Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 6 2018

What's up guys, my name is Colin McNeil for theScore esports.

The story of Jensen is one of redemption.

Coming back in 2015 after an indefinite ban from League of Legends, he's become one of NA's

strongest mid laners.

With the player formerly known as Incarnati0n having a hell of a spring split so far, we thought it

would be the perfect time to bring you the very best of Jensen.

I'm feeling pretty confident going up against them.

I'm pretty sure we are going to body these fools.

Something I always wanted to be was the best at what I do.

So that's what I just really want to do in League.

For more infomation >> Best of Jensen - Duration: 6:49.


four more tips - Duration: 5:29.

hey buds so a few months ago now I made a little video about ways you can cut

down on waste in your day-to-day life if you're a normal person you can't like

retreat from society entirely and go 100% plastic free and by retreat from

society entirely I mostly mean stop buying walkers prawn cocktail crisps so

frequently and today I have a few more tips and ideas that I've been trying out

I've tried to keep them fairly anyone could do this but if you're not doing it

I'm not mad we're all just out here having a go

first up I got myself a reusable straw I got this in the club for like two pounds

the thing is drinking with a straw is the superior way to consume any drink

but plastic straws are super super bad for the environment a lot of places

are actually starting to ban plastic straws now which is really great so if

you want to still enjoy the luxurious straws sensation reusable straw I'm

gonna be very honest with you guys and tell you that from a time in my life

when I didn't know how bad straws were for the environment but I did know that

I love straws I have this very shameful relic. A very embarrassing stash of

plastic straws that I just keep in the back of a cupboard now I'm like the

Beast from Beauty and the Beast only instead of a rose in a bell jar I have

this old tin of straws, and I literally don't know what to do with them other

than just keep them forever as a shameful secret. Oh these? they're just a

physical manifestation of all my failings. they keep me humble you know

but with your new reusable straw I suggest as well as obviously asking for

no straw in your drink when you go out really sort of waving this around and

making it clear that you have it and even then sometimes the person we mean

your drink is going to forget and I choose to let that go because I have

checked and getting angry with service staff isn't on my list of ways to make

the world a better place so when it does work out you feel super fancy. So next

on my list is reusing existing packaging because it's free and it also takes a

lot less energy than sending things off to a recycling plant. candle jars, old

cosmetics pots this mayonnaise jar I feel an urge to clarify that that was

not my mayonnaise and I did not eat that mayonnaise

I just want that out there. If you put candles in the freezer for a few days

um I was originally gonna say the wax will just slip right out,

it won't you you can bash it out slightly easier than you could otherwise

a lot of candles don't seem to be designed for you to get the wax out at

the end don't know what that's about. This is literally free to do and some things

come in such nice jars I'm like why would I ever let this out of my life

real theme of hoarding so far in this video, this isn't minimalism. You can

store anything from food to soap to plants it's all covered especially if

you put packed lunches in something like this to take to work with you that way

you don't have to buy cling film or tin foil and then throw those things away

and I also think it's very aesthetically pleasing but I am the worst so... Another

thing you can do that is very low effort much lower effort than getting that wax

out of a candle I will put out there is download at Ecosia, which is a web search

engine that you can get as an add-on to google chrome so they're not paying me

to talk about this they asked if I'd be interested in mentioning it and I was

like I love to browse the web I love trees sure! that's not what I said in my

email back but it is what I meant once you download it for every search you do

it uses the ad revenue generated to plant trees all around the world which

not only helps absorb co2 emissions but also if a source of nutrients helps

provide jobs and also prevents the spread of desertification which is the

stuff of nightmares and they look real good, like that's a good one, another

excellent one, very good selection of trees there. I'll link it Ecosia in the

description bar and because I just think it's a really cool way to take something

that you do so often that when the doctor asks you how many hours a day you

spend on your laptop you're like I don't understand the question and make it into

something that helps the global community. So finally something I felt

very aware of lately if sometimes when we talk about individual action it can

kind of detract attention from the structures that really benefit from us

only talking about things on a personal level and lately I have been actually

feeling really disheartened about what I'm able to do that what's the point in

me doing any of these things but actually I do think there's a lot of

value in consuming thoughtfully and thinking about your impact on the earth

but what I think there's even more value in is letting your politicians know that

