Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 27 2017


For more infomation >> ၶၢဝ်ႇလီ မိူင်းမၢၼ်မႃးၽုၺ်ႇလုမ်း ႁဵတ်းၽၢတ်ႉသ်ပွတ်ႇ 3 တီႈ ข่าวแรงงาน HD 27.9.2017 - Duration: 2:42.


CÁCH KIẾM 100 TRIỆU TÍNH DỤNG làm tiếp thị liên kết hoặc có vốn kinh doanh sau 3 tháng với TIMO - Duration: 22:16.

For more infomation >> CÁCH KIẾM 100 TRIỆU TÍNH DỤNG làm tiếp thị liên kết hoặc có vốn kinh doanh sau 3 tháng với TIMO - Duration: 22:16.


Fight 35 of Srisaket Sor Rungvisai VS Bobby Concepcion of Philippine Full Fight (28/11/2014) FULL HD - Duration: 12:07.

Fight 35 of Srisaket Sor Rungvisai VS Bobby Concepcion of Philippine Full Fight (28/11/2014) FULL HD

For more infomation >> Fight 35 of Srisaket Sor Rungvisai VS Bobby Concepcion of Philippine Full Fight (28/11/2014) FULL HD - Duration: 12:07.


Larry David Can Tell Fans Are Disappointed When They Meet Him - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Larry David Can Tell Fans Are Disappointed When They Meet Him - Duration: 3:47.


Разведопрос: Александр Таиров о творчестве Эль Греко - Duration: 1:48:09.

For more infomation >> Разведопрос: Александр Таиров о творчестве Эль Греко - Duration: 1:48:09.


Kman夾娃娃 三爪套強爪內丟台!教你如何破解內丟!航海王 魯夫(路飛)。UFOキャッチャー#119-1 - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 三爪套強爪內丟台!教你如何破解內丟!航海王 魯夫(路飛)。UFOキャッチャー#119-1 - Duration: 2:07.


Мультики Игрушки Маша и Медведь новые серии 2017 - Влево вправо! Мультфильмы для самых маленьких - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Мультики Игрушки Маша и Медведь новые серии 2017 - Влево вправо! Мультфильмы для самых маленьких - Duration: 4:48.


தமிழ் நடிகைகளின் அப்பாக்கள் யார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> தமிழ் நடிகைகளின் அப்பாக்கள் யார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:43.


Trucker Bill Of Rights Link In Description - Duration: 7:20.

hey boys and girls I was listening to jaqen a video about the trucker Bill of

Rights and I agreed with everything that Jay had to say he did a very good video

on the subject and I listened to Chester D also he did a good video so I was

looking up the Bill of Rights and I ended up finding like Bab those three

different Bill of Rights that are all put out recently then there was one

through 2012 that was really just a big joke I mean you should read that when it

was written by someone's wife but my point in this issue is money is built

into this system if you have a short loads you get paid more for long loads

you get paid for the privilege of driving long Freight that you don't have

to stop and unload all the time so it pays less that's just the way

addressing the government for grievances and these kind of issues is just not the

way to go you can go that whatever you know that's fine no problem with it

but I don't think it's the right way to go if you remember back in the 80s when

the air traffic controllers decided to be big shots to shut down they were

making so much money right Ronnie Reagan came in and he said you guys be back to

work tomorrow you won't have jobs since then their traffic controllers has been

run by the government don't care that problem didn't it they can do the same

thing with us if they really want to if we want to live in a communist nation

the issues a lot of these issues that you're talking about in this bill of

rights they're not government issues they are issues that deal with your

company and the work the way you handle the government isn't striking you vote

with your feet you get up and leave an area or whatever if you don't like it

you do the same thing with the business if they're doing something you don't

want to get up and leave they're not paying you detention you'd be that the

blame I agree everyone should be paid for their dock time and everything else

but a lot of in the past bill of rights a lot of the things we're all touchy

feel good things not in this particular one but in the last one five six years

ago it was you know the trucker's are guaranteeing a shower and stuff like

that and that's pretty funny I mean it feel good shower and that's how it works


the striking has never worked and it will never work

because while owner-operators are going to be out to make money

the majority of us knocked on two strikes

we know I can see the Union steffanina for that

kind of stuff

but I'm not a union driver and you probably aren't either don't want to be

a union driver

so making yell strike company drivers ain't gonna go on strike you might find

a few people to do yo hell you might even find a thousand trucks to go to DC

and circle to Capitol and run around around all they're gonna do is lose

their CDL your CDL is a government-issued license they can pull

it just like that and I saying they will I'm just saying that they could and they

