Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

- Ah no... That was the other. - Yes!

There you can see the necessity of a phrase not in the middle of the voice.

In the middle of the voice it gets lost. That's ok. It's lost.

This time is the stick out moment.

The drums can be like Pantera's.

Yes, it can be.

Listen to it, Fabio. What do you think of it?

I am changing the heads of the drums.

Here we are with Jens Bogren.

Our producer from Sweden. Producing our new Angra album.

Now we are changing the heads and he will talk to you and I'll translate...

...What we are doing here.

This thing that he's using is that kind of tape we use in pipes.

In our house... that kind of... Whatever.

You got it.

Which heads are you using?

I'm using Evans G2 and Heavyweight on the bass drum.

And UV1 on the snare.

And maybe...

You're great!

Ah... that's good.

Can you hold it for me?

Can you hold it for me?

I can't see you holding this for me so I won't break the Tom.

Just here, look.

I'll take another head.

I think I am exaggerating on...

We are going further...

So, we're going to have lunch on the supermarket once more.

Our routine is to play, walk 15 blocks, go to the supermarket and buy food.

We can't eat in restaurants all the time.

We're waiting for the table tennis.

Ah, let me say something.

Today Bruno has just recorded the first drums track.

He is euphoric, he cannot control his emotion. He's in the studio now.

And we are here cheering and euphoric, as well.

Yes, too much euphoric.

I, personally, feel myself very euphoric.

Me too.

We are euphoric.

The Wizard.

Let's eat?

Let's go.

That special food from the market.

Or we could trick Bruno and have a hambuerger.

- Look. - Let me check it.

Send picture to him.

Send him a pic.

Man, I really don't get tired of feeling like I am a fan of the band.

Yesterday we finished the last song and recorded it.

A song that appeared in the last moments.

I talked about it on the video that goes to the social media.

Well, we finished the song.

And it's always an emotion when I am in studio with everybody there wearing its headphones.

We listen well to each other. There's the point to have a good ambience.

Good conditions of work.

And, I feel myself as a fan because I am there listening to everybody.

A great emotion comes. A great emotion of being expressing with my music,

I really have the privilege of working with what I love.

Play Metal.

Let's go... let's have lunch.

The good Salad Bar.

- It's good, uh? - Beautiful.


And now?

Now, he doesn't want to do anything else.

He destroyed the moment.

I'd record one more, but I lost my place.

What a fucking drums sound.


God damn it, Brunitão.

It's good. That's nice.

I am proud.

I am pround of you now.

Come and get it.

Don't study a lot, man.

- No.. I just have to study the "Piano Pro". - You have more for tomorrow.

You have to rest a lot. Eat well. Have you eaten well?

Yes, but not so much because it is late already.

You have to pilot the toms.

Yes because...

We won't listen all this dynamic.

That's gonna be more evident.

You don't know a Metal drummer that does this, do you?

- And then? - Hey.

Man, I am having a nice experience, I'd say.


I came here to have a pizza...

But I got in a Karaoke den.

It's a good one, by the way.

Fabio will sing a song.

- I am going to sing. - What are you singing?

Maybe an Island song.

Who never sang?


For more infomation >> FABIO LIONE DETONANDO NO KARAOKE - (EN/PT SUBBED) [Making of the New Album Pt. 15] - Duration: 16:54.


Dog Myths Busted (Debunked) - 1 Million Views on YouTube - Duration: 10:07.


Fables, Legends… old wives' tales … call them what ya will….

But this is Animal Facts, so we're gonna call 'em busted….

Like a can of biscuits.

It's highly likely that you've heard every myth on this list.

Most of them you've probably believed at one time.

You might still believe them.

Here are ten myths about dogs that just won't go away.

Let's get to busting.

Hi, I'm Leroy and I'm Rosie and this is Animal Facts.

Let's get started.

But, before we start, take a moment to like and subscribe for more fun, fauna facts.


We have over a million views?

