Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 6 2018

Oh, good morning please, please please please please yes yes, you arrived a little early,

okay the same tell me, ah, the robe it's backhand ... well, of course! and what questions

you make me, and sure it must be reversed sorry, when the seams are not visible ...

do not you know it's the latest fashion? Oh yeah... sure it's clear ... well it's simple, it's sufficient

chetu take off your shirt and put it on backhand, so you're in the latest fashion too

you well then tell me what brings you here to me?

mh ... they told you that it's time to learn to eat better

yes because you see the concept of diet is a little ... it's a somewhat vague concept above all

we are too used to thinking we can always eat what we want and then

point blank instead we decide to do the diet

and the diet is usually something completely different from what our habits are

and therefore this creates a lot of stress and you know that stress is one of the most evils

subtle, as it is often not recognized from many disorders

yes ... but look at anything it can be imputed to stress

you have stress problems .. well, of course, but like everyone!

but who has none today true ... well, listen

these chairs are very uncomfortable therefore

let's see' So who sent you to me?

ah yes the colleague is ... it is to be trusted

yes a very good colleague well, look, let's do it like this

yes, I ... no, no look I do not care to see your own sheets

analysis looks so much, I can understand immediately of what you need simply by measuring yourself ...

are you questioning my professionalism? good

so if you came here to rely on My cares sit down and stay calm

take it easy Yup

yes yes, you just have to relax that to you I think

you will see what diet I give you perfect

then so let's see a little

shoulder width wait, I have to write to him

sorry I did not ask you the name Yup

perfect shoulders

This cap is a bit mischievous shoulders

then come close for a moment

Here you look, wait for me to measure you here is yes

the height of the face perfect

and the width of the face Yup

ok then we have already taken the shoulders ...

Here, get up a moment standing Yes thanks

how do you say? the circumference? no, because the circumference

the linear measurement is enough for me sure for my calculations

I've already said you must entrust yourself

stand still then the life point

and the sides wait eh

that I did not take the measure well Yup

hips perfect

your height yes yes please

please you can sit down again what is your height?

Yup perfect

and ... have you already weighed yourself? the colleague weighed you

how many kilos? how much? ok

45 kilos ... mh ... little eh well ... for your height

you wanted to lose weight ... no, maybe we did not understand each other

the colleague sent you to me for me give you a proper diet or to lose weight

nor to get fat the diet that's right for you

yes, because if you do the right diet your body and to your person you will see that the

your weight will stabilize on what you need to your body

of course good

have you exhausted the doubts? I want to hope that you trust me now

good, so relax then

here we have all the measurements therefore

listen now we must make a speech

but just small eh ... nothing special before prescribing the food indications

I need to know if there are any foods that you just do not

tolerate that you do not like

if you have any allergies Yup

perfect then

therefore allergies

you are allergic ok to people too full of themselves

ok but I do not let you eat them so much

then what are you allergic to?

at work? eh ... that's a bit of a problem

mh Oh yeah

so it's okay, let's leave the job ok

I write it in brackets but it will not be useful for purposes of our diet

then you told me?

you are allergic to arrogance eh well ... and who is not?

bullying perfect but also this will not be present

in your diet good

and to sadness? Oh okay I'll write it but I assure you that

the diet I give you will be anything but sad

ok then

Are there any foods you do not love? you do not like meat

good then you do not like meat

then we will replace all animal proteins with vegetable proteins or anyway derivatives

you like milk and derivatives perfect

ok so yes eggs and dairy products

ok then for the rest?

we're OK ok

then this is the piece of paper that you, then when

you will return to control, you will always have to bring with you because there are written all yours

little things all your measurements

perfect so then

I'll tell you right away that my diet what a bad word the word diet

let's call it food education do you want?

perfect then look at my education

feed I will prescribe you the rules to follow I will not give you everyone's diet

the days today you have to eat this

today you have to eat that all the little things weighed

no no no no absolutely

then so let's start with breakfast

then, breakfast breakfast is the most important meal of the

day so you must eat at least 5 eggs

not to the bacon of course you told me

you told me that you do not like meat ah, bacon, yes ... but bacon does not

do then you have to eat 5 fried eggs in the pan

with two beautiful slices of bread perfect?

this at least three times a week do you say cholesterol?

What is cholesterol? no

trust then

at other times you have to go to the bakery and eat at least two brioches of course

with cappuccino or whatever you want

mh ... yes? the biroches with the cream?

having eaten all those other eggs maybe even the cream can also be avoided

but you can eat brioches with jam of course

ok so this is breakfast

the lunch good

so then we said that proteins you do not like animals

mh good and then then

you will have to eat beans one day one day ceci

one day lentils chickpeas, lentil beans, yes ... beans

those you want and ... yes a nice dish, a nice full plate

of course vegetables sure because the vegetables, in short ... how

do not eat vegetables It's so good

so eat a nice plate of beans with another nice plate of vegetables

Yup the salad tomatoes potatoes ok

with mayonnaise? no because mayonnaise is not too good

how it tastes with beans no

without mayonnaise olive oil salt

all right? ok

I said beans, slices of bread, vegetables Yup ...

at the end of the meal then a nice dolcino Oh sure

do you like tiramisu? in fact, even in my opinion it's quite disgusting

the tiramisu okay, anyway a sweetie

as long as it's a dolcino then to snack fruit

huh It is certainly a bit of fruit

it must be eaten of course

at snack fruit then

sure what you want, but what questions! the fruit you like best

clear of course

be calm at dinner

then at least twice a week for dinner pizza

I do not discuss eh Pizza

sure ... do you want to take a daisy? no one beautiful rich pizza eh

of course I dropped my pen

daisy, with what you want since you do not particularly like meat ...

in short, however, you can put us all on top the cheeses

a nice pizza with four cheeses a nice gorgonzola pizza

huh true?

and then in the evening, the other evenings a nice pasta at least two hundred

200 grams of pasta seasoned as desired and then after a little bit of cheese

yes, every night and again with this cholesterol

and triglycerides but what do we care about cholesterol?

and triglycerides? anything

seen? see that he is beginning to understand my philosophy

good here it is

well now the diet is ... diet...

okay, let's call it diet mh

do you have any doubts? no

excuse me a moment

ah yes, good morning ha

yes doctor Do I have to go back to my department?

Yup? mh

no no do not worry I did not do any damage

no I only received your patient

mh I gave him no

I gave him a diet no do not worry

no, I did not do any damage no

Yup I know I should be in the psychiatric ward

but how, did not you understand it? but now do you think I look like a nutritionist?

but admit it ... you relaxed in my company ..

now I leave you with the real doctor and I go back to the psychiatric ward


For more infomation >> ASMR ITA Crazy Role play " LA NUTRIZIONISTA " Gioco di ruolo Rilassante - Duration: 19:29.


Tuğçe Kandemir - Bu Benim Öyküm(H.E.B Cover) - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Tuğçe Kandemir - Bu Benim Öyküm(H.E.B Cover) - Duration: 1:42.


Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Lullaby Songs Go To Sleep Baby Songs Sleep Music - Duration: 2:04:04.

Lullabies Lullaby for Babies to Go To Sleep Baby Lullaby Songs Go To Sleep Lullaby Baby Sleep Music Baby lullaby, lullabies for babies to go to sleep,

For more infomation >> Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Lullaby Songs Go To Sleep Baby Songs Sleep Music - Duration: 2:04:04.


Why you should play Titanfall 2 - Duration: 16:05.

My name is Games D, and I want to be completely upfront with the purpose of this Video.

At the end of it, when all is said and done, I want to sell you on Titanfall 2.

And I don't mean to sell you on its concept, or certain mechanics it has or how it looks,

or even sell you on my lackluster mlg skills, or how clever I am at breaking this game down

and explaining every last piece of it in excruciating detail.

What I mean is once this video is complete, or maybe even before hand, I want you to go

to Origin, or Amazon, or however you come by games, grab a copy of Titanfall 2

and play it for yourself.

As this video goes on, I'll develop on my reasoning more and explain why I made this

video in the first place.

