Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 27 2017

Cyberpunk themes of futuristic organizations, dystopian regimes and dark city streets full

of thugs and criminals is a perfect match for ultraviolence, and Ruiner does just that

-- with an electric color scheme with blood-red neon lights painting every corner, killer

sound design and fast-paced action.

It's a spectacle to behold.

But is this just a poor man's Hotline Miami with a shiny 3D skin, or is it something more

unique and innovative?

Let's find out in this episode of Cyberpunk Curated.

Quite some hype has surrounded the style and aesthetic of this game in marketing and trailers,

as well as the main character's now-famous LED screen mask which displays violent messages,

video clips or even anime references.

And I have to say that the hype here is deserved.

This game just oozes style.

From it's comic-style cutscenes with wacky character designs, an emoji-abusing hacker

girl and anime-like dialogue sequences to the 1980's dark action movie lighting and

set design.

Often entire rooms will be soaked in red from a single flood light, silhouetting the player

character and enemies in an ominous glow.

It really is gorgeous.

You play a cybernetic masked warrior who is mind-controlled early in the game to become

a suicide hitman and then left for dead, but something goes wrong and you're snapped

out of it before you can finish the job by a shocking twist and the help of a seeming


Your search for who set you up starts a dark and brooding story to find your imprisoned

brother that acts as a backdrop to the plentiful and gratuitous action scenes the game puts

you in.

Ruiner doesn't spend too much time detailing the worldbuilding or reasoning behind the

game's universe.

With limited but enjoyable text dialogue and virtually no voice acting (a little odd in

contrast to the AAA-quality production values), there are minimal dialogue options from your

character, instead it's hyper-focused on what the game does best: Killing.

And lots of it.

Gorgeously high-contrast and colorful visuals combined with a soundtrack is something to


Whether it's abstract vocals over ambient pads in the hub areas or dialogue, the music

of the game gets your blood pumping with an array of high-energy electronica.

Sometimes it will sound like a lost Nine Inch Nails track from the 1990's, while others

will resemble electro-house music thumping as if timed to your slaughter, to occasionally

breaking into synthetic tribal beats like you're taking part in a blood-soaked rain

dance of sorts.

It's just sounds and feels so energetic.

It's catchy, high-energy and gruesome all at the same time.

Frenetic battles leave metallic-plated scenes splattered with blood -- and it strongly resembles

Japanese cyberpunk fiction like Akira and Ghost in the Shell.

It's a cyberpunk fan's dream to witness.

Watching Ruiner's gameplay for even just a few moments should remind you of 2012's

surprise indie hit, Hotline Miami.

And it's a fair comparison.

Both games have overhead fast-paced and deadly combat where you're regularly switching

between melee and guns.

Each weapon has but one clip of ammo, so once you've expended that clip the weapon's


So you're on a constant run from weapon to weapon.

Unlike Hotline Miami though, Ruiner offers a much wider variety of weaponry, and allows

for more complex combos and mobility.

This game also has two weapon slots: one for melee, one for guns.

You'll always have a basic SMG and pipe melee weapon to fall back on, but pickups

are always more powerful.

You can blast guys to pieces with powerful shotguns, roast them alive with flamethrowers,

perforate them with fast-shooting machine guns and also pick up brutal melee weapons

like fiery maces or deadly katanas that break after a handful of hits.

It's all very fast-paced, with calculated shots, zooming around the battlefield, trying

to get out of the line of fire and in a good place to plow through multiple enemies at


The game supports both controller and keyboard and mouse and both setups are intuitive, but

fast and accurate aiming is key here so in the end the mouse was my preferred tool of

justice in the streets of Rengkok.

There are two resources in the game: health and energy.

You don't die in one hit, but you are far from invincible.

Much of the game is about lightning reflexes, but nearly an equal amount is about resource


Killing enemies drop health and energy pickups, and at points helpful drones will drop resources

for you as well.

You're going to be using dashes a lot to avoid damage, but you can also use energy

to activate your shield which deflects and eventually can reflect projectiles back at

your enemies.

The game seems pretty easy even on Normal difficulty early on, but Ruiner has a way

of throwing challenge at you in waves.