That's right Rosie, thanks to our awesome Animal Facts Family, we've reached 1 million



That's Amazing!

I agree and we can't thank you guys enough for your support!

We couldn't have done it without you!

And now on with the show.


Playing Tug-A-War with Your Dog Can Cause Aggression

Actually, the truth is quite the opposite.

It is a healthy display of your dog's predatory nature and an excellent mental and physical


Tug-of-war is a great way to reinforce a bond with your canine companion.

According to many professional dog trainers, Tug-of-War actually decreases aggression and

other dominant behaviors in dogs, acting as a vent for pent-up energy.

Your dog may truly enjoy playing tug-of-war, and there is nothing wrong with that.


Your Female Dog Should Have One Litter Before Being Spayed

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

There is no reason your dog should be bred once before being spayed.

And, no you don't need to wait for a heat cycle.

In fact, spaying a dog after she has gone into heat or had a litter can raise the risks

of surgery.

According to Jim Young DVM, by allowing her to have a litter or for her first heat cycle,

you are increasing her risk of mammary cancer, uterine infections, and ovarian tumors.

Listen, there are enough unwanted dogs that die abandoned or euthanized.

Let's put this myth to sleep for good.


If A Dog is Wagging His Tail He is Happy

Your dog's body language can be quite complex.

We can compare it to a language where you know some of the words, but that's it.

Yes, wagging his tail may mean he is happy.

But it can sometimes be a sign of fear, anxiety or ​another potential precursor to aggression.

It is best for you to pay attention to a dog's overall body language to determine its mood

not just his tail.


You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

We're not sure this one even applies to dogs anymore.

It seems it's more often used to discuss a stubborn person, more than for dogs.

But, none the less, it's false.

While it may not be as easy to teach new things to an older dog, it can be done.

Unless your dog suffers from cognitive dysfunction (which is basically senility), as long as

you can keep his attention and not exceed any physical limitations older dogs are perfectly



Your Dog Ages Seven Years for Every Human Year

Some suggest this one may have been a marketing ploy more than a myth to start.

A veterinarian at Kansas State University told The Wall Street Journal: "It was a way

to encourage owners to bring in their pets at least once a year."

Nonetheless, this myth has persisted and is inaccurate on a few levels.

In reality, the first year of your dog's life may see him maturing as much as a human

does in 15-18 years.

Secondly, the rate at which your dog matures and ultimately how long he lives depends largely

on the size of the breeds, along with other factors.

But, your dog does see the effects of age less rapidly after the first year or two.

And keep in mind that your one-year-old dog can reproduce.

A 7-year-old human - not so much.


Your Dog Eat Grass to Make Himself Vomit

We've covered this one before.

It's true that dogs will often throw up after eating a lot of grass.

Some experts believe that your dog's taste for grass goes back to the days when a wild

canine would eat the stomach contents of his prey which was usually plants like grass and


Or, t could be just because he likes the taste.

But, he doesn't eat it to make himself puke.


Your Dog Sees in Black and White

Many people still believe that dogs only see in black and white or shades of gray.

No your doesn't see color the way you do.

As a matter of fact, he sees color more strongly on the blue side of the spectrum.

His vision or at least his ability to see color more closely resembles red-green colorblindness.

Your dog also doesn't observe detail as much as you do, but if something moves he's

on it.


A Dog in the Pound or Shelter is Damaged Goods

We can't say we've actually ever heard anyone say this out loud, but with some myths,

actions speak louder than words.

There is a myriad of reasons a dog can find himself behind bars.

From simply wandering off to finding himself in an abusive home.

Many dog rescue organization have foster programs and socialize dogs before they become eligible

for adoption.

Volunteers may come in to spend time with these abandoned pooches to help them transition

from shelter life to forever homes.

As a matter of fact, you may find that a rescue is much easier to live with than a puppy as

many are housebroken and most have reached maturity.

Both of our dogs Brody and Maisy are rescues.

Both are amazing.


Your Dog's Mouth is Cleaner than a Human's

You've probably been told this once or twice by the owner of a dog that was a bit too eager

to give kisses.

