Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 27 2017

Hi Everyone! I'm Steve with Steve's POV.

I want to get some detail work in on the Starlet today.

White cars tend to get stained and dirty over the years...

especially if they haven't been waxed or cared for regularly...

Today I want to work on some fine detailing to make this Toyota Starlet even nicer.

Please remember, I am not a pro at all...

I am an enthusiast who likes to try things...

I realize everything I do may not be looked at as the "correct" way to do something...

I look forward to your comments and input as well.

Let's share some good detailing tips together... Please leave comments below.

Also please remember to subscribe to my channel...

I appreciate it much!

Let's get busy!

I like using these Melamine (Magic Eraser) sponges for some deep cleaning...

I can never pronounce these things right! "Melatonin Sponge!!" LOL

Even after using clay to go over the car with...

if you still see stains and dirt, light use of these sponges really get ground in dirt and scuffs off.

I've always been successful with these sponges until today...

So I decided to try some rubbing compound the I had laying around the garage.

I put some on a microfiber towel and tried it and...

all the outside stains were easily erased and the outside of this car is bright white again!

Can you see how white it is?

It's much better now than it was before on the outside.

But when you open up a door...

This is not good! Not acceptable!

Bright white outside and stained dirty door jams... not good!

Does this not bother you too?

It bugs the heck out of me!!

I remember paying "professional" detailers to clean my car...

whenever they were done cleaning, I would come out and check their work...

The outside, the wheels, the tires were all really nice...

but when I opened up the doors.... oh no!!!

That is not detailing!!!

Detail means detail!!

Cleaning everything including where the eye and hand may not easily reach!

That's the definition of "detail."

This is another area that is not acceptable!

"But Steve, no one looks at the engine anyway!"

No Good!!!!!!!

No Good!!!!

Incorrect answer!

Look through here...

look at some of these hoses and all the stains...

This must be cleaned up thoroughly.

Today I plan to spend 2-3 hours to make this Starlet a much better and cleaner detailed car!

The rubbing compound works really well on the white.

The Melamine sponge is not very effective here.

They usually work very well.

But with the compound, the results are pretty immediate.

I might have put a little much on here...

You will see the results right here in just one small place...

This is "detailed" work... your finger tips need to get into all the small areas!

My Dad used to alway say that!! "Get your fingers in the corners!!!"

This type of work tells you a lot about a person's personality as well!

How detailed is that person?

Does he/she pay attention to detail?

This type of work will answer those questions about someone!

I think I should have been a philosopher!

What do you think?

It looks cleaner than before?

I just did a quickie on it but the results are pretty obvious!

Let's do another spot and check it again!

What about under the hood here?

I wonder how it will work under here???

The compound isn't as effective here... perhaps the sponge will work here??

Gotta try some different things sometimes!

Using these pads lightly will not take off paint...

I know a lot of people do not like using these sponges on a car...

I recommend using it first on a discreet spot and checking but usually there is not a problem...

I'm gonna focus and get this job done now...

Lets look at the result as I wrap things up in a couple of hours!

I forgot something important!

You guys remember the "Black Again" product?

I gotta try it in at least one spot real quick!

I did it to this point last week... let's continue this line!

Put just a little on a microfiber towel...

Just gently rub it in to the rubber and black moldings, etc...

let it sit after that to dry naturally...

These faded pieces are now, "Black Again."

This is a very good product!

This faded badge comes off with 2 nuts..

Removing it makes cleaning behind here much easier.

Compound and a soft towel will clean most of this mess up.

But this area requires a little extra... we will use some soft steel wool.

Soft steel wool will not leave scratches if you gently use it.

But it helps with removing this ground in dirt!

Wiping with a towel alone will not remove this 27 year old dirt!

Look at how much cleaner it is now!

This faded black portion drives me nuts!

I'm gonna tape it off and shoot it black real quick!

Look at the big difference in the rear hatch area!

I know a lot of people will say why waste so much time on a car you are selling?!?

But I won't be satisfied if these areas aren't clean.

I don't even do this to my daily driver cars!!!

It's funny that I spend this time for a car I'm getting rid of!! LOL

I find it to be enjoyable work!

