Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 6 2018

Hey there.

In the last video I warned that time may be running out for the European Union.

The failure of the EU would have grave implications for Spain and the issue of Catalan independence.

In the context of a strong and healthy EU Catalan independence is a serious issue, that

merits careful consideration and confident cost benefit analysis.

In the context of a fading EU it becomes downright frightening.

Let me explain.

The survival and vigor of Catalan independence is often explained by the fact that the Catalans

have Barcelona.

There are plenty of European nationalities that didnt have vibrant world class cities

that are barely memories today.

There is something to that.

But there is also something about the history of Spain that makes independence movements

more powerful.

The confident modern democratic Spain we know today has only really existed in the context

of the European Union and its predecessor the European Economic Community.

Spain has one of the grandest histories imaginable.

At one point it ruled an empire stretching across the planet.

But that empire was more medieval than modern.

Spain at its height was about loyalty to a monarch rather than a shared idea of nationalism.

The rules governing each region were not uniform, and the Catalan region had its own evolving

set of governing institutions that would sometimes work with the king and sometimes against him.

We don't generally appreciate the extent to which nationalist super states like France,

Germany and the United Kingdom were created forcibly in the 1900s.

In many cases this involved the active crushing of local languages and cultures that didn't

have literate elites and cities like Barcelona to protect them.GOOGLE OCCITAN GOOGLE CORNISH

This forging of these united nationalisms required levels of industrialization and literacy,

and centralized states that weren't really available before the 19th century.

Spain couldn't use those tools because by the 19th Century Spain was a mess.

The titan with the planet spanning empire of the 1500s and 1600s was long gone.

It opened the 1800s occupied by France.

After they kicked out Napoleon they spent another decade or so losing all their mainland

American colonies at great expense.

Needless to say none of this covered the central government in Madrid with glory.

It continued to exist of course, and had some good decades here and there, but it also fought

a series of civil wars between 1833 and 1876.

These wars were about systems of government, but they were also about the privileges of

Catalonia and other regions as well.

So Spain got the industrialization and the literacy boost, in the cities at least, but

it never really got the centralization.

Some people gravitated towards ideas of Spanish nationalism, similar to contemporary ideas

of Frenchness or Britishness, but others gravitated towards regional identities.

Some gravitated towards both.

This 19th Century Confusion led to a lot of 20th century horror.

The Spanish Civil War, a prelude to World War 2 involved regional aspirations as well.

Franco, the fascist dictator that won that civil war crushed those aspirations for 40


When democracy finally returned to Spain in the late 1970s it was always going to include

some sort of recognition for Spain's different regional nationalities.

One of the strands behind the Spanish drive for democracy was the desire to join the European

Economic Community, which happened in 1986.

I think it is fair to claim that the prize of a customs union with Europe made Catalan

leaders less likely to press for Full independence.

Catalonia is one of Spain's richest regions and free trade across that border was pretty


Spain granted a degree of autonomy to Catalonia in 1979, which was expanded in 2006.

These statutes are the reason Catalonia legally has a parliament and a president whose name

I am not even going to attempt to pronounce.

During the 1990s and the early 2010s developments like this were a fascinating topic.

The EU was bringing greater uniformity, but also seemed to allow for greater autonomy

for regions like Scotland and Catalonia.

The fact that this autonomy was attained in a peaceful orderly fashion was historically

unprecedented, and that's a benefit that the EU provided.

The flip side of course, is that we probably wouldn't be seeing what we are seeing now

in Catalonia, without the past ten years of EU failure.

The unified currency made recovery from the financial crisis more difficult.

Spain was one of the hardest hit countries with a 9 percent drop in GDP and a recession

that lasted a full five years.

Things finally began to turn around in 2014, but by this point some parties in the Catalonian

parliament were fed up.

As one of the richer regions they were sick of supporting the central government and not

getting much in return.

So they decided to have a referendum on independence in October of 2017.

The Spanish government did not like that, tried to block the referendum legally and

physically, and dissolved Catalonia's government after their parliament declared independence

on October 27th 2017.

Now it's important to emphasize that just how much support independence has in Catalonia

itself is unclear.

Yes the referendum results were overwhelmingly for independence, and the parliament approved

it, but the population that voted may not have been representative, and the parliamentary

majority was very slim.

The results of the elections for the new Catalan parliament elected in December were similarly


The largest single party elected was anti Independence.

BUT the pro independence parties all together control more seats.

BUT the vote that elected that majority is well under a majority of the voters.

It's going to remain a big mess for the months and years to come.

Up until now things have remained relatively peaceful.

Catalonia's small tradition of revolutionary terrorism has not restarted.

The consensus seems to be that it is Spain that has overreacted and used too much violence

in its response to the referendum.

It is clear to me that Spain has moderated its response to avoid EU condemnation.

So far no one has been killed.

But how long is that going to last?

The EU has been a calming factor throughout this dispute.

On the one hand they are willing to provide refuge for Catalonia's fugitive president

in Brussels.

But on the other hand they have made it very clear that an independent Catalonia would

not be welcomed in the EU.

EU failure may have contributed to this issue, but it is also an EU success that it has not

yet spiralled into violence.

Talking about fighting in Catalonia may seem alarmist, but it is only EU influence that

makes the idea of violence over autonomy issues seem strange.

Look at Iraq, or Turkey, or Burma, or Spain itself less than a century ago.

If the EU fades away, Europe will lose its immunity to its own history.

In Catalonia and everywhere else.

Thanks for watching please subscribe, and thanks to the producer and patrons that made

this video possible.

If you would like to help me make more videos like this one, click on the patreon link here

to find out how.

For more infomation >> The Catalan Independence Struggle Is Europe's Future - Duration: 8:28.


[Português/ Español] HiStory 2: Crossing The Line - Episódio 1 Legendado - Duration: 26:46.

For more infomation >> [Português/ Español] HiStory 2: Crossing The Line - Episódio 1 Legendado - Duration: 26:46.


Felling Trees in the Snow - Duration: 4:35.

Yo, So I was actually, if you watch my video last week.

I cut some trees down, I was going to clear the area but I figured it made more sense

just to cut everything down and then once I have it down I can go through and clear

it up as opposed to clearing and cutting more, so I am just going to cut what I can and then clear it out.

I've gotten everything down that I need to get down.

Now I am just going to go through and clean it up.

But, I'm not going to do that today because it is bitterly cold.

For more infomation >> Felling Trees in the Snow - Duration: 4:35.


ENERGIAS DE MARÇO 2018 Ano Novo Astrológico - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> ENERGIAS DE MARÇO 2018 Ano Novo Astrológico - Duration: 9:09.


LA Chargers player donates money for scholarship fund - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> LA Chargers player donates money for scholarship fund - Duration: 1:58.


Team Trump admits it's not prepared to stop Russia meddling in 2018 midterms - Duration: 1:44.

The United States is under attack.

Are we strong enough and smart enough that we can keep them from doing this again?



Are we doing that right now?

We're taking steps but we're probably not doing enough.

Is the U.S. better prepared this time around?

Well, I don't know that I would say we're better prepared because the Russians will

adapt as well.

The point is, if it's their intention to interfere, they're going to find ways to do that.

You would need basically to be directed by the president through the secretary of defense.

Have you been directed to do so given the strategic threat that faces the United States

and the significant consequences that you've recognized already?

No I have not.

What is the president going to do about it?

What is he specifically doing about the fact that Russia interfered with our election and

has every intention, we are told, of doing it again.

What is he doing about it?

Everybody wants to blame this on the Trump administration, let's not forget that this

happened under the Obama administration.

It happened over a year ago!

What's he done about it?

