Come in.
I've brought your coffee.
You're about to have a baby girl.
You were saying that it was going to be a boy, for sure.
It was not destined to be.
I hope we'll have a boy in the future.
Let's hope.
What Causes Eye Twitching? - Duration: 1:19.My bottom lower lid twitches when my eyes are very dry have you seen this a lot it
makes me nervous so twitching eyelids is caused usually
from stress or from caffeine or usually comes some kind of stimulant not enough
sleep not enough sleep so most likely your dry eyes causes you to stress out
which causes your eyelid twitch and so it's not a big deal
if it becomes bothersome you can have blinking botox thank you
Botox injection there are other things you can try before them though you have
Benadryl you can try Benadryl but you're gonna dry eye at Benadryl so well some
people swear by tonic water you can try drinking tonic water it has
a chemical in it that has been shown to help and some people so if that's
occurring and it you know hasn't gone away after a week or so then that's
something you can try too but yeah just try to decrease that caffeine if you
drink any get a little more sleep if you can and don't let those dry eyes stress
you out if you can you can help it
Discipulado Para Jovens - 7 Dicas de como Aplicar o Seu - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
King In The Wilderness Official Trailer (2018) | HBO - Duration: 2:14.CLAPPER LOADER: Take three!
Civil rights, King, roll 20, sound 36.
MAN 1: Martin Luther King, Jr. was a human being,
and he was imperfect.
He was conflicted.
But his love was unchallengeable.
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR: We have an opportunity
to inject morality
in the veins of our civilization.
MAN 2: We were trying to redeem the soul of America
from racism, war and poverty.
KING: We're dealing with issues that will call for
the restructuring of American society.
MAN 1: The most difficult time in his life
was the 18 months before his assassination.
KING: I will continue to preach non-violence...
HARRY BELAFONTE: I do not know that everything that Martin said or did,
he was quite prepared for.
WOMAN: The middle of all that was the rising of the Vietnam War.
Dr. King made the decision that he had to be against the war.
KING: These people are damning me when I say you ought to be
non-violent to all the little brown children in Vietnam.
Stick with civil rights!
He said, "My friends are turning on me."
He was devastated.
MAN 3: Do you fear for your life?
KING: It isn't so important how long you live.
The important thing is how well you live.
MAN 4: The attacks and the criticisms on him
were getting more and more vicious.
♪ I'm gonna march If the spirits say march ♪
The FBI was constantly investigating King.
We will not tolerate lawlessness.
♪ I'm gonna march If the spirits say march ♪
Dr. King looked me straight in the eye and said,
"If we can't drive, we run...
♪ If the spirits say march. ♪ can't run, you walk...
♪ I will march so low ♪
...can't walk, you crawl...
♪ I'm gon' march if the spirits say ♪
♪ March if the spirits say ♪
♪ March if the spirits say ♪
...but keep moving forward."
♪ March if the spirits say march ♪
"I'm drawing mom and me!" - Elif Episode 683 | Season 4 Episode 123 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:35.What are you drawing, dear?
It's me and my mom.
I missed her a lot.
At least...
I'm drawing mom, all the time.
Just to see her, even if it's in drawings.
I can't see my mom, but...
It's like...
she's seeing me all the time.
If our moms...
if they pass away, for real,
would we have the same feeling?
Look, Elif...
There is a saying...
"what you believe is what you make real".
you can't say it in every situation,
but let's think this way,
I mean...
I know what I believe in.
What do you believe in, huh?
I can't tell.
It's a secret.
It is, if you say so.
Besides, I talked to aunt Yildiz.
There are some wool in here.
She forgot where they are, but she'll bring.
When she brings those, we can start knitting a vest, right?
Sure we can.
Two Feet: "I Feel Like I'm Drowning" - Last Call with Carson Daly (Musical Performance) - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
l lawliet lama fâché vous ment et vous arnaque ( réupload) - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
WORK OUT with Cirque du Soleil | CIRQUE IT OUT #1 | 'O' Fire Artist and Olympian Laurie Hernandez - Duration: 6:56.Hi, I'm Laurie Hernandez
and I'm super excited to welcome you
to our first episode of "Cirque It Out".
I'm here in Las Vegas,
home to some of Cirque du Soleil's greatest shows.
Stick with me as we go through the paces
with one of Cirque du Soleil's elite performers and their coach.
Ready to work out the CirqueWay? Let's "Cirque It Out".
