Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

My idea is to open in the city (with a population of 200 000 persons) something like a printed interior, which would deal with the implementation of services associated with the computer. For example: - set and print text (b/W and color) and layout - scanning and recognition materials - production of inscriptions on the cards themselves (an exclusive, personalized) greeting cards, collages, calendars, posters (with your favorite actors, the Internet is this good enough, but not available to all, and if you use the Wallpaper from the desktop, as they can be pulled and A3), business cards, make and print out a designer to produce inscribed labels on alcohol products (a good gift for the nominal case of beer). I want to note that it is possible to manufacture in a single instance. A printout of the exercise (at the initial stage of work) on an inkjet printer (preferably Epson), if it turns out you can buy dye-sublimation, laser printer; - urgent digital printing ID photos (I know that in Russia the printout on the struynika permitted, requires only allowed lightfast photo paper), - printing photos from digital cameras, - print photos with video, video recording on CD record information on a CD, - information search in Internet copy, - lamination, - perforation. All of the above, you can add the maintenance and repair of computer equipment, production web sites. Of course, we can say that the market for such services is busy, but I must say that in our city by making collages, calendars, deals only Fujistyle, but their work leaves much to be desired, and the prices, in my opinion, too high (10x15 is 6 UAH and above). By my calculations, the cost of full color with struynika on photo paper Barva (fine quality at a low price, this is not advertising, but a fact, for collages A4 could be better) comes out to about 2 UAH. Labels on alcoholic beverages does not make one (at least it's not advertised anywhere). Scanning, recognition, recruitment, printout of the text, search on the Internet can only be done in a computer club, but You will have to do everything ourselves, only in some cases to mess with You, the administrator (or from private owners, but for them it is a side job). Lamination, perforation is performed only by some firms. From this I note that a full range of services performed by professionals at any time, does not one. From the initial costs should be listed: - Olin computer (not below Pentium III), with a video capture card for printing photos from CD, inkjet photo printer Epson (perfect for a start - 830, but if you can afford to buy A3 format), scanner (preferably with a slide adapter, the quality does not Shine, but can be useful), - poluprofesionalnye digital camera, - with the growth of the firm (and its exit from the home business) you can buy better apperture, one or two computer as well as the technique (for thermal transfer), allowing to make souvenir products (cups, keychains, pens). Total to start activities in my town the price was about 5 thousand hryvnia (about $1000 give or take $100-200). Well, actually, that's all. Finally I want to note that I have taken into account a single computer as a condition of a home business (but on one computer, which occupies a minimum of space, you can negotiate and lease space in any shopping center), and also in order to be able to pay attention to each client, and not as in computer clubs - You do everything yourself (he is good, but the ratio of prices, quality, and production time between the club and professional performance in the print salon can much differ). When large volumes of orders: to buy equipment, hire people, open a chain in the city, - to attract employees with a computer.

For more infomation >> Print shop - Duration: 4:44.


Baby learns colors with surprise Egg and dinosaurs colors Cartoon for kids - Duration: 1:23.

Baby learns colors with surprise Egg and dinosaurs colors Cartoon for kids

For more infomation >> Baby learns colors with surprise Egg and dinosaurs colors Cartoon for kids - Duration: 1:23.


The rescue of the bride groom Jesus is living in the Stars Story Time - Duration: 8:47.

good morning YouTube good afternoon warriors good evening Internet okay this

is from rescue of the bride I'm gonna show you this channel right here this is

rescue of the bride he's got some videos okay this is his videos and it's about

rescue of the bride 18 parable of the 10 rescue of the bride 17 prophecy timeline

rescue of the bride 16 prophecy timeline so if you want to subscribe to his

channel you can subscribe right up here okay so he shared the this comment with

me and I'm gonna read it to you guys I'm gonna shoot I'm gonna read the comment

here okay he says the parable of the ten virgins Matthew 25 1 through 13 at the

time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and

went out to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five were wise the

foolish ones took their lamps but but did not take any oil with them the Wise

Ones took oil in jars along with their lamps the bridegroom was a long time in

coming and they all became drowsy and fell asleep at midnight the cry rang out

here comes the bridegroom come to meet him then all the Virgin's woke up and

trimmed their lamps the foolish ones said to the wise give us some of your

oil our lamps are going out no they replied there may not be enough for both

of us and you instead go out and sell oil and buy some yourselves but when

they were on their way to buy the oil the bridegroom arrived the Virgin's who

were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet and the door was shut

