Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

As we seen in the last video there are several different ways of thinking about how many

continents there are, with the most widespread models ranging from 5 to 7 continents. However,

in most English speaking countries, as well as other nations around the world, the 7-continent

model is taught. Using this model, the continents of the world in order of size are: Asia, Africa,

North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

Compared to the other contents Australia is quite small, with even the tiny Europe being

1.32x bigger. Also unlike Eurasia, Africa and the Americas, Australia is unconnected

to other land masses. But despite this it is still considered a continent instead of

a massive island. Because of this the title of worlds biggest

island goes to Greenland found sitting on the opposite end of the world, and this begs

the question: Why is Australia a continent and Greenland is an island?

It turns out that there are no official conditions that each continent has to meet in order to

be considered a continent, which explains why there are so many different models of

thinking when it comes to how many continents there are.

However, there are several largely accepted factors that classify different regions of

the world as continents. These factors include historic recognition, size, tectonic independence

from other continents, unique flora and fauna, cultural uniqueness, and local belief in continental

status. Australia was discovered during the age of

sail making it seem a lot bigger than it might seem today. At the time sailing around the

island could take months of continues sailing (*a modern sail boat apparently would take

3 months nonstop) and for the Dutch and British explorers who mapped the continent this would

be comparable to sections of other continents they would have passed on the way. The British

explorers might have subconsciously compared the size of Australia to the British isles

and concluded it was a continent rather than a island.

Greenland on the other hand at the time was never explored in the same way, due to glaciers

and the harsh conditions of the region. While Australia is significantly larger than

Greenland, Greenland often appears larger on maps because of the distortion caused by

proximity to the North Pole. (*A similar effect can be observed with Alaska.)

Australia is 7,692,024 km² in size making it 3.6x the size of Greenland at 2,166,086

km². This is a considerable difference but does not seem as stark when Greenland is compared

to the second largest island New Guinea which is 2.8x smaller at 785,753 km², or when compared

to a large island like Great Britain which is 10x smaller than Greenland. 209,331 km²

Australia rests on its own tectonic plate called the Australian Plate. Greenland, on

the other hand, sits on the North American tectonic plate. Meaning it is not geologically

separate from Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Australia certainly has its own unique flora and fauna, with native animals like kangaroos,

wombats, and Tasmanian Devils which are not found elsewhere in the world.

In contrast Greenland has fifteen unique species of plants, but its fauna, such as reindeer,

polar bears, and arctic foxes, can also be found elsewhere, such as in Canada.

Australia's historic aboriginal culture is also quite unique. the country is also

more "Western" in ideology than most other countries in the South Pacific, making it

a unique culture in its geographic area. The locals consider themselves to live on both

an island and a continent, fulfilling the last of the criteria.

Meanwhile Greenland does have its own distinct culture, as it is considered part of the larger

North American arctic culture. Finally, Greenlanders do not, for the most part, believe that they

live on a continent. They consider themselves to be islanders.

In conclusion: these definitions of a continent are shaky at best, as for instance looking

at a map of tectonic plates, you can see that Europe sits on the Eurasian Tectonic Plate

along with most of Asia. So only cultural difference and a feeling of separateness makes

it a separate continent. Similarly, India has its own tectonic plate as well—but in

this case, a sense of similar culture and flora and fauna makes India part of Asia rather

than its own continent. (although it is sometimes defined as a sub-continent)

It seems that to be a continent, an area must fulfil most of this unofficial criteria. In

this case, Australia succeeds where Greenland does not, drawing a line between what makes

the smallest continent and the largest island.

One of the biggest differences between Australia and Greenland, other than their obvious climate

differences, is population. Australia has over 22 million inhabitants, making it the

55th most populous nation in the world. Greenland, on the other hand, has just over 57 thousand

inhabitants, making it the 205th most populous nation in the world. However, if population

determined continental status, Antarctica would not be considered a continent, either.

Australia and Greenland have quite a few features in common. People living in both countries

largely live along the coast due to nearly uninhabitable land covering each of the countries—in

Greenland, the natural barrier is an ice cap, while in Australia it's a desert. Australia

is an island in the South Pacific, roughly 7.75 million square kilometres (about 3 million

square miles) and the sixth largest country in the world. Greenland is an island that

sits between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean. It is just over 2.16 million

square kilometres (834K square miles), making it the twelfth largest country in the world.

Greenland is the largest island after Australia—so why isn't it considered a continent, too?

For more infomation >> Why is Australia a Continent and Greenland is Not? - Duration: 5:44.


5 Creepy Japanese Death Poems - Duration: 3:11.

So I've been studying some Japanese Death poems as I finish up my short film, Dreadful


I'll talk more about that in the coming months.

But with National Poetry Day coming up, I'm doing this collab with Don't Turn Around,

where we'll be reading you some horror poetry.

I thought it would be fun to practice writing some Japanese Death Poems and put a CZsWorld

twist on it, so I'm gonna base each of these poems on some of my favorite horror anime,

and whoever can guess what they're from will win some kind of shoutout or something.

