Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 27 2017

Hey guys and welcome back to Season 2 of Little Wanders!

June is just now starting to eat solids and we are doing baby-led weaning which means

she gets to start feeding herself.

And so we thought it would be really fun to incorporate foods that she will start to eat

into these family-fun recipes.

So for today's episode, we have a spooktacular treat just in time for Halloween.

Guaca Monsters!

Has avovado for June to eat and we used that avocado to make spooky treats for the adults.

Here's what you need to get started!

The basic ingredients for guacamole, an assortment of vegetables to decorate your guacamole monster,

probably the funnest part of this recipe.

Last thing you need is some blue corn tortilla chips.

First, cut open the avocado.

Then scoop it out, put it in a bowl, and add your preferred ingredients to make some guacamole.

Then mash away.

Just a tip, you need to save these skins.

Don't throw them away because they're gonna be the shells for our little Guaca Monsters.

Next, fill the avocado skins with your fresh guacamole.

And now we decorate the little Guaca Monsters.

Let's see what we can come up with.

I think I'm gonna make a witch.

I think I'm gonna try make a vampire.


Get some chips for the hair.

It's so funny because Dracula has a widow's peak and the chips are like widow's peak.

So funny.

Isn't that crazy?

That looks so good!

So we really just, we're using this like bowl of Asian salad mix and just picking things

out to make our monsters come to life.

We've got a witch, we've got a bat, we've got Frankenstein!

Oh that looks cool!

That's his like little side thing.

Oh that is cool, and what is that?


Yeah, Dracula.

That's his widow's peak.


These are so cool!

Leave a comment down below which one's your favorite.

And we also have this little carved out skull.

That one's actually my favorite.

Hey June, you're the judge.

Judge June, you get to try the main ingredient and tell us what you think.

This is no way to eat a Halloween avocado, huh?


It passes the squish test, but a taste test is still undetermined.

That recipe was so much fun.

Yeah, and it literally took us only a couple minutes.

So you guys, be sure to subscribe to BabyLeague to catch every episode of Little Wanders every


And also be sure to subscribe to Steps of Wander, our daily vlog channel, so you can

see this little cutie every single day.

See you next week!

For more infomation >> DIY HALLOWEEN SNACKS FOR BABY! | Little Wanders: Corbin & Kelsey - Duration: 2:58.


Japanese Train Bento (Traveling Tokyo to Nikko, Japan) - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> Japanese Train Bento (Traveling Tokyo to Nikko, Japan) - Duration: 9:53.


This Is Us - Not Your Job (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> This Is Us - Not Your Job (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:46.


Judy Blume Teaches Writing | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:10.

As soon as you tell me I can't do something,

I'm going to do it.

I hope that in sharing with you what

I've learned over 50 years of writing that it will help

you find your way as a writer.

As a 12-year-old, I was obsessed by the idea of growing

breasts and getting my period.

But there was no place that I could read about it.

When I started to write, I was determined to be honest.

So I'm going to share with you the practical side of writing.

Process, story, voice, editing, dialogue, and character.

There's nothing more important than character.

You're living with these people for years.

You had better feel for them.

Do some exercises.

Have your character write a letter to you.

The first draft is pure torture for me.

I hate every second of it.

I have a messy mind, and my writing

is a process of cleaning up the mess,

then slowly making a story.

I will be able to show that to you.

I got a particularly nasty review once.

It got to me, and I took my typewriter,

and I held it over this arroyo.

And I was going to throw it in.

I thought I cannot do this anymore.

And then this little voice went off in my head.

Wait, you're going to let this one review stop you

from writing?

That's crazy!

That's one opinion.

I enjoy finding and supporting new writers,

and this is a chance for me to reach more of you.

I always ask myself, why would anyone

write if they didn't have to?

I mean it's so hard.

So this is for all of you who feel that you have to.

I'm Judy Blume, and this is my MasterClass.

For more infomation >> Judy Blume Teaches Writing | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:10.


WHAT IS AN ANGLE? - Duration: 0:22.




no No NO

Plz no

Click the "Cross" to pray

(spare him?)



