Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

In the latter part of 1980, IBM began working

on a project known as Acorn.

Project Acorn would be IBM's new attempt to create a personal computer.

A desktop PC that was anticipated to sell a modest 241,000 units over it's first five


Of the 12 engineers chosen to complete this project was David Bradley.

David had worked for IBM as a programmer since 1975, and in 1978 had worked on the System

/23 Datamaster computer that would launch in July 1981, but would ultimately disappear

into obscurity against the Acorn project.

Unlike the Datamaster, Acorn needed to be completed within a year to compete with rivals

from Apple and RadioShack to name a few.

Of course, development of a new machine meant many bugs, and therefore many system reboots.

With the limited time available, performing a cold boot for every glitch was consuming

more time than they'd like, with the machine running through the POST, memory and start-up

tests on each occurrence.

To solve this infuriating problem, one of the tasks on David's checklist was to create

a quicker solution, a shortcut, which didn't involve the PC restarting from a powerless

state and therefore bypassing POST.

This shortcut would come in the form of a key combination.

Given the IBM PC keyboard is wired to IRQ 1 within the PC's architecture, this made

perfect sense.

When a signal is received through this hardware interrupt it becomes the CPU's highest priority

and therefore any reset request should be issued straight away.

Scanning the keyboard, David chose a combination of keys that were unlikely to accidentally

be pressed simultaneously, given that no wants to reset their computer accidentally.

After first considering CTRL-ALT-ESC, but realising it was too easy to mash the left

side of the keyboard and activate it, he reasoned it would need to require 2 hands to execute

and involve keys which could be pressed at the same time without sending characters to

the computer.

For this he chose Ctrl-Alt and Delete.

It reportedly took David 10 minutes to implement before moving onto the next task, and that

was that.

It's original intention was purely to assist the team in their development and never envisaged

as an end user feature.

However it remained, coded into the IBM BIOS, ready to be executed when required.

Project Acorn would then be released to huge success as the IBM 5150, leaving the keyboard

command enshrined in circuitry.

For IBM PC compatible users throughout the 80s and early 90s, this was a useful and much

used feature among those in the know, although it wasn't hugely documented until the arrival

of Windows 3.0.

As a MS-DOS user, this combination also seemed to fit well among other commands built into

software, such as CTRL-BREAK and CTRL-C that could intervene the execution of programs

under Microsoft DOS.

The latter having descended from the TOPS-10 Operating System by Digital Equipment Corporation.

For any x86 computer running in REAL mode - which even computers today start up in - CTRL-ALT-DELETE

is a direct path to the BIOS which instigates the reset command.

It's why when you boot even a modern computer, it will still cause a reboot, until the operating

system takes over and activates protected mode.

When Intel's 80286 processor was released in 1982, it allowed a new mode of operation,

known as protected mode.

This was improved upon for the 386 processor in 1985 and when Windows 3 was released on

May 22nd 1990, it made use of this new protected environment to provide virtual memory, paging

and safe multitasking.

This mode could also circumvent the BIOS, and so with this in mind, Microsoft re-purposed

the CTRL-ALT-DEL key combination to instigate a blue screen that could kill a problematic

application without having to perform a complete reboot.

However, if this was unsatisfactory, the user could press those same keys again to initiate

a BIOS interrupt call a reboot as if they were still in DOS.

Windows 95 took this a step further by halting the entire system and displaying the task

manager which could be used to terminate whichever application you desired.

System errors would also trigger the blue screen (of death) and allow you to reset using

the key combination.

Since then, the key combination has been used in pretty much the same way, whilst also allowing

us to log onto our operating system in the first place.

When Windows NT appeared in 1993, designed for server and serious business use, it required

a Secure Attention Key, so users knew they weren't entering their password into a spoof


Pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL was a call directly to the operating system, so if a program was

pretending to be the NT logon screen, pressing this would bring up NT's equivalent to the

task manager, and you'd know it was a fake.

However, a true NT login screen will simply allow you to enter your password, and know

you're safe.

And so like that, CTRL-ALT-DEL had found it's further purpose in life, not only allowing

us to reboot, but to login to our new operating systems in the first place.

In 2013 Bill Gates, having really pushed the "Three Finger Salute" to become the famous

combination it is...

"I can't take all the credit.

I may have invented it, but it was Bill who made it famous"


"I mean, with the Windows NT logon screen!"

...seemed to complain that he tried to get IBM to add a dedicated SAK key before NT came


However, given most PC's weren't even made by IBM at this point, it seems a little odd.

Especially given that it's Microsoft who really had the power to get keys added to a keyboard,

with Windows 95 keys appearing from the mid 90s onwards.

Again, more recently he mentioned that he'd have made the combination a single button

from the outset, but then we're just back to the same issues Bradley had with accidental


In any case, CTRL-ALT-DEL is thanks to the IBM engineer David Bradley who followed a

jam packed career at IBM before retiring in 2004.

So whether you like CTRL-ALT-DELETE or not, that's what we've got.

I personally wouldn't change it for the world.

For more infomation >> Why CTRL ALT DEL? [Byte Size] | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 7:13.


Дом 2 новости 26 сентября 2017 (26.09.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 26 сентября 2017 (26.09.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 2:45.


Great Shift Gateway Meditation - Duration: 8:09.

Great Shift Gateway Meditation

Dear friends I�ve been quiet recently because I�ve been ill.

A stomach virus that has made me feel like I�m being changed from the inside out.

I�ve also been sleeping lots.

My vibration has felt low because of this.

To recalibrate we change at a cellular level, this transformation can affect us profoundly

in our minds, bodies and spiritually.

The transformation can be felt physically, mentally and emotionally.

Having a holistic approach to our lives, seeing everything as connected is the beginning of

quantum existence.

When cosmic flow of higher frequencies is very powerful, as it is during this Great

Shift Gateway, our guides and higher self ground us by keeping us embedded in lower


To ground us is to help us stay in this lifetime, this dimension, otherwise we may soar off

into the cosmos and not have the skills to reintegrate back into this lifetime.

This is a careful, if accelerated process.

With each new set of upgrades, we move up the spectrum of universal frequencies.

Shamans have been taught and shown how to manage the transition to higher dimensional

wavelengths, how to get there and how to get back.

During this illness I�ve found it difficult to meditate or do yoga, and have not been

able to go out and realign in nature.

When we begin meditating and we touch those Zen spots of bliss we can be overtaken by

an overwhelming wish to be there all the time.

This is good as it encourages us to change our lifestyles, to clear out energy vampires,

stress and clutter from our lives.

Meditation is a lifestyle not a hobby, it transforms us, bringing us back to our true


Similarly we find true inner peace in mindfulness.