Your dog's mouth contains plenty of germs, not to mention other "icky" things and we're

pretty sure that most Animal Facts viewers don't dine from the garbage can or sample

the delicacies in the litter box.

Overall, your dog's mouth contains more germs than you probably want to think about.

But the good news is that the germs in his mouth are usually dog-specific and pose little

risk to your health.


A Dry Nose Means Your Dog is Sick

The "dog nose" myth has been around for ages, sometimes putting dog owners in a panic.

Here's the truth: The temperature or moisture of your dog's nose is less than a good indicator

of anything.

Your healthy dog may have a warm or dry nose while a sick dog could still have a cold,

wet nose.

Your dog keeps his nose cold and wet by licking.

The moisture on the nose helps intensify scents and gives him the ability to determine which

directions smells are coming from.

It is normal for a dog that has just woken up to have a dry nose.

This is simply because your dog was not licking his nose in his sleep.

The bottom line on this myth: If your dog's nose happens to be dry or warm but he otherwise

acts normal, don't panic.

However, you should contact your veterinarian, if something doesn't seem right with your


Again guys, we really want to thank you for helping us reach one million views.

You're amazing.

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And as always catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Dog Myths Busted (Debunked) - 1 Million Views on YouTube - Duration: 10:07.


HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Осень разноцветная появилась в городе - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Осень разноцветная появилась в городе - Duration: 0:42.


Between the Scenes - Trevor Bumps into President Obama: The Daily Show - Duration: 2:13.

- Bill Gates was hosting his goal keeper's event in New York

so he invited me to come and speak.

They're doing some amazing things.

Not just the organization, the people they're supporting.

I get to the event and I speak for like 10 minutes.

I get off stage and I'm waving at the crowd.

I'm walking backwards off the stage,

moving to the backstage area.

And then I crash into a person.

As I crash into them I see the eyes of people looking at me

and everyone's like,

oh shit, what have you done?

You know what I mean?

(audience laughs)

And I'm like, calm down.

Humans bump humans all the time.

(audience laughs)

I turn and the person I bumped into was Barack Obama.

(crowd exclaims) Right?

Yeah, but like physically, like,

when I say bump I mean like bump.

You know?

So I turn and he's like.


(crowd laughs)

But listen to me.

His hands are up and he's like,

watch where you go.

(audience claps)

He says watch where you walk.

So I turn and I was like,

hey man, I'm walking over here.

(crowd laughs)

And you should have seen everyone's face,

they were like, oh shit!

(crowd laughs)

Because I think they thought I didn't recognize him

or I didn't know who he was.

(crowd laughs)

you can see people like,

that's the president of the United States of America!

I was like, yo, but calm down.

So I was like,

hey how are you Mr. President?

I haven't seen you in awhile.

Then he's like,

doing good.

How you been?

You good?

I'm like, yeah, I'm good.

I'm looking at his face and I didn't intend this but I'm

looking into his eyes and I'm speaking to him and in that

moment I realize he's looking really, really good.

His skin is looking fuller.

Do you know what I mean?

No, he just doesn't look as stressed as he was.

So it slipped out.

I didn't plan it at all.

I was speaking to him and he's like,

how you doing, da da da da da.

And then he says that and I was like,

you're looking cute Mr. President.

(crowd laughing hysterically)

He goes, uh, well thank you, thank you.

I was like, no, no, I meant like you look good.

For more infomation >> Between the Scenes - Trevor Bumps into President Obama: The Daily Show - Duration: 2:13.


Homekeepers - Dr. David Clarke, Christian Psychologist, Relationship Expert - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Dr. David Clarke, Christian Psychologist, Relationship Expert - Duration: 28:31.


Реальные деньги из YouTube. Бесплатный онлайн-курс! - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Реальные деньги из YouTube. Бесплатный онлайн-курс! - Duration: 3:55.



