Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

My name is Jeff.

Ehehehe that's funny.

For more infomation >> funny jeff - Duration: 0:04.


How Being Sick Changes Your Brain - Duration: 5:31.

You know that feeling when you're sick, where you don't want leave the house, you

don't want to talk to anyone, and you kinda just want to be left alone to wallow in your

own misery and snot?

Sometimes that's because you're so sick that you literally can't move without risking throwing up or whatever.

But other times, it might have more to do with the way your immune system is connected

to your brain — including how it affects your social behavior.

A lot of the research on this is really recent, and there's still plenty we don't know

about that connection.

But psychologists and doctors are starting to realize that some immune responses can

make you more or less social, sometimes even without symptoms.

At first glance, the brain and immune system can seem pretty separate.

Your brain is in its own little compartment, separated from almost everything else by what's

known as the blood-brain barrier.

That's exactly what it sounds like: a literal barrier, in the form of a membrane that keeps

your brain safe from whatever's circulating in your blood.

It's really important to have, because it stops almost all germs from infecting your brain.

Meanwhile, your immune system does its thing in the blood running through the rest of your

body, trying to protect you from disease.

But your brain needs to know what's going on with your immune system, like if you have

a spike in white blood cells to fight off an infection.

So there is at least one major connection between them: the vagus nerve, which connects

your brain to the parts of your body where a lot of your immune responses happen, like

your gut or lymph nodes.

The vagus nerve can detect compounds called cytokines, which are released by your immune

system when you're fighting an illness.

And we know that your immune system affects your behavior, and that the vagus nerve is

an important part of that connection, because of what happens when you cut it.

Mice and rats with severed vagus nerves don't show that sickness response where you just

want to sit at home by yourself.

They go hang out and party just as much as healthy mice, and they eat just as much too.

This normal sickness response — hiding at home, not going out to play with your little

mouse friends — is probably an evolutionary adaptation.

If you spend a little bit of time being antisocial, you're probably not going to spread whatever

germs you're carrying, which is great for society as a whole.

And it helps you on an individual level, too: if you're a little less active, your body

can put more resources into fighting the infection.

But scientists are starting to learn that the situation is probably more complex than that.

For example, one 2010 study published in the Annals of Epidemiology found that immune reactions

might be related to an increase in social activity.

Researchers tracked 36 people before and after getting a flu vaccine, and they found the

subjects interacted with more people in larger groups right after they got the shot than right before.

So, they were spending more time with more people while their bodies were building up

an immune response.

Now, it's worth noting that this was just a small first study, and it didn't have a

control group of people who, say, got a placebo shot.

But the researchers controlled for some obvious problems, like what day they got the shot.

It wasn't like everyone got them Friday morning just before going out to party all weekend.

The difference between this study and just looking at what people do when they're actually

sick is that in this case, the subjects' immune systems were more active, but they

didn't have symptoms.

And the results were the opposite of what people do when they're sick: they were more

social when their immune systems were more active.

But based on what we've learned from later research, being more social when your immune

system is stronger might actually make sense.

In a study of 121 people published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology in 2015—I'm

telling you those people named that journal just to mess with us—researchers found that

people who were more extroverted and social tended to express more of the genes known

to increase the immune response.

In other words, the more outgoing people seemed to have stronger immune systems, which might

be another evolutionary adaptation — it could be helpful for them to explore more,

take more risks, and meet more people.

Again, this research is all really new, and without more studies we can't know for sure

that this is what's happening.

But learning more about the connection between the immune system and social behavior could

lead to new treatments for clinical conditions that are related to those behaviors.

For example, we know that some people get more severe symptoms of depression when their

cytokines spike in their blood — like when they have a strong immune response.

And a similar effect has been found in children with autism: increases of some cytokines in

the blood can be accompanied by stronger symptoms.

The researchers are starting to investigate ways to use the immune system to affect social

behavior on purpose.

In research published in Nature just last year, neuroscientists studied mice that were

raised with impaired immune function.

Compared to healthy mice, who are much more interested in hanging out with a new mouse

than a new inanimate object, the impaired mice were kind of equally interested in both.

It was like they saw the other mouse as just another thing.

But, when the researchers injected immune cells called lymphocytes from healthy mice

into the impaired mice, that difference went away.

We're still a long way from being able to use the immune system to treat clinical symptoms,

but with more research, psychologists hope we might someday be able to.

And maybe all this will give you a little hope too, if you're lying on the couch next to a bucket.

You'll probably be interested in hanging out with people again soon — you just have to

wait for your immune system to do its job.

In the meantime, while you're sick is a great time to learn weird things about your

mind, you can check out our video about whether you can use electricity to supercharge your brain.

And if you want to keep getting smarter with us, you can always just go to and subscribe.