And stick around to the end where I'll narrate the Japanese Death Poem from my upcoming film,

Dreadful Misfortune.

Ichi I opposed the move.

Gazing on empty caskets.

He inquired aloud.

Aren't you afraid of dying?

I've been dead for some time now.


Monsters roam this world.

But justice will come swiftly, as with all monsters.

I know this monster because, in truth, I am that monster.


The ninth grade, class three.

Would be the last grade, for me.

As with those before.

A curse to grea t to ignore.

Ignore her, to live one more.


Twelve contestants play.

A twisted and fatal game.

When even peers lock.

Even friendship goes to shame.

She only has her, to blame.


The coffee's a bit strong.

And this date's gone on too long.

City lights so dim.

Walk me home, they look so grim.

Leaving half of me with him.


The ink of this scribe, is only seen in the eyes,

of shinigami, who possess glowing white eyes.

Dreadful misfortune, runs dry.

The voice you heard in this video was Don't Turn Around.

Click the link right here to listen to the epic horror poem that I helped narrate on

their channel.

Remember to subscribe to CZsWorld for new horrors every week, ring that deathbell for

notifications and I'll see you in the next one.

Assuming, we both survive.

For more infomation >> 5 Creepy Japanese Death Poems - Duration: 3:11.


"Dying" to get to Valaheim [Valnir Rok] [2] - Duration: 17:22.

We need to drop some stuff.

Wood. Drop this wood. [grunt]

No! It's the bear again why?!

Run! Run! I can't run! No bear! [dying grunt]

[wolf howling]

I hate my life.

What's up Monkey Tribe! Thank you for joining me in another episode of Valnir Rok.

We're back here right where we started. Umm... well, not started. Left off I said.

Near the lake where we got our water from and I finally figured out how

to drop stuff from my inventory so we can get our weight back. All I had to do

was relog since the last episode and it let me drop all my stuff.

Look how derp I look when I run sideways. Like, my hand... haha.

The things that I notice... and check out this rock that's attached to my hip.

Ooo, look how pretty it looks!

Screenshot. There's a rock attached to my hip that's

a thing. So, I've just been over here collecting some fibrous plants and

waiting for you guys to come back and join me so that we can go do our first

quest "Dying to get to Valaheim". We're gonna enter the Grove of Horgr. Let's

look at our map again. Are we still heading in the right direction? Wait a

second now it doesn't show up. Wait is that my quest over here?

No, cuz before it used to show a little circle right there. Maybe you have to activate

the quests? Hmm... oh wait, this is highlighted. Bookmark. Now is it on my map? Yay, okay.

We're heading in that direction good stuff. Rock and roll. [grunting noises] Primal monkey.

There's wolves around. It's getting kind of dark too. I wonder if we can craft a spear

or something to protect ourselves. Let's see if that's a thing. We know how to craft our

pick. We know how to craft... let's see we need more rope probably. Let's put these

fibers in here. Wait, what's the recipe for rope? Maybe this is what we need...

fibrous plants. Yeah, that's the stuff. So the stuff that we were collecting by the

lake is totally different. Okay we got a stone. We were collecting

thatch by the lake. Now we have these which we can create [gasps] pots?

Oh, no. Green dye, brown dye. So we can color stuff? Cool.

We just need these. Craft max. Three. Okay... so that's rockin' and rollin.

Oh I still hear that wolf. What's a woodruff? Let's just collect fibrous plants

and stuff and sticks. Where's that stick? Stick? Tree... I know I saw a stick... Okay.

Screw you stick. Wait, there. Got it. And stone and stick. We're still heading in

the right direction. Let's just collect fibrous plants and sticks on our way up

to our quest and then I'll bring you guys back when we get a little bit closer.

Oh baby, what's this place? Oh... we're going the wrong way.

We gotta go back. I think Horgr is up there. I like my little like... derp

hand when I run haha. I don't know why I get so amused by these stupid things. Oh,

there's a road sign. Okay it probably says... okay there's a building up there I

think that's Horgr. So let's head that way. What is this? Just

a stump? Can we get anything from you? Ooo item, [gasp] Oww! Oh no a bear! Run away! No! Noooo!

Why game?! Run! Noooooo! What is this? Respawn point.

Okay, our body should be up right over this hill. It's getting night

time so now it looks like we're a little chilly. Ooo clay. I think it's right

along this road. Where's the stupid bear? Oh, I don't like... We need to craft some

clothes or something. How do we get clothes? Maybe we should focus on that so we

don't die of freezing to death. Probably fibrous plants.

At least the resources are like... really plentiful. You know what I mean? There's

like stuff everywhere. Woodruff isn't really what we need but we'll pick it up anyways. It looks like fibrous plants.

Ohhhh. Okay we'll get a stick. Make some more of these. Five more? Craft max.

Five. Now if we drop these into this crafting menu would we be able to see

like.... clothes? That's not what I wanted. Clothes, here we go. A solid and simple

tunic. Needed resources is... we haven't learned it. Undiscovered. Maybe it's rope?

No. Fabric? Ooh baby let's use... let's make some fabric. Undiscovered. Fabric

discovered. Is it fabric that we need?

