Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 6 2018


That was in Izmit!

That's what it said on the sign.

That's where they took me.

Fine, but why?

Why there?

Maybe it is what they said.

Maybe my Elif was with me.

Is it possible?

I wish she could remember.

If we could understand something, about what's been going on.

Let me tell you something,

maybe Elif was together with Melek, at that house. What do you think?

Do you think so?

Why not, dear?

I'm not looking at anything, as they're impossible.

Didn't Melek show up, full health, and she had a tomb? So?

Is there anything possible? Well it happened.

And Elif doesn't even have a tomb.

Her death is even doubtful.

She's filed in the missing kids report.

You're right, Veysel.

I should tell you this.

I'm believing the idea of Elif being alive, more and more each day.

I think she's alive somewhere.

That little girl is praying for us to come and find her.

I'm getting close!

I'm getting closer to my daughter!


Then my daughter is in Izmit.

Then I'll go to Izmit.

I'll look for and find my daughter.

I'll check everywhere if needed.

I'll go street by street for my daughter.

Then we'll come together again!

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 682 - Opening Scene | Season 4 Episode 122 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:30.


Legion Season 2 Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Legion Season 2 Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:46.


Rincón del diseñador: Próximos cambios en la Arena (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Rincón del diseñador: Próximos cambios en la Arena (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 2:55.


Charla con el diseñador Kris Zierhut: Próximos Cambios en la Arena - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Charla con el diseñador Kris Zierhut: Próximos Cambios en la Arena - Duration: 2:55.


Here's How i Built My Dream Ice Rink from a Scratch !! (best video yet) - Duration: 10:43.

5 years ago ,

My dad had built an ice rink for the first time in my backyard

it was here , i skated around with my bro,

and we had a lot of fun .

He did this for the next 3 years

but this year , we couldn't do it ...

The reason for that ... the flooding

I have already done a video on the flooding

so you can go check it out !! The flooding really sucked, but at least

i'm going to have a new room because of that ..

Beacuse we were

very occupied by the flooding ... i had to

let go the dream of having a backdoor ice rink

But one day ...

i dreamed of having an ice rink in my backyard

so that gave me the challenge ...

why should i not built it myself ?

And there it starts ...

Welcome to the video of the construction

of the Ice Rink

Good .. so it's been already 3 weeks (22 days) ,

since the last time i talked

so it's been a while ...

I've work on it for a week without filming

just so it avance quickly

but really , i'm strugling

it's way harder than it looks

but i'm still able to finish it !

But now , we are in the period when it is hot

so ..

i wanted to show you guys the ice rink at it state

it's not frozen yet because it is hot today

But , a lot of water and other stuff

and it's coming straight !

so here it is !!


i've been waiting for this moment for a while

i'm talking right now

on the ice rink

that i'm going to show you in a few moments

but , i am really , really exited to announce you

it is half-finish

it is not all done but

it's close to be done

And i've been waiting for this moment for a long time !

i only wanted a little bit of the ice rink to

have fun at hockey

dribble with the puck

so i don't need all of the ice to shoot and all of that !!

I'm going to test it right now , the ice

but before i will start by showing it to you guys

so i hope you are exited to see what i have been waiting to show for a while

so that's it !

so i'm very exited to show you guys

here is a montage ...

Thank you so much for watching the video

and , today i will do

something different for this video

so you will comment ''ice rink'' if you see this right now !

and you will put your instagram account name in the comment section

and , in my next video

there's a chance that i will put it on screen !

so if you want to be in my next video

you just have to comment ''ice rink'' and your instagram

or just your instagram

i will understand that you heard this,

and i will maybe put it in my next video

so the first that does it ,

wins a shout out in my next video

so that's already it ...


For more infomation >> Here's How i Built My Dream Ice Rink from a Scratch !! (best video yet) - Duration: 10:43.


Okiem projektantów: Zmiany na Arenie (napisy PL) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Okiem projektantów: Zmiany na Arenie (napisy PL) - Duration: 2:55.


Make Jewelry out of SILK! Knitted Necklace Cord-Jewelry Tutorial - Duration: 20:26.

Have you been looking for a new and different way of hanging your necklaces?

