Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 7 2018

Fb: Cilek Kokusu Poland

translation: marrgott, subtitles: takasobiemarta, palinecka

I like you. Is it impossible?


Mr. Burak?

I was a little bit hungry.

Prepare something for you?

Thank you very much, I've already eaten something

B: I was just about to go to my room. Good night. E: A quiet night.

Mommy, I woke up to drink some water and I accidentally stumbled upon Mr. Burak...

This is not possible, Asli! If you've seen him in the kitchen, you should not have entered her.

It could seem strange. After all, Mrs. Selda could enter the kitchen.

You're right, mommy. I did not think.

Asli, I am begging you, be careful. I promised them that there would be no problems with you. Please.

Okay, I'll be even more careful, Mommy. I promise.

Okay, daughter. It's late, let's go to sleep.

Not my way, it's impossible... Is it possible? And if it is true?

What does he know about such feelings? He lies to his girlfriend, and he tells me such things... Not the first time he makes fun of me.

Asli, are you still awake? You must get up in the morning, baby girl, lie down.

A: Well, mommy, I'm already laying down. E: Well, now.

What did you do?

You did well. ☺

If my mother finds out about what I experienced with Beet?

I even lie to my own mother. You have to sort everything out...

Asli ?! What happened?

Nothing, today I go to work a little earlier.

E: And you will not eat breakfast? Not. I'm snacking at work

Asli, or maybe you took offense at me yesterday? That's why you leave the house so early?

A: No, mommy, I was not offended. E: You got offended.

I swear, I'm not offended. Anyway, you're right. I will be more careful. Do not worry.

My wise little girl... daughter... I know you, I have not told you before, but...

Mrs. Selda is very sensitive on this point.

A: At what point? Your son? E: Yes.

And what will I do with her son ?!

It's not that you're going to do something with him... Well... I do not know myself anymore

Well, I understand everything.

Mom, you never had to be ashamed of me, now you will not be either. Do not worry.

E: Okay, baby girl. Well, now. Have fun at work. Oh, thank you.

E: But you will eat something there, okay? Good

Hello, Gonca? Yes, I got up early.

Maybe we'll go to work together? We'll talk while we talk.

Yes, something happened.

Okay, I just got out of the house. See you later.

I wonder if she has already got up...

G: Asli? Speak immediately: is it related to Beetroot or Volkan? A: With Beet.

What happened? It was after I left, right? Why did I leave so early? Everything missed me...

A: Gonca, will you listen to me? G: Good, but tell fast.

Well. After you left, he called me to his office.

He asked for help again, but I did not agree. During this time, the last bus escaped me and I had to help him.

So you had to...

A: Yes, Gonca, I'm telling you that my bus has run away. Besides, you know how he can insist.

A: Well, nothing. We worked together all evening.   G: All evening together? In the club? Themselves?

A: Yes, Gonca, alone. G: Maybe again... Are you sure? Yes, for sure!

A: What's "again" Gonca? What?! G: Did he kiss you again?

A: No, Gonca, he did not kiss me. G: Are you sure?

Gonca, of course I'm sure. I'm telling you about it.

Okay, I believe you. And what was then?

A: Then we went home. You know that we live in one house. G: Bomb of the year.

Does not matter. At night I was hungry and he was also hungry.

Really? Look what the fate has done: you both got hungry at the same time.

As I understand, none of you went anywhere to dinner, right?

A: No, Gonca. We worked and hungered all day. G: Good. And what happened next?

Then he prepared a sandwich for me.

Burak prepared you a sandwich? With your hands?

Girl, you like this boy.

He also said so.

What he said?!

A: He said: "You like me." G: I wonder how I do it, that I always guess such things?

A: Well, Gonca, how? I have no idea. G: And how did he say it?

A: Well, I do not know. He just took it and said it. G: Wait a minute...

You can finish a man, Asli.

How did he say that? Did he hold you by the hand, look in the eye?

Did you, for example, feel his heartbeat? Did he speak in a pleasant voice or an elevated tone, so simply?

A: Oh, I do not know, Gonca. He said it already. G: Well, Asli! Well! What did you tell him?

What could I say? I was surprised and froze. And then mother came.

Eh, Aunt Emel... At the least appropriate moment. Bravo. And what did she say?

And what could she say? She was embarrassed by the situation she found.

It's bad that she caught you.

A: No, Gonca. In my opinion, it's good that she saw us. G: What do you mean? Why good?

My mother's coming has turned my senses.

What do I do at night in the kitchen with the owner of this house?

What if not my mother, but someone else? Mrs. Selda or Mr. Nihat? What would I say then?

No matter what, but mom - what would she say?

How could I not have foreseen it, how could I be so careless? I do not understand so far.

Asli, why did you become so?

Because you also like Burak ♥

What "do you like?" Do not talk nonsense, Gonca. Nobody likes me. I do not like him. You are talking about.

Of course, of course. Nobody likes you. You do not like beet, of course.

Gonca, I'm telling you that I do not like it! Why do not you believe me ?! Nobody pleases me!

Okay, okay, you do not like it. But you like him. ♥

Gonca, I told you, and it's even worse. Well, let's go, we'll be late for work.

No, I will not bet today. In this color, it will be difficult for me to work without attracting anyone's attention.

She did not read the message. I do not think she will avoid me now?

I still can not believe that the heirs of the huge Mazharoglu corporation are just you.

What a novelty! Gonca, do not exaggerate.

Besides, I do not like him at all.

He is looking for entertainment for a while. As if his girlfriend was not enough for him...

G: In my opinion he does not love her. A: He does not love? And how did you guess that?

G: I figured out, my dear. Seriously? How did you guess that?

After looks.

The man in love is changing.

He looks deeply into the eyes of the one he loves.

So deep that you're dying then and you do not want to be anywhere else.

You want to spend an eternity here.

You will do everything even if the world burns down.

Literally, you are the only people on earth.

Do you think Buraka and his girlfriend have something like this? In my opinion no.

I am talking to you.

But what can Burak know about love?

Do not be so sure. I will not be surprised if he falls in love with you.

After everything you've lived through, I think it's even a bit late with it...

You finished mating with Volkan, and you started with Beet. When will you stop assigning someone to me in the end?

Well. I'm silent. I'm silent.

What happened? Look: your son did not get up.

Nihat, it's still early. He will get up soon.

Yesterday he went to work with this approach... And today it will be very hard for him.

I do not think so, Nihat. You will see that he will get up soon and go to work.

Of course, of course. He will get up soon, go to the club, tell the employees: "hello".

If he has the will he will practice, if not, he will just sit there.

Nihat, you're talkative!

Talkative? Those who do not know anything about gossip of idiocy are chatty. And I know my son and that's what he calls: analysis.

God, let your son make you feel ashamed of your words.

I'm ready for it. Though once and for all, let me turn away. It would be great.

Good day.

My dearest, good morning.

Good morning, son.

S: Sit down, eat breakfast. B: I will snack something and leave. The work will not wait.


Burak sent me a message.

What did he write?

He wrote: "Will we go to work together?"

I attribute something to you, right? Well, that's what I did not invent. You like him.

Can you please?

I will take care of this.

"Never mind, now you are here and I am very happy."

"Or maybe you like me so much. Is that impossible?"


Good day.

Good day.

Oh, Mrs. Emel, is this a borek? (salty cake with feta cheese and spinach)

What are you doing to us? You know that we are on a diet.

E: It's a low calorie borek. S: This borek can be low-calorie?

Oh, I can not. This borek looked at me and asked: "eat me, eat".

Please do not worry, it's a low-calorie borek. I decided to do something new

Mrs. Emel, apply one to me.

Aj Nihat...

That was it. Very tasty. I love it. Crunchy... You have capable hands.

Bon Appetit.

To this day, we had many cooks, but you have not seen a lady like you.

I think so too.

Thank you.


You have capable hands, really. It's very tasty.

Bon Appetit.

Did your daughter also learn this from you?

Asli cooks very well, especially the cakes are very tasty.

I really like cakes. Maybe she could prepare some for us?

And I do not see your daughter at all. Does she not leave the room?

You have forbidden her?

S: No, my dear. Come on? E: Mr. Nihat, Asla works, that's why you do not see her.

