Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 7 2018

In June 1972, a woman appeared in Cedar Senai hospital in nothing but a white, blood-covered


Now this, in itself, should not be too surprising as people often have accidents nearby and

come to the nearest hospital for medical attention, but there were two things that caused people

who saw her to vomit and flee in terror.

The first being that she wasn't exactly human.

She resembled something close to a mannequin, but had the dexterity and fluidity of a normal

human being.

Her face was as flawless as a mannequins, devoid of eyebrows and smeared in make-up.

There was a kitten clamped in her jaws so unnaturally tight that no teeth could be seen,

and the blood was still squirting out over her gown and onto the floor.

She then pulled it out of her mouth, tossed it aside and collapsed.

From the moment she stepped through the entrance to when she was taken to a hospital room and

cleaned up before being prepped for sedation, she was completely calm, expressionless and


The doctors thought it best to restrain her until the authorities could arrive and she

did not protest.

They were unable to get any kind of response from her and most staff members felt too uncomfortable

to look directly at her for more than a few seconds.

But the second the staff tried to sedate her, she fought back with extreme force.

Two members of staff had to hold her down as her body rose up on the bed with that same,

blank expression.

She turned her emotionless eyes towards the male doctor and did something unusual.

She smiled.

As she did, the female doctor screamed and let go out of shock.

In the woman's mouth were not human teeth, but long, sharp spikes.

Too long for her mouth to close fully without causing any damage…

The male doctor stared back at her for a moment before asking "What in the hell are you?"

She cracked her neck down to her shoulder to observe him, still smiling.

There was a long pause, the security had been alerted and could be heard coming down the


As he heard them approach, she darted forward, sinking her teeth into the front of his throat,

ripping out his skin and letting him fall to the floor, gasping for air as he choked

on his own blood.

She stood up and leaned over him, her face coming dangerously close to his as the life

faded from his eyes.

She leaned closer and whispered in his ear.

"I... am...


The doctor's eyes filled with fear as he watched her calmly walk away to greet the security


His last ever sight would be watching her feast on them one by one.

The female doctor who survived the incident named her "The Expressionless".

There was never a sighting of her again.

For more infomation >> Weekly Horror Dose: Creepypasta -The Expressionless - Duration: 2:49.


О КАНАЛЕ Здоровье Бизнес Красота - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> О КАНАЛЕ Здоровье Бизнес Красота - Duration: 1:49.


El SUB x SUB si que funciona... | YouTube se pone a trabajar - Duration: 7:49.

in paying money to videos

today we are going to talk about a practice that it exists from the beginning of youtube and

above all it was recognized worldwide when I could country decided to try this

method there a lot of people decided use this practice called its by sub x sub

maybe you already know what it is or maybe not but for that I am to explain it to you

this method consists of an exchange of subscribers means that you

subscribe to my channel but in exchange I I'm obligated to subscribe to yours

then it is an exchange and as I have said in the title the sub x sub

that works but works for bad and not I recommend you do no no and do not

Following this comes several dilemmas because many say it's good and

Following this comes several dilemmas because many say it's good and

same as I think. the first problem of doing sub by sub is

that you no longer do quality content anymore do not focus on making good videos what

