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This twisted Japan needs to be reset - Duration: 0:50.Today Yuriko Koike (Tokyo's Governor) lauched her new political party - 'Hope'.
The people of Japan want
flexible, innovative
and new politics.
So with in order to reset
reset Japan
we create our new party.
Reseting Japan isn't impossible
as we are not chained by old habits, therefore we can reset.
reset it.
And so,
if we do not reset this twisted Japan we won't survive international competition
or protect national our security, therefore with V2 we will reset Japan and entrust the future to the next generation.
Cómo se DIGITALIZA una PYME (Transformación Digital) - Duration: 7:36.how an SME digitalized today
day digital transformation is key
in any business
so today took reference
This video an article published by
raúl salgado in the newspaper La Razon
talking about how digitalized one
SMEs and which was one of the people who
He collaborated in the as says
digital processing is a process
adaptation to market is key
for the survival of businesses
is in my name is juan merodio and
Welcome new video
If this is your first time if you want to learn
all digital marketing tricks
Started by subscribing to my
channel to not miss anything
el 40 por ciento de las compañías
españolas no existirá en su forma
actual en apenas cuatro años no van a
sobrevivir las más fuertes ni la más
grande sino las que mejor se adapten a
esta nueva era
como decía la teoría de darwin
digitalizarse morir en definitiva no
puro darwinismo mientras que la
reducción de costes es la principal
ventaja que las empresas españolas
esperan obtener aplicando la tecnología
en sus modelos de negocio la
transformación digital de la que tanto
se habla de los procesos internos
constituye el reto prioritario a día de
hoy para cualquier pyme la
digitalización implica una nueva
visión no que debe ser compartida por
toda la empresa para cambiar realmente
la gestión o el adn de la compañía
que obligatoriamente tiene que ser mucho
más ágil para avanzar al ritmo
frenético que demanda el mercado de hoy
la clave del éxito de la
transformación digital es que la alta
dirección lidere un proceso de cambio
cultural y organizativo dote de mayor
autonomía a los equipos reduzca los
mandos intermedios y fomente la
colaboración esto es imprescindible y
es que si los máximos responsables de
las empresas no confían en las ventajas
de la digitalización pues no van a
aportar los recursos suficientes para
llevarla a cabo que es lo que pasa en
muchas compañías más allá de que hoy
en día se hable de la figura del cci
vital officer no el cd o como la persona
interna encargada del proceso
también hay quien defiende la
inversión de una figura externa como
consecuencia de los conflictos que puede
llegar a generar ya que a los empleados
que llevan muchos años haciendo el
trabajo de una cierta manera pues al
final este cambio va van molestarles en
sus hábitos no yo soy más partidario
mucho de esta de esta figura externa que
creo que genera es más sana para la
empresa en el medio largo plazo
la mayoría de los adolescentes llevan
en sus bolsillos más tecnología de las
que aporta muchas pymes a sus
trabajadores y que no es de extrañar
por ejemplo que el índice en el rey del
foro económico mundial que se encarga
de medir el grado de decir
digitalización de un país españa
ocupa la posición 34
otro propia de países con un desarrollo
muy inferior
la clave principal para la
digitalización de una pyme residen
dejar de pensar en tecnología y empezar
a pensar por cambiar la cultura de las
compañías no es tecnología la
tecnología no hace digital una empresa
además en este artículo comentaba que
la digitalización es un proceso de
evolución y adaptación a la realidad
de mercado que jugó un papel clave en
la rentabilidad y en la supervivencia de
una compañía
además esto debe realizarse de una
manera ordenada estratégica y ágil y
por supuesto por el personal adecuado
para no perder el tiempo ya que es un
factor clave en el éxito
bien es cierto que la transformación
digital de las pymes suele ser más
sencilla que la de grandes corporaciones
no da que las pymes son mucho más
flexibles y también lo es el proceso de
resulta más fácilmente exitoso no pero
