider your opinion

That's all. Thank you so much.

Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Full Slow Russian | How YouTube Changed Me - Duration: 6:11.


[Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.2 [3/4] - Duration: 7:58.

Are we really going to do this?

Yes, we are.

I want to know which one.

Please do it, I'm begging you.

I want to know. Do it for me

Fine but can you remove Liftoil's picture from the board?

Why? Just do it.

I already made 7 pictures.

Just throw the dart. Don't be picky.

Ready? Do it



I'm out.

Wait. Calm down.

Let me throw it again.

Right in the chest.

Let's start with Pok.

How? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?

It's okay. Guys these days have more than one girlfriends.

Are you serious?

He's a bad guy then.

Let's just look into this and find out who it was.

Then, we can figure out what to do.


I'm sorry for bumping into your shoulder the other day

How is it?

It's fine. It was an accident.

Where are you going? Playing ping pong?



Yes. I was going to go with my friend but he bailed.

That sucks.

Join me

How can we play? There's only one racket.

You're cool. My ex never did anything like this.

Your ex?

I bet you want to know why we broke up.


But I want to tell you anyway.

Here's the thing.

I'm an idiot.

I've been seeing her for a long time

I just found out last month that she already has a boyfriend

It sucks to be the other guy without knowing it

Do I look like an idiot?


Everybody is an idiot when it comes to love.


have you given a teddy bear to your girlfriend?

Yes, I have.

Every girl loves a teddy bear

But I don't.

But you were holding it the other day.

that day,

Someone gave it to me

Did you give me that teddy bear?

Are you nuts? We're not a couple.

Why would I give a teddy bear to you?




Why did you ask about a teddy bear?

No reason

Hey, are you crying?

I'm normally not a cry baby.

Please don't cry again. I don't know what to do

Is it boring going home alone?

No. I listen to my music all the way

Listen to the music.

Can I listen to your music?

Will you know it?

It's the music from the 90s

I want to

Why did you stop it?

Keep the headphone on.

Let's switch to this.

Keep it on?

You don't have to worry.

You don't have to be considerate of my feelings

The love that I have for you

is something much simpler.

This song?

You know it?

Of course. It was a hit when I was a kid.

Everybody knows it, I think.


That dog!

Padlom, hold this

Get away!

I'm just a guy who wants to take care of you.

All I need is someone who cares for me.

Nothing more.

Nothing more

Thank you for chasing the dog away

Are you afraid of dogs?

No. I was just startled.

What would have happened if you'd walked home alone

When I walk home alone, I never have a dog bark at me

Maybe this happens because I'm with you.

Are you saying I bring bad luck?

To: Padlom Thank you for keeping me company today.

Where is Buffalo?

Where is Buffalo?

I think we were wrong for not including him in

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.2 [3/4] - Duration: 7:58.


Giant Robot Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Collection FUNNY Dinosaurs T-rex - Duration: 28:51.

Giant Robot Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Collection FUNNY Dinosaurs T-rex

For more infomation >> Giant Robot Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Collection FUNNY Dinosaurs T-rex - Duration: 28:51.


[Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.2 [1/4] - Duration: 15:48.

Our clubs will need to share a room.


Guys, this is the border.

You do your thing. We do ours.

Let's keep things separated.

Padlom, out of the seven guys, whom do you like?

Let's call it. Yes or no. I'll help you

Cut it out.

I don't like anyone.

And no one likes you?

"I like you, Padlom."

From a smiling bear.

What are you doing, Liftoil?

Why did you throw this away?

Give it to me.

What are you doing?

Give it to me. Liftoil!


I'm throwing it away.


I have no use for it.

Padlom, be considerate to the person who gave you this

"I like you, Padlom."

From a smiling bear.

Neo! Neo!


Who is the smiling bear?

Guys, who is the smiling bear?

Liftoil, give it to me!

Tell me, who is the smiling bear?

What is the smiling bear?

Here it is.

Such a hottie

Some guy gave you a love letter

No smiling bear here?

Padlom. Padlom.

Who made her angry?

That letter is from me

Don't stress out.

Why did you do it?

I wanted someone to make a move on me.


I asked you and you don't like any of them.

I wanted them to think that someone is already pursuing you

No one will go for the Ghost girl.

Grace is too pretty and out of their league.

So I'm the only viable option for all of them.

You humiliated me just to get a guy to make a move on you?

It's meant to be a funny joke.

I don't find it funny.

You are the last person I'd think of as the culprit

What's wrong with you?