Are you worried about Russia trying to meddle in the midterm election?

No because we'll counteract whatever they do.

We'll counteract it very strongly.

And we are having strong backup systems and we've been working actually, we haven't been

given credit for this but we've actually been working very hard on the 18 election and the

20 election coming up.

For more infomation >> Team Trump admits it's not prepared to stop Russia meddling in 2018 midterms - Duration: 1:44.


What Should the 49ers do with the 9th Pick? (2018 Offseason) - Duration: 5:03.

Ayo! It's Bryan here. Today, going to be talking about the San Francisco 49ers.

Going to be talking about the NFL Draft for the 49ers. So let's just get into it.

Now if you don't know already, if you're lost in the cold, the San Francisco 49ers have

the 9th pick overall. They won the coin toss over the Oakland Raiders. Yay,

that's a victory right there, kind of. They're going to be playing the Raiders in 2018

this year. So that should be exciting. I'm going to try to get to that game at

Levi's Stadium. I want to really go to a 49er game and I think this is a perfect opportunity.

I don't know if the Raiders are the best opponents, but hey. If I want

to go to a game, might as well go to one of the biggest rivals I guess, even

though we don't play them often. It'd be nice to go to a game against the Raiders

because it's nice to see them lose. Yes, hahaha. Anyways, the 49ers in the draft.

I want to talk about should the 49ers trade up, trade down or keep the same

pick, the 9th pick overall? So, hmm... That's kind of a tough question because

after the Combine, there's been a lot of great performances I would say. I'm not

going to talk about every single prospect, but the ones that jump out to me are Saquon Barkley

as always. I think a lot of people for the 49ers, everyone in San

Francisco want the 49ers some way to get a Saquon Barkley because he

looks like the best running back in the draft and looks like the best running

back in couple of years. Yes, he looks really damn good.

Bradley Chubb as you all know. One of my top guys from NC State. He's really that

damn good. Be nice to get him, but kind of a reach out of the 9th pick. I think he's

going to be top 5. He's going to be gone. So we'll see what happens.

Quenton Nelson from Notre Dame, the offensive guard. That's definitely a need

right there if we can't get Andrew Norwell or something like that. He'd be a

perfect person to draft. I think he's one of the best offensive lineman to play

in a while. So it would be a really good addition to the 49ers if they can draft

him 9th overall, but he might be gone as well. There's just a plethora of talent, but

it's hard to know what's going to be happening with the 9th pick overall

and also the cornerbacks, Denzel Ward from Ohio State and Josh Jackson from

Iowa, I think those are great picks as well. A lot to do. So what should they do

with the 9th pick overall? In my opinion, just me, I would trade up to get

one of these top players overall because I think by the 9th pick overall, I know

that's better than 10th pick overall like the Raiders, but I think with the

9th pick overall, I think a lot of the players are going to be gone by then. So if

I was John Lynch and Kyle Shanahan, I would recommend trading up. I don't know,

maybe with Cleveland the 4th pick overall or maybe with Indy the 3rd

pick overall. There's just a lot of options you can do. I think free agency,

they can fill up a lot of holes. The 49ers still have a lot of holes, but

it's not as much as like last year. Last year, they had every single need for

every single position including quarterback, but now, we have a

quarterback, we have a little bit more freedom to do a little bit more in

terms of free agency and the draft. Wide receivers, I don't know. It looks pretty

good, but I don't think we need to draft one in the 1st round. I think we're set

on that. I'd still recommend looking for a great receiver in free agency and

what have you, but right now in the first round, I don't really recommend it

because I think the talent that they have with Goodwin, Taylor and Garçon, I think

it's pretty damn good. The running backs, depends on what

Carlos Hyde does. So maybe Saquon Barkley? If they trade up to like the

number 3 overall pick from Indianapolis, they can get him some way,

shape or form or maybe the New York Giants will steal him with the 2nd

pick. There's just a lot, a lot of options for the 49ers and a lot of options for

other teams to go after in terms of the draft and free agency. A lot of

uncertainty right now. It's very early on, but I would definitely recommend the

49ers trading up to at least top 3 maybe. That's just me. I know you

have to give up a lot of compensation. You have to give up a lot of draft picks,

but I think there's a lot of great talent that you can find in some way,

shape or form this year and I think it will be worth it long-term.

Hopefully, they pull out an Atlanta Falcons and the Cleveland Browns from a

couple of years ago when the Falcons got Julio Jones and traded like what, two

1st round picks and I think a 3rd with Cleveland to get Julio Jones.

That'd be a freaking dope thing to do it. Sacrificing a lot, but get a freaking

beast of Julio Jones. I'm hoping the 49ers can go that route because that

would be freaking amazing. Not like the Washington Redskins and RG3. Oh gosh. That was

pretty bad. I hope they don't go that route, where they pretty much lost

because RG3 unfortunately, got injured and he was out of the league

within a couple of years. Hopefully, they don't go to that route, but we'll see

what happens. Wow! Just a lot of talent after watching the Combine.

I'm really excited to see the draft. I'm excited to see free agency as

well. There's been a lot of things going on in terms of franchise tagging and

free agency. I'm really excited to see what's going on with the San Francisco

49ers in the next couple of weeks because it is coming in March 14th, 4:00

p.m. Eastern Time when everyone can start dealing. Well, they can start

dealing ahead of time, but when official signings can actually happen on March 14

4:00 p.m, that's when it actually happens and the craziness will happen. So yeah.

That's just my recommendation. I think the plethora of talent from every

single position this year, I think this is going to be one of the best drafts in

recent history actually, with the 2011 draft because that 2011 draft was so stacked.

I'm hoping 2018 can be like that as well and the 49ers can trade up to get one of

these great players I would say that I mentioned earlier in this video.

That's just me, I don't know. My opinion. You guys can say what you want.

If you agree with me, that's great. If you don't, then please comment below

why you disagree with me and what have you. So I'm going to keep it like that.

Please let me know what do you guys think the 49ers should do with the 9th

overall pick. Should they trade up, trade down or just keep the 9th pick overall?

Please let me know in the comments below. I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.

Interesting topic here and if you guys like this please "Like," SUBSCRIBE, do

whatever you want with this and I'll be catching you guys up later. So I hope you guys have a

nice day, nice weekend, nice whatever and I'll be catching you guys up later.

Bye guys. Love y'all. See y'all later!

For more infomation >> What Should the 49ers do with the 9th Pick? (2018 Offseason) - Duration: 5:03.


She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Hair What Happens After 5 Minutes Will Surprise You! HealthPedia Aloe Vera - Duration: 2:22.

She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Hair What Happens After 5 Minutes Will Surprise You! HealthPedia Aloe Vera

For more infomation >> She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Hair What Happens After 5 Minutes Will Surprise You! HealthPedia Aloe Vera - Duration: 2:22.


[Educar+te] Feitiço contra o Feiticeiro - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> [Educar+te] Feitiço contra o Feiticeiro - Duration: 6:07.


BREAKING: Obama Headed To Court Over Who Was Found DE*D! - Duration: 4:47.

BREAKING: Obama Headed To Court Over Who Was Found DEAD!

Things are about to heat up for former President Barack Obama!

The brother of a slain Border Patrol Agent has taken to Twitter to conjure the attention

of President Donald Trump in an informal request to go after Obama for what happened while

he was President.

His name is Kent Terry, and he's requesting that President Trump reopens the case that

could put Obama in some serious trouble, enough to ruin his legacy for good if that's what

people consider it.

Kent's brother, Brian Terry, was killed back in 2010 when an illegal immigrant wrecked

a part of the Fast and Furious Operation.