This is good time to think about stuff... time alone to think!

Not just about cars... but about life too..

about the future...

about things for work...

Concentrating on a task like this is good therapy!!

When you think about it, we really don't get a lot of time like this so I find it enjoyable!

I imagine at least some of you feel the same like me!

This is satisfying and enjoying work!

You can really see and appreciate the fruits of your labor!

A sense of accomplishment...

Get your finger tips in there!!

The results are fantastic!


This puts a smile on my face!

It's gonna take me some more time to complete this to my satisfaction, but...

Do you agree with what I'm saying about detail?

Cleaning and detailing a car to this degree...

really shows you the type of personality the owner has...

Take a look at your car and the areas you don't normally pay attention to.

Plan a couple of hours for one day to clean some stuff up around your car!

Just a little rubbing compound and steel wool will go a long way!

Or maybe just the Melamine sponges will work for you...

Even if other people never realize what you have done...

you will be happy for sure!

Everytime you open up a door...

it will put a smile on your face!

Are you subscribed to my channel??

Please subscribe and as always; Thumbs Up!

See you again!!

For more infomation >> DIY - Detail Means Detail! How Someone Details Their Car Tells a lot About Them! Do it Yourself - Duration: 11:25.


Drei schnelle Flechtfrisuren für das Oktoberfest | Haar Tutorial - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Drei schnelle Flechtfrisuren für das Oktoberfest | Haar Tutorial - Duration: 4:07.


Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do (Cover by 黃氏兄弟) - Duration: 3:11.

I don't like your little games

Don't like your tilted stage

The role you made me play

Of the fool, no, I don't like you

I don't like your perfect crime

How you laugh when you lie

You said the gun was mine

Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time

I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined

I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

I don't like your kingdom keys

They once belonged to me

You ask me for a place to sleep

Locked me out and threw a feast

The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama

But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma

And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure

Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time

I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined

I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

Look what you just made me do

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me

I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me

I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

Look what you just made me do

Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you made me

Ooh, look what you made me do

look what you made me do

look what you made me do

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do (Cover by 黃氏兄弟) - Duration: 3:11.


Gran Turismo Sport - Die Bedeutung von Sport - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Gran Turismo Sport - Die Bedeutung von Sport - Duration: 1:00.


МОЙ iPhone X / КАК УГОВОРИТЬ ПАПУ КУПИТЬ АЙФОН 10 iphone 8 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> МОЙ iPhone X / КАК УГОВОРИТЬ ПАПУ КУПИТЬ АЙФОН 10 iphone 8 - Duration: 3:40.


Florin Salam & Leo de la Kuweit - La scoala - Viata de lautar Music vine 2017 - Duration: 2:26.

De cele mai multe ori personajele sau situatiile sunt fictive ! Multumim celor care ne sustin ! #VDL

Buna ziua , domnule elev Salam

A-ti intarziat din nou la ora mea mea , vad ca nu sunteti matinal absolut deloc ...

Eu ti-am spus din prima zi ...

Nu stiu ce mi-ai spus cand ne-am cunoscut dar sincer la mine nu o sa treci anul

Bai baiete daca continui in acest fel sa iti intre bine in cap ...

Apropo as dori telefonul parintilor tai pentru ca trebuie sa stam serios de vorba ...

De ce ai facut asa ca m-ai distrus ...

Florin , daca esti obraznic si stii sa imi raspunzi raspunzi

Ia treci frumos la tabla si spune-ne ce am avut de pregatit pentru astazi

Nu meritam tu sa te porti asa ..

Vai ce sa spun ...

De ce nu poti fi si tu ca unii dintre colegii tai macar

Adica nu stiu sa fi mai silitor sa fi elevul de anul trecut

Ai fost altfel anul trecut

Spre exemplu Leo si Cristina ia sa vedem ce am avut de pregatit pentru astazi ..

Despacito ... ra tu cu da ta ta ...

Joaca lumea Talavaaa ...

Oooo ofvo .... o dhaahaaa

Vezi Florin , sunt si elevi silitori

In aceasta clasa care isi dau sufletul pentru scoala

Si tot interesul

Bravo Leo , bravo Cristina ! ! !

