no No NO
Plz no
Click the "Cross" to pray
(spare him?)
And from this video we learned: that the corner is the place where evil moms beat (or kill) their children if they did something bad :)
Wart-Battle mit Link?! ★ Super Mario Bros. X # 07 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 7:34.-------------------------------------------
Bad Kids & Giant Balloon Family Fun Play, Baby Songs Nursery Rhymes for Children #forkids - Duration: 3:02.Learn colors with ballon
12 Things You Didn't Realize Were High Vibration - Duration: 4:17.12 Things You Didn�t Realize Were High Vibration
Many people today are realizing the powers of mindfulness and are turning to it through
various means like Yoga, meditation, or self-reflection.
As a result of this trend, more and more people are able to receive and perceive the messages,
signs and symbols of the universe.
Here we provide you the list of 12 things you were not aware of that are lifting your
vibration energy.
Feeling amazing just as you wake-up.
This is a clear sign that your vibration energy is very high.
It is also a sign that your day is going to be great.
Feeling Healthy
Health is a clear marker of vibration energy.
Having good health is a sign that your vibration is high.
Feeling Satisfied
When you feel satisfied, you tend to enjoy the present, and what is better than living
in the moment.
Feeling Adventurous
High vibration generates an urge to explore new things, but this does not mean that you
plan to find out about these urges.
You can be adventurous by finding out more about yourself and exploring the limits of
your own personality.
Feeling The Urge For Some Alone Time
This is usually a sign that you are vibrating at a completely new level, but for that you
have to figure some stuff out.
This is why you just want to be with yourself.
Experiencing Psychic Abilities
Do not resist and just go with it.
They show that your vibration energy is at a really high level.
Always Noticing 11:11 On Clock
This is a sign that you are more likely to interact with spiritual things.
This also is a clear indicator of high energy.
Craving Music
�To me, the concept of distance is not important.
Distance doesn�t exist, in fact and neither does time.
Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times.� � Yoko Ono
Feeling Universal Thoughts, words and ideas
�I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine Thought vibrating the ether
everywhere and that any who can feel these vibrations is inspired.� � Richard Wagner
Sensing Changes In Vibration While Reading
�The Surprise with which a detective novel concludes should set up tragic vibration which
run backward through the entire structure.� � Ross MacDonald
Vibrations Don�t Have To Be Acknowledged In Order To Exist And Influence
�My mother used to tell me about vibrations.
I didn�t really understand too much of what that meant when I was just a boy.
To think that invisible feeling, invisible vibrations existed scared me to death.�
� Brian Wilson
Vibrations Are Scientific And Astronomical Certainties
�In string theory, all particles are vibrations on a tiny rubber band; physics is the harmonies
on the string; chemistry is the melodies we play on vibrating strings; the universe is
a symphony of strings, and the �Mind of God� is cosmic music resonating in 11-dimentional
hyperspace.� � Michio Kaku
So these are the things that we didn�t realize were high vibration.
What do you think about this article?
Share your views and opinions with us in the comments.
Destiny 2 Uriel's Gift In-Depth Review - Duration: 4:51.Hi Guardians welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and
legendary gear in order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the gear so you can play
this game as efficient and effective as possible.
Today we are going to review one of the best auto rifle in the game the Uriel's Gift.
This weapon sits in the popular 450 RPM medium fast firing category, which is very popular
in the crucible at the moment.
The description of this gun goes as follows; Take weapon in hand and fly to victory.
And this description suits the gun a lot.
You will be having a great time with this gun in the crucible, but before we start the
review lets have a look at the perks of this gun.
First of all it has Precision Frame, which makes the recoil more vertical , so it eliminates
the left and right recoil making this gun much easier to handle.
As for scopes we have the Spark PS
And Flash HS5 I prefer the Flash scope for that increase
in range.
And we have High caliber rounds which increases the flinch on the receiving side
Steady rounds which increases the stability of the gun even more
And the final perk is Tap the Trigger, which grants a short period of increased stability
and accuracy on the initial trigger pull.
A good Auto rifle will have two essential elements which is stability and range,
Stability is essential for obvious reasons if the recoil is all over the place you won't
be able to hit your target consistently.
So you want a gun to be stable and have a consistent recoil pattern that is easily manageable.
A gun that is not stable is not necessarily bad if it has a very predictable recoil pattern
that can be easily managed by countering this with your thumbstick to the opposite direction.
The key thing here is consistency , if there was no consistency in the recoil pattern you
would not be able to consistently counter the recoil.
The ideal situation would be to have perfect stability so you don't have to correct for
the recoil, but again consistency is the key here.
And range is important in order to carry over the maximum potential damage over a certain
distance, before damage fall off starts.
More range means that you are more lethal over longer distances.
And the Uriel's Gift has both great stability and great range.
Precision Frame and Tap the trigger works very well together, Precision frame makes
the recoil more vertical so that it is easier to handle and Tap the trigger gives you an
extra stability boost when you start firing your gun.
This combination of perks makes this gun super accurate.
And on top of that the Uriel's Gift also has great range to begin with.
It has a range stat of 70 which is good but you can increase this to a whopping 84 when
you use the Flash Scope.
This makes it one of the highest range auto rifle in the game and the combination of this
together with the great stability makes this gun such a pleasure to use in the crucible.
And we are not done yet!
There is one more thing that we need to talk about which is the High Caliber Rounds perk.
High caliber rounds makes it harder for the enemy to shoot you back because the flinch
coming from your shots will be much more severe.
High Caliber rounds is what makes the Mida Multi Tool so great, the ability to knock
your opponent back can make a huge difference in a gunfight, this can give you a slight
benefit since high caliber rounds makes it harder for your opponent to return fire.