For more infomation >> How Being Sick Changes Your Brain - Duration: 5:31.


সরাসরি আজকের তাজা বাংলা খবর যমুনা টিভি নিউজ ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ Jamuna Tv News Today - Duration: 16:00.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের তাজা বাংলা খবর যমুনা টিভি নিউজ ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ Jamuna Tv News Today - Duration: 16:00.


45 SOFT TACOS CHALLENGE IN 30 MINUTES?? - Duration: 9:47.

45 Tacos!

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Extra-extra very very excited today!

These tacos sitting in front of me look freaking delicious! I am again in Spokane

Washington, I'm going for my second win in

Washington of this trip overall win number 456 but I am in downtown Spokane

I'm at Borracho Taco and Tequilaria I'm taking on their Taco Challenge! Now

there is a base challenge where you have to finish 25 of their delicious looking

tacos with in 30 minutes if you do that you'll get a t-shirt and you'll be on

their Wall of Fame, but what I'm gonna try to do is break their taco record

challenge! If I eat these 45 tacos here within only 30 minutes I'll be able

to - really you get 25% off as the house champ as long as you are the champ but

because of you guys all watching if I eat all these within the 30 minutes I'll

be able to get them free so Atlas will be able to come out, I can turn my hat,

but yeah so yeah I've got 15 chicken tacos 15 pork ten chorizo and then I

think I went with five veggies so 45 total but let's get this challenge


All right now they had a whole bunch of options either house or specialty I went

with the house! If you come here on a Tuesday it is their taco special

you're able to get all the house tacos for just a dollar,

but yes so these are $2 each and if I lose today it's going to be 90 bucks so

I don't want to do that and they are going to maintain a local record since

I'm out of town for people wanting that 25 percent off, so if I do well on these

45 I may just bump it up to floor to 50 because it sounds sexier for the hell of

it, but yeah let's get eaten on there I'm going to start with the chorizo and the pork!

1, 2, 3... boom! All right and these tacos are all double tortillas so

let's see get our carbs!

five minutes in 15 down!

14 minutes and 24 seconds in so we still got over 15 minutes left!

Halfway through the time limit and two-thirds through the challenge but we

got this 15 left, including three veggie, which go down really easy but I don't

think I'm gonna go for the fifty let's just get these down!

Still got 12 minutes left I think slow and steady is gonna win the


21 minutes and 40 seconds in we've got five left they were right!

These double tortillas are really adding up but ah we got plenty of time

we'll get them down and get the victory!

Last one!

26 minutes and 25 seconds is what it took to finish the taco record challenge

here at Borracho Tacos and tequilaria here in Spokane, Washington!

Loved Thosetacos challenges hot dogs stuff oh the ones with a whole lot of variety

so it was great to get the chorizo the pork the chicken and the veggies all is

part of one challenge, but awesome challenge for winning! Because I set the

new record of 45, I'm going to get all of those tacos free I'm also going to get a

sweet t-shirt which he is about to present with me right now!

Congratulations! Hey thank you I get to have this come on

collection and I will also get a plaque or a spot on their wall of things, so

thank you to Borracho Taco!

[Manager] fill this out so we're

gonna put your name on it today's date and you get to get the

plaque inscribed with whatever you want on there you're gonna go right to the

top of the wall of fame awesome okay alright thank you guys for the delicious

challenge! Thank you very much! Overall win number

456 in my second in the state of Washington of this trip I think it's

like 10 overall, but thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> 45 SOFT TACOS CHALLENGE IN 30 MINUTES?? - Duration: 9:47.


لغة العقل ◆ العقل الواعي ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> لغة العقل ◆ العقل الواعي ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 12:46.


Computer and electronics store | IT Verdict - Duration: 3:08.

Hello! My name is Askar.

Welcome to our store, based on "IT Verdict"-channel

Welcome to our store, based on "IT Verdict"-channel

Welcome to our store, based on "IT Verdict"-channel

Since you came to us, you are probably interested

in exactly how our store works and what are the nuances.

So, I'll try to answer some of your questions.

First, about the purpose of creating this store.

If you are familiar with our channel, then you probably know that in our videos

there has never been third-party advertising, prerolls and all that pushes you as spectators.

there has never been third-party advertising, prerolls and all that pushes you as spectators.

there has never been third-party advertising, prerolls and all that pushes you as spectators.

From paid surveys, we just as refused and we will refuse.

From paid surveys, we just as refused and we will refuse.

And unfortunately this is why the channel for a long time actually existed

only on one enthusiasm and did not bring a penny, taking away quite a lot of time.

only on one enthusiasm and did not bring a penny, taking away quite a lot of time.