Why are you so mad at me?

I asked you and you said you don't like anyone there.

You told me you're not looking for love or relationship.

I'm not!

You are, Padlom!

If you weren't, you wouldn't be so mad at me

Let me ask you, what is it that makes you so mad?

Are you mad because you were embarrassed in front of the guys?

Or are you mad because I may have ruined your chance

of having a guy pursuing you?

Admit it!

Out of the 7 guys, there must be someone you want.

You're just as slutty as me!

I'm sorry that my sluttiness is getting in your way.

I'll stay out of your hair from now on.

Cry it out. Don't be shy.

A teardrop is composed of water, salt,

protein and hormones – that's it.

Just like saliva.

I'm not shy when I spit saliva during talking.

I don't like to spit when I talk in front of others.

Wipe your tears then.

Now you're all good.

Date: 27/7

Today Jay taught me what the first heartbreak felt like.

Padlom, sorry I didn't text you good night last night. I fell asleep

"Grade 10"


Do you like me?

Are you embarrassed?

Am I too direct?

Hey, we are friends.

Did I just break your heart?


I asked you if you liked me.

I don't like you.

We're just friends.

Date: 15/5

Grade 11

Hey, Kor.

Are we still friends?

If we're not friends, what else can we be?


how about a couple?


did I lead you on that we're more than friends?


So, what do you think?

About what?


I'm gay.



Date: 14/2

"Grade 12"


You walk me home every day.

Do you like me?

Whoa, that's a direct question.

I don't want to assume things

I don't think of you that way.

Oh, what about those texts?

Did I act like I was making a move on you?

People may describe this as 'burned'.

But for me, it hurts much more than being burned.

Well, you can leave me here.

And stop walking me home.

Is that what you want?

It's the look that I've been given more than enough.

I won't allow my eyes to see this look ever again

Date: 2/9

An easy way to is to eliminate every possible risk

of falling in love with someone.

May I join you?

Go ahead. Sit.

I'll join my friends over there.

Sure, see you around.

He's not trying to flirt with you, Padlom

Make a friend. Aren't you sick of looking at me?

No, I will stick with you and you only.

I'm fine with it.

It's me and Spoil throughout my first year in college

"Seven days later."

"For you, Padlom."

From a smiling bear.

Won't you cut it out?

Cut what out?

Hey, whose teddy bear is it?

Cut the bullshit.

Why did you put it in my locker?

This one is not from me.

If it's not you, then who?

I don't know.

You're the only one who does this sort of shit.

I swear it's not me.

Swear on what?

If I lie, may I not have a husband in this lifetime

It may be that my fake love letter is a trigger point.


There are seven guys. One of them must have a crush on you

Someone must play a prank on me.

Someone is crushing on you

I'm getting out of here.

Hey, Padlom. Your Teddy bear?

It's yours.

The first person you meet once you get out of the elevator is your admirer.

The first person you meet once you get out of the elevator is your admirer.


I'm just a guy who wants to take care of you.

Peter Corp Dyrendal likes you?

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.2 [1/4] - Duration: 15:48.


How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast at Home in A Day With VICKS VAPORUB - Duration: 2:20.

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast at Home in A Day With VICKS VAPORUB - Duration: 2:20.


Vijay 2017 New Blockbuster Movie Hindi Dubbed | 2017 South Indian Full Hindi Action Movies - Duration: 2:11:55.

Vijay 2017 New Blockbuster Movie Hindi Dubbed

For more infomation >> Vijay 2017 New Blockbuster Movie Hindi Dubbed | 2017 South Indian Full Hindi Action Movies - Duration: 2:11:55.


Best Budget smartphone under 50$?? Blackview A7 Unboxing, Review and Test! - Duration: 8:00.

Hello there guys!

It's CoolFox over here and today, I'm bringing you an unboxing and review of the Blackview

A7 smartphone!

Before we begin, I would really appreciate it if you can subscribe as we are trying to

hit 500 subscribers by the end of the year.

Starting with the unboxing, you can see the specs listed at the back and opening the box

you can see the phone on the front with a silicon cover, under that you have a little

divider and then you will find the manual, the charging cable and charging plug.

The charging cable is a normal Micro USB and the charging plug is a nice travelling charger

since it can become smaller by retracting the 3rd plastic prong.

The phone itself comes with a screen protector on the front and they throw in a free silicon

case as I said before.

The back has a very nice texture on it.