hay que tener claro dónde se está y
dónde se quiere ir
la formación además en este aspecto es
esencial para toda la compañía debe
formarse al cien por cien en cien por
cien de los empleados en habilidades
núcleo digitales
luego focalizando en cada persona o
departamento ciertos conocimientos
según las necesidades que requiera cada
tras esta decisión ya de meternos de
lleno en esta digitalización alejandro
crimen o el ceo de la empresa kyocera
destacaba cinco fases claramente
definidas la primera capacitación hacia
competencias digitales donde la
digitalización al completo debe conocer
cómo la tecnología internet y las
redes sociales han cambiado tanto el
entorno empresarial como las relaciones
con clientes 2 estrategia digital
la tecnología tiene que alinearse con
los procesos clave de la organización
para crear una nueva cultura digital no
el modelo organizativo a de rediseñarse
situando al cliente en el centro lo que
se denomina el cas toma el centro city 3
transformar la organización
la empresa debe dirigirse hacia una
nueva forma de pensar de desarrollar
ideas no
este profesional comentaba también la
importancia de implantar redes sociales
corporativas diseñar entornos de
trabajo mucho más colaborativos
implantar estrategias de casomera
speriens y esforzarse para la detección
captación y desarrollo del
obvio talento interno de la compañía 4
diseño la hoja de ruta hacia esta
digitalización debe diseñarse mediante
un modelo de clasificación de clientes
y prospectos para lo que podemos
utilizar un que un crm no ya sea a
través de la web del blog de otros
canales digitales no utilizando también
un plan de social media reputación
digital un plan de negocio de cada país
y todo con un cuadro de mandos bien
organizado cinco gobierno
finalmente se tiene que establecer los
parámetros de ejecución plazo y todos
y especialmente de mejora continua
digitalizarse no es tener una página
web no es tener un perfil en facebook
una cuenta en twitter o en instagram o
hacer sus vídeos para youtube
entre los instrumentos más potentes
resaltan los crm es no gastó manual y
songs in management las redes sociales
corporativas las herramientas claudi
potro vox
así como todas aquellas que permitan
tomar una conciencia digital
de igual modo el social business
intelligence ayuda a centrarse más en
los clientes que la propia organización
además podemos utilizar metodologías
como el design thinking no que facilita
el diseño de procesos y experiencias y
por supuesto sin olvidar el big data
para procesarla cada vez más ingente
cantidad de datos que tenemos a
disposición de las empresas por lo
tanto se debe pensar en soluciones
tecnológicas con capacidad de conectar
personas dispositivos y negocios
la implementación de software
colaborativo también no donde los
empleados puedan compartir todo tipo de
información y las soluciones que
automaticen los procesos claves
debemos pensar que aumentar la
inversión que no el gasto en la
digitalización tenido un retorno a la
cuenta de resultados ya que la
transformación digital demostrado
elevar la facturación agilizar los
procesos reduce los costes incrementar
la productividad de los empleados y en
definitiva mejorar los márgenes de
beneficio de una empresa
muchos estudios lo avalan te ha gustado
el video
si es así dará me gusta y quiero
hacerte partícipe de él por lo que
dejan los comentarios con el hashtag
transformación digital
cuál crees que es la clave en la
transformación digital de una pyme
entre todos los comentarios de los
videos del mes sortear en mi curso on
line de estrategia de marketing digital
valorada en 995 euros por lo que cuanto
más comentes en mis vídeos
varios más oportunidades vas a tener
que ganarlo así que deja ahora mismo tu
Einbruchsserie in Isny - "Natürlich haben wir Angst! - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
Pro Loxone partnery: Loxone OS, Config, App 9 - Duration: 36:21.-------------------------------------------
Iași, Romania - Duration: 4:19.Iași is the largest city in eastern Romania and the seat of Iași County.
Located in the historical region of Moldavia,
Iași has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Romanian social, cultural, academic and artistic life.