And so recently we decided to create our own store, which would be closely

And so recently we decided to create our own store, which would be closely

connected with the channel and at the same time bring at least some money for further development.

connected with the channel and at the same time bring at least some money for further development.

At the same time, we decided to make it so that this store would be different from most others and would be interesting to you.

At the same time, we decided to make it so that this store would be different from most others and would be interesting to you.

At the same time, we decided to make it so that this store would be different from most others and would be interesting to you.

This is how this page appeared. What is the peculiarity of the store?

This is how this page appeared. What is the peculiarity of the store?

The first feature is that we do not purchase goods, selling it in the future with a mark-up,

but only place links to the purchase of goods in other stores. That is, you pay exactly as much as the store requests.

but only place links to the purchase of goods in other stores.

That is, you pay exactly as much as the store requests.

That is, you pay exactly as much as the store requests.

Then there will be a fair question -

how do we distinguish from the large number of other stores that earn by affiliate links?

how do we distinguish from the large number of other stores that earn by affiliate links?

And here we will talk about the second feature, the most important in my opinion.

And here we will talk about the second feature, the most important in my opinion.

Take for example the site Aliexpress. We all know that this is a huge site

Take for example the site Aliexpress. We all know that this is a huge site

with thousands of stores and millions of goods, each of which is repeated many times at different stores.

with thousands of stores and millions of goods, each of which is repeated many times at different stores.

And of course to understand this chaos and find something worthwhile requires a sufficient amount of time.

And of course to understand this chaos and find something worthwhile requires a sufficient amount of time.

It is this part that we take upon ourselves.

We have in the store posted only links to reliable sellers

with a lot of positive feedback.

And most importantly, only those goods that really cost their money

and which you will be satisfied with.

Seeing for example, we have a game mouse for 1000 rubles,

you can be sure that for your money this mouse is one of the best options on the site

and will be able to buy it safely.

and will be able to buy it safely.

It turns out in my opinion quite a fair system, where we help you

in finding a good product, and get a small percentage from its sale,

and you just have to buy it.

Therefore, naturally the terms of delivery and terms will differ depending on the particular store.

Therefore, naturally the terms of delivery and terms will differ depending on the particular store.

Therefore, naturally the terms of delivery and terms will differ depending on the particular store.

Moreover, you can always consult in the personal messages of the community

before buying any goods or contact us with a request to find something specifically for you.

before buying any goods or contact us with a request to find something specifically for you.

before buying any goods or contact us with a request to find something specifically for you.

That's all, I hope to answer some of the questions about this small but

I believe the promising and most importantly useful project.

I believe the promising and most importantly useful project.

Join the group, participate in discussions

leave feedback and good shopping!

For more infomation >> Computer and electronics store | IT Verdict - Duration: 3:08.


Trump Makes BIG Final NFL Announcement Outside Of Marine Force One After Sunday Protests - Duration: 5:18.

If you used to enjoy your Sunday afternoons by gathering around the TV to watch some overpaid

athletes throw around a pigskin, you're probably in a pretty bad mood today.

The entire nation has had their eyes on the National Anthem protests that many of the

ungrateful NFL players have been participating in.

Their disrespect has caused many of us to protest the sport altogether, and it's making

a difference.

It might seem like a futile effort to get those whose worldview is clouded with racism

to make a difference, but it's gotten the attention of the guy at the top of the political

food chain; the President.

As you may know, the President weighed in on the anthem protest, and he's not a fan.

His comments were directed at the players who've disrespected the country with their

actions, and toward the team owners who are tolerating it.

As always happens when the president makes any comments, many didn't like it, and he

didn't care.

Daily Mail reported on the POTUS's controversial comments:

"President Donald Trump gave an impromptu press briefing while boarding Air Force One

on Sunday evening to address his criticism of NFL players who took a knee during the

national anthem.

He insisted that that his comments about the league have 'nothing' to do with race,

telling reporters: 'I never said anything about race.

'This has nothing to do with race or anything else.

This has to do with respect for our country and respect for our flag.'

And to reaffirm his pro-military stance, upon landing in Washington he met with Marine One

pilot Major James Thompson and his family.

Major Thompson recently completed his last flight in service and was introduced by Trump

to reporters at the White House.

Driving his criticisms home for the evening, he then tweeted: 'Sports fans should never

condone players that do not stand proud for their National Anthem or their Country.

'NFL should change policy!'"

As the President of the United States, admonishing those who reap the benefits of living in the

United States shouldn't be a controversial issue.

In theory, the POTUS should be the most patriotic person around, at least that's who we should

attempt to elect.

It's no secret that the President hasn't been as into sports as his predecessor, but

this President also spends more time on things like decreasing the national debt instead

of March Madness.

He only got involved in this sports issue when it became evident that it was dividing

the nation.

He offered his guidance, and those who don't love the United States didn't love his patriotic


Go figure.

