Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Lyons JDC pH 3 all right wait what's that on location what are you sure we're

gonna want white trash correspondent JD blaze okay oh it is is JD Blizz ol blaze

Earl's you know what it is man it's true white trash corresponding it we did go

to we went over to the football games today yo yo yo yo yo

see pagerank back at it again with another mother freaking video can you

believe it what's been going on I don't know

everything's been going on with me but this is a Monday that you that some

people are watching this not only that many but TGIM right look Aaron Thomas

thank God is Monday right thank goodness is Monday let's crush this week I'm

gonna crush this coming up week like I'm gonna crush this week I'm gonna dominate

this week look at this this is one of my 2006 my favorite 2006 shirts with my JD

blaze shirts you know how it goes you know you know what the business is if

you don't know what the business is you might keep on watching you might learn

you might be seeing me from my accounting for beginners videos and my

teaching on lines and stuff and we're good we're going to get back to that

let's get back to my roots that's why I really enjoy doing that's the kind of

this video is going to be about is about online learning and my thoughts about

online learning without even looking at without even looking at my notes let me

see what I what I what I what I was thinking about this online learning how

it's so great first of all it's a good I think it's a

perfect accompaniment my videos my dc-8 ler but anyways any online learning

check my playlist playlist description below or in card too selfish promotion

yes I know but it's for free so how much selfless how how bad is it right okay so

that so they on so online learning is um

what what do I think of online learning I think it's great I learned so much

from watching from online learning from mainly YouTube because it's it's free to

watch YouTube you just click you just click you know you know you know yeah

you don't have to sign up unless you want to make a comment thank you very

much for commenting I think you might do have to have a youtube channel or any

YouTube account to like a video or dislike I don't know but anyways

YouTube's easy just you just type something in you can even Google type

something Google and you'll find it over on YouTube or you'll find a video the

point I'm getting I like it a lot and I think a lot of other people like it a

lot and why online learning just helped me out a lot

was because I could go I could go at my own pace first of all and it's very very

nerve-wracking for for me this might I'm shy sometimes or what I want to be shy

like you know when I'm on camera here it's because I want to be on camera it's

because hey I took some caffeine pills I ate you know the my surroundings are

good and I'm here but you know when I'm in a classroom especially now I was

younger because I used to get picked on and bullied a lot and everything was

negative towards you like negative negative so I just wanted to like not

only I didn't want anybody to notice me at all so if I didn't understand

something there was no way like I never I never asked a question in class from

like ever I don't think like seriously like I was never like hey I don't

understand I don't understand this maybe one class in college or two classes in

college I would do that in yeah so that was never me because I didn't want

everyone to look at me and then so you got the whole class looking at you I

mean in middle school or high school 30 people college sometimes and like those

the the big lectures like a 101 like an accounting you know 101 or math 101 or

just these 101 you know the beginning the freshman year is 101 so in a

freshman year or English class or this class or sometimes there'd be two or 300

people I went took some classes at Florida

State and then you're gonna ask a question and have two or 300 people look

at you or when you're in younger grades

you know 20 30 people looking at you and the teacher and the teacher is like

right you know he's like you're like hey I understand this then the teacher says

again what he just said that you didn't understand then so you're getting the

same information then he's like right right right and you're like dude I don't

then everything of course I guess I mean so that's why the beauty of this online

is online learning because you don't have to tell and I've gotten I've gotten

a bunch of uh you know I guess I've got a bunch of data and stuff so I've gotten

a bunch a bunch of private messages and such that says like um you know I didn't

know the basics of accounting like I did tax or if for whatever reason I work

around this stuff and now it's got embarrassing and I don't you know it's

like stuff you should know by now or maybe you've been faking it

now it's embarrassing at your workplace or wherever that you don't know this

material and I mean it's so great all you have to do is just type on YouTube

and learn the material like no one's gonna know I mean even if someone does

get your search browser through the FICA you're looking for like a county you're

like yeah I was just brushing up you're like I mean you can never brush up on

your skills too much you know you think you're busted or whatever but what else

so I thought about that in the online learning and I really you know cuz I

just kind of came on I just throw some accounting videos up in my County for

beginners number one has about six hundred thousand views and it's getting

about three thousand views a day right now which I never thought would happen I

mean when I threw that up I think I got like six years the first day or seven

and those were all mine I'm sure at least five I mean yeah it was bad tough

to see where I am now and then to be like a teacher like at first if you know

if you've watched my first couple videos you know that I'm like I have no I don't

