Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

So Copyright Laws are really confusing and

Since I am a greedy person who wants to monetize all my videos.

You're just gonna have to use your imagination?

You can hear the music can't ya? Can't ya?

Try harder

Alright let's talk about French Music

I remember way back when in the olden days

Before YouTube existed

I'm old enough for that, That's sad. Ugh

I would search the internet for French music and It was so much harder back then

So much harder

Now of course it's easier to find things cuz you Just go to nifty YouTube.

You lucky Jerks

However I'm not going to let this stop me from sharing my favorite French Songs with you

So here are 10 french songs that I love and They are in no particular order! Let's go

Mika Elle Me Dit.

She told me. This song is about an overbearing mother

It's a Great song and it has such an upbeat chorus. That it's really fun and amusing and

The Lyrics are Really Amusing

Amir - J'ai Cherche

I looked. So this artist was in the voice and

Represented France in the

2016 Eurovision song contest which I know you all know about

Unless you live in America

It's epic It's epic

There Will be a video about It someday

The chorus is in english which makes It a lot easier for me to sing with

It's a very inspirational and uplifting song and

I like the video because it sort of touches on gender stereotypes

Vianney - Les Filles D'Aujourd'Hui

The girls of today

This is a very beautiful duet and ballad and it's just overall it's a very cute and

Pretty Song. It's about how love has changed from

modern times to way back when. It's a good listen. T

his One's a Very Tricky title for me it's

Les Maudits Mots D'Amour. I have no idea what that means either.

Anyway every year in france there's a big musical and this song comes from the Le Rouge et Le noir which is a book

It's a Classic French novel. It's about a young man who tries to rise up through the ranks in society

Needless to say there are a lot of songs from this musical and all of them are

stunning. However this song has the entire cast and it is my favorite.

Kids United On Ecrit Sur Les Murs

This Is a children's group that was created to support Unicef

It's a beautiful song that has a very good and uplifting message and

The Children are incredible singers! Their first album went gold and then their Second Album

went double platinum. So they are definitely worth Checking out

Ta l- Are We Awake

This song I heard for the first time for the opening of The tour de France

She is an incredible Dancer and

She can sing in french and in english and i love all her songs but this one is my favorite

It's great! I love her Just

I love her!

Indila - Tourner Dans Le Vide

Turn Into the void

This song Is very haunting and beautiful

She has a very distinct voice and

I'm not sure that she can even really be compared to any English Singer if I were though I would say

Sort of like Adele but not really. All her songs are incredible, and i love them, but this one's my favorite

Because it's a fairytale princess themed video

and who doesn't want to pretend to be a princess?

I want too!

Black M Sur Ma Route

I love this song 90% because of the video the video Is a parody of other popular movies

It's a Good song too

But The video is really awesome so if nothing else check out this video

Because I just, it's great I love it

But the song is it's very upbeat it's very catchy and

you're gonna be singing it in your head and then you'll be cursing me, saying

Why Kathryn Why

You're welcome

Stromae - Papaoutai

So for the longest time

I did not get this reference

Because I speak french as a 2nd language but papaoutai is a play on words

for Papa ou est toi,

Which translates to papa where are you?

and that's essentially the whole premise of the song is talking about an absentee father

Stromae is extra special because he's Belgian. so we have to give him extra love and support

you can ignore all the other songs but not his

One of the things that I really appreciate from this artist is that he is a rapper

but he

Dictates and really pronunciate his words

So I actually understand like everything that is being said in the song

which when it comes to French rap doesn't always happen

so if you are studying French this is a good song to listen to

because it's easy to understand

and that counts a studying!

It does!

Keen'v I don't know

Rien Qu'Une Fois

This song is about a guy asking a Girl out saying just come out with me just once to see what happens and

His Voice Is so

so pretty and so sexy

And It just, it's the most adorable and sweet a song I've ever heard.

and you should listen and try it out

So these are 10 of My favourite french songs

and for your convenience I have listed the links to the videos for you in the links below.

so that you can go watch them after you watch this video


And If you're a student who's learning French this definitely would count a studying

It Would

so what do you think of my list? Are there any songs that you would add?

Tell me in the comments below

and as always subscribe to stalk me follow me on twitter

and I will see you guys tomorrow

Tot ziens mijn appelsiens

For more infomation >> My Top 10 Favorite French Songs - Duration: 6:29.


Learn Colors For Toddlers Kids Learning Videos Color Learning with Bikes Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 6:25.

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

26 letters from A to Z

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...



Three Little Numbers...



Six Little Numbers…



Nine Little Numbers…



Ten little numbers…

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

ten little numbers...

ten little numbers...

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors For Toddlers Kids Learning Videos Color Learning with Bikes Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 6:25.


কাজললতা থেকে কেন বাদ পড়লেন অন্বেষা, কী বললেন অভিনেত্রী Colors Bangla serial Kajal Lata - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> কাজললতা থেকে কেন বাদ পড়লেন অন্বেষা, কী বললেন অভিনেত্রী Colors Bangla serial Kajal Lata - Duration: 3:18.


Pros and Cons Of YouTube Monetization - Duration: 5:36.

