Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017





For more infomation >> 😱I CANT BELEIVE WE MADE A COMEBACK WITH THIS WEAPON! - Duration: 14:20.


FAST FOOD PRANKS - Duration: 2:28.

When I was in high school, my friends and I, our hobby—like one of our main hobbies in life—

and I feel bad about this but I'm going to share it with you

—is that we liked to prank fast food drive-thrus.

We drove through backwards.

We drove through with a guy locked in the trunk, banging on it.

Yelling voice: "Help me please!" Drive thru voice: "Can I take your order?"

[laughter] Yeah...uh...

I'll tell you two that we did

[Voice muffled into microphone] Welcome to Taco Bell, may I take your order?

[Loud, slow breathing]

Why do they always keep breathing? Why don't they just turn it off?

Are you going to murder me tonight?


Do you have asthma?


So I, instead of saying an order, I was like

[inaudible mumbling]

And the person was like

[Voice from speaker] I'm sorry I can't really understand you, would you please repeat that?

And I did the same thing I was like

[inaudible mumbling]

Because you know, if you know fast food drive thrus, that they have the headset and they

just keep turning the volume up if they can't hear you.

And so the person was like

[muffled microphone voice] Sir, you're going to have to talk a lot louder!

And I'm like

[yelling] I'd like a taco with just meat

and a water!

The back door flies open behind the dumpster.

And the fifteen-year-old manager jumps out.

Like a banshee.

He wasn't really doing this.

But this is how I imagine his feelings.


And he gave us the naughty finger.

And I drove away.

Because I'm not going to eat the food, obviously... [laughter]

after doing this.

Another time we went to Wendy's.

This was like a mile from my house.

And my friends and I, there was three of us,

we were all wearing nothing but strategically placed bath towels.

And we drive up to the second window,

and the girl in the window goes to my high school.

She lives two doors down from me.

So I'm like, "Oh, no!"

So I'm trying to hide my face.

And then I realize...I live in a very small town.

I was definitely the only one-legged dude—


Clearly going to be able to look and recognize me.

[teen Josh] If I told you a good joke, could I get some sort of a discount, or maybe get it free?

For more infomation >> FAST FOOD PRANKS - Duration: 2:28.


Filhos contam como foram os últimos dias de Marcelo Rezende e levam às lágrimas - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Filhos contam como foram os últimos dias de Marcelo Rezende e levam às lágrimas - Duration: 4:22.


The Untold Truth Of Jake Paul - Duration: 5:43.

Six seconds.

That's all it took for Jake Paul to make it big on Vine.

In 2016, Paul landed the role of Dirk on Disney Channel's Bizaardvark, and by August 2017,

his personal YouTube channel boasted nearly 10 million subscribers and more than 2 billion


But in the wake of his groundbreaking success, trouble is brewing.

Here's the untold truth about this social media sensation.

Fluke Vine

Paul didn't set out to become a social media celeb.

When he was 10 years old, he "wanted to go into the NFL," telling People in 2016 that

his dad gifted him and his brother a video camera to film their games.

But instead of focusing their energy on football, the brothers started arguing about who could

use it to make a better video — and they decided to settle it on Vine.

Paul said, "Within six months we were making more money than our parents."

SEAL dreams

Before his online stardom, the Ohio native reportedly wanted to serve his country

During an online Q&A with Product Hunt in 2016, Paul revealed what he originally wanted

to do in life: "Before Vine I was actually training to be a Navy SEAL.

I still would like to do it."

"Have you ever shot a gun/Yes Sargeant/Have you ever shot at someone/No Sargeant"

In 2016 he did do some, quote "special forces ranger training," but Paul has yet to officially

join the SEAL team.

Teenage millionaire

According to CNBC, Paul's enormous social media success had him "pulling in seven figures"

by 2016.

The then-19-year-old said the secret to his success was staying flexible and exploring

as many opportunities as possible.

He told the news channel:

"It's just about translating your content onto other platforms.

Now Instagram and Facebook and Snapchat are super popular and so I just create content

on those platforms and grow an audience there."

And he did the math, saying, "As you get more and more popular and start to build a brand

name for yourself in the space, you start working with big Fortune 500 companies, merchandising

deals, you can tour.

There are lots of ways to monetize.

But if you have millions of fans, and you can convert even five percent of them to pay

for something of yours, you are in the seven-figure range."

