Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 28 2018

hello we are a group of students affected by the rise of food prices just like most Tunisians.

we are inviting you to speak up and take action about it

let's not encourage this unfair situation and instead boycott one of our

prized goods

it's only on good it's easy each and every one of you can contribute without effort

the actions you take to show intolerance towards the irrational

high prices makes a difference


For more infomation >> Trailer : Say no to Si El Felfel - Duration: 0:36.


MOVING MASSIVE COUCH ALONE! ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 6:00.


Good morning. Right now I'm in the den.

Which you don't see very often cause we don't use it too much.

But we have decided to take the den

and the living room and swap them.

Cause the living rooms is a little small right now

with all his toys and things like that.

So we decided to take the living room and move it to the den

and then the den will go up where the living room was.

So... we have the futon here.

Um, that's where we used to film.

Anyways, baby is crabby, hold on.


Someone is really enjoying themselves. (laughs)


Jenna's out right now. She has to work all day.

I don't know working all day, meaning "all day",

but it's just the two of us.

And... yeah.

We are changing the rooms around.

I'm probably not going to be able to move the big furniture myself,

but we will see what happens.

I'm gonna show you what it looked like before.

Now it's a little bit messy cause we're moving things around

but this is what the living room looked like before.

Hold on let me step back.


Now I'm going to show you the den.

Again, I just moved things around so it's messy.

But this is what it looked like before.


Futon there and...

that was over here.

But I moved it.

Have the treadmill

and a bunch of other stuff.

All of this.

So now I'm going to move things around, woo hoo!


I actually got the massive couch down these stairs.

All the way down here by myself.

Jenna's going to be really mad at me for moving that


uh, I'm not able to move the futon upstairs

by myself, at least I don't think

because it's really floppy.

It's hard to move, so I'm gonna need someone to help me move it.

But anyways, I got this.

I'm probably gonna move things around maybe

but he's sleeping.

Right there.

Finally he went to sleep, but Im gonna go upstairs

and get some food for lunch.

Then once he wakes up,

I can move some more things around.

But for right now,

I'm gonna let him sleep and I'm gonna rest cause I'm tired.


Hey... oh, better.

I like to start with Mikko cause he's the cutest part of these vlogs.

But, anyways...

still kind of a mess down here,

but we're moving things around

and I can't move the futon...

all of that.

So... hold on.


okay, sorry I had a cough,

but anyways I'm gonna show you the upstairs cause it's totally empty

well, kind of.


All empty here.

So this...

is gonna go maybe here,

or maybe over here,

or maybe over here.

Not sure exactly what I want to do yet,

but... is the AC on? Oh!

No wonder. I was like, why is it so hot upstairs?

Well I had the heat on, duh.

Downstairs it's cool so I didn't need it, but

anyways.... yeah. Um...

I'm just gonna do that and wait for Jenna to come home.

Hopefully she's gonna bring me some wine,

because I need to relax tonight.

Not get drunk, cause duh I have a baby, but you know.


that's exciting, woo hoo!


Trying to change his diaper

and I had to stop him from rolling over.

Now he's playing with my foot. It's cute.


Someone's learning to blow raspberries or his lips. It's really cute.

Alright, somebody had a really long day,

so I think I'm gonna call it a night. Good night!

Say good bye!

Guess the rollover means he's done.

♫ ♫♫

For more infomation >> MOVING MASSIVE COUCH ALONE! ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 6:00.


Barbie Food Truck Toy with xiaoling | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:28.

Barbie Food Truck Toy with xiaoling | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Barbie Food Truck Toy with xiaoling | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:28.


TNT El Lobista| Entrevista Rodrigo de la Serna - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> TNT El Lobista| Entrevista Rodrigo de la Serna - Duration: 1:33.


Singing Confidence Shattered? 3 Steps to Come Back Singing Better and Stronger - Duration: 3:50.

Is your singing confidence shattered?

Recently a friend of mine had a project recording a song with another singer.

As he practiced, he felt his voice was feeling too tight on the higher notes.

His high notes sounded harsh so he lowered the key.

He sang it softer which helped, but when he tried singing louder, his voice tightened


He was feeling more and more nervous as the day for the recording drew near.

After they recorded the song, the producer told him that his voice sounded stuck and

muffled on the high notes.

This was the very outcome he feared.

Has your singing ever been criticised?

Have you ever had self doubts?

Have you ever been frustrated with your own voice?

Have you ever been disappointed in your singing and performance?

