Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Today in military history, 1957,

the US Army's 101st airborne division

escorts nine black students into the all white

Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The US Supreme Court had ruled

the racial segregation in educational facilities

was unconstitutional three years before,

but Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus

remained a staunch racist, I mean,


When the Little Rock Nine expressed their interest

in attending Central High,

Faubus surrounded the school with 100 armed

Arkansas National Guard troops to prevent integration.

Additionally, a mob of 400 white civilians

gathered to harass and threaten the teenagers.

The standoff continued until finally,

the safety of the students was so jeopardized

that President Eisenhower federalized

the Arkansas National Guard and approved the deployment

of the 101st to protect the students.

The troops remained at Central High

for the remainder of the year,

but the black students continued to endure

physical and verbal assaults,

and it took until 1972 for all grades

of Little Rock public schools to finally be integrated.

Want to know what happened yesterday in military history?

Click right here.

Wanna know what happened tomorrow?

Make sure you subscribe.

For more infomation >> Central High School Integrated - 9/25/1957 - Duration: 1:15.


Yamaha PSR-6 Restore and Review - Duration: 13:36.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of 8-Bit Keys.

Today I'm going to be taking a look at this Yamaha PSR-6.

This was donated to me by Chris Lane back in June, and I'm just now getting a chance

to take a look at this thing.

It's really dirty.

So I'm going to, first thing I'm going to do is clean it up.

Probably going to have to disassemble it.

So, we'll get a chance to look at the inside.

And then we'll see what kind of music it's capable of producing.

Maybe I'll write something with it, so let's dig right in!

So, as you'd probably expect the first thing I'm going do with this thing is take it


This thing comes apart in a little bit of a weird way since there are several smaller

piece of the case that come off separately.

I'm curious to see the main board as the guy who sent this to me said it sounded like

a Yamaha DX-7.

Anyway, so here it is.

The main board looks pretty bare.

In fact, there's really only two chips on this board.

And one of them is the YM2413, which is a very low-end FM synthesizer chip.

So, I think that's going to rule out the DX-7 similarity.

OK, so I'm going to need to disconnect the battery compartment, to help separate this


Next, there's this ribbon cable that comes from the main board to the key mechanism.

I tried pulling this thing out, with no luck.

Next, I tried using some tools to see if I could find any plastic hooks that might be

holding on, but all I ended up doing was breaking the side off the connector.

Well, I've never seen a connector exactly like this, but whatever it is, it's not

coming out, at least without breaking something.

So I guess It's going to have to stay right there.

However, I think I can work around this problem, especially by removing a few more screws And

it will also help to desolder the speaker.

I've also never seen a speaker with a center ground wire like this.

That's really odd and I have no idea what it's purpose is.

It will also help to desolder these two ground wires.

OK, so leaving the ribbon cable connected, I turned it over and and I do have access

to this piece here, which is what keeps the keys held in place.

So I should be able to unscrew all of these screws, and remove the keys.

Unfortunately, I hit another snag.

Even with the screws removed, this piece does not want to come off.

It appears snapped in place, but when I tried to pry it out, I ended up cracking the plastic

in a few places, so apparently this was not meant to ever come apart again.

So, at this point, foiled by two irritating problems, I'm just going to clean the keys

right here where they are.

At least I can clean the entire length of the keys like this, without the bezel getting

in the way, but I still can't easily clean between the keys, which I always feel is a

requirement for a total restoration.

And, it won't really be possible to clean these areas, at least not easily, fortunately,

it won't be visible when it is reassembled.

On the bright side, you can see a huge difference between the keys I've cleaned and the ones

I haven't done yet.

Because I've only cleaned from here down.

OK, so the keys are, for the most part clean.

Now, I'm going to turn my attention to this board here.

I think this should be easy to remove.

And then I can clean those nasty switches on the other side.

So I'll start by removing these screws..

And there were quite a few holding that board down.

OK, so let's lift this thing off.

At this point, it's a good idea to take a still photo of how everything is positioned


I'll lift off these pads, and these are really dirty too.