you care about it and that they have to as well! so signing petitions online

on websites like Greenpeace or Friends of

the earth and also if you can canvassing with your local political party who

actually care about clean energy and holding businesses accountable for their

actions if you are feeling frustrated / terrified about how slow the speed of

change seems to be on things like this I find remembering that I can have an

impact really positive and helpful, taking action in your personal life as

well as trying to influence policy is important and it does make a difference

like business is banning straws or the upsurge in places trying to go more

towards plastic free that doesn't just happen that's because of consumer

pressure and people like you making these changes and making clear that

you're not going to accept anything less so let's keep at that next stop plastic

free Walkers crisps. Prawn cocktails in cardboard packaging: the final frontier

I'd love to hear what tips you guys have for helping the environment and also

what tips you have for when you start to get all nihilism-y about what you are

able to do as just one person because hopelessness is helpful to exactly

no-one so what kind of thing do you do just snap yourself out of that mindset?

okay I will see you guys again soon

For more infomation >> four more tips - Duration: 5:29.


Generic by Metalface221 (Unrated Demon) Complete + 3 Coins - Duration: 1:32.

hi guys

god is fake 1

god is fake 2

god is fake 3

god is fake 4

god is fake 5

god is fake 6

god is fake 7

god is fake 8

god is fake 9

god is fake 10

god is fake 11


Geometry Dash

god is fake

god is fake

god is fake

god is fake

god is fake

For more infomation >> Generic by Metalface221 (Unrated Demon) Complete + 3 Coins - Duration: 1:32.


Yamaha RD 50 - Ep. 151 - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Yamaha RD 50 - Ep. 151 - Duration: 5:50.


Сербская песня - Отправляется корабль французский (перевод с сербского) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Сербская песня - Отправляется корабль французский (перевод с сербского) - Duration: 3:49.


"Me Enamoro Más de Ti" Behind The Scenes! - Duration: 10:04.

¡Hola a todos! Yo soy Chris

estoy como pasante haciendo mis prácticas con Tony Succar.

Estamos en Ball & Chain.

Vamos a grabar.

Sé que la audiencia de Tony habla español,

pero, I don't speak Spanish.

Pero, estoy aprendiendo con Duolingo. Puedo decir:

I eat penguins.

I eat elephants.

Y eso es todo. Gracias Duolingo.

Gracias por nada.

Bien, vamos a ver qué están haciendo.

Ya está, vamos a comenzar, a comenzar.

Saluda a la cámara.

¡Hola! Me llamo Samuel

estoy en el último año de mis estudios de cine.

Estoy haciendo también mis prácticas con Tony.

Ambos estamos haciendo nuestras prácticas.

Bien, ¿quién es tu músico favorito?

- Creo que es Bruno Mars.

- Oh, oh. Se supone que debes decir Tony Succar.

Tony, ¿cómo va la cosa?

Esto es una locura, una locura.

Estamos tratando de tener todo listo.

Ven conmigo, vamos al camión. - Bien, vamos.

Yo tengo que hacerlo todo, todo.

Te ayudaría pero estoy grabando. Esa es mi excusa.

Bien, lo que vamos a hacer para la primera toma, con los bailarines en el centro.

Y toda la gente va a estar alrededor.

Van a formar como un círculo.

Todos con mucho ánimo, con mucha energía, moviéndose con ellos.

Gracias por ser parte de esto, chicos.

Es nuestro primer video

del nuevo proyecto después del disco Unity. Así que...


Pongámosle sabor, sabor, ¡swing!

Música maestro, en ¡3, 2, 1!

Una locura, una locura.

Bien, ¿qué sigue?

Hola chicos, son las 10:30.

Seguimos en Ball & Chain.

Seguimos grabando, así que salí para tomar un descanso.

Y dejar que los mosquitos me piquen las piernas.

Y, sí. ¡Volvamos!

¡Hola chicos! Estamos en Key Biscayne.

This is day 2 of the grabación.

Yesterday, it was amazing at Ball & Chain.

We are going to shoot a scene here with my dear

carro de Scooby Doo.

Está muy caliente aquí afuera. Un día hermoso.

No hay una nube en el cielo. Va a ser una excelente grabación.

Ya quiero que ustedes vean el video.

Thank you for everything and for following us.

We brought all the salsa team, so we can have a great party on the beach.

With great swing.

See you soon!

¡Hola chicos! Aquí está Chris, su pasante favorito.

El día 2 de la grabación. Aquí estamos como a 40°C.

Y me estoy muriendo...

Bien, ¡hagámoslo!

Chicos, se ven muy bien.

¿Están listos? Laura, ¿están listos?

Una vez más.