This works especially well if you are the one that pulls the trigger first, in a one
on one engagement and having everything else the same you will most likely win the fight
if you have high caliber rounds and the other person not.
There is the option to choose steady rounds instead of High caliber rounds for that extra
increase in stability.
But this gun already has excellent stability and there is really no need to add any extra
stability with Steady rounds, and you will be missing out on the fantastic high caliber
rounds if you choose steady rounds instead.
So it is a no-brainer here to choose High Caliber rounds instead.
And in Pve High Caliber rounds can help you stunlock higher level enemies and keep those
yellow bar captains in check.
So combining all of these perks together and you have an excellent auto rifle that is stable
and effective on a very long range compared with other auto rifles and it has the ability
to throw off the aim of your opponent.
And the fact that it is an energy weapon means that you can deal extra damage against guardians
in their super in Pvp too and shut those supers down which can really turn the tide in a game.
I am going to give the Uriel's Gift an A.
Thank you so much for watching this review, I hope this review helps you out and make
you get the most out of this gun.
Subscribe to stay up to date on my future videos.
And have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen if you want to see
more of my content.
As always I will see you in the next video guardians.
The Killing of a Sacred Deer | Playdate | Official Trailer 2 HD | A24 - Duration: 1:10.(doorbell)
- [Anna] Good afternoon, you must be Martin?
- [Martin] That's right.
You must be Anna.
- [Anna] That's right.
- I brought you some little gifts.
- [Steven] That's very kind of you.
- It's a keyring with a musical note on it for Kim,
because I know she likes music.
- (harmonizing)
- What a charming boy, how long have you known him?
- [Steven] Quite some time.
His father was a patient of mine.
- I wanted to say one more thing,
I'm really sorry about Bob.
- It's nothing serious.
- No, it is.
- [Martin] They will all get sick and die.
Bob will die, Kim will die, your wife will die, understand?
- No, I don't.
- My mom's attracted to you.
She's got a great body.
- He's got issues, serious psychological issues.
- Dad, Bob's dying!
- Martin!
(bangs on door)
- [Anna] You do realize, Steven, we're in this situation
because of you.
SCHOOL IS USELESS !? - Duration: 7:39.-------------------------------------------
Ovo Surpresa Gigante da Galinha Pintadinha em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 11:21.-------------------------------------------
Essence of Murli 28-09-2017 - Duration: 7:43.Om Shanti !
Today's Murli Date Is 28th September 2017
Essence: Sweet children, your old enemy is Ravan.
( Ravan is ten headed. If you chop one another arises . In short Ravan does not die )
Your war is very dangerous. ( because Ravan is not dying, actually growing )
The more yoga you have with the One, the more power you will receive to conquer the enemy.
Question: How is the department of you Brahmins completely separate from that of human beings and which department is it?
Answer:The department of you Brahmins is to become pure and make others pure by following shrimat.
You burn your sins away with the power of yoga.
The Father fulfils all your desires. Whatever people do, it continues to bring them down.
They learn all the occult powers etc. and yet continue to become impure.
Song: Our pilgrimage is unique.
Essence for dharna: 1. Remove your attachment from the old skin of your body.
Keep your intellect engaged in the spiritual pilgrimage.
2. Don't have any connection with anything of the old world.
Sit on the pyre of knowledge, become pure and claim your full inheritance from the Father.
Blessing: May you be liberated in life and always maintain spiritual intoxication by having the awareness of your worthy-of-worship form.
The pleasure of Brahmin life is in the stage of liberation in life.
The vision of those who constantly have the awareness of their worthy-of-worship forms
cannot be drawn to anything except the Father.
All persons and possessions bow down in front of worthy-of-worship souls.
Those who are worthy of worship are not attracted by anything.
Their minds and intellects are not subservient to bodies, relationships, possessions or sanskars.
They can never be bound by any bondage. They constantly experience the stage of being liberated in life.
Slogan: A true server is one who is an instrument with humility.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.
The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste
Om Shanti !
Gran Turismo Sport - Das Gesamtbild zählt | Tipps zum Photomodus - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
overwatch placement game 2 TURN DOWN THE SOUND - Duration: 14:56.yo, what's up guys and welcome to the new part of Overwatch.
this time we're playing the second game to warm up... I mean the placement games xD
and I'd say let's play some tracer... wait we have to defend. I'd say let's play some torbjörn.
what I wanted to tell ya is, that I have almost finished kingdom hearts 1
if I look at the parts I have left like 10 or 12 parts.
and then we are almost at the boss.. the end boss.
but.. the parts are way too long..
I will shorten them but not to 10 minutes each. I think between 10 to 20 minutes is alright.
and yeah.. I've already "started" with re chain of memories..
"started" xD when I start something it'll probably take like 10 hours.
haha.. started, right.
since I didn't want to wait for finishing..
because I really wanted to play that game.
and yeah..
I'll obviously restart the game so you will see everything.. but it'll be a bit challenging since they pretty much always just show text boxes.
there are also cutscenes but there are way more text boxes so I consider to "talk" english while playing re chain of memories.
or I'll just translate it again. We will see (I will just talk english to be honest.. haven't done any parts on it though. also it'll be the ps4 version so you got a good graphic and so on)
wow there is too much defense.
there you go I'll give you some armor.
oh wow.
awesome game I have to say.
oh wait.. there's a genji?
ha! oh wait, something climbs up towards us.
oh wait that's not good for us. that's bastion with ultimate.
or was it our bastion?
I think it was our bastion.
I hope it was our bastion... oh shit!
ah! shit.
enemy team*
come here.
oh I made a mistake.
oh wait.. he's also inside the enemy team..
alright.. this way..
gues that's a good place.
oh god..
common, I still have to hit it once.
oh will they destroyed my canon.
argh that seems bad...