later the other 's also came Lord Lord they said open the door for us but he

replied truly I tell you I don't know you therefore keep watch because you do

not know the day or the hour okay so he's got on here expectations

delay and arrival okay so number one expectation in the parable of the

ten virgins the virgins are expecting the arrival of the bridegroom they must

go out to meet him number two expectation among believers

who profess to love and follow Yahshua Jesus I don't know where Yeshua comes

from never heard of it rapture expectations are high for

September 23rd 2017 the date of the great sign of the woman revelations 12 1

through 2 many of them expect to be with Yahshua that day now my understanding is

that the great sign is in the sky of there's this star that passes through

it sits like a stick figure but it's the Stars and it looks like a woman and so

there's a Jupiter actually starts here and then going passes through the woman

and so they say that it looks like it's passing through it takes nine months for

it to happen and it looks like it's passing through her legs you know which

is a birth of a star and the star comes out through her legs so it sounds like

they you know people were keeping astrology and when you're looking up at

the stars and stargazing every night that kind of makes sense you know you

know keeping track of the the sky you know a actual pencil written out map of

the sky number three delay in the parable of ten virgins the

bridegroom does not arrive when the Virgin's expect him four delay Yahshua

the bridegroom will not arrive on September 23rd 2017 symbolically in the

great sign of the woman he has not yet been born he will not be born until

October 5th 2017 revelations 125 oh that's interesting so I'll have to

look that one up number five arrival in the parable of the ten virgins after a

long time the bridegroom arrives number six arrival the the child of Revelation

12 5 Yahshua the bridegroom will be snatched up to the throne room

yahuwah god so Yahshua's jesus yahuwah is God apparently I'm not I don't know

where that comes from on October 5th 2017 moments after 1840

UTC the time of the full moon ok number 7 entry in the parable of the ten

virgins the wise virgins who were ready went in with the bridegroom to the Vedic

wedding banquet number eight entry the great multitude in white robes the bride

and guests will not enter the throne room before Yahshua Jesus the bridegroom

they will enter the throne room with him on October 5th 2017 so Jesus got married

Jesus was married number nine we see the great multitude in robes the bride and

guests revelation nine seven nine in the throne room on October 5th 2017 moments

after 1840 UTC the time of the full moon number 10 October 5th 2017 moments after

1840 UTC the time of the full moon is the day and the hour that believers the

ones who are ready will begin entering the throne room in heaven the rescue of

the bride October 5th 2017 dot-com so so that's it

I don't know maybe I'm gonna have to see what that let's see what that is I could

be interesting if is there a website oh there is that's sort of cool oh gosh

she's got it all written out let me show you guys this is the website that he

included the rescue of the bride and there's everything there on the table of

contents the prophecy I can read a little bit of this it says heaven is

waiting for you let me show you the way do not concern yourself with being good

enough to get in none of us are good enough to get in all of us are flawed

yahuwah god will meet you where you are he will take you where he wants you to

be he will clean you up if you let him he will if you let him he will give you the gift of eternal life and a place

in heaven if you let him yahuwah knit you together in your

mother's womb he is your Creator yahuwah has loved you since before you were born

he is your father yahuwah knows everything there is to

know about you and he still loves you yahuwah sent his son yahushua Jesus to

earth so there's yahuwah and Yahshua yeah yeah yahuwah and where does yahoo

and Yahshua come from anyway Jesus to earth to rescue you he sent his son to

you to make a pathway for you to heaven he sent his son to you so that you could

have a full life to the full he sent his son to you so that you could have life

to the full he sent his son to you to offer you the

gift of eternal life Yahshua laid down his life for you his sacrifice bought

you passage to heaven yahuwah raised Yahshua from the grave and restored his

life yah-hoo sha yahushua o yahushua can now do the same for you

yahuwah has given yahushua all the authority in heaven and on earth and

under the sun he has the authority and the power to save your soul your ticket

is waiting it is up to you to receive it to receive it yahoo asks you three

things 1 turn away from the darkness and sin of disobedience he doesn't want

people to be civily disobedient apparently to follow his son yahushua I

thought yahushua was god's believe in him and follow him to lead you 3 accept

the gift of eternal life that yahushua has already bought for you so yeah ok

but that's it for right now and so yeah you can go subscribe to the rescue of

the bride and so yeah thank you so much for watching please smash and hit the

thumbs up button share this video with your friends subscribe leave comments

suggestions ideas I love you guys and I'll see you soon

peace love and avocados

For more infomation >> The rescue of the bride groom Jesus is living in the Stars Story Time - Duration: 8:47.