that before people spent 5 or 6 hours in record a video in edit it and upload it

then to the youtube platform and now they dedicate only one hour in

crear ese vídeo y subirlo y se dedican el resto del día en hacer esta práctica

su por su esta gente hace el psuv por su ya sean comentarios de vídeos ajenos en

directos de su por su gesto youtube y ya lo ha quitado

y hablando de los directos de su por su you tube lo ha quitado porque no quiere

que se haga esta práctica y al final del video veras porque porque no es

beneficiosa para youtube ni para ti el segundo problema que pueda parecer al

hacer este método de ganar suscriptores es que estás perdiendo el objetivo

principal de youtube y en la esencia como creador piensa la mayoría de

youtube es al principio cuando subían sus primeros vídeos

muchos de ellos cuenta que los subían para después verlo con los amigos o les

hacía mucha gracia los vídeos que hacían o las partidas que

grababan entonces lo subían para después mirar lo es

otras ocasiones entonces el objetivo principal de ellos era pura diversión

era un hobby pero el objetivo principal a cambio de una persona que hace es un

por su es conseguir un número que diga tengo 20 mil suscriptores en serio hace

falta gastar horas y horas para inflar un número es que solamente eso no estás

ganando suscriptores fieles le gustaría tener fans te gustaría abrir youtube ver

los comentarios de los vídeos que subes ver comentarios de suscriptores que se

han suscrito a tu canal porque les gustas porque le gusta tu contenido y

quizás a lo mejor os veáis en la calle y quiera hacerse una foto contigo porque

eres su ídolo no te gustaría hacer una propuesta en un vídeo y tener

suscriptores que te apoyen y te ayuden a dar difusión a tu canal y a tus vídeos

es curioso y esto es muy bonito pero con él su porción no vas a conseguir esto y

te muestro un caso tengo un amigo mío que tiene alrededor de 20.000

suscriptores esto lo ha conseguido en dos años con el

psuv por su lado una pregunta imagínate a ver si lo adivinas cuántas visitas

tiene por cada video de media no supera las 200 visitas aquí es increíble es que

con él su por sus no estás ganando suscriptores fieles en esos dos años

aseguró que si hubiera dedicado todo ese tiempo del sur por su a crear contenido

de calidad ahora mismo ganaría dinero de youtube y

una extra bastante interesante por lo tanto es tu momento de cambiar de

retomar tus objetivos dedícate a hacer contenido de calidad y

es la mejor forma de sacar lo mejor de ti y de ganar suscriptores que de verdad

aprecia en tu trabajo así que hazte un favor y no haga su por

su al principio del video dije que los directores del supo schulz habían

terminado de que youtube los está intentando quitar y dar esta práctica

que a ellos no les gusta para nada me gustaría saber por qué

en primer lugar es youtube se mantiene y crece como plataforma de vídeos

gracias a los anunciantes el dinero que reciben aparece en los anuncios y eso es

mucho dinero que mueve youtube youtube pone una serie de normas para que

aparezca en tus videos pues anuncios y son una serie de condiciones que los

anunciantes también pide para añadir anuncios en tu video un anunciante no va

a querer poner un anuncio en un vídeo que no le gusta no solamente por el

contenido sino porque no es de calidad los anunciantes no quieren pagar dinero

a los vídeos

por lo tanto como youtube no quiere pagar dinero a los vídeos que tienen

poca calidad que no hacen contenidos buenos y ahora veremos después más

adelante en un vídeo que son esos factores pues no van a dejar el dinero y

ccoo y entonces a youtube le perjudica y te perjudica a ti también

youtube o decide no posicionarlos o decide que no ve a nadie o decide en la

mayoría de casos hacer una limpieza de esos canales y de esos vídeos

por lo tanto yo conozco a muchos amigos que tenían contenidos bastante feos y

feos en que tenían poca calidad y al final de un año han conseguido que

youtube nos van e hilos board por el contenido y cómo saber que tienes

contenido de calidad ya haré vídeos explicando esto más detalladamente pero

en resumidas cuentas hay un factor en 'la nana' analytics

hay un factor en analytics que esto lo he repetido como cien veces y no me ha

salido esta frase es una media muy interesante y es una estadística muy

interesante que youtube toma mucho en cuenta con esta estadística

youtube identifica qué vídeos y que canales a la gente les gusta

cuanta más media tiene esa estadística quiere decir que la gente le gusta estar

en tu video y por lo tanto youtube identifica que es un video de

la calidad entonces ya viene todo lo que os he comentado antes de los anunciantes

y del dim el icc y bueno es esto lo que quería soltar os en este vídeo

ojalá os hayáis quedado hasta el final y ojalá os haya gustado todo lo que he

dicho si te gustarían ver más videos de este estilo

seguramente sean mejores porque son los primeros vídeos que hago a una cámara

normalmente todos los vídeos que he tenido a mi canal y en canales

anteriores ha sido solamente con mi voz y no con mi cámara

así que la verdad que estoy bastante entusiasmado con estos nuevos formatos

que voy a intentar añadir a mi canal y intentaré subir vídeos que es hablen

sobre cómo crecer en youtube cuáles son estos factores que youtube

identifica como que hacen buenos contenidos de calidad y por lo tanto que

hacen que te posicione te recomienden a otros videos te coloquen en tendencias o

cosas así y esto lo subiré en otros vídeos pero claro tengo que ver apoyo en

este vídeo así que reventar el botón del aic y

suscribimos a mi canal ahora sí me despido y nos vemos en la



For more infomation >> El SUB x SUB si que funciona... | YouTube se pone a trabajar - Duration: 7:49.


Peppa Pig: Watering Plants with Mummy Pig | Funny Cartoons for Children to Learn Colors - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig: Watering Plants with Mummy Pig | Funny Cartoons for Children to Learn Colors - Duration: 6:41.


Darius Montage 1 - Best Darius Plays 2018 | League Of Legends - Duration: 5:44.