Hey guys,
today we're going to base our workout
on a skill that you might not expect:
fire manipulation.
Our guest artist is Junior,
who is a part of the cast of "O"
and yes, he is a fire manipulator.
What's up Junior?
Junior is going to be put through the paces
by performance conditioning specialist Leland Barker.
You want to do it too?
- Please. - I got you.
"O" is a very poetic show, very dreamlike.
The fire manipulation act is super magical
and it requires a special set of athletic skills.
We're going to bring out those skills
with you in today's workout.
- Are you ready? - We're ready.
Let's <i>Cirque It Out</i>.
Hey guys.
We're gonna do a general physical preparation workout today.
The fire guys are prioritizing strength and hypertrophy
to make sure that they look good and feel good
out on the stage.
Our workout today is gonna consist of some squats,
some hinges, pushes, pulls
and some core work.
Before we get started,
we're gonna do some banded walks
to activate his glutes.
Go ahead, Junior.
So this exercise is a lateral band shuffle.
I'm looking for him to pretend like a ceiling is right above his head.
I'm looking for him to keep tension in the band,
push his knees out.
It's a great exercise to work the outer hips
and make sure that once we start squatting,
that his knees are getting into a decent position.
Thanks, Junior.
Today's first exercise is the back squat.
Junior here is gonna do 3 sets of 8.
So the back squat is a traditional strength exercise.
It's great for the lower extremity and stabilizing the core.
With Junior here, I look for him to find a position
where his feet are comfortable.
You can see he takes a pretty wide stance,
he's got a nice straight back,
we're looking for him to drive up.
Nice, Junior.
One of the major cues that I look for
is that the knees are traveling in the same plane
that the toes are pointing.
Nice, Junior. Well done.
The second exercise is the kettlebell swing.
It's a great, dynamic exercise.
Junior is gonna do 3 sets of 10.
This exercise is a great hinging exercise,
so we're gonna get a little bit more
hamstring and glute stretch out of this,
and sometimes I'm gonna have him bend his knees a little less
to get more hamstring.
Here I'm still looking for a nice straight back,
I'm looking for the hips to move backwards
and then forwards,
have a little bit of a dynamic nature to it.
Well done, Junior. Nice job.
The next exercise is the bench press.
Today we're gonna do the inclined bench press.
Junior here is gonna do 3 sets of 10.
Go ahead.
The inclined bench press is a great one
for the upper pectorals
and triceps as well,
so these are the types of muscles
that really stand out when you're on stage.
And so for the fire guys,
having this musculature and look is important.
Got to make sure those tattoos look good.
Junior here, this is a little light for him,
but we'll gradually build up in weight,
try to get as much volume as we can.
Alternatively, if you guys wanted to train for more strength,
you can increase the weight even more,
do a few less reps per set,
longer rest periods.
Here's our last one, Junior.
Nice job.
The fourth exercise of the day
is gonna be the weighted pullup.
Junior is gonna strap on 10 to 25 pounds.
If you can't do that much weight,
feel free to do normal pullups.
Go ahead, Junior.
Usually with pullups,
I have people do as many as they can.
It's a great exercise to develop the lats,
the biceps
and make sure we're keeping these guys strong.
From an esthetic standpoint,
this is a good way to maintain the V-shape
that people are looking for.
If you don't have a weight belt,
an easy way is to just pick up the dumbbell using your feet.
Medicine balls between the knees can work well.
Weight vests are another way.
Most of the time, a guy like me,
your body weight is plenty.
So for this fifth exercise,
we're gonna do a single arm row.
Junior is gonna go ahead
and do 3 sets of 10 of this.
I usually give people two other options:
an option without the bench,
so kind of a bent-over single arm row,
and the other one would be a plank version,
where the one hand is on the bench,
but the body is in a plank,
almost like a push-up,
and you can do a row from there.
Right here I'm looking for a good posture out of Junior.
He's in a nice position.
I'm looking for that left arm to really press into the bench hard
and get a row towards the hip.
So after you finish your 10th rep,
just make sure to switch to the other side,
finish that set and then take your rest period.
So we'll finish the workout with a ball plank.
This is a modification of a normal plank.
And Junior is gonna put his elbows on the ball.
He's basically gonna saw back and forth.
I usually assign 10 reps for these.
If people can build up to 15 or 20
then I might progress to using a wheel
and doing full rollouts.
I really want to make sure that the lower back
is not extending or arching at all.