It has very small ridges which improve the grip a bit more than a smooth surface, on

the bottom you find the micro USB port, on the right side you find the volume rocker

and the power on/off button.

On the top you find a headphone jack and the left side is left empty.

On the back, you find the dual camera which we will talk about later on in the video and

the speaker at the bottom.

On the front, you find 3 capacitive touch buttons and the front facing camera along

with the speaker unit.

Popping off the back, you find a detachable battery which comes with a small tab which

you have to pull out before turning the phone on and a dual sim slot alongside a micro SD

card slot.

The setup is just like any other smartphone.

You have the default Android languages to choose from and after putting in your email

address, wifi password and a security feature, you are all set up.

The UI itself is very similar to stock android except for the drop down menu which has a

skin on it which is commonly seen on other Blackview devices.

It is pretty snappy for the most part and the surprising thing is that the phone comes

equipped with Android 7.0 out of the box.

It also came with an update once I switched on the phone which is very good to see.

Battery life is actually very good.

For a 2800 mah battery, it easily stays on the whole day which is great to see at this


Going through the settings, you can also see that there is a skin applied, but other than

that, most items found in the settings are as default.

Something strange that I did encounter though is the fact that the storage was first listed

as 4.26 GB and after pressing the storage icon and going back, it showed exactly 8 GB.

This was very strange as I have never seen anything like it before.

Once I connected it to my PC, it showed that it had 8 GB of storage.

But I am still not sure which to believe.

The memory is listed at 893 MB which is just as advertised.

You have bundled in gesture unlock which isn't present usually on default android, one handed

mode which is also not usually present on default android, and everything else is default.

Now moving onto Antutu, you can see the specifications listed.

It has Android 7.0 as said before, the MTK 6580 which is a budget Mediatek CPU, the Mali-400

MP GPU, a 720p screen, a 5.3 mp back camera and a 1.9 MP front facing camera.

After the test was done, It scored a total of 23599 which is mediocre but considering

the price, it is pretty much acceptable.

I also tested Geekbench 4 and it scored a measly 399 on the Single core and 1118 on

the Multi core.

This is a pretty bad result but as I said before, you cannot expect big things from

a budget smartphone.

Taking a look at the sensors present on this phone, you can see that most sensors are disabled.

This was pretty confusing considering that even the gyroscope and orientation sensor

is disabled which means that you cannot use maps on this phone.

The accelerometer and sound sensors where the only ones that worked correctly and even

the light and proximity sensor weren't acting normally.

After seeing that the gyroscope and orientation sensors were disabled, I ran GPS Test and

it yielded a great result.

The only thing which was very strange was that the orientation wasn't picked up and

so the great pin point accuracy was all for nothing since you cannot use maps with this


As you can see in the compass below, it does not move therefore, it cannot show you were

you are facing even in a map app.

Doing a quick video test shows you that the phone cannot handle 60 fps video.

This is very disappointing to see although this is commonly seen in Mediatek chips.

The speaker is pretty thinny although it does exceed my daily driver which is a UMi Plus

which costs 150$.

Moving onto a Wifi speedtest, everything is as expected and the speeds are as they are

supposed to be.

Opening up an application such as Alto's Adventure which is a game, does take quite a bit of

time to load up and I also saw a bit of artifcating before the game itself started.

Other than that, gameplay was smooth and this would handle light games such as this one.

Now moving onto the camera, you can tell from the pictures that he quality isn't really

that good and although they did advertise a dual camera, I believe that the second camera

is fake.

Form this close up shot, you can easily tell that it looks very different to the main camera

and that something is not right.

Once I covered up the second camera itself, the 2 x zoom made no difference which easily

shows that the phone only uses 1 camera or has only 1 camera.

The blur mode as you can see here is very bad and the phone should utilize both cameras

to detect what is in the front and what is in the back.

That is why the blur ended up happening to everything except the focus point.

Mono mode works very well and just as expected and the 2x zoom is as I said before, done

with 1 camera.

The front camera is nothing to run home about and the back camera in terms of video quality

is also nothing special.

The microphone though is actually pretty good.

I hope you enjoyed this video guys, If you did please leave a like and subscribe for

more content.

This was CoolFox and I'm out, Peace!

For more infomation >> Best Budget smartphone under 50$?? Blackview A7 Unboxing, Review and Test! - Duration: 8:00.


Pazzy - DNA - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Pazzy - DNA - Duration: 2:19.