If you're a serious singer who performs regularly, you will have experiences that

can cause you to doubt yourself and tear down your confidence.

If we let it, our singing confidence can be completely shattered.

With our singing confidence shattered, we give up hope.

We stop believing in our ability to get better.

We begin seeing ourselves as failures.

Thoughts like these lead to quitting, giving up and abandoning our goals and dreams.

It leads to darkness and depression.

How do we go from shattered confidence to great confidence?

How do we come back singing better and stronger?

Change your thoughts about fearing to fail in singing.

Author of the book, The Art of Fear, and the world's best woman extreme skier for 12

years, Kristen Ulmer, teaches high performance individuals to embrace fear rather than trying

to conquer it.

Try this exercise next time you start obsessing about your singing failures:

Sit comfortably in a chair and breath deeply.

As you breath in, imagine and see all the horrors of your mistakes, failures and fears

about singing and performing.

Then, as you exhale, say this: I will never rid myself of this fear of failure and lack

of confidence as a singer.

It will always be with me.

Try acknowledging your fears and embracing them.

I did something similar while waiting for an audition.

I was amazed how relaxed I became going into the audition.

Cut yourself some slack.

Remind yourself how far you've come.

How have you improved and grown as a singer/performer?

What have you done that you couldn't imagine doing when you were just starting out?

Write them down.

Celebrate your progress!

For example, I never imagined I would increase my range an octave, or be able to sing a Bb4!

Remember the majority of people really won't care for you or your voice.

But if just one percent, just one percent of the world's population liked you and

your singing, that would be 70 MILLION RAVING FANS!

That's who you're singing for!

Keep studying and practicing your singing.

In his book, Mastery, George Leonard says, "take pleasure in the endless repetition

of ordinary acts… "...mastery is not about perfection.

It's about a process, a journey.

The master is the one who stays on the path day after day, year after year.

The master is the one who is willing to try, and fail, and try again, for as long as he

or she lives.

Is your singing confidence shattered?

Then, embrace your fears, cut yourself some slack and keep studying and practicing your


Stay on the path day after day and year after year.

You'll come back singing better with stronger confidence than ever before.

I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

For more infomation >> Singing Confidence Shattered? 3 Steps to Come Back Singing Better and Stronger - Duration: 3:50.


Kurier S129 #2 Wywiad z TRD - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Kurier S129 #2 Wywiad z TRD - Duration: 10:03.


3 Haunting Tales From Pawleys Island, South Carolina - Duration: 7:15.

Welcome Back Strangers!

Memorial Day Weekend kicks off the vacation season in the United States and each summer

more than 20 million people travel to the beaches of South Carolina.

Pawleys Island is located 40 minutes south of Myrtle Beach, and it is a great way to

spend an entire vacation or an evening checking out all the sites in the town if you are staying


The area is known for its history, beaches, and local legends.

Today we are going to tell you 3 Haunting Tales from Pawleys Island, South Carolina.

Spoiler alert!

The last one is a heartbreaker.

The Gray Man is the most famous ghost in the area that is seen roaming the coastline of

Pawleys Island.

He is the most famous ghost in the area because every time he has appeared a devastating hurricane

or horrendous storm has hit the area.

He was first seen in 1822 and was last spotted in 1989 right before Hurricane Hugo hit South


He is always seen wearing gray clothes along the beach before vanishing.

In some cases, he speaks to people telling them to flee the area, in others he is just

seen as an ominous warning of the destruction that is to come.

There are several stories and legends surrounding the identity of The Grey Man.

Some believe he is the ghost of a man who was travelling from Charleston to visit his


Unfortunately, he and his horse got caught in quicksand like mud in the marshes surrounding

Pawleys Island and he died.

His sprit haunts the shore in search of the woman he loved and warning others of impending

dangers in the area.

Other variations of the story say that he is Percival Pawley who the island is named


Legend says that he still watches over the area that was once his beloved home.

Others who have witnessed The Gray Man say he wears a long coat and is dressed almost

like a pirate, leading them to think may be the Ghost of Blackbeard.

Who is doomed to wander the shores he once pillaged for all eternity warning innocent

souls of approaching danger.

Those who are fortunate enough to see The Gray Man often credit him for saving their

lives and sparing their homes.

The local ghost received national attention when Jim and Clara Moore were interviewed

after Hurricane Hugo by the show Unsolved Mysteries.

The couple's home was spared during the terrible hurricane, and they witnessed the

grey man before the hurricane hit.