If so today I have a cool new tool and an interesting and different project and

a great way to use them together to make beautiful necklace cord that's very

unusual. Hi there, Sandy here, welcome to another

jewelry making video at So the kind folks at

Thread Nanny sent me this a delightful selection of silk ribbons wondering if i

could use some of them in making jewelry and I told them, "Well, of course,

absolutely!" I've actually done silk ribbon embroidery for years, I have... I

haven't done any for years, but years ago I did a lot of it and I'll have links in

the upper right here to a couple of tutorials that I've done on silk ribbon

embroidery. In fact there's a post at my blog for an entire project that I made

that I won a prize for which is kind of cool, but I polled my patrons about doing

silk ribbon embroidery and got kind of a "meh" response so I'm not sure if I'm

going to do that. You guys let me know in the comments below if you would like to

see how to use these luscious ribbons in making jewelry with simple embroidery

stitches, it's very luxurious and beautiful. But I decided today to do

something entirely different and unexpected with these. I'm going to make

knitted cord using this tool, this is the Wonder Knitter made by Clover. You can

often buy these in the knitting and yarn section in your craft store and it's a

really well-designed tool. I'll have a video this coming Friday showing you a

lot of different ways of using this. If you look online you will find lots of

examples using yarn, honestly, that kind of bored me. You get this little tool and

the cool thing about this is that it spins, and it spins in either direction

so this will work whether you're right or left handed. If you're left-handed

you'll hold this in your right and do the motion this way with your left hand.

So this is the first thing I made with this I ,took some of that silk ribbon and

I made a knitted cord just using a single ribbon. This is okay and

interesting but I wanted to get even more interesting. I pulled together

several ribbons: a seven millimeter ribbon, four millimeter ribbon and I even

threw in some baker's twine to make this and knitted this an,d this is far more

interesting. I'm going to use this as a necklace cord for this faux druzy and

I'll tell you more about this in a few minutes. I wanted to use the silk ribbons

to make a cord but I wanted it to be a bit more textural and interesting. I

actually got this idea because I had a tutorial from a magazine saying to use

sari silk and it sounded wonderful and luxurious... I could not get it to work. I

tried and I tried and it just didn't happen. So I don't know, maybe it's my

silk, but here are some ideas for different things that you can use to get

a really wonderful textural look. How about eyelash yarns? Just these fuzzy

yarns, they're pretty thin but they've got all these great fibers coming off

them, or yarns like this with these little... I don't know what you call that,

these little bits, or ribbons, other kinds of ribbons or yarn with sparkles.

This stuff this is so plushy it feels like that minky fabric, it's just squishy,

this would add a great texture, more sparkle. So lots of different

possibilities, even crochet cotton. I used the baker's twine because I liked the

stripes and the different colors just to add a different layer of texture. You

might go through your odds and ends. I made enough to make a necklace cord with

about 4 and a half yards of yarn, so you could use leftover bits. If you've been

following me for a while you might remember this pendant that I bought at a

bead show last October. So I went through all of my fibers and found several that

I thought would work well together. I'm going to be using this 4 millimeter silk

ribbon and some of this dark moss colored yarn, some of this eyelash yarn,

also a bit of a baker's twine. I think all of those together will get me a really

rich textured necklace cord and we can also add some beads to it. So the way

this works is you need 10 to 11 times the length that you want for your

section of necklace, of course you don't have to have your entire necklace be

made out of this cord. In fact I wouldn't recommend it. What we're going to do is

finish our ends with caps and then just have chain go around the back, so really

maybe 16 inches of your knitted cord will be plenty. Four and 1/2 yards is 162

inches and if you divide that by 10 that's 16, so 4 and 1/2 yards will give

you about 16 inches of finished cord and that's for each of them, so it doesn't

matter if you're using 2 or 3 or 1 fiber in your cord you will need 4 and a half

yards of each, 10 - 11 if you need it to be a certain length. I would cut 11 times

the amount so 5 yards would give you about a little more than 16 inches. Okay

I've got my yarns all measured out. A couple tips for you in doing that: first

of all I would suggest finding a room away from marauding kitty cats. Oh my

goodness, they find the measuring out of many yards of ribbon and yarn quite

fascinating. Take your ribbon ends and just loosely tie an overhand knot on the

end, we're going to undo this but it just helps to hold them all together and then

to keep everything together just get yourself a piece of cardboard that you

can wrap it all around. This will do a couple things, it will keep it in order

and it will also kind of give you an idea of what your finished necklace cord

is going to look like with the combination of yarns that you've chosen.

I did this earlier with this one, I had a pink fiber in here and I did not like it

and so it was good that I did that because I was able to take it out. I

think that's gonna look really good. Another tip is if you're undoing spools

of ribbon or yarn put them in some kind of container and ,

like I just had this on the, this little votive holder on the floor as I was

unspooling it and that way it kept my spool from traveling all over the place.