It will remove a little of the surprise that comes with the game - and I think for the

benefit of Titanfall 2, the less you know the better.

But for now, if the existence of this video, nor the words that proceeded it weren't

enough to get this across

then maybe this will do the trick.

If after all that you're not quite convinced - then I'll continue on.

This video has gone through a number of iterations as I've pondered on what to say - originally,

I was going to explain why Titanfall 2 is the closest thing to a Nintendo first person


Then, I moved more towards listing off reasons why it's the future of the first person

shooter people have been asking for since the launch of this generation of consoles.

But the core of both of these arguments boiled down to essentially the same thing.

I'm making the case for why people should play Titanfall 2.

I want to do what the developer and publisher of this title struggled to do when it was

released in October of 2016.

I want to follow in the footsteps of previous videos, articles, essays, lets plays and content

made by fans of this game for the purpose of showing off why they felt the need to dedicate

their time and effort to selling you on Titanfall 2.

But most of all, I just really, really, really want to talk about this game.

So, this is my central argument for the video; Titanfall 2 is a game worth your time.

And the following is my explanation why.


Firstly, let me get some points of contention out of the way that may make or break my argument.

One: I have never played the original Titanfall.

Despite the fact that it came to PC and was critically lauded at the time, I wasn't

sold on the idea of a multiplayer only title.

I've mentioned before that being in an arena where skill equals kills isn't always my

cup of tea.

This was even in light of the games push to add story like elements to the multiplayer

experience, it's AI bots that occupy matches, not to mention its unique hook.

So imagine my delight at the fact that the team that produced the original title, and

were responsible for some of my favourite Call of Duty campaigns back at Infinity Ward,

were producing a full single player campaign for Titanfall 2.

Combined with the positive word of mouth of the original, it was hard to pass up.

So if a lot of what I'm saying here was present in the original title, now you know


Two: I'm not exactly what you'd call a competent first person shooter player.

As you could probably gather from the fact that I don't like multiplayer only shooters,

or my general sense of awareness in this footage.

I'm probably not the person you should ask in regards to talking about the skill ceiling

of Titanfall 2.

And yet of every first person shooter I own, it's the only one in recent memory that

I have dedicated evenings to playing - and unlike Overwatch, this is without the motivation

of playing with my friends who have made that title their go to game.

There's something to be said about a game that - even when I rank bottom nearly every

match - I enjoy every minute of it.


With that out of the way then - I can make my argument.

Titanfall 2 is a game you should play - because there's nothing else like it.

So, Why Titanfall 2 specifically then?

After all, there are other science fiction shooters on the market - even Call of Duty

has moved to speculative combat in its newer instalments.

But what the fiction affords for these shooters isn't as well realised as it is in Titanfall 2.

This is a world that has thought out the reasons behind it's fiction - the need for pilot

abilities, the titans and the wars you're committed to.

It's not the most well written reasoning, nor the most serious

but I think it's that aspect of the game I like a lot

It's obviously there to support the mechanics (like the best games) - it's not the most

well-written reasoning, nor the most serious - but I think it's that aspect of the game

I like a lot.

It's a Michael Bay rendering of a treasured 80s toy commercial cum cartoon with the good

guys and bad guys with their own unique robots, specialities and personalities.

Then of course there are 2016s other First Person Power Fantasies - Doom and Dishonored 2.

I think Titanfall 2 is a perfect companion piece for both these games - It takes the

frantic energy of the former, and the tactics, toys and architecture of the latter, and meets

in the middle with its own Saturday morning take on the common military shooter.

But beyond its contemporaries, there's something about the game that I can't quite break

down via other games.

It's not just about how it looks, or how it sounds, it's more about how it plays.


There's a few factors to this, but at the heart of them is

one single design decision that affects it from Top to Toe

Titanfall 2 is designed to make you feel super powered.

Ok, so, I know I said I couldn't quite break it down via other games but uh, stick with

me a minute.

Think of the games that let you step into the role of well-known Superheroes like Spider-Man,

the Incredible Hulk or even Batman.

At the top of your head, you probably think of Spiderman 2, Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

and Arkham Asylum as the go to titles for these characters.

It's not because they're the most polished, best looking or best written, but instead

it's because they are the most well realised games these characters could have.

Web Slinging and Acrobatics have never felt as good as they do in Treyarchs recreation

of NYC.

The unstoppable nature of plowing through cars, tearing tanks and scaling buildings

feels correct in Radicals take on the Green Goliath

and Rocksteady's systems level

reinterpretation of the Dark Knight hasn't been done better.

Why am I talking about three other games in an essay about Titanfall 2 again?

Ah right.

What all these titles have in common is the amount of control they give you over the spectacle

of these characters.

Pulling off their moves is made as effortlessly on a controller as they make them look in


The distance between your own ability and theirs is very small, leaving you to only

worry about how best to apply these abilities.

And Titanfall 2 is right in line with this thinking.

Your player character both in the Single Player and Multiplayer is a one of a kind superhero

on the battlefield.


So; Sprinting and Wall Running?

You can do that.

Double Jumps and Air Control?

You betcha.

Special Abilities and Weapon Mastery?

Of course.

And then there's the Titans - the games secondary layer and its unique selling point.

All of these toys are a simple button press away - and frankly no First Person Shooter

I can think of quite nails this sense of super powered play.

Combined with its cranked up speed, your high jumps and abilities to knock people across

the map… well, you should play Titanfall 2 because it feels amazing

But there's more to Titanfall then it's box of tricks to make you feel powerful.

Its multiplayer maps and single player campaign are handcrafted around showing off your abilities

in the best light possible.

Maps are built from highs and lows, vertical surfaces, pockets of hidden space and of course

wide pathways for your Titan to dominate.

The former aren't locked off in the way they would be in other shooters - and there

is encouragement to scale maps for tactical advantage - though keep in mind, they're

not total safe zones from other Pilots and their Titans.

The singleplayer meanwhile instead changes the interest from what's best to tackle

the situation, to the developers showing off what your super powers can do.

I don't want to spoil a lot of the single players best moments, but one level that comes

to mind to show how the developers escalate an idea over time - and test your super powers

- would be Into the Abyss.

This is a level set in a fabrication plant - where model homes are being built in real


As you travel across this ginormous facility, these model homes become more detailed and

furnished - adding spots for cover and flanking as the enemy count grows in each section.

Then the level turns these models upside down…


Your previous flanking spots are now vertical platforms you have to navigate - in an enemy

free section that tests not only your ability to platform, but also your spacial awareness.

At the top of this challenge is another twist - these fabricated platforms are used to build

model towns for combat training simulations, and so in this third act the game emulates

its multiplayer mode by throwing waves of enemies at you in a fully 3D space.

Finally, you move onto another simulation area, are given reigns of your titan again,

and face a boss that tests your metal in another prefabricated town.

The setting of the level and it's main hook are novel - something that can be said of

every level in Titanfall 2s campaign.

Following in the footsteps of Half Life 2 and even Modern Warfare, it's a game that's

not just interested in what you're shooting or what you're shooting them with, but where

you are.

More importantly, these are levels that only work in Titanfall 2 - you can only complete

them with your sense of speed, your wall sticking abilities and your Titan use.

You should play it because there's more to it then I want to show you in this video.

Speaking of which.


If the game was just about pitting you against other entities with your own abilities and

their own titans, your superpowers would probably feel a little lackluster.

Fortunately, the game populates its world with trimmings to support your narrative.

Those AI driven enemies from the main campaign are present in the Multiplayer too - designed

to be easy kills for pilots, as well as add some narrative to your games and show your

superiority over the common soldiers, robots and mini-titans.

Matches are book ended with sections where you jump into the map via space shuttles,

and in the epilogue the losing side can retreat back to their shuttles to escape defeat - if

the winning team doesn't blow it up first.

In the Single Player, Titanfall 2's almost toyetic qualities are exemplified more.

As well as better fleshing out characters you get glimpses of in the Multiplayer, you

are also pitted against custom characters designed to be your rogues gallery - complete

with their own custom titans, quirks and introductions.