Enjoy the shows

For more infomation >> Darius Montage 1 - Best Darius Plays 2018 | League Of Legends - Duration: 5:44.



you guys are there hey guys hello my karma babies you know what I

don't have my glasses I do have to play they're not sure well I don't have my

glasses on because I noticed that with this new screen green screen there's a

reflection so took my glasses off but I'm gonna need them because I'm gonna do

question and answer question answer while we have a little snack today we're

just gonna have a snack and we're going to get right into it

bankage and guess what we have four snacks today my karma babies yes we have

liver sausage I don't know if you're familiar with liver sausage or

liverwurst but this is liver sausage it comes like this

and it also comes in a tube but my main attraction I didn't bring any any

napkins guys my main attraction today is my sauce this is called self or hog head

cheese is called sauce look at it it's got peppers in it red peppers and you

know it's it's more it's like the congealed fat basically that's why we

have two pieces hey don't don't judge me okay don't judge

some things I'm just so used to eating and I love and on occasions I will have

them and I always want to share my meals with you guys and snacks and

your different things that I'm eating so with this you can see I want you to look

in here really closely you'll be able to see some red peppers see the red pepper

I see one over there red peppers and I tell you I love sauce I like mine to get

a little room temperature and I love eating them with crackers that's how I

eat them and I've been eating them I've been eating already as I have so

we're going to do today a little BIT how I eat it click a little bit on some

crackers put a little bit on some crackers then juicy mmm folk that

mm no if you don't like like a gelatinous kind of taste you probably

won't like sauce or hog head cheese and you're not sure if it's I don't think

it's just a southern dish I think they call it in the south hog head cheese and

that's because I think they used the head of the pig and they cook it cook it

cook it - it just the meat the meat and everything just kind of dissolves mm-hmm

yummy clay he was just in here guys I promise

you he was in here eating who wanted to go outside so open the door for him to

go outside soon as I let him out he hear me talking remember guys when he hears

me talking he thinks that I am talking to him he doesn't know he's a cat so

let's get right to the questions and answers okay come on guys let's get this

show on the road okay

what did my karma baby said they wanted to hear a funny story well baby I'm not

a comedian it's hard to remember funny stories until you start talking you know

and then they start coming up but I kind of thought of one relating to food hmm

years ago we had a our first and only German Shepherd and oh my goodness this

had to be

oh my goodness 40 20 some odd years go

Tommy won it a German Shepherd so bad

first of all this German Shepherd did not like me hmm because Tommy was

training him to be a guard dog so you know how they say some animals only have

like one master I had to feed him and do everything but he scared me he was so

mean and he was a I mean a beautiful German Shepherd a Casey or whatever he

was a pedigree

a pedigree 40 some years ago we paid two hundred and some dollars for this German

Shepherd well he would only really listen to Tommy come to think of it most

of our dogs only listen to Tommy we had a Doberman oh and I have another funny

story about another dog that we are oh my goodness

remind me to tell you about that one in a few minutes okay because this is

really funny well anyway let me get to the story this German Shepherd was so

mean but he was never really mean to me we just scared me you know slow Tommy

was working at a bar he was working at a bar and I had taken all day long and

made some chitlins you know where this story is going right guys I have made

chitlins chitterlings or chitlins it takes me hours to clean them I had made

some chitlins so we didn't have cellphones and all that you know stop at

the time okay guys I'm gonna eat some deliver sausage or the liverwurst it

comes like this or it could also come in a tube

when he has like a little piece of I guess all you can call it it's back um

the white around it I don't know if it's better I don't know what it is really

but it tastes good so we didn't have cell phones or

anything like that and I needed to let grow up hi no excuse me that the

chitlins were done right well hmm I had cooked them all day they were smelling

good smelling delicious taste to them they were delicious turn the stove off

went to go up to the bar to let him know that the food was ready so he could come