know I I really hadn't found my voice in the first couple for sure I feel I'm

finding it currently I think with every video I'm getting better in front of my

voice I'm just practicing practicing practicing so that I know I love making

these videos I get a lot of love from it so I lost my train of thought I was but

I know I know I wanted to talk about oh that I'm like a I'm a teacher now and

you know everyone says oh you'd be granted to college in the great ecology

we go to college to college you know I have a problem with authority and I like

to do my own thing and I love that this channel is just me like I didn't haven't

got a shout out for anybody no one really did I know personally in real

life has you know showed me any YouTube I just

was a devout a voracious YouTube user I asked to help me pass the CPA exam and

so then I started I started doing these uh teaching online I guess I mean I

started with like how I crossed the CPA exams I thought that would be the most

beneficial you know if I was the that was the biggest thing I've done and I

thought people you know that would get a lot down get two views you know a lot of

views yeah you know I was gonna I was gonna be as I was gonna have a crazy

popular YouTube channel CPA exam but that was way way too small of a niche

but I hey I was least I was putting videos out and I mean those those are

still up I still have my beginning videos and such and then so I had found

I had found a video like six videos this was like six years ago so these videos

must be like 10 12 years ago now I was like a very computer voice and it was

like a blur right and so I see was that today I mean it's this guy like

enlightened or something and light no seven hasn't posted and like eight or

like 10 years but he had a blur so that helped me like and you know and his

couple videos helped me and so I wanted to add the DC on there so then I mean I

give this guy credit for coming up with a l'heure or I mean all the the cool

thing with that is there's nothing really groundbreaking about it I mean a

blur it's acid straw expense liability equity revenue I mean it's really

nothing it's just the bare basics but so that in mind that was good but it

still didn't encompass everything so you know when when my grandfather my

grandfather in Texas taught me the rules of football you know it was a hundred

100 yards as the field and then you know you have the field goals and you go ten

yards and your first down and okay that's you know what I'm sayin so you

gotta know the rules the whole the whole field you know what's out of balance

what's in bounds the whole field and so that was good

the aehlert but then I thought well everything's either a debit or a credit

and ask that's either debit or credit every every every a jeweler is either a

debit or credit so I added those on I said hey I'm gonna add those on and so

then I started making DC a blur my thing I started pumping it out there for four

you know at first I made five videos and then we didn't do nothing for a long

time and now there are another kiln it and it's crazy how those five videos are

changing my life it's awesome I mean and I think it's a testament to like the you

know world shit on me I did a lot to myself with my with my drug addictions

and stuff for me I guess it did all my self through drug addictions and how I

supported my voracious drug addictions my expensive habit how I supported that

yeah you know I don't know how I got on that but anyways like you know and now

I'm here that was me then now I'm here but look I'm not focusing on my past so

much anymore that I can't change that and yeah and yeah I tell you yeah I was

a big drug addict

nice to do whatever running them streets to pay for my habit and why am I making

that why am I making that public why not because it's me

you know am i proud of it hell no I wish it wasn't me

I'm just saying if you find yourself in a similar position that you've done it

to yourself or life I mean you do your own life so you've done it yourself

you've been fucking up your whole life everyone else thinks you're a fucking

mess that was me too and I just started changing some small things and you know

one thing led to another and then I like I quit drinking and then some more

things led to another then I got my CPA license and then that I made some

youtube videos and now we're here so and now I'm an online teacher for the whole

world to see this video is getting long AF I can just talk forever and I'm just

really enjoying this and jeezum crow bars I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it one

take Timmy like yo this is crazy because you know my editing is not nothing so

anyways what else do I want to even set me and JT blazes are you let me show you

let me show you CPA strength yeah I'm going to show you boy water we're two

dog why can't I hear you right what's going on over there yeah JT blaze

reporting reporting a lot reporting live

yeah that was our boy peewee reporting reporting live from up there and

Michigan up in Detroit up in Detroit East Lansing for the Michigan State game

what are you doing up in Detroit yo man we gettin lit up here boy JD blazer

you'll be keeping a list since 2002 son

you need to go to Canada I don't know if the limit I don't know if they're gonna

let me in though player I don't know you're a mess bro be safe up there seven

mile a mile

who dat who dat on location

oh whoa hey hey I'm coming to shot let's keep it lit far ball you know what it is

it was on location you know what's happening back to you CJ strength laughs

listen that was peewee that was JD blaze I don't really know where they were I

knew he was at the games I don't know where that JD blaze character is you

never know where he is where he was what his deal is

he's like the endless puzzle but anyways if you liked this video like share

subscribe please do the dang thing you know how we do and I'll see you tomorrow


For more infomation >> Online Learning is Awesome / Benefits of Online Learning / How DC ADE LER was formed / CPA Strength - Duration: 16:54.


Terra não para de tremer, e México sente mais um terremoto - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Terra não para de tremer, e México sente mais um terremoto - Duration: 2:26.


White House issues updated travel ban; N. Koreans will be completely banned from entering U.S. - Duration: 1:36.

The Trump administration expands its travel ban to citizens from more nations including

North Korea and Venezuela.

Meaning from mid-October on, they will be completely banned from entering the United


Connie Kim explains further.