Also I would suggest that you do what I did the with that orange one, the first

time you make one of these just start with a single fiber so you can get the

hang of it. It's not hard in the least but you'll make it a lot easier on

yourself if you just practice with one. In fact let me show you that right now.

I'm just going to practice with this baker's twine because it turned out I

didn't have enough to do my necklace with that.

Take the end of your cord, whatever you're using or all of them and just

treat them all as one and drop it down through the middle of the tool, out

through this opening and just have a piece that you can kind of hold on to. So

if you're looking at it have one of the pegs at 12 o'clock and wrap the cord

from left to right and then down to the left, turn this so that that peg is now

at 12 o'clock and wrap the cord from left to right and you want a little

tension on it, you don't want it too tight, and then repeat for the other one.

So now you should have your cord wrapped around all three and it should look just

like this. Next have your cord go along the outside of the first peg that you

wrapped around and then through this little holder. This, like I said, is a

really well-designed tool. First of all you'll see there's a groove right here

and that's the perfect spot for popping this little hook, it just fits in there

beautifully, there's also a divot here which makes it so easy to go down

through the groove and scoop up your cord. So you take your little tool, you go

under that cord that is going over to the holder, pop it into that groove,

scoop down and lift that cord up and over. That's one stitch. Then you can take

the hand that's holding the tool and advance it so that that cord is going

over the next peg. So like I said it's very simple small things that make this

tool work really well. Just the shape of it that those pegs, and what I'm doing on

this side is I have this cord that I'm feeding in just going between a couple

of my fingers for tension because you want to hold this snug and I'll show you

what happens if I don't. If I don't hold it when I go to pull this, well it's

working in this case because I only have one, but if you have a bunch of fibers

you want to pull them snug against that peg so that when you pull this one up

they get caught underneath this overhang and they don't go up and over as well.

And this is all you do, you just spin, lift, grab, spin, lift, this one I can tell

is the first one because I can feel that that's loose. So you just give it a tug.

You'll notice on my first one my tension isn't very even it's kind of all over

the place and even on this one it's not as even as I would like. What I found was

that what you want to do is every 2 or 3 stitches just tug. Your cord's going to

feed down through here, so every 2 or 3 stitches give it a tug because

especially when you're using a whole big bundle like this they tend to get

bunched up in here and that is what is going to cause your uneven tension. You

might not have that problem if you were just doing a single yarn. That's all

there is to it, it's that simple. To finish off the cord is very simple,

you need to leave yourself a few inches of ribbon. So if you're using a set

amount just make sure you stop when you have 4 to 6 inches left, if you're

cutting it off a card then the same, you just cut off

maybe a little bit more than I left here. The casting off, so to speak, doesn't use

much but you do need to be able to hold on to it. So you carry on the way you've

been going all along, hooking your tool under the loop and pulling it over the

peg, except now go ahead and grab that loop that's still on the peg and pull it

through all the way, pull those ends through. Go on to the

next stitch, this is why you need just a few inches of ribbon to hold on to it

here. Bring the stitch up and over,

then grab these and pull them through, and last one. This one's kind of a pain

because there isn't much tension on it really to hold on to but you can do it.

There we go, up and over, pull those ends through, there you go,

there is your finished cord. You can see by the time I got to this third cord

that I made and I started tugging on it every few stitches that this one has some

pretty nice even tension and I really love the texture of this with the

eyelash yarn in there. I just think this is so much more interesting. So although

you don't get more length, the more you use it you do end up with a thicker cord

so you'll have to keep that in mind for the pieces you want to do. Here are

the cords I'm going to use for my green pendant and like I said, you start it

the exact same way except that you're using four at once. So you just pop those

all down in there, pull them out and hold on, just get a little tension on those

first few stitches, those are the hardest ones, the first few. Wrap from left

to right and around and around ,spin it so the first one you wrapped on is facing

you. This can be kind of a pain, especially with the eyelash yarn

sometimes they get caught so you may have to fiddle with this a bit, but other

than that, other than having multiple cords it's in the exact same way. The

hook goes up under, slide it into that slot,

and that is how you catch just the cords in the other stitch. Hold this with some

tension on the back side, yeah, this can be the toughest one. I hope that you are

finding this project interesting and inspiring and maybe sparking new ideas.