The DIRTY JOKES IN SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS You Might Have Missed! | What's Trending Originals! - Duration: 2:49.

We broke down some of the dirtiest jokes to ever make it into your favorite cartoons,

and we asked you what you wanted to see next -- you said, "Do SpongeBob!"

Hi, I'm Adam Bozarth and welcome back to What's Trending.

And these are the funniest dirty jokes from SpongeBob SquarePants.

Be sure to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE for more.

There were plenty of subtle jokes when the Krusty Krab started serving wieners.

Speaking of wieners...

This short visual gag of SpongeBob's nose poking through a pair of underpants on his

head is very suggestive.

There was also the time that SpongeBob tried to help by burying himself, which caused Mr.

Krabs to joke, "Please tell me that's your nose."

What about the time that Bikini Bottom was terrorized by The Tickler?

There was also that time that SpongeBob was caught watching porn.

SpongeBob and Patrick were also caught in this compromising pose when they were pranking

Mr. Krabs.

Certainly looks like SpongeBob is getting paid to do something here.

The SpongeBob writers love double-entendres.

Like in the episode, "SpyBuddies."

When Krill attacks the Krusty Krab with his big red blimp, Squidward quips, it's "That

time of the month."

There's also this revealing joke when Patrick comes up with a genius idea!

Sometimes, the writers will sneak in references to curse words.

Listen carefully.

In this next clip, Squidward tries to get SpongeBob to repeat after him, but it doesn't

go quite right.

But one of the dirtiest jokes in SpongeBob is right in front of our faces.

SpongeBob and Squidward work at the "Krusty Krab" in "Bikini Bottom."

Come on, think about it...

So what's your favorite sneaky adult joke in SpongeBob SquarePants?

What cartoon should we do next?

Let us know in the COMMENTS section below.

For more infomation >> The DIRTY JOKES IN SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS You Might Have Missed! | What's Trending Originals! - Duration: 2:49.


All Jedi that Defeated Darth Vader [Legends] - Duration: 6:43.

Darth Vader was the galaxy's greatest Jedi killer during the era of the Empire, killing

hundreds of them throughout the 2 decades.

But there were a few times where the Jedi Vader was hunting actually defeated him.

So who were these Jedi and how did they beat him?

For this video we will only go over the cases where the Jedi defeated Vader to the point

where he was at their mercy or was forced to flee, we won't be including any draws

or inconclusive duels.

First is Celeste Morne.

She was an ancient Jedi Master who had concealed herself inside a stasis pod in an attempt

to contain the Sith artifact known as the Muur Talisman, which had the power to turn

unwilling beings into mindless creatures known as Rakghoul which could then be controlled

by the user.

She remained in stasis for thousands of years until Darth Vader discovered her and set her


When she found out that Vader was a Sith Lord, she immediately attacked him.

At first Vader didn't wish to harm her for he had other plans, he wanted her to become

his apprentice.

But she of course refused and continued to attack him.

Not holding back anymore Vader showed her the true power of the dark side and overwhelmed

her quickly and demanded she surrender.

Fearing the destruction that would be unleashed if someone like Vader were to get his hands

on the Muur Talisman, Celeste for the first time gave into the power of the Sith Artifact

and used it to turn all of Clone Stormtroopers into Rakghoul.

Once they all transformed into the mindless beasts, she commanded them all to attack Vader.

Knowing he risked death if he stayed and fought, Vader fled the ruins and got onto his ship

and left the planet.

Second is Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller.

Originally kidnapped by Vader to be trained as his secret Sith Apprentice, Galen eventually

turned to the lightside after being betrayed by the Sith and became a Jedi like his father

before him.

After failing to protect the founding members of the Rebellion, Galen fought his way through

the nearly completed Death Star in an attempt to free them and kill his former Sith master.

When he reached the throne room his duel with Vader commenced.

The two fought long and hard, with the first half of the duel seeming to be going to no

one side.

Although Vader was stronger than his opponent, Galen was faster and more focused, and his

biggest advantage was that he was fighting his teacher.