I could clear some segments with an easy S+ Rank, whilst others threw a curveball so hard

I had to retry a dozen or more times.

Mini-boss battles are usually placed after a checkpoint and a few waves of enemies, so

you will often have to replay whole set pieces again and again trying to beat them.

But Ruiner is designed with the attention-deficit in mind.

Every cutscene and death screen has a big red skip button right there waiting to be

pressed, so you're always back in the action sometimes before you realize it yourself.

Not all Ruiner's depth is apparent at first, but as you level up and start unlocking more

advanced techniques.

The amount of fighting styles become apparent.

You can plot and chain multiple dashes together to quickly get to an enemy, drop a grenade,

then get to cover.

Or circle strafe with shotgun blasts and SMGs.

You can enable shields then dash for a charge attack.

Or zip around to hit the vulnerable side of shielded foes.

There's a lot of variety here which inspires experimentation, especially on Hard mode.

The actual boss battles are more akin to Diablo III though, in closed arenas, with AI patterns

that switch up after a quota of damage has been met.

Though unlike normal combat, these fights seem to prefer one style over others.

The charged up melee attacks seem to deliver the damage over whittling them down with bullets.

Due to the more forgiving but still visceral combat mechanics with a slick, modern graphics

style and difficulty options, I believe Ruiner could have a much wider appeal than Hotline

Miami's relentless twitch gameplay.

It doesn't have as much of a puzzle game feel as Hotline, but it doesn't throw as

many cheap and instant deaths at you either.

Each fight has specific enemies that spawn in specific places each time, so eventually

you can learn the pattern and take them all out methodically like a prophetic bad-ass

if you replay the segment enough times.

Ruiner has a skill progression system with shield upgrades, ammo boosts, increasing the

durability of melee weapons, and active abilities such as stun splash damage, grenades and more.

There's a lot of options to upgrade and unlock, and these upgrades seem like a must

to tackle the higher difficulty settings.

There is a between-mission hub world which feels like a really simplified Deus Ex.

You're not going to be doing any complex missions here and despite its interesting

and beautifully rendered vistas it's pretty basic and feels like an afterthought.

There are minor objectives during combat missions that finish quests started in the downtown

hub, and there are other minor activities like hacking into cats… it's a long story.

A little underdeveloped here, sure.

But it doesn't negatively impact the rest of the game.

Depending on how much you like replaying games or what difficulty you normally play on, a

playthrough of all 14 levels of Ruiner could take you about 6-10 hours the first run, and

I feel the $20 US price tag is just right for the quality and content you get out of


Like Hotline Miami before it, Ruiner is one of those rare games where the tightness of

gameplay and controls, the sheer brutality and energy of the hyper-stylized graphics

and heart-pumping music just come together in moments perfectly that remind me of why

I love video games.

It doesn't have deep roleplaying or Hugo award-winning storyline.

But its exciting and engaging fast-paced combat with some interesting world exploration in-between

will leave you chomping at the bit for more.

If your reflexes aren't as fast as they could be or the gameplay shown here doesn't

excite you, the game just might not be for you.

But Ruiner is easily one of the best games I've played this year, it scratches that

trigger-happy itch and scores in my arbitrary rating scale, 5 Surveillance Cats out of 5.

For more infomation >> RUINER Review | Cyberpunk Game Similar to Hotline Miami - Duration: 9:29.


列車上心臟病發急救實況 - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> 列車上心臟病發急救實況 - Duration: 1:48.


Tội Nghiện EDM - Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất Phần 5 | BOONG - Duration: 22:55.

For more infomation >> Tội Nghiện EDM - Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất Phần 5 | BOONG - Duration: 22:55.


New nail art 2017, halloween nail art | The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas 2017| Nail art Part 52 - Duration: 10:07.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> New nail art 2017, halloween nail art | The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas 2017| Nail art Part 52 - Duration: 10:07.



For more infomation >> COOL COPS. LUCKIEST BIKER AND COOLEST COP EVER - Duration: 11:43.


YouTube視頻总播放量最高點閱率最多的歌手或DJ Top50 你喜歡的歌手在第幾名? - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> YouTube視頻总播放量最高點閱率最多的歌手或DJ Top50 你喜歡的歌手在第幾名? - Duration: 12:21.