If you enjoy my teaching you might consider becoming a patron because

patrons are able to get up to two bonus tutorials of mine every month, tutorials

that nobody else gets access to. Something to check out if you'd like

more creativity and inspiration. You can learn more details at my Patreon page

which is I found that a cord for a necklace which

is about 15 to 18 inches long took me, I think it took me 30 minutes total, but I

had a few interruptions and distractions so I'm guessing if you got pretty fast

and smooth at it and you weren't distracted or interrupted you could

probably get one done in 20 minutes. Like I said every few stitches just go ahead

and give it a tug so that you have even tension. Once you have your cord done you

can proceed to embellish it or use it as is for a necklace. So here's this one all

done, I'm going to use this to hang my faux druzy. What's fun about this silk

ribbon is that it kind of is squishy so I could use it with this pretty big cone.

I can even use it with this really big cone although I would need to have a

pendant that worked with it well. you could use it with a smaller cone

that actually works, too. So whatever is proportional to your particular pendant.

Now for bails, this one was made with a polymer clay bail and you can see, this

isn't the one I'm gonna use with this, but you can kind of get an idea, that

fits on there just fine, that would sort of work but I think I like the ones I

picked better. I'm just going to tie these in a couple square knots so one

left over right, right over left just a few times. Once you have those tied

tightly and secured you can trim off your excess. Grab yourself some wire, this

is just 22 gauge you can use 20, about 4 inches of wire and pop it through your

last stitch. Poke through about an inch,

grab it with some pliers and twist it just a few times just so that it's

secure. Trim this. So depending on the bead cap that you use you might find,

like see now that's poking through and I don't want that, you might find you need

to add a bead as a stopper. So there's just a little bead on there in there. Now

to add the beads with bead stringing wire you just cut yourself some bead

stringing wire a little bit longer maybe five or six inches longer than your cord,

slide it through your wire loop. So here's where I started that one, that

other strand of beads that I already have on here, add a crimp bead to both

the longer and shorter ends of your wire, so slide that down all the way down

so you're stringing wire makes a loop around this loop and flatten that out.

You don't even have to try to do this neatly as long as it's secure you're

good. Then to see where you want to start your beads you just want to slide your

cone on because you really don't, depending on the size of the cone you

have you probably don't want the bulk of the beads underneath the cone. So here's

the wire coming out from underneath the cone and that's a good spot. I've also

made sure to pick a stringing wire that I don't mind seeing some of the color of

because the way this is done you may, they may move along the wire. You could

string an entire strand of beads and then try to feed it through this

knitting but I think that would be difficult and would use a lot of beads so I

just added a few here and there.You just take your wire, string on a few beads

poke it through, come out on the other side, string on a few other beads and

keep going. You can see all the way through. I strung my bail on here first

so that I made sure and didn't try to put any beads right underneath it. So I

put my bail on pretty much centered on my cord so that I wouldn't have any

beads underneath it, that could be awkward, and you just keep going all the

way to the end. When you get to the end you can see how this is sticking out and

making a bit of a loop so you probably want to adjust, pull those up and then

pull that out so that it all hangs neatly and gracefully. You can finish

this wire the same way we started it by first putting on a crimp, poke it through

your loop of wire, go back through the crimp, flatten it, trim the excess wire

once you have this all adjusted the way you want. I've shown you before how to

add bead comes to the end, wire wrap, add a little bit of chain and a clasp and

your necklace is done. The cool thing about doing it this way is you

can interchange pendants

if you want just by changing out your jump ring. So I hope this has given you

some ideas for new and different materials that you can use in your

jewelry making, it doesn't all have to be metal pieces, it can be all sorts of

different fibers to make cord that's interesting and unique. If you're

interested in the supplies I used click on the little "i" in the upper right of

the video or the link in the description box to go to my blog post where I

always have a complete supply list with links to products. Happy creating,

bye bye.

For more infomation >> Make Jewelry out of SILK! Knitted Necklace Cord-Jewelry Tutorial - Duration: 20:26.


How to Resign as Statutory Agent of an Arizona LLC - Duration: 8:09.

In this video we're going to demonstrate how to prepare and file the Arizona

Corporation Commission form called statutory agent resignation limited

liability company. An existing statutory agent of an Arizona LLC files this form

with the ACC to resign as the statutory agent of the LLC. Hi I'm Arizona LLC

attorney Richard Keyt my son Arizona LLC attorney and former CPA Richard C Keyt

and I have formed more than 5,800 Arizona limited liability companies we

formed new LLC's for 397 597 and 997 we also prepare custom LLC operating

agreements and documents to add or remove LLC members. Do me a favor please

like this video subscribe to the channel and click on the bell to get notice of

new videos and leave comments and questions below click on the show more

text underneath this video to get more information and hot links to websites

that are mentioned in this video. Ok go to your browser and then go to the area

where you entered the urls and in this area you're going to enter goog l

forward slash 6 6 small s capital g small i small u and then press enter.