For millions of youtubers creating videos is not just a creative outlet but

a source of income the easiest and most popular method of generating revenue

from YouTube videos is to monetize them with Adsense ads in this video I'll

discuss the pros and cons of YouTube monetization using Adsense you can then

decide for yourself if it's worth it or not

hello my name is herman drost from if you want to grow

your audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on

autopilot hit the subscribe button or hit the bell notification icon. S o what

is YouTube monetization? This is the ability to generate revenue from your

YouTube channel but it's displaying Adsense ads on your videos when people view your

videos YouTube shares some of the revenue with you 55 percent goes to the

channel owner and 45 percent goes to YouTube. Pros of YouTube monetization

no.1 generate passive income online after you've reached 10,000 public views

on your channel and connected a YouTube channel to your adsense account you'll

be able to generate a passive income online by displaying Adsense ads on your

videos after you get it all set up the income will be generated automatically

number 2 content flexibility you can pretty much monetize any Content you

want as long as the content meets YouTube's Terms of Service number 3 easy

to implement after you've connected your YouTube account to your adsense account

and enabled monetization on your channel you can begin to display Adsense ads on

your channel right away number 4 consistent revenue even though Adsense

only generates a small amount of revenue from your channel it's very consistent

as you upload more videos and generate more views on your channel your revenue

will increase number 5 pays on time Adsense which is owned and operated by

Google is a billion dollar company my experience so far after monetizing my

channel for several years is that they pay on time like clockwork

number 6 view performance reports if you log in to your adsense account at you'll be able to view your estimated

earnings your balance the countries that generate the most revenue and

optimization which is connected with Google Analytics number 7 revenue grows

with each new upload as views increase across the videos on your channel so

does your revenue number 8 no costs involved it doesn't cost anything to set

up an adsense account and connect it with your YouTube account the only

costs involved is the time to generate 10,000 views to monetize your channel

and the continuous time to upload new videos with engaging content number nine

no expertise required Adsense revenue is available to everyone regardless of

their skill set it only takes a few minutes to connect your YouTube account

to your adsense account and enable monetization on your videos click the

card icon to watch my video on how to increase Adsense revenue on your YouTube

channel. Cons of YouTube monetization number one not easy to get approved

YouTube now requires 10,000 public channel views to monetize your channel

Click the card icon to learn how to get 10,000 views fast number 2 not all

videos are suitable for advertising sometimes one of your videos will

receive a notification that they're not suitable for advertising this might

upset you initially but I find that if you request a review often monetization

will be reactivated for that video number 3 YouTube could terminate your

YouTube account a copyright strike on one of your videos will prevent ads from

being displayed on it if your appeal fails you won't be able to run ads on

that video anymore if you receive 3 strikes on your channel it will be

terminated this means you'll lose the ability to generate revenue from Adsense

from your YouTube channel number 4 Revenue fluctuates throughout the year I've

discovered that your revenue drops in the summer then picks up again in the

last quarter of the year of course this depends on your niche number 5 ad

blockers prevent your ads from being displayed if many people use ad blockers

while watching your videos it will decrease the amount of revenue you can

make from advertising on your channel number 6 don't get paid until you earn

$100 this sucks if you have a small channel and you're relying on Adsense

revenue to pay some of your bills YouTube will only send you a check after

you've earned $100 number 7 lower revenue on mobile mobile devices have

less screen space to display ads than desktop devices therefore they're less

effective and generate less revenue number 8 difficult to make good money

you need to generate millions of views from the videos on your channel to make

small amounts of money if you have a small channel it's going to take a long

time to generate a lot of revenue from adsense ads number 9 no control over the

types of ads that appear on your videos YouTube belongs to Google

a multi-billion dollar company therefore they decide what types of ads to display

on your videos number 10 displaying ads on your videos

may turn off some viewers some viewers get turned off when an ad is displayed

before the video that they want to watch

they might abandon your video instead of watching it skippable ads generate the

highest revenue compared to non skippable ads which have a high abandonment rate

because you can't turn them off monetization with Adsense is profitable

for some youtubers but not for others it depends on your revenue aspirations the

type of content you create and the kind of visitors you get if you want to learn

alternative ways to make money on YouTube without displaying Adsense ads

on your videos click the card icon you'll discover 21 monetization

alternatives to Adsense let me ask you an important question how are you

currently generating revenue from your YouTube channel post your answer in the

comments below I'd love to read them and I'm sure others would too if you want to

learn how to grow your audience on YouTube and generate views and

subscribers on autopilot click the subscribe button below and check out the

related videos I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Pros and Cons Of YouTube Monetization - Duration: 5:36.


Il banco dei pugni - Munti i pietà ||PARODIA SICILIANA|| - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Il banco dei pugni - Munti i pietà ||PARODIA SICILIANA|| - Duration: 4:29.


Are You A Powerful Starseed In A World You Don't Belong Here Are - Duration: 6:11.

Are You A Powerful Starseed In A World You Don�t


Here Are 20 Signs You Very Well May Be

Who Are The Starseeds and Why Are They Here?

A Starseed is a human who exists on earth in the present.

However, while starseeds are definitely �human� by birth and DNA, their soul origins lie outside

of the earth plane.

Starseeds originate from many different higher or alternate dimensions, parallel universes,

star systems, planets, galaxies, and planes of existence.

Really, we�re all made of star stuff�

As the well-known astrophysicist, Carl Sagan said �The Cosmos is within us.

We are made of starstuff.

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in

our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars.�

Here are 20 Signs You Very Well May Be a Starseed� Keep in mind, this is just a start.

Do you feel like you�re from another dimension or another planet?

This is one of the top signs you are a Starseed!

As you open your heart, raise your vibration, and reconnect with who you authentically are

in the present moment, as a result, more of the truth about your origin will come to light

as well� One step at a time.

20 Signs You May Be A Starseed:


You didn�t fit in as a child and felt far different from other kids.

You may have been advanced as a child in some way like talking, walking or reading much

earlier than your peers.


You have a strong feeling of wanting to go home, and have a feeling sense of what this

�home� is like, even if you can�t put it into words.


You�ve had strong psychic and paranormal experiences as a child, which continue into

the present.

Seeing spirits, seeing past the illusion, into the future or beyond the lines of time,having

prophetic reams, seeing a UFO or having an alien encounter are all somewhat �normal�

experiences for starseeds.