Works? Where?

Where... Asli told me, but I forgot. In a cafe of some popular club.

N: Good. So we will see. E: Delicious.

Thank you.

This girl recently came back from another city and immediately found a job. Zuch, if she wants to work with such stubbornness.

N: And what should he do? They try to make ends meet together with their mother. S: You're right.

Duszko, get interested, learn, because maybe they need something. We should help them.

S: Do not worry, I will find out, my dear.

Bon Appetit.

S: But you almost did not eat anything? N: I wonder why you do not ask me this question?

Do I interfere with your food?

There is enough of this borka.

She read the message but does not write back.

B: Good morning. E: Good morning, Mr. Burak. Do you want something?

B: Can I ask for mineral water? E: Already.

Thank you.

Good morning, Mr. Burak.

Good day.

Emel, I did not see Asla in the morning, she left early?

She left early.

Have fun at work.

Nice. He came to take water for himself?

Let it be anyway. We'll see you at work.

Dad, good morning.

S: Good morning, son. Volkan, we could not talk yesterday if everything was ready for an evening party? V: Everything is ready.

S: Will she like her surprise? V: Of course. I do not expect anything from us.

This surprise will come out for good. You know that on your birthday Eda gets very emotional.

I know it very well. Although he does not admit it, on his birthday awaits news from his mother.

That's why he's so nervous about his birthday.

She knows that at the end of the evening she will be disappointed and yet she is waiting.

It is said that over time, people forget about the pain experienced, but it is not quite like that, Dad.

My mother's anger is growing every year. But not because of me, but because of my sister.

S: Your mother also did not want it to happen. She had her reasons... V: Sorry, Dad, but I'm not a child anymore and I know everything.

Well, I have to go.

S: Good. To the club? V: Yes.

S: Volkan, I have not decided yet what I will buy for Eda. V: Neither me.

If you come up with something, tell me, agree?


S: And I will go and wake my daughter until she has slept on her birthday. V: Good.

S: See you. V: See you.

Looking, see if Burak is ready.

Mr. Burak has already left, ma'am.

He went out?

Yes sir.

This kid is in a hurry to work?

God, my God! I hope Burak did not bribe Turgut.

S: Nihat, what are these words? Can Turguta be bribed? That Turgut? N: You're right, I doubt it would be possible.

But I know why you are like that.


S: Because you lose the bet and understand this, you can not put up with it. N: Bet? What plant?

Do not start, Nihat.

Okay, my soul, okay.

Ed, can I come in?

Come in, daddy

I wanted to wake you up personally on the day of your birthday.

My beautiful daughter - happy birthday. It's good that you are. It's good that you are my daughter.

Thank you, daddy. It's good that you are my father.

How did I look when I was born? Tell me again.

You were very pretty.

I will never forget the moment when I first saw you. I felt then that I became the father of a tiny girl

I saw on my bed, in lace clothes, a tiny, sweet girl.

I was even afraid to take you right away so I would not hurt you.

Daddy, what are you...

And mom? She was happy? I mean, did she love me?

Of course she loved.

And your brother, still small, walked proud and said: "my sister was born to me."

You both make me happy. You never let me feel that I'm missing something.

Especially you. Thank you that I never had to let my head down that I did not regret... You were a father and a mother to us.

Good morning, mommy.

E: Good morning, my dear.   C: Are you going somewhere?

All you need is rest. The time has come to work.

I have several meetings with various companies. What will you do today?

I do not know. I'm having a bit of fun with beetroot, and then I'll be preparing for the evening.

Okay, my beautiful. We'll phone later.

C: Good. See you later. E: See you.

Tug, have you woken up?

Long ago. I'm already outside.

And when will you look in the living room?

That's where I'm going, Cagla, do not worry.

Well. Do whatever you want, but be sure to get these photos, okay?


And then be sure to call me.

Do not worry.

I'm dying of curiosity to see Denis's face when the photographs come out.

So: "we start from the place where we finished"? We will see.

B: Hello. T: I must admit that it's more than I expected. Congratulations.

B: I hope you will tell my father about it. T: Please, do not doubt it. But next time please do the work without anyone's help.

B: Help? What help? T: Mr. Burak, our club is supervised by online cameras 24 hours a day.

It's good that you said to me. Only... It will stay between us, is not it?

Yes, it can stay between us, but you will have to fulfill a new task that I will give you.

New task ?!

We decided to organize all the reports from this month. I want you to take care of it.

Here is the pattern from last month. I think it will help you.

Well. Of course, of course.

T: Then we made a deal. I will expect you to settle by the end of the week. Have fun at work. B: Thank you.

What do I understand in the accounts? I can not do it. If it were not for Asli, I would not even be able to create a list of names.

Where she is? She still has not called back.

He avoids me? This is certainly because of what I told her last night.

Some insistent, Burak.

Hey. ☺

V: How are you, Asli? Ah okay. And you?

V: It's good too. I came to work a little. By the way, I decided to look at you. Well, how? You've got used to it.

All good.

I am happy to. Will you come, of course, for Edy's birthday party tonight?

Tonight, unfortunately, I can not come.

Why? Something happened?

No! But I'm leaving work late and before I get home and get ready, it will be a long time.

You're right, I did not think. But I think if you leave early, everything will work. I can ask you to be released earlier.

Really, there is no need. I do not want to cause problems from the first days of work.

Do not worry. You're right, you will not make it on time if you leave as usual. And Eda will be very happy if you come.

Well, okay.

So... You stopped at the beetroot house? I was very surprised.

I do not even want to say how surprised I was. My mother started working at Burak's house when I was in Bodrum. When our house was sold, she had to...

Have you sold your home? Ie, why are you staying with Burak?

Yes. Once on the street, my mother found a way out - thanks to Mrs. Selda, who prepared a place for her. And when I came back from Bodrum and I came to stay there.

Do not worry. Uncle and aunt are good people. I understand you. For sure it must have been hard to leave your home.

A: Really very hard. V: Asli, you're a very strong girl.

It's busy for me, but for others it's not...

V: Well, see you later. A: See you.

Asli? Why are you ignoring my phones? How many times did I call? And in the morning I even wrote you a message.

I work, I'm busy. What do you want? What happened?

I saw how busy you are. Does not matter. I have to prepare the documents and I need your help.

Forgive me, but I have a job here.

What's happening? Where did this rush come from?

Nothing. I say I have a job.

Are you acting like that for what I told you last night? That's how it tied you up, did you get too diffused?

I really have to get back to work. Forgive.

V: Cousin, what's up? B: Everything's fine.

Not everything. Do you have any problems with Asli?

No, I have no problem. Today she was to help me and we talked about it.

I did not think it was about work. Leave the girl alone. He's supposed to work here in a cafe, not be your assistant.

I do not understand why it worries you so much?

There is nothing incomprehensible about it. We've already talked about it before. I promised Asla that he would have peace here. And you know that he keeps his word.

I know. In my opinion, you exaggerate a bit, nothing like that happens. Well, did you come to a little work out at the gym?

No, a little bit of tennis.

In that case, good. I will also come back to my work.

I'll be back today earlier. I want to see you preparing for an evening party.

E: Well, daddy. S: Bye bye. E: See you, daddy.

Hello, Jena? Where are you? You're coming to me. Well. Wait a minute, I think Daddy came back.

Mrs. Ed?

It's me.

This is for you ♥

For me? From who?

I do not know, no name left.

And the note is gone.

As I said, no name was left.

Well thank you.

Girl, you should see the flowers that were sent to me! So beautiful. It is not known from whom. I'm in shock.

One of the Mazarghol corporations comes first, then leaves and the other comes. What's happening?

Do not ask, Gondża. I am also surprised.

What did you talk to Volkan about? I almost died of curiosity.

Or stop! You better tell what Burak wanted. When you talked to Volkan, I think Burak is upset.

No, what are you? I did not answer his phones, so that's for sure.

Possible. What does he want?

He has something to do and he asked for help. I've already told you that he uses me. He must work and it is through this.

Asli, how naive you are. Work is just an excuse. He wants to spend time with you.

My whole time is busy, Gondża. Look, I have something to do, I work.

Well, it's good. And what did Volkan say?