I gues I'll pick symmetra now. or did someone else pick her already.
nope she's open.
well I hope that was our merci.
man too bad that attack won't go through walls.
oh wait I gues my positioning is really bad over there.
oh I can even get on that point.
oh the enemy team? nice one.
I gues I should place some on top of that one.
common trap come up (cooldown)
oh wait that's really bad.
wait, what? nonono! god dammit.
oh god that's really bad.
ok now I'll take.. junkrat. junkrat is good.
oh over there is a merci I gues.
Ok I think that's it.
or is it? nope, overtime.
ok, alright uhm...
I'll probably take sombra.
yeah I'll go sombra first to hack the guns and cannons.
and yeah, let's see how that goes. we have genji anyways.
and I think that buffed something with hacking.. Not sure what because THEY DON'T HAVE PATCHNOTES AT THE PS4 VERSION!
they should finally do that. thank you.
and yeah, let's do this.
let's go! attack!
that went wrong
so let's go into another direction.
I didn't press r1. I think there's a canon over there.
but I think they got genji.
or who did I just saw?
oh wow
i was lucky there. got away with 5 hp
oh they got bastion, alright.
oh my god...
he just killed me while invisible...
he just thinks "oh where did she come from?"
alright let's hack that heal point first.
uhm.. alright 3 seconds cooldown.
alright, ok and now we have to get up there.
oh yeah I am already at the highest point. that's bad.
ah dammit.
oh that was bad again.
I am going to kill that torbjörn
oh god..
oh fuck.
noooo bastion saw me. wait, what?
no I have to do that.
no I'll go junkrat.
we need genji, we need junkrat..
oh well now I don't have enough time to get there.
how? how did they got another point?
I don't get it..
well whatever.
well I hope you've enjoyed.. and yeah.
I'll show that to you but I already say hope to see you again next time.
what an incredibly good player. everyone is stunned and he just does auto hits and even hit the enemys because of his ultimate only.
2017 Infiniti Q60 3 0t Sport - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
Here Comes The Rooks! - AC Syndicate #3 (Somewhere That's Green - Henry Green & Charles Dickens) - Duration: 14:43.Translate Google: Previous in… Assassin's Creed Syndicate.
???: Brother George. This is as I feared. London as fallen.
???: Crawford Starrick's ambition is fixed on the beyond.
???: To kingdoms and continent as yet unconquered. Tough not for long.
George: The iron ships from here. The Templar running is Rupert Ferris, our target one.
George: Target two is Sir David Brewster, who has got its hands on a bauble that can ruin we in this wretched war.
Mr. Ferris: The mechanism we have built has be going strong from a hundred years and it will work for a thousand more.
Mr. Ferris: It is the very city itself.
Jacob: We will take London from your hands.
Sir David: I need two more weeks with the device.
Miss Thorne: Sir David, I will return tomorrow. If you will have not unlocked the device's secret, forget your dogs and horses. I will leave you to the wolves. Good day.
???: Thank you kindly. I was a never such as quickly fix when, what you know, you rescue me.
Sir David: You will not stop Starrick. Miss Thorne has already found another Piece of Eden, more powerful than the last.
Evie: I will take that one, too.
Jacob: Patience, Evie.
Evie: The gentle sound of opportunity passed us by.
Jacob: Then, shall we?
Evie: Yes, let's. Onward to London.
HELIX: Whitechapel, London 1868.
Jacob: I've never seen so many people all at once.
Evie: The churning seas of London. It's just the way Father described. Now, to find Henry Green and…
Evie: formulate a plan of attack against the Templars.
Jacob: Who is Mr. Green again?
Evie: The Assassin watching over London. Did you not listen the first three times?
Jacob: Listen to what?
Jacob: Oi! Watch it!
???: Beg pardon, sir!
Jacob: Oi! Come back here you filthy dipper!
Hi guys on the web, I'm The Eagle and I welcome you on my channel.
I want to say you only one thing:
I already know what will happen on this episode, and I will not talk a lot…
… Because this episode will be 90% cutscenes and 10% gameplay.
This is sure.
Jacob: Fine, you little mobsman!... Keep it.
Enemy2: Well, well. What do we have here.
Enemy1: You're on our property.
For the same reason, I will not do the sub-heading History's Creed on this episode.
So, enjoy this initial gameplay because there will be no other gameplay in this episode.
Jacob: Ah! Excellent. What else does London have to offer?
Evie: Now is not the time for tourism, Jacob. Now's the time to find Henry Green. I've always been the quickly climber, haven't I?
Jacob: Not since we were two.
Evie: Race you to the highest vantage point.
Evie: You're going to lose again.
Jacob: Not on my watch!
Ok, from now I will not talk. See you later, at the end of this episode.
Evie: Where is Mr. Green shop located? It was marked on Father's map…
???: Two Assassins.
???: Equal in height. One male, One female. Two decades old, and those devilish smiles. You must be the Frye twins.
Evie: And you are…?
???: Henry Green at your service. I was sorry to learn about your father's passing. {2} HELIX: Henry Green.
Evie: Thank you.
Jacob: What can you tell us about Crawford Starrick?
Green: I suppose the Council desires news?
Evie: London must be freed. To provide a better future for all of its citizens.
Green: Well thank goodness the Council saw reason and sent you to aid us.
Jacob: Yes, thank goodness.
Green: Unfortunately, I am a bearer of bad news. Today, Starrick sits at the helm of the most sophisticated…
Green: … Templar infrastructure known in the western world. Every class, every borough, the gangs, the industries—
Green: His reach extends all across London.
Jacob: I've always thought of myself gang leader. Firm but fair. We'll have uniforms. And I'll unite a mix of disenfranchised…
Jacob: … outsiders under one name. That's it Evie. We can rally them to our side.
Evie: Oh? Like the way that you rallied those card players at the Oakbrook Tavern into the river?