The combination of mindfulness and meditation is the holy grail of awakened existence.

We use both to deprogramme from matrix algorithms of greed, hate and fear.

The emotions of gratitude and humility reset our vibration, raising it to higher frequencies.

There is a lot going on for us!

Our bodies become less able to tolerate matrix toxins, portions get smaller, food becomes

fuel, a source of energy rather than simply for pleasure, convenience or driven by addictive

substances like sugar.

By eating and drinking mindfully we savor each bite, we slow down, become more connected

to the food beyond our taste buds, we feel it in our stomachs and are increasingly aware

of how it affects us.

This can also be said for how we nourish our minds.

By filtering out news, religious dogma and mainstream media twisted by fear and seeking

active ways to change and improve our world, we move away from fear towards love.

By raising our awareness of the sources of literal and subliminal programming in popular

culture, politics, education and religion we take the reigns back.

We choose what goes into our minds rather than being the drones, the sheeple the matrix

wants us to be.

We stop being defined by fascist rhetoric and labeling or capitalist consumerism.

We regain our sovereignty.

Spiritually we meditate to immerse ourselves in love frequency.

This takes seed in our core, our solar plexus is activated and we find the inner calm we

experience in meditation seeps into our lives.

We are calmer in our day to day interactions, we find compassion where before there was

bitterness or anger.

We learn the language of energy, for protection, for clearer vision, using our instincts more

than our eyes to inform our thought processes, emotional responses and behavior.

As our third eye is triggered and cleared we become more in tune with guidance from

multi dimensional soul tribe, integrating this into how we live our lives.

None of this is an easy process.

We are not passive mannequins, recalibration doesn�t just happen to us.

We must respond to and make the necessary changes in our mind set and in how we arrange

the furniture of our lives.

To integrate upgrades is an active process.

We open our minds as our upper chakras come online.

We release old and new karmic weight through painful emotional rollercoasters that require

courage, self care and belief in our place in the multiverse.

This karmic release further activates our chakras, heart, solar plexus and root, encouraging

flow of high frequency energy throughout our system.

As we awaken to the deception, oppression and manipulation of the matrix we must free

our egos from algorithms of self harm.

We clear our sacral and root chakras of blockages, letting go of anxiety, toxic foods and drinks,

to balance and strengthen our beleaguered sacral chakra.

The programming of �short term fixes� money, status symbols, addictions and distractions

attacks our sacral chakra.

Interconnected with the fear conditioned into our fragile egos at very young ages, our sacral

and solar plexus chakras require a complete overhaul for maximum integration of upgrades.

We cannot be passive in this process, we have to heighten our awareness of our mind body

soul system and take care of it accordingly.

Mindfulness brings us into the present.

Mindful eating means we are connected to the quality of fuel we are putting into our bodies.

Mindfulness by definition relieves stress, we stop obsessing with the past or fretting

about the future.

We lock into the now, engage our physical and non physical senses, to appreciate the


We connect with our friend, partner, child instead of worrying about work emails, bills

or what we haven�t done on our to do list.

When we do approach those emails we are focused only on that job, we don�t feel guilty because

we are not doing something else.

Much of the matrix�s control of us relies on keeping us in a semi permanent state of


This creates a static energy that buzzes and hums around and in our energy field, disrupting

the natural flow.

Eventually the static will cause blockages that can lead to illness.

Meditation raises our frequency and allows us to spiritually grow.

It is the combination of mindfulness and meditation that keeps us balanced on our cosmic surfboard.

We are multi dimensional beings with the innate power to manifest our own reality.

By being mindful we are grounded in gratitude, in meditation we embrace love, this combination

teaches us the skill sets to be co creators of our own reality.

If like me you�ve felt very 3d recently, too grounded in reality, trust that this may

have been necessary to allow full integration of recent cosmic upgrades activated by the

888 Great Shift Gateway.

If you are meditating and loving it, soaring in the stars, relish those spaces, embed them

into your psyche, into your existence.

We are not passive players in this cosmic evolution, be an active participant in your

transformation, engage with the changes in your mind body soul system.

These truly are exiting times friends, be safe in the knowledge it�s happening to

lots of us.

We are feeling our way out of the darkness of the matrix, seeking inner light to manifest

outer peace.

In love and light beautiful people.

For more infomation >> Great Shift Gateway Meditation - Duration: 8:09.


My Foldable Power Chair: EZ Lite Cruiser [CC] - Duration: 5:09.

Hello, hello!

I've been asked quite a few times about my current power chair and since I'm currently

waiting on a new power chair that I will get to keep temporarily while I work for this

company as an ambassador.

Um, I figured... that this is the perfect time to go ahead and talk to you about my current

power chair and that way we can, you know, look at the two and compare!

I got my EZ Lite Cruiser last year in December, um, right before traveling up to Tampa to

be with family for Christmas.

This chair was relatively affordable, um, compared to most other power chairs which

can range from 15,000$ to 30,000$, um, probably more, 30,000 is just um, the bizarre price

that my friend told me her chair cost.

Um, but my EZ Lite Cruiser cost about ...

3,000$ or so including accessories, um, so that was really great!

This is my first powerchair after using two manual chairs and the exertion I did with

my upper body took a toll, um, stretched my ligaments and caused my arm joints to be a

lot weaker and more painful.

That's not a common experience [laughs], uh, that's not something that happens typically,

it happened because I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and exertion can cause weakening in my ligaments.

The first time I used a wheelchair was in November 2014, uh, and I had to use one full

time after my surgery in January 2015, and I became ambulatory again around July, though

my standing limits were and are anywhere from a few seconds to a couple minutes maximum.

Um, so I've been a wheelchair user for just a few years and my house, my car, are not

really wheelchair accessible.

Um, I got around my house okay but there are steps to get in and out and narrow hallways,

um, my car is a typical compact car...

Um, I'm having trouble with the process of getting a wheelchair lift on the back...


But with EZ Lite Cruiser, this wasn't a problem because it could fold up to fit

in my trunk, which I typically need some help with but it saved me a bit of time and money

from having to figure out a lift for my car... for that time being… because now I need

to get one anyway uh, for my independence and for the new chair I'm about to receive.

I loved how easy the website made it to order my accessories, I ordered an extra battery,

a head rest, I don't use it often but I'd rather have it than not have it, um, and a cup holder!

It comes with storage bags underneath the chair, mostly for your battery but you can fit other things

in there as well as the other small bags, and a large pocket behind the seat.

I also love how comfortable I am in the chair; the footrest is just right, the chair is small

enough for narrow spaces and I can tuck the footrest in if necessary, the chair also reclines,

which is AMAZING for when I need to rest my back.