Earlier, we were talking about Edy's birthday. I told him that I was leaving work late and I would not be able to get there, but... she would ask me to be dismissed from work early so I could go to the party.

Well... So he'll release you early from work... And you had no choice?

No, unfortunately, I have to go.

Of course you will go. You threw Volkana out of your thoughts, but you can open the next chapter. Go, have fun.

Easy to say...

Make it easy too.

Gondża, I do not have a single dress that I could wear for a party. I'm laughing.

After all, beet will be there... Now I understand why you are making a problem. All this can be done in 2 seconds.

Anyway, have not you seen Beet's girlfriend? If you had as much money as she did, you would be much more beautiful than she would.

What do you mean with Buraka's girlfriend?

I mentioned her by accident. If I knew you were so jealous, I would leave her and my thoughts.

Even you mock me, Gondża. Let it be anyway.

Alright, my dear. Do not be offended. What can I do? As soon as I want to close this topic, something new happens. It does not matter, let's leave it.

You better tell me, how much money do you have? You have not yet released the ones we picked up from the cake shop?

No, I still have them.

Well. I have my own too. In that case, together with yours we will have enough to buy you a beautiful dress.

Gondża, do not talk nonsense. Will we spend all the money on one dress?

G: We will not completely lose... You quickly take it off, take it off gently, and then we will return it and collect the money. A: No, you can not. I can not do something like that.

G: Asli, your honesty will lead me to the grave. Okay, then we'll borrow. And what do you mean?

G: There are shops where you can rent dresses, shoes and even purses. A: Really?

Yes. I'll give you the address. If you leave earlier, you will go and choose something.

I can not choose a dress by myself.

In that case, take a picture of the dress, send me a picture and choose the most beautiful one together.

A: A great idea. A gift? I can not go empty-handed. G: There is still this problem, right?

What gift can you give a girl who for everything?

Right. In that case, we have to come up with an individual gift. For example: you are drawing. You certainly have some beautiful drawings. It would not be bad if one of them donated to Ed.

A: Yes, I have recently drawn new ones.  G: And great! What else can your friend do for you? What should he do? A: My soul, my friend! Thank you very much.

Welcome my dear. Are you busy?

Hello my dear. A bit. I'm meeting a certain man, I'm going there.

Really? With who are you meeting?

Recipient from Izmir, Mr. Erhan.

And how long will this meeting last?

As much as needed. Why do you ask?

You know that Ed is having a birthday today. I have not bought anything yet. It is so difficult to buy something for children when they are almost adults. I was hoping you would help me.

With joy, my dear. We could, for example, buy her a beautiful necklace.

Yes, you've thought well.

In that case, I'll call you after the meeting.

Okay, my dear. I will be waiting for a call from you.

Hello, Mr. Jam. I would like to ask Mrs. Asla to leave earlier today. I hope it will not cause any problems?

Well thank you.

"I spoke with Mr. Jam, you can leave soon."

"Thank you."

Volkan, are we starting?

Here we go.

And how? Do you like me, Mrs. Tugcze?

Yes. I would like to have makeup done for me.

Of course

I want her to make it to me.

Hairdresser: Mrs. Tugcze wants a make-up. Make-up artist: Of course.

T: I want a delicate makeup in pastel shades. M: Of course.

M: You are similar to an actress, but I can not remember which one. T: Really? Have you ever worked with any actors?

M: Practically with everyone. T: How wonderful. Maybe I can get to know someone, in the end I'm a journalist. M: Ah yes?

Yes, I'm a journalist in a popular magazine. I am writing about the latest gossip and gossip. Who knows what gossip you know?

M: I know, but...   T: I showered a lot of people.

M: Money? T: Yes, we pay for information. M: You pay well? Ie. how much?

Different prices for different people. If you have information that nobody else has... Eg related to this actress: Deniz.

Oh, and what more. The actor who played the main role, Koray, was united by great love.

Really? Can you prove it? For example, photos?

They will find...

D: Oh, I can not! Who are these flowers from? E: I am also dying of curiosity. D: Or maybe Barisz sent them?

E: Is it possible? D: I think it's him. E: Do you think so?

God, let it be! This evening will be special for me. And for me and for my brother and Asla.

And why is it special for them?

Tonight there will be an opportunity for them to be reconciled. I will do everything in my power to make it happen. Tonight, Asli must be so beautiful that my brother's heart would kill faster again.

Asli is beautiful anyway.

Beautiful, but it should be even more beautiful, beautiful in a different way. Like a princess. Understand? I need to prepare her.

Okay, but how will you do it? You call and say, "give, we will make you a deity"?

No, I will not say that. But... I did not think I would do it.


E: Asli, how are you? A: Okay, Eda, how about you?

E: I'm fine too. I have a petition for you. I would be very happy if you do not refuse me. A: Of course, speak.

Could we meet after your work? Dżansu something fell out, and I can not deal with combing and make-up myself. If you could come... You will not refuse me?

A: Good, but now I'm a bit busy. I will call you back later, consent? E: Agreed. We'll phone later. I kiss.

I will make her the most beautiful girl in the world. Of course, after you.

You are amazing! But now I can not go to the beauty salon with you?

E: I did not think about it, forgive me. D: Well, the most important thing is for the higher goal to be achieved. E: Yes, I hope so.

Esin Iris "Cilek Kokusu"

I have wings as big as the walls you have built around you

I am climbing over a winding mountain road

I dream about sunny days that smell of strawberries

Not everything looks as it may seem

For once, embrace me with love if I want to

Either you or your soul will force you to cry as you like

Leave everything behind you...

History will not write a great novel about us

My heart is enough for everything

'Let miracles not end, even though life makes us believe it. ' Time does not pass at all... It seems like it's still lengthened.

If she helped me, we would have long ago finished. Well, nothing. I do not need her.

B: I'm listening? C: Honey, what are you doing? B: Nothing, I'm in the club.

AND? When will we meet? Maybe we will do something together? I'm very bored.

I am also bored, Cagla, but unfortunately I have to work.

Burak, have you really started working?

Yes Cagla, you know.

Dad is forcing me. And my mother is in a bad position because of me.

I moved to Istanbul to see you more often, and you start work.

Cagla, what can I do about it?

Okay, you're right, too, but... I offered you this because I missed each other.

We can meet, but first I have to finish what I started. If you come and help me, we'll be fast.

How is it? I also have to work?

I need to prepare reports. You tell me what to do, we'll prepare it together. What do you think?

Well, honey... I'd love to, but I do not know about things like that. Well, my dear, you work. See you later. In the evening there is a party, so I have to prepare beforehand.

B: Good. In that case, see you tonight. C: Well, see you later.

I would also work? What does Burak ask me for...

The girl I've been dating for so many years can not help me, and that... I think I like her too.

C: Hello? T: Ready! I have photos.

You have? You are great, Tugcze. Send immediately, I'm waiting.

We'll see what Volkan will say when he sees it... What to do? Should I wait for acceptance? Then I could see the reaction on the face of this Deniz. Or now?

Elcin: Thank you very much, Mr Erhan. See you later. E: I'll call you.

E: I hope, my dear, that I did not let you wait long. S: No.

E: Did something happen? S: Your recipient turned out to be a great gentleman. He took you to the car...

E: I like that you are jealous of me. S: Really? Is this not a problem for you?

No, why should it bother me?

You do not like such things. I thought that it was better because of what happened to you earlier that I would hide all my jealousy.

Do you know why I love you so much? Because you still remind me that I'm a woman. This is what I forgot about... Go on, get in.

I'm listening, brother.

Gondża, what are you doing?

What should I do, brother? I'm working.

There were problems in our factory in Ankara. I'm going there today. I will stay there for the night, I would like to let you know.

Okay, brother.

Tidy shut all doors, all locks.

Okay, brother, do not worry. Happy road.

Thank you.

G: There will be no brother tonight. What should I do? A: Gondża, what happened? G: My brother is going to Ankara.

AND? Why are you so happy?

Girl, that means I have the whole house at my disposal tonight. We can stay alone with Erda.

Will you invite Erdema home? What if someone sees it? Especially that your neighbors are terrible gossips. And your brother certainly told them to pay attention to you.

G: Oh, Asli... You ruined my whole mood. A: But, Gondża... I have to take care of you, being your friend. If your brother stays with him again, terrible things can happen.