That's going to take you to the corporation commission's form called the

statutory agent resignation limited liability company form. This is the form

you must complete print sign and then file with the Arizona Corporation

Commission to resign as the statutory agent for an Arizona LLC. Notice at the

top there's Text that reads the instructions L 0 3 2 I if you click on

the text that's L 0 3 2 I and underlined in blue it'll take you to the

instructions for the form. Now the next thing I want to point out is that note

item number one in any name you have to give the exact name of the LLC as shown

on the ACC records. Then item number twois the ACC file number here you have to

enter the file number on file with the Arizona Corporation Commission then the

third thing is item number three statutory agent name you have to have

the exact name of the person resigning statutory agent as shown on the ACC

records. So there are three items of information that you need to have

exactly as found on the Arizona Corporation Commission records we have

another video that shows you how you can find this information. So go to that

video watch it and then get the information and make sure you've

confirmed in any name ACC file number in statutory agent name if you're not sure

of your LLC's exact name watch our demo video called how to do an Arizona

business name search for existing LLC's.

This demonstration video is found at the link displayed on the screen

you can also go to the show more area underneath this video click on the text

show more and it will give you a hot link to our demonstration video on how

to search for the business name of an existing Arizona LLC. Now once you

confirm the exact entity named the ACC file number and the statutory agent name

then enter that information in item number one that's where you put the

exact entity name item number two is where you put the ACC file number and

item number three is where you put the exact name of the statutory agent as

shown on the corporation commission's records next go to item number four if

the known place of business address of the LLC is the same as the address of

the statutory agent then check the yes box if it's not the same address then

check the no box but if it is the same address and you check the yes box and

you want to discontinue the address then select yes under section 4.1 if it

is the same addressing you don't want to discontinue the address as the LLC's

known place of business then select the no box now notice that

under item number five notice of resignation you are required by Arizona

law to send a notice to the appropriate person at the LLC that you are resigning

as a statutory agent so in item number five enter the name and address of the

person to whom you're going to mail notice of the fact that you are

resigning as a statutory agent scroll down put a check in the box that says I

accept and then above the the text that says printed name enter the name of the

person who's the statutory agent who's resigning or if it's a company that's

resigning into the name of the person who's going to be signing on behalf of

the company and then to the right above the word date enter the date that the

person is going to sign now underneath where it says required you're gonna

check either the check box on the left when the statutory agent who's signing

and resigning is an individual you put a check in the box just to the left of

individual a statutory agent if the person who is signing is signing on

behalf of an entity then on the right column put a check in the Box to the

left of the text that says entity is statutory agent now go back up to the

top and print the form you now need to arrange to have the form signed by the

appropriate person and then filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission if

you intend to file any document with the Arizona Corporation Commission that

document must be accompanied by a second document called the cover sheet to learn

how to make a cover sheet watch our demo video at the URL shown below there's

also a hot link to the our L in the ticks under the show more

link underneath this video now that you've finished your form you need to

file it with the Arizona Corporation Commission so get an envelope and put

the following items in the envelope first the ACCC cover sheet second the

form signed by a member of the LLC is member manage or manager if the LLC has

managed your manage and third a check for either $5 for regular filing or $40

for expedited filing check should be payable to the Arizona Corporation

Commission the difference is how many days it will take for the Corporation

Commission to review your file document so if you want to find out how many days

the Corporation Commission is currently taking to review regular and expedited

filings go to the URL displayed here mail or hand deliver your envelope with

the documents and the check to the Arizona Corporation Commission

corporations division 1300 West Washington Street phoenix arizona 85004

if it was please share it with your friends and hit the like button below

and be sure to subscribe because we make new informational videos every week if

you have any questions or would like a video on a topic leave a comment below

and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Resign as Statutory Agent of an Arizona LLC - Duration: 8:09.


Jared/Jensen- Vegas 2018 (parte 2) (sub.español) - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Jared/Jensen- Vegas 2018 (parte 2) (sub.español) - Duration: 6:14.


YUMMY Ice Eating ASMR Compilations - Colorful Ice Eating and Drinking Juices | OSVchannel - Duration: 5:11.

YUMMY Ice Eating ASMR Compilations - Colorful Ice Eating and Drinking Juices by OSVchannel

For more infomation >> YUMMY Ice Eating ASMR Compilations - Colorful Ice Eating and Drinking Juices | OSVchannel - Duration: 5:11.