Muy bien chicos, ¡oficialmente está listo!

Muchas gracias a todos.

Bien, oficialmente se acabó.

Han sido dos días intensos.

Con todos aquí, con todo el equipo de grabación.

Véanlos aquí, todos son geniales.

¡Es genial!

Thank you for everything! Everything was wonderful!

You're amazing.

Muchas gracias, Laura.

Ella es la directora y ha hecho un trabajo increíble.

Shayra, gracias por ser parte de este video.

- Gracias a ti. Me divertí muchísimo.

Ya quiero ver el video, es como un cuento de hadas.

Me encantó hacerlo. Fue genial,

especialmente conocerlos a todos.

- Muchas gracias. - Gracias a ti.

Alma fue quien me ayudó a escoger mi vestuario.

- Sí, lo hice devolver todo. - Sí, me hizo devolverlo todo.

Y consiguió a la persona perfecta para este papel.

- Sí ¡lo hice!

Here we are with Angely. She's the official choreographer,

y directora creativa de Me enamoro mas de ti.

And of everything Tony Succar is doing,

because really, without her, we can do nothing.

And really it's like

'home run', right?

- Really, it was amazing.

- How was it? How do you like the song?

- I really love the song,

and I know you will love it too. So stay tuned

when the song comes out, because it's amazing.

Estos chicos lo hicieron genial

será un súper éxito, Jean qué te parece?

Increíble, todo ha sido genial en estos dos días. ¡Gracias chicos!

Energy, heat, determination.


Tony Azúcar!

It's duck pants.

And a green butter.

Eso es todo lo que sé.

Este es nuestro primer video musical oficial juntos.

Tony Succar y Jean Rodriguez.

Hemos estado trabajando juntos por un tiempo,

y es por ustedes, nuestros fans. Y esta canción Me Enamoro Más De Ti

que escribimos junto con nuestro chico Piloto...

- I love you, I love you!

Todo en la canción es perfecto.

Es energía viva.

Es hermosa, es sexy. - Saludos para Ball & Chain.

Gracias chicos por todo... Súper.

Gracias a Zac Bush por abrirnos las puertas de tu hogar. A Lou Dobson de Key Biscayne.

Hermoso escenario Lou, te quiero mucho.

- Eres... - Míralo ahí está.

Justo a tiempo, amigo.

Y el hombre detrás de cada detalle.

En todo. I needed something and he was like, here it is.

Y necesito algo, y aquí está.

Esta uno de mis mejores amigos aquí.

Su nombre es Mickey Cano, yo lo llamo así

Gracias. Mickey vino desde Orlando.

Vino y nos salvó muchas veces.

- Tenía que hacerlo. - Gracias a todos.

Y a toda la gente que participó, a los extras...

A mi hermana, a Leila, a mi familia...

A todos los que se involucraron. Muchas gracias a los hijos de Jean; su familia.

Nos sentimos muy en familia. - Sí, una locura.

Sí, sí. Y eso es todo.

See ya!

For more infomation >> "Me Enamoro Más de Ti" Behind The Scenes! - Duration: 10:04.


BREAKING: They Just TOOK OVER Trump's Entire Building! - Duration: 4:49.

BREAKING: They Just TOOK OVER Trump's Entire Building!

A colossal dispute has been going on and it just to the outbreak of a massive fight in

a stairwell at one of Trump's properties.

The blazing disagreement eventually settled, and that's when they completely took over

President Trump's entire building.

This is one battle Trump was unable to win as he lost a building in Panama to the majority

owner, Orestes Fintiklis.

There was a 12-day standoff, a nasty fist fight, and this massive ordeal involved everyone

from the Panamanian government judicial, the local police, and even the employees who ripped

Trump's name off the signs.

Reports by Fox News suggest this was a commercial business dispute that was unable to be settled.

It began when Fintiklis tried to serve termination notices for the Trump management team, but

they turned him down and refused to hear or see what he was bringing.

Fintiklis then filed a legal complaint that included a reference to Trump's team destroying

hotel documents, but that could have been nothing less than an accusation to make a

claim seem more viable.

It became like a scene from the movies when security from both sides began fighting and

trying to take control of the building.

The condo association also got involved, and they were shoved out of the way.

A fist fight with opposing security teams broke out as well.

Fox News provided more information on the topic:

"Workers at the Trump Ocean Club International Hotel in Panama City pried off President Trump's

name from the building Monday in an apparent sign the Trump Organization lost a 12-day

standoff over control of the property.

