Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to talk about time, quality, and money as they relate to the publishing


Scholarly publishing is under assault from a host of factors: shrinking library budgets,

new startups, the expectation from some that everything should be free, piracy, a pricey

technology arms race, consolidation among publishers, and the list goes on and on.

These challenges have led publishers to seek new or additional revenue from new product

development, searching for new markets, price increases above the inflation rate, selling

publishing services, and many other ideas.

But publishing, to stay profitable or viable, has also taken a look at costs.

The inevitable drive toward lower costs reminds me of the unattainable triangle.

In one version of the triangle, each point is time, quality, and money.

You can have one, maybe even two, but you can't have all three.

So, you want inexpensive printing done quickly, well it is unlikely to be high quality.

Or, you want high quality editing done on a tight schedule, then it will be expensive.

Finally, you'd like cheap page composition done very well, then it is unlikely to be

done overnight.

There is another version of the triangle, but the points are time, money, and scope.

At the center is quality.

Balancing all three, instead of emphasizing just one, is the path to quality.

I applaud people or organizations that try to be frugal with their expenses.

But if at the end of the road is the expectation that everything should be low cost, done yesterday,

and be high quality then there will be consequences.

My worry is that things do get done at a lower cost and of course on a shortened schedule,

but at the end of the day, quality suffers; it is just less tangible and not immediately


A lowered quality standard in publishing services, in let's say editing, means everyone loses

including the author, the journal, the reader, and the subscriber.

I've discussed production examples here because they are tangible and readily definable, but

the challenges of the unattainable triangle apply to all aspects of publishing: marketing,

customer services, production management, peer review, and so on.

This unattainable triangle applies to employees as well.

Quality work costs money, likely at or above the market rate.

Pay as little as possible, and you get what you pay for.

Angela Merkel said, "A good compromise is one where everyone makes a contribution."

Using this approach in publishing with employees, vendors, printers, and any partner that contributes

to the final product is a valuable one.

Look too hard at costs, and quality or something else will surely pay the price.

Well that's it.

I've released an eBook called, "The Request for Proposal in Publishing: Managing the RFP


It is a short, focused guide to this essential business task that associations or societies

use to find potential publishing partners.

See the link in the notes below for more information on the book or how to purchase it.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist to see more videos about

time, quality, and money.

And make comments below or email me with questions.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> Time, Quality, and Money in Publishing - Duration: 3:50.


Zulüm Beat " Beat King Albümü " - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Zulüm Beat " Beat King Albümü " - Duration: 3:22.


NGƯỜI EM TÌM KIẾM - MIN (Cover by Lily Pop, DaFame) - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> NGƯỜI EM TÌM KIẾM - MIN (Cover by Lily Pop, DaFame) - Duration: 3:17.


MedLevensohn® | Convenção de Vendas 15 Anos - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> MedLevensohn® | Convenção de Vendas 15 Anos - Duration: 8:15.



For more infomation >> KYUN TUJHE YUN KOREAN NEW VIDEO BY AKASH K-BOY - Duration: 4:09.


Don't Miss Your Turn - Bhai Harpreet Singh Toronto - ਸਦਸਦਕੁਰਬਾਨਾ✔ - Duration: 28:55.

For more infomation >> Don't Miss Your Turn - Bhai Harpreet Singh Toronto - ਸਦਸਦਕੁਰਬਾਨਾ✔ - Duration: 28:55.


Annoying Things That Mums Do - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Annoying Things That Mums Do - Duration: 1:23.


Kman夾娃娃 掌握好這個技能,球池台再也不可怕!Fate/Grand Order 魔槍Lancer。UFOキャッチャー#117-1 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 掌握好這個技能,球池台再也不可怕!Fate/Grand Order 魔槍Lancer。UFOキャッチャー#117-1 - Duration: 2:48.


DIY Holographic Chalkboard - HGTV Handmade - Duration: 3:20.

Hi guys, I'm Karen Kavett, this is HGTV Handmade, and I don't know about you, but

I am not even close to being over the holographic trend.

Literally I just want everything in my life to be holographic, so today I'm going to

show you a little craft hack where we're going to make a holographic chalkboard.

Let's get started.

So we're going to start with a piece of holographic craft paper.

This is super shiny and pretty and I just want to use it for everything.

The secret here is clear chalkboard spray paint.

It's pretty cheap and it lets you turn anything into a chalkboard.