Jacob: That was different, they beat me at whist. I can see it now! We'll call ourselves "The Rooks".
Evie: You were never good at chess either.
Jacob: Have you got a better plan?
Evie: Find the Piece of Eden.
Jacob: Ah!
Green: Well. Let me show you the lay of the land, shall we?
Green: This is the highest point in Whitechapel.
Green: Look at what Starrick has done to this city.
Green: Whitechapel is riddled with crime-
Green: Child labor, despite regulations-
Green: A gang known as the Blighters overruns the streets-
Green: And Templars manipulating behind the scenes. As in all the other boroughs.
Green: We need to return this city to the people who built it in the first place.
Evie: We will free London from Starrick, you have my word.
Jacob: And my Rooks!
Green: Miss Frye, your passion is inspiring. Come. Let us return to my shop and I can bring you up to date on the rest.
Green: Keep quiet, Kaylock's looking for me.
Evie: Who's Kaylock?
Green: One of Starrick's gang leaders.
Jacob: Why does he want you?
Green: He's after some of my more arcane research into one of the Precursor artifacts.
Evie: The Piece of Eden.
Jacob: So tell me about these "Blighters".
Green: In search of an army, Starrick gathered the nastiest of the Underworld. Some of the city's gangs…
Green: … Tried to prevent it – and were slaughtered for their efforts. Now, only Whitechapel's Clinkers remain…
Green: … Opposed. But they're no match for the Blighters.
Jacob: Well let's shine these Clinkers up then, shall we? They're just the sort we're looking for!
Evie: You can't be serious.
Jacob: Evie, they're ready to fight and oppose the Blighters. This is my chance to step in! Look out London, here come the Rooks!
???: Confound this city! No one looks where they're going.
Jacob: Yes, I've noticed that.
???: Bloody Drood! I'll never finish it at this rate!
???: Only providence knows where those words are headed now. Well, I must get to work replacing them. Should you ever be in the…
???: … Mood for a tale or two, you can always find me where the ale is warm and tempers are hot! Ta-ta!
HELIX: Charles Dickens.
Jacob: What an odd man.
Green: That, Mister Frye, was Charles Dickens. Know everyone and everything in the city. If were you, I would keep that…
Green: … connection in your back pocket.
Green: Kaylock's gang is nearby. They must not follow me back to my shop.
Evie: We'll take care of it.
Green: Here. You might be able to use this.
Jacob: Oh God I hope so.
Green: My carriage is nearby. Make us of it to throw them off my trail. I will meet you at the curio shop.
Jacob: We need to lead them away from Green.
Jacob: Here comes trouble!
Evie: Their carriage are easily damaged!
Evie: Kaylock will rue the day…
Jacob: That's the fella!
Evie: Get 'im!
Jacob: They've gone.
Evie: Now to return to Mr. Green.
Jacob: Aye, aye Captain!
TEXT: I'm sorry, but it's so funny xD… No horses were harmed during the shooting of this video. {2} Evie: You're relentless.
Jacob: That relentlessness will see me become Master when we finish this.
Evie: George would do nothing of the sort. Whatever's left of the Creed would perish under your control.
Jacob: Harsh words, dear sister.
Evie: I do hope Mister Green made it back safely.
Jacob: Don't tell me you fancy the bloke already.
Evie: And what do you suggest we do if our number one source of information turns up dead?
Jacob: Starrick can't be THAT hard to find. I say we turn the carriage around and go find him!
Evie: This is why you aren't in charge.
Jacob: Go down now.
What are you doing?
Why you pushed me? Eh?
Do it again and I'll kill you!
Is that clear?
Green: Did you give them the slip?
Jacob: We gave them more than that.
Evie: Who are all these people?
Green: Over the years I have established a number of connections across the city.
Evie: Splendid! We'll need focused aid-
Jacob: Focused aid? Psh. We take over Starrick's gangs, we cripple his control.
Evie: You're not aiming high enough. Starrick has influence in every branch of society. We need to match him.
Jacob: I see what you're saying, Evie. We need the Rooks.
Evie: You're not starting a gang called The Rooks.
Green: I believe I may have an idea of my own.
Green: You will need the police to turn a blind eye to our activities. My ally in the force, Sergeant…
Green: … Abberline. I've heard he's a master of disguise.
Green: Next up – urchins.
Jacob: Urchins?
Green: Urchins. Children make for excellent spies.
Evie: Clara O'Dea…
Green: Smart as a whip, that one.
Green: Finally, you would be wise to remember that Starrick never acts alone. There are gang leaders in…
Green: … every borough. You'll meet them soon enough, no doubt.
Green: Rexford Kaylock, known for his ability to vanish before you very eyes.
Jacob: Shall we make him vanish for real?
Evie: I suppose.
Green: One moment.
Green: Hm, a Templar target you might want to look into.
Green: Be cautions. It's rough out there.
Jacob: Don't worry about me, Greenie. I call handle a few thugs.
Ok, from The Eagle is all.
If you like the video please leave a like, subscribe to the channel and remember to activate notifications.
Social pages in description.
See you next time.
Jacob: What's the plan then, oh, mighty planner?
Evie: You're the one with the grand ideas: the gangs, the fights, even the outfits you'll wear! Perhaps you should lead the way.
Jacob: If you insist!
김준수, 잠실 70억대 아파트 매입…조인성과 이웃사촌 - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Love quotes | Best Positive Thoughts for the Day - Duration: 2:18.