And from this video we learned: that the corner is the place where evil moms beat (or kill) their children if they did something bad :)

For more infomation >> WHAT IS AN ANGLE? - Duration: 0:22.


Wart-Battle mit Link?! ★ Super Mario Bros. X # 07 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Wart-Battle mit Link?! ★ Super Mario Bros. X # 07 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 7:34.



Amid the growing furor over the NFL's acceptance of its players disrespecting our nation, the

league is receiving some bad news from Washington.

As many are aware, the NFL benefits from billions in taxpayer subsidies, which help team owners

build extravagant stadiums they claim help improve the local economies.

However, with the recent spate of protests on the field, people from all over the country

have been calling for these subsidies to be stripped from the league, and it looks like

they're going to get their wish.

According to, the federal government has given the NFL over $7 billion in taxpayer

cash to either build or revamp existing stadiums.

"Overall, taxpayers have spent nearly $3 billion on the 16 stadiums that will host

NFL games during the season's opening weekend.

And over the past couple of decades, we've given NFL teams nearly $7 billion total in

aid for their stadiums," the website stated.

Some of these handouts were to the New England Patriots, who received $72 million to build

Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Mass., the Pittsburgh Steelers, who received $176.1 million for

their stadium, while the Indianapolis Colts took a "modest" $619 million in taxpayer

subsidies for their stadium.

As you can see, this costs us quite a lot of money.

But because of the recent controversy surrounding the league, a bipartisan effort to strip the

funding completely is once again gaining steam.

The Daily Caller reported that a bill to remove the subsidies introduced over the summer by

Democrat Sen. Corey Booker and Republican Sen. James Lankford is gaining momentum in

the Senate.

From the Caller:

Last June, New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker and Republican Oklahoma Sen. James

Lankford put forth a bill that would ban professional sports teams from using municipal bonds in

relation to federal funding to build their sports arenas.

"Professional sports teams generate billions of dollars in revenue," Booker said in a


"There's no reason why we should give these multimillion-dollar businesses a federal

tax break to build new stadiums.

It's not fair to finance these expensive projects on the backs of taxpayers, especially

when wealthy teams end up reaping most of the benefits."

The Oklahoma Republican senator agreed, saying, "The federal government is responsible for

a lot of important functions, but financing sports stadiums for multi-million – sometimes

billion – dollar franchises is definitely not one of them."

A spokesman from Lankford's office told The Daily Caller Sunday that in the last four

weeks interest in the bill has picked up since both members proposed it four months ago.

So that's that.

Protesting the country that's given you everything, and then some, comes with consequences.

Now let's just hope that the renewed interest in this bill doesn't fade away with the


Taxpayers shouldn't be footing the bill for these billionaires to build stadiums only

they benefit from, all while their players are protesting the country that made it possible.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: NFL TO BE STRIPPED OF FEDERAL FUNDING | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:14.



This is live You can Experiment I'm Katt. I'm Here to help you out on Your Journey to conservation Veganism zero waste

Scuba diving or anything Like that so please feel free to

Subscribe give me a like leave me a comment What Else You'd like to see next


It'S a Very exciting day Today Because i'm going to be showing you how to travel zero waste so i've Been traveling

From The Age of one month Two months Thank you to my parents i Visited about

36 countries in the World so i think i'm Pretty Good at traveling

I've Been trying

To travel zero waste now for about the past year and a Half

Trick so today i wanted to share with you how to travel a zero waste as you can in particular

Airplane Edition The first Thing That you're gonna do is

Get Your Ticket Nowadays you can Get Your e-Ticket Which is a Really Great Way to minimize

Paper Waste However Unfortunately Many Airports do Still want to print out a Physical Ticket but you can't Help That

Secondly Whenever You go onto the plane

especially For me the planes are Generally long and i Get Hungry so i don't like Paying the

Ridiculous Amount of Money For the bad Food on the plane so Instead i take up my own Food Now this is the big thing

How do you take Your own Food on the plane i like packing Sandwiches and wrapping them in little