It's a game that's built to put you at the center of its action;

to make you feel like a super soldier that can turn the tide in both Single and Multiplayer

campaigns, and one that always puts you in center focus even when you fall off platforms

or come bottom of the table in multiplayer.

It's systems come together to create a game that scratches an itch that gaining experience

points or opening loot boxes can't.

It's not just about the reward, it's about the in between.

The matches and the scenarios are the reason to play the game.

It's why I stripped the game of its UI - to reduce the noise and immerse you in the experience

as intended.

And that's the thing.

Over the course of this video I've explained as best I can how the game feels great to

play, while showing examples of that in action.

I've made references to other games it emulates and is inspired by, I've talked about its

core design and aesthetic, and even drilled into the reasoning for making this video.

But in reality, this is only my opinion of the game.

It's possible that my restraint in spilling its best tricks or even how my argument has

been presented may put you off the game.

It's also possible that first person shooters aren't you bag.

But I think the biggest detraction of this medium of selling the game to you misses Titanfall

2s most crucial element.

One that audio and video can't do justice for.

And you'll know it when you have a controller in your hands or a keyboard beneath your fingers.

To be completely honest, a big reason why I think it's worth your time is that

I don't want this to be a franchise snuffed out too soon.

There's room for improvement, but so much more for new applications of its systems.

Its single player is a recipe book for a litany of levels that could spring forward, while

its multiplayer can always reinvent the arena around its hooks.

The developers could even blend the two together - creating a kind of persistent battlefield

where story missions can turn the tide of longer, fuller matches.

A Titanfall 3 could be one thing, but Titanfall spin-offs are another.

But that won't happen if the publisher doesn't know that their is interest in Titanfall - and

while my voice is only one in a sea of thousands, I hope that it may inspire more.

But that only comes with giving it a try yourself.

You should play Titanfall 2 because I think you'll like it

I genuinely hope you like it as much as I do and that your own experiences might inspire

more content around the game.

Let me know in the comments below what you think - whether you've already played it,

were thinking about - or if this has convinced you to spend some time with Titanfall 2.

For more infomation >> Why you should play Titanfall 2 - Duration: 16:05.


Top 10 najlepszych momentów na Oscarach. Oscary 1929 - 2018 - Kulturalne historie #01 - Duration: 15:13.

For more infomation >> Top 10 najlepszych momentów na Oscarach. Oscary 1929 - 2018 - Kulturalne historie #01 - Duration: 15:13.


TRIATHLON NEWS March 6, 2018 | ITU Abu Dhabi Crash, Ironman New Zealand, FREE BIKES ON ZWIFT - Duration: 8:14.

- Morning, trainiacs!

Today, second weekly Newsday Tuesday,

and we are talking about bike crashes in Abu Dhabi,

pals of ours winning Ironman,

and, potentially, free bikes for some trainiacs.

Pretty sweet, huh?

(upbeat music)

Last week, you all went mad at the concept

of a weekly triathlon Newsday Tuesday,

so we're gonna make this a regular thing.

We've got some better lighting, here.

We have a second camera angle.

Fortunately, you've got the same old ugly mug.

But let's get into triathlon news from the past week.

Let's start off with the ITU sprint race in Abu Dhabi,

which was a smashing,

unfortunately, I mean that literally, race,

because halfway through the 20 kilometer bike ride,

really big favorites coming into the race

Flora Duffy, Katie Zaferes, and Canada's Joanna Brown

crashed out around the 10 to 11 kilometer mark

because there was some rain overnight,

and the roads were really slick.

Flora Duffy and Joanna Brown came out

with a little bit of road rash.

Katie Zaferes, however, actually ended up in the hospital,

and her husband was actually saying

that she was suffering from short-term memory loss.

However, she looks really good in ROKA shades right now

covering up a banged-up eye.

The race was eventually won

by Rachel Klamer of the Netherlands,

going one hour, 43 seconds.

The men's race was fortunately a lot less exciting.

Henri Schoeman came out with the win

in 54 minutes and 16 seconds,

blazing fast.

He was actually only the second person ever

to win wire-to-wire,

leading coming out of the swim, the bike, and the run.

Congrats, Henri.

In Ironman racing,

we had Ironman New Zealand happen on Saturday.

I think it was our Friday, their Saturday,

'cause their toilet bowls go a different way.

South of the equator problems.

But this is a very big race.

Mike Reilly goes down,

and he only selects a few races every single year,

so you know that this is going to be a big race

coming into it.

Terenzo Bozzone came out on the men's side

with an awesome race, going 759:57,

winning by about five minutes on his home turf.

Excellent race!

And you might be thinking that that's not a crazy fast time,

because you've got athletes going

somewhere around 740,

however, that race is historically anywhere from

10 to 25 minutes slow.

On the women's side, our pal Sid, Laura Siddall,

ended up winning by about five minutes as well,

going just over nine hours.

This is the first time she's won that race.

She has been nailing it the last couple weeks,

winning down in Ironman New Zealand,

placing second just a couple weeks ago at Challenge Wanaka,

and I don't wanna take credit for it,

but I just wanna say that a few weeks ago,

we were playing Jenga, watching her train,

and she wasn't winning Ironman New Zealand

before that happened, so, you're welcome, Sid.

Zwift and Specialized just announced a partnership,

announcing the Zwift Academy

specifically for elite amateur triathletes

that are trying to get to Kona.

With this program,

athletes will be identified through the Zwift program,

and they'll be trained to qualify and do well in Kona.

They'll be supported by Specialized

with their bike fitting systems, with gear,

potentially getting a new bike,

and all you have to do is go to,

sign up, and you might be selected.

You also might actually have the opportunity to be trained,

if you are selected,

by mentors Lucy Charles and other high-performance coaches.

Really good deal, so get on Zwift.

By the way, follow me at T Riathlontaren,

Riathlontaren's the last name.

See you on Zwift, ride on.

USAT, the governing body for triathlon in the United States

announced the hiring of their commissioner of officials,

Thomas Reilly, who is the most referee-looking referee

that ever did referee.

That man needs a whistle and a rule book.

USAT also announced their new athletes of the year.

On the men's side, it was Albert Harrison.

On the women's side, it was our pal Danielle Dingman,

who we had on the podcast,

and is going into her first year as a professional

half Ironman triathlete.

Now, on to what last week

was probably the most popular segment

of the first Newsday Tuesday.

That's a story where a trainiac submits

their story about how triathlon has changed their life.

Not necessarily about how I've changed their life,

but their story about triathlon

and the journey they've gone through.

Today's story comes from Cameron Comerford,

who commented about how listening

to last week's story of Steve

who went through weight loss surgery

and is in his first couple years of triathlon

really hit home for him,

because he himself went through weight loss surgery,

and he is 10 years into that journey

and seeing amazing results in triathlon.

"The story from last week really hit home to me,

"because that was me 10 years ago.

"I've been overweight since I was a kid,

"graduating high school at 260 pounds,

"and I was 5'11."

I feel your pain, being short and stubby, my man.

"By 2006, I weighed 320 pounds.

"I tried lots of diets, but to no avail.

"Eventually, I had lap-band surgery in Tijuana, Mexico,

"which got me down to down to 230 to 240-ish.

"I did a slow sprint tri, and really enjoyed it.

"Kept working on it, dabbling in tri,

"but I couldn't get my weight lower.

"I never solved the emotional issues

"that led to my eating addiction.

"After getting pregnant with our second child,

"I got back up close to 300 pounds.

"I would order takeout wings every Saturday morning

"on the way home from the gym to watch football."

Like a boss!

"After the little one was born,

"my wife and I got our crap together

"and started working with a nutritionist.

"You can say, sure,

"with the help of that nutritionist,

"I was able to get down to 185 pounds about six years ago.

"I started back in tri at this time, and I was hooked.

"Long story long, I now stay at 175 pounds.

"I've raced five Ironmans in the past three years

"with a personal record of 10:05.

"So damn close to going sub-10, damnit."

He adds, "PRed the half distance

"at the 70.3 World Championships

"in Chattanooga last year at 4:53,

"and finally reached my goal of USAT All American for 2017.