The battery lasts about 15 miles per full charge and you can have two batteries on you

to double that.

The batteries I chose are also safe for flying, which was perfect for this past year that

I traveled twice by plane!

Early on, I did come across a motor problem that the company immediately fixed by sending

me a new one, um, fortunately, the chair functions pretty well in neutral however no brakes on

neutral so… no steep hills while using that feature.

And I think that's it!


I really love this chair, I am so happy with it, and very grateful to everyone who helped

me get it.

Um, if you have any questions just leave them in the comments, and uh... oh!

If you are considering ordering this chair you can use my name as a coupon code; ANNIE

and you will get 100$ off of your chair!

That's fun!

Um, definitely, let me know if you use that code and um, thanks so much for watching,

I hope this helped you choose um, EZ Lite Cruiser if you were planning on it and I will

see you all eventually!


[outro music]

For more infomation >> My Foldable Power Chair: EZ Lite Cruiser [CC] - Duration: 5:09.


ரயிலில் திருட்டுத்தனமாக பயணம்செய்த 23 வயது இளைஞன். - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> ரயிலில் திருட்டுத்தனமாக பயணம்செய்த 23 வயது இளைஞன். - Duration: 0:55.


What We Stand For - Mile Hi Church - Social Justice - Duration: 4:00.

And this particular year we got ever-so-clear about the power of our teaching for personal

transformation, and also the power of our teaching for social transformation.

And that there are certain congruent stands that are congruent with our teaching.

And that if we're about our teaching we can't not be about these stands.

And we've boiled them down to three to keep it simple.

And the first one is multi-spiritual engagement.

And it's the realization that there are kernels and threads of truth in all the great faiths,

and yet no faith has all the truth.

So we stand for the cooperation, the collaboration of faiths and the diminishing of absolutism

and exclusivism, which is a toxin in our world.

(applause) And that we can build bridges among the faiths, and collaborate on projects.

And that blessing all faiths and knowing our oneness--this is congruent with who we are.

And I'm so proud of the wonderful work of Rev. Shannon and the I AM Ministry team passionate

for doing this.

We're making great progress and I look forward to that going forward.

Secondly, we're about environmental responsibility.

Because, as we know, there's only one life, that life is God.

It's the essence, the love, the energetic in all of life, then the earth is sacred too.

It's not just passive, inert stuff, it's alive, it's spirit.

This earth is Gaia, Mother Earth, it's alive, and we who are conscious can grow in being

stewards of that earth plane.

And I'm proud of some of the things we're doing here, our new efforts on recycling and


And we want to learn more and do more in that.

But we must do this because this is a sacred arena, this earth.

And we must become wise enough as humanity to take care of it, because if we don't then

things erode greatly and quickly--where will we be?

And what are we giving our children?

What are we giving our children?

So we stand for that.

And then thirdly, we stand for non-violence and human dignity for all.

We believe that all people, all faiths, all ethnic diversities deserve to live safely,

securely, and to express that which is unique and natural to them.

Now, Mile Hi has been about this for a long time.

20 years ago we brought in the Season for Non-Violence to Denver, and have for those

20 years been pioneering those wonderful efforts and will continue to do so.

We've also stood for non-discrimination against our brothers and sisters, the LGBTQ community,

and women's rights, and the rights of people of color.

You see these things are intrinsic to our spirituality.

They are not political...although they may get politicized, they are not political.

They are extensions of spiritual life shared in the community of humankind.

And I invite you, as you feel guided, to make that a part of your vision.

And to join us as you leave this sanctuary and our classes and all the things we do here,

knowing you're an emissary of that bigger vision.

That you can go out and you can stand for that, in your own beautiful way.

Not making anybody wrong, but as you stand for those things--or whatever you're called


But also presence-ing love.

Presence-ing a sense of respect and honoring of the sacred, of the Namaste consciousness

in all whom you meet.

That's what we're up to.

For more infomation >> What We Stand For - Mile Hi Church - Social Justice - Duration: 4:00.


WEIGHT LOSS: How to ACTUALLY LOSE Those Last Few Pounds - Duration: 6:42.

Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of 'Walk With Me'.

This is Josh here, and today we're going over how to lose those last few pounds.

Let's get into it.

So this week's 'Walk With Me' is going to be another Q&A answer from a comment in a

previous episode, and the question comes from Nick Sadler, and he had asked:

"Would you consider making a video on losing those last 20-30lbs?

I've found that's the toughest spot for me.

I lost the bulk of it, but these last 20-30 seem to be almost impossible to lose."

This was an awesome question, thank you so much Nick for sharing.

I picked this question because I feel like everyone's dealt with this to some extent

on their journey.

Things really start to get tough when you're trying to finish.

There are a few things I wanted to go over this to explain kind-of why it's happening,

how you can prevent it, how you can push past it.

So why does this happen.

You guys have seen the video where I explain how to set up your macros for weight loss,

how to set up your calories.

The main part of that is, figuring out something called your TDEE, and that is your total daily

energy expenditure.

That's how many calories you burn each day.

That number is affected by your weight.

As you lose more weight, your TDEE, your daily calorie burn goes down.

So as you get smaller and smaller, your burning less, so you have to account for that in other


Because say you were able to diet on 2500 calories when you set up your macros but you've

lost 30-40lbs since then, chances are unless you're working out more you're not burning

the same amount of fuel, so you don't need as much food and you don't need as many calories

coming in.

So because of that you're not going to be getting the same amount of weight loss that

you might have been used to even though you've been on track and it's worked in weeks past.

The other big thing that leads to this is just mental fatigue and willpower fatigue.

We've talked a lot about that in the past, I've got a bunch of videos on how to combat

it and how to prevent some of that fatigue.

So those are usually the two big reasons why this tends to happen with most of us.

The same amount of calories doesn't give us the same amount of weight loss like it used

to, and we're just generally tired and fatigued from losing weight for weeks, months, years,

you know, however long you've been going.

So typically what you need to do in this situation is--- as the calorie burn goes--- this is

where, you know, you do need to gradually drop your calories as you're losing weight,

re-evaluate that TDEE.

Also a big point for this, we lose that margin of error that we probably had when we were


Discrepancies in your calorie tracking are usually pretty forgivable in the earlier stages,

but as that deficit goes down, that margin of error can't be as big as it used to be.

So honing in on that accuracy is priority number one.

You're not going to be able to adjust or fix your deficit if there's that big margin of

error in your daily eating or your calorie tracking.

Increasing that accuracy alone could be enough to kind-of kickstart you back into your weight


But if you're being 100% accurate and you're still noticing that you're not losing what

you expected to be, that's where you come to the point where you need to increase your

calorie deficit somehow.

