Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 6 2018

5 years ago ,

My dad had built an ice rink for the first time in my backyard

it was here , i skated around with my bro,

and we had a lot of fun .

He did this for the next 3 years

but this year , we couldn't do it ...

The reason for that ... the flooding

I have already done a video on the flooding

so you can go check it out !! The flooding really sucked, but at least

i'm going to have a new room because of that ..

Beacuse we were

very occupied by the flooding ... i had to

let go the dream of having a backdoor ice rink

But one day ...

i dreamed of having an ice rink in my backyard

so that gave me the challenge ...

why should i not built it myself ?

And there it starts ...

Welcome to the video of the construction

of the Ice Rink

Good .. so it's been already 3 weeks (22 days) ,

since the last time i talked

so it's been a while ...

I've work on it for a week without filming

just so it avance quickly

but really , i'm strugling

it's way harder than it looks

but i'm still able to finish it !

But now , we are in the period when it is hot

so ..

i wanted to show you guys the ice rink at it state

it's not frozen yet because it is hot today

But , a lot of water and other stuff

and it's coming straight !

so here it is !!


i've been waiting for this moment for a while

i'm talking right now

on the ice rink

that i'm going to show you in a few moments

but , i am really , really exited to announce you

it is half-finish

it is not all done but

it's close to be done

And i've been waiting for this moment for a long time !

i only wanted a little bit of the ice rink to

have fun at hockey

dribble with the puck

so i don't need all of the ice to shoot and all of that !!

I'm going to test it right now , the ice

but before i will start by showing it to you guys

so i hope you are exited to see what i have been waiting to show for a while

so that's it !

so i'm very exited to show you guys

here is a montage ...

Thank you so much for watching the video

and , today i will do

something different for this video

so you will comment ''ice rink'' if you see this right now !

and you will put your instagram account name in the comment section

and , in my next video

there's a chance that i will put it on screen !

so if you want to be in my next video

you just have to comment ''ice rink'' and your instagram

or just your instagram

i will understand that you heard this,

and i will maybe put it in my next video

so the first that does it ,

wins a shout out in my next video

so that's already it ...


For more infomation >> Here's How i Built My Dream Ice Rink from a Scratch !! (best video yet) - Duration: 10:43.


Okiem projektantów: Zmiany na Arenie (napisy PL) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Okiem projektantów: Zmiany na Arenie (napisy PL) - Duration: 2:55.


Jared/Jensen- Vegas 2018 (parte 2) (sub.español) - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Jared/Jensen- Vegas 2018 (parte 2) (sub.español) - Duration: 6:14.


YUMMY Ice Eating ASMR Compilations - Colorful Ice Eating and Drinking Juices | OSVchannel - Duration: 5:11.

YUMMY Ice Eating ASMR Compilations - Colorful Ice Eating and Drinking Juices by OSVchannel

For more infomation >> YUMMY Ice Eating ASMR Compilations - Colorful Ice Eating and Drinking Juices | OSVchannel - Duration: 5:11.


Message des devs : les changements à venir pour l'arène - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Message des devs : les changements à venir pour l'arène - Duration: 2:55.


Nitrate Reduction | High Nitrate Level | Nitrate Nitrite - Duration: 6:08.

Hey everyone, Devon here from American Aquarium Products.

Thank you for tuning in and learning about a very important popular topic.

How to reduce and manage aquarium nitrates.

Something we all battle.

So, going through all these steps will ensure to help you keep a low and sufficient level

of nitrates in a aquarium.

Before we learn how to reduce aquarium nitrates, what are exactly nitrates?

Fish food and other nitrogen waste goes into our aquarium and goes through decomposition

cycle, which is taking Ammonia and converting it to nitrate, then nitrates are covered into

a free nitrogen, which is a gas that will remain in the water or removed by plants or

other denitrification aerobic bacteria.

Or they're removed by way of regular water change or chemical absorbent.

Without this process it would be impossible to keep inhabits in our aquarium as ammonia

is highly toxic in even small quantities.

Nitrates are not toxic to most freshwater fish excite in high amounts with long exposure.

Saltwater fish can be more sensitive.

So, an established nitrogen cycle needs to be in place.

This subject can be debatable of how much nitrates actually are too much.

But what I think we can all agree on is there's a need to manage these with stability, whatever

the level may be.

The process we need to be most concerned about is denitrification, were unlike nitrification

that converts ammonia and nitrite, denitritication converts nitrate, which is NO3 into Nitrogen

Gas, N2 which is removed from the aquarium.

There's types of bacteria that either drive nitrification and denitrification.

The bacteria that drives denitritication are called heterotrophic.

Creating a place for these heterotroph to grow is a natural way of nitrate reduction.

These heterotroph bacteria are an anaerobic bacteria, which means they grow in places,

which limited to no oxygen, such in a deep sand bed or a mud bed.

Nitrification will happen in the 1 to 2 inch of the substrate.

Denitrification will happen in the 2 to 4 inch range of a substrate, sulfur fixing anaerobic

bacteria will be lower than 4 inches.

In this deep zones getting some oxygen to this zone will lead to more denitrification

via roots, copepods, etc.

So, what do we do for high nitrates?

While generally not toxic, high nitrates over 50ppm can harm fish health in freshwater.

And generally 20ppm in saltwater.

Here's some suggestions.

First use SeaChem Prime or other to neutralize the nitrate, but this is not a long term solution.