"The plan is to qualify for

"2019 Half Ironman World Championships in Nice, France,

"then go hard at Kona after that race.

"Of course, there are lots of victories,

"learning experiences, good races, bad races,

"and too much money spent on carbon over those years."

You can't ever spend too much money on carbon.

Just by definition it's not enough.

"But the main reason I'm writing you

"is because of the story you shared in last week's video.

"There are some things I've learned about endurance racing

"after having weight loss surgery,

"and there are tips and tricks I've learned

"about racing long distance after such a surgery.

"Tips, bibs, equal man spikes,

"and make sure to take as many photos as possible

"after the race, when you're dehydrated and cut.

"I was so stoked to see that story.

"Brought me back to a few years ago,

"and the excitement of little things

"like fitting into a medium-sized tri suit.

"I want everyone to know that it's never too late

"to get healthy again.

"Thanks, Cameron Comerford."

Holy crap, Cameron, you are fast,

and where you started from is amazing.

Thank you very much for sending this in.

If anyone else wants to share their story,

I think that this would be one of the coolest things

that we could possibly do on this channel

is sharing all the stories

of what you're accomplishing in triathlon.

So, email us at

I'll see you on Zwift!


For more infomation >> TRIATHLON NEWS March 6, 2018 | ITU Abu Dhabi Crash, Ironman New Zealand, FREE BIKES ON ZWIFT - Duration: 8:14.


These Cities Will Take All of Your Money | Top 3 Most Expensive Cities in the World - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> These Cities Will Take All of Your Money | Top 3 Most Expensive Cities in the World - Duration: 2:22.


Front Wiper Blade Replacament Mercedes Sprinter,Wiper Blade Replacament Dodge Sprinter - Duration: 1:36.

Hi, welcome to the channel, check engine + - ''

today you will see how to replace front wiper blade on Mercedes Sprinter

please enjoy and do not forget about the subscription

For more infomation >> Front Wiper Blade Replacament Mercedes Sprinter,Wiper Blade Replacament Dodge Sprinter - Duration: 1:36.


Cabin / Pollen filter replacament BMW I3 - BMW I3 Cabin - Pollen filter replacament BMW I3 - Duration: 2:41.

Hi, welcome to the channel, check engine + - ''

today you will see how to replace cabin / pollen filter in Bmw i3

Please enjoy and do not forget about the subscription

For more infomation >> Cabin / Pollen filter replacament BMW I3 - BMW I3 Cabin - Pollen filter replacament BMW I3 - Duration: 2:41.


Mani revient des morts - Aventures mini fanimation - Duration: 1:05.

Mani you open your eyes

The first thing that you see is... fuzzy...

Then, Victoria, who's watching you...


Théo approches and bend over you...

... and say : "Why we should leave you alive ?"

i answere him...

"You punch like a little girl..."

*cough cough*

- You snap is nake ! - He take his sword and BROK Hahaha...!

For more infomation >> Mani revient des morts - Aventures mini fanimation - Duration: 1:05.


Ohne Smartphone zahlungsunfähig [In1MinuteAufDemPunkt] | 06. März 2018 | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ohne Smartphone zahlungsunfähig [In1MinuteAufDemPunkt] | 06. März 2018 | - Duration: 0:54.


How to Redeem Chase Ultimate Rewards Points | 2 Ways to Maximize Your Points for Free Travel - Duration: 6:18.

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're going to review how

to use Chase Ultimate Rewards points to get the most value for your travels.

(light chiming music)

One of the questions that I seem to get asked a lot is, "what's the best way to redeem

Chase Ultimate Rewards points. When you look at the Chase Ultimate Rewards account page,

you'll see that there are so many different redemption options listed. When

speaking to friends who are getting started in the points hobby, a lot of

them were not aware of the other redemption methods other than the Chase

Travel Portal. This isn't surprising, especially since Chase highlights their

Travel Portal as the primary means for redeeming points. So in this video, I

thought I would review the two main ways that I book travel using my Chase Ultimate

Rewards points. This might be a refresher for some of you, but for others, I'm

hoping that this will be a helpful breakdown of your options so you can get

the most value from your points. The first way is to use the Chase Travel

Portal. This is similar to what you would find on sites like Expedia or

Travelocity. You can search for all sorts of travel-related bookings, like flights

hotels, cars, activities, and cruises. For this example, we're going to look up a

round-trip nonstop flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo leaving May 2nd and

returning on May 9th. In this example, you'll notice that the cost for the

United flight is $659.81, or if

I want to use points, that will cost me 43,987

points. This equates to a per point value of 1.5 cents

per point. When you book your travel, you may notice that the per point value

might be 1.25 cents instead of 1.5 cents. The

reason I'm getting 1.5 cents per point is because I have a Chase

Sapphire Reserve which makes redemptions 1.5 cents on the portal. If you have the

Sapphire Preferred instead, you'll be redeeming at the 1.25 cent

value. Getting 1.25 or 1.5 cents is not bad at all.

However, when I'm looking to use my points, I'll compare the cost of booking the

flights directly with the airline. When I go to United and look up the same

flight, I can see that the flight is listed for the same

price, but if I want to use the United Mileage points, then I can book the

flight for 35,000 points and a $5.60 fee. That's almost 9,000

points less than booking it using the Chase Travel Portal. And if you calculate

the per point value, you're looking at 1.9 cents per point when

using United mileage points. So in this case, it's better to book through the

United site. But you might be wondering, "Can I use my Chase points to book this

flight? Don't I need United miles or points? The answer is "yes", and this brings

me to the second way to book your travel with your Chase Ultimate Rewards points.

Luckily, United is one of nine airlines that is partnered with Chase, so you can

transfer points out of Chase and into their program. To do it, all you need to

do is go to Use Points, then select Transfer to Travel Partners. From here,

select the airline that you want the transfer points to, then enter your

frequent flyer program information. You'll then have to select the amount of

points in 1000 point increments. Hit Continue to review the information, then

select Confirm and Submit to complete the transfer. And that's it. It's super

easy and the points transfer immediately over to the travel partner so you can

complete the booking. In addition to these two methods of redeeming points,

here are some tips to keep in mind. Number 1: Log out and back in if a

points balance isn't updated. If you transfer points to a travel partner, it

should be instantaneous. However, there are times when the balance does not

update automatically, which prevents me from completing the booking. To force the

points balance to update, I recommend logging out of your account

then log back in. This seems to do the trick every time. Number 2: Consolidate

points into one Chase card. While it's perfectly okay to leave your points

spread out between your different Ultimate Rewards earning Chase cards, you

may want to consider consolidating your points under your primary travel card

like the Chase Sapphire Reserve or Preferred. In the event that you want to

transfer a huge sum of points to a travel partner, you may be forced to

consolidate the points anyway. So consolidating ahead of time will save

you some time and effort. Number 3: Sharing points. Chase will allow you to

share points with others in your household. I won't go through all the details,

but if you plan to share points, check out our video on the topic to

learn more about the policies and nuances. Number 4: Save your favorite

travel partners. Chase will allow you to save your favorite frequent travel

programs. This means that you won't have to enter your details again for the

program, and makes the process easier and faster when making future bookings.

Number 5: Booking seats when using the travel portal. I've noticed that a few

times when I booked a flight through the Chase Travel Portal, I wasn't given the

option to select my seat. And when I would go to the airline's site, I couldn't

retrieve my booking. If you end up in this situation,

I recommend calling the airline directly and asking for the confirmation code on

their side, and whether you can select your seat rather than waiting until you

check in or you arrive at the airport. And lastly, number 6: You can adjust the

amount of points used when booking through the Chase Travel Portal. Suppose

you want to book that flight but you don't want to use up all your points. You

can actually adjust how many points you want to use. It's similar to the cash and

points redemption programs offered through a lot of the hotel chains. This

can also be useful if you don't have enough points to cover the entire

booking. And those are our tips when using Chase Ultimate Rewards points for

booking your travel. Do you prefer booking through the Chase

Travel portal, or transferring to a travel partner. Also, what's the best per

point value that you've been able to get when using your Chase points? If you're

interested in applying for any of the cards mentioned in this video, check out

the credit card offers page on our website for the latest offers. We do get

a percentage if you use our link. It doesn't cost you anything extra, but it

does help us to continue building content for this channel. If you enjoyed

this video or found it useful, please hit the "like" button and consider subscribing.