This portion of the program included what was called "gun walking," and it found

Brian Terry on the receiving end of a weapon that ultimately took his life.

His brother Kent is not standing down.

He requested that Trump opens the books on Obama, and solves the scandal that people

have long wanted an answer for.

President Trump has been somewhat transparent lately, so there's an excellent chance this

could happen if Trump feels as though it's worth the effort.

When it comes to the opinion of the Americans, then, of course, it's worth looking into

because someone who protected the American border was lost.

Kent Terry is upset that he has no answers as to why his brother Brian, who spent 22

years protecting America's border, was lost.

Kent and many Americans want the answers they've been searching for, and they're starting

to demand them again.

President Trump has not yet answered.

Fox News Insider reported more on the situation with Barack Obama and Operation Fast and Furious:

"Brian Terry was killed in 2010 by an illegal immigrant with a weapon used in the botched

"gun-walking" program Operation Fast and Furious.

His brother, Kent Terry, tweeted at Trump on Saturday, asking him to "reopen the books"

and get to the bottom of the scandal that cost his brother his life.

"We need to find out the truth, exactly what happened, how it happened, why it happened.

We need Mr. Trump, President Trump, to unseal the documents, reverse executive privilege

so that we know what happened, and that we can hold the people accountable that are responsible,"

Terry said on "Fox & Friends" Tuesday.

He said people at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Justice

Department need to be held accountable for the government-approved operation that allowed

thousands of guns to pour into Mexico.

"Everybody's still actively working, nobody's been punished, maybe just a slap on the hand,

and that's about it," Terry said.

"There needs to be justice for my brother.

He deserves it.

He spent 22 years serving his country as a law enforcement officer, a Marine, and that's

what he deserves."

He said he never believed President Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder when he said

that those responsible for his brother's death will be held accountable, but he's

hopeful that Trump will help his family get the answers they've been seeking."

Kent Terry also mentioned that he met Donald Trump while he was campaigning for President

in 2016.

It appears as though they spoke briefly about the incident with Kent's brother and Trump

seemed very empathetic, and apologetic for what happened to Brian Terry.

It was mentioned that Trump suggested that Jeff Sessions reopens the case to investigate

further for answers, and hold people accountable for their actions that lead to the unfortunate

passing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Newsmax stated in 2014: "Fast and Furious" started as a way to

capture drug dealers in violent Mexican drug cartels.

It ended as part of a scandal involving the Barack Obama presidency that had to be wrapped

up following unnecessary deaths.

Gun-buyers, many of whom the feds suspected were criminals, were permitted to take firearms

purchased in the U.S. and walk into Mexico without interference from agents; the intention

was that once the guns were sold to powerful drug cartels, the ATF would later trace the


Whistleblowers and investigators, however, found no attempt to trace the guns."

What possibly happened is that the guns which were supposed to be traced by the government

had ended up being used in other crimes that were not part of the operation.

This turned the operation into something that possibly spiraled out of control and became

a much bigger problem than expected.

It resulted in a shootout with criminals and Border Agent Brian Terry who was lost in the


Americans still want and demand answers and accountability, but will they ever get it?

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Obama Headed To Court Over Who Was Found DE*D! - Duration: 4:47.


How To Create Awareness For Your Brand - Brand Awareness - Duration: 42:38.

we should be live. yay I think I did it right for once okay so this livestream should

be live unless his check can I hear myself I am vlogging brandy for those of

you that don't know me and I wanted to go live one because I'm traveling today

and I just haven't had time to sit down and edit a really polished video plus a

lot of people have told me to come on live and just kind of help boost your

channel so that was another reason and plus I really like to engage with

everybody I've read all your comments and I really wanted to just get on here

and let me close out this email before it annoys me so thank you everyone for

all of your support and hello from Canada I'm just getting started on here

so if there's any issues let me know but I'm not on my big computer so I'm having

to just kind of go down here some I'll leave this chat but I'm gonna see if you

can see this from Vegas I don't it's gonna be really bright but I am here in

Vegas let's see that's the Vegas Strip mmm I don't know if you can see that or

not so there's Treasure Island and I'll have

some pictures and stuff but I went to social media marketing world that I

mentioned in my last couple videos which I'll be linking to all the stuff that I

talked about down below plus you're gonna want to subscribe because I have

met some really awesome people while I was at social media marketing

world it was such a new experience and all the people that you

watch on YouTube that a lot of you there in the marketing space that kind of

follow me for your business and branding and even your YouTube tips it was just

really surreal to meet them and so I wanted to share with you a lot of the

tips that I learned or at least the main ones that kind of stuck out to me on

here hey Matt Matt aren't you in Vegas cuz I'm in Vegas I'm pretty sure you're

in Vegas if so I'm still here tonight so make sure and hit me up because we met

last time I was here so we're going to probably Taco Tuesday today but good to

see you and thanks for joining us so how to increase your brand awareness this

was something when I came to this networking event this past week I had no

idea really what I was getting myself into or what I was gonna be doing so I

just kind of said you know what I'm just gonna start asking questions and then

I'm going to kind of go from there and see what comes of it so the first day I

got there kind of early and I started talking to people and randomly of course

you wouldn't think being on early is a good thing but it was in my case because

I got to meet Derral Eve's I'm not sure if any of you know him he's a huge

youtuber and I'm trying to get this screen so I know that I'm not talking to

wind or that you can see me so sorry I finally perfected going live on YouTube

so talk to a bunch of different influencers rain into Derral Eve's and

Carlos Gill and sunny and Amy LAN Tino and so many people that I follow online

so I am super excited to start sharing some of those interviews I want to go

through them and really kind of go back and see all of the great stuff they were

telling me cuz I was more focused on make sure I look at the camera

make sure I don't sound stupid asking them a bunch of random questions

and really just trying to learn and be in the experience that I was there so

one of the things that was brought to my attention and something that I've been

trying to do was to write a book and if a lot of you haven't noticed the people

that you follow online they have some type of book a lot of them will have

tutorials out but the one strategy that I've been thinking about a lot is

getting my book out I mentioned this the end of last year and of course

everything comes up which is no excuse because if you say you're gonna do

something you should definitely do it and I got ready to put my book out and

just it didn't work out but I've always kind of left it there and it's been in

the back of my mind and when I was at social media marketing world they

mentioned a book a book a book and I started noticing just about everybody

there had a book out so if you think about it a book is really cheap it's

about 10 bucks you can do self-publishing even if it's not amazing

just putting something out there is going to give you recognition it's

almost like a business card and even if people don't read it most people will

spend $10 on something and invest in themselves you can convince them to

spend $9.99 on themselves or $30 on themselves versus $100 when you're

trying to sell them maybe a tutorial or your type of consulting fees are a

product service whatever it is I also have a product I've talked to y'all

about this before which is my energy patches they're very small they're easy

to put new envelope they are killing it on Amazon right now and it's all because

of creating brand awareness around that and people are willing to try like the

sample and then go on to the newer thing but having something tangible that

people can try and see and feel and know that they're a part of your brand it's a