We're keeping those abs tight and reaching out as far as we can
while maintaining that back posture.
Nice job, Junior.
So that's the end of the workout, guys.
Junior got a good sweat on.
Don't forget to cool down, OK?
Sorry, got a show, gotta go.
Well there you have it,
don't forget to <i>Cirque It Out</i>, guys.
If you enjoyed this video,
don't forget to leave a like or a comment.
Better yet, share it with your friends.
Just look over here to see which videos you want to watch next.
Make sure you subscribe to our channel
so you don't miss out on all the great content
we publish every single week.
We at <i>Cirque du Soleil</i> are here
to flip your everyday reality the CirqueWay,
where everyone, every day,
is extraordinary.
UM GRANDE DESPERTAR SE APROXIMA - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
Que faire à Playa del Carmen - Duration: 25:32.-------------------------------------------
Драконим тачкенЫ!Разбиваем скуку-ку-ку - Duration: 4:16.-------------------------------------------
Learn English Vocabulary | 10 Greek Roots that will Help you Increase your Vocabulary - Duration: 11:54.Hey guys it's Kristina and welcome back to my channel.
Today we're going to talk about 10 different Greek roots that have a lot to do with many
different English vocabulary words, some of which we're going to talk about today.
As I go over these 10 Greek roots, I'll give you a couple of English vocabulary words
that are related to these Greek roots or that have them.
We'll have probably around 20 hopefully new vocabulary words for you to learn along
today as well.
So get out a pen and paper and get ready to write!
Our first Greek root is Cosmos.
Cosmos in Greek means world or order so you can see this root in the English word "cosmos",
which is also an English word, which means the universe, but more of a harmonious – I
can't talk – more of a harmonious type of universe according to the Greek gods.
You can also see the word cosmos or the root cosmos present in the word cosmopolitan.
Cosmopolitan basically means someone who is comfortable around different languages and
cultures and who is very accustomed or used to those types of things.
Our second Greek root today is derma.
Derma means skin in Greek so maybe you've heard of the word dermatology or dermatologist.
A dermatologist is a doctor who is certified to practice dermatology.
Dermatology is the study of the skin and its disorders, so if you have a problem with your
skin maybe you have a little red rash or something that you want to check, then you would want
to go and see a dermatologist because a dermatologist is a doctor who studies the skin.
Our third Greek root of the day for this lesson is Cyclos.
Cyclos means a circle or wheel in Greek.
You can see this in the English words cyclone, a cycle is basically a windstorm, a very very
powerful wind storm whose winds are rotating in a specific direction similar to that of
a hurricane or something along those lines, and then you can also see it present in the
word cycle.
A cycle, if you think about different events that happen consecutively, but they continue
to happen over and over again.
That is a cycle, so think of a circle, it just doesn't end.
Our fourth Greek root is Biblos.
I don't know if I'm pronouncing these right, I don't speak Greek obviously, but
I'm just going with what it looks like to me.
Biblos in Greek means book, you may be familiar with the word Bible, which is the Book or
the scripture of the Christian religion, the Bible.
Similar to the Qur'an in Islam.
So it may not surprise you to know that biblical will mean anything that is related to the
Bible or anything that is related to biblical times.
So, Biblos, Bible, and biblical.
Our fifth Greek root of the day is Chronos.
Chronos means time in Greek.
If you think about the word chronological, chronological means for example a set of events
that happen starting with the oldest event first and then going in order that the events
actually happened.
For example, if something happened to you one year ago, and then something else happened
6 months ago, and then something else happened 3 months ago, so if you were to talk about
these events in chronological order, then you would be talking about the event that
happened to you one year ago first.
Then what happened to you 6 months and then finally what happened to you 3 months ago.
That is chronological order.
The next word, the second vocabulary word for Chronos that has to do with Chronos, is
So chronic, usually we are using it more when we're talking about an illness, when we're
sick with something, and we talk about it when we're trying to say something is constantly
Maybe I have chronic headaches, which means every single day I just have a headache and
I don't know why.
Hopefully that's not you, and it's certainly not me, but just to give you an example.
Number six for our Greek roots today is Ethnos.
Ethnos means nation or race.
A couple examples of English words that have to do with Ethnos are, ethnicity is one of
Ethnicity means the state or belonging to a specific group or subgroup of people that
are related to a specific country or race.
So that's ethnicity and so then similarly, ethnic is the adjective form of this word
and that just means that it's something that's related to a specific nation or race
or a subgroup of people in a larger population.