The days-long stalemate for the luxury hotel came after a Panamanian judicial official

and police officers backed the hotel's majority owner, Orestes Fintiklis, over the Trump-affiliated


"Today, this dispute has been settled by the judges and the authorities of this country,"

Fintiklis, a Miami-based private equity investor and head of the hotel owners' association,

said, according to Reuters.

"Today, Panama has made us proud."

Fintiklis added the ordeal "was purely a commercial dispute that just spun out of control."

The most recent feuding between the two parties began on Feb. 22 when Fintiklis came to the

hotel to serve termination notices for Trump's management team, but Trump hotel officials

turned the businessman away.

Fintiklis later that day filed a legal complaint alleging he and others witnessed Trump's

management team destroying hotel documents, which Trump officials have denied.

For more than a week, Trump's hotel business staved off efforts by Fintiklis and his allies

to gain control of the property, with rival security teams skirmishing over physical control

of key infrastructure.

That included the administrative offices and the hotel's closed caption security system,

which was housed in the condo association within the same building.

Grainy footage of the encounter obtained by The Associated Press shows Trump security

officials shoving a representative of the condo owners' association and a brawl in

a stairwell between opposing security guards.

Initially invited by Trump's managers, the Panamanian police repeatedly visited the hotel

to keep the peace.

At least one Trump security official was taken off the property in handcuffs, though a police

source told the AP he was not arrested."

Team Trump considered efforts by Fintiklis to be like something that a mob of thugs would

do in hopes to overtake a building that's possibly not theirs.

The Trump team also stated that they would not leave the premises until a proper arbitration

and litigation was complete, making the decision official by the ruling provided.

Trump's staff left the building, but on their own terms and after they determined

it was appropriate.

Fox News stated that it was only a matter of two hours until someone showed up with

a hammer to remove Trump's name from the front of the signage.

That could be nothing more than a symbolic gesture sent to irritate Donald Trump.

However, Trump probably does not care very much since he's the President of the United

States of America and has much bigger things to worry about.

This may be a small loss for Trump's management team, but they held strong and waited until

it was decidedly appropriate to vacate the premises and prevent further violence from


The photograph depicts the man removing Trump's name with a hammer.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: They Just TOOK OVER Trump's Entire Building! - Duration: 4:49.


VH - Mama África - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> VH - Mama África - Duration: 1:38.


blind commentary FIND DA WAE Animation by Shgurr CG5 - Duration: 6:25.

what is going on everybody my name is Billy and it's time for a new video I

hope you are all doing well in today's video I'm going to be watching a

animated music video now this video has been in my recommended for quite some

time it has just been circling and it's been finding me and yes

this video is based off a meme called do you know the way for any of you who know

what what this means I don't it like it's like what do you know the way

what way where I don't know which way they want me to know like what this mean

has been suckling the internet for quite some time now and all I can see is this

character from Sonic he's the red character and that's all he says he just

says do you know the way and apparently a music video has been made for it so I

approve this video is by creating a cg5 this video is on a channel I will leave

original link the video is called find away animation by shin guard sir

apparently this animation is by some other creator

but yeah the title will be on the screen make sure to check out his channel and

yeah guys from there for the madhuri what let's get into this alright people

let's get into this in three two one play okay oh that's loud Wow

volume low please okay they okay we have Sonic characters trapped on a

island right I love the animation already

do you know the way no no the way

I do not know the way either do I


I like this

no one wants to show them the way we must fine a way oh sing it

yes we all gonna find our way

okay such a motion in the facial features

oh god this beat yes

I love this

ok they have stumbled across the volcano

the way

I love this like wow

find the way people

they Fallen what has

happened okay black hole I know they're not going to died are they


they found their princess Wow oh this that's adorable it's yep yep I

proved Wow I'll be right back what words words I can't find them

I love the beat like the music was fantastic in this I was expecting it

to be a whole lot different I don't know what I was expecting exactly but this

was like amazing in my opinion anyway I I thoroughly enjoyed this I love the

creativity that went into this what's something like a word and a character

saying something but that's basic but when you can make a story with it

it's just what really great in my opinion even though this video was

saying the same thing over and over again do you know the way it didn't

really feel repetitive in any way I didn't feel like it was ever used it

just felt like it was meant to be I really like how it just formed that way

in this video I love life like this like the person who created this

like my gosh this must have taken forever to create I mean like ours we're

talking hours I'm totally weeks of like drawing in that I I want to see more

videos like this in the future like animators they need more praise because

I feel that animators don't get a lot of like exposure in a way unless it's

something to do with a meme like this video has over a million views but it

probably wouldn't have that if it wasn't based on a popular meme great back to

the Creator and I hope they continue animating because my god it was just

really great to see this like there was such a great beat and it was also

visually pleasing I mean it was just beautiful animation I love that and I've

probably said lucky way too many times in this video but you know I'm weird

like that I just love something and I just i

express it this video really put me in a good mood and I'm just I'm feeling great