It's also a good idea to take another photo of the arrangement of all of the colored buttons,

otherwise I won't remember where the different colors go when it's time to reassemble.

The proper way to do this is probably to remove each button one at a time, but I tried dumping

them out.

Which didn't work very elegantly.

Now we can get a look at these buttons and see that they need some cleaning.

But the main concern I have are these switches.

I need to remove these, that will make it easier to clean all of that gunk down in these

recessed areas.

These are usually just held on by friction, so you can pry them off with a screwdriver.

When I took the switches out, I noticed these tiny metal ball bearings and little springs

laying on the bench.

So I made sure to keep track of those for later.

All right, so I've done all of this disassembly mainly just to get to this point.

Using a jet of water like this is the best and easiest way to clean out all of the crevices

on this thing.

Drying it off, I can already see a massive difference.

By the way, I found the data code on the plastic.

It looks like this was made in September of 1988.

Time to clean these buttons.

And now it's time to see if I can re-assemble these switches.

I guess these little springs go in here, along with the ball bearing.

I believe these help to give the switch a feeling of different notches in the movement.

The trick is going to be to see if the ball will stay in place long enough to get the

switch seated.

Fortunately, its kind of greasy and so that helps hold the ball in place.

And here they are.

This looks so much better than it did earlier.

And the switches are moving perfectly.

Next I can start putting these buttons back in, fortunately I can reference the picture

I took earlier.

Also these pads could use a little help, so I'm just going to rinse them off in the

bathroom sink.

Yes, these look much better now.

These just lay right down and there are little pegs that hold them in place.

Well, I guess it's time to put the logic board back in place now.

Ok, it's all finished, let's have a look!

This looks almost like a different keyboard.

I can actually play this without cringing now!

So, let's plug in some power and turn it on!

Ok, so now I'm going to show you some of the sounds on this thing.

I'll start with the piano, but I'll warn you right now, even high-end FM keyboards

can't make a very realistic piano, so it goes without saying this one won't sound

that great.

It does help to turn on the sustain mode.


also like this flue plus harpsichord instrument.

It has several stringed instruments like the violin.

But all of them sound terrible.. except for number 43 which is strings.

It has several neat sound effects, I particularly like comet.

And babydoll.

All right, so the sounds on this keyboard are really not that great.

It's got a sound bank of 100 sounds, but to be honest I only find about 15 of those

sounds to be really usable.

And there really aren't any good lead instruments.

That was probably one of the biggest troubles I had when trying to create a song on here,

there's just no good lead instruments.

Also, It's got this annoying popping sound that you can hear.

It seems to be worse on some instruments than others and it's kind of random but you just

hear this popping noise when you play certain sounds.

And you're going to hear that in the song that I created here in a little bit because

I mean you can edit that out, but it's kind of a pain so you know I just thought for authenticity

sake, I'm just going to leave the popping sound in there.

But, if you think the hundred sounds it has on the sound bank sound familiar, well I thought

they sounded familiar too.

And I kept thinking to myself I've heard some of these sounds before, well it's from

the Yamaha PSS-270.

And I've actually done two videos on this keyboard in the past, so I'm not going to

go into a great amount of detail in how the YM2413 chip because this has the same chip

and I did a lot of that detail in that previous video.

But, these share the exact same chip.

In fact, if you look at the logic board on one you'll see the YM2413 and if you look

at the logic board on the other you'll see the same chip.

Now, at first I thought maybe the larger chips would also be the same because all of the

controls on the keyboards are the same.

But, the main chips are a little different.

And, that's probably because I noticed they have different demo tunes.

Now, also the PSS-270 is stereo, where this unit is mono.

Now, the synthesizer chip in both of these, of course is a mono synthesizer chip, but

what they're doing in this keyboard is there's just some analog electronics that are just

kind of wobbling the sound between the two speakers very quickly to kind of give it a

stereophonic sound, and there's a button here that you can either enable or disable

that feature.

So, really, I don't consider the stereo to be any big advantage to this keyboard over

that one.

Anyway, I would honestly, you know, on my toy meter, I would probably rank both of these

keyboards as just a hair over being a toy, because the sound quality is not that great,

you can see with the construction of the inside of these things that that they were designed

with cheapness in mind and not necessarily quality.