You�re highly sensitive (sometimes to what seems a fault).


You�re strongly empathic and can feel the emotions of others, and possibly hear their

thoughts allowing you to easily read people.


Communication may seem slow and sometimes painful for you when you already know what

the other person is going to say sometimes before they even do.


You have a deep inner wisdom, and you feel timeless� Maybe you�ve even had dreams

or memories of off planet past lives and experiences in totally different dimensions and ways of



You have a strong sense of your personal mission, even if you don�t know what it is yet you

have the burning desire or feeling that you�re meant to do something big.


You have intense and vivid dreams that often take place in places and times which are off


Some of these dreams are so vivid they seem more real than reality.


Small children and babies seem to fascinated by you, like they�re able to see your uniqueness

and your bright light.


You have a deep connection with nature, with plants, animals and the physical elements

and you seem to be able to communicate with them on a level.


You don�t fit in with society� Others consider you to be strange, weird or different

and may be somewhat wary of you.


You may not have many friends, and those who you do connect with you seem to have a deep

and complex relationship which spans time and space.


You may even feel alienated by your parents and immediate family, like they just don�t

get you, and you don�t get them.

You may have even wondered at times if you were adopted.


You�re very aware of energy and how the energy of others can affect you.


You�ve likely created energetic protection techniques to be able to handle being around

others, and even still large crowds or busy places can energetically overwhelm you.


You have natural psychic gifts and channeling or energy healing abilities.


You have a deep understanding of the greater workings of the universe, and of the Divine

which comes from within you.


You know you are starseed, and your true origin is not as a human.

You may even know of a planet, or galaxy in which you�ve spent most of your time.


You know you�re here from the stars to serve humanity, and earth in reaching the higher

dimensions, and you are actively taking steps to remember more of your souls truth, and

to accomplish your purpose as a star being.

You know that you�re more than just a physical being, and that your true essence is as a

spiritual light being.

Whether you resonate with being a starseed or not, you are a spiritual being in physical

form with a unique mission and purpose.

Starseeds aren�t any more or less special than anyone else, we are all created from

the same source and right here and now is your time to shine.

Take the time to meditate, connect with your higher self and uncover for yourself your

truth and origin.

Whatever your past and parallel experiences may be, you�re here in the physical now

for a reason.

Through your awakening, whether you are a starseed or not, you are able to help humanity

to reach a higher understanding.

For more infomation >> Are You A Powerful Starseed In A World You Don't Belong Here Are - Duration: 6:11.


Medical Monday 'Buchu' 25/9/2017 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Medical Monday 'Buchu' 25/9/2017 - Duration: 1:01.


VOLCÁN DE QUESO FUNDIDO: Hamburguesa casera rellena - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> VOLCÁN DE QUESO FUNDIDO: Hamburguesa casera rellena - Duration: 2:35.


Пасхалки в Agents of Mayhem [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> Пасхалки в Agents of Mayhem [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 10:51.



Hi guys! "We are back", and do you know what I've been thinking about?

That this plant looks like Sp4zies hair.

-But green. -Yes.

This is nice.

But I would like to change it a little, can I just...

I look more like this.

With the bangs.

-Be careful... -Yes okay, sorry.

-Should we do a Q&A? -Yes, let's do a "Qnu and A", oh!


You sounded like someone from Gotland.

-But then we'll need a bucket. -Yes!

I've got it!

Ouch, you hit my arm.

Oh, sorry. It wasn't me, it was the ghost.

-Okay, first question... -Yes.

"Describe the other person with three words"

-Okay, you can start. -Okay.

-Word number 1... -Yes.



Word number 2...


Word number 3...

"Khoda hafez"

Are you serious? I thought that you would say something nice.

I would say that you're...



...and have pretty eyes.

-Yeeeees! -Yeeeees!

Positive attitude.

Okay, next question...

"Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?"

Oh, that's a hard one.

I think I'm a Johnny Depp type of man.

The thing is...

-Both are very good actors. -Correct.

-Both are very handsome. -Correct.

Johnny Depp is always wacky, when he ensters you know what you get...

But I don't agree. I think Johnny Depp can play all characters.

Ahh! This is so hard.

-I can take a nap while you're thinking. -No but...

Both are very charming, both are veryc mystical...

-I can't pick one. -Okay, let's take next question.

"What's does the perfect hamburger contain?"

Okay, oh... Okay.

Here we go


A tasty dressing.


A lot of cheese.

Onion, hopefully fried.

A slice of tomato, and then bun.

Is it even possible to eat this gigantic burger?

But that's not so much.

It's just... It's...

Yes you can eat it!


Medium rare meat...

Some hot sauce...

Tomato, of course...

Avocado, jalapeños, some lettuce... Did I say lettuce?

Now it feels like you're doing like you did in the pizza-episode.

Did I say lettuce?

"Then I pick that one, then I pick that one..."

-He loved mine. -Yes, he thought it was great.

Yes, he did.

-That sound. -This was nice.

It's so much on it.

-Should we pick the last question? -Yes.

Do you want to take it?

Good choise.


Teach Sp4zie to say something funny in Persian"

We've already done that. "Khoda hafez".

We start with "Khoda hafez". -Is it with "Kh"? "Khoda hafez"

-That means good...bye? Hi? -Goodbye.


-I can teach you "tasty". "That's tasty". -Yes, that's a good one.


"Khosh Mazas"

"Khosh Mazas"

"Khosh Mazas"

"Khosh"...No... ""Khosh"...

Not "Khoshhh..."

It's ""Khosh..."

"Khosh", like in...

"Khosh... Mazas"

"Khosh Mazas"

Lose your mouth... relax.

"Khosh Mazaaas"

No, not...

-"Khosh..." -"Khosh..."

-"Ma-zas" -"Ma-zas"

Say it again...