The next Dr. Dre

Once Paul secured his own slice of fame, he set his sights on helping others, telling

People in 2016, "I want to be the Dr. Dre of social media.

I want to take my success and replicate it with other artists."

He started by inviting fellow social media stars from around the world to live with him,

in a $17,000 per month mansion in Los Angeles — or, as he refers to it, an "incubator

for social media talent."

Dubbed Team 10, Paul told Forbes, "We take people who have a lot of potential and teach

them how to make content, produce it, etc.

Then we move them into the house and we all collaborate.

We've taken people with 5,000 followers and they've literally had millions of followers

in a month."

Trouble in the 'hood

Although Paul's fans may dream of living next door, his real-life neighbors in West Hollywood

may disagree.

According to a July 2017 report in NPR, "Residents of the street where Paul rents a large house

are meeting with police and city officials to review code requirements — and could

file a class-action lawsuit that seeks to declare Paul a public nuisance."

Apparently, Paul and his pals use his property as a set for all their viral pranks and wild


One neighbor told KTLA 5:

"We're families here, and we're more than happy to have them live here if they're respectful

of their neighbors, but they're not."

When the channel sent a reporter to his home, Paul quipped:

"Honestly it's terrible it's a bad situation.

I feel bad for them, for sure, [but] there's nothing we can do.

The Jake Paulers are the strongest army out there.


Disney defense

As Paul clashed with his neighbors, he suddenly parted ways with the Disney Channel, home

of his hit series Bizaardvark, right in the middle of the show's second season.

Taking to Twitter, Paul confirmed the split.

"Long story short…my team, Disney Channel, and I have come to the agreement it's finally

time for me to move on from the Disney family and Bizaardvark.

I love my cast mates and will continue to support Disney but I have outgrown the channel

and feel it's time to move forward with my career."

Rumor has it Paul was fired, but his rep told Page Six that wasn't the case, saying, "They

couldn't have been nicer about it.

Now that he's not on the show he can go on auditions for more mature roles."

Race relations

Shortly after he parted ways with Disney, Paul was featured in GQ's feature "The New

Rules for Making It In Hollywood."

In the story, the 20-year-old brainstorms ideas with a movie producer about his potential

film debut, saying, "Maybe similarly to Get Out, where, like, the message of the whole

thing is like, basically, that racism is terrible."

But just a couple of weeks later, Paul was caught making insensitive comments to a foreign-born

fan, during a prank.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Kyskastan originally."

"It sounds like you're just going to blow someone up"

"Thank you so much."

"Send the nuke!"

Soon after the incident, "#Jake Paul Is Over Party" began trending on Twitter, as folks

slammed the social media star for his comments.

Viral beef

In August 2017, Paul shared a video with fans titled "My assistant was assaulted…"

In the clip, Paul's assistant claims she crossed paths with YouTuber FaZe Banks, at Warwick

club in L.A., and he stuck out his arm and clotheslined her, bruising her neck as he

tried to pull her toward him.

FaZe wasted no time filming an emotional response to disprove the accusations.

"I've never seen this person ever.

I don't remember having any interaction with this person"

"There's a possibility that I bumped into this girl"

"obviously this s--- wasn't intentional, if it happened at all."

It was then, that Max Beaumont, a member of Paul's Team 10, quit the crew and came forward

with an eye-witness account of the alleged assault, in an interview with FaZe.

"I do not believe that, you intentionally assaulted this girl"

"I do not believe..

The way I saw you that night, I don't see how it's a possibility that you went from

this nice guy who came over and gave me a hug to someone who started swinging at her


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For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Jake Paul - Duration: 5:43.


Shout Out Monday Evening - Restart Your Model Railroad - Duration: 6:42.

here we go with another Shout Out Monday Evening and today we're gonna talk about

someone who put all their things in totes and stored them away for years

just like I did and just like a lot of other modelers did so let's go see what

this is all about we're going to talk about a gentleman that I ran into not

quite a year ago and he was still doing photography and he had a channel on

photography and helped me out with some questions and I put him in the direction

of Sparky to help him out in a few things and I always wondered why he

never did a a channel for his model railroad so I asked him about it and he

says well maybe one day he will well I just found out that he did a little

while ago and we're gonna feature him on this one right here so let's get started