lot easier to sell them on something bigger lighter so like with my energy

patch it's not necessarily a book but we can get them on a mail

with some type of either trial size and then they we try to sell them on

something bigger something bigger or book number two minute lab that's great

I'm super excited I can't wait to check it out and if you self-publish let me

know I'm looking into that so that's gonna be a new strategy but selling your

product or selling a book either way it's about bringing awareness of your

brain and getting them to a bigger buy eventually later on and the one thing I

think people forget about is that you're not always selling so when I was at

social media marketing world one thing that they weren't allowed to do is sell

you on their service unless they were a sponsor at the networking Plaza but if

they were a speaker they weren't allowed to pitch you on their product they were

allowed to ask you to be on their email list and join kind of like their brand

and learn from there but as far as the direct sale like hey I have a book go

buy this they weren't really supposed to be selling on those things so these are

just things that are kind of gathered from them so the other thing is a lot of

people that follow me are also on YouTube or want to start a YouTube

channel or you should start a YouTube channel video marketing in general

because it's putting a face with the brand and if you're gonna work for any

company directly or indirectly normally you're gonna be talking to them face to

face so why wouldn't you do video marketing it's really the new thing

that's gonna dominate the market or another business is gonna dominate over

you so going live once a week was a big thing that all of the youtubers told me

was a really good strategy and so I forgot to totally turn my phone off

sorry all um but we're doing it we're showing up because I said I was gonna

show up and it's actually a great time here I think it's way lighter on the

East Coast where I would normally be but distractions turn off your distractions

when you go live new tip going live once a week is gonna help your watch time and

it's also gonna help engage with your viewers so maybe you do a video that's

around really SEO heavy content something to do with

your brand directly answering questions that you get asked and then maybe you do

a follow-up on say Thursday and go from there so I'm trying to read your

comments and not get distracted so I'm gonna read your comments in just a

minute follow-up on contact so that was another

thing make sure that you're always following up and do it right after you

meet someone so that you're fresh in their mind

same thing with your email marketing it's this it's like networking when

someone meets you on social media or out somewhere or they just see your opt-in

they come across it then you show up in an email and you say hey Here I am

you try to encourage them to go on social media and it all works in a big

circle for those of you that are writing a book I really love this strategy about

vlogging about your book not just about answering questions because you could

have like a really niche strategy for your book but like a meal and Dino did

this with her how to vlog like a boss and I kind of mentioned this that didn't

go into detail on one of my last videos it was a really cool strategy you got to

see behind the scenes and she released the title and she just really talked

about the overall process of not only writing the book but different topics

she blogged about in the book so the book was about vlogging and she blogged

about how the book came to me in this strategy for doing it so it was a really

cool strategy and I've seen some other people do it so it's a really good way

to put a video and a face behind the brand what else

the biggest thing everybody says it is to niche down and find your niche and

your audience so I have learned I know somebody watching in here does Joomla

tutorials hopefully I don't butcher that word completely but I use WordPress and

if somebody did all WordPress are all Twitter tutorials or all YouTube

tutorials it's a niche for me I really want to start an

a channel and everybody keeps saying why don't you do it well if you knew my RV

story you'd know why but I know that it would probably take off really well so

that might be in the making I've tried to incorporate it into this channel with

my business and branding kind of tips but it just hasn't always worked out and

I really want to share more with you that probably those of you that are

watching wouldn't necessarily care about that is more how-to tutorials with my RV

not just vlogging about my strata Monday and what's going on so if that happens

maybe sometime soon hopefully once it warms up and I can do winter as an RV

that might become something and I've been thinking about taking it to Vegas

so maybe we'll take the RV to Vegas so maybe we'll come back here to Vegas what

else the biggest thing is planning out your videos and either way just showing

up being being consistent so like today I always usually publish videos on

Tuesday if I if I can get another one out my goal is to do three-week Jumilla

great so my goal is to do three videos a week around business branding and

vlogging kind of about how I've built this brand as well as if the book

happens which the book will happen is something if it happens it will happen

is just I'm trying to plan out the exact date because I have a lot going into it

and I've got a whole strategy to go with it and so planning my videos right now

is gonna be surrounded around the book idea that was kind of solidified at

social media marketing world one of the creators kind of mentioned to me that

that was a really good way to get a start even if it wasn't amazing so I'm

gonna kind of run with that what else scheduling out your social if I do more

videos I don't feel like you have to schedule your social as much and the

more I schedule like a scheduled black speak out when I did the how-to Network

video because I knew I was gonna be networking and commenting about social

media marketing world so I wanted people to look at the video and say oh how to

network and I'm an a networking event so that was something that I've

strategically did I actually kind of changed around my video schedule and

said hey you know what I have this great idea and actually um one of my

girlfriends gave me the idea so thank you Ray for the idea because it really

went off well got a lot of great comments a lot of people that contacted

me and a lot of really good interviews and talking to people from the

conference so scheduling out and showing up for your videos is or any social

content you can't go silent on social and that's

one thing I try really hard not to do if you have your live stories like on

Instagram if you're at an event Twitter normally they have a hashtag so sharing

that on Twitter is gonna be a really good way to stay connected what else

another thing I don't feel like a lot of people do is go back and review your

analytics from every platform from Twitter Facebook YouTube whichever one

your largest on of course start there Instagram your video Mart not video

marketing email marketing make sure that you go back and see are people opening

your emails are people watching your videos are they doing what you want them

to do I can't tell you how many times I've looked back and say oh my gosh that

wasn't working or just when I did this other video a couple weeks ago how-to

was a social calendar I just set it up I tested it that

morning it was working fine but as the day gets busier these systems that I use

may not keep up with how many people I didn't realize how many people I

actually downloaded the calendar so I turned off notifications and these were

having a huge lag time so I went back to my lead page that I have

this setup on and I changed the little title and said hey please give this 24

hours because it may take a minute for it to get to you or you know be patient

for your download but it would have been from had not reviewed I was able to see

in my active campaign is what I use right now

for my email marketing I wouldn't have known that something was wrong or that

people weren't getting in this download and I actually looked back at other

people's YouTube videos and they had this same issue so just something to be

aware of when you're trying to create a brand you want to be consistent overall

but you want to be consistent in your posting you want to be consistent and

how people portray you as in if she's gonna give me something I know it's

gonna be working I'm not just gonna be throwing stuff at the wind so reviewing

back even the videos that you're putting out I know a lot of us do videos here

and you want to look back and say are these videos consistent with my brand

strategy when I was getting ready to name this video and do my SEO for the

title and the tags I wanted to name it something about how to get more

subscribe get paid on YouTube without any subscribers because people seem to

think that you have to have subscribers in order to get paid and it's kind of

the exact opposite and I have to keep telling myself all the time you're not

aiming for subscribers right now you're aiming for emails and getting people on

your email list because that's more of what my YouTube strategy is which is to

get them on to one of my opt-ins to warm up their relationships see what their

issues are what their problems are and how I can help them later on so it's

building a brand strategy and this video when I came up with the title I took me

almost freakin all day but it's probably because I'm kind of on vacation kind of

not in kind of three hours behind here so just not on my normal I don't work on

my laptop I have a huge computer home but I had to change the title because I

said okay telling people how to get youtube

subscribers really go with my overall branding strategy of my channel and not

that it doesn't cuz I feel feel like you can still kind of talk about those

things because they all have to do with the overall picture but I wanted to make

sure that all my titles start to revolve around branding because that's more so

at my channel it's about branding on Twitter branding on Instagram branding

on YouTube branding overall - your colors fonts

logos things like that because those have honestly by looking back gotten the

most activity on my channel and that goes from looking back so what else

like I said checking email responding to email um not the best eye responding to

email but I'm trying and I am hiring help so that oh and speaking of hiring

the one thing that these creators and by the way I keep looking down because I

have my notes here from what all I want to talk about but the other thing I

learned from social media marketing world was all of these people said you

should work for free and I hate to say it but even when I was in college the

one thing I wish that I would have done is not worried about the money when I

was doing my internships but worried about the experience because I only

wanted internships that paid me and once I got into those internships I mean look