Stiam ca nu sunt numai eu ..

Pai nu mai esti Florin , ca inainte sincer nu te supara pe mine

Dar esti singurul care intarzie la ora mea si nu inteleg de ce este ultima ora ....

Ma dezamagesti profund ......

Spune-ai sa am incredere in tine ...

Pai da ti-am spus sa ai mai multa incredere in tine nu in mine si sa

Pui mana pe carte sa iti dai seama ca esti la scoala nu esti la nunta

Serios sunte la scoala aici

Amar si foc la inima mi-ai pus ...

De ce spui asta stii ca tin la tine si te apreciez atunci cand canti

Dar as vrea sa iti dai mai mult interesul sa te autodepasesti si la scoala

Adica nu numai in muzica serios ....

Hai treci in banca ta ...

De cele mai multe ori personajele sau situatiile sunt fictive ! Multumim celor care ne sustin ! #VDL

For more infomation >> Florin Salam & Leo de la Kuweit - La scoala - Viata de lautar Music vine 2017 - Duration: 2:26.


40 Upcoming PS4 RPGs of 2017-2018 | New Role-playing Games for PlayStation 4 - Duration: 13:43.

40 Upcoming RPGs are set to release on the PS4 this 201 7 and beyond. Let's check them

out right now.

Battle Chasers: Nightwar. THQ Nordic's upcoming turn-based RPG pays tribute to the glory of

classic RPG. Enter the town of of Harm's Way that's rife with randomly generated dungeons

and stunning landscapes. It's set to release this October 3rd.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Dive into a fantasy world where light and darkness collide in

harmonic balance. This edition is packed with all their previous DLC's, and a ton of new

content. It's set to release this October 3rd.

Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online. Return to a faraway magical land separate

from our own and help these four goddesses rule over their nations. Forge friendships,

step into its cyberdimension and help the world grow. Coming this October 10th.

ELEX. A science fiction fantasy from the makers of Gothic and risen. It's marketed as a true

experience in open world exploration, with four different biomes, four factions to choose

from, and a whole lot of freedom. It's set to release this October 17th.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole. A sequel to Parker and Stone's classic Stick of Truth.

Their controversial antics continue as you step into the shoes of the new kid in town.

Embark on a superpowered South Park adventure, and save the world one fart joke at a time.

It's set to release on October 17th.

.hack//G.U. Last Recode. A complete remaster of the classic hit from CyberConnect2. Step

inside the digital universe of The World and help these characters uncover a menacing mystery.

It contains all 3 volumes of the .hack series. Coming this November 3rd.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR. Elder Scroll's fifth installment welcomes you into their

medieval fantasy world with this virtual reality experience. Take on a first hand experience

in the shoes of the dragon, and defeat the dragon Alduin. Coming this November 17th.

Cat Quest. Already released on the PC and mobile, the open world adventures of the felines

head to the PlayStation. Guide a litter of cats as they go on a quest to rescue their

catnapped sister. With a massive overworld and customizable features, it's coming late

this year.

Steven Universe: Save the Light. Grumpyface Studios takes the gang to the console dimension

with this highly improved RPG. Join Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven(!) and the rest

of the gang as they partake in turn-based puzzle solving around the vibrant, gem-filled

universe. It's set to release this fourth quarter.

Fear Effect Sedna. The cult classic action adventure from the turn of the century returns

from the dead with this crowdfunded effort. Go on a globetrotting adventure with Hana,

Rain, Deke, and Glas in their refreshing new looks. This title is different from the ground

up remake titled Fear Effect Reinvented which might be expected sometime in 2018. Fear Effect

Sedna releases sometime this year.

YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG. Having spent a few years in development hell, fans will be glad

to know it's finally releasing this year. It's a game that leaves traces of their many

influences, to create a game that's ultimately original. A hodgepodge of old and new, it

mixes classic JRPGs like Persona, Dragon Quest and Earthbound, with the artistic sensibilities

of the modern hipster. Check it out once it finally releases this year.