Excelência x perfeição: você sabe a diferença? | inspira 03 - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Excelência x perfeição: você sabe a diferença? | inspira 03 - Duration: 3:23.


CNCO, Little Mix - Reggaetón Lento (Remix) [Lyrics / Letra / Lyric Video] (Bailemos) - Duration: 3:24.

Hey :P

For more infomation >> CNCO, Little Mix - Reggaetón Lento (Remix) [Lyrics / Letra / Lyric Video] (Bailemos) - Duration: 3:24.


Dangerous Host: No Evil 027 (see warning) - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Dangerous Host: No Evil 027 (see warning) - Duration: 4:27.


Bruce Wayne After Credits Scene | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:29.

This is crown jewels here, Mr. Wayne.

And you do understand my legal exposure.

If anyone knew what I've procured for you...

Listen, I can keep a secret, okay? What do you want?

People are asking questions about Midway City.

The kind of people who can get the answers.

And if they can get those answers, my head will be on a pike.

Consider yourself under my protection, if you deliver.

Moone, June

Allen, Barry

Curry, Arthur

Why, Mr. Wayne?

I just like to make friends.

That's the difference between us.

You believe in friendship. I believe in leverage.


You look tired.

You should stop working nights.

You should shut it down.

My friends and I will do it for you.

For more infomation >> Bruce Wayne After Credits Scene | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:29.


Seasons After Fall #03 - Wiosenny deszcz [Napisy PL] - Duration: 25:58.

For more infomation >> Seasons After Fall #03 - Wiosenny deszcz [Napisy PL] - Duration: 25:58.


Passing on the Tradition - Duration: 3:18.

Every year thousands of Californians look forward to the opening of hunting

season. Many of us were taught to hunt by our parents, but no matter how you became

interested in hunting, somewhere along the way you probably were involved with

one of our California Department of Fish and Wildlife volunteer hunter education

instructors. These instructors take pride in giving back to their communities by

passing along the hunting heritage to future generations just like it was passed

to them. If you love hunting, are interested in making a difference, and

enjoy teaching others please consider becoming a volunteer hunter education

instructor. As an instructor, you will be providing an important community service

by teaching future generations the principles of safe firearm handling,

conservation, sportsmanship, and ethics. You can take pride in being a positive

role model of stewardship and safe hunting practices. So I've been a hunter

ed instructor for five years. I earned my 5-year pin at this last year's

conference. So, as an instructor what I want for the students when they leave

the class are to become safe, responsible hunters. That they're...they have all those

values that hopefully we've instilled in them and being very responsible with their

firearms, understanding how to handle a firearm, and to see them have that

passion for it and the excitement that we finally got to take our class and

we're going on a hunt. When they pass their test you know they're

waiting to see...did I pass, did I pass, did I pass? ...and then yes!

If we didn't have volunteer hunter education instructors here in California, we wouldn't have the

hunting traditions we all love today. Teaching tens of thousands of new

hunters each year is an enormous job and requires a lot of help. We need role

models to mentor and teach the next generation of hunters to be safe,

responsible, and ethical. Volunteer instructors are the backbone of that

effort. Your efforts outside of the class don't go unnoticed either. Many outdoor

hunting and gear manufacturers offer discounts to instructors. The California

Department of Fish and Wildlife also recognizes the importance of

our volunteer instructors and offers special hunts and opportunities only

available to certified hunter education instructors. To learn more please visit

our website or call 916-653-1235.

When you feel that sense of fulfillment and pride after graduating your first

student, you will know that you are part of passing on the tradition.

For more infomation >> Passing on the Tradition - Duration: 3:18.


Better Pancakes Through Chemistry - Duration: 5:01.

Have you ever noticed how many cultures around the world have invented a food that's some

form of flat cooked dough?

That many people can't be wrong: Pancakes and all of their international cousins are


But everyone you meet swears by a different pancake recipe.

So how do you griddle up the perfect pancake for your lazy Saturday morning breakfast?

First, a lot of pancake die-hards swear by buttermilk.

What could weird, sour, thick milk possibly bring to the table that perfectly innocent,

normal milk can't?

A lot of things, actually.

For one thing, a lot of people do enjoy the sourness of buttermilk.

And buttermilk also contains diacetyl, a flavor compound also found in butter that imparts...wait

for it...a buttery flavor.

But it's not just for flavor.

Buttermilk is also important to the mechanics of your pancakes, helping them reach the towering

heights required for fluffy pancake nirvana.