So take your holographic paper outside and give it two or three light coats of the spray

paint, letting it dry in between coats.

Then you're going to need some sort of base, I'm using this square wooden sign.

Paint the edges if you want to, I'm just making mine white.

When that's dry, trim down your paper so it'll fit onto the base.

Then use plenty of hot glue to glue it down.

So, that's the basic project finished, but to make it more functional, I'm going to

add some hooks to the bottom, and these just screw right in - no drill or glue needed.

Then I decided to replace the hanger it came with with some white rope.

To get the rope through the holes, I just wrapped it in tape and then it could be pushed

right through.

I tied a knot on each end and cut off the excess, and now I've got a pretty nice-looking


For one final touch, I decided to add some photo clips.

This is a set of photo clips that already came on a string, but you could totally just

string your own mini clothespins onto cord to make your own.

I tied the string to the back and reinforced it with tape, and now I've got a set of

photo clips on my chalkboard.

And that's all there is to it.

Just go ahead and hang it up and now you've got a holographic message board that is perfect

for anyone who's super into the unicorn aesthetic.

How cute was that?

And with the hooks and the photo clips, it's functional too.

So if you want to see a similar project where I made a unicorn corkboard, I'll link that

right down below.

And be sure to let me know in a comment right down below - are you into the whole unicorn

holographic trend?

If not, what does your craft aesthetic look like?

Thank you guys so much for watching, I'll see you all next time.

For more infomation >> DIY Holographic Chalkboard - HGTV Handmade - Duration: 3:20.


Indoor Kitties Australia - interview with Dr Kate King and Dr Georgia Knudsen from Canberra Cat Vet - Duration: 6:20.

I'm Doctor Kate King and this is Doctor Georgia Knudsen from Canberra Cat Vet.

As professionals we advocate for the health – mental and physical – of our patients.

If people are not aware of the impact of keeping their cats completely indoors and don't

provide for that, we see everything from bladder disease, huge anxiety, the list just goes

on and on and on.

A lot of cats end up getting euthanased because of their abnormal behaviour, and that's

why we're saying at the beginning we're advocates for mental health for cats.

The biggest killer of cats at the moment is nothing medical, it's behavioural.

In Victoria they did a survey of animal owners and 43% of people kept their cats indoors.

Most of them didn't provide adequate environmental enrichment, so that causes a lot of welfare

issues for us.

And I do cat behaviour consults here so I see the impact of that.

So we see behavioural issues such as aggression, inappropriate urination, inappropriate scratching,

[Obsessive Compulsive Disorder]-like behaviours, overgrooming, and it also goes into medical

as well.

So we see urinary tract problems; a blocked male cat from stress can die within 48 hours

and it's excruciatingly painful.

So that would be a horrendous way to go.

Vomiting, gastrointestinal problems, maybe an increase in pancreatitis-

Kate: It seems to be. Georgia: We don't really know.

But I think we're finding that anxiety in cats is really causing a lot of issues.

So there's three prongs to that: environmental enrichment, which we can talk about in a moment;

having the least number of cats in your house as possible-

Georgia: One.

Kate: One, is ideal.

Cats really do not like living with other cats and living with another cat is a huge

source of anxiety.

And three, providing some sort of outdoor experience.

So you've spoken to Tom [Mr Petman], so the outdoor enclosures are a really good way

to go.

So environmental enrichment has got a whole lot of aspects to it.

So it's making sure that if there are more than one- is more than one cat in the household

that all their resources are separate.

So their food is separate, their water is separate, their litter trays are separate,

you've got adequate number of litter trays.

A lot of cats live in apartments, so that makes it quite difficult if there's more

than one cat.

Providing lots of places that a cat can hide and be and just watch what's going on is

really important.

So if people put perches next to a window where they can see out.

One of our nurse's cats loves to sit and watch David Attenborough, so that's another-

there are whole youtube videos for cats.

Georgia: There's ipad apps, where they can swipe.

Kate: Yeah, so lots of things to stimulate their brains. Georgia: I have a fish tank.

It's hard, when I do my behaviour consults it's actually more about training the owner

and getting the owner to understand how cats think, because they don't think like we


They don't think like dogs do or any of our other companion animals, and they've

evolved to live with us in a completely different way.

So first of all it's managing that expectation, and then it's talking about how cats think

and how they perceive the world, and what makes them anxious.