at me now I'm making YouTube videos about business and branding and my

degree that I went to school for originally was accounting and then I got

an internship in accounting thank God and realized it was really boring and I

didn't want to be an accountant so I switched my manager to finance and

I have some other degrees but it just kind of trickled down from there but it

all started from being an intern and even taking jobs I've looked at

businesses that I've started if you'll work for free or just ask somebody hey

can I help you out with this even if it's just a project it doesn't have to

be overall for them and it doesn't have to be full-time it could just be hey I'm

really good at this can I help you out with creating your

thumbnails for you or if you notice a brand is struggling maybe they don't

have a really good website maybe you're amazing and starting websites maybe you

throw them together a website and just say I mean I heard Gary Vee say this one

time about reaching out to people in Instagram and he was saying I think it

was hit like five or six hundred people a day and just like go to a hashtag and

say it's RV maybe you're into RVing or camping and so you look for all the

people are talking about it and if they're having business maybe you write

them and you say look if you check their website first and if it's a crappy

website you respond to them and say hey I was looking at your website and no one

saying it looks like crap I can do a hundred times better and he really said

put it really blinding to people because most people won't be that honest and so

that's why I'm saying just make sure that you're reaching out to people and

letting people know what you're capable of especially when you're just starting

out or trying to get some type of recognition because I have gotten the

biggest clients from people finding me on YouTube and just trying to talk to me

about their businesses they heard something I said that maybe triggered

something people really fall in love with your brand your personality who you

are they love watching your videos I mean why do you watch my videos it's

because you can relate to me so that was a really big turning point at the event

is just reminding me that I'm not too good to also work for free especially if

I'm trying to break into a certain space and it's something I'm probably gonna

have to work on cuz my ego I don't want to have an ego but I do have that thing

like oh I'm not gonna work for anybody else like I'm my own boss

but I do have to remember that I'm still not you know I don't have a hundred

thousand subscribers on YouTube so I can't say that as my proof all I can do

is show people people that I've worked with in my resume and that's why I put a

lot of videos out on YouTube about personal branding and just my skills in

general because I want people to find me for those skills and hopefully either

they sign up for one of my courses now since being told to write this book

and finally get it out I'm gonna be having that out so this is all gonna be

part of my strategy to get people to buy you know the next thing in the next

thing and that's another thing with branding people try to say okay I want

to be a personal brand or do I want to be a business brand and I can tell you

something I kind of learned and it wasn't me that named it so I probably

would have thought a little bit more about this but this is something that's

come up so the energy patch that I sell it's called eight-hour energy patches

and once I started marketing and getting behind it I started to learn people

aren't looking for eight-hour energy back just they're just looking for

energy patches I started doing some more SEO and just figuring out what kind of

triggers people to buy and the other problem that comes with naming a

business so niche is when you try to come out with maybe eight hours sleep

patches or 8 hour diet patches it's all going to have to be under that same name

so the problem with that was it wasn't just a website it was the whole social

media so all the social media is 8 hour energy or 8 hour energy patches and some

of it is 8 like the number 8 and then some is done with the word a all of

those can be a little tricky some you can change lighter and some you can't

so when you start out with something like my name brandy I went to blog and

brandy I told a story about this made a video about this about how I got my name

you go watch that on my channel but it came from somebody make

fun of me about blogging and it turned into something bigger but I looked up

all this yeah it was available all the Twitter handles Facebook Instagram was

available so I chose that name and I knew that I was gonna have something

more than just a product I mean I'm not gonna have something called blog and

Brandie what am I gonna sell that is I'll probably have merchandise at some

point I mean hopefully you know I get that big but I'll have my course that

I've sold in the past the book that I'm talking about and so much more to go

underneath my name so if you're trying to be a personal brand you would want to

go with your name and not something strange because you're gonna have tons

of products underneath that and when people go to look you up and they say oh

blog and Randy did that or hosted by blog and Randy they're able to find you

same thing with your YouTube video trailer so your main video for your

youtube if you look at mine it's called blog and Brandi it might say - YouTube

but I named it blog and Brandi so when people search Google or search YouTube

they automatically see blog and brainie and then they can see I can separate

things by playlists or say I have different categories I can honestly I

could create like an RVing playlist and a business playlist I could

do tons of different things but to grow on YouTube you really want to have a

very nice channel I've learned that by watching people if any of you go look up

Linda Raynor she's she does a career Channel and my legs are falling asleep

and it's really good she only did maybe 36 videos and she's got like a hundred

and over a hundred thousand subscribers in less than a year and she started with

50 subscribers so her channel is so niche and everything is about career

advice how to get a better job it is the mom so I go look at her all

the time to try to copy some stuff that she's doing in my own because I don't

talk about career boss but what else so how to create brand awareness the other

thing that I was told by one of the creators what well there was two tricks

so if you're on YouTube a really good trick to get more video content out is

to think about what video you launched last and go through the comments and

actually do a video following up and loop for this I'm not like way down here

do a video following up on the comments so read your comments and say and even

if they're bad it could be like a bad comment but it could be how you really

feel when you respond to people and read that out as a video referencing back to

it kind of like have reference back to some of the videos as I've been talking

to you today just say like say I did how to network and then I went through my

comments and I did a video saying I mean it could be anything but you'd want to

title it something similar but you could put out a second video about networking

related to that and you'd really just be reviewing the comments for that video

answering people's questions on you can do it live which would be awesome and

drive people back to the video or you could just do a follow-up video I would

think doing it live is a really good idea we're even doing some type of live

tutorial that is related to that video maybe it's something on screen where

you're showing somebody those are all really good ways to reference other

videos and include engage people make sure if people ask for something in the

comments that you let them know and people really like to be called out so

when people join say your live stream you will want to let them know hey I see

you and really connect with them because people are way more likely to stay on

for the stream when they feel like they're a part of it with you so going

live and I may do something April is vlog every day in April its Veda for

those of you don't know who and I really like it because anytime you have vlogmas