He knew how Vader fought and the tricks he would do in his duel as he had already witnessed

them from their countless training sessions many years ago.

During the long duel Galen finally got the upper hand and made a critical blow onto Vader

and from there everything went downhill for the Sith Lord as he kept getting pummeled

by his former apprentice.

Finally Vader was down on his knees and at the mercy of Galen.

But before he could give the killing blow, Galen decided to save his friend Rahm Kota

from Palpatine, resulting in him sacrificing himself for the Jedi and the senators as they

made their escape.

The duel with Galen was probably the most punishment Vader's body sustained since

his duel with Obi Wan on Mustafar.

Third is Starkiller.

A near perfect clone of the late Galen Marek, Starkiller was one of many that Vader created

in hopes of creating the perfect Sith Apprentice.

Starkiller eventually escaped Kamino after failing Vader's final test and he sought

out the Rebellion.

After learning who he was and of his past, or the past of the person he was cloned from,

Starkiller joined the Rebellion's attack on Kamino.

During the attack Starkiller confronted Vader who had kidnapped his lover, Juno Eclipse.

Threatening to kill her if he didn't obey him, Vader forced Starkiller to bend the knee.

But before he could carry out his first order, Juno made a quick dash at Vader with a lightsaber

and sliced his chestplate, resulting in Vader force pushing her through a window.

Seeing his lover being tossed by Vader, Starkiller attacked him out of pure rage.

Although Vader had the upper hand for most of the fight, he let his guard down once he

believed Starkiller had been defeated.

As a last ditch attempt at winning, Starkiller used the lightning storm and the conductors

around him to his advantage by embracing the electricity from the storm and merging it

with his own and blasting it at full force at Vader, overwhelming his defenses and his

suit and effectively bringing him down to his knees.

Preparing to finally kill him, Starkiller was stopped from making the final strike by

Kota who convinced Starkiller that they needed him alive so he could reveal the Empire's

secrets and stand trial for his crimes.

Third we have the 8 Jedi on Kessel.

They were Jedi that got together shortly after Order 66 to discuss their future actions as

Jedi and what they should do with the Sith taking over the galaxy.

Unknown to everyone there, the host of the meeting actually leaked their location to

Darth Vader in an attempt to force some of the pacifist Jedi to fight him once he arrived.

When Vader came he swiftly took out 3 of them with ease, but then started to get overwhelmed.

After 2 more Jedi fell, the last 3 remaining Jedi stared down the injured Sith Lord.

With their combined power they threw boulders and mining equipment at his direction, crushing

his body and leaving him to their mercy.

Right when they were about to strike him down, the 501st Legion came for the rescue and fired

upon the Jedi, taking them out.

Finally we have Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, the first and last Jedi to defeat Darth Vader.

With Obi Wan the two fought all over the place making it seem like the duel would last forever,

but then Vader made one huge mistake by not respecting Obi Wan's high ground and everything

went downhill for him after that, including his limbs and body.

With his final duel with Luke Skywalker, he fought with his son in front of his own master

in the Imperial throne room of the second death star.

During the duel Vader tried to lure out the darkside from within Luke by taunting him

and by later threatening to turn his sister.

This ended up being a mistake as when Luke taped into the Dark side he was able to overwhelm

his father, but lucky for him Luke was able to stop himself in time and turned back from

killing him.

And those were all the known Jedi that have defeated Darth Vader in battle.

For more infomation >> All Jedi that Defeated Darth Vader [Legends] - Duration: 6:43.


Why We Need Less Debt, and Fast! - Duration: 2:04.

'The national debt crosses the $20 trillion mark.'

It was big news when our national debt recently passed the $20 trillion mark.

What's less understood is exactly why having such a massive debt is a bad thing.

The sheer size of the existing debt is deeply worrying to economists on both the left and the right,

who agree that when debt reaches 90 percent of GDP

it means painfully slow growth, creating what's called a "debt overhang."

A group of progressive economists affiliated with the University of Massachusetts

predicted in 2013 that a debt burden at that level

would result in an annual growth rate of just 2.2 percent,

which means economic stagnation and anemic job growth.

So when will our debt load cross the 90 percent threshold?

It's actually been at more than 100 percent of GDP for years now.

Periods of slow growth associated with debt overhangs almost always last more than a decade

and sometimes stretch out over a quarter century.