For more infomation >> VÍDEO TUTORIAL DE INTROS GRATIS ¡¡¡ - Duration: 8:53.


Viti's going to go out ESTRADARADA Cover - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Viti's going to go out ESTRADARADA Cover - Duration: 3:29.


El juez de menores Emilio Calatayud en TVE: "Las niñas se hacen fotos como putas" - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> El juez de menores Emilio Calatayud en TVE: "Las niñas se hacen fotos como putas" - Duration: 1:59.


How Being An Empath Is Connected To Spiritual Awakening - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> How Being An Empath Is Connected To Spiritual Awakening - Duration: 11:22.


How To Grow On YouTube - Elissa Binion Channel Evaluation - Duration: 19:24.

If you want to know how to grow on YouTube channel then be sure to

watch till the end of this video as I take a look at someone's channel and

gives them some tips on what they can do to grow and double the amount of

subscribers on the channel

what's going on my name is

Devin Street helping you built an online presence and make money in the process

and today I'm going to be taking a look at one of my subscribers channels and

talking about what they can do to sort of fix their channel and make it grow

faster now this subscriber is getting a free channel review slash channel

evaluation as a test I'm doing on the channel for this and that is still open

if you're watching this in the first few weeks or months of the video coming out

so use the link in the description and check that out and watch that video to

see how you could also get your channel reviewed for free and to make this fair

this was chosen by two buddies random selector to choose the winner of the

free Channel reviews without further ado let's get right into it

so the channel we're gonna be taking a look at is Elissa Binion and I I

hope I didn't pronounce that wrong but we're taking a look at this channel and

first thing I'm doing this on an iPad and the reason I'm doing this on an iPad

is specifically just because most your traffic now is coming through mobile

it's not coming through the desktop or the TV or a gaming console or anything

it's coming through mobile so this is really what it looks like on mobile

which was really good because some people's channel headers will not be

correct on mobile and they'll just look good on desktop so great job right there

with your channel header and if we look at the channel header it'll be spiritual

enrichment mental and physical health and it's got a picture ever I think

that's some pretty good branding right there but first thing we need to do is

go to the About section and the reason we're going to the About section

is we have to take a look at what the channel is about and your About section

is important because that's supposed to summarize what your entire channel is

about and if I read this and then I see something different or see something

incorrect here then I need to point it out so the first thing is welcome to

Alissa opinions ministries and right away the channels just named Alissa

Binion you may want to change that in the About section or just change your

channel name I will be making a video soon on how to change your channel name

on YouTube but anyway sharing God's love I'm dedicated to spreading the healing

power of overall health the mind body and spirit fine tips about fitness diet

and product reviews and there's another problem I see like this looks like it's

something where it's like mental health physical health and spiritual health and

then I like Fitness make sense diet makes sense but then we get in the

products and that's kind of broad we need to get products that are just for

health so right now looking at this you know it's okay if I go in here and see

that it's just health products but if it's random product reviews that might

be a problem and then we see be encouraged and

challenged with videos about dealing with anxiety stress building

self-confidence from a spiritual perspective that's really good the goal

is to help others successfully go down the road of healthy living and thriving

relationship with God check out embracing you health calm for exclusive

content such as recipes plant-based nutrition encouragement and much more

new videos every Saturday Sundays Mondays and Tuesdays okay so the About

section it looks pretty good but then I see your schedule I don't know how your

schedule works or anything but every Saturday Sunday Monday and Tuesday

that's kind of a problem like you're getting four videos out a week that's

really good but they need to be more spread out they don't all need to be

coming out every single day in row because then we

have Wednesday Thursday and Friday without a video we go three straight

days without a video and then four straight days of having a video so what

I would do is probably go Sunday Tuesday Friday and then you can go Saturday or

Wednesday or Monday wherever you want to put that third video but just try to

spread them out so that your channel sort of gets velocity every single day

from videos and that would be a lot more helpful than going three days without a

video okay now back to the homepage and we're gonna check out sort of how you

have your channel set up so first we see this one main video shop with me at

target dollar spot and right away I'm not seeing the theming your theming was

supposed to be about mental physical and spiritual health and shopping at target

has nothing to do with that whatsoever now this is the recent uploads I

recommend usually putting a playlist up instead of your uploads just your most

recent but putting your most recent also helps them to gain velocity and DIY

natural lip balm that can kind of relate to fiscal health reasons for hindered

prayers that's spiritual health minimalism mental mental health I guess

lower back pain physical looking at this like a lot of this is really really good