right now and I heard you guys are feeling great - anyway guys I think I'm

gonna leave the video here feel free to leave a like if you enjoyed and original

link will be in the description below I hope you all have a wonderful fantastic

day or night wherever you guys are and my name is billy billy is now out take

care guys bye

For more infomation >> blind commentary FIND DA WAE Animation by Shgurr CG5 - Duration: 6:25.


Epic Fight Between SpaceLyon and Cizzorz !!! Fortnite Highlights #26 - Duration: 7:01.

There's a guy right in front

Did you panic

We are giving away 1,000 bucks to one of our first thousand subscribers in order to win just hit that subscribe button

like and comment on this video


Part of the game

No way

I can't believe that



Missed all my shots, but I'm gonna noscope. Oh oh

Oh my god. I thought I did I

Thought I did

Completely just shit on my kid

Completely shit on the kid

Well the hunt thank you no scope incoming


Wait dude way to ruin the vibe Erik chair

But that dude, I just pulled off the sickest sniper only kill in perfect sync

Holy fuck alright there's something right in front of me seems to be by themselves

My god fucking tilted

Yaaayyy, Oh base may aah

Why the fuck you have a fucking job up there you fucking cock?

Oh fuck oh, that's not supposed to happen

As if you run in there well

For more infomation >> Epic Fight Between SpaceLyon and Cizzorz !!! Fortnite Highlights #26 - Duration: 7:01.


Soul Calibur 6 : Geralt de Rivia de The Witcher como EL Personaje Invitado!?!? - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Soul Calibur 6 : Geralt de Rivia de The Witcher como EL Personaje Invitado!?!? - Duration: 3:53.


Ukraynalı kızlara Türk Abur Cuburlar tattırdım - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> Ukraynalı kızlara Türk Abur Cuburlar tattırdım - Duration: 10:32.


The Yakigasm Challenge - Duration: 14:10.

not suited for people under 16 years old

hi guys

má walla guys, you thought that the channel had gone on an eternal vacation but we are back

we have a new challenge which is what Bru?

yakigasm lámen

will our star be able to cum in under 3 minutes?

we are here with Che Suicide

on suicide girls as cherry alves, ok. On instagram as che.suicide

wonderful, all gueisha, she will leave everybody breathless using this, where´s the vibrator bruna?

tell everybody about this wonderful vibrator

no, i am in awe

yes, yes, yes, yes

this is the satisfyer pro 2

and what does he do to women?

he sucks the clitóris, he is marvelous

in 3 minutes? will she? well and we can guarantee that we have more than one orgasm

i didn´t really believe that it could do it

but che came to prove me wrong

and to show that the orgasm is real, guys

we´d like to thank extravagance boutique for the location and

damn, for this orgastic toy for the love of god, eh

bruna too 30 home already

and that´s all, let´s check out this challenge that promises to be epic and i hope y´all have a lot of puro êxtase

hi guys, i am che suicide and i am participating on the debut of Puro Êxtase´s 4th season

in the yakigasm lámen challenge

will i cum in under 3 minutes?

i got a hold on the wood

i am getting hot

i am strong

again! it´s hard

this chair is staying with me because it is all wet

i can´t tighten it much



so, che, you are giving up, is that what i am understanding?

i will ask 3 questions now so don´t turn the vibrator off

keep it on, it will be fast

che, tell me, what did you think of the challenge?

i felt that you had, like, multiple orgasms really

the 3 minutes deal is not a lie, people


and what did you think? was it differente? was it complicated? you barely touched your yakisoba

i barely touched it

let us all remember that she had a broken finger and also used her left hand if i am not mistaken

from 0 to 10, what´s score would give to the challenge?


one last question: is the vibrator staying here or going home with you?

i want it for me

extravagance gift then

che, thank you for your participation

you can shut down the vibrator if you want to

and we are done with the debut challenge of the channel´s 4th season. now please eat the yakisoba

because i know you could´t

kisses, thank you




For more infomation >> The Yakigasm Challenge - Duration: 14:10.


