Hi Everyone! I'm Steve with Steve's POV.
I want to get some detail work in on the Starlet today.
White cars tend to get stained and dirty over the years...
especially if they haven't been waxed or cared for regularly...
Today I want to work on some fine detailing to make this Toyota Starlet even nicer.
Please remember, I am not a pro at all...
I am an enthusiast who likes to try things...
I realize everything I do may not be looked at as the "correct" way to do something...
I look forward to your comments and input as well.
Let's share some good detailing tips together... Please leave comments below.
Also please remember to subscribe to my channel...
I appreciate it much!
Let's get busy!
I like using these Melamine (Magic Eraser) sponges for some deep cleaning...
I can never pronounce these things right! "Melatonin Sponge!!" LOL
Even after using clay to go over the car with...
if you still see stains and dirt, light use of these sponges really get ground in dirt and scuffs off.
I've always been successful with these sponges until today...
So I decided to try some rubbing compound the I had laying around the garage.
I put some on a microfiber towel and tried it and...
all the outside stains were easily erased and the outside of this car is bright white again!
Can you see how white it is?
It's much better now than it was before on the outside.
But when you open up a door...
This is not good! Not acceptable!
Bright white outside and stained dirty door jams... not good!
Does this not bother you too?
It bugs the heck out of me!!
I remember paying "professional" detailers to clean my car...
whenever they were done cleaning, I would come out and check their work...
The outside, the wheels, the tires were all really nice...
but when I opened up the doors.... oh no!!!
That is not detailing!!!
Detail means detail!!
Cleaning everything including where the eye and hand may not easily reach!
That's the definition of "detail."
This is another area that is not acceptable!
"But Steve, no one looks at the engine anyway!"
No Good!!!!!!!
No Good!!!!
Incorrect answer!
Look through here...
look at some of these hoses and all the stains...
This must be cleaned up thoroughly.
Today I plan to spend 2-3 hours to make this Starlet a much better and cleaner detailed car!
The rubbing compound works really well on the white.
The Melamine sponge is not very effective here.
They usually work very well.
But with the compound, the results are pretty immediate.
I might have put a little much on here...
You will see the results right here in just one small place...
This is "detailed" work... your finger tips need to get into all the small areas!
My Dad used to alway say that!! "Get your fingers in the corners!!!"
This type of work tells you a lot about a person's personality as well!
How detailed is that person?
Does he/she pay attention to detail?
This type of work will answer those questions about someone!
I think I should have been a philosopher!
What do you think?
It looks cleaner than before?
I just did a quickie on it but the results are pretty obvious!
Let's do another spot and check it again!
What about under the hood here?
I wonder how it will work under here???
The compound isn't as effective here... perhaps the sponge will work here??
Gotta try some different things sometimes!
Using these pads lightly will not take off paint...
I know a lot of people do not like using these sponges on a car...
I recommend using it first on a discreet spot and checking but usually there is not a problem...
I'm gonna focus and get this job done now...
Lets look at the result as I wrap things up in a couple of hours!
I forgot something important!
You guys remember the "Black Again" product?
I gotta try it in at least one spot real quick!
I did it to this point last week... let's continue this line!
Put just a little on a microfiber towel...
Just gently rub it in to the rubber and black moldings, etc...
let it sit after that to dry naturally...
These faded pieces are now, "Black Again."
This is a very good product!
This faded badge comes off with 2 nuts..
Removing it makes cleaning behind here much easier.
Compound and a soft towel will clean most of this mess up.
But this area requires a little extra... we will use some soft steel wool.
Soft steel wool will not leave scratches if you gently use it.
But it helps with removing this ground in dirt!
Wiping with a towel alone will not remove this 27 year old dirt!
Look at how much cleaner it is now!
This faded black portion drives me nuts!
I'm gonna tape it off and shoot it black real quick!
Look at the big difference in the rear hatch area!
I know a lot of people will say why waste so much time on a car you are selling?!?
But I won't be satisfied if these areas aren't clean.
I don't even do this to my daily driver cars!!!
It's funny that I spend this time for a car I'm getting rid of!! LOL
I find it to be enjoyable work!
This is good time to think about stuff... time alone to think!
Not just about cars... but about life too..
about the future...
about things for work...
Concentrating on a task like this is good therapy!!
When you think about it, we really don't get a lot of time like this so I find it enjoyable!
I imagine at least some of you feel the same like me!
This is satisfying and enjoying work!
You can really see and appreciate the fruits of your labor!
A sense of accomplishment...
Get your finger tips in there!!
The results are fantastic!
This puts a smile on my face!
It's gonna take me some more time to complete this to my satisfaction, but...
Do you agree with what I'm saying about detail?
Cleaning and detailing a car to this degree...
really shows you the type of personality the owner has...
Take a look at your car and the areas you don't normally pay attention to.
Plan a couple of hours for one day to clean some stuff up around your car!
Just a little rubbing compound and steel wool will go a long way!
Or maybe just the Melamine sponges will work for you...
Even if other people never realize what you have done...
you will be happy for sure!
Everytime you open up a door...
it will put a smile on your face!
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See you again!!
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