погода 27.09.2017 на Азовском море/Бердянск - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> погода 27.09.2017 на Азовском море/Бердянск - Duration: 3:09.


Top 10 Most Handsome Men in The World - Duration: 3:47.

Handsome Men In The World

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Handsome Men in The World - Duration: 3:47.


PocketDefi Crowdfunding - Duration: 2:46.

Hi, my name is Jasper.

Together with my team I'm developing PocketDefi, the smallest and most easily handlable defibrillator worldwide.

In case of sudden cardiac arrest, the first minutes are critical regarding the patient's chances of survival.

The availability of a defibrillator determines between life and death.

Common defibrillators are stored stationary.

Therefore, in case of emergency, they are usually not found or too far away to help in time.

That's why we are developing PocketDefi.

PocketDefi is small and low priced.

So small anyone can carry it on a daily basis.

So low priced anyone can afford it.

No matter if you are a doctor, first aider, paramedic, tourist guide, fitness instructor,...

We all can save lives with it.

In a situation like this, some of these people would surely be around

and could raise the chances of the patient's survival significantly.

During design we concentrated on making PocketDefi lightweight and easy to handle.

Using PocketDefi is easy: remove the lid, take out the electrodes, pull of the protective cover

and apply the electrodes as shown on the picture.

The voice instructions start as soon as the lid is removed, and explain every step.

Pocketdefi will decide automatically whether a shock is needed or not.

Additionally PocketDefi features: - a metronome, - a gentle shock impulse

and can be recharged. In addition to the defibrillator, we develop the PocketDefi app.

With the app we take care of the major part of maintenance.

We check the conditions of all defibrillators and solve problems,

as common with other modern consumer electronics.

As an additional feature, with the app people nearby carrying their PocketDefi with them,

can be called for help.

The development of the first prototype is completed.

As soon as we accomplish the funding goal, we will start the authorisation procedure for medical products

and prepare for serial production.

We can't determine when and where people suffer from cardiac arrest.

But we can decide how fast they get help.

Support us to bring PocketDefi to market

by ordering your PocketDefi NOW.

If you do so, we can save more lives together - no matter where and when.

For more infomation >> PocketDefi Crowdfunding - Duration: 2:46.


Banned Emojis Around The World 😕 - Duration: 1:41.


banned emojis around the world

For more infomation >> Banned Emojis Around The World 😕 - Duration: 1:41.


Top 30 things I love about Japan - Duration: 2:22.

Hi it's Charu!



I'm gonna be speaking Japanese!!

(you're making it a bigger deal than it is)


Today... (text on screen: what is this?)

Today I'm gonna be doing some sort of a love letter from me to Japan

I'm gonna be doing "Things I love about Japan top 30"!

I'm not 100% sure how to say this in Japanese cos Japanese is hella complicated but I'm pretty sure people can understand what I mean

Anyway, point is I love Japan

top 30 is... a little weird

I first thought I was gonna make it top 20, but I reached 20 and I didn't feel like I was done so

So I continued

But top 30 just sounds weird to me...

But nevermind, top 30 it is!!

LET'S GO! (I might just be a frikking idiot)

Ok I got really hyper all of a sudden

Let's calm down a little



Drama (Japanese tv shows)

Japanese variety shows


That was so stupid

Sakurai sho, Nagase Tomoya, Matsuda Shota


Japanese food

Especially sushi and onigiri (rice balls)

Matcha (green tea)

Matcha kitkat, matcha latte, matcha ice cream (aisu)



Like WHAT AM I?!


There are A LOT of cute things there



How Japanese people really treasure their culture

They have a lot of mascot characters

The Kansai Dialect


Cherry blossoms


That really got me excited for some reason

We don't have vending machines here

What's up with this country???

I'm sorry, Sweden....

Japanese people are really polite


"Japanese hot pot dishes"- according to google haha

The moment I realize I'm not in Japan anymore and get sad

Japanese skincare products


Studio Ghibli

Purikura (those Japanese photo booth things if you don't know)

Japanese hot springs

I've never actually been to one though... (cos it requires getting naked with strangers soooooo.....)