Also, sign up for our newsletter on our website for travel articles, updates, and

giveaways, like our 2,000 subscriber giveaway that's ending this week. Until

next time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> How to Redeem Chase Ultimate Rewards Points | 2 Ways to Maximize Your Points for Free Travel - Duration: 6:18.


FEBRUARY READING WRAP UP || 2018 - Duration: 13:06.

Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I am doing my February wrap-up. So in February

I read fewer books than I was expecting, but that's fine! I got distracted by the

Olympics and also by the podcast My Favorite Murder, which I binge listened-to

for ages, and that probably looks really creepy on paper... So anyway, I didn't read

as much as I was expecting, but I did read some gems. Because February is Black

History Month in the United States I decided to read books only by black

authors and specifically I focused on black American authors because I'm

American and I figured you know okay I'll just gonna set this parameter for

myself and see what happens and I'm really glad I did because I read some

amazing books unfortunately the first book that I read in February I really

like I read an arc ebook of the bells by John Young Clayton yeah I just wasn't

for me this is the first book in a Y fantasy series assuming it's a series

based on the end of the book and oh yeah it just was it was it wasn't for me in

this we follow chameleon a camellia is a bell which means that she is gorgeous

and full of color in a world where everyone else is literally in black and

white so like an old pre color movie she has magical abilities that give her

the power to manipulate other people's appearances so to take them from black

and white to basically whatever you could imagine with some limitations

obviously I'm like staying within the human form some things I did like about

this book I finished it first of all I think I ended up giving it two stars

because I did finish it which is saying something because I've been trying to

not force myself to read books that I'm truly truly hating so we didn't hate

this it just did like it to get me to finish it was mostly two things it was

that I just wanted to know what was gonna happen it clipped along at a

pretty good pace and then I also thought that the villain villains but it's kind

of more than one in this book we're really compelling and really scary and

just like well done unfortunately a lot of this book for me it was interesting

concept not for me personally execution some example of this it was set in this

francophone French inspired New Orleans occupied French inspired

everything has French names institutions and events and locations and characters

everything's French names which like okay cool but then you would see things

like one character has a pet monkey named sash which is just the word for

monkey in French and so my brain started going up like okay so we're reading

everything - yes technically most things are in English but that's probably just

because it's for a assume American audience but really we're supposed to

imagine that they're like speaking some kind of French language or maybe French

itself and she just calls her pet monkey monkey you know if you want to do some

Breakfast at Tiffany's cat thing then like okay but it's never acknowledged

and I just like the wheels would not stop turning on dumb little things like

that a lot of those took me out of the book so I would focus on these dumb

small details that I didn't want to focus on but I just my brain was doing

that and so I couldn't really enjoy the book another example of a cool concept

with some execution that left me wanting more was that were presented with what

seems to be a cool examination of how a society in which there is this emphasis

on the importance of outward appearance on beauty that would create toxic

environments for relationships particularly female friendships the main

character she has issues in her friendship or like best friend they had

kind of caddy with each other but you never seem like why they're friends you

never see them supporting each other and then how the society takes them to this

place of pettiness and cattiness you only see the pettiness and cattiness and

then they'll talk about how oh but we're such best friends in all honesty it kind

of made me think of The Bachelor where no one actually has a valuable

relationship they just talk about how they have feelings for each other and

you're like why do you have those feelings if you're only talking about

having the feelings how did you get the feelings I don't know

so I fixated on that just like a little bit end of the day it just well it's not

for me the next book I read however I

absolutely loved and that is the wedding date by Jasmine Guillory I think unless

I'm forgetting something that I read like way back in high school this is the

first romance book that I have ever read completely on Iran eclis back in the day

when Fifty Shades of Grey was like a big thing I read it to be like ha ha ha I

want to see what's going on like the discussion is but I know from the

get-go that this is objectively terrible I didn't do that here I tried to leave

all of my biases and judgments about romance as a genre behind not today I'm

so glad I did because it was just a delight and this we follow Alexa is a

black woman and drew is a white guy they get stuck in an elevator together drew

reveals that he is dreading going to a wedding that weekend his ex is marrying

his best friend and his date bailed on him so he asks Alexa if she will go with

him to the wedding and we go from there one thing I loved was the fact that both

Drew and Alexa have wonderful fulfilling complete lives independent of romantic

relationships so they are like doing good things on their own they have

awesome careers they've got goals they have wonderful friends and family around

them so they have these rich wonderful lives you need a little me doesn't have

to worry about the relationship devolve into the you know the gross codependent

thing that you sometimes see I loved all the food that they ate I love food I'm

was excited when characters are eating and enjoying food that's like a silly

little detail that I love I also really like that there are discussions of race

Alexa has conversations with drew about her experience as a black woman and how

he often is not thinking about the things that she has to think about there

is one point I think it might be the rehearsal dinner or something where

she's like are there gonna be any other black people here or am I going to be

the only black person and Drew's like I don't know and thought about that so

there's a lot of conversations like that it doesn't always go super super deep

but there are those discussions which I really liked I just really liked and

Alexa is constantly forcing drew to confront his own privilege and it's it's

great it's so good I loved it next I read hunger by Roxane gay this is a

memoir and it is gorgeous it's phenomenal I will say this should

have a lot of content warnings on it in this gay talks about her relationship

with food and how she has used it as a way of dealing with trauma when she was

12 years old she was brutally sexually assaulted that is talked about in this

book so a Content morning there at the end of the day I think it is an

important read it's gorgeous I did find it hard to read if that makes sense

it's it's so raw and so vulnerable a couple of times I had to like step away

from it because I the content that gays discussing to be

so upsetting it's from such a place of honesty and

vulnerability that sometimes it can be a little bit difficult to read I also

think that the short chapters work really well it gives it this kind of

stream-of-consciousness feel I loved this I think it is now officially my

favorite work of gays next I read an unkindness of ghosts by River Solomon

and this was fabulous science fiction like original and fresh it's so cool and

nuanced and gorgeously written and I could go on and on and on it's amazing

if you need some new sci-fi with substance in your life look no further

it's this so good and this we follow Astor who lives on a ship called the HSS

Matilda ship is separated into different floors and people on the upper decks are

all white and people on the lower decks are people of color

primarily black and like dark-skinned and it is this incredible examination of

segregation of slavery all of those kinds of things but in space Astor is a

character I adore Astor is intersex and she also I think has Asperger's I need

to do some more digging I did a preliminary search and didn't see

anything explicitly from the author about that but it really comes across

that way she has issues understanding tone of voice body language things like

that she's very literal so I'm gonna leave a

note down below about whether that's confirmed or not but that's something to

know and I really I just I loved her perspective I love her she's so

wonderful I could not recommend this enough next I read sing I'm buried sing

by Jasmine Ward I really enjoyed this but I found it really difficult to read

I personally have trouble reading characters who don't care about kids

like that's a very specific thing that I have difficulty reading about and one of