The city was the capital of the Principality of Moldavia from 1564 to 1859,
then of the United Principalities from 1859 to 1862,
and the capital of Romania from 1916 to 1918.
Known as The Cultural Capital of Romania, Iași is a symbol in Romanian history.
The historian Nicolae Iorga said "There should be no Romanian who does not know of it".
Still referred to as The Moldavian Capital, Iași is the main economic and business centre of the Moldavian region of Romania.
As of 2014, with 464,711 residents, the Iași urban area is the second most populous in Romania (after Bucharest)
Home to the oldest Romanian university and to the first engineering school,
Iași is one of the most important education and research centres of the country,
and accommodates over 60,000 students in 5 public universities.
Iași is served by the Iași International Airport (IAS) located 8 km east of the city centre.
The airport is the 4th busiest in Romania and offers direct domestic, European,
and Middle Eastern scheduled or charter connections.
After extensive modernization works,
the number of connections and traffic volumes have seen a significant increase, in 2015.
The social and cultural life revolves around the Vasile Alecsandri National Theater (the oldest in Romania),
the Moldova State Philharmonic, the Opera House, the Tătărași Athenaeum,
a famous Botanical Garden (the oldest and largest in Romania),
the Central University Library (the oldest in Romania), the high quality cultural centres and festivals,
an array of museums, memorial houses, religious and historical monuments.
Iaşi features historical monuments, 500-year-old churches and monasteries, contemporary architecture,
many of them listed on the National Register of Historic Monuments.
Notable architecture includes the Trei Ierarhi Monastery, part of the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Site,
or the neo-Gothic Palace of Culture, built on the old ruins of the mediaeval Princely Court of Moldavia.
During World War II and the Communist era many historical buildings in the old city centre (around Union Square area)
were destroyed or demolished, and replaced by International style buildings and also a new mainly Mid-Century modern style.
Civic Centre was built around the Old Market Square (The Central Hall).
Iași is an important economic centre in Romania.
The local and regional economy relies on service sector institutions and establishments.
The most important service sectors are related to education, health care,
banking, research, culture, government and tourism.
3-star hotel averaging €37, 5-star averaging €73 per night.
Animals and Animal Sounds + Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Collection | Little Treehouse - Duration: 28:41.Can you hear the duck go "Quack Quack Quack" ?
Listen to the the duck go "Quack Quack Quack"
Can you hear the hen go "Cluck Cluck Cluck " ?
Listen to the hen go "Cluck Cluck Cluck "
Can you hear the horse go "Neigh Neigh Neigh" ?
Listen to the horse go "Neigh Neigh Neigh"
Can you hear the cow go "Moo Moo Moo" ?
Listen to the cow go "Moo Moo Moo" ?
Can you hear the pig go "Oink Oink Oink" ?
Listen to the pig go "Oink Oink Oink"
Can you hear the sheep go "Baa Baa Baa" ?
Listen to the sheep go "Baa Baa Baa"
Can you hear the dog go "Woof Woof Woof" ?
Listen to the dog go "Woof Woof Woof"
Can you hear the cat go "Meow Meow Meow" ?
Listen to the cat go "Meow Meow Meow"
Can you hear the monkey go "Chatter Chatter Chatter" ?
Listen to the monkey go "Chatter Chatter Chatter"
Can you hear the lion go "Roar Roar Roar" ?
Listen to the lion go "Roar Roar Roar"
Can you hear the owl go "Hoot Hoot Hoot" ?
Listen to the owl go "Hoot Hoot Hoot"
Can you hear the frog go "Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit" ?
Listen to the frog go "Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit"
Can you hear the snake go "Hiss Hiss Hiss" ?
Listen to the snake go "Hiss Hiss Hiss"
Can you hear the flies go "Buzz Buzz Buzz" ?
Listen to the flies go "Buzz Buzz Buzz"
Can you hear the donkey go "Hee Haa Haa" ?