Restorative Yoga for Back Pain | Restorative Yoga with bolster | Special Guest Dr. Melissa West - Duration: 48:18.Is your back stiff or do you experience back pain? If so this,
Restorative yoga video for back pain is for you
Hi, I'm Melissa from yoga with Melissa I teach real yoga for real people. today
I'm a guest here on ChriskaYoga with Christina
So thank you so much
Christina for having me. if you're new here be sure to subscribe and if you like the video press that like button
Christina puts out a brand new video every Monday & Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern, so make sure you subscribe and press that
Notification button so that you don't miss a single one of her wonderful videos
Christina and I are collaborating this week, so I am doing a
Restorative yoga video for back pain, and if you come on over to my channel
Christina is doing a restorative yoga video for back pain on my channel as well
I'm doing one for with props on this channel
She's doing one without
Props on my channel, so make sure you check them both out and when you come over to my channel
I put out a brand new yoga video every single Friday at 9 a.m.
Pacific so I'd love to have you as a subscriber on my channel as well
Just before we get started make sure you watch all the way to the end so I can tell you how to get my 8
Days of yoga for back pain today, you are going to need a bolster
a yoga strap and
Two blocks and if you have an eye pillow that can be kind of nice as well for restorative yoga classes
So we will start with a reclined shavasana to begin okay
So you're going to begin by lying down on your back and with back pain. It's really good to lie with your knees bent and
You're going to put the bolster underneath your knees to keep that bend in your knee
And then you're gonna lie down on your back
Tuck your shoulder blades underneath you tuck your pelvis under and lay it flat again
Then you can take your eye pillow and place it on your eyes you may even want to take a blanket and pull it up
Over top of you in case you get chilly
Because we're going to be resting back and receiving the support of the earth here
So we'll just start by taking a deep breath in
Letting it fall out of your mouth
And allowing yourself to arrive here now transitioning from the busyness of your day
To feeling the support of the earth underneath you
So a lot of times back pain can be quite debilitating and all-consuming
And here you can
Allow the back pain to come into your awareness
Feel it
and let that tension begin to unravel release dissolve and
Let go into the support of the earth underneath you
So you don't need to
hold on or control
Anything anymore you can let the earth hold you here
And let gravity take all the tension from your body
So back pain is one of the most common physical complaints in our world today
Four out of five adults will experience at least one episode of back pain in their lives
So you don't need to feel alone or like there's something wrong with you. It's really common
And although occurrence is often between the ages of 30 and 50
back pain problems
Appear with equal frequency in men and women and it affects people in all walks of life
Whether you're a mom
Who's pregnant or breastfeeding?
Lifting a child and all their I have equipment all day it takes its toll on your back
factory workers standing in one place all day with repetitive motions
mechanics with bending and twisting and awkward positions
warehouse workers with heavy lifting dentists and dental assistants who hunched over clients for long periods of time
Manual laborers with heavy lifting heavy equipment bending and twisting office workers with long hours of sitting
nurses with bending and lifting
construction workers with heavy lifting bending and twisting and drivers with their prolonged hours of sitting
So many people are exposed to
Experiences in their life that cause back pain, so it's really common
And there's no need to beat yourself up for having back pain
Okay, so we're gonna begin to slowly wiggle and stretch you can if you have an eye pillow on you can take that off and
You're going to bend your knees roll to your side
We're going to use that bolster again
For the next pose, and I'm going to give you a modification to if you have knee issues or tight ankles
But we'll start by showing you the full version of the pose and then we'll move into
So we're going to do wide legged Child's Pose, just it's really great for lengthening the spine and opening up your low back so
Toes together knees apart, and then you'll place the bolster between your legs
And you'll fold forward over your legs turning your head to one side and resting forward so this can be quite a lot
for knees ankles
Joints and if it's too much, then I've got a nice modification for Child's Pose because my
Friends and yoga teachers on YouTube, I found this one so what you do is you lie over the bolster
You bend your knees like a frog and you rest like this gives you all the benefits of
Child's Pose without all the compression in your knees and your ankles in the tops of your feet so
See which one works better for you today
And you can take that position
And common rest in restorative Child's Pose
So feel the support of the earth underneath you allow yourself to rest in to the props here
Restorative yoga is is different than other styles of yoga like hatha yoga or vinyasa flow yoga
Where there's some effort in the pose?
here you're letting go into the support of the earth and the props and
You're letting the props. Hold you so you can let go of all effort, and this is really good for back pain
Restorative yoga is wonderful for back pain because it will helped you to turn off the stress response from the fight-or-flight
sympathetic nervous system and allow you to access your
parasympathetic nervous system so your body can rest and repair and
You'll notice here the more you let go and rest into the props
You'll be able to let go of tension in these supported poses
And then your body can begin the process of healing
Okay, so we're going to release this pose and
We're gonna basically do a variation on that pose a twisted version of it
So you're going to come up onto all fours?
Then you're going to walk your knees over to the right side of your mat off the right side of your mat lower your left
Hip down onto the mat
and then what I'm going to do is get you to take your block or a cushion from your couch and place it between your
What are we looking at oh dear
Okay, so you're gonna place a block or a cushion between your knees and
What that does is it creates a really nice?
alignment between your for your hips and you might just feel that especially if you get low back pain around your sacrum and
Right in around your hips. It just goes right there creating that nice alignment
And then you're gonna lie down on your bolster, so your chest is facing your bolster
And then you're gonna turn your head to the side partly the other way, then you just had it would be a good idea
And you're just gonna rest into your bolster, so there are some principles of restorative, yoga
And the first principle is to receive the support of
The earth underneath you and the Proms
When you receive the support it creates the release
when you support your body completely with the ground and the
props it allows your body to completely let go and surrender and
What we're doing in particularly in a back pain?