with this right now and see who I'm talking about like I said all of us at

one time stowed away our model railroad for one reason or another and then

finally pulled it out of storage and started getting it together and this was

this is what this journey is about and the person that I'm talking about here

is The Lofty N - Scaler and I'll show you right here he has three videos up

right now okay just started on it last week he's he's familiar with YouTube

he's been on YouTube for a while with a couple of other channels he pretty sure

he took some courses with Tim Schmoyer so that's how I found him he was in a

live broadcast one time and I you know and I contacted him about some

photography issues check out his channel he's just starting out he's got 92

subscribers when I went to see him last week he had 88 so he's got quite a few

I'm number 89 so he's got three videos up already and I would encourage you to

go follow him subscribe to him to see how he does what

he does I mean he's he's an experienced Model Railroader he's been doing it for

a while and like all of us we all make mistakes and we learn from those

mistakes and so take a look at how he puts his railroads together now the

reason he did The Lofty N - Scaler is because the only place he has in the

house is in his loft and it's very small and he had his photography equipment up

there so I don't know how he's going to do it but keep watching and see how he

does it he's walking you through the explanation of what's going on right now

and what he's planning on it and it would be a good idea to to follow him

and to see how he does it how he progresses through the steps of building

his model railroad on his loft now he doesn't have any other links in here oh

he's got the Twitter link and Instagram so up you could check them out here on

his about page or or I'll put the links down in the down below in the

description like I always do for all the modelers that I feature on Shout Out

Monday Evening now where's my thing in here okay here

we go now go ahead and subscribe to Curtis he's a good guy and n scalar I'm

not gonna hold that against you Curtis but you know a lot of us are HO or other

scales but I don't know getting up there in age it's kind of hard to handle all

that really small stuff but you have a small space and I can understand that so

I forgive you on that for being an N scalar but anyway subscribe to Curtis at

The Lofty N - Scaler the description will be down below just like all the

time the strip the just like all the time the descriptions

down below and while you're at it subscribe to Tom's trains and things

where you could learn a lot of stuff here on YouTube and on patreon so check

him out check me out ding that Bell while you're

at it and check out the playlist that I put up here and I have a lot more

playlist in the description and on my page on the playlist page on my channel

Toms Trains and Things you'll get to see a lot of different things I put them in

an order where you could find them by category where it makes it a lot easier

to watch the videos they're all categorized in different subjects so if

you're looking for a particular subject you just click on that playlist and

there's all the videos right there that you could watch so I have another video

coming out soon as soon as I get some funds together I'm gonna buy a digital

let me see cobalt IP and a smell which is tortoises

version of their decoder in the motor control so and model railroading for

beginners is going to be on basic terminology of model railroading I had a

lot of questions from a couple of viewers who are just getting started and

they didn't know what different things were that you know they watched the

video on the NMRA gauge and says what is that used for so I'm gonna cover that

I'm gonna cover a lot of different items that you would want to know if you're

just getting into model railroading and if you could think of something that you

would like me to cover go ahead and put it in the description

and we'll see let me get out of here right now okay

For more infomation >> Shout Out Monday Evening - Restart Your Model Railroad - Duration: 6:42.


Clearcut "Terre Rouge"de Richard Bugajski VOSTFR part.3 - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Clearcut "Terre Rouge"de Richard Bugajski VOSTFR part.3 - Duration: 10:11.


3 TIPS FOR SOLO CRUCIBLE PLAYERS (Destiny 2 How To Do Good At Solo PvP) - Duration: 6:13.

what's going on all my friends your boy EMEX back with another video and in

today's video I'm gonna be giving you my top 3 tips for players going solo in the

crucible now as many of you know destiny 2 is dished all 66 3v3 and free-for-all

game types and made all modes 44 across the entire board some players like this

a lot but overall it seems like most players especially solo players are

hating it right now me personally I didn't like it at first but I kind I'm

liking the whole 4 before thing now like I said in the beginning I wasn't a big

fan because I saw how much encourage people to team shoe and I saw how much

TN was state with state group together and if you're going up against a

four-man fire game as a solo player you pretty much gonna be screwed but after

playing with it a little bit I was able to figure out a little bit better and

develop certain play styles that helped me to begin to succeed in destiny to use

crucible and in this video I'm gonna be sharing those three tips with you and I

think they're gonna vastly improve your game as a solo player now the first tip

I have for you guys is going to be kind of a universal one that's going to give

you a great foundation for any map and that's going to be to adapt to the

players around you the team you're going up against is going to vary with each

map so you're gonna have to feel it out and see how they're playing and adapt

accordingly for example if you're going against a team they're all part of the

same clan chances are they're going to be well coordinated and sticking

together they're probably gonna be all in a party chat together and they're

gonna be able to communicate and be coordinated in the match so I would pick

a play style the best suits you for those situations but as a solo player

it's not only important to pay attention to the enemy but also to your own team

be observant every teammates and play along with them if they're playing more

passive then play passive with your team you're not gonna want to rush if they're