"Khosh Mazas"

It's like "massage" but you say "Mazas"

Would you like some "mazas" Athena?

"Khosh Mazas"

"Khosh massage"

-Oh god, you've ruined the word. -Sorry.

-I'll never be able to say "Khosh Mazas" again... -It's not my fault, it's whoever that sent in that question...

Now I will think about massage every time I say "Khosh Mazas".

Thanks for watching another Q&A-episdeo with me and "Spuzie".

-I was here too. -Yes, you were here too.

-You did a good job. -Thanks.

You did also a good job with sending us questions. Keep doing it.

Right in the comment section, it could be anything.

-And don't forget to subscribe. -No. Don't forget to subscribe.

And don't forget to watch all our Bucketlist-episodes that airs every Thursday at 3pm.

And you need to learn some Persian.


No, not "Massage".

-"Khoda hafez". -"Khoda hafez Mazas".

"Khosh Mazas"

"Khosh dafez zas".

Oh god, I give up. I can't take it anymore.

-Oh. -"Khofes..."

For more infomation >> SP4ZIE & ATHENA SVARAR - DEN PERFEKTA HAMBURGAREN?| #AskCokeTV - Duration: 4:18.


Games2rule G2R - Finding Big Emerald Stone Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 6:26.

Games2rule G2R - Finding Big Emerald Stone

For more infomation >> Games2rule G2R - Finding Big Emerald Stone Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 6:26.


Zeb89 manda AFFANC**O YOUTUBE FA CAGARE [YTP] - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Zeb89 manda AFFANC**O YOUTUBE FA CAGARE [YTP] - Duration: 1:18.


YouTube Creators For Change: Contagious | Episode 1 - Duration: 3:05.

Salam to you all

finally I decided to upload my first youtube video

for those who don't know me

my name is Ula, i'm 20 years old

I study engineering

Salam to you all

finally, i decided to upload a video

my first video on youtube

Salam to you all

and finally i decided to upload my first youtube video

for those who don't know me, my name is Ula

I'm 20 years old and I study engineering

in my channel

I want to discuss different topics

some social issues that we face

and some ideas and advice you can apply in your studies

and in the end, share your thoughts in the comments

Your comments are important to me

don't forget to like and subscribe

and see you in the next video! byeeeeeee

I just uploaded my first youtube video

swipe up to watch it

"first like"

"its good to see a girl talking about new topics"

"you light up"

"I like the videography"

"work on something new, something that will make one want to subscribe and hear what you have to say"

you deserve a like

"work on something new, something that will make one want to subscribe and hear what you have to say"

I feel sorry for the people who look at you, I don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror


For more infomation >> YouTube Creators For Change: Contagious | Episode 1 - Duration: 3:05.


Amazing Energies Sweeping The Globe - Duration: 6:30.

Amazing Energies Sweeping The Globe

Amazing energies continue to sweep across the globe, despite what many are feeling or

saying to the contrary.

Reaching that place of balance really does allow us to feel the wafts of new from afar,

as well as the fading of the old.

Certainly, we are all trying to figure out what is happening or likely to happen, an

age old ego thing you know!

Human consciousness cannot help but think about all the outcomes, possibilities, scenarios�ah

stop stop stop!!

Let us remember that we all have incredible power bubbling away on the inside.

Whether it be the brain or heart they are at our disposal, yet so few can grasp its

true ability.

Mentioning what we are experiencing to the outside world would lead to a few labels being

applied to our state of mind.

But surely this is the clarity we have all been searching for throughout our lives.

Our inner desire and soul drive to share our truth, to become authentic and raw.

As we ascend, there are many who are struggling yet again, with facing their shadow self or

are reverting to old patterns.

This is an indication there is still some work to do on the inside or some things that

are best let go of.

We shall remember that the person we are today, is not the same as yesterday or ever before.

Our soul is finally beginning to take the lead forward, much to the distaste of the


If you are at a point of having issues, or inner turmoil, this is the time to really

focus on self.

Despite our lives, as is often the case, time is precious; we tend to give most of it to

others, along with our energy too!

This is a cycle that is often the most difficult to break because of our living situation.

This cycle is contentious because of all the programming and templating, the expectations,

the obligations etc.

The most challenging aspect is to give the necessary time to ourselves, in all things

we do.

Whilst it may be relatively straight forward to say today, putting it into practice, for

many, takes a few attempts.

The Psyche!

Retraining the stubborn psyche is a tremendous task, and requires real help and an investment

of time, so how do we make time?

It is really quite straightforward indeed, stop scheduling and making plans.

Take each day as it comes, and turn off the gadgets!!

When we are putting everything and everyone before our self we are selling ourselves short.

And when we really begin to think about it, how many take advantage of, or get used to

us running around for them?

Dancing the Fandango is one great performance, but what happens when the music stops?

What prevents us from saying no, or claiming our own power?

In most cases, this is fear based, and a sticking point in our lives.

So, you see, in all of this, each and every one of us holds the key, the lock and the

door to our future.

When we see others moving forward with their lives we can become despondent or lose faith

� this is normal, but how we transcend that is crucial.

Let�s really make a decision to make a living plan for the next 7 days of our lives, putting

our self first.

If that means telling friends, family, and colleagues this in advance do so; make your

assertion and begin to claim back what is rightfully yours.

How can we expect to shift anything if we are stuck doing the same old things?

The moment we make a decision, we send a message and one that shifts, especially if it is the

opposite to our normal routine!

Let�s not make it so difficult, this is back to basics stuff � are you brave enough

to do that?

Your desires for change are all in your hands now, where and what you do is your responsibility.

There can be no blaming or assigning responsibility to others, it is yours.

What ever your hearts desire in the current mindset is, how much do you desire it?