G: I think you're right. What to do? Did you write the address of the boutique? A: Yes, I saved.

G: And do not forget to send me a photo of the dress. A: Well, do not worry. G: In that case, I wish you have fun. A: Thank you, my dear.

Ed? I've finished my work. Where are we going to meet? I was just going that way. OK, see you later.

Will this time finally pass?

This salon is at the boutique. How can I get there now?

What else! I will not run after her. But... I can go to a cafe and order something to drink.

V: Asli, are you leaving now? A: Yes. V: I'm leaving too. If you want, I can give you a lift somewhere. A: I do not want to cause trouble.

V: It's no problem.


All you have to do is waste this time here.

S: I hope we find something suitable. E: I'm sure we'll find it.


Good to see you, Mr. Sinan.

Thank you.

What can I help you with?

- My daughter, Ed, has her birthday today. We are looking for a gift for her. - Please go. I invite you.

V: Ed will be very surprised today by our surprise. A: Yes, very much.

V: Have you talked to her today? A: Yes, I'm going to her. She asked me for help in choosing the hairstyle and make-up.

V: For the first time I see her like someone like Janka. A: We just made friends.

Because you do not know her, you may think it's nothing special. Although Ed can look like a carefree child, she is very suspicious. She is not so nice to everyone.

I think she liked us very much... Speaking of "us", I mean... She does not know that we just pretended to be in love.

She did not like Deniz, and when she finds out we're reconciled, she'll be shocked. I did not invite Deniz to the party so I would not hurt her.

A: She does not like her so much? V: Unfortunately.

E: In my opinion, this one is beautiful. S: In my opinion, too. I liked it very much.

E: These earrings are beautiful, but too serious for her, right? S: Elcin, thank you so much for coming with me. If it were not for you, I would not be able to choose anything.

The pleasure is mine, my dear. Listen, we do all this for our children.

S: We'll do more... In the evening, after the party, I'll talk to Eda. The time has come. We will be a wonderful family. E: I hope so.

C: Denis, how are you? D: Good. C: Have you started getting ready for the evening?

D: And what will happen in the evening? C: How is what? A birthday party for Eda, of course. Volkan did not invite you?

Of course he invited me, it only flew out of my head. I am very busy and I can not come.

What a pity... What to do? We'll see you later.

She knew... Liar. It's good that I called her. If I do not see the surprise on her face anyway, I will not wait for the bomb to explode.

S: Tadam! E: My dear, what is this?

S: I am sure that my beloved will be very much in the face. E: Beloved, you did not have to. We came here to buy a present for Eda.

What about this? Do not I have the right to make women who are with me happy?

You are wonderful...

They are beautiful. Thank you. ♥

A: Volkan, are you okay?


Nothing happened. What happened? Can you tell me?

Will you let me calm down?

Good... But you should not drive a car like this. Let's stop for a moment, please.

I can not believe... It's impossible... I'm done!

A: You better? V: Yes, thank you.

A: Maybe we will sit? V: Agreed.

Do you want to talk about it?

Deniz... Deniz lied to me.

They play together in one series. She said there was nothing between them. But as you can see, it's different... Is not it?

A: I do not know what to say. V: I should not have given her another chance.

But how could you know that it would come out like this?

Dad said: "whoever once hurt you will hurt you a second time". I could listen to him.

Do not blame yourself. You did not lose anything - she lost it.

Yes, this time she really lost me. I do not understand why everything must be so difficult? When two people love each other, should not everything be easy? Since everything was good, why did our relationship end this way?

I do not know. I mean, I've never been in a relationship with anyone before, so I have no idea.

V: How is it? You never had a boyfriend? A: I did not have. I mean, I had it, but when we pretended a pair.

It is very strange that such a nice and sweet girl like you did not have a boyfriend.

It may seem childish to you, but I think that every man has his other half, a man with whom he will always be together and whom he will always love. Of course, finding such a man is very difficult.

What happened? Why are you laughing? Do you think it's funny?

No, that's not why. I just agree with what you're talking about, that's why I like it.

A: Ed's calling. V: Please, do not tell her what happened. That will upset her.

Of course, do not worry.

I'm listening, Ed? Okay, I'm coming soon. See you later.

V: You'll be late because of me. Nevermind. But is it better? V: Yes, thank you. You are welcome.

G: Brother Ismail, I will take a 5-minute break. And good.

G: Erdem? What are you doing? E: What should I do? Nothing. I'm very tired, Gondża. And I missed you. We are in one city and we can not even meet.

G: Yes, my dear. But there is an opportunity for us... E: Yes? What opportunity? G: My brother went to Ankara. He will not be home tonight tonight. E: In that case, I will come to you.

I also thought about it, but what will we do with our neighbors? My brother has certainly told everyone to look after me: who comes, who goes out...

E: Well, what are we going to do now? G: Well, then I'll hang up. E: Good.

But unlucky with me. Her brother is not at home, and I can not go to her.

A: Ed is waiting, I have little time. Which one is better? G: You can not choose in a hurry. You make an important decision. Let me look.

Okay, that's good. But I liked the two.

This pink is beautiful. Try her.

Good. And how do you like it? G: Very nice in my opinion. You will look beautiful in it.

Seriously? G: Yes, that's right.

A: In that case okay. I'm running away because I'm late. See you later. G: See you. Have fun.

My dear friend, you will break your heart today...

Hairdresser: Nice to see you. E: Good morning. Is Soner?

Here I am, my soul. Nice to see you.

E: Thank you. S: My soul, today is your birthday, right?

E: Yes. S: Friends, we sing: Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you - baby! E: You are so cute...

S: You are so, my love. E: Soner, listen, I want to tell you something. S: Good. E: My friend will come here soon...

E: Asli! A: Ed, forgive me - I'm late. E: It does not matter.

S: It's nice to know, my dear. I'm Soner. A: Hello, and I Asli. I'm very pleased.

I'm very nice to me. Girls, you will have to wait a bit. Go there. What would you like to drink?

Can we have a coffee? And we discuss everything at the same time.

Okay, let's have a drink. But I do not know about it at all.

Asli, it's good that you came. Thank you very much.

You are welcome. E: After everything that happened, I thought you would not come to my birthday. But you did not make me sad.

Listen, as you said, "after everything that happened." This is already behind us. I came here as your friend. Only because of you.

I know. Besides, I promised you, do not worry.

Okay, but there will not be any surprises anymore?

E: Even if they were, I would ruin them anyway. You are someone close to me because you are so real.

You are the same.

E: That's why I know I can trust you. I want to tell you something, but let it stay between us. A: Of course.

I like a boy. He will come to my birthday tonight, that's why I'm very nervous.

A: Only now do I understand what all these preparations are for. It's for him. E: Yes. Today I want to tell him about my feelings.

He is so blind that he does not see my love. But I decided to gather up my courage and confess everything to him.

A: I hope you will reciprocate your feelings. E: Yes, me too. Unrequited love is difficult.

If you reach out, you will feel that love is close but at the same time very far away. You still want to see him. You make up various excuses to see him. You still think about him. And he has no idea about it.

It's time to find out about my feelings for him. Even if everything does not end well, I will tell you everything.

A: Ed, love needs courage and patience. You can see how much you love him. I hope he deserves your love. E: I think it's my biggest dream.

I'm listening, daddy? I'm in a hair salon. I will leave in about 2 hours. Will you come for me? Okay, great! Okay, then we'll call you back. I kiss you very much.

My dear, my dad will come for me. If you want, we can give you a lift home.

A: You do not have to, I have something else to do here. E: Well, my dear, as you like, my soul.

Girls, are we starting? - Agreed.

No, I do not want anything.

Come on? If you've come here, then you must do the deity.

No, you do not really need to.

Baby, this is a place from which you can not go out in the state in which you entered. I'm sorry.

Well, Ed - you're a birthday girl, and you're her friend. In that case, your hairstyles on my account.

Wait a minute! You can not do without a song. We have to tune in.

On the phone? - Yes.

Friends, put it here.

Baris, have they brought a cake? - Yes, they brought.

Everything is perfectly prepared. Bravo. - What are you, my friend...

[We are on the way. Baris can call.]