Eight countries will be facing new entry restrictions to the U.S. under a proclamation signed by

President Trump on Sunday.

The White House is slapping travel bans on citizens from North Korea, Venezuela and Chad

expanding the initial list of travel restrictions on Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

Restrictions on citizens from Sudan have been lifted.

The restrictions vary from full travel bans on nationals from countries like Syria and

North Korea to more targeted restrictions for Venezuela.

The proclamation reads that Trump as the president must protect the security and interests of

the United States and its people.

The announcement comes on the day President Trump's temporary ban on visitors from six

Muslim-majority countries was set to expire.

The new list has extra significance as it has broadened the restrictions to socialist

countries like North Korea and Venezuela.

While an administration official acknowledged the small number of North Koreans traveling

to the U.S.,… the proclamation said North Korea does not cooperate with the American

government in any respect and fails to satisfy all information-sharing requirements.

The new restrictions are slated to take effect on October 18th.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on October 10th on whether the current ban

discriminates against Muslims in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Connie Kim, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> White House issues updated travel ban; N. Koreans will be completely banned from entering U.S. - Duration: 1:36.


North Korea stages rallies in support of Kim Jong-un and denounces Trump's UN speech - Duration: 1:57.

Pyongyang sent an open letter calling on nations to denounce Trump's speech at the UN.

Also several mass protests were staged in North Korea.

The weekend rallies targeted the U.S. administration while showing support for their leader Kim


Kwon Jang-ho zooms in on the rare sight.

Over the weekend, hundreds of thousands were said to have taken to the streets across North

Korea, armed with banners and slogans denouncing the U.S. and Trump.

The biggest rally was staged reportedly in Pyongyang, with over a hundred thousand gathered

at Kim Il-sung Square.

Senior officials were said to have read out a statement by Kim Jong-un, before making

their own speeches and rally cries, vowing to achieve their "final victory" over the

"U.S. imperialists."

These rallies came after Kim Jong-un released an unprecedented statement on Friday condemning

U.S. President Trump's speech at the UN General Assembly earlier last week.

Written in the first person, the statement called Trump "mentally deranged" and pledged

to take the strongest countermeasures against the U.S.

Trump had called Kim a "rocket man" on a suicide mission in his speech, and had threatened

to "totally destroy" North Korea if necessary.

The ongoing volley of insults and threats has put other nations on edge.

However, Pyongyang also called on them to take their side in condemning Trump in an

open letter to parliaments around the world on Monday.

The regime's foreign affairs committee is said to have asked all countries that "love

independence, peace and justice" to fulfill their duty of maintaining these values...

and remain vigilant of the U.S. leader's actions.

The letter warned that Trump's words were a big miscalculation that could lead to nuclear


It added the mission of the committee is to promote friendly relations with all parliaments

and peace-loving people around the world.

There is no information as to which nations the letter was sent.

Kwon Jang-Ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea stages rallies in support of Kim Jong-un and denounces Trump's UN speech - Duration: 1:57.


Handy Let´s Plays & 100 Abo-Special ★ Infovideo - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Handy Let´s Plays & 100 Abo-Special ★ Infovideo - Duration: 2:02.


The Best Masters of Chinese Guqin music (instrumental) - Wu Jing-lue - Duration: 47:41.

The Best Masters of Chinese Guqin music instrumental - Wu Jing-lue

Clouds over Xiao and Xiang Rivers

Dialogue Between Fisherman and Woodcutter

Thinking of an Old Friend

The Sunny Spring

Mo Zi's Grief At Silk Being Dyed

Plane Tree Leaves Whirling in Autumn Winds

Autumnal Scenary Beyond the Great Wall

Wu Jing-lue - The Best Masters of Chinese Guqin music (instrumental)

For more infomation >> The Best Masters of Chinese Guqin music (instrumental) - Wu Jing-lue - Duration: 47:41.





Mikro Katı Yapıştırıcı Sulu 💦 Slime TEST!! Eğlenceli Pofuduk Bembeyaz Slime Yaptık :) Water Slime - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Mikro Katı Yapıştırıcı Sulu 💦 Slime TEST!! Eğlenceli Pofuduk Bembeyaz Slime Yaptık :) Water Slime - Duration: 10:01.


10 Fascinating Facts About Indus Valley Civilization of the world - Duration: 13:34.

10 Fascinating Facts About Indus Valley Civilization of the world

ten fascinating facts about Indus Valley

civilisation of the world

Indus Valley

Civilisation was a Bronze age civilization located in South Asia

Extending from today's Afghanistan to Pakistan and Northwest part of India it was one of three early

Civilizations of the Old world other two were ancient egypt and mesopotamia and it was the largest of all three

Just like any other ancient

Civilization it flourished in the basin's of indus River which was equivalent of nile in ancient Egypt although the Indus Valley

civilization existed for thousands of years, but historians divided sage into three different time periods

Mature harappan

period Dated from

2600 1900 Bce while early Harappan and late harappan periods lasted from


2600 and 1900 to 1300 BcE respectively

Karratha was the most prominent City, and it was also the first city discovered by

Archaeologists, which is why Indus Valley?