playing passive because you're gonna be all alone the entire time and your

teammate is gonna be back behind cover and you're gonna be out of the

frontlines getting shot at so I mean play how your team plays it's gonna make

for the best experience same goes for aggressive teammates overall if you

could read the players around you you should find yourself a good amount of

success playing solo this tip of one will vastly improve your solo experience

and the crucible now the first tip could be all you need if your solo player who

wants to feel like they're part of a team but for players who want to be the

lone wolf for people who want to make their own paths in the crucible or maybe

you just really interval playing as your hunter maybe a little too much

these next two tips are before you tip number two is all about

loadout now obviously the first step to picking a loadout is finding what you're

comfortable with this is the most important thing to keep in mind when

choosing what guns to use in a match if you are most comfortable with an auto

rifle in sidearm then you're probably not going to do well with the hand Kade

and the scout rifle setup so choosing what's comfortable for you is absolutely

at the top of the list also take the map into account consider ranges of

gunfights you're going to be in and plan accordingly if you've got long range

engagements and just long range engagements there's going to be no short

range in your foreseeable future SMGs probably not going to be good option

obviously and now as far as subclasses go anyone will do fine but again a

comfort comes into play here choose which you are most comfortable with if

you want to go outside the box and gain some new experience with a subclass that

you have yet to use that's perfectly fine to do so but sting with what you

know is probably going to be best as far as success now as far as build goes for

your subclass do it in such a way that will benefit yourself more than taneous

be selfish here this is your game you're playing solo you don't have a fireteam

along with you you're not playing friends be selfish don't worry about or

production just worried about demolishing the enemy waiting for the

perfect time to strike that is key many many players completely waste to their

supers and in destiny too you basically get one a game unless you're gone

absolutely ham so you're definitely gonna want to take advantage of every

super opportunity you get and you're gonna want to wait and kind of feel out

the perfect time maybe when all the enemies are grouped up together you're

gonna wait for that perfect time to strike now the third and final tip I

have for the solo crucible player is to pick your gunfights use the fight or

flight technique when you go into matches for those of you don't know

fight or flight basically do I stay and fight or do I run away you kind of gotta

fill it out for yourself and with experience this will come you know with

ease this isn't called duty most players

can't run laps around the map with no strategy and expect success and I say

most because there are some of us let's face it out there who do play like that

but I'm assuming you're not a pvp god or else you probably won't be watching this

video being able to pick your gunfights is a very valuable skill and this simply

means that if you don't think you can win the gunfight it might be

to run I did a lot when I turn a corner expecting only one player and see the

entire team bunched up ready to execute me like a firing squad used to works out

pretty well and if you're fast enough if you could think click enough and you're

knowledgeable enough and crucible you can actually get a situation unscathed

maybe bring them over back to your team and so yeah Firefly technique works

really good simple as that do I stay do I go now your skill level

as well being able to really learn this third tip will not only improve your

game vastly when you're by yourself but also when you're with a fire team I

can't stress this enough guys this third tip comes into play not only for total

players but for everybody with your fire team or whether you're alone that's

gonna be it for this video guys those are the three tips hopefully you did

enjoy this video this was my first scripted video so I don't know it might

sound a little weird compared to my other videos but hopefully it sounded

cleaner and a little bit better I also got a new mic trying out so yeah thank

you guys so much for watching those three tips tip number one adapt to the

players around you very important tip number two loadout loadout is probably

the most important tip you could possibly learn when you're playing solo

and the third tip is to pick your gunfights very very valuable skill thing

you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy I ask that you drop a like rating

because it helps me out a lot and tells me I'm doing something right so yeah

thank you guys so much if you're new the channel subscribe I'll catch you guys on

Friday peace out

you have death in these beanie eyes and you spat in them you fiend


For more infomation >> 3 TIPS FOR SOLO CRUCIBLE PLAYERS (Destiny 2 How To Do Good At Solo PvP) - Duration: 6:13.


Pay Attention To These 5 Sacred Signs In Urban Life - Duration: 5:05.