If we drag fabric over there. Now... oh yeah fabric and thread. We did it!

Yes. Craft. Okay let's see if that keeps us from freezing to death.

Put clothes on... yay! Look how amazing we look.

I can't see it in the dark but we look pretty amazing. Alright now that we're

not freezing to death let's see if we can go get our body back. Is our

stuff here? Yay! Loot! Take all. Did we get it? Okay we got our stuff back amazing.

And there was something in here. There was like a sword in here. Stay away from

me bear. Did we end up picking that up? No, doesn't look like it. I swear there was a

sword in there. We need to drop some stuff. Wood. Drop this wood.

[screams like a little girl]

No! It's the bear again! Why! Run! Run! I can't run! No bear!

[wolf howling] I hate my life...

Okay we're going in. Go! Go! Go! Never again stupid bear. Screw the stuff that I was

trying to get. I'm gonna come over here. Oh I'm weighted down. Stay away from me...

bear.... I hate you. Okay let's put on our thing. Let's drop the board's like I was

trying to do. No, right click. Drop. Okay, we can run again. We'll put those in our

thing. Can we make a spear now? Is that a thing? Umm... sharpened stick or a seax. Let's just

make a sharpened stick. Craft. That'll give us a little bit of protection right?

We got a stick now. Suck it bear! This probably does nothing to a bear, but

still. Where'd he go? There he is. He's got quite a large aggro range. We need to

get past in order to get to our quests don't we? No, it's this way.

Okay screw the bear we're going this way to our quest. Ooo, look it's all foggy over

here. Does that mean this is our quest area? There's a little camp. Hello little camp. Prepare to die.

Oh I found it! [screams] Ohh! I'm getting attacked by a wolf! Suck it wolf! [grunts]

Okay... cool. Knock me down. Get some! Get some! I'm

bleeding! Get some! Get some of my little stick! Oh. Oh.

Serpentine. Serpentine. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me game?!

I get killed by bears, I get killed by wolves... after I just found the quest okay...

We're back. On the beach. Again. For the fourth time this episode. Okay can we craft a

better spear on the way there so we can deal with the stupid wolf? That would be

great. Get some fibrous plants. Get some stones.

Is this a fibrous plant? Yes. Okay. If we can craft like a stone tip spear instead

of just a regular ol sticky doodle I should be able to get him. It doesn't

look like it. Just sharpened stick. I just want to make another one or two... one of

those... okay that's good... that's fine. Oww! What?! Another bear! Why?! Run! Run!

Oh no! Oh no! No. No! [panic] Stay away! [cries]

Why do you hate me?! [grunting] [fighting] Oh my god...

RIP. I'm dying to get to Valaheim... Yes I am... Yes I am....

And we're back! And it's

finally morning. We have been avoiding wolves and bears like they're the plague

all night while we were gathering our supplies and we actually learned some

new stuff. We got, what? Undefined. Undefined? Okay. We got a hatchet and a

stone knife now and I think if we cut open some stuff with the stone knife we

should be able to get some common boots. So I was looking around... and oh yeah by the

way, screw our old stuff. Because gathering throughout the night we

already got all of our stuff back that we lost in our five mozillian bear

attacks and wolf attacks. Ohhhhh, there's some rabbits that's what I was looking for.

We need to skin some rabbits. Get some! In order to get some hide maybe. Can we

kill you? Oh! Don't run right into the boar. Look how many boars there are.

Rabbit. Did we get him? Where'd he go? Stay away from me boar.

No, we didn't get him. Can we get this goat? Is this goat gonna be scared of us?

Get some, with our stick! Oh... he's not even fazed. He's just like

that tickles monkey. Missed... Okay... Slowly but surely. There's a cart over

there. I want some boots. Oh get stuck! Get stuck! I'm following you. Are you gonna

get tired the goat? Ugh. Fine, screw you goat. How about you goat?

You want some? Are you the same goat? You want some? One of these goats is gonna

get it

Look at this house. Okay. Maybe I'm not gonna get any boots.

There's so many animals around and I can't kill any of them with my stupid

stick. Awe, my tool broke. I thought it said that I killed it.

Dagnabbit! Can I punch you to death? I probably can. Okay goat...

be nice to me. Just die. Or not, it's cool. I'll just miss.

I'll be patient this time. I'll just follow you til' you get stuck-ish. Just kidding.

Gotcha. See you gotta mess with them. I'm getting

good at running and hitting. Got him. I'm gonna run straight into a bear aren't I?

Please don't be aggressive boars.

Okay, he shouldn't have too many hits left. I got him a good amount of times.

My tool broke again? Can I get him with my axe? Yes, I did it! Okay it only took a

million years. Now can we skin him with our knife? Oh no. He dropped stuff.

Loot. Oh yeah we got skins! We didn't even have to skin him with our knife. Okay now

can we make our boots out of this? Uhh... oooo, we can make a fur hat. That's a thing. How

about threads? No. Fibers? No. What is this? Ooo leather. Craft. Maybe we make our boots

out of leather huh? Yes! Leather and threads? Oh we need two

leather... Oh my gosh. Now I gotta kill another stupid thing. Come here rabbit.