could replace you you've got enough people coming out the

military every day that have the capabilities to drive truck that just

gotta talk them into it wouldn't be hard

just like in business other trucking companies cut our throats this is a good

for instance a lot of times people do pay for you to sit in their dog company

don't pass it on to you but your company wants to get paid I know a lot of people

to do that they use you sitting in the dark is a leverage oh that's okay we're

not going to charge you for that we'll sit there all day if they don't

get paid they do get paid that's why they don't pass no one because they can

say well we got that contract because it's okay for our trouble sitting there

dog they're using your back but that's when

you have to leave the company even if it's a good company and together

everything is built into a contract you know it's gonna pay him to $9 if

this happens it's going to the paid that's this amount if this happens it's

gonna pay this amount so I like to be loved right the one

change now red I really like that one it was the most professional of all of

them to date but there was still things in it that

I just don't see happening I see him happening on a company point and as

independent truckers and company drivers the only place you have to take your

sewer problems to and talk to him is Elida

alright American trucker Association they are not here to help you they don't

give a crap about truck drivers they're here

for the mega carriers and they represent them so don't think that they help you

because we're lazy Eadie when these regulated electronic log

books came out it was Jay behind and Schneider in these companies that pushed

for now they don't want them right but they pushed for them to take a little

bit afraid away from the independent operator base

but they're feeling the pain of what they pushed for now

but we're gonna get around it even even we ran an electronic log books

I still get 600 miles every day it's just a matter of keeping that door shut

and getting down the road you know you can't do that if you're running around

New York or something right but if you're on the open road you can do it

you scared up they're gonna be here and they're gonna be here to Saturday and

what the devil is going to do for parking they was on the IDA Network

talking about it actually I had a congressman on there in several state

representatives from other states and what they were saying is their plan is

to kind of go me in like we did in Iraq and mix sand with other other materials

and just grow out huge parking areas think I'll throw you a porta potty out

there and that's where you're gonna Park it they're gonna make these all over the

place they've been making them in some places and they're coming quicker

so I support the Bill of Rights don't think I dumb

I just don't think it's gonna get us anywhere and striking is never an answer

for anything

you guys have great day

For more infomation >> Trucker Bill Of Rights Link In Description - Duration: 7:20.


서울고 강백호, kt와 계약금 4억5000만에 사인 - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> 서울고 강백호, kt와 계약금 4억5000만에 사인 - Duration: 2:02.


Pres. Moon and party leaders to discuss security issues on Wednesday - Duration: 0:38.

North Korea will be the focus of talks this evening -- starting in less than an hour at

the Blue House -- when President Moon and the leaders of South Korea's rival political

parties sit down for a dinner meeting.

There will no one "no show" though.

The main opposition Liberty Korea Party's leader, Hong Joon-pyo,... a former presidential

candidate -- rejected the offer.

President Moon's top secretary hinted the meeting will focus on national security...

considering the increasing threats posed by North Korea.

Opposition party chiefs are expected to suggest a reshuffle of Seoul's foreign and defense

officials,... and might even propose sending a special envoy to Pyongyang.

For more infomation >> Pres. Moon and party leaders to discuss security issues on Wednesday - Duration: 0:38.


நவீன் KPY-க்கு வருவதற்கு முன் என்ன செய்தார் தெரியுமா ? | Kollywood | Tamil Cine Times - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> நவீன் KPY-க்கு வருவதற்கு முன் என்ன செய்தார் தெரியுமா ? | Kollywood | Tamil Cine Times - Duration: 2:23.


História da mulher & do Pássaro - Ustadh Yusha Evans - Dawah Team - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> História da mulher & do Pássaro - Ustadh Yusha Evans - Dawah Team - Duration: 3:21.


S. Korea succeeds in counter-missile system test - Duration: 0:45.

The South Korean military says it's successfully tested a domestically-made system to protect

aircraft from guided missiles, which would allow them to penetrate deep into enemy territory.

It's called the indigenous directional infrared countermeasure, or DIRCM.

According to defense ministry officials, the trial of the system was conducted back in

July at the test site of the Agency for Defense Development.

Equipped with a high-tech laser-jammer, the DIRCM disrupts infrared signals to stop guided

missiles from reaching aircraft that have it onboard.

South Korea has been working to improve its ability to use planes to deploy special forces

troops to take out North Korea's leadership in case of an emergency.

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