Class is we're surrendering
the tension to the force of gravity
So anywhere you feel pain, just let that go into the props and into the earth
Okay, so we're gonna slowly make our way out of this pose
you've been in it for a while so make sure you come out slowly and carefully and
Then we're going to come into this pose on the other side
So you'll start on all fours again
take your block already other side so you have it ready and
Walk your knees off the mat onto the left side of the mat
and then lower your right hips onto the mat and
you can take that block and put it between your knees again, or if you have a cushion that would be more comfortable and
then you're turning your torso so your chest is going to come onto your bolster or a stack of pillows and
You're going to lie down on your
bolster and remember the principle here is just to
Completely let go and surrender into the support of the props in the support of the earth underneath you so whenever you sense tension
Creeping in or tension. That's already there. You just keep letting go into the support of the earth and the support of the
Okay, so start to make your way out of this pose
Coming out slowly and carefully knowing that you've been in this pose for a while you can put your blocks off to the side you
Will use your eye pillow in the next pose put the bolster off to the side you're going to use that as well
You can start lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor
So what you're going to do here is you're going to press into your feet and pull that bolster
underneath your pelvis
And you could actually stay here and
I would encourage you to see what feels best for you in your body
But what I had intended was to do a long bridge this is
supported bridge pose
What I want you to do is lengthen your legs out
and this
feels really good in my body if it doesn't feel good in your body in your back go back to the bent knees if
There's a really long opening of your psoas muscle here, which is good for your back, and then you're gonna arc your arms
Okay, so see how that feels in your body if it's it's creating some discomfort in your low back for example then go back to
the bent knees
If it feels you're getting this really nice juicy opening along the front of your psoas, and it feels really good then stay here
Okay, and we're gonna stay here, and you could use your your eye pillow here, which just adds to that
Sensory takes away the sensory overload that we experience through so much of our day
So the second principle of
restorative yoga is to tune in to the
sensations of your body and really open your awareness to
Where you're experiencing tension in your body?
So for me and my body right now, I'm
experiencing a kind of a keen as'
around my sacrum and my neck so I'll open to that a
Lot of that sensation to come forward a little bit more
Become curious about it
Feel it in a deeper way and as I notice it more it tends to shift and change
It doesn't stay the same
And I'll let that tension dissolve release melt and let go
down through the earth or the bolster and into the earth
Okay, so you're going to slowly arc your arms back down
And you're going to
We're going to move into the next pose which is to bend your right knee in at a 90 degree angle
So that your knee is moving towards your armpit, and you're going to hold on to the base of your foot
So I'm going to give you a couple of options here
One is that you can use a strap or the tie from your bathrobe or a men's necktie?
To hold on to your foot here, okay?
Because that will allow you to relax your shoulders more
And then the other option to allow your back to be more comfortable would be to bend this left leg
Particularly if you do have back issues which is probably why you're watching this video in the first place
So if you do you might want to have this left leg bent
So just see what feels better in your body if it's irritating you to have this left leg long
then definitely
bend this left leg even to see what it feels like to bend it a little bit just to have that extra support underneath your
left foot
Know that in these restorative poses we stay for a long time, so I'm keeping that in mind. This is opposed
It is a little more challenging in my body and my hip joints
so I'm going to use the strap and have that slight bend in my knee and hang out here and
When you also just keep in mind not to use that kind of death grip on the strap just to we're using it
So we can keep our shoulders heavy on the ground, and we're not white-knuckling it here
So keeping in mind that first principle of restorative yoga here actually what happens in a restorative yoga class is that your body?
releases and lets go because it feels safe and
That's actually a trigger mechanism that happens in your brain
So it's a brain yoga, kind of mechanism when you're when you come into a stretch
There's something that happens where your body
The stretch from going further, but in a restorative yoga class because your body's supported and propped it feels safe
And then it actually
There's a trigger that goes that happens in your mind
There's a signal that gets sent in your mind
That says oh, I am safe here, so I can release further and that's why restorative yoga is actually so
Okay, so we're going to slowly release the side carefully and slowly coming out of the pose just as carefully and slowly as you come
In knowing that you've been in the pose for a while
So come back to both knees bent
You know everything
I mean just want to take the eye pillow off to switch sides like I need to be able to see to switch sides
But you're going to bend this left leg in now
And you're going to hold on to the base of the foot drawing your left
Knee in towards your armpit, and then extending your right leg out
So remembering the options here to bend your right knee a little or a lot
So see what feels good in your back
And then also this very nice option of using the strap so that your shoulders can relax
like heavy
shot put bolts balls on the ground
and then you can use your eye pillow to
Create that heaviness around where there's so much sensory input normally, so you can relax your eyes
And resting into the posture
The third principle of restorative yoga is to focus on your breathing
And I like to drop my breath right into my lower belly
So feeling your breath in your lower belly
About three finger widths below your navel two finger widths behind that feeling your breath coming into your lower belly
Okay, so you're gonna gradually make your way out of this posture taking your time
It may not seem like you're doing a lot, but you're going very deep in these poses
So to come out of this pose you'll bend your knees place your feet flat on the floor press into your feet
So that you can push that bolster, actually you're just going to push it down so
That it'll come underneath your knees, and we'll come into shavasana
for your final resting pose and
This is really important so that you receive and integrate your practice
You can take that eye pillow and put it back on your
And that funny that you just want to take that off to move between the poses so that you can have that
Visual kind of safety to know where you are in space. I guess that's part of proprioception
I'm just gonna check and see if I have anything for you in shavasana in my classes. I normally read a poem in shavasana
I'm really sorry I didn't get a poem for you
So you have to come over to my channel and see how I usually read poems in shavasana to my students
I'm being a very terrible guest I'm sorry
Okay, we'll put our I pose on and we'll just rest in shavasana for a few minutes. Just to receive our practice
So gradually wiggle your fingers and your toes
Bend your knees
Roll to your side and you're gonna slowly make your way up to seated
Just take a moment here to check in with your back
And notice if it feels better than it did when you started
if it does we sure would love it if you press that like button and
Let me know in the comments what?