Okay, so ethnicity and ethnic.
Number seven of our Greek roots today is Gramma.
I think I'm pronouncing it correctly: Gramma.
Kind of sounds like grandma, like your mother's mother or your father's mother, grandma.
But it's spelled differently, it's spelled G-R-A-M-M-A.
Gramma, as I believe you pronounce it, means writing in Greek.
So you can obviously think of this word most frequently in a word that you are probably
very familiar with by now, which is grammar.
Grammar basically means the structure of a language specifically related to the syntax
of it.
I'm not going to get into grammar.
I think you all probably know what grammar means by now.
The next word that is related to Gramma could be something grammatical or grammatically,
if something is grammatically correct.
Or if something is grammatical, then it is related to grammar.
Our eighth Greek root for today's lesson is Logos.
Logos means words in Greek, and you can probably imagine that dialogue would have to do with
words, since a dialogue is conversation between 2 or more people.
Maybe 3, 4, or 5.
Dialogue, Logos, dialogue, the LOG is in the middle of the word.
It doesn't always have to be at the beginning, but as long as it's somewhere in that word
it can still be considered a root of that word.
The next word is logical.
In the word logical, we also have the root LOG, meaning – going back to our Greek root
for words and logical means something that is related to logic and logic is related to
reasoning or argument.
In order to reason or to argue about something you have to use words.
So that's Logos.
Logos, dialogue, logic, or logical.
The next Greek root we're going to talk about, number nine, is Homos.
Homos in Greek means the same.
You can see this in the English words homogeneous, which means something that is alike or very,
very similar, like a homogeneous group of people is a very similar group of people.
You can also see this in the word homonym.
A homonym is a word, well, actually technically it's a word that has another word with the
exact same spelling but there are two different definitions.
An example of a homonym would be "address" and "address".
To address someone is a verb, meaning to direct a comment to someone, whereas address is where
you live, that's an example of a homonym.
Homos, and then we have homogeneous, and then homonym.
And then finally our last Greek root for today is Psyche.
Now Psyche in Greek means breath or soul, similar to the English word psyche, which
means human mind, soul, or spirit.
So "psyche" is one and then another one is "psychic".
Psychic is – we usually use this word when we're talking about the ability to read
someone else's mind to know what they're thinking or also some sort of phenomenon that
is related to being able to read people's minds or make predictions about something
that is just not really natural, according to the laws of nature.
So we have Psyche, which is the Greek root, and then we have psyche the English word,
and then psychic.
Those are the ten Greek roots that we have talked about today and I'm actually going
to leave you a little quiz at the end of the video, discussing the vocabulary words.
It's a fill in the blank quiz, you can leave your answers below and see which answers you
think go where.
If this is your first time to my channel or you haven't already done so, then please
hit the subscribe button.
If you hit the bell then that will actually notify you when a new video is uploaded.
Make sure you check out a couple of my other videos, they're over here or over here somewhere,
you can also like my page on Facebook, which is in the link below.
Thank you guys so much for watching this, I hope you all have a beautiful day, I love
you all and I'll talk to you soon.
Bye, guys!
Chinese Government Takes Over $100B Company Anbang - Duration: 7:04.On this episode of China Uncensored,
When a giant Chinese corporation
goes bankrupt,
should the Chinese government bail it out,
or let it fail?
In the case of Anbang Insurance Group,
the decision was neither.
No, the government has their own
unique solution.
Welcome back to China Uncensored.
I'm Chris Chappell.
The Chinese Communist Party loves
to have its influence felt around the world.
That's one reason why over the last few years,
it's been encouraging Chinese companies
to buy up assets overseas.
It's even supported them with policies
like low interest rate loans
from Chinese state-owned banks.
For example,
the Chinese company Dalian Wanda
bought up AMC Theaters—
which owns about one third
of American movie screens.
Shuanghui International bought Smithfield Foods—
so they can literally bring home the bacon.
And Anbang Insurance Group
has spent 10 billion dollars
buying up hotels and resorts—
including the Waldorf Astoria.
From which I have been banned for life.
But now Anbang Insurance Group
is facing a bit of a problem.
China Uncensored producer Matt Gnaizda reports.
Thanks, Chris.
For more than a century,
the Waldorf Astoria was one of
America's great hotels—
a host to US presidents,
world leaders...
and weird tea parties.