the characters in this she has difficulty connecting with her son she

puts her romantic relationship above that of a relationship with her son and

that is something that I just really I have such a hard time sympathizing with

those characters no matter how perfectly constructed they are I just had such a

hard time with Leone's chapters not because they're not beautifully written

because of that one specific issue that I have with like any character like that

it's a testament to or it's writing that I ultimately gave

this four stars because I struggled so much with that she was still a very very

very compelling character and was such an important part for the story this is

kind of a road novel we follow this family - the father who is a white man

Leone's a black woman so obviously Jojo is biracial and they are driving to pick

JoJo's dad up from prison he's being released from prison so well done the

fact that they're in this car which is confined space and so it mirrors you

know a prison cell mirrors a coffin it is just such a great literary device and

it's used so so well I was just completely infatuated with how beautiful

this book is from a literary perspective I just personally struggled with some

aspects of it next I read the new Jim Crow by Michelle Alexandra this is

nonfiction looking at mass incarceration in the United States and how mass

incarceration has been used as a tool to oppress black communities primarily

black men it is absolutely phenomenal I think it should be required reading I

will say it reads a little bit like a text book it's just so full of important

information it has every statistic you could possibly want or need when trying

to form an argument about this and will also say you should probably watch the

documentary 13th it's by Ava Duvernay who's just such an amazing filmmaker

and song Netflix check it out it's great and Michelle Alexander is a contributor

in that she speaks during it which I didn't realize when I read this but then

I rewatched that afterwards it's just so good it's heartbreaking to read I think

it's important to read about understand teach yourself more about especially as

a white person in America everyone should read this next I read long way

down by Jason Reynolds this I listened to an audiobook and it was fabulous it

was super short I think it took me under two hours to get through because it's

written in verse and personally I struggle with books written in verse

because I get so caught up and listening to myself read it out loud in my own

head and I'm like well I don't really want to listen to my own voice right now

and I get really messed up with beats when I'm reading poetry and and and

verse I am terrible when I've read songs like song lyrics I mess up the beat

completely I just my brain gets fixated on it and so having someone read it to

you was just the perfect combo - for me also his performance is

incredible because obviously he wrote it he narrates it so he knows exactly what

to emphasize exactly where to pause and it's just a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous

performance I should say what this is about this is about a black kid whose

brother is murdered and he takes the gun gets into an elevator in his apartment

building and slowly descends the elevator to go find and kill the person

that he believes killed his brother the whole book takes place over the course

of two minutes and as he's in this elevator descending he is visited by the

ghosts of people who he has lost to gun violence friends family people that he

just knew in his neighborhood it is so powerful so incredible and such an

amazing audio book and it's so short get it from your library buy it on audible

get it off of Amazon or wherever you buy audio books and listen because it is

just phenomenal I just remembered but it finished the

stove's guy by MK Jemison although technically I think I finished this on

March 1st but I'm counting it because I read the majority of it in February this

is book 3 in her broken earth series the first is the fifth season it is just

such a good series and this was such an amazing conclusion the series is set in

a world at which there's a lot of like volatility going around when it comes to

like volcanoes and earthquakes and things like that and there are a lot of

natural disasters happening I'm not gonna say a whole lot other than that I

will say it uses second person which can throw you but stick with it because it's

incredible also there is very little expository world-building so when you

start the fifth season it is like a hundred pages of what the hell is going

on but it is worth sticking with it is so phenomenal and now I can officially

say that the whole series is great because I finished it it was such a

gorgeous satisfying conclusion I loved what was done with mother-daughter

relationships I loved how the depth of this world which is like kind of funny

considering some of the content but anyway that this world has given a lot

more depth and we get to know some of the mythology of it more we get to know

some of the history of it more I just I loved all of it it's fabulous read this

series so that's it pretty short and sweet all things considered for one of

my wrap ups but some great books I hope you guys check some of them out thanks

so much for watching if you like this video give it a thumbs up hit subscribe

to see more of my face you can find me on Twitter it possibly lit it on

Instagram it possibly literate and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> FEBRUARY READING WRAP UP || 2018 - Duration: 13:06.


breaking the fourth wall - Duration: 0:09.

Pennywise uploaded this video

For more infomation >> breaking the fourth wall - Duration: 0:09.


7 EXERCÍCIOS CERTEIROS PARA BUMBUM, PERNAS E BARRIGA! Para Levantar Glúteos e Perder Barriga Rápido - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> 7 EXERCÍCIOS CERTEIROS PARA BUMBUM, PERNAS E BARRIGA! Para Levantar Glúteos e Perder Barriga Rápido - Duration: 8:16.


What If Our Galaxy Collided With Another? - Duration: 4:41.

Galaxies colliding; it sounds like a spectacular cosmic event, and it is…it is truly beautiful

…to watch anyone.

Being part of a galaxy in the process of collision is not great.

Not great for life as we know it, anyway…

So what if the Milky Way started getting the hots for another galaxy and the gravitational

attraction took hold?

Woah mumma.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

we're asking What if Our Galaxy Collided With Another.

Before we get into this video I just want to remind you guys to hit that thumbs up button

and leave us a comment telling us what you thought to our answer.

Also if you want to be the first to hear a big answer, please do click on that big beautiful

notification bell.

The universe is constantly in motion.

Our galaxy, the Milk Way is constantly rotating and moving through space.

Galaxies contain a lot of mass and have huge gravitational pulls, which is part of the

reason we're held together so nicely.

However, it is possible, that while in motion, galaxies can become attracted to one another's

pulls and end up moving towards one another on a collision course.

This is exactly what is predicted for our Galaxy, the Milky Way and our neighbouring

galaxy, Andromena.

According to calculations based off of observations from the Hubble telescope, Andromeda is moving

towards earth at 250,000 miles per hour, however over a distance of around 2.537 million light

years away, it will take around 4 billion years before we intertwine.

And really, intertwining is the right word.

As the process of a galaxy collision is so slow on our earthly timelines, we have never

been able to observe a full galaxy collision, just other galaxies at various states of the

collision process, which means we can't say for certain what will happen, but we can

do some pretty informed guessing

Our galaxy is made of 100 billion or more stars, and we assume Andromeda is similar.

It is worth noting, by the time our great cosmic collision comes, our sun will be heading

towards its end of life cycle, so human life…on earth anyway...would be likely to already

be over.

Beyond the 100 billion stars, there are a further 100 billion or more planets, so our

galaxy is carrying some serious cargo, and so is Andromeda.

Despite that, when we collide, it won't be the big all consuming smash you think.

While we may see a few rock on rock collisions from our colliding galaxies, most planets

and stars will remain unscathed because of the vast distance between them.

What is in that space, though, will play a big role.

In the space between stars and planets is a whole load of gas and extra-terrestrial


The merging of cosmic dust as the galaxies collide would create billions of new stars.

These stars will make up irregular and erratic galaxies, and will expel their gas at quicker

rates than usual, meaning the new galaxies soon become filled with dying red dwarfs.

When we collide, though, it won't be one big smoosh, it will happen in tidal tails,

or arms, flung outward and intertwining.

From space, this would look like a majestic dance of fireworks.

Once we're done flinging one another around, and our black holes have had a veritable space

dust feast, we will finally merge to form an Elliptical Galaxy around 2 billion years

after our dance began.

But what will happen to earth?

Well we already know that Humans will probably have left the building at this point.

During the intertwining process, it is likely our sun would be pulled into a new orbit,

taking us along with it.

Assuming our sun hadn't engulfed us yet, we would have a spectacular view of the lightshow

offered by the collision.

A video from Science TV on Youtube suggests this is what we would see from earth in 3.75

billion years, then 4 billion years, then finally, when the merge is finalised in 6

billion years… but of course, we already know that earth doesn't have that long left.

Don't worry you guys, while this may seem like all kinds of cosmic chaos, the timeline

is so vast that it really isn't a pressing issue, just something to marvel at.

Space, man…… it's beautiful.

So that is one big question answered for you, how did you like this episode of Life's

Biggest Questions?

Let me know your thoughts on galaxy collisions in the comments section down below.

Also please don't forget to leave a big thumbs up and share this video with a friend

who needs to know more about space today!

I am Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you guys in the next video, but for now, please do

stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> What If Our Galaxy Collided With Another? - Duration: 4:41.


Top 10 Rocket Raccoon Funniest Moments - Duration: 5:55.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Rocket Raccoon has seen a huge surge in popularity with all the love the Guardians of the Galaxy

are receiving.

With tons of comics out and on the way, there are a lot of great moments to talk about.

I know it's probably been long enough that I could include moments from Volume 2, but

I'd like to avoid spoiling it for anyone, plus the funny moments are probably still

fresh in your mind anyway, so I'll leave it out for now.

Now get ready, it's time for The Top 10 Funniest Moments of Rocket Raccoon!

Number 10: 12 percent.

Let's start with a moment from the first Guardians film.

And it was a doozy.