This is always the challenge for the human mind, as it finds a reason not to do something.

We really wish to find all the reasons to do it.

Love Stories!

When we look at all the love stories that have ever been written, they always touch

our hearts in a big way.

In effect they are a fantasy, aren�t they?

But love is and always will be the most powerful energy we possess.

With possession of love within, we become in balance, as well as access to the power

of alchemy, and that is when our true inner abilities begin to show themselves.

The happily ever after, for ever and always, is what each of us seeks, so what do we do

to achieve it.

Follow a great love story script, and enact it in our day to day lives.

At the end of the story, one of the parties has to make a sacrifice, or overcome the biggest

hurdles � all of them is fear.

So you see, we can dance the fandango all our lives and be in these never ending circles.

Alternatively, we can stand on the dance floor and choose what ever dance we want to perform

on our own.

Be sure, someone else will want to join that performance one day, to dance with you.

Then you will create your own tango of love and live happily ever after!

So you see, you are the answer, and it is all in your hands from here on!

I certainly look forward to the tango of love one day, and I know the steps I need to make

to achieve that!

Watch this space, but don�t delay your own journey to love of self!

If you require a guide to assist you on your journey I offer programs and sessions on a

one-to-one basis.

Alternatively you can purchase my book, which is a useful guide to self love fro only three


For more infomation >> Amazing Energies Sweeping The Globe - Duration: 6:30.


Motos & Motards | ROAD RAGE | FRANCAIS - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Motos & Motards | ROAD RAGE | FRANCAIS - Duration: 10:54.


SPIN OR OFFER?! | Growtopia - Duration: 12:24.

How is it going man?

It is Fruizi here!

And welcome to a new

really intense game in Growtopia

where I will pull a random guy

and that guy will have to choose

if he takes my offer of some amount of World locks

or if he gonna roll the dice block

and yeah let's move on

For more infomation >> SPIN OR OFFER?! | Growtopia - Duration: 12:24.


YouTube Creators For Change : ItsRadishTime | How to Organize Ep. 1 - Duration: 17:48.

Hi friends.

A couple months ago i got an email in my inbox inviting me to be a youtube creators for change



Like, I love what we do here on this channel, telling stories about how we see the world,

and how we want to make it better but I was kind of surprised.

Do we--you and me--here in these videos.

_really_ create change?

Well, yeah actually.

Here's the thing.

Since the election here in the US, a lot of people myself included are seeing how hate

speech and extremism and xenophobia are showing up in our everyday lives.

If they affect us personally, they're really scary.

And if they don't we feel like, Maybe I don't have any power to fix it.

I want to create change, but I'm just me.

I'm not strong enough to do this by myself.

So that's why I talked to one of the strongest women I know.

Jess Morales Rocketto is a friend and a mentor and incredible activist.

She's done things like help to elect president Obama, she's fought for workers to get fair

wages, she's fought for immigrant rights, she's helped organize the protests that

happened in airports across the US in the wake of the ban on people from muslim countries

entering the us.

If anyone knows how to make things change, it's Jess.

Let's go meet her.

THB: So, Jess, who are you and what do you do

JMR: I'm Jess Morales Rocketto.

I like to say that I'm a digital community organizer which is a fancy way of saying that

I help recruit and connect people to causes that they care about but I mostly do it online

THB: Cool. so if I'd never heard of organizing, what is organizing?

JMR: I've been thinking about that a lot lately because I think that I think that right

now like in 2017 Trump era, it can feel sort of like, people I always hear from people

like "I really want to do something."

and organizing is the answer to what you would do.

THB: yeah JMR: people are like I want to help like what

they really mean is I want to organize.

I just don't know about organizing yet, and part of what we do in organizing is try to

figure out how to change the things that we don't like, or maybe it's not even about not

liking them it's just like "I know that things could be better."

And organizing is saying "I'm going to accept responsibility to make things better.

Okay, alright, I am familiar with this feeling because I once thought that I was going to

make things better.

All the things.

The whole thing.

In it's entirety.

To start I was going to become president.

Immediately stop all the wars and divert all military spending to education and food and

housing for the poor.

Things, better, right?

So in 8th grade i decided to run in my middle school mock election.

I started a blog about my experiences, I prepped for the debates, and...i quickly figured out

that it's more complicated than that.

JMR: Like, our government is complicated. and that's at the federal level, but it also

it's exciting sometimes especially complicated.

when it gets down to like, "something in my town and it seems not right or my school.

So yeah one for me it means okay have to find a solution to the problem and in two I think

it means I have to enlist other people to be part of fixing it.

I think that in school folks make you feel like Rosa Parks like went to the back of the

bus and then she like that was it.

but like that's a lie.

I mean she was amazing and courageous and like all power to Rosa She was part of a strategy

that was about the Montgomery bus boycott and so there was her and then there was a

lot of other people who were taking lots of different types of action.

So it isn't like one person there's always somebody behind that one person there's usually

a lot of somebody's behind that one person.

So that's why you have to enlist people you have to say like come on.

Oh right...that feeling that you're just one person?

Well, yeah you are just one person, of course you can't fix everything all by yourself.

That's why I couldn't even win an 8th grade election on my own.

But, Jess explained to me that that's what organizing is for.

It's so you don't have to do things all by yourself.

And so that you you don't have to do everything.

Maybe you just start with one, small achievable thing.

JMR: I think like, if you're, like, our age: Like, I'm used to like my food coming when

I order it, and my groceries coming two hours after I order them -- I didn't have to leave

my house -- and like being able to buy anything I want, you know, like, on the internet and

then it'll come to me, hopefully with two day flash shipping, my god.

[00:15:00:00] So I think that it's hard to be like: yeah in five years we might make

some kind of incremental progress that maybe you never see.

So I also think it's really important to think about what is impact that you want to make

as a person.