Harmless bacteria munch on sugars to produce lactic acid in buttermilk.

Because it's an acid, it can take part in the classic chemical reaction you've known

about ever since your first elementary school volcano project [on screen: acid + base].

Your pancake recipe also calls for baking soda, which is a base.

When lactic acid and baking soda get together, they produce bubbles of carbon dioxide gas.

But instead of whooshing out all at once, the carbon dioxide fizz gets trapped in your

pancake batter.

Those bubbles expand until the batter cooks and solidifies around them.

Plenty of bubbles mean your pancakes will be light, fluffy, and tall.

Be sure to cook your batter right away and don't rest it for too long so the bubbles

don't have time to escape.

Without buttermilk, your pancakes won't rise and you might as well be eating shoe


Well, that's not QUITE true.

If you're not a fan of buttermilk, other recipes use baking powder -- which contains

a powdered acid and base that start to react when heated -- to achieve optimal pancake


Leaveners, people!

Don't heat up the griddle without them.

      Don't have either buttermilk or baking powder

on hand?

You can add the acid yourself by adding 1 tablespoon of lemon juice per 1 cup of regular


That'll react with the baking soda just like lactic acid would.

A little extra baking soda will help your pancakes brown, too.

Browning happens thanks to Maillard reactions, a complex cascade of reactions that lead to

chemical deliciousness, taking place in the presence of heat, proteins and sugar.

Click on that there card to learn more about Maillard's delicious chemistry.

Those reactions are helped along when they take place in a slightly basic environment.

Having just a little baking soda that's not neutralized by acid helps pancakes develop

color and flavor.

Not too much, though, or they'll brown way too quickly and taste burnt.

Pro tip: our expert reviewer Dr. Matt Hartings says if you really want to enhance Maillard,

fold some melted butter or oil into the batter.

Recipes we've found suggest 1/4c of butter for every 2 c of milk.

But here at Reactions we encourage that you experiment with your recipes to develop a

Law of Extreme Tastiness.

Then there's the maple syrup you drizzle over those warm, fluffy beauties.

Maple syrup comes from the sap of trees belonging to the genus Acer.

And while it's mostly water and sugar, there are also minerals and organic molecules that

give it a complex flavor profile.

When the sap is heated to condense it into syrup, even more flavor develops, as well

as the characteristic brown color.

That's thanks to even more Maillard reactions taking place in the sap.

Many of the flavor molecules in maple syrup are phenolic compounds, and while some phenolics

may have positive or negative effects on flavor, the god of all phenolics is vanillin.

Vanillin is in vanilla extract as well as occurring naturally in maple syrup, and it's

anything but plain vanilla.

In maple syrup it seems to add to the richness of the overall flavor, as well as helping

to blend the other flavor notes together.

Additional phenolics like quebecol form as the sap is heated.

Some of those other flavor participants are maple lactone, which shockingly tastes maple-y;

guaiacol, which adds woody or smoky notes; and caramel furanone, which tastes like maple

and burnt sugar and adds richness.

Maple syrup even contains a decent amount of riboflavin, aka vitamin B2.

But the main ingredient is still sugar -- a minimum of 66% to be considered proper syrup.

So keep in mind while you're guzzling that it's not exactly a health potion.

Finally, you might be tempted to beat your pancake batter until it's perfectly smooth

and there are no lumps of dry ingredients to be seen.

Those poor lumps.

What did they ever do to you?

The thing is, over-mixing your pancake batter will make it tough.

There are two proteins in wheat flour, glutenin and gliadin, that combine when they meet water

to form gluten.

Gluten forms a sort of protein-y mesh in your batter.

A little of that is good because it helps trap those bubbles you worked so hard to make

with the buttermilk, and helps your pancakes rise.

But a lot of gluten is chewy and makes your pancakes tough.

A little fat slows down gluten development, which is why some melted butter in your recipe

is a good idea.

And as we noted, that melted butter also enhances tasty Maillard browning.

But over-mixing the batter still develops gluten.

So just mix the batter until it's combined, and take your aggression out at the gym or


Seriously, put the whisk down.

This is breakfast, not Tuesday morning boot camp.

We hope these pancake tips help you whip up a better breakfast, or at least that all this

gratuitous slow-motion footage has made you hungry.

Personally, I'm starving.

If I wasn't tied to a microphone right now I'd already be at IHOP.

Are you a pancake person or a waffle person?

Let us know in the comments, and hit like and subscribe while you're scrolling.

Thanks for watching!

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