But now,
this proud testament
to American history,
hospitality, and sophistication...
is run by the Chinese government.
Here's what happened:
In 2014, privately owned Chinese conglomerate
Anbang Insurance Group bought the Waldorf
for almost 2 billion dollars.
Anbang also bought billions more
in other American companies and hotel chains.
US investors were happy to work with Anbang.
Anbang was willing to pay big money—
and who doesn't love getting big money?
In fact,
investors loved Anbang's big money so much,
they were willing to overlook Anbang's
other shady business operations.
But it turns out,
Anbang had pulled a Lehman Brothers of sorts.
That is,
they're a hundred-billion-dollar company
that made risky, highly leveraged investments.
And they went into quite a bit of debt
as part of their spending spree.
What could go wrong?
Apparently, a lot.
In late February,
Chinese authorities prosecuted Anbang's CEO
for economic crimes.
And Chinese regulators took control of the company.
It's only for a year.
But it could be more than a year,
if they feel like it.
This government takeover is
a very different approach
than the US took with Lehman Brothers in 2008.
The US just let Lehman Brothers fail,
its poor employees turned out into the streets
with nothing but their $5,000 suits.
According to Bloomberg,
Anbang was doing something similar
to what went on during the 2008
subprime mortgage crisis in the US.
For example, thanks to some financial alchemy,
Anbang had been posting pretty good growth
in its life insurance business.
And when I say pretty good,
I mean that from 2010 to 2016,
Anbang's annual life-insurance premium revenue
increased by 11 million percent.
If I had a nickel—
and grew it at 11 million percent—
I'd have enough to buy
one of those $5,000 suits.
Anyway, Anbang was taking
life insurance products,
repackaging them,
and selling them to investors—
with the promise of high interest rates.
And who doesn't love earning high interest rates?
Pretty soon,
life insurance made up
96 percent of Anbang's revenue.
And it was using all that extra revenue
to buy up cool playthings—
like the Waldorf Astoria hotel.
But maybe that was a bad idea.
Because they almost collapsed—
and now the Chinese government has taken over.
Now as much as this sucks for Anbang—
and its CEO who's going jail
for a long time—
there's a bigger issue.
It shows that China's government
is willing to use heavy-handed tactics
to take control of private companies.
An analyst from the Economist Intelligence Unit
says it's a warning shot to other companies
that are leveraging investor money
and complex financial products
to buy assets overseas.
Who will Chinese regulators go after next?
It could be conglomerates like HNA Group.
They own everything from real estate
to airline catering to luxury hotels.
It could be Dalian Wanda,
which owns movie theaters,
film studios, and luxury hotels.
Or it could be Fosun Group,
which owns Canada's Cirque du Soleil,
a British soccer club,
and you guessed it,
luxury hotels.
So what do they all have in common?
Besides a weird fetish for luxury hotels?
Their CEOs are all being investigated
by Chinese authorities.
So the Anbang takeover
could be a message to Chinese companies
to clean up their financial transactions
that have gotten a little too,
shall we say, "creative"—
in the Lehman Brothers sense.
Or else we'll arrest your CEO
and take over your company.
But this should also serve as a warning
to American investors:
When you do business with China,
things can get really complicated really fast.
One reason that Anbang made such a splash
when it first started investing overseas,
besides its seemingly endless billions of dollars,
was its high-level political connections.
Back in 2016,
the Financial Times called Anbang
one of China's most politically connected companies.
Turns out,
that might have been part of the problem.
After the CEO was first taken into custody last June,
the Epoch Times reported that he was
close to former leader Jiang Zemin's faction,
and helped his cronies launder money.
And the New York Times found that
Anbang's assets were mostly controlled
by a series of shell companies
owned by relatives of the CEO.
By the way,
that is not normal.
So to recap:
If you sell your company
to an opaque Chinese conglomerate
with deep pockets,
you might find that someday,
your company will be partly controlled
by the Chinese government.
Good thing Jared Kushner scrapped that deal
to sell his Fifth Avenue building to Anbang.
Back to you, Chris.
Thanks Matt.
Well, now that the Waldorf
is directly controlled by the Chinese government—
I doubt I'm going to get my
lifetime ban lifted anytime soon.
So what do you think of the Chinese
government takeover of Anbang?
Leave your comments below.
Once again I'm Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
Stay ahead of the curve
and avoid getting caught unaware.
We upload full half hour episodes
you won't see on YouTube.