"During Sunday's NFL games more than 200 players defiantly reacted to Trump's criticism

by kneeling, sitting linking arms, giving black power salutes and not even showing up

for the singing of the anthem.

Unsurprisingly Trump took to Twitter to respond – writing: 'Great solidarity for our National

Anthem and for our Country.

Standing with locked arms is good, kneeling is not acceptable.

Bad ratings!'

He quickly followed up with: 'Courageous Patriots have fought and died for our great

American Flag – we MUST honor and respect it!


The tweets doubled down on comments he made during a speech in Alabama Friday night.

During the speech he said any player who protests racism by kneeling during the national anthem

is a 'son of a bitch.

The protests were started before the 2016 season by quarterback Colin Kaepernick – who

used his public platform to protest police brutality and racism.

Let's not forget that the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

How much respect would they be able to have for him if he supported those who disrespect

the people who he sends to potentially lose their lives in battle for our country?

These players who are protesting, for the most part, don't know what it's like to

have loyalty to anyone but themselves and whatever is good for them.

That's something that the President doesn't, and shouldn't, condone.

"During Sunday evening's conference, Trump also doubled down on calls for players who

protest the flag to be fired saying: 'It's very disrespecting [sic] to our flag and to

our country, so I certainly think the owners should do something about it.'

Speaking about whether the players were just expressing their first amendment rights, he

said: 'They have rights.

We all have rights.

'But when you're on the field, and, you know, there's a situation gong on, this

is a great, great country, and we have a great flag, and they should respect our flag.

'They're making a lot of money.

I'm not begrudging anything.

I'm just saying they have to respect our flag, and they have to respect our country.

When asked about Robert Kraft's comments, Trump said he thought it was 'okay' that

the Patriots owner was disappointed in him, saying: 'He has to take his ideas and go

with what he wants.

'I think it's very disrespectful to our country.

I think it's very disrespectful to our flag.'

On Sunday the owner, who has previously been forward about his friendship with the president,

said the comments 'deeply disappointed' him."

If having respect for the nation that gives you a home and the soldiers who fought for

your freedom is too troubling for you, it might be time to make your home elsewhere

and stop benefiting from a nation's freedom that you're exploiting.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you are glad the President put these entitled players in their


Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Makes BIG Final NFL Announcement Outside Of Marine Force One After Sunday Protests - Duration: 5:18.


Social Mobility: Crash Course Sociology #26 - Duration: 9:02.

Everyone loves a good rags to riches story.

Books and movies and music are full of this idea.

Whether it's Gatsby turning himself from a nobody to a somebody, or Drake starting from the bottom,

there's something appealing about the idea that anyone can make it, if they try hard enough.

And more than maybe anywhere else, that idea is embraced in the United States, where the mythos of the land of opportunity is practically part of our foundation.

But is the US a land of opportunity?

Can anyone move up the rungs of the social ladder?

Or is the American Dream just that: a dream?

To get a handle on the answer, we have to understand changes in social position – or what sociologists call social mobility.

[Theme Music]

There are a few different types of social mobility, so let's get some definitions straight first.

Intragenerational mobility is how a person moves up or down the social ladder during their lifetime.

Intergenerational mobility, however, is about movement in social position across generations.

Are you doing better or worse than your parents were when they were your age?

There's also absolute versus relative mobility.

Absolute mobility is when you move up or down in absolute terms – are you better or worse than before?

Like, if you make $50,000 a year now and made $40,000 10 years ago, you experienced upward mobility in an absolute sense.

But what if all your peers who were making the same amount ten years ago are now making $65,000 a year?

Yes, you're still better off than you were 10 years ago, but you're doing worse relative to your peers.

Relative mobility is how you move up or down in social position compared to the rest of society.

We can measure social mobility quantitatively, using measures of economic mobility, like by comparing your income to your parent's income at the same age.

Or we can look at mobility using qualitative measures.

A common measure used by sociologists is occupational status.

If your father worked in a blue collar job, what's the likelihood that you will too?

A recent study of absolute intergenerational mobility found that about one-third of US men will end up in the same type of job as their fathers,

compared to about 37% who are upwardly mobile, and 32% who are downwardly mobile.

It's pretty common to remain within the same class group as your parents.

About 80 percent of children experience what's called horizontal social mobility,

where they work in a different occupation than their parents, but remain in a similar social position.

So, how much social mobility is there in the US?

Well, there's good news and bad news.

The good news is that if we zoom out and look at absolute mobility across the years, the long term trend in social mobility is upwards.

Partially because of industrialization, median annual family income rose steadily throughout the 20th century, going from around $34,000 in 1955 to $70,000 in 2015.

Standards of living now are much better than they were 60 years ago.