You can already call Edy. - Well, I'm doing it already.

I'm listening, Baris... brother Baris?

Ed, I have bad news for you.

What happened? Could you not come to the party?

No. Problems with the cafe. We can not organize parties tonight. - What?! But... but why?

Problems with the license. The cafe was closed for several days. In short: we'll do the party after re-opening. I have to disconnect. Forgive.


Dad, what are we going to do now? I invited everyone. What will I tell them? I can not believe it.

Wait, do not panic, daughter. We'll decide something at home.

Oh, Dad... I really can not believe it!

Hey. - Cousin, what's up? - All good. - What's up? - All good.

Guilty of all the trouble has not come yet? - Is on the way.

How nice here. Bravo, Baris. - Thank you friend.

Where's Cagla? - She'll come alone.

[We arrived. Be ready.]

Friends, they came.

Cansu does not answer either. I could at least warn her.

Ed, your brother is probably in the garden. Let's go to him.

Does he know that everything is canceled? What is he doing at home? - Let's go, we'll see.


Daddy, I do not believe my eyes.

Happy birthday, princess. - Thank you brother.

Happy birthday, crumble. - Thank you. - Long, happy years, my dear.

Thank you very much.

I really can not believe it. Thank you, daddy.

Ed, maybe we can go inside for 5 minutes? - Agreed.

What happened, Daddy? - Ed, something is missing here.



Dad, you did not have to. - I hope you like it, daughter.

Daddy, this is beautiful. You have great taste. I like it very much. Really, thank you very much.

You're welcome, daughter. Wear your health. Come on, put on. - Agreed.

It suits you very well. Long years of life. - Daddy, thank you very much.

Come on, go to friends. I will join you soon. - Well, daddy.

It's even better than I expected. Thank you brother.

Cansu and Baris helped me a lot, thanks to him.

Thank you too, Brother Baris. Everything is great.

I'm glad you like it, my dear.

I wonder where is Cansu? She did not say a word to me.

I thought she could not stand it and tell you everything, but...

Truth. Where is Cagla? - She'll come alone. I came straight from the club, so I could not go for it. - I understand.

Where is Asli? Or maybe she does not know that the party will be here?

Brother, almost everyone has come. But I have invited someone else and I do not see her here.



Do not worry, I talked to her. I gave her to you.

Brother, have you got along ?! - No, Ed. Asli is just your friend. Do not make me regret that I invited her. - Well.

Selda, Burak is so late?

He will be late, beloved. Today is the birthday party of Eda. - Ah yes?

Youth celebrate it with each other.

But I thought that we could sit down together tomorrow. - Very good idea. Organize everything.

Of course, I will organize. She is like a daughter to me. - It really is. You did a great job for Edy.

Nihat, I still can not believe what this woman did...

When she left them, Ed was still an infant. How could she not miss her? A man who loves would miss. When I do not see Burak for two days, I miss him very much. And she did not even call for so many years...

Believe me, maybe it's better. What would a woman give to children?

I do not think so.

Look, motherhood, it's a completely different feeling. - Does not matter. I will call Eda, I will make her wishes.

Uncle? - Ed, the most beautiful brat in the world, how are you?

Good, thank you very much. And you're like? - I'm good too. Happy Birthday.

Thank you very much, uncle. - But words are not enough. We must celebrate this in the near future. I still have a present for you.

Come on? It's enough that you have not forgotten to give me wishes. - Well, nothing yet. Oh, wait. I'll give you Selda. Well, now.

In my beautiful girl's birthday today. Long years of life, daughter.

Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.

Okay, daughter, good. I kiss. See you later.


My dear. - I heard the news. I am happy because of you.

I would like you to hear this from me, but. Dot. - Do not underestimate me.

You're right. From now on, we will see each other even more often. - Well.

A great party.

Cagla, dear, it's nice to see you.

Thank you. Hello.

Nice to see you, Cagla. - Happy birthday, love. - Thank you.

Ed, maybe we'll dance? - Agreed.

Because you called at the last minute and said you would not come for me, I'm the last one here.

I just left work. Forgive.

Perhaps you have offended me today?

No, what are you? Why should I be offended at you? - In that case okay.

Bashar is still calling. I'm really starting to get angry. Earlier, your phone did not call so often.

This is neither your friend nor anyone. Why is it still ringing? What does he want from you?

Selda, I have to tell you something. - I'm listening, Nihat.

I did not say anything to bother you. But it can not last longer.

What happened? - Not Bashar calls, but Baszak...

Baszak? Was Sinan's wife? - Yes.

Oh no. Nice yourself. Where did she suddenly come from? What does he want?

I do not know. I have not told Sinan yet.

Elcin and children are so happy. I did not want to drag you into this mess.

But this woman has appeared, so what can I do? - Why did sweat appear so suddenly? What can he want? Maybe he wants to see his children?

In my opinion, she did not appear for such an innocent cause. It's about something else.

About what?

I met with Bashak. - Have you met?

Yes, we met. When Hulia saw me, I did not meet with Bashar, but with Baszak.

So I was right when I was worried. And you lied to me

I'm sorry, I was forced. Nothing happened.

Whatever happens, you should not lie to me. - Selda, will you listen to me, please?

Ah, Bashak. You're ruining everything again. Why did you show up, do not I understand? Cursed!

Dad, I forgot to ask you. In the morning I received flowers. Is this a gift from you?

No. Although I should have done it, but it's not me.

Well, daddy. Certainly it is my silent admirer, i.e. a friend.

Daughter, I will go before they drive me out. - Dad... - I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

Kids, have fun. - See you soon, Dad.

Good morning, Uncle Sinanie. - Nice to see you, Jena. - Thank you. - My dear!

Happy birthday, my dear friend. How did you like the surprise? - I was very surprised.

And you did not even write words. - Otherwise, it would not be a surprise.

My little sister became a young girl. - Yes, brother. You finally admitted it.

Long years of life, princess. - Thank you very much.

You look beautiful, I like it very much. - Yes? Today is a great night.

Yes, this night is very important. I'm very nervous.

Girls, what are you whispering about? - No, what are you, my dear. It's just too loud here. We do not have anything to hide from you.

I was joking. Honey, let's go dancing.

Later, Cagla.

Burak, what happened to you today? - I'm tired, Cagla.

Well. Girls, we're going to have fun? - Agreed. - Agreed.

Where's Deniz? Will not come?

Something happened? - What's up, brother?

Nothing, dear friends. Let's close this topic. - Why? Everything was fine yesterday.

Everything is finished.

But why?

Because she lied to me: she met with Koray. I gave her the last chance. Therefore, do not ask any more questions.

I'll go to him.

I wonder where Deniz? - Do not ask anything, all right. This time they really broke up.

After these photos, nothing strange.

Volkan would not let it go. - And how do you know?

The whole social network is talking about it. However, she was meeting Koray. How they posed in front of the cameras...

You love to interfere in other people's personal lives. - Volkan is our friend, Burak.

Maybe he is sad now, but at least he saw the real face of Deniz.

Selda... Maybe we'll go somewhere, have a drink. - No.

You do not feel like leaving or are you still mad at me? - I do not want to do anything with you.

So you're still angry. Okay, but please do not exaggerate. - I exaggerate?

Okay, I'm sorry. You're right.

But believe me: I was also anxious because I lied to you.

I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you everything. I did not even want to talk about such a woman.

Can I lie to you?

Nihat, you have never lied to me until today.

And from now on do not lie to me anymore, please. - How could I lie to you, my sweet, my love...

Let me look at you. You're so beautiful when you're angry.

My soul, my only one. You forgive me? Well, now.

My dear, hello. It's good that you came.

Happy birthday, Ed. This is my gift for you. I hope you will like it.

Thank you very much.

Asli, thank you for coming.

Have you drawn it for me?

Thank you very much. I will put it in a prominent place in my room.

You look gorgeous. Even more beautiful than me. - Thank you.

You have to photograph yourself with such a beauty.

I'm taking a picture. Smile.

It came out really beautiful. - Yes. Very beautiful.

Shall we dance? Brother, you dance too.

Shall we dance? - Of course.

Asli, will you dance with me?