He's a squirrely one. [grunts] Super hard to hit. Got one. Okay I only

had to hit him once though to get his stuff. Boom. Boom. Leather. Boom. Now we can

get some amazing boots.

Yay! Common boots! Good decent leather boots. I don't know what they do

but now we have boots and I am super happy about that. Yes, okay now we just

need pants at some point in the future or maybe the next episode. Let's head to

the quest to finish off today's episode though. We need to activate our quest

again or what? After we die? Reactivate. Map? Or did we already do that? Okay it

looks like we did that quest when we went over there and died. Now we have to

sacrifice the amulet at the rune stone which is way over there. Okay.

I guess that's gonna be it for today's episode. In the next one

we'll go over and sacrifice the amulet. We'll end it off here at this amazing

lake. We always end up at a lake don't we? What are these things? Thatch and

fibers? Okay we'll just hang out here and collect some stuff in between episodes

and... yeah if you liked, hit that like button with those opposable thumbs and

subscribe to join the tribe to catch more of these and I'll catch you guys in

the next one. Peace out! I'm getting our boots all wet.

For more infomation >> "Dying" to get to Valaheim [Valnir Rok] [2] - Duration: 17:22.


Kjøret fortsetter! | Vlog 38 - Duration: 12:44.

good morning, it's monday

new week. I'm going indoor rollerskis

very soon

will start the week at it's "best"

on the rollerski treadmill

grandpa is also coming

it gotta be though

but it's okay to get a hard training session

the legs needs it

looking forward to start and

get a very good start of the week

and I hope it will be good


grandpa had to go a bit early

he went to the doctor

so I had to fix it by myself

but I hope I got a few clips.

I did 6 periods

and my body gave me good response

so that's good

Now I'm going home, the clock is almost 9 am

gonna eat a good breakfast and relax before I'm going to treatment

we take it from there

but it was a good training session

and good to be finished after a brutal start on the week

but now I'm looking forward to relax


Of course I made potatoes

but I made it...

I burned them...

very happy with myself

I've been waiting for them to be finished


then they got burned

come here Ane

it's funny, cause I made dinner today


it maybe don't looks so good but it's healthy

and Ola is not happy

he don't wanna eat what I made

he's very angry now

you liked it? it was okay...

It's wednesday and we're ready for the worst day this week

we're ready for "Bråtesten"

it's a competition we have

been running since we were young

we have some records from the past years

and we're ready for a new one

with start numbers

and we gonnaa compete against our own records

my record is 20:18

I have been a bit tired the few last weeks so I'm excited if I can make it

but if I can come close to 20:00

I'll be happy

and we'll see

it's one of the worst trainig session in the autumn

so I have to focus in my head

and run as fast as I can

I'm looking forward to be finished

we're finished

I'm happy. New record

and had a good session

and I'm happy with the result as I said

the most important was to get a new record and have a good training session

No I'm going home to eat pancakes relax and go to bed

cause I'm tired

but how did it go for you?

we don't need to talk about it

then it doesn't matter and I'm happy

your less happy

everyone can't be happy at the same time

Now I have to get home fast

So I can relax

and I runned with stones in my hands

but I had to

throw them away

and try to run fast

and it worked

good morning

new day, new opportunities

it's saturday and the plan is interval

5 x 9 minutes and the one behind the camera looks tired

that's true

so that's the plan today

I'm not sure how many is joining us but some said they were coming

that's good

A quality session and we can push to the outermost

that's good for everyone

so let's go interval

how did it go?

I'm so tired


went well

I am

"cake" now

5 x 9 minutes

high pulse

25 kilometers

no, 20 km

that's good

I don't know if it's good or bad

but I got tired so that's good

and now

I was supposed to say that I were going to chill in the sun


I'm not. I think I will lay on the couch for the rest of the day

will relax until monday

I can't even breathe


I wanted to flush on you there

I know. That's why I hold the camera like this

the legs is possible. NOO

Now it shines

we have been driving, that's why i wash it

It got dirty up the last road

very dirty over Smistad

It was dirty on the last round

I'm going in to watch cycle world championship

enough tractor for today

enough tractor for this time

what do you think guys?

It's a cool car

It's like a tractor

the choise of car is harder after this one

I agree. I mean you should have one like this

I think I can

join "Rednecks" then

It's a hard choice

We're in my new training room

it's not finished

this wall is the one we wanna paint

and the suggestion with most likes

is to hang up a picture of Ola

So I wanna hang up

his head right here

and count meters

so we can throw dart

dart throwing to hit Ola

10 points for hitting in the middle

that's the plan

No, I'm just kidding

I think we will be nauseous if we have a picture of him here


just kidding

many good suggestions

it was hard to decide

but I think I wanna eighter

hang up picture of some nice skitracks

or weights

that was good suggestions

or I will hang up

a picture of

some big international athletes

I think I will go for one of them

but I have to discuss with my dear mum

she's the one that's supposed to do the job as well

I hope that when I go to Molde tomorrow

and will be gone for a week so I hope that mum can do some more job here


my mum is in london the next week

so maybe in a few weeks

many good suggestions and I will pick one of the 3

I think we can finish off the week here

I'm now doing training

No I'm just kidding

just finish the vlog now

thanks for this time

then we finish the week here and

next week I'm going to Molde

then I have to film by myself....

but now I gotta pack my bag

and I see you next week!