home and eat I wasn't gonna take him to children's to the to the bar oh yeah

so the bar was about two blocks away two or three blocks away from the house

so I go up there to let him know Here I am

he's young 20 year old or however old I was very young I did this great meal

fabulous meal for you baby you got some chitlins on the stove for

you when you get home from working in this bar tonight let me tell you you're

not gonna believe it but it's true I come home the pot that was on the stove

it's now on the floor on the floor he had jumped up not the pot off of the


and ate all the chillings ate all of them he was laying on the side somewhere

with this stomach extended and burping and hurting and whatever else she was

doing he really was I promise you this dog had eaten all of the chitlins

nothing was left up on the floor but the water he couldn't move he was just laid

out flat it wasn't funny at the time take my word for it was not funny at the

time and anytime I think about it it just

makes me remember that his name was a chimp

we called him champ Wow

it's funny how life just keeps going right keeps going he was a German

Shepherd and he lived up to be 10 or 12 and his legs start going out I think

that's something that's very familiar with German Shepherds but I'm a baby I'm

sorry I can't remember your name but that's a funny story

wasn't funny at the time like I said but hey that's what I have for you mm-hmm I

have a couple other questions that you guys have asked um when and why did I

start my channel I'll ask for that okay I started my youtube career in like 2000

12 maybe about 2012 and I started as a

coupon Channel I love couponing and saving money I have to save money I

started that when I first retired back to Mississippi and oh I was so into

couponing at the time I have to save money on a retired income all I have or

hat what's the social security although now grandpa and I are doing we're trying

to keep our Mary Jo's tamales going it's not easy

we're trying to keep that business going because it does afford us a bit of an

income and just before I get them on the video with you guys someone calls about

tamales they love this tamales mmm the liverwurst

oh the liverwurst I don't know what to tell you it tastes like mm-hmm

taste good our hog head cheese

my little sausage mmm I love liver sausage

and in the next video we'll have more questions and I want you guys to take

the time out ask me some questions you know I'm not a videographer I need your


tell me what you like for me to talk about now come on this is the first I

have little worse and honk at Jesus guys it tastes good

okay guys listen i'ma cut this video store it wouldn't have been a video of

it and drop something right mm-hmm cut this video short always remember how

others treat you is their Karma how you respond my Karma babies how you respond

is your karma I hope to provide more videos to you guys

grandpa is doing great I have to really get out and work you know we grandpa was

just in the hospital for a month and the bills are coming in believe you mean the

bills they keep coming in right so I'm working more and more at our tamales

Mary Jo's tamales I'm out there trying to earn a living

yes I'm 70 he's 7169 what woman puts her age up

right I'm 69 yes and you know when you retire and you don't have that paycheck

coming in anymore it's a little difficult so you know I have to go out

and we have to earn a living so I go out and try to sell some of the tamales we

set up we have a space that we set up in on a week on weekends or whenever we'd

like to set up and we sell our tamales so if you're gonna newton area come on

by and get some of our tamales okay it'll help us a great deal we're not

just selling them for the fun of it it's part of our income but that's all good

right thank God that grandpa has a fifty-year recipe that is tried and true

was on the Food Network channel at all and they all loved it on the Food

Network show so come on down and get some of our tamales if you're ever in

the Newton area get the subscribe button

give me some questions down below give me some questions down below and I'll be

happy to answer them until the next video guys did I say how you respond is

your karma I think I did I love you my babies and I will see you in the next

video bye-bye now Bubba

For more infomation >> HOG HEAD CHEESE , SOUSE | LIVER WURST SAUSAGE ( CHITTLIN'S STORY TIME ) - Duration: 19:26.


Braided Hairstyles For Men 2018 | Long Hair Braids (Undercut) - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Braided Hairstyles For Men 2018 | Long Hair Braids (Undercut) - Duration: 7:02.


Horizon Zero Dawn - Celebrating One Year | PS4 - Duration: 5:55.

The release of the critically acclaimed Horizon Zero Dawn

inspired fans, developers, and critics alike around the world.

We traveled the globe to speak to super fans and some

world-class developers and asked what they loved about this

hugely successful game.

- You can play both stealth and aggressive.

- Super intense combat.

- Strong female protagonist.

- I was floored by the graphics and then the gameplay.

How could you not love robot dinosaurs?

- Take all of the world's most beautiful places

and just put them in one map,

and you pretty much got the world of Horizon.

- My first impression of Horizon was how beautiful it was.

The world is just so lush and green.

- I just was amazed at how big and realistic the game looked.

- Graphically I think they kind of stand head and shoulders

above almost everybody else.

- I'm a big open-world, action kind of person in the games that

I play, and this one took me by surprise.

- The machines were probably the most creative enemy type

I've seen.

- Positively savage.

- They're also sort of majestic and beautiful.

- They sort of behaved like real creatures,

but they were the sort of robotic dinosaur version.

- They can be cute and innocent like the watcher,

or they can be terrifying and nightmare-inducing like the

Thunderjaw or the Fire Bellowback.

- They're so animal-like that you feel bad trying to hunt them

down for their parts until they start trying to kill you,

and you don't feel so bad anymore.

- Every battle is so difficult.

You never feel like you're on steady ground.

- Every time I saw Stormbirds, they filled me with fear.

They were my absolute nemesis.

- You have to try all of these different weapons,

the trap, and your bow, and your spear.

- And you could make them fight each other.

To me, that was such an impressive achievement in

systems design.

- Because each machine is so integral to nature and what it

has become at this point,

the world feels like it is truly living and breathing.


- When the first trailer for the game came out and I saw Aloy,

I fell so in love with that character.

- Aloy's story is quite a personal story.

And she's motherless.

- Cast out at birth.

- She doesn't seem to belong anywhere.

- And she sets off on this quest to kind of find out who she is.

- It's actually really cool to join her on her adventure.