Maybe you should be slightly more realistic than full equality for women, like, that,

I mean I don't want to discourage anyone from that, like, that'd be great.

THB: yeah JMR: But it takes a lot of people do that,

one person can't do that on their own.

So maybe the answer is just like at your school or at your job you, like, want dudes to stop

interrupting you.

Like, that, if a dude heard, like, you can't be interrupted and then he stopped doing that,

like that actually is progress.

What I didn't understand was that even a small fight isn't one you take on alone.

To change your office culture you might need to talk to all the women in your office.

To win a school election you might gather up your friends to help you.

If you can grab a couple of people you can get started.

Jess has even turned to her friends, who turned to their friends, who turned into thousands

of people protesting at airports.

JMR: I recently organized, helped organize Airport protests all around the country.

So when there was a Muslim travel ban and people went to the airports to protest it

I helped make those happen.

It was amazing.

And people, I was like doing it over Twitter.

And people would DM me and they were those how do I start a protest and the first thing

I said to them was "go pick up some friends," "get your car and go to your friend's


And i would just think like you know I like doing most things with my friends: I like

going to eat Ice Cream with my friends, I like binge watching TV shows with my friends,

like, and I also like organizing with my friends.

[00:07:44:06] It's easier to do when you're not alone there's more people to do the work

yeah but also like sort of two heads are better than one like.

If you're trying to figure out a solution for probably a fairly complex problem you

probably need some other folks with you

Cool cool stronger together, safety in numbers.

Let's get a bunch of people together and we'll win.


Not...exactly true, see the thing Jess taught me is that organizing is also a game of stamina.

It's not patiences, its perseverance.

You've gotta be prepared to lose some battles in the fight for progress.

You've gotta be ready to organize for the long haul.

JMR: I've been doing this for ten years, and you got to keep going.

[00:15:00:00] yeah, I think you have to organize differently around those long term things.

Um it takes a long time.

I think about this in relation to women's equality.

So people always are like oh like the 60s people burn their bras, but like actually

no, like, in the early 1900s that is when that fight started and not even, like, even

before that.

[00:13:00:00] Like the progress that we have as women has happened because people have

been fighting for literally 100 years, or more.

THB: Yeah.

JMR: So I think when I put it in the context of a century, I'm like "okay so, there's

like room to go."

But we have, like, come a really long way.

Especially the woman of color, I think about that a lot, like I'm latina and my grandfather

worked as a migrant farmer and my grandmother worked at home because there really wasn't

another job for her except maybe being a maid.

And my other side my grandmother was a maid, and now I've worked for, you know, a president,

the first black president, you know, and one of America's like premier stateswomen who

ran for to try to be the first woman president, twice.

And like that was in two generations.

[LIGHT FLICKER] I'll repeat: that was in two generations.

So, that feels like a short amount of time to me, because, like, I know my grandfather.

THB: Yeah JMR [00:14:00:00]: Right, and so then I think

about, like, okay in two more generations – so my daughter's daughter, look what

could that be?

Like, well, she can probably be the president.

So it's going to take a long time to create big big change.

And what's even more frustrating is that not everyone's going to be on your team.

One of my entries after that 8th grade debate was this.

"One of the girls on the other side kept telling all the other kids that all minorities

are poor and not educated enough to vote.

Being a minority in a mostly white school I was really upset and this girl doesn't

even see why.

That was my first taste of realizing that when you want to make change, Not everyone's

going to like you.

not everyone will agree with you.

In fact, they may disagree with you loudly.

They can say really nasty things, and even get violent.

But according to Jess, that's reason enough to keep going.

JMR: like, those folks to me are people that we just, like, haven't persuaded yet.

We haven't activated yet.

And like I don't, I believe that 100% of people can be a part of whatever you're trying to


And so I use them like a little bit of a temperature check, like, "oh okay, well we're not done


I think about this woman Dolores Huerta, who is the founder of The United Farm Workers

and she always says like you know "you can't be a good girl."

And that like when we're growing up people tell us "don't get your dress dirty" and

like "be nice" and like "sugar and spice"-type stuff.

THB: Yeah JMR: And like, fuck that.

And I think that that has really helped me when I'm a little bit discouraged, like there's

a woman who worked [00:17:00:00] as a picking in the field, like picking your food in the

fields, and she organized people.

And she's been doing this since she was my age, and she's still doing it at like eighty,

ninety maybe even.

And, like, she is both, like gets up every morning and like fights for equality -- the

things she's been getting up every morning and doing for really long time and like has

been discouraged and just like hasn't let that stop her.

We're not gonna let it stop us either Jess.

And here's why.

I asked Jess to tell me a story of a time when all the work, all the losses, all the

disappointments were worth it.

A time when she actually got to see the outcome she'd been working for happen.

JMR: I was coming home from brunch and when I saw that the first airport protest had happened

at JFK Airport.

And if you're not in New Yorker its like probably hard to understand, like nobody goes to JFK.

Like you avoid JFK like at all costs.

So the idea that New Yorkers would just spontaneously go to JFK Airport, was like woah, yeah, like,

that's a thing.

This is like wow. [00:19:00:00] And then I literally um got

an email from a friend who was like "hey we think there are protests at other places"

she was at the JFK protest and she said "we think they're other protests in other places

can someone look on twitter and see, is there other protests."

And I was like looking at it on my phone, I was like well: "I hope somebody does that."

THB: yeah JMR: "It'd be really good if somebody did


And I think sometimes that's what happens like a lot is like "I hope somebody does

that," but the answer is like: You should do it.

THB: Yeah, yeah JMR: You're the person.

And so like my guilt kinda gnawed at me.

So at first I was like well, I hope somebody does that and I close my phone.

And then I was like, uh I'm the somebody.