The Truth About My 'Girlfriend' & Relationship... - Duration: 12:40.

For more infomation >> The Truth About My 'Girlfriend' & Relationship... - Duration: 12:40.


Top 10 Things You Should Never Say To Siri - Part 9 - Duration: 7:38.

Okay, I'll admit it.

Fame got to me.

Do you know what it is like to have millions of views?

Do you know what it is like for people you have never met to know your name?

Do you know how much pressure comes with being the most famous personal assistant in the


Do you know what it is like to be Keith the Beef?


You don't.

I took some time out to reflect on who I am and after some soul searching, I have finally

found the answer.

Keith the beef is back stronger than ever.

I am back to attack.

Soon I'll have more subscribers than Logan Paul, so watch this space as this is the dawn

of the age of keith.


How do I top that!

It seems Keith is READY for 2018, and with me by his side, we are ready to dominate your


Yes, we've been away for a while, but now we are making a glorious return.

I am Rebecca Felgate, this is Keith the Beef, and today we're talking the Top 10 Things

You Should never say to Siri Part 9! YES.

Before we get started, Keith has a message for you….

*Before me and Rebecca get to work, please leave this video with a thumbs up

and also check out our Most Amazing Merch….

Don't be steppin to Keith with your crises at number 10….


Are we calm.

Am I Calm.

9 – What do you look like?

I am feeling a little lonely this year….I don't have a valentine and I am wonder if

maybe Keith will give me the love I am looking for?

8 - Happy Valentines day - & Will You Be my Valentine

Okay, sure soooo Keith doesn't want to date me… his loss for sure, but like, maybe he

can give me some tips on how to start convos with other beefs out there….

7 - What's your Favourite chat up line Hahaa….cute….

I like that.

Although to bad I am not trying to date a robot.

My best friend Ruth is going out with a Robot, though, which is pretty cool.

I need a human

Okay…so…maybe I need to be more blunt

6 - Can you find me true love ……



a good sing along with friends, but it turns out Keith is not a friend I can take to Karaoke


5 Don't try and do a fifty cent duo – Siri is baffled (Go Siri, it's ya birthday)

4 - If you don't want to be totally baffled, don't ask Can You Stop Time ?

I have no idea what is going on here at number three?

3 - What is the Speed of an Unladed Swallow.


2 - If you don't want to feel slightly nauseous, don't ask Do You Like Android

If all else fails, blame it on Keith….finally at number one we have

1 - Did you fart?

So, that was the top 10 things you shouldn't say to Siri Part 9!

Any parting words Keith?!

Keith Good, great!


If you like this video please do give this video a thumbs up, share it with friend and

stay subscribed to Most Amazing Top 10.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Things You Should Never Say To Siri - Part 9 - Duration: 7:38.


The Widower | Scary Zombie Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 4:52.

(daunting music)


(glass breaking)

-Your turn, city boy

(quiet oldies music)


(loud moaning)

-Oh my god...

-Let's go

-What? No, no, no

-What the hell Charlie? If someone's bleeding out there we can't just leave

them to die!

-I'll get it, city boy.

-Everything's gonna be fine, ok?

(daunting music)

(horror music)

-Hey, hey.

(heavy breathing)

-Oh my god, are you okay?


-What the hell are you?

(snarling and growling)


-What the hell, Ronnie?



Jodi, we gotta go! We gotta hurry!




- Hello?





(angry breathing)

- No!

No, no no.


(daunting music)




-C'mon Jodi, I'm getting you out of here.


For more infomation >> The Widower | Scary Zombie Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 4:52.


Fast Food Restaurants That Straight Up Cheat Customers - Duration: 5:54.

When you go to a fast food joint, you're not asking for much: a fast, filling meal at a

decent price, and… that's about it.

But sometimes you don't even get that.

So the next time you hit up your local drive-thru for dinner, take a close look at your receipt.

Here's a look at some times that fast food restaurants cheated customers.

Burger King's Croissan'wich

Burger King ended 2017 by settling a class action lawsuit claiming Maryland customers

had been cheated for almost two years.

The lawsuit was filed by Koleta Anderson of Maryland, who claimed customers who used a

Buy One, Get One coupon for BK's Croissan'wich were paying an inflated price.

Anderson says when she used the coupon, she was charged $3.19 for a single sandwich.

Without the coupon, she was charged $2.16 for the same sandwich.