For more infomation >> Kjøret fortsetter! | Vlog 38 - Duration: 12:44.


EXERCICIOS SIMPLES PARA PERDER BARRIGA RAPIDO! Como Perder Barriga e Queimar Gordura! Treino Em Casa - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> EXERCICIOS SIMPLES PARA PERDER BARRIGA RAPIDO! Como Perder Barriga e Queimar Gordura! Treino Em Casa - Duration: 9:42.


Dog Myths Busted (Debunked) - 1 Million Views on YouTube - Duration: 10:07.


Fables, Legends… old wives' tales … call them what ya will….

But this is Animal Facts, so we're gonna call 'em busted….

Like a can of biscuits.

It's highly likely that you've heard every myth on this list.

Most of them you've probably believed at one time.

You might still believe them.

Here are ten myths about dogs that just won't go away.

Let's get to busting.

Hi, I'm Leroy and I'm Rosie and this is Animal Facts.

Let's get started.

But, before we start, take a moment to like and subscribe for more fun, fauna facts.


We have over a million views?

That's right Rosie, thanks to our awesome Animal Facts Family, we've reached 1 million



That's Amazing!

I agree and we can't thank you guys enough for your support!

We couldn't have done it without you!

And now on with the show.


Playing Tug-A-War with Your Dog Can Cause Aggression

Actually, the truth is quite the opposite.

It is a healthy display of your dog's predatory nature and an excellent mental and physical


Tug-of-war is a great way to reinforce a bond with your canine companion.

According to many professional dog trainers, Tug-of-War actually decreases aggression and

other dominant behaviors in dogs, acting as a vent for pent-up energy.

Your dog may truly enjoy playing tug-of-war, and there is nothing wrong with that.


Your Female Dog Should Have One Litter Before Being Spayed

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

There is no reason your dog should be bred once before being spayed.

And, no you don't need to wait for a heat cycle.

In fact, spaying a dog after she has gone into heat or had a litter can raise the risks

of surgery.

According to Jim Young DVM, by allowing her to have a litter or for her first heat cycle,

you are increasing her risk of mammary cancer, uterine infections, and ovarian tumors.

Listen, there are enough unwanted dogs that die abandoned or euthanized.

Let's put this myth to sleep for good.


If A Dog is Wagging His Tail He is Happy

Your dog's body language can be quite complex.

We can compare it to a language where you know some of the words, but that's it.

Yes, wagging his tail may mean he is happy.

But it can sometimes be a sign of fear, anxiety or ​another potential precursor to aggression.

It is best for you to pay attention to a dog's overall body language to determine its mood

not just his tail.


You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

We're not sure this one even applies to dogs anymore.

It seems it's more often used to discuss a stubborn person, more than for dogs.

But, none the less, it's false.

While it may not be as easy to teach new things to an older dog, it can be done.

Unless your dog suffers from cognitive dysfunction (which is basically senility), as long as

you can keep his attention and not exceed any physical limitations older dogs are perfectly



Your Dog Ages Seven Years for Every Human Year

Some suggest this one may have been a marketing ploy more than a myth to start.

A veterinarian at Kansas State University told The Wall Street Journal: "It was a way

to encourage owners to bring in their pets at least once a year."

Nonetheless, this myth has persisted and is inaccurate on a few levels.

In reality, the first year of your dog's life may see him maturing as much as a human

does in 15-18 years.

Secondly, the rate at which your dog matures and ultimately how long he lives depends largely

on the size of the breeds, along with other factors.

But, your dog does see the effects of age less rapidly after the first year or two.

And keep in mind that your one-year-old dog can reproduce.

A 7-year-old human - not so much.


Your Dog Eat Grass to Make Himself Vomit

We've covered this one before.

It's true that dogs will often throw up after eating a lot of grass.

Some experts believe that your dog's taste for grass goes back to the days when a wild

canine would eat the stomach contents of his prey which was usually plants like grass and


Or, t could be just because he likes the taste.

But, he doesn't eat it to make himself puke.


Your Dog Sees in Black and White

Many people still believe that dogs only see in black and white or shades of gray.

No your doesn't see color the way you do.

As a matter of fact, he sees color more strongly on the blue side of the spectrum.

His vision or at least his ability to see color more closely resembles red-green colorblindness.

Your dog also doesn't observe detail as much as you do, but if something moves he's

on it.


A Dog in the Pound or Shelter is Damaged Goods

We can't say we've actually ever heard anyone say this out loud, but with some myths,

actions speak louder than words.

There is a myriad of reasons a dog can find himself behind bars.

From simply wandering off to finding himself in an abusive home.

Many dog rescue organization have foster programs and socialize dogs before they become eligible

for adoption.