- Aloy is a very relatable character.

- Very, very driven.

- A good soul.

- Honest.

- Focused.

- I wish I had her sass.

- It's kind of my specialty.

- Aloy is already an iconic video game character.

- She's just absolutely brilliant

and I think a fantastic role model for all of us.

- The second I saw her, I just fell in love

and I was like I need to make this costume.

I need to be this person.

- I actually reached out to Guerrilla and asked them to send

me some reference pictures.

I didn't have any good ones of War-chief Sona.

I used those to really get the idea of what I wanted.

- I got involved with Guerrilla Games and Horizon Zero Dawn with

their in-game photo mode, taking photos within Horizon that made

it look like it could potentially be from a film and

then share them online and share that with the community.

- I've really put my whole soul into it.

It took so many hours of crafting and sewing.

- Three months.

- 300 hours.

- Over 200.

- Over a hundred hours.

- That's a very long time.

- There are so many people that I meet on social media who make

such beautiful art, and we just want to give back in terms of

making drawings or doing cosplay or photo mode.

- I think everybody can relate to the struggle being in a huge

world that you don't really understand.

- I honestly think it's one of the best examples of a

post-apocalyptic world in gaming.

- That first time you come across some ruins of something

that you recognize from our world and it being completely

destroyed is just that sense of awe will never leave me.

- All of the characters in general

I love how diverse they were;

all the different races, different body types,

different hairstyles.

- Playing Aloy compelled me to be a braver

more confident version of myself.

- And the thing that was great about Aloy is as much as she is

a hunter, she's also very feminine.

As much as she's dry, she's also very caring.

She has multiple aspects to her personality,

and that's human, you know.

And I think humanity in games

is one of those things that we all strive for.

And as a character, I felt like she had that in spades.

For more infomation >> Horizon Zero Dawn - Celebrating One Year | PS4 - Duration: 5:55.


Если бы это не СНЯЛИ НА КАМЕРУ, никто бы не поверил - ЖИВОТНЫЕ СПАСАЮТ ДРУГ ДРУГА 4 часть - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Если бы это не СНЯЛИ НА КАМЕРУ, никто бы не поверил - ЖИВОТНЫЕ СПАСАЮТ ДРУГ ДРУГА 4 часть - Duration: 6:05.


The 9 Best Shots In The Entire Marvel Cinematic Universe - Duration: 6:06.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is filled with mind-blowing camera work and staggering visual


But there are a handful of particularly powerful shots that truly stand out as being some of

the most ambitious, and successful, ones in the entire superhero extravaganza to-date.

Let's take a look at some of the Marvel movie shots that have helped to define the franchise.

Always angry

The Avengers' first true assembly scene marked the exact moment the MCU became the cinematic

juggernaut its architects always knew it would be.

"That's my secret, Cap.

I'm always angry."

Banner's transformation is a direct lead-in to the squad finally taking shape, after five

movies' worth of buildup, to battle what is arguably still the most compelling villain

of the MCU, Loki.

When people think back to The Avengers, they think about this shot and the bevy of amazing

scenes that follow it.

Passenger patrol

Iron Man 3's entire Air Force One rescue scene is downright incredible, so narrowing it down

to a single shot was tough.

While there are several examples of stunning cinematography on display in this scene, one

narrowly rises above the competition.

It's the shot of Iron Man dashing down from a destroyed Air Force One to save its entire

crew, immediately after being told by Jarvis that carrying them all would be an impossibility.

From a visual imagery perspective, the shot contains all the necessary elements: a smoking

Air Force One in the distance, a crew of people screaming and flailing mid-free fall, and

a tiny gold and red speck rocketing toward them to save the day.

This shot does an impeccable job of conveying the stakes of the situation before Iron Man

defies all odds once again with another stroke of brilliance.


Good team effort all around.

Go us."

Guardians gather

With Guardians of the Galaxy, James Gunn crafted an action film that had heart and wit, and

the shot of the group getting together to form their own mini-Avengers pack was so very


The slow-mo dolly shot that aligns this new, unusual gang of heroes is as spectacular as

it is subversive, with each of the five looking annoyed or bored, or, in the case of Rocket

Raccoon, tugging on a suit too tight around his junk.

Its gritty lighting and muted colors, in an otherwise colorful outer space world, gives

us the sense our heroes are walking toward their doom.

And, considering a couple of them are yawning, they're obviously not too busted up about


That tracking shot

Considering how exhilarating the first Avengers' big tracking shot was, it's no surprise that

Joss Whedon opted to double-dip and reuse the technique for the opening of Age of Ultron.

Here, he takes the idea to its logical extremes, reserving the whole first minute of the film

for a non-stop assault on the senses.