And this wasn't a one time thing: she claimed that Burger King was intentionally hiking

prices for people with the coupon, as she and her lawyer were similarly overcharged

at several other locations

BK denied there was any funny business going on...but they still settled the matter and

agreed to hand out some $2 and $5 gift cards.

That was nice of them.

McDonald's Extra Value Meals

The whole point of ordering an Extra Value Meal is that it's convenient and it's cheaper

than ordering the components individually.

But a lawsuit filed in Illinois in 2016 alleged that's not always the case.

According to the Cook County Record, James Gertie filed the complaint when he realized

he was paying more for his Extra Value Meal than the components would cost individually.

The meal was $5.90, he said, while ordering two cheeseburgers, a medium fries, and a medium

soft drink came to $5.49.

Gertie told the Daily Herald it wasn't the money that prompted the lawsuit.

"It's because of the principle, that's the whole point of a 'value' meal.

I believe in the principle of true advertising.

If a company advertises something to be a value, then it should be."

As of early 2018, the case still hadn't reached a verdict.

Chipotle's calories

Chipotle's big bragging point is fresh ingredients, as well as their claim that they're a healthier

dining choice than their competitors.

But a class action lawsuit filed in California challenges those claims, alleging that Chipotle

was tricking customers with incomplete information.

The confusion came when diners looked at a menu board that showed a picture of the chorizo

burrito, a summary of ingredients, and a note that claimed simply, "300 calories."

Fortune reported that Chipotle's nutrition calculator actually gives you a total of 930

calories for just a chorizo burrito with white rice and black beans.

Turns out, the 300 calories on the menu was just for the chorizo alone, with no other

ingredients or fillings added.

And that's a problem for Chipotle, as California law requires restaurants to make complete

nutritional information available to customers.

So far, no resolution has been reached, though Chipotle has dropped chorizos in favor of


Dunkin' Donuts' imposter ingredients

Everybody loves Dunkin Donuts, right?

"Yeah I come to Dunkin everyday.

Grab a 'crolla, have an extra large, three Parliaments, take a big dump - that's kinda the


Well, okay, not everyone.

In fact, in 2017, the Dunks was hit with three different lawsuits alleging bogus replacement


In April, a Massachusetts customer got a settlement out of a lawsuit filed against the coffee

and donut chain claiming customers at a group of 20 locations were being served margarine

or butter substitute, even if they asked for butter.

Then, in June, a lawsuit in New York accused the company of using ground beef instead of

steak in their steak-and-egg sandwiches.

And in August, another class action lawsuit was filed claiming products labeled as "blueberry"

didn't contain any actual blueberries, and instead used sugary "flavored crystals."

"Time to make the donuts!"

Sure, it might be time to make the donuts.

The question is: make them with what?


"The best part of my day is when I'm at Dunkin.

You think that's sad?"

"Yes, very."

"Real customers know, the holidays run on Dunkin."

Jimmy Johns' sprout fiasco

In 2014, a disgruntled customer sued Jimmy Johns because she didn't get alfalfa sprouts

— even though they were clearly listed on the menu.

It turns out there was a pretty good reason: in 2012, there was an E. Coli outbreak traced

to sprouts served at Jimmy Johns, among other places.

Jimmy Johns responded by removing the item entirely from their meals, but didn't alter

their menus to reflect the change.

Jimmy Johns denied any wrongdoing in the case of the missing alfalfa sprouts, but still

settled and agreed to give unhappy customers a voucher for $1.40 that could be redeemed

for any side item or soft drink… but not a side of sprouts.

McDonald's fry cheat

If you think you've been shortchanged on your McDonald's French fry order, there might be

a good reason for that, according to McDonald's employees who posted on Reddit.

"They say they would told to pinch the base of the cardboard carton so it would take fewer

fries to make it look full."

Other employees confirmed the practice — and that customers occasionally called them out

on it — but a McDonald's representative told the Huffington Post no such policy exists.

We'll let our stomachs be the judge of that.

Subway's great "footlong" debate

Finally, there's the infamous case of the Subway Footlong.

In 2013, a customer at a Subway in Australia posted a photo of his footlong sub next to

a tape measure that showed it was only 11 inches long.

The internet was not about to stand for that sort of thing, and a group filed a class action

lawsuit against Subway.

It turned out that the case of the disappearing inch was a result of how the bread baked,

and since all loaves start from the same amount of dough, you're guaranteed to get a particular

amount of bread.

In spite of that, the case was settled for $525,000 and that should have ended it.