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. Return to Level 5's majestic kingdom in this much-awaited

sequel to their critically acclaimed franchise. Inspired by japanese animation greats, it

marries fantastic settings with compelling storytelling. It's set to release on January


Lost Sphear. Straight off their I Am Setsuna Success, comes another throwback to the classic

JRPG. Improving on their previous title, venture with Kanata as he rebuilds a world from memory.

It's another beautifully imagined tale of love and friendship, and it's coming this

January 23rd.

Monster Hunter World. CAPCOM's latest entry to their award-winning RPG franchise. Become

a monster hunter and venture off to the vast jungles to tame the world's gigantic beasts.

With new weapon abilities, monster types, and an online mode, it's set to release on

January 26th.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance. An ambitious open world RPG straight from the fires of kickstarter.

Tired of the fantasy tropes of today's games, Warhorse Studio's creations offers a realistic

RPG experience rooted in the everyday struggles of the middle ages. It's set to release on

February 13th.

Secret Of Mana. Square Enix's adorable nature-loving JRPG makes its way to Sony's console. Once

a simple 2D game, get ready to return to the shoes of Prima, Popoi and Randi in fully rendered

3D. It comes with downloadable skins and upgraded gameplay. Coming this February 15, 2018.

Pixel Noir. Jump into this 16-bit neo noir RPG where you play as a cop who served 10

years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Vindicate yourself and explore the bustling

streets of Pinnacle City in search for the truth. This Kickstarter funded game is coming

sometime this 2018.

Vampyr. Stepping away from their renowned coming age stories, DONTNOD takes us on a

trip to the supernatural. Set in 1918 London, play as doctor slash vampire, Jonathan Reed

as he helps himself and others survive the horrors of the flu pandemic. With their signature

branching choices, you get to decide which path you choose. Originally scheduled this

2017, it's release has been delayed to the first half of 2018.

Edge Of Eternity. Inspired by great JRPG's like Final Fantasy, this game boasts a multitude

of visual beauty and story. Offering a huge open world to explore with evolving weapons,

branching storyline and a sweet Active Battle Syste. No release date yet, but it's coming

sometime this next year.

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet. It's hard to imagine that .hack and Sword Art Online

are on the same list. Anyway, step into the digital world and be the hero of Gun Gale

Online. Customize your weapon loadouts and equip the most badass looking guns from all

across the Sword Art universe. It's set to release this early 2018.

Citadel: Forged With Fire. A massive sandbox RPG filled with magic and mayhem. Go on a

Sorcerous rampage in the world of Ignus. Tame wild dragons, forge alliances, explore its

riveting open world and dominate the realm of magic. It's on Early Access on Steam

but it's PS4 version is set to release sometime this early 2018.

Little Witch Academia: Chamber Of Time. Featuring an original story from the anime itself, enroll

in a prestigious school of talented witches. This beat-em up RPG puts you on the shoes

of Shiny Chariot as she and her friends uncover a mystery hidden inside the academy. It's

coming this early 2018.

Swords of Ditto. A Digital Devolver release that's teeming with magic and charm. It's

a unique take on the roguelike genre, letting you play as a brand new hero after every adventure.

Roam around a delightfully colorful world, and bring a friend along. It's set to release

Early 2018.

Exzore: The Rising. Another in a series of crowdfunded RPGs, Tiny Shark Interactive takes

you to an open world medieval world filled with futuristic technology. Experiment with

24 different gadgets as former commander Damien Price and watch the magic of innovation unfold.

It's set to release in third quarter of 2018.

Shenmue III. The latest in a series that pioneered everything we love about the Open City sandbox

game. After a record-breaking kickster, the relatively unknown legend, Ryo Hazuki, resumes

his quest for vengeance in a form that almost rivals the grandeur of the original. Watch

out for his return to form, once it releases late next year.

Code Vein. Bandai Namco's take on Dark Soul's punishing formula, it's a JRPG that oozes

with blood and badassery. Follow a group of revenants, and use their gift to control the

blood of their enemies. It's a bloodbath for the challenge seekers out there. It's set

to release sometime in 2018.

GreedFall. From the team behind The Technomancer and Bound by Flame, Spiders brings us a new

RPG set in a fictional 17th century rife with magic and discovery. Choose your side in a

brewing conflict between natives and colonizers in a world inspired by baroque art. Set to

release in 2018.