In fact, even though this is a really cool-looking keyboard and you know it's kind of big,

I honestly don't think it's all that much better than this square wave keyboard that

I have up here.

I mean, it's just one notch above a square wave keyboard.

But, nevertheless, even though I've already done a song on here before, that wasn't

actually one of my songs, so I thought wouldn't it be interesting to go ahead and take on

the challenge of creating a song myself on this keyboard, so, that's what I've done

and well, I'm going to let you here it.

All right, so I hope you liked that, it was quite challenging finding instruments on this

that would work for a reasonably good tune.

Also, I wanted to give you a little demonstration of the two different demo tunes between these

two keyboards.

Also, I forgot to mention this in the review I did on the PSS-270, but you can hold down

the right two keys during power up and it will go into a test mode.

At this point, all of the buttons on the keyboard will play music, presumably so they could

test them at the factory.

Interestingly enough, the PSR-6 does not do this.

Well, that about wraps it up for this episode.

I wanted to give you a little preview of what you're going to be seeing in the next episode.

Now, this definitely qualifies as a toy keyboard.

But it's kind of a very funny little device and I'm going to do some modifications on

it and see what kind of music I can make with this in the next episode.

So, stick around for that, and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Yamaha PSR-6 Restore and Review - Duration: 13:36.


Занятия с детьми | Занятия вместе с детьми | #УтроПонедельника - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Занятия с детьми | Занятия вместе с детьми | #УтроПонедельника - Duration: 2:16.


⛔👻 ▶ REAL TERROR AND FEAR, real 2017 horror videos, PARANORMAL PHENOMENA, Part 50 - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> ⛔👻 ▶ REAL TERROR AND FEAR, real 2017 horror videos, PARANORMAL PHENOMENA, Part 50 - Duration: 6:41.





FABIO LIONE DETONANDO NO KARAOKE - (EN/PT SUBBED) [Making of the New Album Pt. 15] - Duration: 16:54.

- Ah no... That was the other. - Yes!

There you can see the necessity of a phrase not in the middle of the voice.

In the middle of the voice it gets lost. That's ok. It's lost.

This time is the stick out moment.

The drums can be like Pantera's.

Yes, it can be.

Listen to it, Fabio. What do you think of it?

I am changing the heads of the drums.

Here we are with Jens Bogren.

Our producer from Sweden. Producing our new Angra album.

Now we are changing the heads and he will talk to you and I'll translate...

...What we are doing here.

This thing that he's using is that kind of tape we use in pipes.

In our house... that kind of... Whatever.

You got it.

Which heads are you using?

I'm using Evans G2 and Heavyweight on the bass drum.

And UV1 on the snare.

And maybe...

You're great!

Ah... that's good.

Can you hold it for me?

Can you hold it for me?

I can't see you holding this for me so I won't break the Tom.

Just here, look.

I'll take another head.

I think I am exaggerating on...

We are going further...

So, we're going to have lunch on the supermarket once more.

Our routine is to play, walk 15 blocks, go to the supermarket and buy food.

We can't eat in restaurants all the time.

We're waiting for the table tennis.

Ah, let me say something.

Today Bruno has just recorded the first drums track.

He is euphoric, he cannot control his emotion. He's in the studio now.

And we are here cheering and euphoric, as well.

Yes, too much euphoric.

I, personally, feel myself very euphoric.

Me too.

We are euphoric.

The Wizard.

Let's eat?

Let's go.

That special food from the market.

Or we could trick Bruno and have a hambuerger.

- Look. - Let me check it.

Send picture to him.

Send him a pic.

Man, I really don't get tired of feeling like I am a fan of the band.

Yesterday we finished the last song and recorded it.

A song that appeared in the last moments.

I talked about it on the video that goes to the social media.

Well, we finished the song.

And it's always an emotion when I am in studio with everybody there wearing its headphones.

We listen well to each other. There's the point to have a good ambience.

Good conditions of work.

And, I feel myself as a fan because I am there listening to everybody.