Wether that's eating a little bit less, try dropping your calories down by 100 calories

a day, or exercising a little bit more.

I talk a lot about how diet is much more important than exercise, and that's absolutely true,

but in these final stages everything gets a lot more important.

So adding in 10 minutes of cardio every day, or dropping your calories by 100, all good

things to do to test and see.

But that would be my next piece of advice for you.

If you're confident on your accuracy with your tracking, next step, you've gotta increase

that deficit from somewhere wether it's diet or exercise.

And you guys will probably remember from a couple of months ago, I had an episode where

I talked about the 80/20 principle for weight loss, and this where the opposite end of that

comes in.

Typically, 20% of the work is going to get you 80% of the result, so those early stages,

that first 80% of the journey is usually a lot easier and that last stretch is so tough

because you're going to have to put in 80% of the work to get that last 20% of the results.

A lot of us can coast and have these bigger margins of error, or take things a little

bit easier and still see success for the good majority of the weight loss, everything's

just a lot higher stakes in those final few pounds.

Probably the best advice I can give for some practical things to execute on, during that

last stretch you're not burning as many calories so you have to adjust for that, make sure

you're being accurate, and if you are being accurate lower your calories down a bit or

increase your exercise a little bit.

Just know, it is going to take a lot more work to get through those last 20-30 pounds.

When I was originally losing weight I got down to about 180, started doing beardedfatloss,

ended up last year I cut down to 170, 180 to 170 was way harder than 230 to 180.

It's hard work, but you just can't give up on yourself.

All of that work and all of that effort is going to be for nothing if you don't push

that last final stretch.

I didn't get into it too much in this episode because I've talked about it in so many others,

but the mental side of things is just as important as those practical things to execute on, so

just make sure that you're doing everything you can to make it as easy as possible.

With things like planning, and going all in on your strengths, and just doing your best

to set yourself up for success.

I'll leave a link in one of these corners here and also at the end of the episode, I

have a few playlists on the channel.

I have one that's motivation related topics and the mindset of weight loss, I'll leave

a link to that.

So go through those, hopefully you can get a little bit of inspiration from there, a

lot of people share equally amazing stories in the comments, so make sure to look through


But that is going to be it.

Thank you so much for the great question, as always leave me one down below if you have---

if you have a topic that you think would be good for this.

And subscribe if you're not already, I put these out every Monday and I put other videos

out every Friday.

But until next time, I will talk to you all later.

Have a good one.

For more infomation >> WEIGHT LOSS: How to ACTUALLY LOSE Those Last Few Pounds - Duration: 6:42.


Incubus Transformation Scene | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:35.


Log time of death, 16:20


Let's get her down to the morgue. - June?




What did you do?






Plus, it could be the routing number.

Wanna go for drinks?

I got this.

Brother l have freed you

Where are we?

The same World only much later

What happened?

The humans turned against us

But they worshipped us?

We were gods to them

Now they worship machines

So l will build a machine

That will destroy them all

Build your strength

Feed on them

And wait for me to return


God damn it!

June... June!

June, I'm sorry.


She... She went somewhere.

If you have to choose between her or me...

Stop her.

Promise me you'll stop her.

Even if it kills me.


Sir, you okay?

Can you breathe?

Did you take anything?

This is 21. Send medical to my location.

I'm a physician.

Roger. Bringing medical to your location.

No pulse. Starting compressions.

For more infomation >> Incubus Transformation Scene | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:35.


Sentimos obrigação de ser felizes | Regina Herzog - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Sentimos obrigação de ser felizes | Regina Herzog - Duration: 2:10.


😍 ARK OTTER TERRARIUM, MONKEY TEMPLE &MORE!! Ark Survival Evolved Eco Terrarium Mod Update - Duration: 13:24.

hey there my name is Fresonis and welcome back to Ark Survival Evolved with

eco terrarium mod yeah yeah and update so if you haven't seen a previous video

well go check it out because in my castle and in tower up there I place the

terrariums and I place them all back again I had to do it again so welcome to

my museum full of terrariums and some of the old ones have been updated so we're

gonna check it out and there are also two new ones so let's take a look at the

first one over here check it out this whole part here in the mail has been

added to it so those rock formations it gives so much nice detail to it and

other than that check it out here we have a cute

Megalosaurus sleeping how nice is that oh that is so nice Rory's gonna doing a

little bit weird stuff but other than that nice I like the small details those

nice small surprises DeLong you check a terrarium out more you see this one the

monkey one hasn't been updated and oh yeah this one has been updated as well

- dear bo1 oh my god I will I remember when I did a review on this oh I was so

in love with this mantis in the mouth being eaten and this one is still alive

the pool one in the Mantis is like yeah I'm gonna eat you but what I have added

is this skeleton up here so just an extra little detail and it fills it up a

little bit more and it looks much better now

dosed for no those also that they have not been updates are we gonna go around

the corner then this one depend on the pen a habitat I believe yeah that one

has been updated much more life now in it before it was just the plants and the

flowers and the bear over there but now check it out we even have a Troodon

Troodon a compy for soundest that is a company that is not a Troodon

I can't be eating a mouth and you had that math is lucky because it is that in

not life anymore and yeah there are some bees that have

been added there's another one math I almost want to say butterfly but and I'm

gonna get some crazy mad people at me that is a mod another butterfly and here

we have a water bug and yeah other than that I don't think any extras has been

added just a cool habitat with some extra life now in it really awesome

no that one hasn't been updated this one this no one this one has been updated or

that only scold us now one this one is called the penguin habitat and yet I

believe those trees have been added I'm not sure though but what I know for sure

is that this this part over here is new so we have this this happy penguin over

here the Cairo coup and what are those acts or something or poop I don't know

what are you collecting what are you so happy about

maybe those are your ex I don't know you could use something yes yo Abbi so other