Tissues as You can See Here i Just wrapped it in an old Pair of Shorts Which i

Converted into a Handkerchief wrapped It Up and then Kept It in My

reusable Bag if Your career is how to make These reusable Bags

This is a Bag made Out of the t-Shirt and you can Check out the video in the zero-waste produce Bags

They're Very Handy to have on a plane if You choose not to?

take a Meal from a Plane since There's a Lot of


Unfortunately Most Likely It's going to be Thrown Out so That's Just something to consider that Whether or not you Actually eat youR meal

That One meal Is going to be wasted per the seat

In some companies They Actually make sure to recycle it after the plane but you're going

to have to Check With The Airline you're flying in

Here's some of The Airlines i found that Actually do Recycle Meals

Afterwards so maybe if you do have the option if you do have the money You'd want

To be picking one of these the next Thing of Course is planes dehydrate you so it's important to drink a Lot of Water

Unfortunately Most Planes Give You Those single-use plastic cups so you definitely want to avoid That

What you can do is bring in an empty or reusable Water bottle with Great Security codes Up to the no liquids rule and then

Most Airports Actually Have The taps to fill up your water bottle there before you go you also want

To make sure that Wherever you're going you bring all the Things Necessary with you for Example homemade repellents

On this trip i'm going to cambodia so making sure to make my own homemade or pellets

At home put them in my Checked in luggage so i don't have to rebuy these

I also make sure to bring my zero waste Toothbrush so it's a biodegradable

Bamboo Toothbrush My zero waste toothpaste Which i got from zero waste Beauty australia and of course a handsome

So i'm a Really Great use for the bag and

on Certain Planes Such as Qantas they Actually give You the Meals a

Little reusable Bags Like This since I'm Vegan i gets a Special meal It comes Out first Which is great

Another Really Handy Thing to plate it's Just some sort of Big Shawl or

Light Towel I Get Very cold on plants so having one of those to wrap Around you is really Beneficial Along with that a small

Handkerchief Again as You can see i made it from the old Pair of Shorts to have if You ever Need to blow your nose

Or anything Like That the last Thing i wanted to touch upon of Course

Was Medication so i keep My medication and

Again Another reusable Bag Like This this one

can't remember is this immerse

This One i Got from emirates Where They give you those Little Pouches

Just want to remind you and Kind of remember that You have to be kind?

you can't Always do everything

Zero Waste and Just The fact that you're watching this video or trying to go zero waste Is an Enormous step in the right Direction

Medication has to be packaged Separately in a Lot of single-use packaging but if you need it

It's what you got to do and

That's okay so i always Bring My medication in one of These Bags Along With me so yeah Thank you so much for watching

Thank you so much for watching

For more infomation >> ZERO WASTE ESSENTIALS FOR PLANE TRAVEL - Duration: 5:35.


Bad Kids & Giant Balloon Family Fun Play, Baby Songs Nursery Rhymes for Children #forkids - Duration: 3:02.

Learn colors with ballon

For more infomation >> Bad Kids & Giant Balloon Family Fun Play, Baby Songs Nursery Rhymes for Children #forkids - Duration: 3:02.


Forgotten Realms Lore - Calimshan - Duration: 6:08.

Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

Let's talk about Calimshan.

I feel like we've talked a lot about Calimshan already, I mean it did conquer most of the

regions we've been talking about.

And Calimshan was there before Amn and Tethyr.

In hindsight perhaps I should have started with Calimshan, or perhaps I've saved the

best for last.

Let's dive in.

Early Calimshan history is covered in elves, dragons and giants.

The Elves lived in the forests that covered much of the regions of Amn, Tethyr, and Calimshan.

The giants came in seeking to dominate the creatures in these forests but the elves were

too clever and would get alerts from the birds.

Thus able to hide from the giants.

The dragons however did not hide from the giants and fought with them over who would

control this area, and in reality who would control all of Faerun.

Humans at this time mostly survived by hiding in caves, or becoming slaves to dragons.

Eventually the dragons and giants stop warring.