It's me.

So then I wikipedia'd what are the 20 airports that are, that get the most international

flights every day and I found the top 20 airports I was like okay that's our targets.

THB: Awesome.

JMR: Thanks Wikipedia!

And, you know, I'm an organizer for a living, so I sorta like knew a little bit more than

the average bear, but like I've never planned protests at airports before – I'm not even

really a protest planner to be totally honest.

So, I had to Wikipedia it.

And it that was, there was like 20 airports and I was like okay well we need protesters

in, like, these places, if you're in these places.

And then I started calling friends who are living in those places.

And I started tagging them on Facebook and tweeting at them.

And then they started tagging their friends and tweeting at them.

And, you know, it kind of took on a life of its own.

And then some group started planning their own protest.

there's a schoolteacher in St. Louis and she twitter DM'd me and she was like, "well

I've never played a protest, but I really care about this, like what do I do" and

I sent her, "I was like okay what's your email?" and sent her an email that was like,

"one get in the car and pick up some friends.

[00:22:00:00] Two think up some chants and some songs to sing while you're in the car

on the way to the airport" THB: Yeah

JMR: "Three when you get there, don't leave.

Like they're going to try to make you leave, don't leave."

and then like, it was something so big!


Like it wasn't just me, there's so many people who went to airports – who tweeted about

it, who planned it, who made signs, who stayed there.

And at that point like, there were protests at almost every major airport in the country.

There were hundreds of thousands of people that had come out.

And I started, kind of, switching into trying to show people what the protests were like.

And I found a video of the Dulles Airport.

And Dulles is sort of like JFK, like it's terrible to get to.

It's like a soul-sucking place, nobody likes it, your average International Airport.

[00:23:00:00] And there were a huge number protestors.

And at the Dulles Airport there's a big hallway and there's the doors and they have clear,

like you can see through them.

And on one side of the doors was this woman.

She was in a full, like, covering and she was a Muslim woman.

And she, I'm totally gonna cry, oh no, I'm going to try hard not to.

She was on the other side and on the other side of her, on the other side of those doors

is hundreds of people.

And they are super diverse.

Some of them are holding American flags, some of them are holding black lives matter signs

and they're like singing and there's music and there's kids coloring.

And she makes it through the other side and she was clearly like a woman who had been

you know would has been affected by the travel ban.

And she looked like, when she comes over, like just the room just like erupts in cheers.

[00:24:00:00] And she at first she looked, honestly was a little scared and bewildered,

which make sense to me.

THB: yeah JMR: I think I would too.

I don't think she knew that on other side were all these people who were trying to help

make sure that she could get to those doors.

THB: yeah JMR: And she comes over, everyone starts cheering.

She gets a little scared and then she gets excited too.

She like erupts.

And I had just, I had never seen.

I had never seen people do that for a Muslim woman.

I've never seen people do that in the Dulles Airport.

I just had never seen so many people do that for immigrants.

And I had kind of given up hope after November.

That's… there were people like that.

THB: Yeah JMR: And there were.

They were all over the world.

They were there, and they stayed and they made it like so amazing.

And I realized that at that moment like, I had to keep answering the call to "I hope

somebody does that" to "That somebody is me, and it's them and it's that woman."

And I believe that we can be like that again.

JMR: Yeah so I think like for me it's…

I was just one person.

I was just one person in my small apartment with my dogs and I was tweeting.

THB: yeah JMR: And it took a lot of us doing that.

And it took us going to airports.

And it took us making signs.

And it took us being like I'm tired after work but I'm still going to go.

THB: mm-hmm JMR: And I think like that's what we got to

keep doing.

Like I do think that all of us have to [00:29:00:00] put a drop in the bucket.

And it could feel like when you're putting a drop in the bucket, like, "well what difference

is this making."

If it's making a difference to you, like, that's enough.

THB: yeah JMR: I think that speaking up and speaking

out and being courageous, whatever like that means it can be a big, it can be small makes

a big difference.

And I think if more people decided to be the somebody, like, it would be easier.

Alright okay you've got me Jess.

I want to be that somebody I want to find something that's not right, and I want to

use organizing to make it better so...where do I even start?

JMR: Yeah so I've been thinking about this a lot and I think that there…

I would say there's one really specific thing.

And that answer is" you should have a house party.

So okay a house party in organizing is like the very first step.

[00:31:00:00 ] You call your friends and you get together and you could have some wine

or some food, or maybe like whatever special lemonade that you make.

You can decorate if you want, like, and you kind of figure out like what's the thing that

we want to change.

And sometimes that can be big and sometimes it can be small.

So I've been at a house meeting where we decided that what we wanted to change was, we wanted

to run a candidate for Congress.

And we didn't have any money, and we didn't really know we like we didn't really know

when the election was.

But we had to go out and like research and figure that out.

So I would say the thing that you should do is: you should get you and like your best,

your best girls, get a squad together and figure out what you want to change.

And it's going to take a little bit of research and it's also going to take you, kind of looking

around, and seeing who's already trying to change it.

Could you partner up with them?

And then you should try to do one thing.

[00:32:00:00] So that could be, like right now I'm helping some friends who are trying

to organize care packages for trans service members because they are being attacked by

President Trump right now.

[LIGHT FLICKER] Because they are being attacked by President Trump right now.

It could be like, volunteering for a candidate because there's a really important election

coming up, or it could be going to a protest.

But I think like that's step one, because once you do at one time, I mean I think, you'll

do it another time. and you can even like, Google, like "how

to have a house meeting" and there's tons of resources online to help you do that.

It's like something people have been doing for many, many, many years.

Lots of your favorite social movement babes got their start like having a house meeting

with their friends.

And I suspect that after you do that one time you'll kind of see what you should do next

after that.

THB: Awesome sounds great.