restorative yoga pose helped your back feel better the most and
You would like to see more videos like this
Then be sure to subscribe to Christina's channel she puts out wonderful
I love Christina because she comes up with the most creative ideas for her video creative and timely ideas for her video
Videos so be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications, so you see her creative video ideas, and if you like this video
then be sure to come over to my channel and
we'll put the links to that as well and
I put out a video every Friday at 9 a.m.. Pacific time and
If you would like more I find that you know one hour video is not enough for me
I found that the way to
Find relief from pain in my life was to make yoga part of my everyday life
So a good way to do that would be to subscribe to Christina's channel and my channel a better way to do that would be
to sign up for
The eight days of yoga to relieve back pain, and then you could get started
Practicing a little bit of yoga every day for the next eight days to relieve back pain
so if you go to Melissa West calm slash back pain and
put your email address in there then you can get eight days of yoga to relieve back pain and that can be the start of
making part of your everyday
So thank you so much, Kristina for having me as a guest on your channel again
I really enjoy collaborating with you and be sure to come over to my channel and see
Kristina's restorative yoga for bat pain with no props
I'm sending it much love from beautiful British Columbia. We're here in Victoria BC at Government House
You got to see some deer today. I think and
May your joy be as deep as our Pacific Ocean may be as rooted as the trees in our forests and may you be as
Strong as our mountains ohm shanthi namaste
Gallery Talk: Kay Healy - Duration: 15:10.- Welcome everybody to the gallery at Penn College.
Thanks for comin' out on this beautiful day.
Our visiting artist is Kay Healy.
Her community based artwork,
focuses on memories, both her own,
and those belonging to other people.
And she spent a great amount of time
researching and interviewing people
to capture those memories.
Her interviews are available for listening
on the computers in the gallery,
or on her website.
Her large installations have been on display
at the Philadelphia Airport
and the Central Library of Philadelphia.
And her installation called Coming Home
was purchased by the Pennsylvania Convention Center,
and is now on permanent display.
Kay earned her MFA from the University of the Arts
in book arts and print making,
and she's originally from Staten Island, NY
and is now based in Philadelphia.
Thank you Kay, for coming,
and sharing your amazing work with us.
Please help me to welcome Kay Healy.
- Thank you everyone for coming.
Let me know if you can't hear me.
I'm a soft talker, so just tell me to speak up,
if I'm talking softly.
Thank you so much, Penny, for having me.
This is an amazing gallery.
It's not often that you get this much space
to show your work.
I was telling someone earlier that
I've been making all this new work
because my studio's nice and empty,
and so I'm filling the void,
and it's been really great to show here.
And I'm so impressed because
Penny also installed of the work.
I just dropped it off and here it is, which is
a wonderful luxury.
Yes, a round of applause for Penny.
So, I started working with themes of home
ever since I lost my own childhood home.
It was a very, sort of, typical situation,
but my Mom decided to sell my house, on Staten,
my house, on Staten Island,
and basically it was this large house
that she no longer needed
once my brother and I had been moved out.
And she decided to downsize
and get an apartment in Manhattan.
So, all of a sudden, we were putting all of our stuff,
you know, up for sale, and putting it in storage units,
and it was the first time that I really felt
like I didn't have a base, or a root.
And, so I started thinking about this idea of displacement.
And, right around that time
is when Hurricane Katrina happened.
And, I don't know if you remember,
all of the newspaper articles,
and seeing images of the devastation
and people who, you know,
couldn't even take their pets with them,
and lost family members.
I was very affected by that.
And it started me thinking about other people's life stories
and how they were also affected by displacement
in a different way.
So the piece that's behind me,
it's called Lost and Found,
and this was originally an installation I made
for the Free Library of Philadelphia.
And it was this beautiful space, in the cafe,
with 22-foot ceilings,
and the woman, the curator there said,
oh, would you be interested in a group show.
And I was like, I want the whole thing.
Because it was this 60 foot wall with a 22 foot ceilings,
so it was amazing.
So, for the project, I took two years,
and I asked people to think about an object
that they had lost, that they wished they still had.
And, usually people can be pretty quick about it.
They'll think about something, like a,
I don't know, a roaster, or a moving hand truck,
or books or jackets.
And what I really love about that question,
is it's not often that it's some super valuable object,
you know, a Porche, or a diamond, or maybe it could be,
but usually it's something very mundane, very humble.
But it just had significance to you.
It was important to you.
So, I had 40 different people,
some of them were strangers,
I would leave little boxes in the cafe space,
and people would submit their stories.
Some of them, were people I knew.
This was my Mom's jacket.
And I recreated them by first drawing them, life size,
then I would transfer the drawings to screens
and I screen print them onto fabric.
And then, sometimes I would paint them.
Like this jacket, I actually painted afterwards.
After it's screen printed onto fabric,
I would then sew it like a big pillow,
and then stuff it from behind
using what's called the trapunta method,
it's a quilting method where you sew from the front,
and if you looked at the back of these,
I don't wanna rip it down,
but if you looked at the back of them,
you would see that I ripped the back,
and stuffed it from behind.
And that gives it this relief quality.
So I did that for 90 different objects.
And it was on view for a year and a half,
and then sadly it had to come down,
because they were renovating the space.
But I was able to create smaller panels
that actually fit in galleries.
Because you can't go 18 1/2 feet high in those galleries.
So, that's how these five panels came to be.
So each of these pieces is representative
of a person and a story.
For example, sorry Adam (laughs)
this is Julia's couch,
and Julia Zeigar described, whenever she was sick
her Mom would let her just sit on the couch,
and she would feed her soup, and tea,
and you just stay there,
and she would take care of her.
And she's, Julia's now in her mid-80s,
and she just says she longs for somebody
to take care of her, in that way,
you know, the way that her mother did.