Dwarves settled in for mining operations and the humans lives peacefully with all races,

mostly avoiding them.

The Dwarves and Elves established trade routes between their forests and mountain homes.

Then came the time of the genies!

In -7800 DR a large force of genies and their servants arrived in present-day Calimport.

They enslaved many of the inhabitants.

It's unclear if the Djinn came from the elemental plane of Air, or from Zakhara.

The main Djinn that was in charge went by the name Calim.

He said that it was in revenge for their servitude, their magical bondage to wizards etcetera

that they seek to enslave mortals.

Their arrival led to the end of humanity's freedom in these areas.

The Djinn created cities and this started the Calim Empire.

For a thousand years the geni lord Calim drove his servant genies and mortal slaves to build

the early calimshan civilizations.

They drove out dragons and giants and angered the elves by taking their forests and cutting

it down.

Now different Genies went out and started to control other areas of present day Calimshan.

This angered Calim who wanted to unite control under himself once more.

So for several thousands years a great war occurred between these Genie generals.

They didn't have many battles but when they did the destruction was catastrophic.

The elves were not having it anymore, and devised a plan to imprison the genies.

Elf high mages began casting a powerful spell collectively.

The spell pulled more than half of the major genies from around the lands including the

two Genie generals Calim and Memnon.

Within hours the genies gathered here were crushed together into a massive crystalline

red gem that hovered 20 feet from the ground.

The High Elves imprisoned Calim and Memnon there last of all, but not before splitting

their minds and bodies.

They scattered Calim's consciousness into the four winds and Memnon's mind into the


Thus the genie rulers were technically imprisoned in two places, within the crystal and outside it

If their minds could somehow get back to the gem it would be reunited with their body,

augmented with all the power of their followers trapped in the gem.

Spooky thought.

This spell pulling all the genies and fusing them into a crystal destroyed the area transforming

it into a hostile desert.

This location is currently the Calim desert.

This occurred around -6100 DR leaving behind human slaves and servants not knowing what

to do with their new found freedom.

The humans of Calim's areas rebuilt much of the cities such as Calimport.

Priests filled the power gap as rulers.

Many interpreted their right to rule as a sign from the gods.

The priests ruled for several thousand years until a Red Dragon came and overthrew them.

She then ruled for 112 years until driven off by human dragonslayers.

The noble family that slew her rose up to be the royal house that ruled Calimshan, after

much infighting and debate.

Giving the title Pasha to their emperor a new ruling family was now in place.

The Marching Mountains define the northern boundaries of Calimshan.

While the eastern boundary goes all the way to the Lake of Steam.

It's population is varied, with Humans making up the majority of it's citizens.

But also dwarves settling in the Marching Mountains, and elves living in the lands south

of those mountains.

Halfings, Half-Orcs, and Half-Elves are not an unusual sight in Calimshan.

Off the coast lurk Sahuagin, Krakens and others.

Frightening creatures exist in the desert along with a few dragons.

Even the drow have been seen in Calimshan with major drow enclaves in the south (under

ground) and in the Forest of Mir.

Genies still exist in Calimshan but are enslaved for the most part.

They are rare and wondrous creatures that are both coveted and feared.

They are bound to servitude by a bottle, or a ring.

Religion plays an important part in Calmishan life and history.

After Calim and his genie overlords were imprisoned the mortal races embraced the worship of gods

other than Calim.

Many humans worshiped angry, vengeful gods in order to gain power quick and stamp out

the last influence of the genies.

Thus for over seven millennia the dark gods had a foothold in the hearts and minds of

many Calishites.

There haven't been any state-mandated religions since the fall of the Shoon Imperium.

Other lands like Tethyr shun gods because of their evil practices (human sacrifice etc).

Calimshan has tolerance for all.

It sees itself as the greatest land on Faerun because it accepts all creeds and religions.

Plenty of Calishites pay lip service to whatever god will help them in a situation.

Waukeen for business, Umberlee for sea traders etc.

If more profound worship is deemed necessary, a shrine or temple for nearly every major

or minor power can be found in most communities.