That means that in 25 years, the overall economy will be about 75 percent the size it would have been

if the government had only gotten the debt in check.

Countries like New Zealand, Canada, and Germany have demonstrated

that when governments reduce debt good things happen.

U.S. spending, by contrast, has been above 20 percent of GDP for years,

which is well above the historical average.

No wonder the Congressional Budget Office predicts

that the economy will grow less than 2 percent annually over the next decade.

Compare that to growth rates of more than 3 percent for much of the post-World War II period.

Barack Obama, and George W. Bush

were leaders who lacked the integrity to do what's best for the country

by keeping spending and debt in line.

President Donald Trump also shows no interest

in explaining to the public how runaway debt chokes off the future.

That's a failure which we'll all be paying for for a very long time to come.

'I am the king of debt, I do love debt.'

For more infomation >> Why We Need Less Debt, and Fast! - Duration: 2:04.


This Is The Cast of 'Drake & Josh' Now - Duration: 6:15.

It's been a long time since Drake & Josh went off the air.

While we've been constantly watching reruns and holiday specials since the series' 2007

finale, its child stars have been busy flying from the Nickelodeon nest to build interesting

and exciting careers.

Here's what the cast looks like now!

Josh Peck

Josh Peck lost a lot of weight since the end of the show, and while he's happy his weight-loss

journey has inspired others, he says he'd also be happy to stop talking about the way

he looks and just focus on his work.

After Drake & Josh, he nabbed roles in Drillbit Taylor and the Ice Age films, before breaking

out on the big screen in 2012's Red Dawn remake, then landing a lead in Grandfathered with

John Stamos, which lasted one season on Fox.

However, this former Nick kid has hearts in his eyes.

He wed longtime girlfriend Paige O'Brien in June 2017.

Drake Bell

After Drake & Josh went off the air, Drake Bell booked a few notable roles, appearing

in the spoof Superhero Movie and The Fish Tank.

He also did a lot of voiceover work, most notably voicing Peter Parker in the Ultimate

Spider-Man TV series.

Unfortunately, most of the hype surrounding Bell has been focused on his personal troubles,

which include a string of DUIs and the infamous spat about not getting an invite to co-star

Josh Peck's wedding.

Fortunately, the buds, who later shared a reunion scene on Grandfathered together, have

since made up.

Bell has been appearing in some buzzy new projects in 2017, including Cover Versions

and American Satan.

He also landed a voiceover role opposite Kesha in the Maker Studios animated series, Highly


Miranda Cosgrove

Miranda Cosgrove starred in School of Rock before joining Drake & Josh as the ambitious


Cosgrove then landed her own show as the title character in Nick's iCarly, earning herself

five Kids' Choice nominations for favorite television actress.

She also landed in the Guinness World Records book for being the highest paid child star,

earning $180,000 per episode.

The actress took some time off in 2012 to attend the University of Southern California,

majoring in film.

While in college, she took a run at the small screen with Crowded — which was canceled

after just one season — but hopefully she finds a TV show that sticks very soon.

Yvette Nicole Brown

Yvette Nicole Brown, who played Drake and Josh's put-upon theater manager Helen, has

become one of the show's most successful alumni, booking small roles in big flicks like Tropic

Thunder and 500 Days of Summer.

Brown's next big break came in 2009, when she signed on to play Shirley Bennett on Community.

The show proved Brown could be a comedic powerhouse and opened doors for guest roles on Psych,

Once Upon a Time, Chuck, Family Guy, and many more.

Outside of acting, Brown is a busy volunteer.

The self-described "champion of kindness" promotes volunteerism through her website,

encouraging fans to support organizations such as Donors Choose and the Motion Picture

and Television Fund.

Jerry Trainor

As theater attendant Crazy Steve, Jerry Trainor carried that wacky spirit into future roles.

Trainor's biggest post-Drake & Josh part was playing the older brother and guardian of

Cosgrove's character in iCarly, earning him Kids Choice and Teen Choice nominations.

Since then, Trainor has stuck mostly to guest roles, and is set to reunite with his former

Drake & Josh co-star Bell for the 2017 film Cover Versions.

He's also a member of the band Nice Enough People with Allison Scagliotti, who played

Josh's extreme girlfriend Mindy on the show.

Allison Scagliotti

This former Drake & Josh cast member guest starred on several hit series, before landing

a lead role in the Syfy series Warehouse 13.