If you want to spend a night in Pawleys Island, then you must stay at the legendary Pelican


Its an 8-room beachfront bed and breakfast that was originally constructed in the late


It is one of the few surviving original homes that hasn't been destroyed by hurricanes,

because it is protected by the highest sand dunes on the island.

Plowden Weston married his wife Emily in 1847.

The fortunate couple recieved multiple estates and lots of money as wedding gifts from their

affluent families.

It didn't take long for them to build a summer home on Pawleys Island that would eventually

become the Pelican Inn.

The two enjoyed their years together until the beginning of the American Civil War.

Weston joined the fight to defend South Carolina and became the commander of the Georgetown

Rifle Guard.

He quickly gained the respect of his men, many of whom would eventually visit the Pelican

Inn after the war.

Sadly, Weston's life was cut short when he we finally returned home.

He died weeks after being diagnosed with tuberculosis.

His death began the hauntings that have occur in the old beach inn.

One is the ghostly figure of a man in a Civil War uniform that is often seen briefly in

the corners of guest's eyes.

Some believe this Weston in his old gray Confederate uniform which had lead many to think that

not only does he still watch over the inn, but that he is The Grey Man of Pawley's


However, no one has ever seen the grey man's face.

Weston's wife, Emily is also seen by guests of the inn.

She is known to leave her perfume smell around to welcome new guests to the inn, and other

catch a glimpse of a young woman in 19th centuries clothes thought to be Emily.

When the sun goes down sometimes you may encounter ghostly dogs along the beach behind the old


Another local legend says a caretaker for the inn once had two Boston terriers that

he kept with him, until one swam into the ocean to a save a drowning boys life.

Regrettably, the dog passed away soon after, and the other terrier eventually died of loneliness.

However, you can still hear the dogs barking and playing in the night.

The Pelican Inn was closed for the season when we visited Pawleys Island, but we would

love to stay there and investigate the inn ourselves one day.

It has great reviews online and if you decide to spend a night there, the Pelican's website

says to be sure to ask for Caroline to tell you about the inn's spooky history.

The All Saints Church Cemetery, you will find a strange grave that only has the name Alice

inscribed on it.

It is easy to find, because of the rings and other gifts that people will leave behind

to pay their respect to the grave of poor Alice Flagg.

Alice's life reads like a 19th Century Shakespearian tragedy.

She was the sister of the very successful and wealthy Dr. Allard Flagg, but she fell

in love with a man who was from an undesirable social class for her to marry according to

her brother.

However, Alice defied her brother's wishes and secretly became engaged with the young

lumberman who stole her heart.

When Dr. Flagg discovered her engagement, he sent Alice away to boarding school in Charleston,

where she quickly contracted malaria.

Dr. Flagg graciously allowed poor sick Alice to return home, but it was too late.

She died soon after from what those close to her believe was a broken heart.

After her death, her brother discovered Alice's engagement ring attached to a ribbon under

her dress.

Enraged that his sister still defied his wishes even in death, Dr Flagg took the engagement

ring and threw it into the marsh, so it could never be found again.

He had her buried in the same cemetery as her family but would not allow the family

name to inscribed on her grave.

The ghost of Alice has been seen at the Hermitage, her family's old planation.

She is often spotted going up the staircase to her old bedroom.

Others have witnessed a ghostly woman in a white dress walking out the front door of

the Hermitage clutching something under her chest.

Visitors to the All Saints Episcopal Cemetery often report seeing a young woman wandering

the grounds looking as though she is frantically searching for something.

Some have encountered Alice's ghost in the marsh surrounding the area desperately searching

for her beloved ring that her brother hid from her in death.

There is a local superstition that if you begin at the bottom right of her gravestone

and walk around it 6 times counterclockwise and then 6 times clockwise stopping at the

letter A on her marker and leave Alice a token to ease her troubled soul and make a wish,

then your wish will be granted according to the Atlas Obscura.

We left a token on Alice's grave, but I hadn't heard of this superstition until

researching for this script and I have found that there are few other variations of this

that you might want to investigate before visiting this heartbreaking site.

Thanks strangers for watching.

Where do you plan to go on vacation this summer?

Let us know in the comments below, along with which haunting was your favorite?

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day.

Thank you to those who have served in the military and please remember those who died

protecting our freedoms that we are fortunate enough to enjoy.

Don't forget to like this video if you enjoyed it, leave us a comment and subscribe if you

haven't already done so.

It helps us out so much.

We can't do this without you.