Calimshan citizens seek the acquisition of money.

Where different from Amn who seeks wealth for weaths sake, Calimshan seeks wealth to

afford luxuries for your particular lifestyle.

The pursuit of money is only acceptable in order to reach a level of comfort where a

person does not have to work hard ever again.

They labor until they are rich and no longer have to work for money.

Finally Magic!

Magic is so predominant in Calimshan that even the lowest of slaves is unimpressed by

simple magics.

Their views of magic stem from its use to make everyday life easier; it has become mundane

through being used to perform common activities like serving wine or cleaning a home.

Kind of like Netheril in that respect, although in this case it must have been the

magical genies that ruled Calimshan for so long that influenced the citizens views

of magic.

And that's where we'll end today.

Please hit a like if you enjoyed this video, every like goes to helping the channel grow

and I hope to see you all next Wed!

For more infomation >> Forgotten Realms Lore - Calimshan - Duration: 6:08.


12 Things You Didn't Realize Were High Vibration - Duration: 4:17.

12 Things You Didn�t Realize Were High Vibration

Many people today are realizing the powers of mindfulness and are turning to it through

various means like Yoga, meditation, or self-reflection.

As a result of this trend, more and more people are able to receive and perceive the messages,

signs and symbols of the universe.

Here we provide you the list of 12 things you were not aware of that are lifting your

vibration energy.


Feeling amazing just as you wake-up.

This is a clear sign that your vibration energy is very high.

It is also a sign that your day is going to be great.


Feeling Healthy

Health is a clear marker of vibration energy.

Having good health is a sign that your vibration is high.


Feeling Satisfied

When you feel satisfied, you tend to enjoy the present, and what is better than living

in the moment.


Feeling Adventurous

High vibration generates an urge to explore new things, but this does not mean that you

plan to find out about these urges.

You can be adventurous by finding out more about yourself and exploring the limits of

your own personality.


Feeling The Urge For Some Alone Time

This is usually a sign that you are vibrating at a completely new level, but for that you

have to figure some stuff out.

This is why you just want to be with yourself.


Experiencing Psychic Abilities

Do not resist and just go with it.

They show that your vibration energy is at a really high level.


Always Noticing 11:11 On Clock

This is a sign that you are more likely to interact with spiritual things.

This also is a clear indicator of high energy.


Craving Music

�To me, the concept of distance is not important.

Distance doesn�t exist, in fact and neither does time.

Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times.� � Yoko Ono


Feeling Universal Thoughts, words and ideas

�I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine Thought vibrating the ether

everywhere and that any who can feel these vibrations is inspired.� � Richard Wagner


Sensing Changes In Vibration While Reading

�The Surprise with which a detective novel concludes should set up tragic vibration which

run backward through the entire structure.� � Ross MacDonald


Vibrations Don�t Have To Be Acknowledged In Order To Exist And Influence

�My mother used to tell me about vibrations.

I didn�t really understand too much of what that meant when I was just a boy.

To think that invisible feeling, invisible vibrations existed scared me to death.�

� Brian Wilson


Vibrations Are Scientific And Astronomical Certainties

�In string theory, all particles are vibrations on a tiny rubber band; physics is the harmonies

on the string; chemistry is the melodies we play on vibrating strings; the universe is

a symphony of strings, and the �Mind of God� is cosmic music resonating in 11-dimentional

hyperspace.� � Michio Kaku

So these are the things that we didn�t realize were high vibration.

What do you think about this article?

Share your views and opinions with us in the comments.

For more infomation >> 12 Things You Didn't Realize Were High Vibration - Duration: 4:17.


Quelle est la DIFFÉRENCE entre PINBET 88 et PINNACLE ? PARIS SPORTIFS - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Quelle est la DIFFÉRENCE entre PINBET 88 et PINNACLE ? PARIS SPORTIFS - Duration: 3:30.


عــــــــاجل: تطورات جديدة في علاقات المغرب والجزائر..إليكم التفاصيل!! - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: تطورات جديدة في علاقات المغرب والجزائر..إليكم التفاصيل!! - Duration: 2:59.