slog every day in April and then there's a Veda for August vlog every day in

August it really helps you learn your strategy

when you vlog a lot more even if it's not 100% every time or the top-ranked

video just getting out there and learning and getting a name out there

for yourself and being relatable being real with your audience

so what else last but not least is planning new conferences so one big

thing that I learned from the creator's was they said that I'm not even gonna

share like how much but they mentioned that they spent a lot of money going out

investing in themselves and this is money where it's not necessarily cash

that you have available it's debt that you might have to go into to put

yourself in a better place so you wanted to put a book out I mean wouldn't you

invest in the publishing tools or whatever is available maybe need to

editor to get that book out for you same thing with your videos I was thinking

about going to some different conferences so when I went to social

media marketing world this past week I thought that it was gonna be and I

actually heard other people say this hey we thought it was gonna be be people

walking around with like their phones you know vlogging everywhere and it

really wasn't um I put my phone on and people were looking at me like I was

weird when I was vlogging and I had someone holding a camera and I was

actually recording my audio on my phone so it was an interesting event but it's

funny to see people looking at me like I was weird for videoing and it kind of

made me feel a little bit cool you know because I was like I'm the only person

videoing over here so I've spent my time connecting with creators and getting

interviews and just kind of learning the ropes around there and how people do it

and it was surprising to hear a lot of them say it was their first year there

their first year speaking that they were invited there and mostly

have very successful either YouTube channels or businesses so it's really

good to connect with these people and just start a relationship you may not

have they may not you know buy your product or promote you right at that

time but you have one thing I did learn is that if you don't take a selfie it's

not real so that's the saying so I try to make sure I got a selfie or picture

of everything that I want to tell you about so it's really funny when I'm

gonna start sharing these videos and go back and review them I guess I'm

traveling right now so it's kind of hard to go through everything but and I

bought a car so I'm actually traveling with this car from California now we're

in Vegas and now we have to make it from Vegas to go get my dogs in Alabama and

then to Atlanta so we still have like 30 hours to drive it's gonna be fun so I'm

trying to vlog along the way some of it I'm trying to share on social media and

I will hopefully do some follow-up vlogging maybe be able to share some of

this stuff more so in April by the time I'm able to go through it all cuz I

thought like 20 or 30 really amazing interviews with people you all will be

thinking oh my gosh how did she get to talk to this person and I'm just super

excited like I'm trying not to share everybody's and I'm not really trying to

be a name-dropper it was just so exciting to see these people in person

and really connect with them and get to ask them questions especially after I

have put out about how to network video and then I got to network with all the

people that I've been trying to network with so you don't forget that you can

network with people indirectly as well so you might have seen that I put the

video out about how to network and it featured Sonny Lenoir doozy because I

love Sonny and she's really helped me so much with my business and I love her

channel and every time I talk to her she's just always there she's just such

a really good personal brand to be a part of and learn from and then also I

did one about how to vlog like a boss that I mentioned with Amy Allen

you know and I finally got to meet Amy face-to-face and of course I cried and

it was just so much fun to really have I want to say closure but it was really

fun to see the staff come full circle so I can't wait to share that with you I've

got so much stuff to go through and just kind of go back and implement in my

business and like I said I'm gonna try to start doing more videos it'll

probably be if I can get to three a week I'd really like that hopefully

strategize more towards branding and SEO my content that way to kind of get a

little bit more steam going cuz I'm really close to 500 subscribers if you

haven't subscribed please subscribe and I just am so excited to kind of share

all of this stuff that I'm learning and help you bring more awareness to your

brand and if you haven't checked out my branding kit I'm putting that down below

and if you can't see this subscription a description it will be here after the

video the way that YouTube works at least when I get done with this is this

goes as unlisted and then I have to relist it and then you can comment so

your comments kind of go away in a way but they'll be there shortly and you can

recom en't and share them and oh my branding kit so

I'm sharing my branding kit I'm still adding to it as I get more questions so

please let me know if you're struggling with certain things in your business if

it's branding for a certain social platform or branding for your website it

could be your YouTube thumbnails whatever you're struggling with I want

to hear questions that you have but my branding kit helps you kind of show

where I go to get my fonts and what's important I like colors fonts what else

there's like 10 I think there's 10 different things on there but your

social media colors fonts logo your brand name I did a video about choosing

a brand name a while back and I was gonna make an updated one on that

but you can get my branding kit down in the description below and I'll be

publishing that in this video and let me make sure I read your comments because I

said I was gonna read them of course I did go with creates and thank you for

joining everybody and everyone that has joined I did go with create space and

amazing Amazon company service okay I want to say I've heard of create space

but I'm not sure I think I've heard somebody else mention that I actually

keep getting these emails from Kendall doing self-publishing so I don't know

CreateSpace does everything for you there is another one that I ran into at

social media marketing world it was called I think I was actually called

this self-publishing school so that's another one to maybe check out but I'll

have to look at some of these because I'm still I've just saved the email and

not done anything with it what else Jumilla I said it correctly

that's good I do I do pay attention to your videos I read even though I know I

don't use it I use WordPress and I'll probably like always use WordPress but

it's interesting learning about Joomla leave the dark side and switch to Gmail

I probably won't do that but maybe one day as of right now I'm not sure bunny

is a good option there was I can't remember somebody tried to give me on

one I don't know if it was Joomla but they said something they tell me it was

more popular than WordPress and I was like I don't know I've never even heard

of this they talked it was something they were teaching in school I wish I

remember the name of it well YouTube just made changes so comments during

live streams are now saved they will play back with the video if

you want that's good I hope that they play back when I save this and it

doesn't get janky because I have finally successfully went live didn't have a lag

was able to share it on social

the last time I did this I think the screen was weird because I had done a

livestream on Facebook before so I didn't realize I needed to adjust the

screen so I worked really hard to make sure this came out perfect today not

that it really matters just showing up matters but I'm glad that everyone is

here and I can't wait to play this back cuz now that I can do it I can go live

more often and be on point when I do it so what else I think that's pretty much

everything again subscribe if I didn't I'm so sorry for anybody that was trying

to connect with me on social media marketing world speaking of building

brand awareness is that I didn't get to connect with some people so I am gonna

try to follow up with everybody and soon like this week during my travels and I

just wanted to make sure I at least got on here and at least put out this video

so hopefully Sunday going forward maybe I can start doing Sunday Tuesday

Thursday videos from what I've researched but either way I will always

be publishing on Tuesdays every week if everything goes well I actually have my

calendar scheduled out for the first quarter and then like I said April my

goal is to do vlog every day in April so if there's any topics that you want me

to cover or anything that I haven't covered that's a really good time for me

to maybe branch out and try things that I can't normally put on my channel

because it's vlogging everyday and people really like to kind of see behind

the scenes if there's something in my business that you want to learn about I

do sell a product on Amazon like I mentioned the eight hour energy patches

it's a really been a crazy last couple months of getting that on board we've

gone through rebranding the whole thing the whole I'm losing my voice no Melissa

my trainings all rebranding the whole listing on Amazon so we had one before

but then we decided to you kind of branch out and we're trying

to do a subscription model and just basically kind of recreate what we have

on our website but it's just been refined of fun going through that

process and strategy of what people are willing to buy and what people are

asking and going through the feedback so that might be a fun video is reading the

feedback that we get from people so let's see if I can show you Vegas again

maybe the Suns kind of gone down I don't know if we can see it let's see if I can

do this for us we're on my laptop but maybe y'all can

see this trip so that's the Vegas trip we got a really pretty room and then we

had the win over here the lighting in here is horrible but you might be able

to see it so that's the wind the mountains and it's just so in the

stratosphere maybe you can see that I don't know if you can probably know it

but I tried so I'm so excited that everybody joined this livestream and for

everybody that's watching it back like I said it's gonna go down as unlisted I

will make sure that this is everything's good on it and either re-upload it or

publish it whatever it's called on here and if you have any questions I can kind

of add either to the channel or if you're thinking about something you want

me to vlog about during Veda vlog every day in April let me know because I'm

always looking for suggestions for that and we will be going to hopefully three

videos a week starting next week so I'm always excited to hear your questions

and don't forget to subscribe I will see everyone next week if not sooner

I don't know if I get some time I might vlog before then or if I get a chance to

go through my content but like I said I'm driving most of this week so it's

gonna be catching up and doing so much catch up with emails

and social so follow me on Twitter and Instagram because I try to update my

stories when I'm traveling and I'll be going a lot of fun places I've done a

lot in Vegas this we got here Friday so I've been here since Friday and then I

think we leave tomorrow we were gonna leave today but then it was just so much

fun that we decided to stay an extra day so we're still here I will see you

Tuesday if I don't see you before then I'm vlogging Brandi where you can find

tons of free resources to help you brand your business don't forget to subscribe

and I will see y'all next week thanks for joining everybody I hope y'all have

a great rest of your day

For more infomation >> How To Create Awareness For Your Brand - Brand Awareness - Duration: 42:38.


Drake – Portland ft. Quavo & Travis Scott (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:57.