Because a lot of people come in and go 'oh my cat isn't anxious' and then you start

talking about it and you talk to them about what makes cats anxious and they go 'oh

yeah, ok, I see it now.

I see that the fact that I have three indoor-only cats and that they're very territorial and

that they like to mark their territory.

And that they don't like to eat together, or they don't like to- they're introverts

so they like to have time apart.'

So then they start to understand.

So really it's very much, first of all, training the owner, and then looking at exactly

what cats need.

What do they get when they free roam, what do they get out in the wild?

They do hunt, so stimulating hunting.

They do climb up trees and hide under bushes, so providing that for them.

They do like to mark their territory, so how are we going to allow them to mark their territory

without tearing up the house or weeing everywhere?

They don't like to use litter boxes in the wild, that's really unnatural for them.

And certainly litterbox management is a huge one.

So many people see 'Oh, I clean that once a month.'

Wow, that's like not flushing your toilet for a month.

They're really clean animals.

So when we feed Annie we hide food in that.

She's got to fish food out of here, she's got to try and get food out of there, so we're

trying to mimic her hunting behaviour.

It not only keeps her occupied for a short while and slows down the amount that she eats,

it gives her mental stimulation.

Then she has a variety of perches around the place.

She also has another room that's hers out the back that she can go to when she wants,

and she only toilets out there, even though we provided a toilet here, it's way too


So she's- she also has a lot of staff to play with her.

She has such a huge variety of places she can go and just watch and not be noticed.

And that means a lot to a cat.

For more infomation >> Indoor Kitties Australia - interview with Dr Kate King and Dr Georgia Knudsen from Canberra Cat Vet - Duration: 6:20.


カップル 感動話!プロポーズを しようと彼女と会う約束の日。しかし彼女が来れなくなった! その衝撃の理由とは - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> カップル 感動話!プロポーズを しようと彼女と会う約束の日。しかし彼女が来れなくなった! その衝撃の理由とは - Duration: 6:36.


عـــــــــاجل: انفصاليون يستفزون المغرب ويقيمون "استعراضا عسكريا" بمدينة السمارة المغربية - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> عـــــــــاجل: انفصاليون يستفزون المغرب ويقيمون "استعراضا عسكريا" بمدينة السمارة المغربية - Duration: 2:39.


hot HLV manchester united bị chicken đuổi chạy sml - Duration: 0:05.

For more infomation >> hot HLV manchester united bị chicken đuổi chạy sml - Duration: 0:05.


Love quotes | Depressing Quotes and Sayings about Life and Love - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Love quotes | Depressing Quotes and Sayings about Life and Love - Duration: 2:19.


BẦU CUA 2018 | GAME BẦU CUA 2018 | HACK GAME BẦU CUA ĐIỆN THOẠI | 0944052468 - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> BẦU CUA 2018 | GAME BẦU CUA 2018 | HACK GAME BẦU CUA ĐIỆN THOẠI | 0944052468 - Duration: 6:22.


Göz Bebeği Beat " Beat King Albümü " - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Göz Bebeği Beat " Beat King Albümü " - Duration: 4:11.


Carpetas personalizadas económicas #7 Carpeta de cartón ecológico Ecosum - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Carpetas personalizadas económicas #7 Carpeta de cartón ecológico Ecosum - Duration: 0:56.


Veda Beat " Beat King Albümü " - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Veda Beat " Beat King Albümü " - Duration: 4:04.


WE2M180 - Replacing Your GE Dryer's Back Panel Screw AP2042305 PS773982 - Duration: 2:13.

Hi, I'm Jordan

Today, I'm going to show you how to replace the back panel screw on your GE dryer model.

The reason you might need to change this part is it your screw is rusted or worn out

and for this repair, you'll need a Phillips-head screw driver.

So this is our dryer model, just keep in mind, your appliance might look different.

The first thing to do to reach the screw is to turn the appliance around.

This is our back panel, and our screw is located right here.

with the Phillips-head screwdriver, we're going to unscrew the screw.

Just take the screw and remember to hold the metal plate

and then we're going to grab out new OEM replacement screw.

If you don't have one of these screws already, you can find them on our online store.

Just keep in mind before reattaching the new screw, you'll line it up with the hole right here

Just like that

Take your new screw, slightly screw it in

and then just use your Phillips-head screwdriver

and once you've reattached the screw, your repair is complete.

If you need to replace any parts for your appliances.

You can find an OEM replacement part on our website.

Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy.

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