7 Rostos. 7 Histórias (Teaser) - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> 7 Rostos. 7 Histórias (Teaser) - Duration: 0:49.


Linda – Honda Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles - Duration: 1:20.

My name is Linda

and I live in LaVerne, California.

And I love driving my Certified Pre-Owned Honda Odyssey.

This is my sweet Hope.

I got her as a puppy and she was about three months old

and was already too big for the car I had.

So I went shopping and ended up with a great Honda Odyssey.

Good girl!

I named her Hope because I was hoping

Hope would help find me someone to date.

So, we get lots of conversations

but it hasn't ended up in a date yet.

I wanted her to have her own spot where she could be safe

and the Honda Odyssey provided that.

The minute she hears the back of the Honda go up...

...she knows she's going someplace.

And she'll just run and jump right in

and off we'll go for a hike or a walk.

And she enjoys it.

She can stand up. She can lay down.

She'll stick her head out the windows

and get a little wind.

C'mon Hope.

The first word that comes to my mind

when I hear the word Honda is reliable.

I have peace of mind knowing that they have certified it.

They have checked it from top to bottom.

It was easy for me to go to the website.

I could afford it. Payments were reasonable.

I would do it again.

For more infomation >> Linda – Honda Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles - Duration: 1:20.


Conquer Your Inner Critic (You Are an Artist) - Duration: 6:29.

So have you ever felt suppressed?


Put down, held back?

Like no matter what progress you make,

it's one step forward and 10 steps back.

And that causes you to become tired and stressed

and then you lose your confidence.

And then you say, I just got to keep trying harder.

I must be able to try harder.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

As a matter of fact, that's not your natural state.

Your natural state is not one of struggle.

In fact, most of the resistance that you are encountering,

you didn't put it there.

It's not because of you, it's not you.

You're not to blame.

From the time you were very young, you started

to hear messages about you should and shouldn't do.

Even when your little perfect heart was set on

what you wanted and what you knew,

You had these external forces and maybe they were

well meaning, maybe it was your parents or your teachers

or maybe there's older siblings or neighborhood kids.

Maybe they didn't set out to screw up your life

and destroy your creativity.

But if you're not living life right now,

fully expressing all the creativity that's inside of you,

then you probably have a little inner critic going on.

And maybe that voice isn't yours.

Maybe that's not you.

Maybe those are the echoes of the past.

Maybe those are voices from years ago coming back.

And if you don't do something about that,

if you don't take steps right now to do something

about the voice of that inner critic,

then you'll continually be held back.

You'll continually feel suppressed.

So maybe this is as good a time as any

for you to begin to experience the freedom

that's actually available to you.

But you got to get rid of the critic first.

And how do you do that?

Well, there's lots of forms of therapy

and there's lots of methods

and a lot of cool technologies that you can do.

And I'm not suggesting that one is better than the other

or one is worse.

You'll find your own perfect way.

But what I have found is some very simple philosophies

that can eliminate the inner critic forever

and restore you back to your brilliant, natural trajectory.

Your original factory setting, if you will.

And if you want to experience this natural brilliance.

If you want to experience this elevation of frequency.

If you'd like to feel again for yourself the beautiful,

innate creativity that's inside of you,

it's not about getting rid of the critic,

it's about displacing the critic.

'Cause what is the critic?

What is the inner critic?

It's just the echo, the residue of those past people,

those past outside forces, who are trying to get you

to conform, not create.

So, you want to displace the critic.

There's only one possible way you can do that.

The only way you can displace the critic

is to create some new evidence.

You got to create some new evidence.

What does it mean to create new evidence?

Creating new evidence means starting right now, today,

to begin to take some sort of new,

different, creative action.

Yes, we're not just talking about feeling

and thinking differently.

We're talking about doing differently.

Something so different, something so radical,

something so out of your ordinary,

that by the time you go to sleep tonight,

you're thinking over the day and you think,

did that actually happen?

Did I actually do that new, bold, radical thing?

Your brain will say, yes, you actually did it.

That's how you create a new history.

And I got to tell you, the only way that you can have

a new future is to have a new past.

That means doing something today.

Yes, you may still feel some resistance,

you may feel the momentum of those old, critical voices,

telling you that you're not good enough,

that you're not smart enough,

that you won't amount to anything.

And I'm definitely not suggesting that you

have to tell yourself those things.