Buray "Sen sevda misin" "There is no hope or light in your eyes

I'm still waiting. It will be what it has to be

There is no fire or heat in your hands anymore

I can burn as long as your love is alive

You - pain that knocks on my door. Go

You always have a place in my mind

I'm tangled in my tongue, words fade from my head

My beautiful guest, you are always welcome...

You are love or a pile of lies,

My poverty over my head causing problems?

As if without life experience

What I experienced with you will always be in me

You are love or a pile of lies,

My poverty over my head causing problems?

As if without life experience

What I experienced with you will always be in me. "

In my opinion, Asla still feels something for him or would she come? This is not for Eda.

Anyway, it's better than Deniz.

When Asli dresses nicely, she gets beautiful.

And she did it for Volkan. In my opinion, they will reconcile today. - Cagla...

Are you feeling better?

Yes thank you.

Listen? I do nothing, I sit at home. I've just come back.

Erdem, someone came. I will call you later, consent? Well.


Who are you?

What's funny about that? Oh, God, crazy girl! - Gonca, stop! It's me - Erdem.

Come in, come in.

Honey, you look beautiful. - Do not laugh.

But how should I not laugh? Just look at yourself. - You told me about your neighbors, so what was I supposed to do? I thought they would say nothing to your friend's visit.

They will not say.

And these things I took from my aunt's closet.

I have to tell you something: they lie like a glove. - Just my size, but how can you wear these things in such heat?

Show me, let me check. You founded it in this heat?

And what, I was supposed to come with hairy legs? - My only one, in everything nice to you.

Gonca, do not laugh. Look what I'm not doing for you.

You wanted to see me so much? - Yes.

You kissed me! I swear, you kissed me! I even have proof. - Lipstick?

No no. You can not. I did not dream about such a kiss. Come here.

Wow. - I do not know how it happened, but I did it.

This lipstick...

I'm listening, daddy? But it is still very early. Okay, I'm going.

My dear, dad came. I told him not to come so soon.

It's hard. The most important thing is that you came.

You will be alone again.

Give me a kiss. Bye Bye. - See you later.

See you later. - Good night.

Thank you again for this evening. Everything was great.

I think so too. Everyone liked each other very much. - And you?

Me, of course, too, baby.

I have to tell you something. - I'm listening, Ed?

First, I must say that you look great today. - Thank you. I prepared it for you.

Baris, you'll like me. And it has been for a long time.

Eda... Listen, I...

You are like a sister to me. You have always been her for me and you will always be her.

Come here, baby.

Ed, I'm very sorry. Let's pretend that there was no such conversation.

Ed, are you okay? What happened?

I confessed to his feelings. - I do not think everything went well.

It would be better if I did not say anything.

Now I will not be able to look him in the eye. Everything is finished.

It's Baris, right? - Yes. I laughed.

Ed, do not be distracted. You acted too boldly. He just did not expect it.

If that were the case, it would be silent. And he said, "let's pretend that there was no conversation."

Ed, wait a bit. If he feels something for you too, he'll tell you.

Asli, everything is finished. I laughed. - I'm so sorry, Ed...

Friends, I will go.

But it is still early. - I will be waiting for work tomorrow. - We're working too.

He only worked two days... - Well, see you later.

I'm leaving. See you later. - Good night. - Good night. - Good night.

It's time for me too. Could you please call a taxi for me?

I'll take you back. Ie. we will give you a lift.

There's no need to.

You can not go back by taxi.

Asli, I'll take you back. - There's no need to. I'll be back alone.

It does not fall out. I'll give you a lift. - Agreed.

Ed, happy birthday again. The party was great.

Thank you very much for coming. - Will we go now?

Well. - I will take Asli and come back. See you later.

Until then, we will not be here anymore. See you later.

They match perfectly. I hope they will be reconciled. - I think the same. Especially since Denis is history now.

Cagla, it's time for us. I have to get up early tomorrow.

Okay, Burak. You are boring with you.

See you later. - See you later. - See you later. All the best. - Thank you.

That was it. - Did I get similar to a man?

I can not understand how you could become such a beautiful woman. - I used to be a woman in my time.

What do you mean? - Before I started working at the reception, I was an animator. I was always dressed as a woman.

Ah, I will eat you soon! Beloved, what are we going to do?

Maybe we'll watch the movie? Maybe we will drink something? Tea or coffee? I will go and prepare something.

Stop, why should I prepare? Get ready. If you have tea, then you should only do it. What are we going to do?

Erdem, calm down at first.

I can not. What to do? I can not. I'm happy - really very happy.

I would like us to spend each night like this together. - Of course, but it's not that easy.

Of course it's simple. I've changed that for you.

I will tell you something: I am also very happy with you. - Really?

Yes. Why are you crying? - Of happiness.

Even with happiness, do not cry. Besides, the mascara smudged.

Yes? That's why my eyes are so scared? Well, good. It's nothing scary. Somehow it will be. We will spend the whole evening together today.

Okay, then you go wash and I'll make coffee for you. - Well. I will go and prepare her.

Who is this? - Erd, take stuff and hide. - Well. Where should I hide ?!

Gonca, open the door.

Brother, it's good to see you. - Why did not you open the door for so long?

Brother, I thought you would not come back today, that's why I closed well. - The plans changed at the last minute.

Or maybe you invited this hooligan home?

No, brother. What kind of hooligans are you talking about?

Gonca, do you think I'm stupid? - Brother, really.

Gonca, if you lie to me, I will break your legs and kill him. You will make me a murderer.

No, brother. Nothing happens.

Is he here? I'll find him soon. Where is he?

Even if he falls down in tears, then... - Gonca, my life, who came? Is this your brother?

Yes.  - Very nice to me, I am Eftalia.

Good day. I'm very pleased.

I am ashamed to say, but I do not feel well these days. I lay down and fell asleep.

Well, nothing. Gonca, as you know, my mind goes away when I'm late, that's why I will go. - Of course, of course. - Goodbye.

Gonca, see you later.

Gonca, why do not you say that we have guests at home? In addition, I was screaming like that. - Brother, but you did not want to listen to me.

Prepare two coffees, drink together. - We'll have a drink, right? - Let's drink.

Birthdays were successful, right?

Very. I did not see Ed coming in, but I'm sure she was very surprised.

Yet how! Anyway, thank you again.

It's nothing compared to what you did for me.

By the way - thank you for being with me when I saw the photographs... That is, if you were not there, terrible things could happen tonight.

Thank you.

I feel very good with you.

- Burak, can you fire? - I'm going slowly.

- You're going to hurry up with some very important place. We've almost arrived, more cautiously. - Well, I did not notice.

Are you sure it's all right?

- Yes, I'm just tired, Cagla. - Well, I will not press you.

- Thank you darling. Tomorrow we'll go somewhere together? You've been avoiding me lately. - We'll see.

- Good night. - You also.

You are already crossing all boundaries, Burak.

She does it especially to make me angry. Surely she was the one who threw away the pictures. No one else could do it. Cursed! What will I say to Volkan now? He will not forgive me in my life. I will have to lie. I do not have an alternative. I can not lose him...


- Volkan, please, listen to me. I can explain everything. "Nobody asks you to translate, Deniz.

- Volkan, I'm begging you, I'll explain everything to you. Everything is not what you think. - We left unnecessarily. This time, everything is really finished. Do not call me again.

This time, really everything is over... I have nothing more to lose. Whoever did this would pay for it.

I would be surprised if she did not call. Deniz?

Are you happy that you've got yours?

I do not understand?

I'm sure you understand what's going on.

You did not call this man, Deniz.

I know that you have spread these photographs. I know it perfectly. You could not stand that I went with Volkan.

I understand you now. Your lie has spoiled everything at the last moment. But you could not lie forever.

- I'm not as professional in lying as your boy, of course. - What do you mean?

You yourself live in a huge lie.

Deniz, speak openly.

I will tell you only one thing. What do you think Volkan really could be with this girl after he left me? Or maybe he just pretended to be together? In my opinion, you should look at it better.

- I will not listen to these stupidities anymore. Leave your lies to yourself. - Come on, hang up. Even if you do not believe it, it's enough for you to have doubts.

Even if it's true, it will eventually come out. And then you will not get away with it, Burak...

- What are you doing? You scared me. - Where were you? Why did you arrive so late? - What's up with this?