Civilisation is also known as harrop a civilization before jumping into the list let's clear one point

Indus Valley people were literate and had a language but for some reason we still can't read their language

So everything we know about them is due to archaeology 10

They were ahead of their time an extremely sophisticated and technically advanced culture of its time is evident throughout the Indus Valley

Civilisation the cities that were built by them were absolutely amazing particularly harappa and Mohenjo-daro

They had the dense cluster of multi-story non residential buildings homes that were constructed using

Uniformly sized baked bricks some homes were in a special orientation

To catch the wind and provide natural form of air conditioning they even had their own version of flushing toilets

the people of Indus Valley

civilisation placed High priority on Hygiene to

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro had the world's first sanitation system

Most homes were connected with the centralized drainage system to carry waste and water with the help of gravity

This kind of system was pinnacle for 18th century Europe the ancient indus sewage and drainage

System that were used throughout the industry J'en were leagues ahead of any contemporary

Urban City of Middle East it

Is also believed that their drainage system was more efficient than those in many areas of today's India and Pakistan?

There's an apparent indication of some kind of government that were taking and implementing complex decisions

Construction of cities were done in highly uniform and a well-planned grid pattern they probably didn't have monarchy system

But had different rulers for different cities 9 the great bath of Indus Valley

civilisation one of the most captivating things about the indus valley

Civilisation is that the largest built structure by them wasn't any temple or monumental building which is commonly seen in contemporary

civilizations like ancient Egypt and mesopotamia

Instead it was a public bath and mohenjo-daro named the great bath the 11 x 7 meters baths had a depth of around

2.5 meters it had two wide staircases from North and south that served as the entry to the pool a

Hole was also found at the end of the bath which might have been used to drain water into it

The floor and walls of pool was water type. Due to finely fitted bricks and the mud laid with gypsum plaster

The sides and the floor of the pool were covered with a thick layer of waterproof tar

Although the exact purpose of the great bath is still much debated

but most scholars believe that it was built for religious purposes

A kind of ritual which is still practiced today in India but mostly among hindus jains and buddhists

Indus valley people may have believed that the water purify and renew the soul of bather 8

They had highly skilled craftsmen the engineering skills of indus Valley people were remarkable

They developed some new techniques in metallurgy and produced Elements like Copper Bronze lead and tin

various Sculptures seals vessels Pottery gold jewelry and

Anatomically detailed figures have been found in archaeological sites are made out of various materials such as terracotta Bronze

Gold and satellite those people had mastered many crafts including shale working ceramics agate

And satellite bead making they were all so obsessed with ornaments like

Necklaces and bangles which is evident in almost all phases of harappan culture

some of these crafts are still practiced in the subcontinent today their

extraordinary craftsmanship is manifest with highly detailed

dancing figures of females with cylindrical limbs that they made using Terracotta

Some historians, call these crafted figures almost impossible to be developed by the people of 3rd Millennium Bce


Astonishing seals. It's now widely accepted among historians of people from Indus Valley

civilisation traded goods with mesopotamia and probably egypt perhaps

they were even the first people to use wheel transport, but the most interesting things that they produced were seals that they used as

identification markers on Goods and clay tablets

these seals contain a written language that we still can't read and a lot of interesting designs of

fantastical creatures animals and people probably gods

But the most famous and profound seal is the one called Pakka Potty seal in

This seal a three-headed man with Buffalo horns on his middle head is sitting between a tiger and a bull

The exact meaning of the image isn't well understood, but it's purported to be the earliest depiction of Hindu God shiva

Who's also regarded as the lord of animals the man is sitting with legs bent in a position that he seems to be doing?

Medication some believe that it could also be the earliest example of practicing yoga

6 they pioneered buttons and step while the inventions and discoveries

made by Indus Valley

Civilisation doesn't sound interesting today

But they were great achievements at their time

we're talking about the age when the rate of innovations was much lower than the modern time period While number of inventions and discoveries

done by Humans didn't Skyrocket until 16th century Perhaps industrial revolution

people of Indus valley civilisation actually developed and used buttons around 2000 BcE for ornamental purposes

buttons were made out of seashells

Some of them were carved into various geometric shapes

They had holes pierced into them so that they can be attached by using thread

Earliest-Known button is found in Mohenjo-daro. Which is believed to be about five thousand years old

Earliest apparent evidence of Stepwell is also found in Indus Valley

Civilizations archaeological site mohenjo-Daro it probably had religious significance which also seems to explain why later?