Also be sure to smash that bell button so you never miss a Strangest video, and as always

stay strange!

For more infomation >> 3 Haunting Tales From Pawleys Island, South Carolina - Duration: 7:15.


High-powered US, North Korea officials in summit talks - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> High-powered US, North Korea officials in summit talks - Duration: 3:07.


MAD ~ FLOW HE-MAN (Oficial Audio) - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> MAD ~ FLOW HE-MAN (Oficial Audio) - Duration: 2:25.


Summertime Saga Episode #2 ● Gameplay In PC ● 18+ ● Full HD 720p ● RushonAra ● By XzHasib - Duration: 11:29.

Subscribe For More

For more infomation >> Summertime Saga Episode #2 ● Gameplay In PC ● 18+ ● Full HD 720p ● RushonAra ● By XzHasib - Duration: 11:29.


10 Songs to Smash To in Smash Bros. Switch Vol. 1! (Super Mario, Yoshi, & Donkey Kong Series) - Duration: 30:47.

In the lead-up to a new Smash Bros, there are always the same conversations: which characters

should make the cut, what would make for an excellent stage, and which items might be

added to the mix.

And it makes sense.

These are key elements to any Smash Bros game--but there's another aspect of Smash that we

can't wait to see.

Or rather, hear.

Ever since Brawl, the musical representation of Nintendo and friends' finest has been

utterly superb.

So many great songs with some truly fantastic remixes and rearrangements.

And it got us thinking as to what NEW songs could and should make their way in to Smash

Bros for the Switch.

Of course, there's a loooot to choose from!

Even just picking a single song from one franchise can be a Herculean task.

So we're going to handle it in volumes, with each installment covering three different

series currently represented by a playable character in Smash Bros, starting with Super

Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong--and we decided to put our heads together and have myself,

Ash, and Jon pick one song for all 3, making for 9 songs total.

And then Andre's going to weigh in with only a single choice himself to bring us up

to an even 10.

Not only that, but in an effort to provide a better sense of what the songs will actually

be like in the context of Smash, we'll be showing off each one with a 2-Minute match

with the sound effects on.

That way you'll really be able to hear whether you like our ideas or not.

With that said, let's jump right into it and crank the volume up for some Mario tunes!

While Paper Mario: Color Splash left fans feeling a bit mixed, there's no denying

that the final battle theme is just fantastic.

It has the proper epic feel of a final battle with some guitar riffs that you just don't

expect from Mario.

And while it does change things up from the typical Mario sound, it's still unmistakably

a Mario song.

Plus I can't help but think of the final battle in Yoshi's Island with those riffs!

Confession time: While I love "In the Final" from Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

as much as anyone, I actually think "Adventure's End," its final battle theme cousin from

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, is somehow even better and *more* dramatic.

Perfect for an epic showdown between Cloud and Link on Final Destination!

But no matter which song you prefer, one thing's for sure: Yoko Shimomura's world-class battle

themes are perfect for Smash.

Super Mario Odyssey is a game dripping in a vast array of different cultures, yet Bowser's

Kingdom's strong Japanese influence came out on top.

The short intro feels perfectly timed with character entrances and then the fast paced

beat carries the fight forward.

It almost feels like a dance to the death as the drums rapidly get faster and more intense,

this will surely heighten even the most timid of battles.

Those are our Mario choices but what about those sweet licks from Yoshi?

Yoshi's Woolly World's whole soundtrack is so amazingly consistent that it'd be

very difficult to pick a song that wouldn't go perfectly with a new Yoshi stage, but I'm

a big fan of Shy Guys in general and I just can't get enough of the relentlessly peppy,

bouncy "Shy but Deadly."

Shy Guys are super lovable in an ever-so-slightly irritating way, much like this song -- which

makes it a perfect tune for a Jigglypuff main to land a well-timed Rest to!

When I played Yoshi's Woolly World for the first time, there was this wonderful moment

upon entering the first Special Course and hearing its music.

My ears perked up, I sat forward, and was awestruck by just how good this song was.

It's an immediate charmer with a fun, uplifting melody that conveys this great sense of excitement.

And if it works for the challenging Special Courses in Woolly World, that appeal can absolutely

carry over

to Smash.

Let's end it off with the King of Swing himself, Donkey Kong and his jungle beats!

Homecoming Hijinx is a song of determination.

In Tropical Freeze, it's about DK storming back his former home and its heroic melody

would lend itself perfectly to Smash.