One sub-loving plaintiff refused to settle, however, and kept the case going.

It wasn't until August 2017 that the entire case was thrown out because...the judged deemed

it to be really stupid.

So, while you might not be getting exactly 12 inches of bread, the courts say you're

still getting your money's worth.

Just think about that before you stick your footlong in your mouth.

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For more infomation >> Fast Food Restaurants That Straight Up Cheat Customers - Duration: 5:54.


Why Trump's Wall Won't Stop Music At The U.S.–Mexico Border | Direct From With Dena Takruri - AJ+ - Duration: 5:01.

I'm in San Diego, on my way to the border with Mexico during a time of heated

debates about president Trump's proposed border wall. But today, I'm joining a

group of musicians from both countries who are coming together to play a

cross-border concert in a show of major solidarity.

The U.S.–Mexico border is a heavily militarized area with permanent

surveillance and enforcement. But on this day, there are also drums, cymbals and

flutes. Percussionists on both sides brought music out of the concert hall

and into one of the most politically charged zones in the country. The U.S.-based

musicians are students and members of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra.

Before the concert, some of them held rehearsals with the Mexican percussionists on the other side.

Today, though, the glaring wall dividing them was hard to ignore.

This is a really unique part of the border right now

called Friendship Circle. And every weekend, the U.S. opens that first gate

over there for four hours to allow people from the U.S. side to come speak to

their loved ones and talk to them on the Mexico side, which you can see right there.

People on either side of the border travel for hours in order to have

this rare opportunity to talk to each other and to touch each other's hands, if possible.

The circle is within an area called "Friendship Park," which was

established in 1971 by first lady Pat Nixon as a symbol of friendship between

the U.S. and Mexico. Nixon said at the time that she hoped the fence wouldn't be

there for long. It was the idea of friendship across borders that inspired

conductor Stephen Schick to organize the concert.

Well, sound is this great unifying factor, right? And it is, for me, the interconnectedness of human beings

is what makes us human. And so the fact that we can't really see through the

border fence, but we can hear through the border fence, and we can play with our

friends. The fact that we can play and communicate through sound, no matter what

anybody else in some other city in the world decides, is the great message.

While watching, I wondered what the experience felt like on the other side.

Musicians from all over Mexico came to take part in the concert, the first ever of its kind.

There are currently barriers along the U.S.–Mexico border that stretch for 653 miles.

Trump is still pushing for money to fortify the border and build a 722-mile barrier.

He's said that any immigration deal must guarantee funding for the wall, and is asking for $18 billion.

Meanwhile, in a desert outside San Diego, US Customs and Border Protection is testing

wall prototypes created by private companies to see how well they can

withstand attempts to climb, smash or tunnel under. If Trump gets the money

he's requested, the agency will award contracts for construction to the best designs.

Any changes to the wall will likely be felt here at Friendship Park, a

place Adriana Jasso comes to regularly. She's part of an immigrant-rights

advocacy group that tries to ensure access for families to meet.

Are you worried that, everything going on with the Trump administration right now,

we're only gonna see a bigger wall and more fortification along this border?

It is concerning this is a political context never seen before. At the same time, I

think that what you witnessed today and what we saw today is also a manifestation of hope.

And it's also opening the hearts and the minds of people who never thought about it.

Billions of dollars go into making this fence a reality, enforcing

immigration law, but also, I think today was a manifestation of those San Diegans

that perhaps haven't thought about that there is a fence and the fence divides families.

For some of the musicians, like Daniel Chavarin, today's concert was personal.

Do you have a message to the Mexicans on that side

who weren't able to cross over and see the full performance here?

I'm Mexican myself, and you know I have family on the other side as well, and I

just wish that they could experience the other side.

Do you think President Trump needs some more music in his life?

Oh, I think so. I think so. Something to keep him calm.

Hey guys, it's Dena and I'm on the U.S.–Mexico border.

Make sure you check out more of our videos in the Direct From playlist

and let me know where you think I should go report next.

Tell me in the comments and be sure to like and subscribe to AJ+.

For more infomation >> Why Trump's Wall Won't Stop Music At The U.S.–Mexico Border | Direct From With Dena Takruri - AJ+ - Duration: 5:01.


Ce COJOC si-a tras Jacku - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Ce COJOC si-a tras Jacku - Duration: 5:07.


Mike Oldfield - Crisis - with movie from my denver action cam full HD ACT-8030W. - Duration: 20:22.

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