Volunteers may come in to spend time with these abandoned pooches to help them transition

from shelter life to forever homes.

As a matter of fact, you may find that a rescue is much easier to live with than a puppy as

many are housebroken and most have reached maturity.

Both of our dogs Brody and Maisy are rescues.

Both are amazing.


Your Dog's Mouth is Cleaner than a Human's

You've probably been told this once or twice by the owner of a dog that was a bit too eager

to give kisses.

Your dog's mouth contains plenty of germs, not to mention other "icky" things and we're

pretty sure that most Animal Facts viewers don't dine from the garbage can or sample

the delicacies in the litter box.

Overall, your dog's mouth contains more germs than you probably want to think about.

But the good news is that the germs in his mouth are usually dog-specific and pose little

risk to your health.


A Dry Nose Means Your Dog is Sick

The "dog nose" myth has been around for ages, sometimes putting dog owners in a panic.

Here's the truth: The temperature or moisture of your dog's nose is less than a good indicator

of anything.

Your healthy dog may have a warm or dry nose while a sick dog could still have a cold,

wet nose.

Your dog keeps his nose cold and wet by licking.

The moisture on the nose helps intensify scents and gives him the ability to determine which

directions smells are coming from.

It is normal for a dog that has just woken up to have a dry nose.

This is simply because your dog was not licking his nose in his sleep.

The bottom line on this myth: If your dog's nose happens to be dry or warm but he otherwise

acts normal, don't panic.

However, you should contact your veterinarian, if something doesn't seem right with your


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For more infomation >> Dog Myths Busted (Debunked) - 1 Million Views on YouTube - Duration: 10:07.


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Identifying Indigo Children - Duration: 4:11.

Identifying Indigo Children

A lot of parents with children who don�t fit in well with society�s standards often

try to pass off their idiosyncrasies as being part of their indigo child traits.

But this is hardly fair to those who really are a part of this amazing group of people.

So it is important to realize that basic child-like acts of rebellion and questioning authority

do not make a child have paranormal attributes.

Instead, identifying indigo children must be done by comparing them to the following

accurate characteristics.

Fierce Independence

Rising up to right all wrongs and defend others, there is nothing that holds these people back.

They will stand up against any injustices that they come across, which make them wonderful

leaders in the community.

Raising a child who constantly questions and fights about everything is no easy task though.

Blue Eyes

One of the most unusual characteristics of these children is their piercing blue eyes.

They seem to reach deep into someone�s soul when they make eye contact with them.

Some have tried to claim that those with other eye colors could possibly be part of the indigo

group, but this isn�t true.

Their blue eyes are an attribute of their unique genetic variance that sets them apart.

?????Intense Empathy

Indigo children can sense the feelings of others because they are so empathetic.

They always seem to know just what to say or do to help others.

This empathy can be seen from a very early age when they rescue stray animals and comfort

those in pain.

In fact, their pure aura seems to be sensed by all types of animals who feel safe in their



The caring nature of these children also makes it more likely for them to fall into a state

of depression.

A lot of this has to do with their inability to comprehend the cruelty of other humans

who seem to be able to easily compartmentalize their emotions in a way that allows them hurt

people without feeling bad about it.

Psychic Phenomenon

Other types of psychic gifts are common too.

These children can often read other people�s thoughts, predict future happenings, and speak

with spirits still roaming the earth.

This begins just months after they are born too.

Many mothers have walked into the nurseries of their babies just to find them talking

to some invisible presence.

And the paranormal experiences only seem to increase as the children age.

So by the time they have reached adulthood, they are quite powerful.

This is one reason that it is so important that they receive guidance throughout their


Without it, they can struggle to become who they are truly meant to be.

In conclusion, it is important to know who are indigo children because they are an amazing

group of people who have a lot to teach us all if we let them.

Besides their psychic gifts, identifying indigo children is easy because they are also kind,

compassionate, and empathetic.

So if you or someone you know thinks that they might be one of them, the best place

to start is by learning more through books written by experts on the subject.

And remember, there are plenty of people who don�t know that this unique breed of humans


So feel free to print or post this article to share with those you know.

We would also love to hear from any of these children who wish to share their story

with others.

For more infomation >> Identifying Indigo Children - Duration: 4:11.


Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, trump-attacks-nfl-again - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, trump-attacks-nfl-again - Duration: 5:59.


BT Daily: Your Life, Part 4: Consequences of Mindset - Duration: 4:20.

[Darris McNeely] We've been doing a series on half-full or half-empty, whether the glass

of water, as we know, half-full half-empty, as an approach toward life and a mind view

and a mindset that we have toward life.

We talked about the "Parable of the Talents," back in Matthew 25, in part 2, and I wanna

go back to that because it's important for all of us to be able to kind of analyze ourselves

in that way and look whether or not we have 1, 2, or 5 talents, going for us.

You know, look at your life.

Look at whether or not you have things that you can give of your experience, of your time,

even in small amounts and as affordable of your parts of one's wealth.

Some people are able to do that.

How about empathy?