buddhists and Jains

Adapted Stepwells into their structures both the ritual of bathing and step now reached other parts of the world with buddhism

Five they were first people to build and use artificial dockyard Lhasa was one of the most remarkable cities of Indus Valley

Civilisation which was located in Modern state of gujarat Lafa was a well-planned town

Engineers and planners engaged themselves to protect the town from consistent floods right from the beginning

They ended up dividing the town into 1/2 meters high blocks each serving more than 20 houses

Now that clearly indicate that their engineers had the skills required to develop something modern as dockyard

Laughlin juniors placed high priority on building a dockyard and a warehouse to serve the purposes of trade in


Archaeologists discovered the world's Earliest Known evidence of building unusal

Artificial dockyard and loft which must have connected the city with the ancient course of Sabarmati river

the dock was built on the Eastern flank of the town and is regarded by

Archeologists and historians as an engineering feat of highest order for they developed most precise measurement

techniques of its time the people of Indus valley

civilisation developed techniques and tools to measure the length weight and time with impressively high

accuracy they were even among the first homo Sapiens to use uniform measures such as

Thanks time and weight a sharp study of objects found in

Industries indicate a large-scale variation their smallest division which is marked on an ivory found in Kirat was


1.7 millimeters, that's the smallest division ever recorded on any scale of Bronze age

but historians speculate that the engineers may have used the decimal subdivisions with the accuracy of

0.005 of an inch they even used decimal subdivisions for the measurement of mass as revealed by their hexahedron weights

their weight chart was in the ratio of 5 to 2 : 1 with weights ranging from

0.05 to

500 units with each unit weighting approximately 28 grams

Similar to English imperial ounce or Greek Hansa 3 they had world's first dentist

You may think of dentistry to be a quite modern medical practice, but it's pretty old in fact

It's probably more than 7,000 years old

people of Indus Valley

civilisation practiced it in early harappan period In

2001 While

Archaeologists were studying remains of two men in Merga or Pakistan which was the part of Indus Valley

civilisation proposed that people from early harappan period Perhaps had the knowledge of proto dentistry later in


archaeologists finally confirmed that the earliest known evidence of drilling a living person teeth is found in murga or from the age of

Indus Valley


11 drilled Molar crowns from nine different adults were discovered in neolithic graveyard in murga, or that are believed to be

7500 to 9,000 Years Old two

Indus Valley

Civilisation was almost heaven in this valley

civilization was located on a plane of indus river which at its time was arguably the best place on Earth to have a

civilization there was no lack of food for any person of the civilization at its Peak indus Valley may have had the

Population of 5 million people that doesn't sound much in 21st century

But it was a great achievement thousand years ago one of the best quality or weakness of Indus Valley

Civilisation is that they were peace-loving people


archeologists finding more than

1050 sites and settlements there were very little or no sign of warfare murder or use of weaponry

Their nonviolent nature is completely contrast to a contemporary

Civilization ancient egypt whose leaders always had urged to conquer neighborhood lands and engage in war with others Indus Valley

civilisation had extremely peaceful and progressive society

Their cities wasn't short of Heaven on Earth at their time

They had baked brick houses with drainage systems and even water supply

What else on Earth you could ask five millenniums ago one the collapse of Indus Valley

Civilisation is still a mystery and his valley civilization was doing great and overall human development for hundreds of years, but around

1800 Bce signs of gradual decline began to occur probably 100 years later around

1700 Bce most people just abandoned the cities

Although the exact cause of decline is not known but there are several theories to explain

What could have happened some suggest that the peaceful nature of indus Valley people and avoiding the development of weapons was a lousy?

Military strategy and people of a lungo European tribe from Central Asia called Aryans invaded the land

many historians also believe that the collapse of Indus Valley

Civilisation may have caused by a large-scale drought and probably the decline in trade with Egypt and mesopotamia

some believe that a massive earthquake

Completely changed the course of the River hence lead to the lack of water for irrigation and thus migration, but before a station

Tuberculosis or floods could have also contributed to the Decline however people of indus Valley?

Civilisation didn't disappear suddenly many elements of this civilization can be found in later cultures that emerged

centuries after their collapse

recent archaeological excavations indicate that the decline of indus valley

civilization drove people more towards the East after

1900 Bce the number of sites significantly increased in India

Probably their descendants are living peacefully in India and Pakistan mixed with dozens of other races

For more infomation >> 10 Fascinating Facts About Indus Valley Civilization of the world - Duration: 13:34.


6 Things Controlling Personalities Do To Keep You Under Them - Duration: 5:41.

6 Things Controlling Personalities Do To Keep You Under Them

In simple explanation, controlling personality is when someone needs to have those around

them behave in certain ways, they like to control other people.

For most of us, we have come across situations where someone tells us not to do something.

Then, when asked why not, they respond with, "I don't want you to," or, "That's

not how it's done."