it's like physical mental and spiritual health

just the DIY lip balm I guess that kind of fits into physical health but I don't

really know I'm trying I'm seeing the product reviews yet like there's this

essential oils I don't know if that's a product review yet and spiritual rich

but this is really good I would move this playlist up and sort of talk about

it more and get it out there and then weight loss motivation that's really

good how emotions affect the body very good from some mental health and then we

have health and fitness really good how does the Bible say

about money and wealth I really like that playlist health and wellness

reviews let's see yes see right here is really the product reviews and this is

products just about health so like I said that was really good that you

didn't do product reviews about things that are not health and then encouraging

stories of faith all that's really good and I'm looking at this playlist right

here and this is very very good the playlist they all sort of match and I

would say like put logo or branding or anything but now I'm sort of thinking

that you don't have to do that if you don't want to if you don't want to brand

then it's fine because really when you get down to branding if you put your

face in it I would say that's good enough for branding but the only problem

I see is that I see three videos that have the exact same facial expression in

them and that's kind of a problem I know I've used the same facial

expression on more than one video before and that's fine but just three in one

playlist that are almost the exact same that could get the viewer confused on

which ones they had already watched in which ones they hadn't so I would try

changing them a little bit and then maybe see like how that affects what a

user is watching how many views they're getting at all that and also this first

video on the playlist I it doesn't match the color of the rest so maybe change

the color of the background and then they'd all match and that would be

really good same down here with the weight loss motivation playlist all the

colors match which is really great and it looks like you're doing a really good

job on the branding okay I'm gonna get this out of the way right now that the

next part of this video is going to be really really bad

and it was so hard to put this video together completely because for one the

I've had messed up so I don't have most the iPad recording and then secondly for

some reason half the video files were lost for the second half of this video

so this video was supposed to be around 30 minutes I think it's gonna be around

20 and the just don't expect as much as you did the first half like it's gonna

be lower quality video there's gonna be parts where the videos not even showing

up and it's just audio and things like that but I am going to be coming back

soon I'm sorry I took this two-week break and I have been making content on

Instagram so if you aren't already follow me on instagram at Devon

underscore Street follow me there and that's going to be a place where I can

post content more frequently than I do on YouTube because of course it takes

like a day to get a video recorded and edited on YouTube Wow on Instagram I can

go in Photoshop for like 32 a minute and bring up an Instagram photo take about a

minute to write the description and then post it but anyway back to the rest of

the video now I'm just going through and looking at the newest videos and this is