That is I think a really good challenge because it's, you know, I've done organizing in different

ways before but that is something that I've never done.

So this will be a new experience for me.

JMR: Yeah THB: We can all do it together,

So a quick recap if you're playing along at home

First we're going to decide to be the somebody to fix a problem.

Did you do it?

Did you decide?

Great we're already part of the way there.

We're going to try something small or specific to start

And we're going to ask our friends to help us.

So I'm going to ask my friends here in New York for some help, by throwing a house party,

which is a fun way to say an organizing meeting And I am asking you, my friends to help me


I wanna do this together.

So I'm going to host a house party, and I want you to do the same.

There's a link in the description where you can sign up to host your own and If you

do it by October 14th, I might put you in a future video in this Creators for Change


Until then, tell me in comments about a thing in your state or city, or school or job that

you want to change.

I'll see you soon!


For more infomation >> YouTube Creators For Change : ItsRadishTime | How to Organize Ep. 1 - Duration: 17:48.


Essence of Murli 26-09-2017 - Duration: 8:47.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 26th September 2017

Essence: Sweet children, do service with a far-sighted and broad intellect.

Prove the contrast between truth and falsehood.

Question: What things are proved through the Mahabharata and what is the meaning of the Mahabharata?

Answer: 1) The Mahabharata means destruction of innumerable religions & establishment of the one religion.

2) Mahabharata means victory for the Pandavas and defeat for the Kauravas.

3) It is proved through the Mahabharat War that it must definitely have been God who sat in the chariot and gave knowledge,

that God must definitely have taught Raja Yoga through which the kingdom was established.

After the Mahabharata the golden -aged kingdom was established.

You children can explain the Mahabharata very clearly. ( Baba says use above points and explain to others )

Song: This is the Spring in which to forget the world.

Essence for dharna: 1. Churn the ocean of knowledge in order to do service. Don't become tired. Create methods to benefit many.

2. While living with your worldly family, remember the Father from beyond. Make your reward elevated by making elevated effort.

Blessing: May you be an experienced image who learns the lesson of seeing good and not seeing anything bad even in something that is bad.

Even if everything is bad, there must definitely be one or two good things in that.

Everything has something merged in it to teach you a lesson,

because everything is instrumental to make you experienced. It makes you learn the lesson of patience.

Others may be forceful at that time but you are learning the lesson of patience and tolerance at that time.

This is why it is said: Whatever is happening is good, ( thinking like above develops patience & tolerance in us)

This is why it is said: Whatever is happening is good, and whatever is to happen will be even better.

You simply need wise intellect to pick up the goodness.

Do not see the bad things, but pick up the good and you will become number one.

Slogan: In order to remain constantly happy and content, transform bad things into good with the power of silence.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 26-09-2017 - Duration: 8:47.


Creators For Change: ArthurPrsl - Refugees ≠ Terrorists - Duration: 4:24.

Hi you if you did not know in 2015 that is 65.3 million people who

leave their country because of the war or persecution.

In its 65.3 million people 40 million

remained in their country and finally it is 21.3 million

Refugees fleeing their country because conflicts for a living simply

safer, but it's sad to say because in 2017 there is still a small

part of humanity that makes me sad.

What we will think about that latter? (years). I would like to ask you a

question when are we going t realize that the history still going

even far from our home.

When will we be saying that all 20 minutes is families who are

leaving their country for a safer life. If for you 20 families per minute

it's nothing, and told you when a day it's not 20 families but

28 000 families. So I know some of you are going to say : refugees are better

welcomed then our homeless. Bullshit but you know what

we should ask these people, to these people we should ask them if

even using the misfortune of others (so the homeless) have you already

housed a homeless person ? to help him.

Some other people will also say : In france

we don't have the space. In France we have the space for everyone.

Marie-arlette carlotti said "We do not oppose two miseries. The state should build appropriate responses to these despairs and these concerns "

In 2014 France had 2.6 million empty housing. In France in

2016 there were 130,000 without home fixed.

So it would remain 2.47 million empty housing by housing

all the homeless in France. So there is room for everyone.

Finally some will say yes but arthur why do not they go in the countries

neighbors? Well actually they do it.

They are much to do. For example turkey hosted 2.9 million refugees

for GDP is 857.7 billion (USD)

Consequently pakistan who welcomed 1 million refugees, with a GDP

of 283.7 billion. But in France we will welcome 0,024

million refugees, which ultimately that 24,000

refugees, for a total French GDP which is still of 2.465 bln.

And in 10 years 20 years 30 years tell me you, will you want to be part

of the people who refused to help those insecure

those living in war and in precariousness or otherwise you

be able to be part of those who agreed to help whole families

who just fled the war. 'you choose'

I really think deep down that there should not be any place where the human could not be safe.

'We fear what we do not know'

Personally for me this is normal to fear what we do not know

But why we dont we learn more about them?

I have a message to convey to you I think it is our duty to overcome

hate speech, the violent speech more

violent, extreme discourses simply overcome by fraternity.

Thank you all for watching this video I hope it made you

reflect. If you want to act on this

video, it's easy you can do a donation for UNHCR.

It's an organization that help refugees all over the world.

But beyond the donation there are some things more important is simply,

inform you. Please look in the

Description there are tons of links you will be able to recover

information and deepen your knowledge.

You can also share this video at your friends.

and why not do

also think with your friends on refugee issue.

And all these questions in fact that arise. Before stopping the video

I just want to say that I really took a lot of fun

the pleasure of make people think.

After this video, maybe you

go do something else and think about and I think I have won everything.

Then from the heart, thank you all for watching the video

I say goodbye it was ArthurPrsl. See you

Ignorance leads to fear, fear leads to hatred and hatred leads to violence. That's the equation. (Averroes)

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