A great emotion comes. A great emotion of being expressing with my music,

I really have the privilege of working with what I love.

Play Metal.

Let's go... let's have lunch.

The good Salad Bar.

- It's good, uh? - Beautiful.


And now?

Now, he doesn't want to do anything else.

He destroyed the moment.

I'd record one more, but I lost my place.

What a fucking drums sound.


God damn it, Brunitão.

It's good. That's nice.

I am proud.

I am pround of you now.

Come and get it.

Don't study a lot, man.

- No.. I just have to study the "Piano Pro". - You have more for tomorrow.

You have to rest a lot. Eat well. Have you eaten well?

Yes, but not so much because it is late already.

You have to pilot the toms.

Yes because...

We won't listen all this dynamic.

That's gonna be more evident.

You don't know a Metal drummer that does this, do you?

- And then? - Hey.

Man, I am having a nice experience, I'd say.


I came here to have a pizza...

But I got in a Karaoke den.

It's a good one, by the way.

Fabio will sing a song.

- I am going to sing. - What are you singing?

Maybe an Island song.

Who never sang?


For more infomation >> FABIO LIONE DETONANDO NO KARAOKE - (EN/PT SUBBED) [Making of the New Album Pt. 15] - Duration: 16:54.


IT_Come riaprire le schede chiuse di recente in cromo google - Duration: 1:10.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will, talk about, How Can, I Restore, Closed Tabs, After,

Accidentally, Quitting, google Chrome. 3, different ways, to get, closed tabs. To reopen, the

most, recently, closed tab, in Chrome. Get it, back, by right clicking, in the tab bar.And, select, Reopen, closed tab, from the menu.

Or, by, clicking keyboards, shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+T.Here, is, how to, set that, Option,

permanently, in your, browser settings. Go to, and click, customize, and, control, google chrome.In, the upper,right corner.

Under sitting tab, select, on startup, Select, Continue, where, you, left off, option. Next time, when,

you restart, your browser. You will, notice, that, all the last, open tabs, will reopen.

Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe,

share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> IT_Come riaprire le schede chiuse di recente in cromo google - Duration: 1:10.


HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Осень разноцветная появилась в городе - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Осень разноцветная появилась в городе - Duration: 0:42.


Leandro Entrevista 01 - Como pensar em inglês - Gabriel Medeiros Pupo Ferreira - Duration: 27:38.

Primeiramente, muito obrigado pelo seu tempo

Tá frio lá fora

Você sabe que eu não gosto do frio de jeito nenhum

É prazer ter você aqui como meu aluno

Bem-vindo mais uma vez

Obrigado, professor.

Bom, eu prefiro o frio

Sim, eu sei que você gosta

Sim, eu prefiro

Bom, está um dia bom

Me sinto agradecido

Com certeza. Eu me lembro que eu até sugeri para você se mudar para Londres

porque eu acho que é mais o seu estilo, né?

Tipo, aquele tempo cinza

Isso. É um sonho. Um dia, quem sabe

É um sonho? Sério? Que show

Minha noiva e eu

estamos fazendo todas as coisas aqui no Brasil

sempre pensando em se mudar... Não sei... Londres

ou outro país

na europa, talvez

Talvez. Muito bom. Gabriel, vamos falar

sobre o seu processo de aprendizagem do inglês

Bom Gabriel, você me contou

você tem estudado inglês por 6 anos


O que foi, nesse período de tempo de 6 anos

tendo aulas regulares em escolas normais

Qual era o problema com essa situação?

Claro, você aprendeu alguma coisa

Mas, você se sentiu como "cara, não foi um bom negócio

Não é a melhor coisa do mundo

Então, qual foi o problema durante esse período?

For more infomation >> Leandro Entrevista 01 - Como pensar em inglês - Gabriel Medeiros Pupo Ferreira - Duration: 27:38.


Cómo Superar Los Nervios En Una Primera Cita | 30K Coaching | Ganar Confianza - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Cómo Superar Los Nervios En Una Primera Cita | 30K Coaching | Ganar Confianza - Duration: 3:21.