Scagliotti was hitting up Hollywood while hitting the books at NYU and UCLA.

She led the Freeform series Stitchers and booked a recurring role on The CW's The Vampire


She also somehow found time to star in the Off-Broadway musical Jasper in Deadland and

has said she'd love to take her talents back to the stage someday.

Dylan Minnette

Having recently starred in Netflix's 13 Reasons Why, many fans don't realize Dylan Minnette

got his start on Drake & Josh as Jeffrey.

After his appearance on the show, Minnette started to book more high-profile guest-starring

roles, appearing on Prison Break, Lost, and Ghost Whisperer, and landed a starring gig

on Saving Grace and Awake.

Minnette kicked off his film career with parts in Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No

Good, Very Bad Day, Goosebumps, and Don't Breathe, but it's 13 Reasons Why that's catapulted

this former Nick kid to the A-list.

Vanessa Hudgens

The same year Vanessa Hudgens booked a small guest-starring role as Rebecca, one of Drake's

flings on Drake & Josh, she landed the part of Gabriella in Disney's High School Musical.

She used her instant icon status to launch a music career, releasing her first album,

V, in 2006, and her second, Identified, in 2008.

Since then, Hudgens has continued to maintain a successful showbiz career.

The actress moved viewers to tears in 2016 as Rizzo in Grease Live!, going on with the

show, despite the fact that her had father passed away the day before.

Lucy Hale

Lucy Hale also got her showbiz start on Drake & Josh as Hazel, yet another one of Drake's


She quickly built upon the experience, landing a leading role on the short lived NBC reboot

of the Bionic Woman, and booking movies such as The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2.

Hale's big break came when she landed the lead role of Aria Montgomery on Pretty Little

Liars, and she's slated to star in The CW dramedy Life Sentence, due out in 2018.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Is The Cast of 'Drake & Josh' Now - Duration: 6:15.


Namorada de Marcelo Rezende diz se recebeu milhões: 'Não existe testamento' - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Namorada de Marcelo Rezende diz se recebeu milhões: 'Não existe testamento' - Duration: 4:35.


"Kingsman: The Golden Circle", acción, aventura y humor | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> "Kingsman: The Golden Circle", acción, aventura y humor | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:37.


Random Moments with buddies #3 - UZI MADNESS (PUBG Random Moments) - Duration: 13:50.

No wonder no one wasn't talking in the voice chat

No, wait a second... Do I have only team chat on?

No, no it isn't

I have all chat on and no one hasn't talked anything


Asians doesn't have any memes, for example Thomaas...

Name of the song?

This dude is playing flute!

What? I don't hear anything


Yeah, now I hear it


Hello, I will take this

There's people, watch out

I will reload my crossbow

Pls don't come


What do I do?!

A guy just came to me

I have 8 ammo left

Wait how did you survive?

I don't fuc*ing know xD

Ooh take that yes!

Well then...

Come here and save me


And of course you get an uzi

Oh... WHAT!?!?!?

You're going ham with the uzi!

I don't know what you're talking about...

Here's a guy somewhere, didn't you hear it?


That went well xD

No one didn't see a thing...

I knew that there was a guy somewhere!

You're not taking that granade?


That was...

It sounds like a shotgun or a Kar

Probably a shotgun...

The one guy left I think

You aren't in the zone

I don't care

Damn I have a bad grip from my mouse, this sucks

On the other side!

Yeah I saw him


A car!


I will go this way

No, lets go here, because lets go against them

But you don't have anything

I will find some stuff from here


Run here, I will be ready!

Watch this

I act like I was running away

I got them!

Oh, Mini14, I will take that

Hey guys wanna see a magic trick? :D

Yay magic trick! :D

Watch this... Car! I will show it later

omg if we now die...

Okay lets go outside! ATTACK!!!



Fu*k there was a guy

Watch out, you're the only hope

Magic trick, where's the magic trick?!


There it's going

There he is!

What the heck?!

Okay now show the magic trick :D

You know what...

We can't see anything...

But hey look!

Wait what I only have one?

What the heck? Where did the one then go?

This dude has a Mini too, nice! :D

Oh there's a guy

What what?

Did you see that? I one shot that guy!

It was perfectly calculated

I didn't see the guy, but I saw when you shot

Did you see that? I just got him!

Did you see that!

There it went

There it went!

Pretty good...

So yeah I created that one myself

Wanna go camp on the bridge?