♪ Murda on the beat so it's not nice ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Its a Habibis ting, ya? ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ My side girl got a 5S with the screen cracked ♪

♪ Still hit me back right away, better not never hesitate ♪

♪ Don't come around thinkin' you gettin' saved Tryna show the dogs brighter days ♪

♪ Got a torch, tryna light the way Bitin' everybody, which is ironic ♪

♪ 'Cause your next album probably won't ever see the light of day ♪

♪ Had fans, but you let 'em down But I guess that's how you niggas gettin' down ♪

♪ I'm so high up I'm like, "How is niggas really gettin' down?" ♪

♪ I could never have a kid, then be out here still kiddin' round ♪

♪ Boys playin' around, where you really wanna take it now? ♪

♪ I got a 150,000 dollars for an afterparty And I gave it to the killas just to break it down ♪

♪ Bring us up, I never take us down ♪

♪ But if you bring me up, then they might take you down ♪

♪ Fake fucked with me back then But it's gettin' hard for you to fake it now ♪

♪ Fuck bein' rich when I'm forty, man, I'm tryna make it now ♪

♪ Hell nah Never let these niggas ride your wave ♪

♪ Nope, no way, nah Never let these niggas ride your wave ♪

♪ Nope, no way, nah Park the Benz just to the ride the Wraith ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt Ten million dollars, gotta hide the safe ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt, oh Michael Phelps with the swim moves ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt, oh Michael Jordan with the tennis shoes ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt ♪

♪ Quavo, young nigga, I invented you (ugh) Ike Turner with the left hand (Ike) ♪

♪ Griselda Blanco with the trap moves Gangland with the right hand ♪

♪ Undertaker with the tattoos Never listen to the class rules ♪

♪ Switch it up, they bit the last move (let's go!) ♪

♪ I'm a magnet for bad bitches You got the goin' out sad bitches ♪

♪ I spent a fifty on the chain (racks) You spent your last fifty (ugh, cash) ♪

♪ I got the keys to the streets You got the key to defeat ♪

♪ I got the keys to the warzone (brrrapt!) ♪

♪ You got the key to the peace (ugh) ♪

♪ Hell nah Never let these niggas ride your wave ♪

♪ Nope, no way, nah Never let these niggas ride your wave ♪

♪ Nope, no way, nah Park the Benz just to ride the Wraith ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt Ten million dollars, gotta hide the safe ♪

♪ We gon' go live, we gon' go live, yep We gon' go live, we gon' go live, yep ♪

♪ Gettin' loose off the Henny, 'Roc and a hint of Goose ♪

♪ Ocean deep in my swimmin' pool ♪

♪ Throwin' Dead Prez in my livin' room ♪

♪ Takin' shots, feelin' bulletproof ♪

♪ Flood my Rollie, told my bitch: "Let's go snorkelin'!" ♪

♪ Out in Portland, tryna get in her organs ♪

♪ No, I did not sign with Jay ♪

♪ But I still send a Tidal wave Yeah, I might just go get the fade ♪

♪ Buy the du-rag and just tie the waves ♪

♪ Yeah, it's lit at the crib, you could stay ♪

♪ Me and Drake kick like Kid N' Play The way that she servin' that cake ♪

♪ I gotta sit back and digest I guess, for the fuck-shit I'm biased ♪

♪ I mix, double the cup when I stress Got my momma out the basement ♪

♪ That's a different type of face lift Free Max B out the bracelets ♪

♪ Don't hit us askin' what the wave is ♪

♪ Hell nah Never let these niggas ride your wave ♪

♪ Nope, no way, nah Never let these niggas ride your wave ♪

♪ Nope, no way, nah Park the Benz just to the ride the Wraith ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt Ten million dollars, gotta hide the safe ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt, oh Michael Phelps with the swim moves ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt, oh Michael Jordan with the tennis shoes ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt, oh Michael Phelps with the swim moves ♪

♪ Skrrt skrrt, oh Michael Jordan with the tennis shoes ♪


For more infomation >> Drake – Portland ft. Quavo & Travis Scott (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:57.


Adult Anim - BiTS - ARTE - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Adult Anim - BiTS - ARTE - Duration: 11:29.


Презентация "Сладкой Батарейки" для врачей. Конфеты без сахара - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Презентация "Сладкой Батарейки" для врачей. Конфеты без сахара - Duration: 1:22.


Toy Super Cars with Surprise Eggs Video for Kids - Duration: 5:43.

Toy Super Cars with Surprise Eggs Video for Kids

For more infomation >> Toy Super Cars with Surprise Eggs Video for Kids - Duration: 5:43.


WEIRD REASONS WE WERE ARRESTED | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 10:39.

• From sneezing in a library to not following the school dress code, the Planet Dolan crew

re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the weirdest reasons we

ever got arrested.

I'm Hellbent and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by CraZGames Doopie Doopie was riding in a car with her mom when,

all of a sudden, they began to hear someone laying on their horn.

It lasted for about three blocks, with Doopie even saying, "Someone's got an itchy horn


Then, they came to a red light when a lady, who had been the one honking at them, pulled

up beside them.

She rolled down her window and started screaming at them for cutting her off, yelling how she

was going to "beat their asses" and "were lucky her kid was in the car."

Doopie's mom calmly said, "Fuck off, my kid's in the car, too.

Mind your own damn business."

Two swears was a record for Doopie's mom.

Then, the lady screamed at them some more when a cop came by and pulled her over.

At first, Doopie and her mom were happy, but then the cop pulled them over, too.

He slapped her mom with a 400 dollar ticket for 'cussing'.

Number 9 was submitted by RagsUnderAmysBed SaltySquid

SaltySquid was out looking for toads, frogs, and newts in his hometown.

He went to his usual hotspots when he came across a fallen fence.

"Ah, who am I kidding?

It's not connected to anything.

It just fell over," he told himself as he moved it out of his way.

Later that night, a guy pulled him over and scolded him for moving the fallen fence, asking,

"What were you doing moving the fence?"

SaltySquid answered, "Well, it had fallen over.

Can I go now?"

The man said, "If you move, I'm gonna call the cops!"

SaltySquid thought, "Fuck that," and drove away.

The man called the police, who pulled him over and arrested him.

Even though the fence had fallen over, it was connected to a field.

He had to spend the rest of the year in jail.

Number 8 was submitted by ElectroUmbra CivilSpider CivilSpider went to a school that was extremely


It was so strict that if a student didn't have any demerits by the end of the school

year, it was a celebrated achievement.

But CivilSpider was a good student who followed every single rule to the letter.

One day, back when he was in sixth grade, he brought a plastic knife with his lunch.

Apparently, to the teachers and security guards, the plastic knife was really a razor-sharp

switchblade that he had brought to inflict harm on others.

So, CivilSpider was shoved to the ground, handcuffed, and expelled that same day.

He got probation and was under house arrest for a full year… all because he wanted to

cut his lunch.

Number 7 was submitted by GhirahimisNixxiom Danger Dolan

One time, when Dolan was walking down the sidewalk, he started to whistle a song.

Just then, a police officer drove up to him and screamed, "Why did you kill Spike?"

Dolan had no idea what he was talking about, so he replied, "Who?"

The police officer said, "Spike the dinosaur, damn it!"

Before he knew it, Dolan was in handcuffs and was being carried off to the police station.

When they entered the station, the police officer sobbed hysterically.

One of his friends, a policewoman, asked him what was wrong.

The police officer grabbed the chain on Dolan's handcuffs and violently pulled it, shaking

him around.

He said, "He killed Spike!"

The policewoman took the handcuffs off Dolan and said, "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience."

Dolan found out later that the police officer had been drunk.

Number 6 was submitted by King_Kasshoku Nixxiom One day, Nixxiom was sitting on his porch

when two guys ran passed his house.

Both boys wore blue jeans and bright coloured shirts, while Nixxiom wore all black.

A couple seconds later, two cops ran passed his house, but one stopped and ran towards


He dragged Nixxiom off the porch, put him against his car, and began to pat him down.

Every time he tried to say something, the cop told him to shut up.