Controlling personalities stem from having codependency issues.

This means that they rely on their ability to control you so that they can feel safe

confident and secure.

However, by doing this, they ultimately end up making you feel like you have lost your

voice and your independence.

As a result, they have you under their thumb and they destroy your self-esteem.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 6 things controlling personalities do to keep

you under them.

Likewise, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys!

No. 1.

They start out overly-loving, then intentionally create distance.

This is a subtle manipulation tactic that is easily overlooked, if you don't know

how to spot it.

Once you meet him or her, they will begin to create a rapid and intense closeness designed

to make you trust them and rely on their affection.

As soon as they think you truly believe they have feelings for you, they will start to

distance themselves, and their affections.

This tactic is designed to make you fall head-over-heels in love so quickly that when things slow down,

you are too far down the rabbit hole to escape.

You will notice that suddenly the compliments stop and it is you who is expected to run

all the errands, pay the bills, and more.

Relationships should be an equal exchange.

No. 2.

They are constantly criticizing everything you do.

Controlling people are never satisfied with what someone else is doing.

Even if they direct you step-by-step, you will somehow still be doing it incorrectly.

Whether it is the kind of music you listen to, they way you dress, the car you drive,

the kind of job you have…it's never good enough for them.

"You should've" is a repetitive phrase in their vocabulary.

No. 3.

They hate it when you ask, "why?"

People who are controlling hate to be questioned.

Their word is law.

Asking them to explain their motives, or reasons, will only frustrate them (and you).

This, of course is because their reasons and motives don't make sense.

They want you to conform to their control without question.

Doing otherwise will lead them to display acts of anger.

No. 4.

They use guilt to manipulate you.

"If you love me, you will…"

"I will be hurt if you don't…"

"You should want to…"

All of these are sayings controlling personalities use to manipulate you through guilt.

They will try to use your love and care for them to get what they want.

This is a horribly destructive pattern in toxic relationships of any kind, friendship,

workplace, spouse- and can result in permanent emotional damage.

No. 5.

They impose arbitrary rules on your life.

Of course they know what is best for everyone, all the time.

Controlling people have a set list of rules that everyone should abide by, and if they

don't, judgement soon follows.

Liz Ryan shares an example list of arbitrary rules with Forbes:

It's impolite to let voice mail messages go unanswered for more than a half-day.

Five minutes early to a meeting is on time.

On time is late!

It's rude to breastfeed in public, even with a blanket covering the baby.

If you don't have factual evidence for your argument, don't make it.

Opinions don't count.

It's unprofessional to [hug a co-worker who's just had a new grandbaby or question

a management decision or schedule a day off work just to relax]

Work isn't supposed to be fun; that's why they call it work.

Although these are just examples, it's highly likely that you have heard something similar

in your life before.

No. 6.

They will try to make you feel bad for being yourself.

Once you recognize these behaviours for what they are, and refuse to be swayed by controlling

personalities any longer, the controlling party will likely tell you how much you have


They rely on their words having power over you, and as soon as that comes to a screeching

halt, it's your fault.

How dare you show signs of independence after they tried so fervently to steal it away from


Change is good.

Especially when it comes to leaving or avoiding toxic people.

Never let anyone tell you that you should be who they tell you to be.

That decision is up to you entirely.

All in all, that's the 6 things controlling personalities do to keep you under them.

Really cool information isn't it.

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Things Controlling Personalities Do To Keep You Under Them - Duration: 5:41.


Unbelievable Salary Of "Golmaal Again" Actors And Actresses That You Won't Believe! - Duration: 4:16.

Unbelievable Salary Of "Golmaal Again" Actors And Actresses That You Won't Believe!

For more infomation >> Unbelievable Salary Of "Golmaal Again" Actors And Actresses That You Won't Believe! - Duration: 4:16.


Продаём Системную работу перегруженной команде - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Продаём Системную работу перегруженной команде - Duration: 3:12.


DCS: F-5 Tiger II - Cannon AG (Air - Ground) - #15 Tutorial - English Subtitles - Duration: 16:00.

hi and welcome to revientor reborn in DCSw in an F-5

as you can see this is a Dutch cammo,

I am loaded only with some electronic POD, because we are going to speak about the canon AG

the configuration panel, is as simple as keep the guns & missiles & camera activated

there is no easy because you can not destroy all tipe of tanks, just the soft ones or trucks

aim is like the booms very optical

the HUD in manual mod and as usual, use the real F-5 manual with the gun tables

this is the DCS manual table, with a dive of 20 keep the target one side and move to that side at determined reference to then strike

with 20 or 30 degrees there is a few ways to attack I like more the real manual because I can strife with more info of dives

I like more a dive of 10, because is more easy to my to keep the things in its place

now from this far I Can use the 20 dive easy, but when close to ground to the second attempt, I prefer use the 10 dive