Imagine being two stock down when all of a sudden the invigorating chorus pumps in and

gives you the motivation you need for the comeback of the century.

Tropical Freeze is full of a wide array of genres and tempos but Homecoming Hijinx is

my (Jon's) personal favourite choice to Smash to.

I'm a sucker for a good string instrument and the main beat of Scorch 'N' Torch

is so layered and nuanced that I get chills listening to it.

There's this wonderful sense of danger yet you can hear the influences of the African


I love the idea of being able to smack around opponents with such an impactful yet strangely

chill song in the background.

Look, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze's soundtrack is one of the best and deserves

every last bit of praise it gets, but for my money, David Wise's finest work is still

Donkey Kong Country 2 and it's a travesty that it's only been represented in Smash

by Stickerbrush Symphony.

Yeah, Stickerbrush Symphony -- AKA StickerBUSH Symphony -- is amazing, but DKC 2's soundtrack

is so much more than that.

Case in point, Crocodile Cacophony is one of DK's most memorable, epic final battle

themes, and I'd love to think of my childhood showdowns with Kaptain K. Rool while battling

it out in Smash.

So we've hit 9 songs leaving only one more to suggest from these 3 series.

And we're going to leave it up to Andre to weigh in on what song he wants most from

either Super Mario, Donkey Kong, or Yoshi.

I can't believe you 3 numbskulls missed the most important one!

Well leave it to Uncle Andre to set things right.

So Super Smash Bros is, more than anything, a celebration of Nintendo's history.

So what better way is there to honor that than with a song that celebrates the very

heritage of Smash Bros's most well known character?

That's right, the infectious Jump Up Super Star is a perfect fit for Smash Bros, with

it bridging Mario's newest adventure, Super Mario Odyssey, to his oldest in the original

Donkey Kong--which would be especially fitting for a game that lets you recreate that classic

Mario vs Donkey Kong matchup.

Plus, there's just something inherently hilarious about Mario and the gang beating

on each other to the upbeat sound of the Mushroom Kingdom's latest pop song.

Obviously, there are so many more choices when it comes to songs that we could pick

for each series.

These are just a few of the ones that we personally want to see in Smash Bros for the Switch.

But what about you?

What tunes would you most want to see from Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong?

And what three franchises should we cover next?

Let us know in the comments and as always, be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more

on Smash Bros, the Nintendo Switch, and other things gaming.

For more infomation >> 10 Songs to Smash To in Smash Bros. Switch Vol. 1! (Super Mario, Yoshi, & Donkey Kong Series) - Duration: 30:47.


ما بقاش الحب مور الزواج - لمارياج - الحلقة 12 - رمضان 2018 - سارة و أبوجاد - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> ما بقاش الحب مور الزواج - لمارياج - الحلقة 12 - رمضان 2018 - سارة و أبوجاد - Duration: 0:44.


Honest Government Ad | Renewable Energy Policy - Duration: 2:29.

Hello, I'm from the Australien Government

We know you want us to transition to Renewables ASAP so you can get on with your favourite activity...

continuing human life on this planet

Well, good news

There's only ONE barrier left between you and a clean energy future

It's not technological... it's not economic...

Nope, it's us!

That's right: after ditching the carbon price, dumping this, refusing this and tryna kill these

we're proud to bring you: NEG The Negligible Energy Guarantee

Coz it's such a watered-down pissweak policy that it's literally worse than doing nothing at all

Which is precisely why our BFFs love it so much

And keeping them and this bunch of nutjobs happy is pretty much our official energy policy

I mean, why should we encourage Renewables?

We should let the market decide how we get our energy

And nothing says "free market" like propping up a dying industry with your tax dollars

Or trying to force this ancient relic to stay open, when even its owners are saying coal is dead

Sadly, not everyone shares our dream of delaying the transition to clean energy...

Like those smug eco-hipsters in South Australia who went and reached

their 50% Renewable target a decade early and are on track to hit this one by 2025

Just coz they invested in shit like the world's biggest lithium-ion battery

Built by combining two resources no longer found in Canberra - leadership and brains

- it's only been running for a few months and is already making us look like dickheads


There is one Renewable resource we do believe investing in: BULLSHIT

Bullshit is what fuels our daily fermongering about blackouts and high prices

when in fact, Renewables are responding to peak demand AND reducing electricty bills

Which is why, instead of waiting for us

Aussies are taking matters into their own hands to get this shit done

And it's why the market invested 9 billion dollars in 2017 alone

Into solar farms... solar solar trains… solar whatever-that-is

Heck, even these pricks are investing in solar

And why not?