Unfortunately, more recent trends in social mobility have been less rosy.

Since the 1970s, much of the economic growth in income has been at the top of the income distribution.

Meanwhile, family incomes have been pretty flat for the rest of the population.

This unequal growth in incomes has meant less absolute mobility for Americans.

A recent analysis of tax data by a group of economists and sociologists found that absolute mobility has declined over the last half century.

While 90% of children born in the 1940s earned more than their parents as adults, only 50% of children born in the 1980s did.

The other bad news is that within a single generation social mobility is stagnant.

While people generally improve their income over time by gaining education and skills,

most people stay on the same rung of the social ladder that they started on.

Of those born in the bottom income quintile, 36% remain in the bottom quintile as adults.

Only 10% of those born at the bottom end up in the top quintile as adults.

Started at the bottom, now we're probably still at the bottom, statistically speaking.

And socioeconomic status is sticky at the top, too.

Researchers at the Brookings Institution, including Crash Course Sociology writer Joanna Venator,

found that 30% of those born in the top quintile stay in the top quintile as adults.

Plus, social mobility differs by race/ethnicity, gender, and education.

White Americans see more upward mobility than Black Americans:

half of Black Americans that are born at the bottom of the income distribution are still in the bottom quintile at age 40.

Black Americans also face higher rates of downward mobility, being more likely to move out of the middle class than White Americans:

Let's go to the Thought Bubble to take a look at research on race and social mobility in action.

In 1982, American sociologists Karl Alexander and Doris Entwisle began following the lives

of a random sample of 800 first grade students growing up in a variety of neighborhoods in the Baltimore area.

What began as a study meant to last only three years eventually ended up lasting 30 years,

as the researchers followed up with the kids throughout their lives, to see the paths that their early circumstances put them on.

Alexander and Entwisle collected data on everything imaginable, interviewing the kids yearly about

who they lived with, where they lived, work history, education, drug use, marriage, childbearing, you name it.

And what they found was that poverty cast a long shadow over the course of these kids' lives.

45% of kids with higher socioeconomic status, or SES, had gotten a college degree by age 28 – only 4% of low SES kids had.

Those born better off were also more likely to be middle class at age 28.

And these unequal outcomes were heightened for African American kids.

Low SES white kids ended up better off than low SES Black kids.

89% of white high school dropouts were working at age 22 compared to only 40% of black high school dropouts.

And contrary to what The Wire might have made you think about inner-city Baltimore lifestyles

– these differences can't be explained away by differences in criminal behavior or drug use.

Low SES White men were more likely to use hard drugs, smoke, and binge drink than low SES Black men.

And holding all else constant, a police record was more of an impediment to getting a job for African American men than White men.

Thanks Thought Bubble.

So, the impacts of where you're born on the social ladder can have far reaching consequences.

And in addition to race, social mobility can also vary by gender.

Over the last half century, women as a whole have experienced absolute mobility –

85% of women earn higher wages than their mothers did.

And the income gap between men and women has narrowed significantly.

In 1980, the average income for a woman was 60% that of men, whereas by 2015 that gap was 8%.

But despite the great strides over the last half century, there are still gaps in opportunity for women.

Women born at the bottom of the social class ladder are more likely to remain there than men –

about half of women born in the bottom quintile are still there at age 40 compared to only about one-third of men.

Also, women born at the bottom experience more downward mobility than men,

with more women than men having family incomes lower than that of their parents.

Some of these differences by gender may be because women are much more likely to head up single parent homes than men are.

Being married is a huge plus for social mobility, because two incomes are better than one.

People who marry tend to accumulate wealth much faster than those who are single, making it easier to ascend the social ladder.

Modern-day Cinderella doesn't just move up the social ladder by marrying the prince,

she's also more likely to build a solid 401K and stock portfolio, key sources of wealth.

As we've seen, social class mobility depends on where you start and who you are.

So let's go back to the question we asked at the beginning is America the land of opportunity?

If you're a glass half full kind of person, you might think so based on some of what we've talked about today.

After all, most people are better off than past generations were.

Accounting for inflation, about three times as many Americans make incomes above $100,000 now than did in 1967.

But not all groups have benefitted equally from this economic growth –

your chance at upward mobility can vary a lot by education or race or gender, or where you start on the income distribution.

For those in the middle of the income distribution, earnings growth has stalled for many workers,

but the costs of necessities like healthcare or housing have climbed ever higher.

Manufacturing, an industry that historically provided stable jobs and decent pay to less-educated workers,

has been declining for a while now and was particularly hard hit by the recession from 2007 to 2009.

In the wake of this decline, most of the jobs available for less-educated workers tend to be low-paying service industry jobs,

contributing to lower absolute mobility than we've seen in the past.