Destiny 2 Uriel's Gift In-Depth Review - Duration: 4:51.

Hi Guardians welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and

legendary gear in order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the gear so you can play

this game as efficient and effective as possible.

Today we are going to review one of the best auto rifle in the game the Uriel's Gift.

This weapon sits in the popular 450 RPM medium fast firing category, which is very popular

in the crucible at the moment.

The description of this gun goes as follows; Take weapon in hand and fly to victory.

And this description suits the gun a lot.

You will be having a great time with this gun in the crucible, but before we start the

review lets have a look at the perks of this gun.

First of all it has Precision Frame, which makes the recoil more vertical , so it eliminates

the left and right recoil making this gun much easier to handle.

As for scopes we have the Spark PS

And Flash HS5 I prefer the Flash scope for that increase

in range.

And we have High caliber rounds which increases the flinch on the receiving side

Steady rounds which increases the stability of the gun even more

And the final perk is Tap the Trigger, which grants a short period of increased stability

and accuracy on the initial trigger pull.

A good Auto rifle will have two essential elements which is stability and range,

Stability is essential for obvious reasons if the recoil is all over the place you won't

be able to hit your target consistently.

So you want a gun to be stable and have a consistent recoil pattern that is easily manageable.

A gun that is not stable is not necessarily bad if it has a very predictable recoil pattern

that can be easily managed by countering this with your thumbstick to the opposite direction.

The key thing here is consistency , if there was no consistency in the recoil pattern you

would not be able to consistently counter the recoil.

The ideal situation would be to have perfect stability so you don't have to correct for

the recoil, but again consistency is the key here.

And range is important in order to carry over the maximum potential damage over a certain

distance, before damage fall off starts.

More range means that you are more lethal over longer distances.

And the Uriel's Gift has both great stability and great range.

Precision Frame and Tap the trigger works very well together, Precision frame makes

the recoil more vertical so that it is easier to handle and Tap the trigger gives you an

extra stability boost when you start firing your gun.

This combination of perks makes this gun super accurate.

And on top of that the Uriel's Gift also has great range to begin with.

It has a range stat of 70 which is good but you can increase this to a whopping 84 when

you use the Flash Scope.

This makes it one of the highest range auto rifle in the game and the combination of this

together with the great stability makes this gun such a pleasure to use in the crucible.

And we are not done yet!

There is one more thing that we need to talk about which is the High Caliber Rounds perk.

High caliber rounds makes it harder for the enemy to shoot you back because the flinch

coming from your shots will be much more severe.

High Caliber rounds is what makes the Mida Multi Tool so great, the ability to knock

your opponent back can make a huge difference in a gunfight, this can give you a slight

benefit since high caliber rounds makes it harder for your opponent to return fire.

This works especially well if you are the one that pulls the trigger first, in a one

on one engagement and having everything else the same you will most likely win the fight

if you have high caliber rounds and the other person not.

There is the option to choose steady rounds instead of High caliber rounds for that extra

increase in stability.

But this gun already has excellent stability and there is really no need to add any extra

stability with Steady rounds, and you will be missing out on the fantastic high caliber

rounds if you choose steady rounds instead.

So it is a no-brainer here to choose High Caliber rounds instead.

And in Pve High Caliber rounds can help you stunlock higher level enemies and keep those

yellow bar captains in check.

So combining all of these perks together and you have an excellent auto rifle that is stable

and effective on a very long range compared with other auto rifles and it has the ability

to throw off the aim of your opponent.

And the fact that it is an energy weapon means that you can deal extra damage against guardians

in their super in Pvp too and shut those supers down which can really turn the tide in a game.

I am going to give the Uriel's Gift an A.

Thank you so much for watching this review, I hope this review helps you out and make

you get the most out of this gun.

Subscribe to stay up to date on my future videos.

And have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen if you want to see

more of my content.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Uriel's Gift In-Depth Review - Duration: 4:51.


National Championship of Ukraine 2017 - Duration: 10:39.