Don't go look in the mirror and say, I'm good enough,

I'm smart enough.

Look, talk is cheap.

You want to change your life, actions, actions, actions.

That's the only way that you're going to fall asleep tonight

and look back at this new day that you created for yourself.

And the only way that you can create a new day

is to take some new action.

And if while you've been watching this

and while you've been hearing these words,

I'm willing to bet that there's something

that's crossed your mind that you've been wanting to do.

Something that you've been putting off.

Something that's been inside of you.

Maybe this is destiny.

Maybe this is fate.

Maybe this is just blind luck, 'cause you clicked

and started watching this video.

But here's what I know.

I know for sure that that creative pulse is alive

inside of you and it's unquenchable.

It can never burn out.

So maybe today's your day to take that new action.

Today's your day to be bolder, to do something more radical,

so that when you fall asleep tonight you go,

I can't believe I did that.

And then you wake up in the morning and you go ahhhh,

I can't believe I did that.

You do that for a couple of days,

you begin to weave yourself an entirely new reality.

That's your legacy.

This is how you experience the fullness of who

and what you actually are.

You are an artist, believe it or not,

you're here to create something uniquely beautiful,

something uniquely you.

For more infomation >> Conquer Your Inner Critic (You Are an Artist) - Duration: 6:29.


Message des devs : les changements à venir pour l'arène - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Message des devs : les changements à venir pour l'arène - Duration: 2:55.


Nitrate Reduction | High Nitrate Level | Nitrate Nitrite - Duration: 6:08.

Hey everyone, Devon here from American Aquarium Products.

Thank you for tuning in and learning about a very important popular topic.

How to reduce and manage aquarium nitrates.

Something we all battle.

So, going through all these steps will ensure to help you keep a low and sufficient level

of nitrates in a aquarium.

Before we learn how to reduce aquarium nitrates, what are exactly nitrates?

Fish food and other nitrogen waste goes into our aquarium and goes through decomposition

cycle, which is taking Ammonia and converting it to nitrate, then nitrates are covered into

a free nitrogen, which is a gas that will remain in the water or removed by plants or

other denitrification aerobic bacteria.

Or they're removed by way of regular water change or chemical absorbent.

Without this process it would be impossible to keep inhabits in our aquarium as ammonia

is highly toxic in even small quantities.

Nitrates are not toxic to most freshwater fish excite in high amounts with long exposure.

Saltwater fish can be more sensitive.

So, an established nitrogen cycle needs to be in place.

This subject can be debatable of how much nitrates actually are too much.

But what I think we can all agree on is there's a need to manage these with stability, whatever

the level may be.

The process we need to be most concerned about is denitrification, were unlike nitrification

that converts ammonia and nitrite, denitritication converts nitrate, which is NO3 into Nitrogen

Gas, N2 which is removed from the aquarium.

There's types of bacteria that either drive nitrification and denitrification.

The bacteria that drives denitritication are called heterotrophic.

Creating a place for these heterotroph to grow is a natural way of nitrate reduction.

These heterotroph bacteria are an anaerobic bacteria, which means they grow in places,

which limited to no oxygen, such in a deep sand bed or a mud bed.

Nitrification will happen in the 1 to 2 inch of the substrate.

Denitrification will happen in the 2 to 4 inch range of a substrate, sulfur fixing anaerobic

bacteria will be lower than 4 inches.

In this deep zones getting some oxygen to this zone will lead to more denitrification

via roots, copepods, etc.

So, what do we do for high nitrates?

While generally not toxic, high nitrates over 50ppm can harm fish health in freshwater.

And generally 20ppm in saltwater.

Here's some suggestions.

First use SeaChem Prime or other to neutralize the nitrate, but this is not a long term solution.

Next perform a water change using a gravel vac to remove not only dirty water, but also

mulm, which is decomp, before it goes through the nitrogen cycle.

Next, make sure to regularly rise, in aquarium water for dechlorinated water your bio media.

This includes bio rings and balls as well as sponges filters, ceramic media, which are

known to be nitrate factories.

These nitrate factory types of filtration typically should be used in saltwater water,

unless there's a high amount of denitrification biomedia, like live rock, volcanic rock, matrix,

or ceramic media.

Nitrates can be removed by just switching out these filter systems, known to be more

nitrate factories, such as again, canister filters, wet dry filters, wet drys, Emperor

filters, and the before said sponge filter.

For freshwater adding aquatic plants can be very beneficial especially using hornwort.

For saltwater, some green algae will deform this nitrate reducing task, saltwater caulerpa

algae for example.