All of these patterns, plus the growing income inequality we talked about a couple episodes ago,

mean that the rungs of the social mobility ladder in the United States seem to be getting harder to climb.

Today, we talked about intergenerational and intragenerational mobility and the difference between absolute and relative mobility.

We talked about the long run upward social mobility trends in the United States as well as the recent declines in absolute social mobility.

Then, we touched on how opportunities for social mobility differ by your class, race, and gender.

Crash Course Sociology is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT, and it's made with the help of all these nice people.

Our Animation Team is Thought Cafe and Crash Course is made with Adobe Creative Cloud.

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series at Patreon, a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love.

Speaking of Patreon, we'd like to thank all of our patrons in general, and we'd like to specifically thank our Headmaster of Learning Ben Holden-Crowther.

Thank you so much for your support.

For more infomation >> Social Mobility: Crash Course Sociology #26 - Duration: 9:02.



For more infomation >> LIVE - PETIT LIVE POUR FÊTER MON GROS PROJET :)! - Duration: 50:34.


Morreu ou não morreu? - Died or not? | Leviathan Raid - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Morreu ou não morreu? - Died or not? | Leviathan Raid - Duration: 4:55.


Nike Clearance Store Centralia, Washington - Duration: 12:31.

Oh, oh hi there, hi. Bought a few things. I'll be doing a giveaway today and I'll also be

selling a few of the items I bought today, at cost on my website. They left the tag on so I have to go to any

Nike store or any Nike Factory Store. And at 9 everyone runs in.

Today I went to the Nike Clearance Store in Centralia, Washington. I bought a few things

and I'll be doing a giveaway today and I'll also be selling a few of the items that I

bought today, at cost on my website so if you're interested in buying any of these items I'll

be selling a few of them and the link is in the description below. The Nike store is different

than the Nike Factory Outlet, the factory outlets I've seen all over the place the factory

outlets are normally in an outlet center or an outlet strip mall but the clearance center

I only know of two of them there's one in Oakland and there's one in Centralia at the

Nike store they sell items that they printed too much and they have a surplus of or items

that are out of season or experimental with kind of different fabrics that you normally

wouldn't think that Nike would be using. I remember the first time that I went to the

Nike Clearance Store they had two giant racks and they were completely full of wrestling

singlets and it was so random and it was all like size mediums it was the weirdest thing

they manufactured way too many size medium wrestling singlets for like college athletes.

Today there were schools everything from like Oregon State or USC and professional teams

like the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks anything that Nike makes if they have extra

of it or let's say it didn't sell, they send it to the clearance center and I was

talking to someone today and they said that they get two shipments in a day they go through

a ton of product. I remember the first time I went so I have a sister that lives in Chehalis

which is right next to Centralia and she was like let's go to the Nike store. I assumed

it was just like any Nike Factory Store and I went in and I was completely blown away

I was like oh my gosh two whole sections of singlets just random stuff such random stuff

they'll have huge shoe shipments. Last summer I remember I went to the store

and there were resellers there and they got in just a huge shipment of shoes and there

was one guy who had a U-Haul who filled it up with probably close to 150 shoes. He takes

those shoes at a discounted price, buys them and then resells them on eBay or maybe he

has his own website. There are resellers that go there, they're the first ones to be

there in the mornings when they get new shipments and just random stuff from different college

teams. I remember last year after the Olympics, they sold team USA really nice I think they

actually made those for the athletes. Super nice, very expensive, very high-quality team

USA gear. There was also, I remember team Brazil and some other country and they'll be anything

from the Olympics to college athletes. I like to get workout gear there like yoga

pants sweatshirt sweatpants and it's super discounted.

Last year I worked in Seattle, I lived in Portland and I worked in Seattle so what I would do

is I would have Monday through Thursday or Monday through Friday off. I would be in

Portland and I would commute up to Seattle and it was about a two-and-a-half-hour drive

and the halfway point is Centralia.

What I would do was stop at the Nike store it was my favorite thing to check what merchandise

they had. I remember picking up stuff for different family members and they would say

hey if you're going to the Nike store I need workout t-shirts I need socks I'm looking

for this shoe or this hoodie or the sweatshirt.

I will put in orders and I would go shopping stretch my legs it was a good halfway point

and that's how I really started to love the store and now that I've moved away I really

appreciate coming back.

What I'm going to do is go through all the stuff that I bought this morning when I showed

up I wanted to be there when the store opened, so I got there on Saturdays the store opens

at 9 and I think it was especially busy because it was a Saturday.

I would say there was a line of about 15 people and as soon as the doors open at 9 everyone

runs in just to see what they can find and going through the shoes.