Pay Attention To These 5 Sacred Signs In Urban Life

At one time or another, we have all wondered if the bird at the window or the coins that

we continually find are more than random circumstance.

However, all too often we limit our awareness of sacred signs to the natural world.

While we may become aware of a message within the formation of a cloud, a feather or butterfly

landing on our path, sacred signs and messages can also manifest through inanimate objects

and things.

Everything and anything in our environment can be used by a higher power and presence

as a messenger.

All things can reveal guidance from the unseen.

If you live in a more urban or residential area where your contact with nature is limited,

a higher presence and power is still present.

The universe is both chatty and clever and has unlimited ways of communicating with us.

Here are a few sacred signs that we might encounter in our everyday environment and

their possible meaning.

acred Signs #1 � Windows Being Cleaned

Windows-Being-Cleaned.jpgSeeing windows being cleaned on a building can indicate a need

to achieve clarity about ourselves and a situation, especially as it relates to our career, life

purpose or activity with others.

We may not be perceiving our true gifts and abilities.

Take some time to focus on what you truly want and be true to yourself.

The cleaning of windows may also indicate that we may not see another or a situation

objectively; a sign of clouded perception.

Sacred Signs #2 � Balloons

Pay-Attention-To-These-5-Sacred-Signs-In-Urban-Life-balloon.jpgEncountering balloons may be a message to enjoy and celebrate

the small things in life with a child like sense of wonder.

They may also be telling us to shed our worries and stress and rise above the troubling and

mundane ups and downs of life.

Happiness and good news is coming your way.

Sacred Signs #3 � Workers on A Telephone Pole

Pay-Attention-To-These-5-Sacred-Signs-In-Urban-Life-telephone-pole.jpgEncountering work happening on a cable or telephone pole

may be a sign of communication and the ability to understand and engage with others.

This may be a message telling us that we have the innate ability to influence and impact


It might also be

message encouraging us to reach out and expand our friendships or increase networking opportunities.

If you have been wondering whether to contact someone, this is a Yes sign.

Sacred Signs #4 � Grand Opening

Pay-Attention-To-These-5-Sacred-Signs-In-Urban-Life-grand-opening.jpgNoticing a grand opening sign is a message of transformation

and emergence.

A new you is unfolding and awaits expression.

It is time for your authentic self to step out into the world and share your unique and

special gifts.

Sacred Signs #5 � Moving Van

moving-vanEncountering a moving van is a sign that it is time to make a drastic change.

This may have to do with our goals, desires, career or health or a relationship.

This may also be a sign to change our perspective, or view of reality.

Let go of the beliefs and thoughts that may be limiting and hindering our progress.

If you are thinking of moving or selling a home, this is a positive sign.

Messages from a Higher Presence

While all things can convey a message from a higher presence and power, it is important

to listen within.

This can verify whether or not what we encounter is truly a sacred sign.

The universe always responds to a request.

If you have recently looked to the heavens for comfort or guidance, pay attention to

the meaningful encounters or synchronicities that unexpectedly come your way.

When we have a decision or choice to make or are experiencing a challenge in areas such

as career, finances and relationships, sacred signs are more prevalent.

In addition, if you happen upon something that seems to draw your attention or perk

your interest when you are missing or thinking of another who has passed over, this may be

a sign

from him or her.

For more infomation >> Pay Attention To These 5 Sacred Signs In Urban Life - Duration: 5:05.


Dogum günü çocuğuuu - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Dogum günü çocuğuuu - Duration: 1:20.


¿Cómo ha cambiado 'Gran Hermano' desde su primera edición? - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo ha cambiado 'Gran Hermano' desde su primera edición? - Duration: 7:56.


El polémico chiste de Flo sobre Podemos que indigna a las redes - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> El polémico chiste de Flo sobre Podemos que indigna a las redes - Duration: 3:01.


Là Phụ Nữ, Dù Có Giỏi Giang, Tài Cán, Xinh Đẹp Đến Đâu Thì Vẫn Phải Khắc Cốt Ghi Tâm Điều Này - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Là Phụ Nữ, Dù Có Giỏi Giang, Tài Cán, Xinh Đẹp Đến Đâu Thì Vẫn Phải Khắc Cốt Ghi Tâm Điều Này - Duration: 8:14.


11 Funny Illustrations That Show How a Man's Life Changes After Marriage - Duration: 2:34.

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