Demons Age. Taking after the isometric RPGs like Baldur's Gate and Diablo, journey to

the Moragon Peninsula and aid a land devastated by a force of demons. It's a a gorgeous cRPG

with turn-based battles, puzzle solving and loot collecting. Uncover the world's secrets

when it releases in 2018.

Immortal: Unchained. Cashing in on the trend of punishing gameplay ala Dark Souls, this

swedish production takes us forwards through time in a futuristic planet...with guns. With

NPCs holding the key to their story, gossip with the townsmen as you shuffle about to

recover your lost bounties. It breaks free sometime this 2018.

Shadows: Awakening. Awaken your inner demon in Kalypso Media's isometric RPG. Take your

pick from 3 heroes, each with their individual stories and quests; or consume up 15 characters

to make use of their skillsets. With real-time battles, a party system, and the extensive

lore of the Heretic Kingdoms saga, it's a fiery RPG you can't miss. Releasing in 2018.

Two Worlds III. After the announcement of new DLCs, TopWare Interactive tops off the

good news with the kickoff of a brand new title. Being developed by the infamous creators

of Raven's Cry, we're waiting to see what RealityPump has in store for us. Still in

its concept stage, it's expected to release in 2019.

Final Fantasy VII Remake. Relive Cloud's Midgarian escapades in this remake of a beloved Square

Enix classic. From his polygonal perfection, the most popular Final Fantasy saga returns

with an HD makeover, and a new combat system. Unfortunately, no release date yet.

Wild. Announced way before their Beyond Good and Evil 2 bombshell, it's good news that

Michael Ancel's team haven't given up on this project yet. Step inside a prehistoric paradise

and posses the powers of each neolithic beast. It's a continent-sized world, with no release

date yet.

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr. Embark on a new journey through the chaotic cosmos

of WarHammer's futuristic universe. Jump into the Space Marine suit once again as you explore

the isolated regions of the Caligari Sector, doused in the same grim aesthetics and intense

combat. No release date yet.

Kingdom Hearts III. Square Enix's much awaited third MAJOR entry to their popular series

is finally near. Return to Sora and friends and travel around various Disney worlds to

meet your favorite characters. Wield the magic Keyblade in its revamped RPG system with slick

and stylish hack and slash combat. It's coming very soon this 2018!!

Deep Down. Remember this game? Adapting another gameplay element from the Souls series, this

gothic-fueled dungeon-crawler pits you against horrendous beasts that crawl beneath the surface.

Dive deep down and prepare for a grueling dark descent. No release date yet, but it's

coming out soon.

Lords Of The Fallen 2. We may or may not see this game coming out soon due to their recent

development issues. This sequel to the popular Lords of the Fallen game promises to amp up

its Souls-like gameplay and adding more atmosphere to their iconic worlds. It's coming soon,


Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. While Marvelous has moved on to greener pastures with their

Story of Seasons series, Natsume returns to their golden years with this latest Harvest

Moon title. Shipwrecked and lost, bring yourself back on your feet by taking care of a lovely

farm. No release date yet.

Tale Of Ronin. Borrowing elements from Akira Kurosawa's works of art, live as a Ronin

in a dynamic world of turmoil and violence. Not much details were revealed so far but

it surely evokes honor, bravery and peace. Just like a Samurai. No release date, but

it's coming sometime soon.

Sinner: Sacrifice For Redemption. Another one of those games that take inspiration from

FromSoftware's iconic Dark Souls series. Atone for your sins in a doomed afterlife

where monsters and evil co-exist in pure chaos. Embrace it's challenging combat because it's

coming sometime soon.

Re:Legend. An adorable co-op raising RPG. Washed ashore from a mysterious island with

no memories of your past, rebuild a growing world and at the same time raise cute beasts

called Magnuses, cultivate crops and befriend an entire village. It's coming out soon!

Decay Of Logos. An immersive action adventure RPG inspired from the works of JRR Tolkien

and Nordic Lore. It's an ambitious Indie game that contains various influences from

notable pop culture hits like Studio Ghibli's and Zelda. No release date yet but it's

coming out soon.