Listen to the donkey go "Hee Haa Haa"
Can you hear the goose go "Gobble Gobble Gobble" ?
Listen to the goose go "Gobble Gobble Gobble" ?
Lego Haul For September 2017: Part 3 of ? - Duration: 5:41.Hey everyone!
JAYSTEPHER with my third haul for September 2017.
I have two polybags
that I had found while shopping.
Pretty cool.
I did receive another box.
So let's see what's inside.
I know there's one thing inside.
You all know what we're going to do with those.
And yes,
some day I will slip up, and show those receipts,
but you know who you are.
Oh you don't want to see what's inside there. Do you?
I can see those receipts already.
Oh yeah I see the receipts.
Hold on! Let me get that out of there.
There we go!
These airbags that do absolutely nothing.
Now I can already tell there are some thing that are already dented up.
So the packing wasn't packed well.
So I got this free Ninjago sand green dragon.
That will be another polybag.
Oh another Build To Learn.
I just did a review on this.
You know what that means?
Speed review! [Laughs]
O h yeah those are always fun to do. Right?
Wow Lego that was it?
No more freebees?
I also got the Jungle Temple by Lego Minecraft.
This looks fun.
So I want to put it together.
The box is a bit dented.
A little bit crunched in there.
I don't know what's with Lego and their packing
because this box is in really good shape.
So I'm guessing they like to send me all the dented boxes.
Well it's not going to be good for the review.
My goal is to collect all the Minecraft sets.
This looks really fun.
I don't know.
This doesn't really look like the Jungle Temple.
I've been in a lot of those.
It doesn't really like it,
but I can't judge it until I build it right.
So that looks like a really fun set
as well as the polybags
and the learning set.
Makes you feel like you're in school again.
So that's it for the haul.
I'm still waiting for a few more parts,
and I am shopping around for a video camera.
This camera that I'm using now is about had it,
and it needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
It's on it's last leg.
So f it can just hang in there for another month or so
till I can find a camera that's the one I need.
It's going to be a full 4K professional grade camcorder
up to 120 frames per second.
Oh yeah!
It will be razor sharp.
No more grinding noises coming from the microphone
because of the internal hard drive,
and this camcorder's got where I can plug in four flash SD cards.
So that will be a really great upgrade compared to what I have now.
This old SONY has had it.
So I'm just upgrading to a Panasonic.
When that's here,
I'll let you guys know.
Of course you will see a difference in the video quality.
That's it for the third haul for September.
Thank you for watching!
Ashure Recipe Noah's Pudding Recipe - Duration: 2:42.2 glass of boiled slitting
1 glass of boiled beens
1 glass of chickpea
Put cloves on apple(this will prevent not to give black color)
1 cinnamon stick
Add 1 litre water and open aven
Half tea glass odf soaked rice
1 glass of boiled pipless dried grape
1 glass of boiled dried apriconts
Boil it half hour more and add sugar
add 3 glass of sugar and boil 10-15 minutes more
Get cinnamon, clove and apple
Sveacasino TV: Vad betyder egentligen underhållning för Mr Green? - Duration: 0:52.Entertainment is basically the essence of what we are offering here and and for
us it starts with knowing your customer we want to know who the customer is
also know what the preference of the customer is, and by knowing this we can we
can offer there the right games we can offer the right tools to entertain
yourselves but we can also offer a more secure environment
where we can let you know that the status of your gambling, is it healthy or is it not healthy
we can act upon this so for us entertainment is about knowing the
customer and use that to tailor a superior entertainment experience.
If you look for entertainment, simply ask for mr green.
GALATASARAY | 26 EYLÜL 2017 | 90' A GS GÜNDEMİ | HINCAL ULUÇ & KEMAL BELGİN | Youtube - Duration: 18:22.-------------------------------------------
Learn color with Kung Fu Panda Colorful - Finger family song Nursery Rhyme Song For Kids - Duration: 2:26.Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!
Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!
Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!
How to study in FRANCE in ENGLISH for FREE! 🇫🇷📙 My story 🤘 - Duration: 10:23.Salut Youtube!
Today I want to talk to you about my biggest life hack to date
which changed my life forever which was coming to study in France in
English for free. That just sounded really scammy and no this is not a scam
don't worry I will not be asking for your credit card details
So in this video I wanted to share all the juicy details of how I came to study in France
for free and how I also earned an income on the side as I did so so that you can
do exactly the same!
So let me take you all the way back to 2013 when I was googling away trying to
find jobs here in Europe and what I was noticing is that a lot of the
entry-level roles were asking for a master's degree which I didn't have at
the time, I had studied for only four years not the five that are required to
achieve a master's degree.
In new zealand all you need is a bachelor's degree
because basically it's just seen as your ticket to get into a company but
everyone kind of knows that the academic world doesn't really translate to the
real world and the working world and so it's kind of good enough - it proves
that you can learn, it proves that you've got a good work ethic, and the rest is going
to be determined on your eagerness to learn, your hunger to do well and a
positive attitude.
A master's degree is totally unnecessary to get into the job
market unless you do medicine or pharmacy or something like that
But the more research I did, the more I realized that it was becoming the norm for
students in Europe to go straight from their bachelor's onto their master's
degrees to be able to enter the working world
So anyway it got me thinking
that I could still get to Europe but I just have to study first
It was going to be a great way to meet new people, a great way to build a network and start
getting those sort of more professional contacts for when I'm starting to job
hunt and of course as a non EU citizen it's a really easy way to get a visa to
get into Europe.
So I'm in HR (Human Resources) and so I started googling
International Human Resources master's programs
Europe in English and basically in the top few results came my program which
was based in Paris which is the international human resources master's
program at CIFFOP which is a private school within the Sorbonne / Panthéon Assas
University Network and I remember looking at the website and being like
what is this?!
1: Study international human resources in English in Paris
2: Work part-time while studying with a big international company
3: You will have zero tuition fees and
4: You will earn a monthly salary while
you're working for the company part-time even while you're at school studying
like what's the catch? Am I gonna have to work for the
company for 10 years after finishing my studies? Am I going to form part of an
international student human trafficking cult?
But it turns out that this is
actually a relatively common thing on offer here in France
So basically France has this thing called the Apprentissage or Alternance
system or Apprenticeship system I guess in English and what it means is that you
can do your year of study so whether that is your third year of your
bachelor's degree or the first year of your masters or the second year of your
masters - whatever - and you can do it in a way that allows you to study part-time and work
part-time. So I had a 12-month master's program because I had already studied
for four years beforehand and what that meant concretely is that I spent the
first 10 weeks at school studying learning the content and sitting exams
and then I would be in the company for work for two weeks and then back at
school for one week work for two weeks back at school for one week etc and then
you finish up basically doing your last sort of four to six months full-time
with the company and during this time you write your master's thesis and it's
a professional master's thesis for the company so it's based on the real world
and a real practical case study in your work environment
And there are many many
schools and universities in France offering this kind of apprenticeship way
of studying. So not only is it an amazing way to get professional experience of
course and start to build your network on that side but it also allows you to
directly apply what you're learning in theory in your courses straight away
into the real world
And of course there are some of these more financial benefits
So firstly the company pays your school fees or
whatever remains of them after the government has subsidized them
For me personally my school fees were around 10 000 euros and I didn't have to
see a single euro of that I didn't have to pay anything upfront it was
completely taken care of by my company
Secondly the company will pay you a
monthly salary for those full 12 months of study even when you're at school so
even though I was at school for the first ten weeks I was earning a monthly
salary that enabled me to pay all of my living costs here in France
The amount you get will depend on things like your level of studies and your age but there
are legal minimums so for example if you're in at least your third year of
studies and you're 21 years old or older you are entitled to around 1154 euros
per month and that's in 2017 and that works out to
be around 78 percent of the minimum wage but there are plenty of companies
as well especially the bigger ones that will pay you at least a hundred percent
of the minimum wage
I personally was earning the minimum wage while I was
studying which worked out to be around 1,500 euros per month at the time so
even though you live a relatively frugal lifestyle you can still pay for
everything you need to your rent your food your bills etc completely independently
Another huge advantage to the system is that you are considered
like a legal employee which means that you get the same benefits as other
employees in France so this means for example you get the same annual leave
benefits and in France annual leave is five weeks paid per year
And because you're
considered like an employee you also get other advantages for example your
company pays for 50% of your transport per month and they subsidize your
lunches that you eat every day
So you may be thinking like I
was why would companies offer such a sweet deal to students in the Apprentissage
system? And it turns out that they kind of have to because if you're a
private company earning over a certain threshold you are obliged by law to have
a certain number or quota of positions within your company to offer to these
students to support the French education system
Thank You French Government!