Next perform a water change using a gravel vac to remove not only dirty water, but also

mulm, which is decomp, before it goes through the nitrogen cycle.

Next, make sure to regularly rise, in aquarium water for dechlorinated water your bio media.

This includes bio rings and balls as well as sponges filters, ceramic media, which are

known to be nitrate factories.

These nitrate factory types of filtration typically should be used in saltwater water,

unless there's a high amount of denitrification biomedia, like live rock, volcanic rock, matrix,

or ceramic media.

Nitrates can be removed by just switching out these filter systems, known to be more

nitrate factories, such as again, canister filters, wet dry filters, wet drys, Emperor

filters, and the before said sponge filter.

For freshwater adding aquatic plants can be very beneficial especially using hornwort.

For saltwater, some green algae will deform this nitrate reducing task, saltwater caulerpa

algae for example.

For saltwater, a refugium or protein skimmer is very helpful.

Refugium use plants with strong light to remove nutrients including nitrates.

Protein skimmers remove nitrates, before they enter the nitrogen cycle via foam refraction.

A very effective complement to a protein skimmer for a marine tank and freshwater while using

absorbent chemical filtration is using NPX Bio-plastics.

There's links below for how to build a very effective refugium also a deep sand bucket


Make sure to check that out.

Next, the use of premium over the counter waste digester, such as SeaChem Stability,

which contain these heterotrophic bacteria for the waste digestion.

Also consider a fluidizes sand filter, paired with the product NPX bio-plastics, but also

if you can consider a very tall sand filter, where denitrification happens in the top part

of the filter.

Attached is also an article that talks about other method on how to manage nitrates.

Going over how to relief nitrate poisoning.

Lowing bio-load and fish load, reducing feeding, the use of RO and DI water, sugar and vodka

dosing, sulfur denitrators, porosity biomedia, polymers, resins, absorbents, and organic

removers, algae scrubbers, types of pads, and some myths about nitrates.

I hope that information is helpful for you guys.

I really appreciate you guys checking out the video.

If you have any questions, make sure to ask and please make sure to like, subscribe, share

with your friends.

We really appreciate it and we'll talk to you guys next time.


For more infomation >> Nitrate Reduction | High Nitrate Level | Nitrate Nitrite - Duration: 6:08.


Einblicke der Entwickler: Änderungen an der Arena (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Einblicke der Entwickler: Änderungen an der Arena (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 2:55.


Assistir PSG x Real Madrid Ao vivo HD 06/03/2018 - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Assistir PSG x Real Madrid Ao vivo HD 06/03/2018 - Duration: 0:35.


Новости от разработчиков | Изменения на арене - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Новости от разработчиков | Изменения на арене - Duration: 2:55.


Hearthstone Funny Plays 9 - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> Hearthstone Funny Plays 9 - Duration: 7:05.


Thank you! - Duration: 3:40.

Hi all, welcome again to a new vlog on my channel.

Today is a special day because I reached 250 subscribers ...

... and it's not even Sunday today!

I'm just back from school, and as promised when reaching 250 subs I'm going to jump in the cold water.

First I need to remove the ice.

I'm not really going to swim, but I'll jump into the water

... and exit over there.

Hmm the water does not really look clean overt here!

The water is 1.7 Celsius.

Both my dad and mum are going to watch.

It's really cold!

I did not remove all the ice over there!

I'm not sure about this!

I'm going to do it this way. If I jump I will hit the ice!

Why am I doing this?

I do not know if I should do this!






It is cold!


It was really super cold!

It was 1.7 Celcius!

And now nice hot chocolate.!

nice warm.

Please give me a like on this video.

When I reach 1000 subscribers I will do something even more extreem!

I have no clue what, as at this moment I can not think of anything more extreem!

See you at the next vlog!

For more infomation >> Thank you! - Duration: 3:40.


youtube test - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> youtube test - Duration: 2:00.


youtube test - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> youtube test - Duration: 9:04.


Brestfeeding Husband & Best Tips While Brestfeeding by howtohow | breast feeding new mom breastfeed - Duration: 2:56.

if you have not yet subscribed then first subscribe to how to how channel

press the Bell button to be notified for more latest updates subscribe

breastfeeding and best tips while breastfeeding try other positions if you

feel some soreness for an untouched leakage from your breasts you can try

some new positions rather than sticking to the missionary positions spooning

woman on top and position of hands and knees are proved to be more effective

for breastfeeding women 1 be careful about breasts fondling if sore breasts

and suddenly cage is bothering you so much talk to your husband about it and

make him understand with love to not touch your breasts during foreplay or

make love to use bras with nursing pads the milk ejection reflex is controlled

by hormones namely oxytocin it is released when a female orgasm causing

loss of milk during lovemaking the leakage could be sudden with too much

milk if you don't want your sheets to be wet with milk use nursing padded bra 3

youth lubricant due to increased production of breast milk in your body

there may be less vaginal lubricant to be produced during the intercourse

that's when lubricant is needed use a lubricant preferably water-based to ease

the discomfort for both of you and make your love life during breastfeeding more

enjoyable for show some patients many women don't feel like to make love at

all after baby's birth they feel exhausted and overwhelmed yet men tend

to express love and feelings via so women can think about alternatives to

show him your love and affections and tell him about your touched out feelings

communication is more essential through the breastfeeding days and just ensures

that you too can approach to each other well

if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends if you

want more recipes home remedies and tips subscribe to the channel don't forget to

subscribe my channel click the bell button to get notified directly for

latest updates

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