For more infomation >> 40 Upcoming PS4 RPGs of 2017-2018 | New Role-playing Games for PlayStation 4 - Duration: 13:43.


LIVE! SENATE SESSION, Matapang na privilege speech ni Sen. Gordon para kay Sen. Trillanes - Duration: 1:25:36.

For more infomation >> LIVE! SENATE SESSION, Matapang na privilege speech ni Sen. Gordon para kay Sen. Trillanes - Duration: 1:25:36.


Hollywood's secrets - Duration: 6:17.

这就是好莱坞 baby !   that's the hollywood sign baby, 

每天锻炼身体  working out everyday 

很重要  very important 

非常重要  very very important !

你们知道我们在洛杉矶  you know we are in LA 

但是你们不知道的东西也特别多  but there are many things you don't know 

我们前5天根本不知道我们会在这里  we didn't know we'd be here 5 days ago

现在我们在这里  and now we're here 

然后我们什么都没有安排  and we didn't plan much at all 

不知道玩儿什么, 看什么  we don't know what we should see, or do 

而且是一个很big city,   in such a beautiful city ! 

好多东西可以做 ! lot's of things to do in here 

所以呢, 我们今天打电话给我们的Hello La 的朋友  So we called our friends at Hello LA 

问他们在LA可以干嘛  and asked them what we could do, 

帮我们找一个比较特别一点的东西  help us find something cool to do, 

游客不去的地方  a nice place few tourists go to 

他们今天早上打电话给我说  and this morning they told us

好像他们给我们找到一个在市中心骑马的活动什么的  that we would be riding horses in the middle of the d-city ! 

我根本不知道会怎么样  I don't know what it will be like, 

我真的很好奇  but I'm quite curious about it 

到好莱坞了  ! and here is Hollywood  

我真的没想到是这样子  I didn't imagine it that way 

我好以为Hollywood 会更浪漫一点  I though it would be slightliy more … Romantic ? 

但是这里比我想象的脏一点  but it's a bit more messy than i imagines 

应该还有很多东西 maybe there is so much more 

地上有很多星星都是以前出名的演员等等  all those stars on the floor are the names of famous actors

差不多走了20分钟之后我可以跟你说  after walking a bit I call tell you guys 

Hollywood 根本不是我想象中的那一种  Hollywood is not what I imagined it was

怎么说, 除了这些星星意外没有什么  well, there is not that much to it

都是一些很黄的游客喜欢的东西  it's more a place to attract tourists

但是根本没有这个浪漫, 豪华一点的我以为的感觉  but it lacks this impressive feeling I thought it would have 

所以呢, 目前, 如果你们过来洛杉矶,  So, if you come to Los angeles 

我推荐你们不过来这里,  I don't recommend this 

没什么东西, 都是假的, 没什么用  there are plenty of better places ! 

我们到了Hollywood 的最出名的地方  This is the most famous thing in Hollywood 

就是Chinese theatre   it's called Chinese Theatre 

我也没想到  I didn't expect that 

你们来说你们觉得好不好看? how do you guys like it  ?

我很意外好莱坞是这样子 C'est vraiment pas du tout ce que j'imaginais d'Hollywood 

我以为 。。看看! 恐龙! C'est un peu .. Oh ! un crocodile  ! 

我还以为是大的房子, 大的车  I imagined bigger houses , bigger cars, 

没想到只是游客游客游客游客游客游客 ! not that many tourist everywhere ! 

所以我们来试一下另外一个来体验Hollywood 的方式  So we're trying a new way of experiencing hollywood 

不好吃  don't like it ? 

真的感觉我们在外面但是这里是市中心  It feels like we're not in the city, but we are ! 

Los Angeles, Hollywood 

真没想到可以玩儿这些东西在洛杉矶  I didn't expect such an activity in Hollywood 

去吧, Let's go,


这个是我的马, 她叫Faira,  that's my horse, Faire

他是Bobby (铁蛋的马)的女朋友  She's bobby's (Romeo's horse) girlfriend 

然后Faira不停的在欺负Bobby,  and she never stops to tease him 

好可爱的马,  cute horses ..