How about taking an interest in other people's lives, the condition of their health, their

family, their friends?

Making that a part of your own life where you are concerned and you go and you check

up, and you pray for them, but you let them know, and, again, developing a sincere empathy

for people.

What about just volunteering?

Finding a place where you can contribute and make a difference in your community, at your

local school, your children's school and determine to contribute something to the whole of a

school, an organization, perhaps even your church.

Let's turn it around sometimes and just understand how this half-empty approach impacts our own

lives as we look at life and what we will do, even some of the unrighteous acts that

the Bible calls sin and the things we might wanna get a bit close to in our life and dabble

with, and watch, and view, and/or do, that are not defined as good acts or righteous

acts but unrighteous acts.

What does that say about one's life?

I think that it can say that we have a mind-view that is a bit more of half-empty because it

gets to the point where we might even doubt life.

We might doubt God.

We might doubt that there is a penalty for the action that we get kinda close to, or

we just do only on a part-time basis.

It also might say that we kinda doubt that we would ever have to give an account for

that in our life before God in any way.

We just rather push the envelope when it comes to unrighteous acts of sin.

Think about that, where you are in your life right now.

There is a Scripture, in Philippians chapter 4, that probably defines the positive, half-full

approach more than anything else, beginning in verse 12, where the apostle Paul is writing

from prison.

And he says this to the church at Philippi, "I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at

last your care for me has flourished again, though you surely did care, but you lacked


Not that I speak in regard to need because I have learned," Paul says, "In whatever state

I am, to be content" (Philippians 4:10-12).

He was in prison, remember?

He rejoiced and he said, "I learned to be content."

Then verse 12, "I know how to be abased.

I know how to abound."

In other words, to be without and to be with plenty.

"Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to

abound and to suffer need."

This is a classic, positive, half-full approach to life.

Make it something that you think about.

Make it a Scripture that you are close to.

Make it a teaching from God that helps define the type of person that you are.

You know how to be without and to be with plenty.

And when you are with plenty, you don't forget God and you know how to use it, to not only

worship God but to serve others and to deepen your appreciation for a positive, contented,

joy-filled approach to life and to God.

Come back, we have one more part to cover, one more interesting story as BT Daily.

Join us next time.

For more infomation >> BT Daily: Your Life, Part 4: Consequences of Mindset - Duration: 4:20.


How to Avoid Blisters When Running - Duration: 6:30.

- Here are some tips about how not to get blisters.

(peppy music)

20% likelihood that I'm actually gonna have one.

That was not good.

These shoes, still wet.

Morning, trainiacs.

It is 20 to eight on Sunday morning,

and I have one of the longest runs

of my training block, an hour and 40 minutes

in rain, rain, rain, rain, rain.

Nothing but rain, pure rain, like

we're talking just straight up rain.

Not even spritzing, not sprinkling,

not a shower, rain.

I got an idea for how to deal with it, though, here.


How's this for a fashion statement of the year, huh?

Yeah, yeah, we've got my not-so-nice gym shorts


as we normally start off with,

wind on the outside layer, and then

insulation on the inside layer, so

I'll be nice and toasty, and then

this garbage bag will keep me

nice and dry in the core, and I'll

probably cut about 10 pounds like a boxer.

Win, win, win, hello, folks.

Throw on a hat to keep the rain outta my face.

Hat on, a pair of windproof gloves,

and I think odds are like, 20% likelihood

that I'm actually gonna have an enjoyable run.

Wish me luck.

(peppy music)

So trainiacs, that there was a,

that was a fairly wet run, yeah.

That was not good.

These shoes, still wet, bag full

of wet clothes, still wet.

Ruining all the other dry clothes

that are in the laundry hamper.

All right, I got a blister.

Happens when you run in wet weather.

Now, here are some tips about how

not to get blisters, don't do what

I did and get a blister.

You know, I should really turn this

into one of those YouTube channels that

pops blisters and pimples and gets bazillions of views.

Number one, your shoes: get proper fitting shoes.

You want a fair bit of room all around here,

like a half a thumb width all around here

in the toe box, you want some good room,

because if you're rubbing there, or you're

rubbing here, or up there, odds are pretty

good you're gonna get a blister.

Also, when you find a pair of shoes

that are blister-free, that you know work, stick with them.

I did not stick with them.


These, I know that they aren't my go-to shoes,

but I figured I would be a genius

and be like, hey look, I'm a half a centimeter

higher up off the ground, I'm gonna be so dry.

Didn't work, and I got a blister.

Next thing: either keep your feet dry

with something like baby powder that soaks

up a lot of the excess moisture

and causes heat and friction.

I'm a big fan of baby powder because

it actually helps toughen up your feet

a little bit, making them less likely

to get blisters, or keep your feet lubed

with something like Body Glide.

Body Glide or something like Vaseline,

that will help create a little bit less friction.

However, don't create so much that

your foot ends up slipping and actually

causing more friction and more rubbing.

So because of that reason, that there's

a really fine line that you've gotta play

with lube, I tend to go with baby powder

if I want my feet to have a little bit of help.

I've never done this, not a big fan.