The camera moves at a rip-roaring pace, re-introducing you to each Avenger and the abilities they

bring to the team.

It's a near-perfect blend of pure spectacle and unspoken character descriptions.

And as icing on the cake, the shot even finishes with the whole team assembled, striking a

pose together in mid-air that pays homage to a number of comic covers..

It's the ideal way to open up an Avengers movie and get the audience ready for two hours

of high-octane, over-the-top action.

The big punch

The Hulk vs. Hulkbuster fight instantly became one of the most anticipated MCU throwdowns

of all time, and the hype was certainly well warranted.

This shot that really captures the most epic moment is when the upper-hand flip-flops back

and forth between Hulk and Iron Man in his Hulkbuster suit.

The ultimate stalemate is reached when green fist meets robot fist, creating a blast wave

that breaks glass and sends people flying.

It's as intense as punches come and is captured at an extra wide angle that really helps translate

the enormity of the two titans clashing.

Not only is it a very cool shot on a technical level, but, for Marvel fans, it's just an

amazing sight to see Hulk and Iron Man going at it on the big screen.

Pistol hop

Maybe it's the kinetic energy of the camera sweeping beside Ant-Man that makes the moment

so special, but the shot of the title character running on the surface of a gun immediately

after dodging its bullet at (literal) point-blank range is superb.

It's that brand of absurdity that perfectly summarizes why the shot works: it revels in

its craziness while also giving Scott Lang the heroic framing he deserves, however small

that might be.

Civil War

As a tribute to Captain America: Civil War's source material, the climactic wide shot of

Cap fighting Iron Man is ripped directly from the comics.

In the scene, Cap charges at Stark, deflecting each and every repulsor blast with his shield

until the two foes are inches apart.

Then the world slows to a crawl, isolating the visually stunning moment when Iron Man

unleashes one final repulsor blast directly onto the surface of Cap's shield.

The blast reflects off it and blazes to life, filling the screen with a light that could

only be achieved by the union of this unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.

There's no mystery why this shot is the defining image of the film it's representing—it fulfills

everything we hoped this movie would be, all within a few frames.

Kaecilius' Sling Ring Escape

You can tell the director and storyboard artist had a fun time thinking up the various shots

in Doctor Strange, and the one that really brings magic to the MCU is Kaecilius's big

sling ring escape.

The mind-bending shot subliminally reinforces one of Dr. Strange's biggest themes, that

everything's just a matter of perspective.

The color grading leaves the buildings a dull, desaturated grey divided only by pitch-black

shadows, allowing us to perfectly track where the sorcerers are distorting geography and

help us focus our attention on the mystical glowing elements.

It's also ridiculously busy yet super focused, allowing us to be overwhelmed by the buildings

consuming themselves in the background while still letting us remain fully concentrated

on Kaecilius' sling ring escape.

Ferry save

Last but not least, Spider-Man: Homecoming introduced the quintessential hero shot, displaying

a protagonist challenging impossible odds head-on in order to save the day.

There's nothing quite as epic as seeing the teen hero desperately clutching to his webs

to keep the Staten Island Ferry and all of its passengers from drowning.

Even though the scene was spoiled in the film's trailers, it still represents the Spider-Man

ethos: utter determination even in the absence of hope.

This moment reminds us that Spidey is always in it for the greater good, which is why he's

one of the greatest heroes.

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For more infomation >> The 9 Best Shots In The Entire Marvel Cinematic Universe - Duration: 6:06.


Byron Bowers - The Day I Found Out - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored - Duration: 14:07.

- She looked up, she was like,

"Sorry if I ain't doin' a good job."

"I don't even really suck dick. I'm a lesbian."

I was like, "Oh, shit.

Crack is addictive."

[dark electronic music]

- Welcome to "This Is Not Happening."

I'm Roy Wood Jr.

We all come from somewhere, from someone,

who nurtures us, protects us,

and teaches us.

- Ah!

[silverware clattering]

- Some are better at it than others.

♪ ♪

[girl giggling]

♪ ♪

- Ow!

[cheers and applause] is his website.

He is Byron Bowers.

[cheers and applause]

- I'ma tell you about a very important day in my life.

The day I found out my dad smoked crack.

So now I'm a young dude,

couple years into my teens.


I ain't even cursed then.

I still prayed before every meal.

It's back when prayers were short.

Remember when you was young, how short prayers were?

Before life kicked in and you needed to pray for more shit?

Back then, you know?

Wholesome young man.

Went to visit my dad, Athens, Georgia.

I remember getting that phone call.

I got excited,

'cause I ain't seen my dad in two years.

He was in a mental institution.

He just got out.

He was about to put the world on his ass.

He was like, "Yo, I'm out. Let's kick it."