Learn about the shady practices
of the Chinese regime,
before even world leaders do!
Becoming BATMAN w/ Hacker Labs - Duration: 3:32.Guys where's James where's the Hacksmith?
Gonna be late
Made it!
Hey guys
So you might be wondering what am I even doing in Florida?
Well Full Sail University
Invited me down for another series of hacker labs and this time they're actually doing something Batman themed and as you know Batman's one of my favorite heroes,
and I've done quite a few projects and a group of students here well
They're working on something a really cool: Batman's cowl, and it's actually going to help you with Batman detective abilities. Let's take a look
Relax everybody I'm here, Batman
Hey guys, my name is Shae and welcome back to another HackerLabs!
This time, we're back with everybody's favorite superhero: Batman!
And we're making Batman's cowl everybody might know Batman's cowl as his mask and his helmet
But it's so much more than that
We're all here today because we want to get creative and make
Batmans Cowl, more gizmos and gadgets
Were added so the newer ones is the one that we're modeling ours after. It's as authentic as possible is going to be so
imperative with this one.
We gotta be ready to field test with the Hacksmith
Oh, yeah, that's right the Hacksmith is coming back! Hacksmith is coming
All right
So we have our UI team working on some things and the fab team working on some things
But they seem confident that they're gonna be able to get everything done.
Well they have to do it right cuz I mean the Hacksmith is coming so soon and I want to be able to show him
Something be like hey James look at this cool thing we worked on!
How's it going? Good
Batman's is one of my favorites
So I'm very curious to see what you guys come up with
Fit everything that we want into it
I want to make sure we focus on making what we can really good
All right so we just wrapped day one of filming and it's a pretty cool project guys are working on this time
They're actually making a Batman cowl with a integrated hololens so it can actually do facial recognition
Instant translation and a whole bunch of other stuff you can basically
Look in a room of people, and it'll actually face scan everyone
If they're in a criminal database or something,
It'll pop up their name and their stats so you can literally look at a crowd and be like oh, that's the bad guy
I'm pretty excited to see how this turns out and I think the team's gonna be able to finish it in the next two days
Which they have to because that's when filming wraps, so we'll see what happens tomorrow.
Alright, so just like last time you guys are gonna have to head to the Full Sail University
YouTube page to see how this project turns out make sure you subscribe with notifications turned on because there's more to come
Kitty Pryde Sends Wolverine Back in Time | X-Men Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.So I wake up in my younger body, God knows where.
Then what?
You'll need to go to my house and find me.
Convince me of all of this.
Won't you be able to just read my mind?
I didn't have my powers in 1973.
Logan, you're going to have to do for me...
what I once did for you. Lead me, guide me.
I was a very different man, then.
You'll have to be patient with me.
Patience is my strongest suit.
You'll need me as well. What?
After Mystique left Charles, she came with me...
and I set her on a dangerous path.
A darker path.
It's going to take the two of us, side by side...
at a time when we couldn't be further apart.
So, where do I find you?
Well, it's complicated.
Are you sure about this?
It's not just his power that'll be tested.
I've seen what this can do to you.
I can handle this.
Trust me.
I guess I'll see you in the next life.
Basically, your body will go to sleep...
while your mind travels back in time.
As long as you're back there...
past and present will continue to co-exist.
But once you wake up...
whatever you've done will take hold and become history.
And for the rest of us, it will be the only history that we know.
It will be like the last fifty years never happened.
And this world, and this war...
the only person who will remember it, is you.
All right, Logan...
I need you to clear your head...
and to stay as calm as possible.
What? What do you mean?
If your mind gets rocky, it will be harder for me to hold you...
and you could start to slip between past and future.
What if I need to get a little rocky?
Think peaceful thoughts?
Peaceful thoughts... do you have any good news?
Well, you don't really age, so you'll pretty much look the same.
You won't have much time in the past.
The Sentinels will find us.
They always do.
And this time, we won't be able to run.
We'll have no escape.
This is our last chance.
You really think this will work? I have faith in him.
It's not him I'm worried about, it's us.
We were young...
we didn't know any better.
We will now.
See you all soon.
This might sting a little.
Does the Keto Diet Actually Work? - Duration: 5:10.There's always some new diet touted as the one that will give you a celeb body in two
weeks, and Keto Diet is currently making the rounds.
But what is Ketogenesis?
Did someone say Sega Genesis?
Ketogenesis has a super scientific name, and a lot of science behind it… which is probably
why people use the shorter name for the diet: Keto.