100 yen shops


Japanese tea ceremonies


The last one is...


Ok so that was what I love about Japan top 30

What did you think about it?

Ok, so that was what I love about Japan top 30

What do you like about Japan? Let me know in the comments

And also you know maybe possibly subscribe to my channel???

If you wanna watch my next videos you know??

and also if you like this video, give it a thumbs up cos I'm a youtuber aka like beggar and this is what I do man!

Okay this has been Charu. Bye bye!

I love Japan

For more infomation >> Top 30 things I love about Japan - Duration: 2:22.


IL COCCODRILLO - Canzoni Per Bambini - Duration: 40:34.

For more infomation >> IL COCCODRILLO - Canzoni Per Bambini - Duration: 40:34.



For more infomation >> BE THE GAZELLE - NOT THE LION | ISHRAJ S. INDERJEET | DAILY MOTIVATIONAL VLOG 05 ✔️ - Duration: 5:35.


Kman夾娃娃 防倒爪娃娃池台,該如何破解?教你如何解析能不能夾出!航海王 達斯琪。UFOキャッチャー#119 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 防倒爪娃娃池台,該如何破解?教你如何解析能不能夾出!航海王 達斯琪。UFOキャッチャー#119 - Duration: 3:24.


DÉCOUVERTES ÉGYPTIENNES Septembre 2017 Egypto News #1 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> DÉCOUVERTES ÉGYPTIENNES Septembre 2017 Egypto News #1 - Duration: 2:52.


保護施設で猫達と共に育てられたキツネ。野生に帰ってからも何故か夕食だけは食べに帰ってきて・・・【癒される】 - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 保護施設で猫達と共に育てられたキツネ。野生に帰ってからも何故か夕食だけは食べに帰ってきて・・・【癒される】 - Duration: 2:24.


Hablando con "31 films" / Club de Videografos - Duration: 1:13:37.

For more infomation >> Hablando con "31 films" / Club de Videografos - Duration: 1:13:37.


Fülledt utcák - A 4. rész tartalmából - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Fülledt utcák - A 4. rész tartalmából - Duration: 0:32.


What Is Being Me? - Duration: 2:05.

Being You Changing The World Class with Dr Dain Heer

What Is Being Me?

The reason I came here, I think, is because I was desiring more.

I have a fabulous business, great life

and yet really thirsty and feeling semi-unsatisfied

and really looking to crack myself open.

I thought, well, Being You Changing The World,

that sounds really good to me, I want to do that.

I'd already started to create and then I kind of got lost

so this has really brought me back to me and who I am.

I think being me is really just allowing... it's total allowance.

So, just a complete lack of judgment for myself for my personality, quirks and all.

It's that space of honoring who I really am,

beyond the identities of this reality,

beyond being the mom, the wife, the co-worker, the friend.

All the labels, all the identities and everything that comes with that.

It's really being the drop in the pond,

that can ripple out through the rest of the world.

You get this amazing contribution that these people are,

who've never experienced this level of change

but now they're on the front lines of helping create it.

Just by being there and by the questions they ask

and by the energy that they contribute.

There's something dynamic that shows up

when you choose to be you however beautiful and mucked up

and fabulous and delicious you are in a sea of other people.

For more information visit:

For more infomation >> What Is Being Me? - Duration: 2:05.


Sveacasino TV: Vad är Reel Thrills? - Duration: 1:06.

Yeah, the Reel Thrills is an amazing product, its a tournament, it's a casino

and slots tournament and it enhances the entertainment level and value

you're not only playing the slots but you're also competing with others I

played yesterday and perhaps I shouldn't tell you this but I actually won

that tournament, it never happened before and it's an excitement to this because

you see how you move on the leaderboard and you think you're leading

if someone is taking it and so forth it it's to enhance the entertainment value

of the casino player and it works extremely well from what we've seen so far

we should also remember that this is the first version and it

basically only runs on on the desktop now but of course this will become

mobile and it will be available in the apps, and it will have perhaps an even more mr green look and feel.

We think it is cool, and we see that the players likes it.

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