And she also described the television set
that was near that,
and she remembers seeing the McCarthy hearings.
And her father was a graphic designer,
and they were Jewish, and she said that a lot of his friends
were implicated in the McCarthy hearings,
and were actually brought into jail.
Some of them lost their jobs.
And she remembers seeing her father
in front of the television sobbing,
because it was his friends that were actually on television.
So, those are some of her stories.
This is a guitar
that was one of my interns, actually,
she helped me out.
Her name is Sam Anderson.
And she played on this, I forget the exact type of guitar,
I'm sure somebody here knows but, she loved it
and her Mom sold it for $10 at a garage sale.
I sometimes joke that a lot of these stories,
it's always your Mom's fault, you know.
And, this is my friend Tim Gibbons' bicycle,
and he actually went to college with me.
He went to Oberlin College, in Ohio.
And his father also went there,
and this was his father's bike.
And so he was really excited about having it.
There was this custom, 'cause it was Ohio,
I'm in Philly now so I can't imagine this but,
you wouldn't lock your bike,
you would just leave it.
And, someone stole his bike.
And he really was upset because it was his father's as well.
So, I recreated that for him.
And, so on, and so forth.
This is, a nice one, this Johanna, I didn't know her,
but she told an interesting story about how
when she was 5, her whole family was moving,
and her parents had them pack boxes of their special things,
you know like how when you're a kid you have special things?
They're usually rocks and I dunno,
I had a lot of rocks and dolls.
And, so, her and her brother packed their special things
and they were on the top of her father's car
and they fell in the middle of the highway.
And she remembers being told, from her Dad,
that, you know, her box was gone.
It was the first time she felt,
a little bit of lack of control,
and it's loss, basically.
So each of the objects has some sort of story,
or history or memory attached to them.
I completed this, like I said, in two years,
so it was from 2012 to 2014.
And then I made them into the panels that just last year.
And then since then I've been doing some other projects.
I'm not sure how much time I have left,
but, so I'll just describe some of the other ones,
since people have asked about those as well.
There is a series that I did at the Walton Art Center,
which is in Fayetteville, Arkansas,
where I interviewed eight different people
that were volunteers at the center, and I asked them
just to talk and have a conversation with me.
And then I created pieces based on of there stories.
This I Rebecca's.
Rebecca had two windows.
And, Rebecca described growing up in Texas.
Her father was a doctor and he was an avid gardener.
And he would garden, he was actually president
of the Iris Club.
Isn't that great?
And so, she remembers in Texas, this amazing garden
outside of her house.
And during World War II, her father was actually
stationed in Florida to do medical exams for people
that were entering the Army.
And so their family moved down to Florida
and lived on a base.
And she described these blackout curtains
that they would have because of air raids.
So, I don't there actually,
I think they were tests, like they were
in case there was an air raid, you would put those down.
And it's supposed to symbolize that there were these
two different windows that she had in her childhood.
In the corner, we have Mike.
And Mike would hide to read,
I'm actually come back out here,
so that some of you can see me.
We have Mike would hide to read,
and I love putting him in the corner like that,
because he grew up in a rural part of Arkansas
and his mother died when he was three,
and his father remarried,
and he had a number of step-siblings
but he was the oldest
and he was one of the few men of the house.
And his Dad would work on railroads.
And so he'd be gone for weeks at a time.
And he was basically in charge of their farm.
And so he describes just having to work a lot.
And that his refuge was being able to read.
And so he would hide in like haystacks,
and hide in the pig sty area,
and just go wherever he could to be able to read
and to escape.
And he actually went on to, because of his local,
it was almost like a library on wheels,
he went on to do his thesis on Charles Dickens,
and he was a professor of English.
So, it's a really fabulous story,
but he had definitely had a trying childhood.
Over here we have Roger's Grandmothers Were Cheaters.
And Roger grew up, actually in Oregon,
and he describes really disliking his grandmothers,
which is why I made them out of this scratchy wool.
I wanted to kind of describe their personalities.
They would play pinochle, and they would cheat constantly.
So I liked this image of these like, kinda cheating,
mean, grandparents.
So that's them.
You can't see these as well, but you probably saw them
when you came in.
There's a series of three of the same person.
This is a more personal piece for me.
It's based off of the story of my very dear friend, Emily.
And, in April 2015, she was walking down the street
after coming home from the gym,
and as she was walking down the street,
I was actually going to her house,
I was gonna borrow her car.
And, I received a phone call
and it was from Emily
and I picked up, and was like, hey,
and it was the Philadelphia Police Department,
because she was assaulted.
She was punched from behind.
And immediately in my head, they said, you know,
come get here, I ran towards her,
or towards where they said she was,
and I immediately envisioned her being in a pile,
so that's the pile one.
When I saw her, it was actually like she reached out,
and she wanted to just see me,
and she was so excited that I was there,
because there was all these police there,
but I was so thrilled that she was up.
She was upright, so that was a good thing for me.
But that's actually her real sweatshirt.
So the other two are fake ones, but
or their replicas, but that's the real sweatshirt.
And on that, you can see, it was torn,
and you can see that there's actually some of her blood
on it, as well.
And the one on the left, it's called His View,
and that's what he saw, when he decided to do
what he did to her.
So, as you can see, it's like a little bit easier
for me to sometimes talk about other people's stories,
but I am moving in to talking about,
some of my own stories, as well.
Anyway, so, and I do think that part of this process,
of creating artwork helps to make it so that
you can think about these things
and you can express them,
which is really important,
not only to me, but I think to other people,
who may have gone through something like that, as well.
As embarrassing as it is.
So, I am embarrassed by it, 'cause it's vulnerable,
but I also thinks it's important
and that it adds so much more to the pieces.
Because if you just see them, you wouldn't know
the power of the story.
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