than that I don't think this this terrarium has been changed this one in

the update it says that this one had has been adjusted but I don't know what has

been adjusted we still see the moment up here and no no no I'm not gonna do the

special effects again like in the previous video a little silly and you'll

see the dives but other than that yeah maybe some extra trees or something but

I don't see oh I do see a loot crate has been added and Britt's up here and what

is this and human a frozen human oh my god

oh could have missed that yeah it is on the other side that's the thing with

this if if you put it like this you you miss it all that kind of stuff so don't

put a long sight against the wall but put the short side against the wall but

concede this awesome stuff here as well so did human was on on his rifle grabbed

a loot crate and then went for a sleep but now he's frozen to death oh oh I

like that that is so cool okay so that is that the terrarium and

the beef one has also been updated but adjusted I don't know what has been

adjusted because I couldn't find any new secret still we have the Microraptor

here up the tree and the Troodon but other than death I don't know I don't

know let's see those we already have seen that one hasn't been updated this

one has been updated this one also now has a loot crate in it and it has some

jellyfish up there at school and still oh yeah there is an loot crate as well

and still I'm missing something right here in the middle this is also new this

diving equipment but yeah I don't know that there should be something swimming

or something in here right in the middle or yeah I don't know that is my feeling

I I still have the feeling that there is something missing it is cool that this

has been added but maybe it would be nice if it was a diving diver that was

swimming here or something yes something like that

other than that still it is a cool terrarium this one no be one the be one

hasn't been changed still we have the steel deck teen over here and we have

still the oh my god the twerking dung beetle is still in it and then we have

the quetzel I believe it is a quest habitat that one sadly still has just

one quetzel I'm still a little bit to say it about that so please if you see

this video the map maker of eco mods please add another quetzel because it is

named the quetzel habitat and we only see one and maybe add a little baby

quetzel here or yeah I would really love to see an hovering quetzel up here in

the air just like you have with your y-fronts you're

gonna check it one in the moment and other than that this one has been

updated the giant skeleton that you see here has been added so that is new and

other than that I believe the rock formations are a little bit different

here and I said be dead but yeah please add extra Kratts Oh so here we have the

vibrant one this one has been changed a lot with details you still see two

vibrance here but now this one is a little one instead of a grown-up one so

just like that is the mommy or daddy and this little one is eating the office

that mommy or daddy has brought to it the egg has changed the color so now it

is lightening vibrant egg and not a fire from egg so that is cool and what is

that sound I don't know what whoa whoa whoa whoa

whoa no no no no no no no no no no no I know

what you why did you spawn here yeah you don't belong you go away I will

destroy you okay hopefully the titanosaur isn't coming back and making

too much noise but the small details well we still have

the man here eating cooking but there is something missing the female is gone

there was a female here taming and feeding that trike and yeah she was

showing off goodies a little bit too much so I had to blur that out in the

previous video but she still here somewhere but it is different now

because check it out there she is she went on an adventure and she came across

this one the t-rex and the t-rex is luckily on the other side but I think if

he does two steps forward he can definitely eat her but yeah see she is

now hunting see so she was hunting or maybe they broke up she broke up with

her husband over there on that side and yes he is making her own base here so

yeah a cool addition to this already nice habitat I like that

all those little details really really nice and it's so cool to

see this so yes he's not showing off or a goodies anymore so I don't need to

blur it out in the dead this is still the same so that was it about the update

for the Y run habitat really cool are you ready for it we're gonna check out

the new ones so this one on left has been added a while ago but I didn't do a

review on it check it out this one is called monkey

temple terrarium and already some nice details oh my god that one is wrongly

poop and that one is like I gotta catch it or or not but it is oh so nice and

this one is nicely under statue and of statues

I think they belong to what's called the center map with the gorilla thing a team

and that kind of things oh here's the sleeping one oh yeah it is

sleeping okay okay nothing wrong happened with it that one is eating and

yeah just a nice nice decent and something else some little secrets can

we find some little secrets here we found it one sleeping there maybe I

missed something here maybe there maybe there's something no nothing here maybe

back here oh yes check it out another compy and the company is yeah you are

we're talking about you oh cool just a small extra detail added to it this is a

small secret because yeah the main team is this and then you see a small secret

like that that is just so awesome and the next

terrarium is even more awesome you know the author is now in the game and check

it out the author has its own habitat now and for the first time free roaming

creatures in it how nice is this so we have an utter up here that is

nicely yeah relaxing there we have one floating here in the

oh they are so cute but check it out they are they are swimming that is the a

circle and a fish the fish is well at least yeah this one is swimming around

and that one is swimming around also the salmon and there goes the other oh oh oh

oh this is so utterly cute so we have a salmon up here any other details that I

don't want to miss out any other secrets nothing here mmm no I I don't think any

other secrets other than that and oh this is oh yeah we have a small fish up

here as well oh this is so cool it is I I bet it will be a lot of work who make

those other swim around like that oh but it is so cool it adds so much more life

to it and oh really not making you're doing really amazing job I forgot your

name I'm sorry about it but yeah you still do an amazing job really really

I'm really proud of you and if you don't know it

the mapmaker the sea has already more than 1 million followers on her moths

so she have some different moths some different eco moths you have for the

garden for structures and yes stables I believe and all the counting's on our

server we have the Eco Dago decoration mod that one is also nice but in total

more than a million subscribers that is just insane so really she is doing a

really good job oh my god so yeah that was it that I could show

you about the update on the eco terrarium smart so some small changes

some small adjustments to the ones that we have already seen before and two new

ones totally awesome so you had that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed if

you did a live likely when you thought about the video or whatever in a comment

below and as always if you haven't already a mercy moment future lens

method I bought like a maniac and I will see

you all in the next video

For more infomation >> 😍 ARK OTTER TERRARIUM, MONKEY TEMPLE &MORE!! Ark Survival Evolved Eco Terrarium Mod Update - Duration: 13:24.


Q&A in Russian | Вопрос-ответ на русском - Duration: 11:09.

Hello Everyone, my name is Vladimir

Literally yesterday, I returned from Russia

Today I would like to make a Q&A video

Because a year ago I said

Please ask me questions and I will try to answer them

You asked really many many questions, thank you very much for that

So, let's start.

A very large number of questions

was related to Russia and the Russian language

First question: What kind of level do you want to achieve in Russian?

Ideally, I would like to speak Russian

as well as you do, that is people from Russia

that is as someone who's native language is Russian

I know that in order to reach such a level, a lot of time is necessary

and good conditions

if I can say it like this in Russian

and I'm almost convinced that, one has to live in Russia

in order to achieve that. I believe that

it's not going to happen in the near future

so I'm unfortunately practically sure I'm not going to reach this level

But in any case, if the question is, what kind of a level I would like to reach

I want to speak as well as you do.

What would you like to improve in your Russian? Grammar?

Pronunciation? Or something else?

You know..

It's a very good question, because Russian and Slovak

are relatively

very close languages

when it comes to grammar and so on

I think, that I would like to

improve practically everything

pronunciation, grammar, expressions

vocabulary, and so on

I can't name one thing only

If anything, I would like to work on my Russian stress

Because I know that

I often have problems with stress. And if anything else

When it comes to grammar, you know, in Slovak

there are expressions

that also exist in Russian, but in Slovak

they are either slightly differently

pronounced, or

we use a different case in Slovak

than is used in Russian, or there is something else

that is different from Russian and I relatively frequently know

that if I just say the same thing in Russian that we say in Slovak

with a Russian accent, people will understand me.