After Starlord revealed that he had about 12% of a plan, Rocket laughed.

And it was absolutely the most real, sincere laugh that has ever been laughed.

Just kidding, it was sarcastic as hell, but it was damn funny.

I can't do it justice, just watch.

Number 9: Oh, you scamp.

There have been quite a few great Rocket moments in All-New Guardians, they're really starting

to use him well.

One of these moments happened when the gang was trying to steal an item from the Collector.

Rocket shoots him, and starts celebrating having shot him, only to realize... that he

was right behind him.

But wait!

There's more!

Because on the next page, we found out that Rocket had a backup plan.

And it was exactly what you'd expect.

Scamp is right.

Number 8: Rocket's team names.

While the Guardians of the Galaxy is, admittedly, a pretty great name, Rocket has historically

come up with other, slightly less catchy names.

In 2008's Guardians of the Galaxy #1, we saw the gang fighting a bunch of enemies.

Mid-fight, Rocket began brainstorming names for the new team, like "Ass-kickers of the

Fantastic" and "Rocket Raccoon and his Human Hangers-on".

I loved this bit because it's exactly the kind of annoying crap I love to do, and it

made me feel for a moment like I was as witty as Rocket.

Spoilers: I'm not.

But Drax had the last laugh, suggesting "Drax and his 'coonskin hat".


Sit down, Rocket, there's a new king of one-liners.

Number 7: I was gonna put it in a box!

Here's another moment from the first film, my goodness was that a funny movie.

At one point Peter Quill comes upon Rocket tinkering around on the ship.

When he goes to move something, he's told it's a bomb.

But hey, it's okay, it's totally fine, because Rocket has a plan.

He's gonna put it in a box.


This may not have been a super funny moment for you guys, but I just love the delivery

of the line.

Bradley Cooper killed it as Rocket.

Number 6: Blam!

Murdered you.

In 2013's Guardians of the Galaxy #2, Rocket came up with his own rather explicit catchphrase,

and it was just a bit on the nose.

Setting aside the more subtle phrases like "Flame on" or "I have the power!"

Rocket went with a slightly more obvious one: "Blam!

Murdered you."

It's probably not the most inspired catchphrase, but it was pretty accurate; he did a whole

lot of murderin.

And if you don't like this catchphrase, don't worry.

Apparently that's not uncommon.

But Rocket says it'll grow on you.

Number 5: Peeping Tom.

In All New Guardians of the Galaxy #1, the gang was fleeing to escape back to their ship

when they had to pause.

Sometimes, you see something so incredible that running for your life is no longer important.

And this was one of those moments.

You see, in order to get onto the planet, they had pretended to be Galactus coming to

devour the planet.

So I guess certain citizens decided hey, it's our last day alive, guess we'd better bang!

And, well...

Rocket found that to be pretty funny.

And I agree.

Number 4: I really need that leg.

Time for another moment from the first movie!

This one will definitely take nobody by surprise, I was quoting this for weeks after seeing

the movie.

When trying to escape the prison, Rocket came up with a complicated plan, and asked Starlord

to get the prosthetic leg of an inmate.

Which he did, at the cost of 30,000 units.

But, as it turns out, he was just kidding and just wanted to see what the guy looked

like hopping on one leg.


He even tries again later on, but doesn't cover up his laughing quite as well.

Number 3: That time he got rekt by Nick Fury.

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual volume 3 #1 had a bit of a strange story, but it also

had some pretty great scenes.

One of these involves Nick Fury and Rocket Raccoon, and the conversation they have is

awesome, and one of the few times someone gets one over on Rocket.

When he asks what Rocket is, Rocket goes "What does it look like" to which Fury responds

"It looks like I had sex with a raccoon and you're my son".

You gotta admit, that's pretty good, and Rocket actually did admit it.

At least he knows when he's licked.

Number 2: We're all standing up now.

This is one moment that is often pointed to as one of the most important moments of the

film, since it really captured the tone of the gang.

In Guardians of the Galaxy volume 1, when they all decide to work together and follow

Star Lord's quote plan, they have a terribly cliche moment where they're all standing and

pledging their support.

But then Rocket calls out the cliche in the best way possible, saying "Now I"m standing,

you all happy?

We're all standing up now.

Buncha jackasses standin in a circle."

The best part?

This was ad libbed by Sean Gunn, who was doing the motion capture for Rocket.


Number 1: He rode space worms, and basically acted as their vibrator.


In 1985's Rocket Raccoon #3, Rocket had crashed alongside Blackjack O'Hare, and had to escape

by riding atop the fabled Wild Worms.

What's so wild about them, you may ask?

Well, they have a special saddle on their head that, when sat upon, activates the pleasure

centre in their brains.

I suppose it's only fair, that way Rocket can get off the planet and the worm can, get...


To quote Arnold Schwartzenegger: Not sure if useable lol.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed!

If you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top 10 Nerd for more videos!

Do you know of any other hilarious Rocket moments?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Also, while I was writing this I learned that there's a Guardians of the Galaxy Tellgame

game, so that's what I'll be doing for the next little while.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 Nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Rocket Raccoon Funniest Moments - Duration: 5:55.


Why Mars Rovers Don't Study Water - Duration: 4:29.


Sometimes you hear stories in the news about how we found

frozen or maybe even liquid water on Mars.

And those stories are always fun to get excited about because, if Mars is anything like Earth,

there might be alien microbes in that water.

But you may have also noticed that we've never actually sampled any of the water.

And it's not because of some global conspiracy to keep the public

from finding out about aliens.

The real reason we haven't studied water on Mars is because almost nothing we've

sent there is sterile enough to do it.

Nearly every spacecraft we've sent to the Red Planet has carried thousands of microbes

with it, which could infect any water we tried to analyze.

We haven't contaminated the entire planet or anything.

But to really search for life on Mars, our sterilization skills are

still gonna have to get a whole lot better.

Ever since we started going to the moon, scientists have been taking precautions to avoid forward

contamination, or infecting the rest of the solar system with microbes from Earth.

To sterilize a spacecraft, engineers use variations of the methods you might think of, from wiping

parts with alcohol to baking it with extreme heat.

So, we do try and keep things squeaky clean, but it's not easy.

For one thing, sterilizing a spacecraft takes a lot of time and money.

But no matter how much we spend, it's almost impossible to get rid of

all microbes, since our world is full of them.

To make this process more cost-effective and efficient,

NASA has created different tiers of sterilization.

So based on where you want to explore, this policy allows some

spacecraft to have more microbes than others.

For example, if you want to send a probe into the Sun, where there is definitely no life,

your mission can harbor as many microbes as you want.

But if you want to go to Mars, the standards are a lot more strict,

because there could be life there.

But there's still some wiggle room.

Like, if you want to go to the planet just to study some cool, totally dead rocks, your

spacecraft can have up to 30,000 microbes on it.

And that might sound like a lot, but for comparison,

your computer mouse probably has more than twice that.

And a spacecraft is a lot larger than your mouse.

Allowing up to 30,000 microbes still keeps Mars safe, because research suggests that

none of those microbes will survive long enough to establish a colony.

They'd likely be killed off by radiation from the Sun first.

It also means companies don't need to spend millions of dollars to make a perfectly sterile

spacecraft, which is a nice bonus.

This is the category that our rovers, like our sweet little Curiosity, fall into.

So, really, it's not a surprise that Curiosity couldn't go splashing around in puddles,

because no matter how much water we find on Mars, that's just not how it was designed.

Instead, Curiosity was built to figure out whether or not there could have been life

on Mars using rock and soil samples.

It wasn't testing to see if there was life in those rocks, just if they suggested

that there could have been the right conditions for it.

So as long as we don't let Curiosity near any liquid or frozen water,

a few microbes are totally okay.

If we did want to sample water on Mars, or check out any other regions with a high probability

of life, we'd have to make a much cleaner spacecraft.

It could only have 30 microbes on the entire thing, three zero, which seems basically impossible.

But there are some ways to do it.

One method is to use what's called a dry-heat cycle, or baking, where you expose the spacecraft

to temperatures around 125 degrees Celsius for 30 hours or so.