I know it wasn't a day that they had a shoe shipment because when they do it's super busy

and crazy and I was there on that day and I remember thinking what is going on just

huge stacks of people putting their shoes in one corner. One reseller had one corner

and just had rows and rows of shoes and just take the bags of shoes out to his U-Haul and

today it was just regular Shoppers I got in the store and I first went to the shoe section.

My goals for shopping today, I wanted some type of sweatshirt or hoodie ,workout gear

a pair of shoes, casual shoes. This is what I got these shoes, they were $89 let me check

my receipt. Right now at the Nike Store, they sell for $140, but I did see on Foot Locker

they are on sale for $105. I still think this is a good deal they're very comfortable and

they're kind of like a peach blush color, I got these for $89 and actually they were 20%

off that's right so they were to $89 + 20% off so they do different stuff shoes will

be 20% off some of the shirts will be 30% off every week they run different specials

I would love to go for black Friday I bet that's super crazy and I bet they have huge

deals. Okay I got good stuff, this was the hoodie I'm going to sell

on the website. It's so pretty. It's a men's size medium, which would be a women's size

large. It's $250 hoodie and I got it for 99 bucks and it's knitted, really high quality

and if you're interested in this just head over to my website and I'll be selling this

for 99 bucks. Unfortunately it wasn't 20% off in addition to the sale price, so it's just

a hundred but it's still down from $250 down to $100 and it's the only one they had and when

I picked it up, one of the sales ladies, she was like, I have that, it's so nice.

It's super cute. It's really cute, this one I'm keeping for myself. I saw this and I fell in

love it was in the next it and then selection so the trick is you want to go to the men's

and the women's section I'll look for shoes in the women's sections and then I'll go to

the men's because you never know when you're going to be able to find any section. My favorite

color is anything that is heather. This is heather blue and I love it so much. It's a

hoodie. The hoodie was 29 bucks $90 full price. It's a size medium men's so a large women's.

My favorite things so far is this jumpsuit in the blue grey heather good jumpsuit and

I got the message sweatpants so comfy and the sweatpants are $29 originally $80 and

they've got a little Nike logo with pockets so soft and so comfy these were in the men's

section I'm keeping these for myself and I'm really excited about these the next thing

that I got is the hoodie, this hoodie also I'll be selling on my website it's a men's medium

and they left the tag on so I have to go to any Nike store any factory store and have

them remove this which is weird because it was on when I went through the metal detector

the security detectors did not go off so I came home with this tag...... please don't Rob them

just so you know their security doesn't work. Their security system doesn't work in

Centralia this hoodie was originally $140 And I got it for $49 and it is a women's size medium

and it is super cute and if you know some pattern it's Grey it fits larger than a medium

I would say it's more like a large, like a women's large, if you are a true medium this

would be too big for you. It's a really high-quality great women's jacket, it's awesome really cute

that's the hoodie that I'll be selling on the website. Here are a pair of pants, they

were originally $45 and I got them for $19 and it's a women's size large super soft sweatpants

once again they are gray they have pockets it's a loose fit and they have the Nike logo

I so I got these, I got these pants also super cute, these are grey, a dark grey they were $55

and I got them for $19 and they're women's extra large and they are really soft and super

comfortable they might not be at the store sorry guys my sister ended up keeping the

pants so these are the pants.

The last thing I got was this a $60 shirt and it's 19 bucks

and it was 30% off which makes that $13.99 it's a size medium I'll be selling this on my website.

What I think I'm going to do is these, this what I'm going to do for the giveaway these

are size large women's $45 Nike pants that I got for $19 really soft and here in the inside

super soft and pockets really cute. If you're interested in getting these pants, just subscribe

to my channel and I'll do a giveaway in a week and I'll ship them out to you. Right now

I'm just doing shipping in the US, but I think in the near future I'll do international shipping for giveaways. Subscribe to my channel if you're interested in this. I had an awesome

time shopping today. I love this store as you can tell I buy a lot of things that are grey

a lot of my wardrobe my favorite color is grey that heather color is my favorite

this is the one I'm really excited about is so cute the matching talking about him going

as far as going to be really nice to have the sweat pants suit I'll be rocking that

oh it has a zipper, that so cute. I hope you guys like this video and getting a chance

to see the clearance center if you do make it out to Oakland or to Centralia definitely

check it out this is so cute oh hi there hi if you like this video, subscribe to my channel

if you like to go ahead and give it a thumbs up. If you have a clearance center in your town or anything that you know of

in your state or in your country please leave a comment

down below. I'm always looking for new clearance centers to go check out. This is one of my

favorites just because I drove by it every week for most of last year I always love

stop in. So thank you for watching. I hope you liked it. Subscribe to my channel. Leave a comment

down below and like this video. Thank you and I will see you on the next one by.

For more infomation >> Nike Clearance Store Centralia, Washington - Duration: 12:31.