我们赶时间看一下能不能刚好日落的时候到Hollywood Sign let's hurry see if we can make it to the sunset !

希望可以 ! i which we can make it, hopefully 

生活太棒了吧? Isn't life beautiful 

你想一下, 现在我们在洛杉矶的市中心,  just think about it, we're now in the center of LA 

相当于你现在在上海, 北京, 广州的市中心骑马  like if you were in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou riding horses 

Isn't this crazy ? 

前面是downtown LA,  that's downtown LA 

所以刚刚我们在那里,   we were up there earlier 

现在我们这里全都是洛杉矶  and all that is the city 

跟你们说我们就在市中心就是我们在市中心  when I told you we were in the middle of the city … 

太好看了,  beautiful !

我们现在  we're now … 

我们现在到了  we arrived 

等等等, 不要走 , no come on, stay with me, stay with me 

我知道的, I know , 

对不起 I'm sorry 

我们到了Hollywood sign, it's there, 

这个地方非常非常非常漂亮  this is an amazing place ! 

我不知道看这样子你们能看的清楚还是不清楚  I hope you can see clearly around 

我这后面是铁蛋  that's Roméo 

看到吗 ? Qu'est-ce qu'on a la ? 

这个完美的日落 Un coucher de soleil, 

好莱坞在后面 Un petit signe Hollywood 

我的马朋友 Le tout avec mon pote cheval 

这就是我想象中的美国! C'est comme ca que je m'imaginais l'Amérique 

是我一辈子最好的一天之一  it's one of the most beautiful days of my life 

我超喜欢 I love it,  

你觉得呢Faira  ? Don't you think Faira ? 

看看 Look, look, 

For more infomation >> Hollywood's secrets - Duration: 6:17.


5 HERIDAS DEL ALMA por Lise Bourbeau - Duration: 32:50.

For more infomation >> 5 HERIDAS DEL ALMA por Lise Bourbeau - Duration: 32:50.


Interview: CHILDREN OF BODOM's Janne Wirman on Touring, New Album, and "Stranger Things" - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> Interview: CHILDREN OF BODOM's Janne Wirman on Touring, New Album, and "Stranger Things" - Duration: 9:18.


英國大學開學新生迎新活動 ft. Moose 英國留學香港仔 【Will Walker / 英國留學生活】 - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> 英國大學開學新生迎新活動 ft. Moose 英國留學香港仔 【Will Walker / 英國留學生活】 - Duration: 8:19.


ၶၢဝ်ႇလီ မိူင်းမၢၼ်မႃးၽုၺ်ႇလုမ်း ႁဵတ်းၽၢတ်ႉသ်ပွတ်ႇ 3 တီႈ ข่าวแรงงาน HD 27.9.2017 - Duration: 2:42.


For more infomation >> ၶၢဝ်ႇလီ မိူင်းမၢၼ်မႃးၽုၺ်ႇလုမ်း ႁဵတ်းၽၢတ်ႉသ်ပွတ်ႇ 3 တီႈ ข่าวแรงงาน HD 27.9.2017 - Duration: 2:42.


DJI - Inspire 2 - Cinematic Possibilities Episode 2: Caribbean Thief - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> DJI - Inspire 2 - Cinematic Possibilities Episode 2: Caribbean Thief - Duration: 5:55.


Destiny 2 UNLIMTED FACTION TOKENS EDZ farming - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 UNLIMTED FACTION TOKENS EDZ farming - Duration: 6:56.





CÁCH KIẾM 100 TRIỆU TÍNH DỤNG làm tiếp thị liên kết hoặc có vốn kinh doanh sau 3 tháng với TIMO - Duration: 22:16.

For more infomation >> CÁCH KIẾM 100 TRIỆU TÍNH DỤNG làm tiếp thị liên kết hoặc có vốn kinh doanh sau 3 tháng với TIMO - Duration: 22:16.


Fight 35 of Srisaket Sor Rungvisai VS Bobby Concepcion of Philippine Full Fight (28/11/2014) FULL HD - Duration: 12:07.

Fight 35 of Srisaket Sor Rungvisai VS Bobby Concepcion of Philippine Full Fight (28/11/2014) FULL HD

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