The cop found nothing, but still called for backup multiple times.

There ended up being a total of six police cars in front of Nixxiom's house, but they

were all confused except for the cop who grabbed him.

They talked to Nixxiom for over an hour, asking if he was with the two boys who ran passed

his house earlier.

He answered, "No.

I'm not even wearing any shoes."

Even though the cops thought he should be let go, the cop who grabbed Nixxiom thought

that he knew him from somewhere and looked suspicious.

So, he brought him down to the station.

On the way, Nixxiom asked the cop why.

The cop said that it was because he was wearing all black.

Number 5 was submitted by Torakaya Grgak Grgak and his friend, MKyleM, were eating

lunch at school one day when a kid walked up to them and yelled, "Give me that motherfuckin'


He punched MKyleM in the crotch, and Grgak stood up and asked, "What the hell was that

for, Beavis?"

The kid looked at him with a deer-in-headlights expression and screamed, "I'm gonna call

the cops on your ass for calling me Beavis!"

So, the kid took out his phone and dialed 9-1-1.

When the operator answered, the kid said, "I'm at school, and I almost got murdered

by a sixth grader.

All I did was take a random kid's apple."

When the cops arrived, they handcuffed Grgak and brought him home.

Number 4 was submitted by Dia10653 Zaraganba When Zaraganba lived in Florida, his school's

dress code required black shoes.

His parents didn't have the money for black shoes, so they just painted a pair of Zaraganba's

shoes black.

Later at school, the paint on the shoes was dripping, revealing the actual color.

Zaraganba and his parents didn't know that if the dress code wasn't followed, the student

would serve some time in jail.

So, the principal called the cops when he saw the dripping shoes.

When the cops came, they handcuffed Zaraganba and put him in jail for 48 hours.

He hasn't been back in Florida since.

Number 3 was submitted by olivia_james88 Melissa The weirdest reason Melissa ever got arrested

was when she was in 11th grade.

One night, she walked into a gas station to get some snacks.

She saw a policeman standing behind the counter, getting some cigarettes.

Melissa grabbed some chips and walked to the counter, saying, "Good evening."

The policeman's face turned red like a tomato.

He asked, "Are you making fun of me?"

Melissa said she wasn't and apologized, in shock from the policeman's question.

Seeing the shocked look on her face, the policeman said, "It's not okay to disrespect a policeman."

After that, he drove Melissa to the police station where she stayed for three hours.

Number 2 was submitted by farklepony32 Pandora When she was 17, Pandora was at the library

returning some books and checking out new ones.

She had the worst cold ever, so when she sat down to read, she coughed.

The librarian, who was the worst old lady ever, gave her a dramatic, "SHHHHHHH!"

Pandora looked at her funny, then continued to read.

She kept having to sneeze and cough about every five seconds.

At one point, the librarian said, "If you make any more noise, I'm calling the police!"

That was when Pandora got up and went to her desk.

She quietly explained, "Listen, I have a really bad cold.

If you can't accept that, then why do you have this job?"

The librarian ended up kicking her out.

Later that night, the police came and took Pandora to jail for a day because she "didn't

listen to the authorities."

Number 1 – What


the weirdest reason that I ever got arrested?

For more infomation >> WEIRD REASONS WE WERE ARRESTED | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 10:39.


A small hello. - Duration: 8:17.

I don't know how to be normal -anymore

trying to act normal like everything is okay

and everything is great for those of you that are subscribed to me

and have been subscribed to me for awhile you know that my channel has gone through

a lot of different changes lately I'm trying to find my place again

It's been a couple weeks since I really created a video

I didn't think that I was going to ever vlog again

I started to believe that what I was doing or saying doesn't matter

I started to believe that no one cared about what I had to say

I started to believe that no one cared So then I stopped caring

I don't know who is currently subscribed to me

I use to keep this channel a secret from my closer friends and family

I will put this on my personal playlist I'm tired of making mistakes-the same mistakes

over and over again that are not getting me to where I want to

be in life I'm very hesitant to do or say much right

now because I'm afraid that I'm not going to get

to a better place because of it-I'm afraid that things are going

to get worse -which I honestly don't know how they can

it's one of those things: you never know how bad it can get

so lately I've been spending my days focusing on one thing to accomplish for the

day I've been doing some drawings again

-I use to draw all the time I binge watch TV again

*sigh* ya-I am doing this vlog because I have missed

just talking and letting you guys know how I am doing

and I know a few of you probably missed that too

For example today my day has consisted of waking up

I actually made my kids breakfast this morning then I chatted with a really close friend

this morning before I took my daughter to kindergarten after I made her a sandwhich

and now I'm deciding to say hi I just don't know where I'm going anymore

people tell me that I'm really strong because I've been through so much but-

I'm honestly just exhausted now and it's really hard to keep fighting

and all I'm doing is surviving I don't know how to thrive-

and that's what I want is to thrive in life and not

wake up wondering if I'll be able to cope with anything for the day

so Mom's Day Off has sort of became instead of "the day that I get to do whatever

I want" it's the day I lost myself

lost direction the day I started wondering what I'm doing

with my life wondering if I am making a difference or doing

any good this channel use to be full of vlogs like

this and I stopped doing them because I felt like

I was just complaining all the time and I don't

want to do that again I just wanted to personally say hi

cuz I know I've got some very different stuff on my channel right now

just wanted to let you guys know where I'm at

-sort of I don't know if I've really even said anything-

I feel like I haven't said anything but now I am home by myself

which being alone has gotten really hard so I'm going to either binge watch TV or draw

something or fall asleep because I've not been sleeping

very good and so I nap a lot

to the point where my body hurts because I've been trying to sleep all night-then not

and then laying in bed all day because I'm tired

That's what I'm going to do now Thank you so much for clicking on this video

I hope you're doing well! maybe I will see you in a next video I really

can't say Thank you so much for watching-bye

For more infomation >> A small hello. - Duration: 8:17.


Las 6 Comidas Peligrosas - Duration: 1:45.

The 6 most dangerous foods in the world

We will give you a walk through the world of the most toxic foods that can change your culinary tastes

"Fugu" or Pufferfish, is a deadly poisonous delicacy due to its tetrodotoxin

which can only be prepared by rigorously trained chefs to remove the toxic parts

and avoid the poisoning of the meat

"Pangiun Edule", is a plant that produces a mortally toxic fruit

thanks to its high content of hydrogen cyanide...

which can only be consumed if left to ferment for 40 days

Casu Marzu or rotten / putrid cheese It is fermented with thousands of larvae of flies

To eat it, you must remove the live worms that measure up to 15 centimeters

that if you swallow them, they would make holes in your intestinal system

Cassava or Yucca, It is a starchy root, widely used in Latin American cuisine

That of being eaten raw or undercooked, is mortally dangerous thanks to the cyanide it contains

Cashew, although you can eat it toasted, you can not eat it raw

Because its shell contains urushiol, a highly toxic resin that produces severe dermatitis

Red Beans, Although all beans contain the bean lectin

the red beans have it in greater quantity, if they are not cooked well and consumed

the lectin can cause very serious gastrointestinal symptoms

Eat well, eat with caution. Take care of your health and do not play with these meals

For more infomation >> Las 6 Comidas Peligrosas - Duration: 1:45.


Como Se Sair Bem Numa Entrevista em Inglês - Amiga da Meta - Elaine Florencio - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> Como Se Sair Bem Numa Entrevista em Inglês - Amiga da Meta - Elaine Florencio - Duration: 10:43.


Multan Sultans VS Peshawar Zalmi Full Highlights | 6 March 2018 | PSL 2018 | Pak Trends - Duration: 5:31.

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