I'm going to Lviv

to the National Olympic weightlifting Championship of Ukraine

and I'll also tell you

what was done during this time

what I've been working on

and what we're head for

Enjoy watching!

You know

I was hoping to be alone at least in this trip

I'll be alone...


probably it's not meant to be

And "Captain Travelling" is with us!

The only thing I managed to achieve

is to keep him in another car

But in the same train.

Here's this old city


5 hours

spent pleasantly...together with Sergey

and his jokes

What movie did we watch?

"Love is Evil"

Old streets of Lviv

open the door with one's foot

beautiful girls met us

Now we're going upstairs

to the third floor's already good.

Like the way you like - one big bed.

So, tomorrow

77, 85, 94 will compete


we'll record everything what we'll see

and we'll show you

Good night! Bye!

We're heading to the championship

we've ordered a local UBER

we'll see how this service works in Lviv

if it works

I'll have everything

what the head coach of women team orders

He knows the secrets!

He has a malnutrition!

Yes, my nutrition is wrong;-D

What? Buckwheat?

Buckwheat and liver

Weightlifter's liver;-D

We'll have a bite quick

and we'll get back to record lifting

and comment

I'll take pancakes

with sour cream

With cottage cheese and triplet

2 servings?



Yes, by the way

nutrition program includes these things

Of cooooourse

To gain weight



It's about time to eat

healthy dietary food

If I'm right weighting is soon?

Yeah, soon.

What was your weight when you've checked last time?

85 kg yesterday

Snatch 182 kg, not enough?

Of course

What he should have lifted?


He has time;)

Final attempt was very good!

We're at the warm-up.


We'll show behind-the-scenes

Alex, how are you?

Fine. Warmed-up only in 3rd one.

Yeah, we've seen it.

Had some shiver a bit in first two attempts

Live? Everything's fine?


It's time to get ready for Clean&Jerk!

What's for the first attempt?

I don't know

National Championship of Ukraine

I'm here for a few days

Filmed "85" category

"94" a bit

And now

"105" will perform

which we

by the way

with Sergey

will comment

What means "by the way"?

By the way

Comment and then

we'll show you the hall

Maybe I can do it now quickly





And here are Aleksey's headphones

and, of course, fans

come little by little

It turned out this year

that main categories

among men are

85 and 105


we hope

other categories will be close in the near future

and will show good results

for more people to come

and make it interesting to watch

...and Oleksiy Torokhtiy

we'll get back in 10 minutes

stay tuned

So, guys

I went to the railway station right after the championship

because I'll have to be in time


I couldn't make it to record an interview

with Dmitriy and Alexander

but as you could see in the video

guys are strong

and now a word for them at the World championship

It was pleasure to see

Alexander's snatch

also Dmitriy's attempt for 244 kg

to break the record

which was set about 17 years ago

I think he needs a bit more time

to get used to his body weight

because he changed the category

and it takes time

We hope they will be in right shape by the time of the World championship

and will get medals for our country

For more infomation >> National Championship of Ukraine 2017 - Duration: 10:39.


The Killing of a Sacred Deer | Playdate | Official Trailer 2 HD | A24 - Duration: 1:10.


- [Anna] Good afternoon, you must be Martin?

- [Martin] That's right.

You must be Anna.

- [Anna] That's right.

- I brought you some little gifts.

- [Steven] That's very kind of you.

- It's a keyring with a musical note on it for Kim,

because I know she likes music.

- (harmonizing)

- What a charming boy, how long have you known him?

- [Steven] Quite some time.

His father was a patient of mine.

- I wanted to say one more thing,

I'm really sorry about Bob.

- It's nothing serious.

- No, it is.

- [Martin] They will all get sick and die.

Bob will die, Kim will die, your wife will die, understand?

- No, I don't.

- My mom's attracted to you.

She's got a great body.

- He's got issues, serious psychological issues.

- Dad, Bob's dying!

- Martin!

(bangs on door)

- [Anna] You do realize, Steven, we're in this situation

because of you.