And I unfortunately do it so often that

I forget what comes from Slovak and what doesn't.

So, I'd like to work on this more

Get rid of these

bad habits and speak only in Russian and

not in Slovak Russian.

Where and how have you learned Russian.

I started to learn Russian in Slovakia

On my own. I was listening to Russian news from day one.

Practically from day one. I was working with a dictionary.

I hope my stress was correct


Yes, practically from day one I was trying to understand the language

I did a lot of listening

There were days where I was literally listening to Russian audio

for 10 hours every day, which is really a lot

After the first month I didn't have to use the dictionary anymore.

dic-tio-na-ry Where is the stress..? dic-TIO-na-ry? dic-tio-na-RY.. I hope.


I gradually started to look for

Russians here in my city, I started talking to them

and went to Russia for a month

where practically

everything I learned and everything I knew passively

somehow turned into active Russian language

as I said, Russian and Slovak, they are very similar, but

not similar enough for us to

be able to understand each other without learning the language

of the other

side. But in either case, it helps a lot.

Where and why have you lived in Russia?

I don't know whether I can say I lived in Russia, because I've been there only for one month

More thank one month actually

If I count the time when I was in Russia now. When I was in Russia for the first time it was

in 2007, in St.Petersburg

I was there because I was learning Russian and the second time

it was now, in 2017

in August and September. For the first time for one week

and now for 4 days and it was because

I participated in the show

Amazing people on the channel Rossiya 1. Probably a foreigner is asking

this next question: I would like to know how to learn cases easier

and how to expand my


I don't know how to answer this question. The first

part of that question, how to learn cases.

In Slovak we have cases too

I don't have to learn that much, only

only in the case if in the Russian expression

a different case is used as

is in Slovak. In that case I only learn the difference and that's it.

And when it comes to the question of

expanding your vocabulary

I recommend to do a lot of listening

listen to news, listen to

Youtubers or something

interesting you like and read books

Tell us about your most difficult moments while learning Russian.

what discourages you and not always

seems to be clear. It would be interesting

to hear an opinion from the side so to speak.

What is discouraging?

It is discouraging that wherever I am

there are very few Russians. I think that

in order to speak Russian really very well,

one needs to be and live in Russia, unfortunately abroad

I can't create such conditions for myself where

I would be in a Russian environment

practically all the time. Or it would be very difficult.

So yes, that is discouraging.

And what else? Russian stress, of course.

because stress in Russian is very


I'm pretty lazy sometimes and

even if, I think that, remembering those

maybe 20, 30, 40, 100 words

where the stress

is a bit more unpredictable

is not a very difficult task, but I simply

only want to talk to people and as soon as a word

where I don't know where to place the stress comes up

and it only shows up 10-15-20 % of the time

I don't want to concentrate on that

and it's only because

I'm lazy

And that of course

is discouraging, because

on one hand, there is a problem

on the other hand there is a solution one can use

and I just don't feel like doing it

What else?

In Russian, in order to speak like a Russian

there is..

Russian pronunciation

for Slovaks is not very difficult but still

there are letters, sounds

that constitute

certain problems. "ы" for instance

the soft sign such as "сь", "зь"

"вь" and so on

Except for that I think there aren't any problems

If possible, please say how the Russian language and

the Russian culture are or aren't popular

among Slovaks, Czechs, Poles and Hungarians.

My friend lives in the Czech republic, she teaches Russian

she says there is a demand.

If you could talk about it, I'd be

very grateful. To be honest..I don't know

I was born in Slovakia, I've lived here for 20 and something years

but in the last 15 years not so much.

I lived in Taiwan, I lived in the Czech republic and other places

And I usually only came back to Slovakia

for the summer.

to meet with my friends

I don't have a TV, I don't watch news. I don't know to be honest.

when it comes to my friends

There is, I don't even know, one, maybe two

who know how to say something in Russian, others don't.

Honestly, I don't know how to answer too well

My answer wouldn't be very objective, therefore I apologize.

There was a huge number of questions about Taiwan

It would be interesting to hear how you got to Taiwan.

And why you chose specifically Taiwan.

I was a student at the Charles' University in Prague

at the department of Sinology

If you don't know what Sinology is, it means 'Chinese studies'

I'm from Slovakia but I was studying

in the Czech republic. At the time when

everyone was supposed to go

to China for their exchange studies

It wasn't that they.. didn't allow me

I simply couldn't receive the Chinese

I don't know what.. it's called 'stipendiya'?

Study support. Financial support of studies (scholarship)

from the Chinese government.

and I could only make use of

partnership contracts of the Charles' university

with other universities

The only university like that, when I was a student

in 2010 was inTaiwan

That's how I got to Taiwan. I was first a student

I was studying at one university in Taipei

For one year. After that

I was working for 4 years and I was simply living in Taiwan

Please talk about life in Taiwan

it would be very interesting

You know, I could talk about life in Taiwan

..I don't even know for how long.

One youtube channel would not be enough

to say everything that has happened to me there

It's a very big topic. If you like,

I can and will make lots and lots of videos

about my life in Taiwan

Really..everything possible has happened to me there

literally everything. Not everything, I'm joking, but

you know what I want to say.

The Taiwanese culture is very different from the Slovak

from the Russian culture, in short from everything what we see here

They are different in practically everything.

They are different in how they breathe

in how they read books, in how they communicate

and of course in their relations

to other people..and so

there are a lot of interesting things I could talk about

At times it was very hard.. sometimes very very very hard

In either case, I always like to go back to Taiwan

Unfortunately, I like it there only one week, after the first week I go crazy

and want to go away.

Sot there you have it. Thank you very much for watching.

I hope you liked the video.

See you in the next one. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Q&A in Russian | Вопрос-ответ на русском - Duration: 11:09.