- What does it mean, "What's up with this?" - And what does the phrase "what do you mean" mean? Am I to explain to you? - Please answer my question.

- I left the party and immediately arrived here. Is this where you came from? When I left, you were still there. - I was driving fast. - Someone will see us soon. What do you want?

- Did you think about what I told you?  - Yes, I thought about it. I will not help you.

- No, I'm not talking about it. About the other thing I told you. - Perhaps you will stop mocking me anymore?

- I'm not mocking you. - I have nothing to tell you. - Asli...

Let me go.

I know why you refer to me like that. Because I like you too... ♥

For more infomation >> Çilek Kokusu Ep 08 Multilanguage Subs - Duration: 1:55:11.


【Kman夾娃娃】無防甩片的大甩台!會比較好打嗎?【Disney】貝兒公主#266 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 【Kman夾娃娃】無防甩片的大甩台!會比較好打嗎?【Disney】貝兒公主#266 - Duration: 3:28.


Top 5 Of Futur Martial Arts Legends - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Of Futur Martial Arts Legends - Duration: 6:09.


The 2-Part Church Website Headline Formula | Pro Church Daily Ep. #051 - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> The 2-Part Church Website Headline Formula | Pro Church Daily Ep. #051 - Duration: 9:15.


The new Mercedes-Benz eSprinter 2019 – A First Glance - Duration: 1:51.

Our customers need to make money with our products,

so we needed to take that into account when we actually designed this vehicle, this eSprinter.

That was our number one goal:

that the customers will still be able to make money with the product.

We didn't change any of the volume obviously.

That's really important for our customers.

If we were to open the door now

you wouldn't see any batteries or any of the cables – nothing.

It's all unchanged – and we can still carry up to one tonne of payload.

In the segment of our targeting that's perfect.

It's a front-wheel drive and all the components are basically under the hood,

integrated over here.

And we can go up to 120 km/h.

That's good for urban driving, for outer city driving,

even highway driving in Germany – so it's a good speed.

To be honest I had goose bumps today

when the vehicle was driven on stage and I have to say:

First off all I like the team that was working on this vehicle,

but I also believe in this technology – I really think that it's the right segment.

I think that's where e-mobility in the commercial segment is going to take off first.

For more infomation >> The new Mercedes-Benz eSprinter 2019 – A First Glance - Duration: 1:51.


নবীজীর জীবদ্ধশায় জেনার গঠনা || Bangla Waz New 2018 || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> নবীজীর জীবদ্ধশায় জেনার গঠনা || Bangla Waz New 2018 || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 10:45.


Chibeasties 2 слот Большой выигрыш в казино сумма выигрыша 18320р из Стрима Вулкан Вегас - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Chibeasties 2 слот Большой выигрыш в казино сумма выигрыша 18320р из Стрима Вулкан Вегас - Duration: 2:18.


Raining days | Trying to vlog - Ep.1 - Duration: 10:31.

I have come to a doctor, get a certificate that I can train

because I need it where I go to Athens

I need 2 pictures

a photocopy of my identity

don't record me

I got the paper from the doctor

I also found a photo of myself

from last year

now I'm going to take a photocopy of my identity, to pay some other bills

I will continue the video in the afternoon

thankfully we put this 2 days ago

because today it's raining again

it's time for workout

but first I want to make

a video because I want to upload 2 this week

and then workout

I finished with the other video, it is already up now that you see this one

you can watch it here

now it's time to workout

I will do

frongstand to handstand

pull ups

handstand against the wall

I will try to move away from the wall

after pike push ups and then push ups

always warm up

there are 1,000,000 ways to warm up

I remember that at first

I never did warm up, do not make the same mistake as I did

that was very good

my best so far

now I will try some on the wall

at the beginning exercises are so difficult and when

time passes and you reach a point that

you are really close to make

the exercises, that feeling is awesome

I am ok I didn't hit

you forget to stretch at the end of your training

I'm thinking to do a tutorial on pike push ups

tell me if you want to learn it

to know to upload it sooner than I have in my mind

see you in a bit

this morning I woke up with pain at my throat

Vasilis was ill

we are together yesterday at the doctor

I will kill him

yesterday night I made the video, the other video

it was 2 minutes

I expected to be a little more

and I'm thinking today to record one more video for this week

3 in a week

the video will be 1 video for abs

you can do it anywhere

I do not have any special equipment

lighting sucks in here I know

I should clean this mirror

I do not know what else I can put on this video

I wanted to show you the mistakes

I do not know what the mistakes are

I'm pathetic

I will finish this video here

a few days have passed, the weather is still bad

I would like the videos from this series to be a day or 2

the next video you will see will be the first video I made

the 1st vlog

it has nothing to do with workout

I made it to keep some memories

to watch it with my friends and laugh

I decided to share it with you

so laugh too

I have nothing else for this video I will see you at the next one

I will clean this mirror now

For more infomation >> Raining days | Trying to vlog - Ep.1 - Duration: 10:31.


8 Mart Dünya Kadınlar Günü Neden ? ( Bir Gün Değil Her Gün ) - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 8 Mart Dünya Kadınlar Günü Neden ? ( Bir Gün Değil Her Gün ) - Duration: 2:46.


Under the Hood Featuring Cruz Ramirez | Racing Sports Network by Disney - Duration: 2:28.


RSN presents...

Under The Hood.

Tonight we focus on the racer everyone is talking about,

Cruz Ramirez.

We know Cruz Ramirez as the dynamic racer,

who broke onto the scene full of confidence

at last year's Florida 500.

Now a household name,

many fans find her fearless approach to life inspiring.

This overnight sensation was actually years in the making.

Tonight Cruz grants us exclusive footage

to help us grasp how she overcame all odds.

It's time to take you Under The Hood.

Growing up in the South,

Cruz always dreamt of being a professional racer.

But with such humble beginnings,

she never stopped to think it was even possible.

In a vulnerable moment with Bob Cutlass,

she disclosed that, even now,

it's difficult to quiet the echoes of her past.

Dream small, Cruz. That's what my family used to say.

Dream small or not at all.

She became determined to find a place near the track

in any way she could.

Cruz shifted her focus to training,

where her bold techniques soon became industry standard.

We call her our maestro of motivation.

Ready to meet it, greet it--

And defeat it.

All right, show me what you got.

Her path in life seemed set,

until she accepted the assignment to train her idol, Lightning McQueen.

But initially their relationship was not an easy one.

She pushed him to train in the new age,

on a high-tech simulator.

In return, he pushed her to get her tires dirty

out on the track.

Challenging each other brought out the best in them both.

Training Lightning unlocked the racing dreams

Cruz had since given up on

and when the opportunity arose, she took it.

And despite all expectations...

You don't belong on this track.

Yes, I do.

...she won.

Cruz Ramirez for the win.

Cruz Ramirez!

Cruz learned to live by the words she so often used

to train others.

It's all about motivation.

You can use anything negative to push through to the positive.

And now that she has full sponsorship,

tune in this season

to see Cruz Ramirez pull out all the stops

as the face of Dinoco.


Coming up on Racing Sports Network.

For more infomation >> Under the Hood Featuring Cruz Ramirez | Racing Sports Network by Disney - Duration: 2:28.


N. Korea expresses willingness to denuclearize according to S. Korean envoys - Duration: 15:45.

And to tell us more about the outcome of the envoys' meeting in North Korea,...

Professor Kim Hyun-wook from the Korea National Diplomatic Academy joins us in the studio


Thanks for coming in today.

Pleasure to be here.

1- We began to sense a thaw in inter-Korean relations ever since North Korean leader Kim

Jong-un said in his New Years' address that he wanted to engage with South Korea,... and

then inter-Korean talks began along with North Korea participating in the PyeongChang Winter


A lot has happened in just two months involving the two Koreas


we saw a sudden improvement in inter-Korean ties.

2- And in a key turn of events...

North Korea expressed a willingness to abandon its nuclear program,... but only if its safety

could be guaranteed.

Tell us more about this.

3- The two Koreas also agreed to install, for the first time, a communication hotline

through which the leaders can talk on the phone directly.

4- According to National Security Office chief Chung Eui-yong...