For more infomation >> The Killing of a Sacred Deer | Playdate | Official Trailer 2 HD | A24 - Duration: 1:10.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante da Galinha Pintadinha em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante da Galinha Pintadinha em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 11:21.


RUSSIANS REACT TO FRENCH TRAP | Djadja & Dinaz - Tenue De Motard 4 | REACTION - Duration: 4:48.

Yoyoyo wassup France

Dude lit up a cigarette

Something interesting

Black&white video again

I thought he was pulling out a gun

Monster energy!

Maybe he's...

Oh shit!!!

Imagine if that thing grabs him

Something fell down

This is a hard song

Previous songs of them were kinda pop songs

But this one is hard

But it's still melodic

I'm calling your chick

It's the second guy, right? -Yeah

Why is his name DjaDja?

Interesting name DjaDja -No idea

There's a guy with a AK-47 in the background

Everybody's sitting and smoking

I want to see colors in this video

Oh shit, the dog bit the other dog's cheek

Damn, that was crazy

That dog bit the other dog's cheek

Looks like some car dump

Damn, nice catch

And the cameraman is falling on the ground

You predicted it

Imagine if he really killed the cameraman and then just took his camera

Well, they won't need to pay him then. It's saving money

It's called a low budget video

The song was dope by the way

Not very hard and not very pop

The first dude went hard

The second guy had a more melodized sound

I want to hear some really hard shit, I'm super energized right now

I like the first guy's flow more too

I remember we watched a video with many artists

French artists

And DjaDja & Dinaz were there with a dope song, I couldn't find it

Hit the like button if you still remember that video

And if you're watching us since day one

A girl texted me on Instagram yesterday (Khadija)

She said that she's been watching us since June

Since our reaction to Kaaris - Tchoin


Hit the like button if you remember our reaction to Kaaris Tchoin

Salute to that girl

It's very cool that you guys are stick with us

We will have 50K subscribers soon and have live stream

Let's make 50K, then 100K and I will take this mask off

Okay, let's get it

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO FRENCH TRAP | Djadja & Dinaz - Tenue De Motard 4 | REACTION - Duration: 4:48.


WP681414 Replacing Your Dryer's Clamp Screw - AP6010561, PS11743744. - Duration: 3:29.

Hi, I'm Jordan

Today, I'm going to show you how to replace the clamp screw on your dryer model

The reason you might need to change this part is if your screw is missing

which is causing the inside of the dryer to bounce around and make loud noise

before working on any appliance be sure to disconnect it from its power source

For this repair, you'll need a five- sixteenths nut driver, a Phillips head screwdriver

a Flathead screwdriver, and a putty knife

So, this is our top panel, first things we're going to have to do is remove the lint screen

and remove these two Phillips head screws

So with your putty knife, we're going to open up the door

we're going to undo the wire harness

Then we're going to remove these two screws located on the opposite sides of each other

with your five-sixteenths nut driver

and then we're just going to remove the door

place it on the side

Pull the pulley to the right to release the belt and the motor shaft

Once you've done that, grab your drum by the belt and slowly lift out

Once you've taken the drum out, we're going to be working in this area right here

so our clamp is located right here, as you can tell we're missing a screw

the reason why we need to replace this screw, is that over time when your using your dryer

this clamp will make a lot of noise so in order to prevent that from happening

we're going to grab our new OEM replacement screw

If you don't have one of these already you can find them on our online store

and simply with your five-sixteenths nut driver, screw it back in

and once you've done that you can put your drum back on

and then we're just going to put our drum back in

and now we just have to reattach the belt

start by replacing your pulley wheel back in the slots

pull your belt along the pulley wheel

and then bring the belt around the motor shaft

and then we're just going to replace our door

and then reattach your front panel

and then reattach your wire harness

then lay down the top panel

then just replace the Phillips head screws you took out previously

then just slide the lint filter in

and your repair is complete

Finally, reconnect your appliance to its power source

if you need to replace any parts for your appliances, you can find an OEM replacement part on our website

Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy

Please like, comment, and share and if you really like our video, please subscribe down below.

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