How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster With Oil | Hair Loss Treatment | Hair Loss Cure - Remedies One - Duration: 3:09.

to obtain the best results that is fundamental that we look for high

quality natural oils and in whatever measure possible that we opt for organic

oils today's video will discuss five natural oils to promote healthy hair

growth before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our

YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon

so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily

having a long full head of hair as many people's dream the problem is presented

when the hair does not grow enough or becomes thin weak and lifeless 5 natural

oils that favor hair growth 1 olive oil olive oil is another of the treasures

that bring many benefits when used in the hair its hormone to hydrate Estrin

DHT reduces the hair follicle which helps prevent balding and men to castor

oil castor oil is utilized as a natural laxative nevertheless it is also very

effective for treating hair loss this oil is rich in recently accosted and

omega-9 fatty acids as for the omega-9 fatty acids thanks to their great

moisturizing ability they hydrate and nourish the hair leaving it thick strong

and shiny 3 lavender oil lavender oil is very well known for its

aroma which serves to treat stress distress and insomnia however it is also

a potent treatment for alopecia areata lavender oils properties when used

regularly considerably help in the growth of hair this oil is an equally

powerful antiseptic its disinfecting properties serve to treat scalp

infections and to fight fungi microbes and viruses poor almond oil almond oil

has a great ability to protect and hydrate the hair although it is not

known for its properties for making hair bro it does protect and stimulate the

growth of hair follicles this makes them grow back stronger and be less

susceptible to tears but hair massage with all men go away or

eliminates the accumulation of dead cells and cools the scalp reduces

swelling five rosemary oil rosemary oil has excellent properties that help hair

growth it helps to dilate blood vessels and stimulate cellular division which

activates hair follicles so that new hairs can grow plus it is also said that

this oil prevents hair loss and the appearance of gray hairs helps eradicate

dandruff and hydrates dry flaky scalp how you get healthy hair let me know in

our comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share

with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster With Oil | Hair Loss Treatment | Hair Loss Cure - Remedies One - Duration: 3:09.


143 de Himnario de sion.. ( No es completo ) - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 143 de Himnario de sion.. ( No es completo ) - Duration: 2:15.


Phyto Family CBD Review: Granddaddy Purple & Banana Kush -BrittanySmokesWeed - Duration: 14:56.