Secondly it's not perhaps as expensive as it seems upfront because they get a
lot of tax breaks and refunds from the things that they pay for for us
including our tuition fees so it's not that bad compared to what you see on
paper and if you think about it they're still actually getting really cheap
labor because they're paying these people minimum wage and they're kind of
profiles who have been studying for five years now, they've usually got one to two
years of internship experiences behind them on average and they're doing the
equivalent often of kind of entry-level jobs even if that's not really meant to
be the case.
So that's it the only thing to keep in mind aside from finding a
study program that offers this Apprentissage system is making sure that it's offered
in the language that you understand so I personally search for a program in
English but of course they offer the programs in French as well so if you're
speaking French, lucky you, and the other thing to keep in mind is that you do
need to be 26 years old or less to benefit from the system and if you are
older than 26 there are other options, so there are paid internships, there are
professional contracts and I won't go into the details in this video but there
are sort of other options out there as well so it's still super interesting
I'll never forget that moment when I saw the email in my inbox saying 'Welcome to the
International Human Resources Master - Congratulations!' I just saw that subject
line and I flipped out I started jumping on the bed, I was trembling
it was hard to explain, but when you're from little New Zealand which is so so
far away from what seems the rest of the world and you're from a family that's
never really travelled...To think that I was moving to Paris to study just blew
my mind that was probably one of the happiest days of my life
So anyway guys
that was my little secret to studying in France or in Paris for free in English
Basically you're looking for a program that's offered in English and has an
Apprentissage component or an apprenticeship offer that goes alongside it
Of course you can always find normal study programs as well the universities
in France are usually pretty cheap 400 to 600 euros I think on average for
their tuition fees but I think that the Apprentissage system is pretty special
and just so win-win all around and so convenient that I would 10 out of 10 recommend
So that's all for this week guys, thank you for watching!
I hope that
was useful for some of you Internauts out there!
Please hit the subscribe
button if you're interested in seeing what comes next because I will be doing
a video on what it's really like to study in France in a lot more detail
than this, but until then - à bientôt!
Mind Your Language with Deepika Padukone - Duration: 1:58.You don't know the value of a pinch of vermilion, Mr Ramesh.
Ek chutki sindoor!
Hi this is MissMalini and today is one of my favourite days...
I actually woke up really excited. I tweeted to you as well.
These are the days that I love my job more
is when I get to hang out with you.
It's really true because you have a really happy energy.
So basically I am going to give you the dialogue
or the song lyric in English
and you have to tell me what the Hindi one is.
I am going to... you are going to win the game.
You will be amazing. There are no losers here.
These black shades look really nice on your fair face.
Kala Chashma!
Why am I having so much fun? Did you mix drugs in the air?
Tune hawa mein bhaang milaya.
I have become lovely after reading your name.
Main lovely ho gayi yaar naam tera padh ke.
I have broken all signals for you. I have left my girlfriend in Delhi for you.