That's enough to kill some of the most stubborn microbes.

That's what we did for the Viking landers in the 1970s, back when we thought there was

a chance all of Mars could be habitable.

But it's a really expensive process, and a lot of materials can't handle those temperatures,

which is why NASA doesn't bake everything.

So scientists are also coming up with some other options, like using hydrogen peroxide

or even gamma rays, a form of high-energy radiation, to kill stray microbes.

Ideally, these methods would kill the microbes without damaging any sensitive parts of the

spacecraft or its instruments, which can be a hard balance to find.

Many of these processes are still very much in development,

and there are a lot of pieces we have to figure out.

But we have some time.

Right now, there aren't any planned missions that are expected to be this clean.

Even NASA's next rover, called Mars 2020,

will have the same sterilization levels as Curiosity.

But like it's predecessor, it's not allowed to go anywhere near water, so it'll be okay.

The same is true for the InSight lander, which will go to the Red Planet later this year.

It won't have any instruments designed to search for life,

so it'll have those same requirements.

Right now, sampling water on Mars just isn't our main focus.

There are a lot of other ways we can learn about Mars' history, like with the rock

and soil samples Curiosity is taking.

But as we learn more about Mars, we might eventually want to

start taking those water samples.

And if we do, we'll hopefully have the right technology to check them out,

without killing any aliens in the process.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space,

and especially thanks to our patrons on Patreon who make it all possible!

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For more infomation >> Why Mars Rovers Don't Study Water - Duration: 4:29.


Krewella - Calm Down (Skan Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:47.

♪ Got all my keys don't you follow me, call on me ♪

♪ Ain't mood for no drama ♪

♪ Outta my face, didn't you read my policy ♪

♪ I do what I wanna ♪

♪ You ain't my therapist, ain't got the formula ♪

♪ So stay in your corner ♪

♪ Last thing I need is my head underwater ♪

♪ Didn't I warn ya ♪

♪ Wanna feel the good ♪

♪ Wanna feel the bad, feel it all ♪

♪ Got a human heart ♪

♪ I'ma let that fly and fall ♪

♪ When I feel insane ♪

♪ And I rap that pain ♪

♪ No doubt ♪

♪ I'ma spell it out ♪

♪ Don't tell me to calm down ♪

♪ I'm about tear this ******' place down ♪

♪ Kinda like the way I let it go ♪

♪ Don't tell me to calm down ♪

♪ I'm about to tear this ******' place down ♪

♪ No, I ain't afraid to let it go ♪

♪ Don't tell me to calm down ♪

♪ Don't tell me to calm down ♪

♪ Don't hit me up like you want an apology ♪

♪ I'm too busy wylin' ♪

♪ Sipping on vodka 'cause you ain't my cup of tea ♪

♪ I put you on silent ♪

♪ Say one more thing and I'll take it from zero to sixty ♪

♪ That's good to be honesty, honestly ♪

♪ If you can't handle it ♪

♪ Get off my fuckin' **** ♪

♪ Wanna feel the good ♪

♪ Wanna feel the bad, feel it all ♪

♪ Got a human heart ♪

♪ I'ma let that fly and fall ♪

♪ When I feel insane ♪

♪ And I rap that pain ♪

♪ No doubt ♪

♪ I'ma spell it out ♪

♪ Don't tell me to calm down ♪

♪ I'm about tear this ******' place down ♪

♪ Kinda like the way I let it go ♪

♪ Don't tell me to calm down ♪

♪ I'm about to tear this ******' place down ♪

♪ No, I ain't afraid to let it go ♪

♪ Don't tell me to calm down ♪

♪ Don't tell me to calm down ♪

♪ (Down, down, d-d-down, down) ♪

For more infomation >> Krewella - Calm Down (Skan Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:47.


The Real Reason We Don't Hear From Kramer Anymore - Duration: 4:55.

For nine years, Michael Richards starred as Jerry Seinfeld's quirky neighbor, Cosmo Kramer,

on one of the most successful sitcoms of all time.

After Seinfeld ended, the supporting cast—including Richards, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Jason Alexander—all

struggled to find another hit, sparking talk of a "Seinfeld curse."

While Louis-Dreyfus and Alexander have gone on to varying degrees of success, the "curse"

seems to have a hold on Richards.

Here's the real reason we don't hear from Michael Richards anymore.

Too much of the same

The Michael Richards Show premiered two years after Seinfeld wrapped, with Richards playing

an inept private investigator.

While the scripts were decent, Richards' performance relied heavily on physical comedy, and according

to SplitSider's analysis of the show's cancellation, this stunk of NBC wanting Richards to pull

a Kramer, regardless of the script.

That, combined with the fact that the show was competing with Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?,

That '70s Show, and JAG, it was a recipe for disaster.

Barring a few episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm in which he played himself, it would be 13

years before Richards would again hit the sitcom set.

The incident

In 2006, Michael Richards was involved in an incident at The Laugh Factory in which

he went on a heavily racist rant after being heckled during his stand-up routine by some

African-American audience members.

"That was uncalled for."

"What was uncalled for?

It's uncalled for you to interrupt my a-- you cheap motherf----."

The video went viral.

Then, just days later, Richards appeared via satellite on The Late Show with David Letterman,

at the request of Jerry Seinfeld, who was desperate to help his close friend, and put

out the fire with which he was now associated.

But when Richards tried to explain himself, he struggled.

"I'm hearing your audience laugh you know and I'm not sure this is where I should be

be addressing the situation"

Not surprisingly, there would be more public apologies to come.

Through his newly acquired publicist, Howard Rubenstein, Richards reached out to leaders

in the African-American community, including Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton.

He met privately with Sharpton and appeared on Jackson's radio show, Keep Hope Alive.

Again, Richards came across as meandering, telling Jackson,

"I need to get into the depths of my being.

. . . it's a great tension of opposites between a good and a bad that I feel so deeply inside

myself and I've got to do this work."

Even if people believed he was genuinely sorry, they now likely thought he was genuinely crazy

as well.

A hoax with his name on it

Shortly after his public apology to Jackson, Richards went before a retired judge and met

with the audience members he violated, even saying through his publicist that he was open

to paying some sort of compensation.

But though the details of that meeting were never made public, the internet invented its

own narrative, which unfortunately included a white pride speech that Richards supposedly


According to Snopes and other sources, the speech was actually a chain email that had

been circulating online for years before someone tacked Richards' name onto it.

Back at it

Richards told Time in 2013 that after his meltdown, he took a break from showbiz, noting,

"I took up photography, [did] a lot of reading, a lot of writing and I traveled a bit."

When Richards returned to the limelight again in 2013, it was with a role on Kirstie, starring

Kirstie Alley.

Richards played her driver, and his performance certainly looked familiar.

Kirstie was canceled after one season.

But it's clear that after all those years away, Richards is a one-note performer.

Final attempt

In September 2012, Richards appeared on season one of Jerry Seinfeld's docuseries Comedians

in Cars Getting Coffee.

When they finally got around to discussing that infamous night at The Laugh Factory,

Richards made another failed, awkward attempt at atonement.

"It was a selfish response, I took it too personally.

I should have just said you're absolutely right I'm not funny."

Awkward sketches

Richards starred in several sketches as Dick Corcoran, president of Crackle, the streaming

network where Comedians in Cars originally aired before moving to Netflix in 2018.

And once again, it's more of the same, which is always going to be a problem for Richards.

Anything that reminds audiences of Kramer, will remind them of his Laugh Factory rant.

The one about the aging comedian

Since Comedians in Cars, Richards has basically fallen off the radar again.

He's got nothing in development according to IMDb, but he also has a six-year-old son,

Antonio, so maybe he's focused on being a father.

One of his last public appearances came when TMZ caught up with him, asking him racially

themed questions, almost ten years after the incident at the Laugh Factory.

"Why is the white man so angry?"

"i don't know."

For Richards, these encounters might be more trouble than a public persona is worth, which

could mean we've already seen his last on-air pratfall.

Only time—and, perhaps, Jerry Seinfeld's benevolence—will ever truly tell.

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