Now, socks.

If you find that you're really, really

susceptible to blisters, don't go with cotton socks.

Cotton socks absorb moisture, and

that moisture causes blisters.

Now, if you wanna go get yourself some

moisture-wicking socks, go for it.

However, traditional runners might

make a little bit of fun of you, because

they're really hardcore, and they're like,

"Cotton socks from Wal-Mart, that's all I use."

Or, or, what you can do, is go with

two pairs of socks, and what ends up

happening is the friction actually

happens in between the two socks.

Not bad, eh?

And then finally you can tape or Band-Aid

up the areas of your feet that

tend to get kind of beat up.

This tends to be the gold standard

for a lot of people, especially long,

long, ultramarathon runners; however,

I'm not a really big fan of it

because it's like a crutch that your

feet actually don't toughen up

and develop the blisters that it needs to,

and it's one more thing that could

potentially cause friction, there's a lot

of people that have done taping jobs

that they do 99 times, and the 100th time,

they do it just a little bit off,

and that little bit ends up creating

the worst blister of their life.

Now, the method that I'm the biggest fan of,

that I'm suffering through today,

is just to tough it up, buttercup.

The more you can run in really basic stuff

and get your body used to all of that

basic stuff and maybe go through a couple

tough boats with blisters, the tougher

your feet are gonna be and the less likely

they're going to be to develop blisters,

because you're gonna have yourself

a gnarly set of feet that are gonna be

so callused up that no blister would even

dare setting up shop on your feet.

That is my recommendation.

All right, okay, all right, Pete, look at you.

You been going barefoot and dealing

with blisters all your life, and now,

no blisters, because he's got like that much tough skin.

"I have the toughest skin, Dad."

I know you do, Pete.

For more infomation >> How to Avoid Blisters When Running - Duration: 6:30.


There Is a Creepy Black Planet That Devours All Visible Light - Duration: 4:23.

There Is a Creepy Black Planet That Devours All Visible Light

WASP-12b, a fiery and pitch black exoplanet, would not be your next vacation destination.

In fact, this pitch-black heavenly body has many characteristics that would keep space

tourists away.

Most of the light which travels to WASP-12b doesn�t come back again.

The truth is, the black planet just doesn�t reflect much of the light that it absorbs.

This exoplanet reflects little brightness, only 0.064 according to albedo measurements

taken by the Hubble Space Telescope�s spectrograph.

This is less than what our moon reflects at 0.12 albedo.

So, the black planet devours almost 94% of the light that falls onto it, and this is

what makes it so unbelievably dark.

Lead researcher, Taylor Bell of the McGill University and the Institute for Research

on Exoplanets in Canada, said,

�We did not expect to find such a dark exoplanet.

Most hot Jupiters reflect about 40% of starlight.� So, what is this talk of �hot Jupiter�

The label �hot Jupiter� is given to planets which orbit really close to their host star

and they also have characteristics of being a giant gaseous planet.

Our Jupiter is a giant gas planet, hence the nickname.

WASP-12b is so close to its host that one year is like a day on earth.

This close proximity causes the planet to be tidally locked, making rotation and orbit

exactly the same.

This, in turn, gives the planet a rather egg-shaped look.

Most other �hot Jupiter� planets are able to trap more of the light which they absorb,

but not WASP-12b.

This planet actually acts more like a star.

Bell said,

�This new Hubble research further demonstrates the vast diversity among the strange population

of �hot Jupiters�.

Day and night

Just like our moon has two sides which never change places, WASP-12b has one side of perpetual

day and one side which remains forever in night.

Temperatures vary quite a bit as well between day and night for this dark planet.

The side facing the sun endures temperatures of about 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, while the

nighttime side has a lower temp of 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, this means the side of perpetual

night experiences clouds formed by water vapor.

Here are a few interesting facts about the black planet.

Deep within the atmosphere of WASP-12b, a red light glows.

This exoplanet gets so intensely hot that the surface glows red like molten metal.

The proximity of this planet to its star, which causes such heat, will eventually destroy

the planet�s atmosphere.

It is said that WASP-12b will only survive another 10 million years before it is completely

consumed by its star.

On a brighter note, the planet has a high carbon/oxygen ratio, meaning its rich in carbon

� diamonds or graphite.

Could it be, that WASP-12b could be the �diamond planet�?

And WASP-12b also has a small moon which is unexpected considering its nature and substance.

The mysteries of the universe

WASP-12b was discovered in 2008 and has been studied for almost 10 years.

This dark and mysterious exoplanet is around 1400 light years from earth, which isn�t

very far away according to space exploration standards.

This exoplanet is becoming one of the most studied objects outside our solar system,

but soon we shall find something else that leaves us in awe.

If you think the WASP-12b is fascinating, just wait for what is to come.

I am sure there will be even stranger and more astonishing discoveries

in the future.

For more infomation >> There Is a Creepy Black Planet That Devours All Visible Light - Duration: 4:23.


Ladies Kurti Kurta indian dresses in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:35.

Best Ladies Kurti Kurta indian dresses in amazon shopping online dresses

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