You should have driven...

Okay be my map man!

Okay there's a pond on our right

Maybe I shouldn't drive...

I should not drive

Okay come fast

Okay good you will make it

Quick can we escape the border!

Okay easily

Drop is going somewhere in southwest, southeast, east or something like that

I will not say a thing

Oh look! :D

*Part 2 flashbacks...*

okay lets go

That was like "thank you for the car" :D

Lets go to the plane

Okay, there probably someone, but...

*Imitating the car horn*

There's a car on the left

Just drive, just drive!


Let's go there

There was another inside!

We need to go soon

I can't empty my backpack

What about Dacia?

Hey one is crawling in 345!

Wait I will snipe him with my Kar

Hit once

Got him

There's another one


345 from me

Yep, okay I see him

6 seconds, we need to go

I just see in my chat that you just killed 2 guys

Okay I don't have a backpack now

I'm getting shot at!

Trying to spot them

On the mountain, east

Can you go a little bit forward so I can get behind you

Oh, um, watch out!

There's one

Behind the tree


One is on the mountain, I think

Where's the other one at?

One is behind that tree over here

Oh hey there's a one guy, northeast, behind that tree

Uhm, there's a guy a little bit to your right, watch out

Okay there's one on your right

It's just one left!

He's right over there, northeast

Behind that tree

He's right over there

Yeah I can see him, but where's the other guy?

No, that's the last one, you knocked out the other one

Oh yeah, true

Do you have a granade?

I have some smoke


Who's shooting?

What is he doing?

Wait that isn't him

No, wait what?

22 seconds left

There's that shed, if we can get to it

Behind it

Let's run

Okay let's go, yolo!

Actually no

I will run and you watch the tree

Nice gg!

For more infomation >> Random Moments with buddies #3 - UZI MADNESS (PUBG Random Moments) - Duration: 13:50.





[LIKEALYCAN] How to be Traumatized - Duration: 4:30.

How to be Traumatized, LIKE A LYCAN!

Step 1 - Follow this entire video!


This is not "Flash and Stripe"... IT'S "TRUMPE'S SUPREME WALL"!


Trump, please. Do not crontract Clownpi- Wait... Junko is...


Well... That's how to be Traumatized


And I thought, how can I be traumatized?

I'm gonna do something like that.

In a Normal way.

There's a video that I posted on my Facebook Page. And I pointed there, because I dunno.

Dunno dunno.

I posted there, and showing about Easy Mode, which is harder than a Hard Mode at other Touhou Games.

And THAT is Normal Mode!

And it was Pointdevice Style

And If you want a Live about this, game.

I will do that.

No more time wasting, I hope you like that, "LIKE A LYCAN!"

If you do, give a "Lycan".

Subscribe to my channel and if it is your birthday, happy birthday to you!

And stay safe! Bye!

For more infomation >> [LIKEALYCAN] How to be Traumatized - Duration: 4:30.


'A Fazenda': Monique diz ter sido ameaçada por Emilly. 'Se ficasse com Marcos' - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> 'A Fazenda': Monique diz ter sido ameaçada por Emilly. 'Se ficasse com Marcos' - Duration: 4:43.


¿Qué hace Lara Álvarez justo antes de acostarse? - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué hace Lara Álvarez justo antes de acostarse? - Duration: 2:55.


Love quotes | Amazing Appreciation Thank You Quotes with Photos - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Love quotes | Amazing Appreciation Thank You Quotes with Photos - Duration: 2:18.


El horóscopo de hoy, 25 de septiembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> El horóscopo de hoy, 25 de septiembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci - Duration: 3:33.




For more infomation >> The Division - THIS COULD BE DARKZONE BEST BUILD 1.7.1 INSANE 3V8 MANHUNT?! MUST SEE DARK ZONE PVP - Duration: 4:37.


Wie die AfD so populär werden konnte. - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Wie die AfD so populär werden konnte. - Duration: 1:41.


Cartoons for Children😃States of Matter for Kids 1st Grade. Science Education Videos for Children - Duration: 3:56.

Cartoons for Children😃States of Matter for Kids 1st Grade. Science Education Videos for Children

For more infomation >> Cartoons for Children😃States of Matter for Kids 1st Grade. Science Education Videos for Children - Duration: 3:56.


Destiny 2 Hunter Ep#2 - Duration: 10:15.

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