I usually strike the first one at 5000 feet and then the next one at low level and 10 dive

with the dive of 10 you can see the objective just in front, with the dive of 20 you have to do as the booms keep the lateral reference and then dive

let´s to do the strafe

there are a few vehicles, one of them is harder to destroy than the others but we can strafe them

this first one is a dive 20 and we keep the target like the booms on one side to wait to the reference and the depression is 12 according to the manual

no I can turn but the manual wait longer

see there is one target in the middle

always do a recond previous the strafe

this is maneuver easy

idle and looking for that dive -20

do not forget to "open" the cannon before be sure to fire

there you can see the burst

remember that the trigger have two position the first one to open the guns and the second one to fire, you can use directly the second one but you will have a delay when shooting

this burst is delayed respected the first one because one button have to do two actions

be generous shooting to ensure enough projectiles hit it

you know you have to NO fly over the target no like me, and drop chaff and flares

the real manual now for a low dive, say the altitude over the target, when you are shooting,

I will use the dive of 10, 600 feet 400 knot, dive of 10. then the rest of the columns from the nº4 to nº8 are from our interest

because each one have the weight of the plan in the upper part, according the plane weight we´ll shoot using that column and that mil in the HUD

no I am 17 due the fuel and the pylons, read the top line if you have centerline, you will need to add 1 mil to the hud value

I test it in DCS and the 1 mil added do not matter too much

may be in a very good quality and brand new hotas could be important but... not in mine xD

when you shoot a target try to move up and down the nose, to cover more area

I usually get only the column of 16 ir 18 because is going to be the common one

the other columns do not matter

look what is 1 mil in the hud

I will use the dive 10 600 feet 400 knots, with a mil of 10

I will use the 11 because I am heavier than that..

and now it´s time to strike the target

the target is just in front I will do the strike as expected

first I will keep 1500 feet and then when time come move to dive 10 and perform the pass

when the target is near the camera , I will perform the dive

you must know where the target is

in one side you can see it, but in front is faster

there is a target there....

some cheats here... xD

we are in parameters look like, dive 10 cannon open, waiting for the altitude, big strafe

that target was a not too soft one, it survived

it was a jeep type, armored I think

now you know you can shoot in front with out turning like the booms

there is no more, just the point to open the cannon in aA or AG befor to shoot to be easy to you

there you can see the target, is kind of armored, right ?

there are other one at the back and the destroyed one was a truck

we have 4 types of munitions, practice, hi explosive (I used that one), penetrating (may be for this vehicle...) and mix of combat, I suppose is all of types of bullets with some tracers I am not sure

here with the keyboard you can not change the munition , then you have to use the mission design one

that was the tutorial I hope you enjoyed, follow the real manual for the values, subscribe and the F-5 serie is almost done,

bye bye and be happy

For more infomation >> DCS: F-5 Tiger II - Cannon AG (Air - Ground) - #15 Tutorial - English Subtitles - Duration: 16:00.


Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Full Episodes NEW - daniel gets hurt - Duration: 26:22.

For more infomation >> Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Full Episodes NEW - daniel gets hurt - Duration: 26:22.


tuTORIEL. Czyli jak rysować moim stylem - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> tuTORIEL. Czyli jak rysować moim stylem - Duration: 7:01.


Trump Could Win Even if he Loses in This Election - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Trump Could Win Even if he Loses in This Election - Duration: 7:19.


Reusable Coffee Capsules Dolce Gusto After A Year Of Use | Domovoi 12+ - Duration: 9:22.

That's been almost a year, since we are using

homemade capsules Dolce Gusto.

A link to the first video in which we remake

Capsules Dolce densely you You can be seen in the description.

Over the past year the capsules Dolce densely did

not cheaper, and vice versa rose, so hopefully

continue. we will use our modified


During the operation I slightly changed the way

filling these capsules.

Now I use This is usually a teaspoon.

Many skeptics said, they say this is not possible, the capsules

will be covered with mold, All of them falls,

hole spreads and nothing will not work.

Everything works, if properly fill capsule.

Look, no mold no.

These black dots - this a coffee mass,

which is stuck to.

The holes also have not developed so that bvlo Impossible

their use.

Everything is fine, everything is good.

Coffee continues to take shape with foam.

All the matter in the proper washing and filling.

After use, all thoroughly washed out, and then


It is this capsule, to understand necessarily have to be dried.


If it is not dry, it will be occur mold and settle

any microorganisms, that we absolutely

Not needed.

But if the capsule is allowed to dry, then everything is fine.

Take the dried capsule, nabivaema once again


We connect the two halves and use.

Generally, a year ago, when I was doing these capsules, I do not

I thought they'd hold out for so long.

Thought will have to buy another box and make

I have another set of collapsible capsule.

But no, everything is fine, everything OK.