It is too easy!
Dilliwali Girlfriend.
Dog! Creep! I will drink your blood!
Kutte, Kameene...
Bhagwaan ke liye...
No, 'drink your blood!'... That's a different one.
Main.. main...tera khoon pee jaunga.
Small things keep happening in big countries.
Chhote chhote desho mein...
Bade bade desho mein aisi chhoti chhoti baatein!
There is a saying that if you really desire something from the heart
Agar aap kisi cheez ko poore dil se chaho
toh poori kaynaath usse milaane ki koshish mein lagg jaati hai.
There you go!
If I stay with you for 2 more minutes, I will fall in love with you... again.
Agar main tumhare saath do minute aur rahi toh...
Main tumse...
toh mujhe tumse pyaar ho jaega firse.
Look at this, you are killing it!
You don't know the value of a pinch of vermilion, Mr Ramesh.
Ek chutki sindoor!
How did you get that? That's so good!
If you like this video or the game that we just played
Not here, not there...
Down here!
Wie ähnlich sind sich Hund und Herrchen? - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
- Sir Alvod - top 5 parks of London - Duration: 10:05.hi guys and welcome in another amazing video
today with this wonderful cloudy day
we'll go around london and i will show you all the parks
all...i mean
i will show you the best 5 parks for me
we are in Alexandra park, in Wood green
is one of my favorite parks because from here you can see the city, even if a little bit far
but i'll show you better when we'll on the top
guys did you see the amazing view from here?
this is one of my favorite parks
it's a ten minuts fom my house, very easy
how you can see, it's a oasi
today there is a little bit noisy because is friday and there is a skate park here
and the children are playing
but this place is really quiet
it's getting cold, it's better if i wear a sweatshirt
what is this??? come on, it's deformed
seems a mouse
and this guys was Alexandra park
now we moving in another park, see you there
here we are again, we are in green park
is this one behind me, where is the Buckingham palace
and we going in St. James park
from there we can see the London eye and the Big Ben
yes i know, i have changed outfit
i didn't make this video all in one day
and now we going in Hyde park and kensington gardens
here we are in Hyde park
the most biggest park in the middle of London
now i show you all the exploration of this park
and then we'll go in Kensington gardens
called Italians gardens
i have to be careful at the bicycles
is this park, exactly behind here
in christmas time
from the half of november
to the first of gennuary, there is Winter wonderland
it's a...amusement park
It's a really cool thing, it seems to be in a magical world
is full of lights, foods and attractions
it's really a typical thing, I advise you
it's passed 12am and is time to eat
so i enjoy the view and rest a bit
this was Hyde park with Kensington gardens
now we have to walk about 15/20 minute
and we going in the next park
kyoto garden
but you'll see how is amazing
and welcome in the fourth park of the day
this is my favorite one
but i don't want spoiler nothing
this is one of the smaller, but one of the most beautiful
would you ever tell us that we are in London?
this is something I like this city
even if there is chaos in the center of town, just take a bus or a tube
or walk as well and came in place like this
here we were in Holland park
with the wonderful Kyoto Gardens
this was the fourth park of the day, now we go in the last one
see you in a second
and welcome in the fifth and last park of the day
now we are in Regent's park
to be precise this is primrose hill
and Regent's park is in the opposite side
firts i show you the hill
where you can see all the city of London
and then i will bring you in Regent's park
for the nice things
you have to work hard
the video does not see much but here it is really uphill
and this one was primrose hill
did you see the amazing view?
the bad luck is that almost all the parks are directed where the sun rises, not where it goes
so to watch the dawn I should come here at 6am
and is not so easy
now we go across the street and we'll show you Regent's park
is an elephant standing on the trunk
and this was Regent's park, the last one of the day
i hope you enjoy the video, let me know with a "chin"
whit a chin??
whit a comment below
with a blue thumb
subscribe at my channel
stay tuned and we see in a next video
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