North Korea had (QUOTE-UNQUOTE) "no particular demands"... and it just wanted "to be considered

as a serious partner in dialogue".

What can we make of this statement?

5- The two Koreas agreed to hold a summit meeting between President Moon Jae-in and

Kim Jong-un late April... in the truce village of Panmunjeom.

Could there be a reason why a leader's summit is going to be held at this place instead

of in the North Korean capital Pyongyang?

6- What's interesting is that North Korea's state TV broadcaster showed 10 minutes of

footage on Tuesday of its leader Kim Jong-un's meeting and dinner with the South Korean delegation

just a day earlier.

7- As for the joint military drills between South Korea and the U.S.,... Kim Jong-un reportedly

expressed his understanding about the drills coming up

in April at a similar level to last year's exercises.

8- How has the U.S. reacted to the outcome of

the envoys' meeting in North Korea and what


the chances of us seeing any U.S.- North Korea dialogue?

9- What's

your outlook on some other humanitarian and aid issues involving North Korea?

10- So what tasks remain before the summit

in April?

Thank you



insight today.

My pleasure.

For more infomation >> N. Korea expresses willingness to denuclearize according to S. Korean envoys - Duration: 15:45.


Life Sentence Promo "Days" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Life Sentence Promo "Days" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


Volvo Trucks - 800 hours of styling makes this Volvo FH extraordinary – "Welcome to my cab – light" - Duration: 1:16.

Everything just went lilac.

Welcome to Martin Paulisse's cab,

a Volvo FH from 2015 with 500 horsepower.

These high-definition stripes have been painted with maximum precision.

The design was planned by Martin and his mate.

Believe it or not, it actually took longer to plan these precise lines

than to paint them.

All in all, the styling of the truck took four months to complete.

Just look at that stunning finish.

The truck transports safety barriers used in road construction

and uses this crane to manoeuvre the barriers.

Martin likes to keep his truck clean, so he washes it once a week.

He also waxes and polishes it every month.

The whole interior has been covered in brown leather.

Martin's cousin helped him with this.

Martin has been a truck driver for six years and started straight from school.

His truck is painted in the colours of the company he works for.

Subtle but, I'm sure you'll agree, extremely stylish.

For more infomation >> Volvo Trucks - 800 hours of styling makes this Volvo FH extraordinary – "Welcome to my cab – light" - Duration: 1:16.


PIBM Pune | Winter Internship Program 2018 | Ms. Shweta Singh Raghuwanshi - Duration: 0:45.

Hello I'm Shweta Raghuwanshi and I'm from Indore Madhya Pradesh I'm pursuing PGDM

from Pune Institute of Business Management currently I'm working as a

marketing intern with Audi Pune and it is a part of my Winter Internship in my

internship I have learned how to effectively communicate an elite

customers of automobile sector this has been possible just because of the

continuous support and guidance by my internal as well as external mentor Mr.

Alekh panda and Mr. Anirudh Bhagwat .Thank You PIBM for this wonderful opportunity.

For more infomation >> PIBM Pune | Winter Internship Program 2018 | Ms. Shweta Singh Raghuwanshi - Duration: 0:45.


파크라이 5 - 화성 좀비 그리고 베트남 (한글자막) - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 파크라이 5 - 화성 좀비 그리고 베트남 (한글자막) - Duration: 2:20.


최초도전! 아빠 몰래카메라 하기! 아빠에게 와사비 아이스크림을 먹여라!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> 최초도전! 아빠 몰래카메라 하기! 아빠에게 와사비 아이스크림을 먹여라!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 6:42.


TIGER SHROFF Best ACTION Scenes-BAAGHI-Multiple Subtitles-Bollywood Best ACTION 2018 - Duration: 19:01.

Be a rebel

But for some purpose.

Do you want to continue the training or want to go back?

When did it start that I'll continue!!

Your training had started from the first day.

(Do) You want baby?


Come Subu

Leave him.



Look here..Do you want the child?


Should I leave the child?

Do I?

Look here..look

No Yaya

Are you ok?

Bet all you have.

What was he saying?

He was saying the he is going to win the fight!

Bet all.

We have a new challenger.

You too put money.

Put your bets.It's gonna be big. Come on.

What is the size of the Italian?

5 feet 10 inches

and the opponent?

7 feet

7 feet!

then bet on the 7 feet.

Win is fixed today.

Let the fight begin.

Where is (the) Indian fighter?

I'm right here.

Where is Biju?

Where is he?


You killed my brother.

You Indian!

You think (that) you can fight?

We fight.

Chinese fight.


Chinese goods don't last long.

What is the hurry?

I've just started.

For more infomation >> TIGER SHROFF Best ACTION Scenes-BAAGHI-Multiple Subtitles-Bollywood Best ACTION 2018 - Duration: 19:01.


Make Pearl Earrings in 5 Min - Duration: 4:57.

Materials Required for Making these Ear Rings are...

Small Size Gold Chain

Half Bead Pearls


E6000 Glue and a HeadPin

Insert Gold chain into the Pearl

cut the extra gold chain after measuring the required length for Ear Ring

Take a Head Pin

Take a small amount of E6000 Glue on the plastic cover

apply glue to the head pin as shown in the video

Now stick both ends of gold chain to the head pin and

use a tooth pick for this

Let it dry for 1 min

again apply glue on top of the headpin

stick a half bead pearl on glue applied

Press it gently to stick properly

Let it dry for 1/2 min

The Ear Ring is almost ready


apply glue to the bottom of Pearl

and stick a small gold ball

The Pearl Ear Rings are ready now..

You too try making these Ear Rings..

For more infomation >> Make Pearl Earrings in 5 Min - Duration: 4:57.


सांवली त्वचा (Dark Complexion) के लिए कैसे लगाएं और चुनें Best BB Cream या CC Cream | Anaysa - Duration: 4:25.

Hello friends !!!! I'm Payal

friends !!! most of girls don't like to use makeup daily

so we started finding options for BB and CC cream

in market products for fair skin are easily available in huge range

but problem is with dusky skin

few options are available in market for dusky skin

and if we find the right one

then we feel like the cream is not matching to our complexion

weather its dark or light according to our skin

in today's video I'm gonna tell you about BB OR CC cream shades

which are perfect for people with dusky skin

so let's get started with today's video

here i do have MAYBELLINE BB CREAMS in shade 01 nude

and LAKME CC cream 9 to 5 in shade honey

both creams are best for dusky skin tone

first i'm gonna show you maybilinne cream

before applying BB or CC cream we must use primer on our face

here i am using aloe vera gel

it also work as primer

as we applying primer before so bb cream not gonna in touch with pores

so we can save ourself from pimples and break out problems

now take bb cream on your hand and make small dots on your face

so bb cream gonna distribute on my face evenly

must apply bb cream on your neck area

with sponge i am blending bb cream

also in this video also i'm gonna show you how to apply cc cream with my hands

if you also have dusky skin and searching bb cream for yourself

so you can try nude shade of

it gets perfectly matched with my skin tone

it has SPF 21 & PA++

which protect us from sun's harmful rays

its so affordable as compared to foundation

I am using compact powder

so that my foundation doesn't looks cakey

take small amount of foundation on a sponge

apply it with taping all over the face

my skin type is dry

so I am applying little compact powder on my face

due to this my skin doesn't looks cakey

& my face looks natural n flawless all day long

you can see this BB cream matched with my skin tone

second option for dusky skin tone is

Lakme 9 to 5 CC cream

apply primer before applying CC cream

take a little amount of it

put dots all over your face

don't forget to apply it on your neck area

here I blend this CC cream by taping with finger tips

or instead you can use sponge

this honey shade of this CC cream

is perfect for dusky skin tone

contains SPF 30 & PA++

protects us from sun's harmful rays

its packaging is travel friendly

you can carry this easily

any where like college, office etc....

its texture is creamy so it blends easily on our face

I am using same compact powder to set the CC cream

as I told earlier

that take a little amount of it

apply it by on your face

compact powder makes your foundation flawless

this gets perfectly blend on my face

& also matched with my skin tone

so thats it for today's video

do like & share this video

let me know by commenting below

if you like this special video

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do subscribe to my channel

& don't forget to press that bell icon

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will see you in my next video till then

take care & bye - bye

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