I got excited. Went to Athens, Georgia.

You know, we just got this brand-new coupe,

Cougar, blue.

It was dope as fuck.

Plush. Smelled like cigarettes.

It was used as hell.

But it don't matter 'cause he was fresh

out of the mental home, you know?

I remember when I seen the coupe, I was like,

"This shit about to be dope."

He made plans.

Any time I make plans, a man make plans

to kick it with his kids, that's special.

"Hey, you want to go get something to eat?

"We're gonna go to the movies.

"If you go to sleepy early, I'm gonna go get my some [mumbles]

You know?"

You know when dudes talk low like that,

that's when all the fun shit happens?

Like, "I'ma drop you off, 'cause I'm about to go

get me some [mumbles]"

When dudes start talking in Wingdings,

you know when these... [mumbles]

"Let me tell you what the fuck

we about to get into, nigga."

Went in his pocket, pulled out $30, gave it to me.

I was like, "Oh, shit. This nigga doing it."

I ain't never had $30 before. You know what I mean?

That's a lot of money for a nigga to just give somebody.

That's how I felt. Just gave me $30.

He doing it. Two bills!

A 20 and a 10!

I was on top of the world.

I put that shit in my pocket. Poof!

Gone, disappeared.

We get in the car, about to go,

all of a sudden, I see this zombie walking down the street.

Like, he just got bit. Like, a fresh zombie bite.

Like, he still walk a little bit,

but he's just got a limp.

Not full zombie, but he like, "Ehh."

But, like, like, you know,

this was before I knew what a drug fiend was.

You know, a guys just was stumbling like,

"Uh, boy, help me. Get off the street."

He was one of those guys.

"Hey, Don!" Dad like, "Yo, what's up, man?"

"Hey, run me up to the street!"

"No, man, I can't run you up to the street today.

"I got my son with me.

We supposed to go to the movies."

"Man, come on, man, run me up the street

"to shorty's house.

"You know we going to get some

of that motherfuckin' [mumbles]."

And I was like, "Oh, shit."

Any time, you know, you were a young kid

and a adult come, you like, oh, start to get a little jealous

'cause, you know whatever they Wingdinging over there

can get--throw me out the game.

So we hop in the car, we go around the corner, right,

a place called Rock Springs.

The projects. But I ain't know at first.

I saw the buildings, I was like, "Nigga,

is this the projects?"

That's what my instincts said.

And that's some real shit.

Ain't nobody instincts politically correct.

That motherfucker tell you straight like it is.

"Nigga, is this the projects?"

I don't care what nationality you is.

You see something sketchy, your instincts are gonna be like,

"Nigga, that motherfucker a rapist."

We went into this house next to the projects.

Scary house.

One of the houses where everything made noise

when you got inside.

Everything was scary.

The door... [imitates creaking]

The floor... [imitates creaking]

The rug... [imitates crunching]

The light was dim; the light was scared to go in that bitch.

The light was creeping in like,

"What y'all nigga doing in here?"

And I'm like, "Man, get in there!

I need you to see!"

"Come on in!" That's what the lady said.

Come on in!

The door... [imitates creaking]

Lady in the kitchen, cooking.



I don't know if you ever smelled crack before,

but it smell like aluminum foil tastes.

You ever taste aluminum foil?


You never, like, tried to get, like, a fake grill

and put aluminum foil in your mouth?

So you can stunt on them hoes?

Like, nigga. Nigga.

You ain't never did that?

Just put that shit in your mouth and be like, "Nigga."


Anyway, you know what I mean, you got that taste to it.

You taste it in the air like, "Oh, shit."

You know something wrong,

even as a youth.

That lady turn around.

She was like, what, all y'all three of y'all want something?

Dad was like, "No, this is my son."

And I was like, "Oh, shit, how fucked up do I look...

Where she think I'm one of these dudes?"

That's when I was over it.

I'm like, "Man, I need to get out of here."

And I looked, and there was a back door open,

and it had a basketball right outside.

And in the projects, they had a basketball court.

So that was my excuse.

It's like the universe was telling me,

"Get the fuck outta here."

So I was like, "Hey, Dad, I'm gonna go play basketball."

He was like, "Hey, why don't you go play basketball,"

like it was his idea, like he thought of it.

So I grabbed the ball, and I go outside,

and it was scary as shit,

because I had to cross the threshold into the projects.

And if you don't live in the projects,

you don't got no business in the goddamn projects.

And the only people I knew that lived in the projects,

one of 'em died.

So who the fuck I'ma yell for?

So I tried to be tough, walking in the projects

to go shoot basketball, but guess what.

I can't play goddamn basketball.

I sucked at basketball!

Got cut from everything I tried out for.

And people looking at me like, "Who the fuck this nigga?"