Keto is a cutesy term for ketosis, a process where living things break down fats to sustain
life -- it usually happens during starvation or out of control diabetes.
But artificially putting your body into a ketogenic state is growing in popularity.
The Keto Diet is basically, a temporary food restriction program that is high in saturated
fat and almost entirely cuts out carbohydrates.
Suggestions include having bacon with everyday, meat at every opportunity, and SIDES of veggies
… but like three leaves of lettuce or AH tomato.
And meal suggestions often include using both butter and olive oil.
I mean, I like a tasty meal but that's just making my arteries hurt thinking about it…
And some follow this diet for months or years at a time!
But let's back up and explain some simple biology.
Your brain and body run on glucose, a simple sugar.
Glucose is made from lots of things, but a big source is carbohydrates.
Once carbs are converted to glucose it enters the bloodstream and can either be used immediately
or stored.
Stored, if you're eating more calories than you're burning, can mean as fat.
People see the Keto diet as a way to cut out carbs, and thus sugar storage, removing a
source of fat from the body…
Except that doesn't actually happen.
Even without carbs coming in, the body needs glucose, so once glucose drops to less than
100 grams, the body enters a ketogenic state -- none of this is news to Keto Practitioners,
but really for everyone else…
The brain needs glucose, glucose is The Precious and we wants it!
"Ketogenic" comes from ketone bodies.
They're another source of cellular fuel, not the body's preferred fuel, mind you,
but an alternative supply for vital organs.
This is like an emergency backup system for your body.
The ketogenesis kicks in when your body is starved of glucose, starting a lipolytic process.
Basically, it breaks down fat.
Glossy Keto Instagrammers rejoice!
Except, the keyword in there is starved.
Creating ketone bodies to replace missing glucose is what your body does as a response
to starvation!
And people are still willing to try the diet!
Which can be dangerous.
Carbs typically account for about 50 percent of a balanced diet.
If you tell someone to replace those calories with proteins and fats, people can end up
eating too much protein and fats from processed foods.
That paired with few fruits and vegetables is a recipe for ill health.
Plus, Lots of red meat and fatty, processed foods have been linked to heart disease, kidney
problems, and even osteoporosis.
Some people experience nausea, vomiting, and constipation on the diet.
But they also do lose weight!
The problem is, like with all fad diets, the weight loss doesn't last.
As a former personal trainer, I suspect it's the initial cutting out bread that kickstarts
weight loss.
Cutting out this common source of simple sugar is every trainer's first comment.
But fat has an evolutionary purpose, it is the buffer from those ancient days when we
couldn't just walk over to the store to pick up food.
So once you stop Keto, you're likely going to gain weight again as your body tries to
protect itself from starvation.
There is some research that says a longer-term stint on the Keto diet can help with weight
loss and cholesterol management.
But that's in a study with supervision.
It's a hard diet to manage alone.
Interestingly, there are significant health benefits from following the Keto diet.
It's been used since its development in the 1920s to effectively treat children with
drug-resistant epilepsy.
And in some cases, children with certain genetic mutations can't get enough glucose to the
This hypoglycemic state causes seizures in infancy and, if untreated, can lead to serious
complications like microcephaly and ataxia.
The keto diet takes away the glucose from the bloodstream, forcing the brain to use
the alternate energy source of ketone bodies for fuel, allowing for proper neural development.
But unlike body builders looking to get super lean, this diet is done all-in for 1-2 weeks
with management over months or years, depending on the case.
All under close supervision of a physician, a registered nurse, and a registered dietitian.
The diet is slowly dialed back to include more and more foods that produce gluten, allowing
the child to adjust.
Again, it's supervised.
Because there shouldn't be guesswork when putting a child — or yourself! — into
a starvation state.
Scientists are now looking into other applications the Keto diet might have for other metabolic,
oncologic, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric disorders.
A fad diet is a temporary way of eating that is targeted at those of us who don't like
exercise but want to lose weight quickly.
This kinda sounds like that, but with some science words.
The best kind of diet is one that you work out with a nutritionist that suits your body,
and that you adopt for yourself and for the rest of your life.
If you want more Seeker, definitely hit that subscribe button.
Diets are so much more than just food; I can tell you more about the healthiest diets right
Amazingly, use of the Keto diet can be traced all the way back to the 5th century BCE by
Hippocrates who realized seizures are biological, not spiritual.
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