hey what's up guys things come back for another video so I'm really excited

because I have some CBD products here to review for you guys and I know a lot of

you guys have been asking me about CBD and where to get it to what are the

effects is it good for you just like so many questions about CBD so

I'm super excited that I actually have some products here to try out three guys

and let you guys know how they are and everything so I'm gonna show you guys

what I have and I'll let you guys know how is as far as like the taste effects

all that stuff so let's do it I'm really excited alright guys here we

are at my unboxing view I did open this box earlier to take out my address and

all that stuff but I have not used any of these products and really excited to

try them out here with you guys for the first time these products did come from

Fido family the links will be in the description if you guys are interested

in checking out the website all that stuff and all of their products are also

tested for metals and contaminants and all that stuff that is another concern

that I had just about buying CBD online and that's one of the benefits from

ordering from this company so we'll just go in here see we have

see what this is this looks like a sample of a another CVD product that I

will try out later we're gonna try to focus on the lead Abbeville concentrates

in this video and I believe that's what we have here so just open up the package

I do start to smell these CBD products and it is a familiar smell oh my gosh so

the first thing I have here is this CBD slab it is in 99% isolate 500 milligrams

I really like how the lids have like the name of everything on it that's pretty

cool no have to keep track of it

we also have this high terpene isolate this one is strain-specific granddaddy

purp I'm really excited about this because I cannot find granddaddy purple

for like the love of anything around me so I'm pretty excited to get this hi

terpene isolate and try that out of this granddaddy purple and it looks pretty

much the same as the other one just really crystally it's a really strong

smelling CBD smell the last one we have is banana Kush this is another high

terpene isolate 500 milligrams hybrid I believe this is an indica dominant

strain this one does have a little bit of a stronger smell I pretty sure I can

smell bananas herpe know little bits possibly definitely has a different

smell versus the granddaddy purples so that's really excited I'm really excited

I think I'm gonna try this at first I'm really excited to try these out so let's

head back to the view where you guys can see everything and I'm gonna try these

out for you guys our guys were back and I'm super excited to try these out I'm

definitely gonna have to try I was the banana crush first I'm really

caught off by the color of it though I've never had just CBD isolate before

so we're even TG Eisley I've never had it nicely so really excited to try it

out the smell is really kind of like sweet you guys I've ever had any type of

CBD you guys know the CBD smell this smell is it's kind of just a little bit

sweeter it does smell kind of fruity I want to say but enough talking with a

smell let's try to taste let's get into it and see what it tastes like

break super easy with my dog or it smells really nice I just

a pretty small size down here just see me started I think I'm just gonna go for

a medium-high temperature for this first one

the taste is pretty good I think I'm just gonna go for a little bit higher

temperature I think it had a little bit cold melting a little bit but taste was

really good and it was just a really smooth hit I'm gonna try another one

a little bit of high temperature do you have a slightly bigger dab here this

time that one was really good I think I'm just gonna stick to the higher

temperature ones for me personally just most - dabs I answer and you feel a lot

more relaxed I wasn't really expecting to feel too much from just to Dobbs but

again it's been a while since I've had like any type of CBD concentrates or

just CBD in general so it does taste CBD and just like a lot of terpenes it's

really flavorful I really think you get more of a taste after you have a few

dabs of it but it's really relaxed you know I really like it the smell is

absolutely amazing that I think that might be one of my favorite things about

this is just the smell so good I'm actually gonna have one more this one

and then I'm gonna move on to the other ones

as you guys saw that was a pretty big dad I didn't cough it's really smooth

and just it's really nice but we're gonna go ahead and wrap up this one and

I'm just trying to feel extremely relaxed and just a lot more at ease with

myself as you guys know CBDs awesome at treating anxiety and PTSD and lots of

other just health problems it's really good for pain I personally like it to

just slow my brain down whenever I'm thinking too much or whenever I'm having

a bad day CBT is usually really helpful and I'm really excited to get back into

it we're gonna go ahead and try this granddaddy purple right now I'm really

exciting about this one this one has sort of a deeper smell I feel like I can

I can smell grapes a little bit it smells really good

really flavorful just a nice beautiful slab of isolate and we're just gonna get

another decent sized dog from this one I'm so ready to try this granddaddy

purple you guys have no idea how excited I am so let's get started

that one definitely has a different taste versus the pedantic push it does

taste a little bit grapey it's really flavorful I cannot believe how much

flavors actually in this CD it's really good as you guys know flavors something

I absolutely love when it comes to concentrates that's why I really been

into like sugar and just like types of concentrates that leave that flavor in

there and terpenes and it's just it's really nice I just think it's a part of

like the entire healing process like the aromatherapy and just being able to

smell and taste and feel your medicine just like feel that it's working so that

might be just me I don't know if but personally sensory things take a lot of

importance in my medicine so that's something that I really appreciate about

this as you guys can see I do have some coffee here I personally just like to

have a little pick-me-up whenever I'm having CBD products because they can be

very relaxing and it kind of just helps me personally balance things out but I'm

gonna have another dab of this Grandaddy purple it's really good guys I wish I

could share it with you guys

so flavorful I just I love it I really wasn't expecting it to be as flavorful

but by the name hi terpene it's really Heights routine I can really taste it

it's really good and I guess before I get into this last

isolate I will answer the big question I know all of you are wondering and that

is am i high from the CBD the answer is no I'm not high it's not like dabbing

like THC but I do feel really relaxed and just kind of more at ease I do have

problems with like muscle spasms and stuff like that that's kind of not

really a problem right now and I'm just able to relax and focus a little bit

more so that's one of the benefits of CBD that I am personally experiencing

right now just from a few dabs I have about five taps so um yeah this one does

have the least amount of smell but I'm still really excited to try it and this

one does have the consistency I want to see like a shatter versus a crumble

texture like the other ones this is a little bit more hard to get through it's

kind of like shattered but we'll see how it burns I'm pretty excited try to spin

out as well so

I'm actually really surprised that this one has as much flavor as it does

because it doesn't really smell too much to me but the flavors really intense it

does taste a lot like traditional CBDs pretty shocking but not really when you

think about it because it is CBD just in a concentrated form kind of have like

this cherry like deep terpene taste it's really hard to describe but if you guys

have ever had CBD you guys know exactly what I'm talking about this one's really

good this is probably my favorite I like texture wise I just love the way it

melts hid on my rig it was really nice I'm gonna try another one at this one

you guys know my overall opinions in thoughts about this CBD

alright guys so I personally really like these concentrates I feel really relaxed

and just kind of in a good state like mentally so I think this was a success

one of the things I really enjoy is that they are incredibly smooth

I've had other concentrates that just weren't very smooth on my throat or

anything but these are really good I did like the texture a lot and the flavor

and the smell was just awesome like I said links are gonna be in the

description if you guys went try these out but other than that I have to rate

these like 9 out of 10 just because of everything that was right and I really

can't find anything wrong so yeah I'm gonna have to recommend it I'm really

excited to be getting back into CBD and using that again because I have been

having troubles following the sleep insane asleep so CBDs probably one of

the best things that I can they give for anxiety and insomnia and stuff like that

so I'm really excited about that and yeah I think that's really it for

this review guys this was again by phyto family all these concentrates came from

them so check out their website check out their CBD products if you are

interested in all that stuff so that's really it for this video guys I'm gonna

go and get going with the rest of my day I hope you guys are doing well thank you

guys so much for watching all the way until the end of this video and yeah I'm

gonna go stay educated stay medicated and I will see you guys later bye

For more infomation >> Phyto Family CBD Review: Granddaddy Purple & Banana Kush -BrittanySmokesWeed - Duration: 14:56.


Joni's Corner: Get Up and Go - Duration: 1:33.

I'm Joni Eareckson Tada and I want you to consider with me today Abraham, the Old Testament patriarch.

God said to Abraham, "Leave your country, leave your people and go to the land I will show you."

And Hebrews chapter 11 says that Abraham "… obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

That to me is so amazing.

Abraham had no idea, he was clueless where he was going but it says that he immediately got up and went.

Oh but us?

All too often, when God tells us to get up and go do something,

we kind of shuffle our feet, we ho hum, rationalize that we're not quite certain we heard God right.

After all, we want to know where God is sending us.

I think we'd be quicker to obey God's call immediately if we understood that blessings always accompany obedience.

When it comes to obeying the Lord,

If your get up and go, has gone up and gone somewhere, then you better go get it.

Because blessings await you when you obey… and obey (snap to it) on the double.

For more infomation >> Joni's Corner: Get Up and Go - Duration: 1:33.


DanTDM Sings Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 1:52.

I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage

The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don't like you

I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie

You said the gun was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time

I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined

I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

For more infomation >> DanTDM Sings Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 1:52.


KARŞILIKLI ABONE KAZAN - Duration: 1:23:36.

For more infomation >> KARŞILIKLI ABONE KAZAN - Duration: 1:23:36.


Bhootoorey | Web-series | Paranoia | Official Trailer | Hoichoi Originals | 2017 - Duration: 1:10.

Something is definitely over here!

It happened quite a few months back..

He took the call and went that side... And when I found him, he was senseless...

It was a very heavy, strange atmosphere

Is anyone here with us?

I am waiting... Just go and check.

Rob! Rob! Come in Rob!

Can you hear me Rob?

Can you come in front of us?

There is a very eerie feeling about this place.

Suddenly someone whispered in my ear,

I won't spare anyone!

I won't spare anyone!

I just heard a very faint low noise.

Did you hear anything?

It's here! It's definitely here!

For more infomation >> Bhootoorey | Web-series | Paranoia | Official Trailer | Hoichoi Originals | 2017 - Duration: 1:10.


Auto ISO: Two Minute Tips with David Bergman - Duration: 2:29.


I'm photographer David Bergman

and this is Two Minute Tips for


Today I've got a tip on how to make

aperture priority mode more useful.

You probably know that I'm a big proponent

of shooting in full manual exposure mode.

It gives you total control over your

images and doesn't leave anything to

chance in the camera, however there are

times when you might want the cameras

help just a little bit... for example, in a

fast-moving situation where you're going

in and out of extremely different

lighting you could ask the camera to

make some quick exposure decisions for


In that case aperture priority is

usually the way to go.

It's represent as an A or AV on your camera.

Controlling your aperture allows you to

decide how wide or narrow you want your

depth of field to be. But anytime you

give your camera control of your

exposure there are consequences.

Let's say you're shooting outdoors you have

your ISO low to keep image quality high.

The camera will pick a pretty fast

shutter speed, because there's plenty of

light, but once you step inside unless

you remember to manually adjust your ISO,

your shutter speed could be too slow and

you'll have blurry photos.

Nobody wants that!

The answer for this problem is a

feature called auto ISO. Most modern

cameras have it, the beauty of auto ISO

is that you can set the maximum ISO and

minimum shutter speed the camera is

allowed to use, so maybe you set your

max ISO at 8000 or whatever you think the

highest usable amount is for your

particular camera, and your minimum

shutter speed at let's say 250th of a

second. Now when you go inside on

aperture priority the camera will still

lower your shutter speed for the darker

situation first, but only until it gets

to that set 250th of a second.

If it still needs more light it'll start to

raise your ISO at that point, it's the

best of both worlds. At the end of the

day I still recommend shooting on manual

but if you don't want to think and have

to move fast you can use aperture

priority to let your camera help you out

a little bit, but remember to use auto

ISO so your camera doesn't get totally

out of control

Thanks for joining me today on AdoramaTV.

Don't forget to subscribe for more

amazing videos

Follow me on social media

@DavidBergman and go to the

Adorama Learning Center

for lots of other great

tricks and tips.

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