Of the first capsule has deteriorated only one and it is on my


But others continue please us a cup of strong

good coffee.

And here is the German silver spoon, which I am now stuffed

the capsules of coffee.

Yes, many people still ask, why during the filling of capsules

Coffee then follows a very slow.

But everything is very simple.

Firstly, a very tight printing, or you can use

Coffee is very coarse.

Just not worth very tight stuff, because moisture

It can not seep through tight packing.

But on the other hand, if the you are using a very weak

packing or coffee at all finely ground, it is also

You do not get a good result - Coffee will be too runny.

Now you can see the grinding, which I use.

TTO is not a major medium grinding, fine jams,

well compacted.

Very well brewed.

you can use Coffee anyone that you


You can buy whole bean, grind them smaller, but not

too finely, pour in a jar and then use

for stuffing.

Or you can buy already ready ground coffee and

use it as for stuffing these capsules.

I take the purchase of coffee Jockey in magnesium.

Cheap and convenient.

Here gourmets indignant, how so?

And in my opinion, the coffee Jockey and ground coffee any day

Brazilian varieties nothing It does not differ in taste.

The more that I believe, it is not necessary to overpay

for what you can buy cheaper.

So now I take our german-silver spoon made,

By the way in the USSR, and I will fill capsules.

You can see how it is done.

Now I have more experience, so it does

it all easier and faster.

Each serving of coffee planted stomach inside the capsule,

neatly trampled.

Crush do not need much, but that the structure of coffee

It was plump.

Much pressure is not necessary, or you are transmitting and coffee will

flow with difficulty.

And if not tightly press down and fewer lay

coffee in capsules, the coffee It is watery, desaturated.

So there empirically Here it is necessary to clarify these criteria

and filling options.

I make a small hole spoon.

The next step is coating foil capsule.

Foil ordinary food.

Sliced ​​bunch of pieces circles that after

stuffing covered from above.

Another small detail.

In foil, which I use, one side of the mat, the other


So the matte side I put the top.

For what?

To behold this maze plastic does not slip

to create pressure this capsule.

In principle, this time slight, but still

I do it so just happening.

Once we are installing maze, cover the second

part of the capsule and a little We turn to secure,

that it has not collapsed in hand.

That's all.

The capsule is ready for use.

Now I will be charged a second capsule.

Yes, over the past year hand I crammed.

Stuffing is fast.

While one batch of capsules dries, the second dried

already stuffed with fresh coffee.

See how simple.

Downloads ground coffee stuffed capsule, closed it foiled

circle, pulled the top second half of the capsule.

And yet, the capsule ready for use.

After use, clean the in a good tea too

spoon, the only other end.

We are well washed, purged from the hole.

To ensure that there was minimal amount


After that, dry them.

In winter, when the batteries are working, dry more convenient to chat

on the battery.

That's the simple way I have provided my family

uninterrupted ground coffee for breakfast.

As you can see, nothing for a year these capsules did not happen.

Everything works well.

If you liked the video, then put Like and subscribe

to my RSS feed.

For more infomation >> Reusable Coffee Capsules Dolce Gusto After A Year Of Use | Domovoi 12+ - Duration: 9:22.


兄妹 感動話!妹が嫌いな兄が ある日、妹の日記を見つけた。 そこに書かれていた 妹の衝撃の本音とは - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> 兄妹 感動話!妹が嫌いな兄が ある日、妹の日記を見つけた。 そこに書かれていた 妹の衝撃の本音とは - Duration: 10:22.


Korean exports rise for 10th straight month in August - Duration: 1:46.

The nation's exports continues to rise on the back of semiconducters.

Cars were also up from last year by more than a quarter.

And according to the Bank of Korea, growth will continue when the figures for the third

quarter are compiled.

Kim Ji-yeon has the numbers and more.

Korean exports recorded a tenth straight month of gains in August.

A provisional estimate by the Bank of Korea shows the export volume index was up 8-and-a-half-percent

compared to the same period last year... to nearly 142-point-3,... the biggest rate of

increase in six months.

The BOK attributes it to booming chip exports, which rose more than 20-percent from the previous


Auto exports also increased by 26-percent as carmakers diversified their export markets,...

since auto exports to China continue to wane due to Beijing's retaliatory measures against

Seoul's THAAD deployment.

The central bank projects the country's exports as well as domestic consumption will improve

during the third quarter particularly in the Seoul metropolitan area and mid-western Chungcheong


It pointed to various reasons... including the global economic recovery, improved consumer

sentiment and higher employment figures as the government's emphasis on job creation...

takes effect.

The BOK projected increases in manufacturing output,... as facility investment in the IT

and petrochemical sectors is expected to grow at a steady rate.

It also sees services industries such as food, lodging and retail gaining a boost in output

as the ten-day Chuseok, or Korean Thanksgiving, holiday approaches.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

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