For saltwater, a refugium or protein skimmer is very helpful.

Refugium use plants with strong light to remove nutrients including nitrates.

Protein skimmers remove nitrates, before they enter the nitrogen cycle via foam refraction.

A very effective complement to a protein skimmer for a marine tank and freshwater while using

absorbent chemical filtration is using NPX Bio-plastics.

There's links below for how to build a very effective refugium also a deep sand bucket


Make sure to check that out.

Next, the use of premium over the counter waste digester, such as SeaChem Stability,

which contain these heterotrophic bacteria for the waste digestion.

Also consider a fluidizes sand filter, paired with the product NPX bio-plastics, but also

if you can consider a very tall sand filter, where denitrification happens in the top part

of the filter.

Attached is also an article that talks about other method on how to manage nitrates.

Going over how to relief nitrate poisoning.

Lowing bio-load and fish load, reducing feeding, the use of RO and DI water, sugar and vodka

dosing, sulfur denitrators, porosity biomedia, polymers, resins, absorbents, and organic

removers, algae scrubbers, types of pads, and some myths about nitrates.

I hope that information is helpful for you guys.

I really appreciate you guys checking out the video.

If you have any questions, make sure to ask and please make sure to like, subscribe, share

with your friends.

We really appreciate it and we'll talk to you guys next time.


For more infomation >> Nitrate Reduction | High Nitrate Level | Nitrate Nitrite - Duration: 6:08.


Wywiad Plantago z TY - IEM Katowice 2018 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Wywiad Plantago z TY - IEM Katowice 2018 - Duration: 3:51.


POLYGLOT ROAD | Iran and Persian language (Farsi) | with subtitles - Duration: 21:15.

For more infomation >> POLYGLOT ROAD | Iran and Persian language (Farsi) | with subtitles - Duration: 21:15.


Opioid Overdoses Treated in Emergency Departments: Identify Opportunities for Action - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opioid Overdoses Treated in Emergency Departments: Identify Opportunities for Action - Duration: 1:00.


Padma Bridge Clarification || "SHONAR BANGLA" Ep06 {English Subtitles} - Duration: 3:17.

Hello friends welcome to our channel Social life

you are watching our special series SHONAR BANGLA and this is Episode 6

In this video we will discuss some critics

received in previous 5 episodes

And there is something important to tell all of you

so be with us till the end of this video

My name is Ahaan and you are watching Social Life, let's begin.

Friends there were a lot of comments regarding comparison of Bangladesh to other countries

yes surely we will compare Bangladesh with other countries

like Pakistan, Myanmar etc and explain to you in detail

Please keep commenting like this we read each of your comment

and will try to respond to every comment

In episode 5 we provided information on Padma Bridge

and we received too many comments regarding funding of Padma Bridge.

The main thing is, Padma bridge is a multi purpose project

where road and rail bridge both are under construction

and Bangladeshi government is making road bridge

but the rail bridge will be constructed and also Funded by Chinese company

if we look into this as a whole project,

70% funding is coming from China and 30% is from Bangladesh.

that's why we said that Chinese company is funding and building this project.

By the way thanks for commenting

and i got a good chance to learn more about padma bridge

Keep commenting like this and thanks again for this

it will be very interesting if you people be active and this will encourage us to make more videos

And the important announcement is that

whenever I search on YouTube about Bangladesh for next episodes

I found that there is lot of negativity on YouTube regarding Bangladesh

This is quiet wrong

Not only about Bangladesh, posting only negative aspects of any country is completely wrong

you can have a look what is being shown about Bangladesh

Friends, together we can bring the change

Friends I request you to share our special series Shonar Bangla

so that whenever someone searches about Bangladesh

only positive aspects shall be explored

because bad things are in every country

and you will find both good and bad things in every country

so just to show only bad things is wrong and I urge other YouTubers to stop it.

as this is the case with every country so please show the positive aspects.

The negative aspects what others are showing may vanish coming days.

Friends we have planned to release a minimum of two episodes every week

in fact our actual plan is to release 3-4 episodes per week

but we will at least release 2 episodes in any case

and will provide you with knowledge about Bangladesh

And sorry for the delay guys since so many days we didn't upload any episodes on Shonar Bangla

one more thing friends, upcoming episode in Shonar Bangla is Dhaka metro rail

so stay tuned to this series

Subscribe to our channel and if you enjoyed the video please leave a like.

and also share this video with your nearest ones

so that whenever someone hears about Bangladesh, shall always get to know good things

Thanks for watching

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