my relationship with gratitude started probably 20 years ago when I read this
book called a simple abundance a day book of comfort and joy. I'll link it
below and you can also get a gratitude journal with it so it talks a lot about
gratitude in there so every day I try to wake up which is not an easy thing to do
with an attitude of gratitude it's not my normal tendency it's not how I
normally just exist ,it's something that I actually have to work on because I
love my bed and I love sleeping if sleeping was an Olympic sport I could
probably take the gold medal like I love sleeping so when I wake up
it's not pretty. In order to try and wake up with the best attitude possible
I have a little routine that I do and what I do is this little guy right here
I shake it up spray it up into the air it's a beautiful blend of essential oils
and I mix this together because all the properties and all the oils in here and
to steer you towards gracious existence right! it's really beautiful thing so as
im spraying this I and I'm starting to wake up I think oh my goodness I am
so grateful. I list things that I'm grateful for. Not like super deep meaningful
things but like the simplest things ever like im thankful that I just woke
up. some people did not wake up this morning there's tons of people to die in
their sleep like lucky me I get to have another day I am so thankful that I have
this mutt laying next to me he's so soft and curly I'm so thankful that I
love these sheets these sheets are so soft and I love my house it is so
cozy and then by then I'm starting to feel a little better about the fact
that I just woke up so then as I get up and as I am walking to the shower every step is
something else that I'm thankful for I'm so thankful for these fluffy socks
they're awesome I'm so thankful that my husband is so good to me I am so
thankful that we have running water I'm so thankful just the smallest things by
the time I get in the shower I'm like good I'm like feeling better already
it's like an amazing thing so the fact that I feel better after a few minutes
of being grateful for things is not a fluke there's actually science behind
the emotion of gratitude. so the emotion of gratitude if you write someone a
thank-you card or if you thank someone it's actually the person doing the
thankful it boosts their reward portion of their brain you feel a deeper
connection with someone that you have gratitude for and in that way they're
now calling gratitude a social emotion pretty amazing right. so just by being
grateful to someone you can increase relationship with them like it's a
no-brainer why would we be thankful all the time gratitude also lessens anxiety
and as a result you get better sleep and when you get better sleep you're a
healthier person so that's another great reason to be grateful it actually
improves your sleep I'm in right okay so not only do I have to use gratitude to
wake up in the morning but I can use gratitude you fall asleep sooner and
have a healthier sleep at night it's all about sleep for me apparently
gratitude affects the hypothalamus part of your brain which regulates
hunger and body temperature so you have a more stable appetite and body
temperature when you're grateful and then the fifth thing that I love that
science is proving is that you cannot feel anger and gratitude at the same
time or fear and gratitude at the same time so the fact that you if you read
Gabby Bernstein or A Course in Miracles or any of those type of books and you
understand that the number one thing that who makes us make bad decisions is
if they're fear-based or anger based so feeling gratitude if it helps steer away
those emotions then you're having much better place that you can that you
can make decisions from like that's really awesome so wake up in the morning
start your day with gratitude even if it's really hard for you I get it but it
is so worth it because starting your day off that way sets you in the right
trajectory what's in here that helps me with my morning gratitude ritual and you
should try this so it's in a spray bottle mixed with water I don't want her
like it smell so good I don't want to roll anything on my body in the morning
I'm just really lazy all I want to do is like spray this up in the air and smell
it this thing smells so good I can't help but smile when I smell it it's
amazing so in here I have two drops of lemongrass lemongrass promotes grounding
uplifting feelings to drop bergamot same thing it's like uplifting grapefruit two
drops of grapefruit and then I get a floral I have two drops of ylang ylang
and hair which is a loving oil promotes self-confidence two drops of
frankincense it's the oil of the truth it's a great well two drops of ginger
it's smells delightful it's so good for you
mix all of the oils together so that they can start getting all synergistic
and then add that mixture to water shake it up in a glass bottle spray it in the
morning and you will just be it's like heaven it's so good and start thinking
your positive thoughts you can think I'm so thankful for these oils that allow me
to start this thankful journey today I hope you start off tomorrow with a great
attitude of gratitude isn't the best way to start your day one thing about a bed
it's like amazing you liked this video you thought it was helpful make sure to
give me a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe thanks for watching I'll see
you in the next video
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