Emmerdale star admits she's a witch and cast a spell to find her husband - Duration: 3:34.

Emmerdale star admits she's a witch and cast a spell to find her husband

The actress, who plays Bernice Blackstock, is unlucky in love on the soap – but she made her own in real life.

Bernice has had romances with Ashley Thomas, Andy Sugden and Lawrence White, among others.

In reality, Samantha is married to Sean Pritchard and found him using a little bit of magic.

MAGIC: Samantha Giles practises Wicca.

UNLUCKY IN LOVE: Bernice is single in Emmerdale.

Samantha Giles Speaking on todays episode of Lorraine, she revealed she practised Wicca, a religion based on ancient witchcraft traditions.

She said: I cast a love spell before I met Sean to meet the right person – its not as bonkers as it sounds.

Lots of people are into manifesting.

A lot of people have read The Secret, its ritualising it and using all kids of things.

I use candles and crystals in the magic I do.

I wrote down exactly what I was after.

REVEALED: Samantha told Lorraine how she managed to attract her husband.

When I met Sean, I looked at it a few months later and he was exactly what I was looking for. In Emmerdale, Bernice ended up with a seriously dodgy tan when Daz Cooper accidentally botched the spray gun.

But he neednt worry about having a curse set on him, as Samantha only practises white magic.

She added: You cant do anything bad because it just comes back on yourself three fold..

COMEBACK: Gabby returns in tonights Emmerdale.

In tonights Emmerdale, Bernices daughter Gabby returns from Australia but finds out the memory cards with her dads videos on has been destroyed.

Samantha teased: Its the start of a lot of storylines coming off of here that weve got lined up for the autumn.

Shes starting the ball rolling, her coming back and finding out whats gone on with Arthur and the memory card. Lorraine airs weekdays at 8.30am on ITV.

For more infomation >> Emmerdale star admits she's a witch and cast a spell to find her husband - Duration: 3:34.


OptionPricingVolSurface - Duration: 13:09.

For more infomation >> OptionPricingVolSurface - Duration: 13:09.


Homekeepers - Dr. David Clarke, Christian Psychologist, Relationship Expert - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Dr. David Clarke, Christian Psychologist, Relationship Expert - Duration: 28:31.


Laying Out Content Blocks for Better Communication - Duration: 3:02.

Welcome to the Design Bites Series for Easelly!

In this tutorial, we're going to talk about laying out content blocks for better communication.

Layout will play an important role in your infographic designs.

Layout refers to the way elements are arranged on a page

when it comes to the placement of text, images, and style.

You can use content blocks in your layout to draw your audience

into your content, story, and overall message.

Differentiating your content blocks by color is a great way to differentiate

between a headline, body copy, or even steps in a process.

If you have a lot of information to share, content blocks differentiated by color

can provide a logical flow to your content and clarify information for your reader.

Let's walk through how you can create content blocks differentiated by color in Easelly's design tool!

I'm going to start off with a clear canvas and I'm going to resize my canvas to

a standard Letter Sized document - 8.5in x 11in.

You can resize your canvas for your own needs.

You can leave your background white or you can change the color of your background to match your color scheme.

I'm going to work with an adjacent color scheme for demonstration purposes.

Adjacent color schemes (also known as analogous color schemes)

use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.

Next, I'm going to select a rectangular shape and drag it onto my canvas.

I'll then need to resize the shape on my canvas.

I'm going to repeat this step a few times down my page and change the color of each block.

As a tip, use the clone button to recreate your shape

and then just change the color of the shape you cloned

and arrange it on your canvas.

You'll also want to decide if you want your blocks to bleed off your canvas

or if you want to leave a margin.

Another design choice to consider is if you want your blocks to touch

or if you want space in between.

Once you have your blocks in place,

you can lock them in place so they don't move

as you add other elements on your canvas.

You can always unlock and resize the blocks

once you start to work in your text and graphics.

I used actual "blocks" to create our content blocks

in our sample layout, but you can use any shape!

Try using circles, triangles, or squares or a combination of shapes.

They can also move from left to right instead of top to bottom.

The design choice is yours!

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