That's what they do when you walk in any hood

and they don't know you. Like, "Who the fuck

is this motherfucker with these little ass shorts on?"

I shoot a ball, air ball, miss.

I just watch the ball just miss,

and I'm like, "Oh, shit, I'm about to get my ass whupped."

I'm out there trying to shoot. I'm nervous.

Any time somebody make a move, I'm doing this.

All the sudden, my dad come outside, "Hey, hey,

"what's up, man? Oh, you playing basketball.

Let me see that ball." Pang!

He missed.

But he didn't give a fuck about playing basketball.

He just turned to me and I saw the look in his eyes

and it was intense. It was intense.

I ain't even recognize him. He was like, "Hey, man.

You got that $20 I gave you?"

And I was like, "Shit."

Yeah, I got it, but that shit was deep.

I'm not used to having $30.

I'm giving this dude 75% of my money.

I don't even know if it's 75%,

'cause I ain't never had 30 goddamn dollars before

to even do the math!

And I reached in; now that shit was so folded so tight,

like, them last two pieces of toilet paper.

You know how you fold that shit?

It was deep. Like, I had to unfold it

to see what it is.

I was like, "Yeah, here it is right here."

And he was like, "All right, I'll be back."

And he just, like...

Just danced his ass away. You know what I mean?

And I'm feeling bad now,

'cause I'm like, "Man, I missed dinner."

I was like, "All right, we still go to the movies."

You know what I mean?

Still, I'm out there bricking the ball, boom.

People going around, I'm talking to 'em a little bit,

nervous as fuck.

My dad come back ten minutes later.

"Hey, man, you got that other ten?"

I was like, "No.

No, I must've dropped that shit."

You know what I mean? [laughs]

He's like, "All right, all right.

I'll be back. You good? You good?"

And then he left, right?

He left, and I was like, "Man," it started to hit me,

like, "Man, I think my dad on drugs.

Man, if he was on drugs, that would be fucked up."

Like, I'm about to miss a movie now.

I done drove an hour.

Damn, I ain't going to get to see "Addams Family Values."

You know what I mean?

I shoot a shot, just as I miss, just as I air-ball it,

you see the ball--

and I see the blue Cougar just drive off.

And I'm like, "Oh, fuck.

"This nigga just left me in the projects.

By myself."

And the loneliness and the abandonment that came

over me during that time,

Fucked me up.

Like, I'll never forget it.

Life-changing, because that was a moment for me

where someone was like, "You gotta do something

with your life."

You got to check the fuck outta here.

Whoever is responsible for you is gone.

It's up to you now.

You got to do what the fuck you gotta do

to get out this situation.


I ain't have no self-esteem

because he just took it to the pawn shop.

Cut to four year later,

partial basketball scholarship

and I'm selling crack cocaine.

Like, 18 years old.

And I ain't the best coke dealer, you know what I mean?

'Cause the person--my OG keep calling,

sending me on weird-ass jobs.

Get a phone call, like, "Hey, man,

"this chick want some rocks, but she ain't got no money,

"so I want you take her and let her suck your dick.

Want you to give her two rocks."

I was like, "All right, I'll do that shit."

Fuck these junkies.

But it was all out of anger, because my dad was a junkie.

You know what I mean?

So I ain't give a fuck about no other junkies out there.

So I'm getting my dick sucked

in a Honda Accord

behind a grocery store.

And it's weird.

It's weird. It's a weird moment.

How the fuck did I get here?

And it was even more weird for her.

You know what I mean? She looked up,

she was like, "Sorry if I ain't doing a good job."

"I don't even really suck dick. I'm a lesbian."

I was like, "Oh, shit.

Crack is addictive."

Crack is addictive.

I thought it was on the person that smoked the crack.

No, this shits gets a hold on you.

That's a powerful ass drug.

And I can't come.

That's a tough situation.

But I'ma tell you why,

'cause when I looked up, it's a park right there.

And at that park, in that basketball court,

is a father and son playing basketball.

And I'm getting my dick sucked

in this Honda Accord, trying not to cry...

A father and son playing goddamn basketball!

That could have been my life.

And I can't even look up or down,

so I'm just looking out the window, trying to find

some inspiration so I can finish.

And seeing that father and son play ball,

I've recognized something that no matter how much money

I made selling crack or how successful I got,

I never could buy the thing that I wanted,

which was the bond of a father and son, together.

And that was one of the last moments,

you know what I mean,

that I decided to sell crack.

I came though.

[cheers and applause]

♪ ♪

- Byron Bowers, everybody.

Byron Bowers!

For more infomation >> Byron Bowers - The Day I Found Out - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored - Duration: 14:07.


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♪ ♪ ♪














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