How to create plastic bottle flower and vase | Plastic bottles | DIY | Crafts | Creative Diy Art 50 - Duration: 10:42.

How to create plastic bottle flower and vase | Plastic bottles | DIY | Crafts | Creative Diy Art 50

How to create plastic bottle flower and vase | Plastic bottles | DIY | Crafts | Creative Diy Art 50

How to create plastic bottle flower and vase | Plastic bottles | DIY | Crafts | Creative Diy Art 50

For more infomation >> How to create plastic bottle flower and vase | Plastic bottles | DIY | Crafts | Creative Diy Art 50 - Duration: 10:42.


Mini Bench - Duration: 5:27.

Mini bench

We need wire for the main structure of the bench.

We take a piece of 10 cm

Fold 3 cm of wire, like in the video.

We need two.

Now, we cut another two pieces of wire, of 4 cm each one.

We fold it in U form, trying to make the "two legs" are the same size.

We join a large piece with a small piece, forming the silhouette of a chair.

Now, we give the pieces a layer of white glue. (To can paint them well).

We join the two pieces with a wire of 10 cm, and we give to all a layer of white glue.

This is the main structure of the bench.

We painted it with black.

With small wooden slats, we make the rest of the bench.

We leave a couple of milimetres between each small wooden slat.

Finally, we give a dark varnish.

Thank you very much for watching the video. Like and share.

For more infomation >> Mini Bench - Duration: 5:27.


ⒼⒺⓇPC Live League of Legends - Loots Gewinnspiel infos mit !lootswin - Duration: 57:35.

For more infomation >> ⒼⒺⓇPC Live League of Legends - Loots Gewinnspiel infos mit !lootswin - Duration: 57:35.


Is Heaven Trying To Get Your Attention - Duration: 4:29.

Is Heaven Trying To Get Your Attention?

Feeling Those Heaven-sent Messages

The veil between this world and the next (heaven) is very thin. As a medium, I have the ability

to see beyond that veil and communicate with the Spirit World. I treat it with the utmost

respect and never abuse the privilege that�s afforded to me.

As I raise my own vibrations to make a connection, I always stop and honor their presence as

I blend with their energy. I get to see and feel a soul in its entirety�youthful, beaming,

and luminous�even if it�s for the briefest of moments. I celebrate their joys and their

sadness, as well as their love. It is a blessing to do this work, but I�ve never considered

it as a job and never take it for granted.

The people who receive a message through me from loved ones on the Other-Side often tell

me what a beautiful gift they�ve just received, but in reality, I�m the one who�s received

the ultimate gift. It�s a chance for me to honor my soul purpose of being all that

I can be as a spirit messenger to help others in their time of need.

Communicating Alone Can Be Equally Insightful

Communication and closeness with departed loved ones in heaven is also possible without

necessarily sitting with a medium. So many people come to see me and express how much

they�d love to connect with the Other-Side for themselves, rather than receiving the

information secondhand.

To experience your own communication firsthand, it�s important to become aware. For example,

the next time you�re thinking of someone who�s passed over, it could be because at

that exact moment, they�re lovingly thinking of you, too. Be aware of each time you think

of them and keep an open mind. As I often say: �Your loved ones are just a thought

away.� As always, I urge you at the start to keep a record of your experiences in a


�Talking with Our Think� and Child Chats with Heaven

A beautiful story of this child�s belief in the power of thought illustrates my point

perfectly. It revolves around a little girl named Daisy who passed to spirit at the very

young age of ten. During her last days, Daisy looked up and told her mother that she was

communicating with her little brother who had passed years earlier. In fact, Daisy told

her mother that the little boy was standing right beside her and the two were having quite

a lively conversation.

�How do you speak to your little brother? I don�t hear or see you moving your lips,�

asked the bewildered mother. The grinning little girl answered: �We talk with our


John�s Lesson

Is someone trying to get your attention from the Other-Side?

Would you like to get a sign yourself?

If so, then simply ask for one. Reach out with your thoughts and love to the person

you would like a sign from. When you ask for a sign, you must be ready for one. In other

words, your loved ones and friends in the Spirit World take their cues from you.

If they know that a message might cause you to be sad or emotional, they will often wait

until you are in a better space. Messages are meant to be loving with happy memories

that should make you smile. They are �Hellos from Heaven.�

Ready for a Message from Spirit?

So, if you feel you�re ready for a message, please let your spirit family and friends

that you�re ready for a sign. Don�t demand � just ask lovingly.

Be open to any sign that they can send. If you do in fact get a message and you�re

not sure who�s sending it, then ask: �If this is you Mom, then send me another one

of the same signs.�

Just remember � love is everlasting, neither death, nor time, or even distance can ever

separate us from the ones we love. We are and always will be connected.

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