where I'm I guess I'm seeing a problem they all look completely different like

all these videos I mean I don't know if you have a individual playlist for each

of these like there's this playlist right here let's look at this playlist

and see oh yeah all those except for that one have the exact same branding so

that's good and I would get that video out there or rebrand it or whatever just

so they all match and then really now it's just time to watch a video and see

how you're conducting yourself in the video

okay the first problem I am seeing is that I mean the intro is very nice but

what I am seeing is that you didn't say the title in the beginning and that's a

huge thing with ranking when it comes down to ranking a video you need to say

your title at the beginning of this video like at the beginning of the video

I'm filming right now I said the title and it helps with the closed captions

because that's part of your metadata that goes in and ranks your video on

YouTube but we are going to go down in the description and check this out

that's good you have it right there as the first thing I would sort of add a

little bit on to that so it's just not that one thing as the description

because when people search it and on desktop and stuff and they see the

description it just has the exact same thing as the title so maybe add a little

bit after the reasons for hindered prayers and then I see you got social

medias which is really good you've got your music credits which is great you've

got more videos on prayer you're linking to a playlist that is very very smart

and I would maybe link to some of those videos in that playlist too also because

looking at the suggested videos on the side not many of these beginning ones

are your videos and besides that that all seems pretty fair film and animation

is your category that's a problem obviously your channel is not about film

and animation go in and change the category of your channel and change the

category of all your videos because when people are using the categories to

scroll and browse through videos your video is showing up in the film and

animation category and so if someone's going through they are like oh let's

watch some animation click on it and then your videos are there they're going

to click on them even if they do click on them and they're going to see

that it's not anything about film and animation and they're gonna leave that's

gonna hurt your watch time a lot and also when you go through and do this you

want to have it on I guess the health category so when people go to that

health category they'll see these videos and they'll really like them and they'll

click on them I mean they don't really have a social media marketing category

for me they have just the education category which I'm in and I guess it

helps a little bit but not as much if there was something about just growing

on social media as a category

okay now let's check out some of your playlists we're gonna go ahead and click

on this one and the description is too short it says this is a playlist all

about prayer faith and receiving answers to prayer you can have that in the

description of the playlist that's good it talks about the playlist but you need

to go into more detail about these things in the description and also like

the putting the phrase in the description as your first phrase you put

in there you need to do that also with your playlist so the first thing in the

description of this playlist should be how to pray and manifest like that's

because you can rank playlists if someone was searching how to pray in

manifest and your playlist comes up that is so huge they click on that and they

go through an entire playlist of your videos instead of just watching one and

then maybe leaving that is very huge it's amazing to write a playlist in

search and something like this it's not got a lot of competition so putting how

to pray and manifest in your description and then maybe getting some more watch

time within the playlist would help it rank in search and then that way who

knows you could get this ranked and search and get a lot of watch time and

watch minutes there I mean the community tab is not the

greatest thing I don't really talk about it the channels this can be important I

don't see yeah like I think this is just all the subscriptions you have I think

yeah it is I don't think you have this mini channel recommended and this is

just showing all your subscriptions and there was me right there but this is

just showing every single one your subscriptions you're going to want to

private this this is not important for your everyone to see who you're

subscribed to and also this could be a problem like I don't know everyone

you're subscribed to here but somehow this could you be used against you if

they find someone who's like maybe controversial or something and like 90%

of youtubers you don't see there who they're subscribed to what I would do is

hide that I'll have to make a video on that too I've got so many videos to make

but I would hide your subscriptions and then what I would do is just recommend

the channels that are sort of in your market and this isn't confirmed by

YouTube but my theory is that the channels within your thing are you sort

of to put suggested videos on the side of your videos along with just how

people watch putting the channels that are related to your topic in theory I

think that that will help with the suggested videos and that helps you even

more get put in to that one topic and that's huge because your most video

traffic comes from suggested videos and if you're in someone else's health

category and then they find your channel and they like it too

then that's huge and just to end on it the last

we'll say is it's awesome you got the Amazing Grace lyrics as a seven million

view video that's huge and that will be extremely helpful to leading people to

your other videos the only problem is is that it could be copyright I have no

idea I can go in and click on this video and see what you put in the description

of it and it says the song was paid for by me and I have it on iTunes paid for

and downloaded that doesn't mean you can post it and finally to end on this I see

you have three channels that's a huge problem you're a struggling trying to go

channel right now so why would you be trying to put effort into two other

channels but what I would say is stop doing the other channels and like your

main channel it has a hundred ten videos but seven thousand subscribers your vlog

channel has five hundred twenty-nine videos I can't even see the subscribers

on it it's probably really low so stop doing them just focus on the one channel

put all your efforts into it and you could grow a lot faster if you would

just forget about these other channels and that was the channel evaluation of

Alyssa Beynon and I hope you guys could take some notes from this and see what

you could do with your channel and also if you want a free review or if it's no

longer available it's just a paid review the links are in the description below

and I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next video

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