With the prospect of new jobs, cheaper bills AND avoiding epic climate change fail

what kind of energy neanderthal would want to stand in the way of the Renewables Boom that's coming?


Us :)

Australien Government

We've stopped the boats

Now it's time to Stop the Sun

Authorised by the Department for transitioning to the Dark Ages

For more infomation >> Honest Government Ad | Renewable Energy Policy - Duration: 2:29.


This Man Teaches Your Favorite Celeb to Rap in 2 Hours - Duration: 2:23.

What's up, guys?

Pierce Simpson here for Complex News.

Jensen Karp's name might not be familiar, but you've almost certainly heard his lyrics

coming out of the mouths of your favorite celebrities.

Karp is the executive producer of and one of the writers for Drop the Mic, the TV show

that grew out of a segment on James Corden's Late Late Show and features famous people

battling each other.

Rap battles have included Seth Rogen vs. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Atlanta's Bryan Tyree Henry

against David Arquette, and Shawn Mendes going line-for-line with Odell Beckham Jr.

One of the reasons the show is such a success is that Karp started out as a champion battle


Back in 1999, he entered a rap battle contest on an L.A. radio station, couldn't be beat

for a record-setting 45 days in a row, and walked away with a million-dollar record deal.

While his rap career never quite took off, he's now back to writing rhymes—only this

time, it's for some of the most famous people on the planet.

We talked to Karp and got the scoop on how he teaches celebs to rhyme convincingly in

only a few hours.

"They have to come in with like a respect for the art form.

It sounds very easy, but it's not.

We have to have a celebrity who understands that this is not a joke.

We're not having you come out in a sideways hat and gold chains and gold teeth.

That's outdated and stupid.

What we want you to do is be yourself.

[It's] about the writing and the delivery...

You don't have to be the best rapper we've ever heard.

You have to swagger and deliver it correctly."

The famous people who appear on the show leave their egos to the side, sometimes even insisting

that their opponents make fun of them for specific things.

When Halle Berry appeared on the show, she insisted that her love life was fair game.

"We don't want anyone to be uncomfortable

so we talk to them about what is and what isn't off limits.

But most of the off limits is stuff that we would never talk about.

It's so crazy when someone's like, 'Yeah, I'm not really interested in talking about

my divorce.'

And you're like, neither am I.

And then Halle Berry was like, 'Please talk about my divorce,' which was nuts."

During his short-lived career as a major-label rapper, Karp worked closely with a young producer

named Kanye West.

Though the two are no longer in touch, Jensen got pretty close with Yeezy.

Still, like most of us, the battle rhymer turned TV exec was surprised by Kanye's turn

towards Donald Trump.

"We talked about his mother a lot.

He talked about his mother being an activist and all these things.

This [supporting Trump], it's anti-everything he had told me politically or anti-everything

that he said his mother stood for."

While he may no longer be making songs with Yeezus, Jensen Karp is playing a large part

in hip-hop, spreading battle rap to new audiences.

He hopes that the people who watch his show will get deeper into the culture.

I can only hope our show, which is sort of

the mainstream accessible version of [battle rap], draws people to go watch King of the

Dot or Don't Flop.

I hope that it draws people to those things because what those guys are doing is really


For more on this story, be sure to visit and be sure to keep it locked on Complex News

by subscribing to us on Youtube.

For Complex News, I'm Pierce Simpson.

For more infomation >> This Man Teaches Your Favorite Celeb to Rap in 2 Hours - Duration: 2:23.


Floating Lumber Rack - You Suck at Woodworking - Duration: 5:01.

you suck it woodworking yeah you totally suck so I recently acquired these old

rough sawn studs here that were originally installed in a Washington DC rowhouse

back in the 1800s now when you're working with reclaimed materials you need to

take the opportunities when they pop up to grab the stuff but it needs a place

to live and that place is not my shop floor so what we're gonna do is make a

lumber rack storage system similar to this on the opposite wall of my shop

but if we just move my leg out of the way here it's gonna be a different

design so if there's no gap between the lumber and the wall for stuff to fall

now the shape of this lumber rack bracket has been designed to be cut from

a 2x4 but I have a bunch of these maple butcher block countertop scraps that are

already cut down to the right size and I'm too cheap to even buy the cheapest

of lumber so I'm gonna go ahead and use these guys instead now you want to start

by laying out your material somewhere outdoors on a surface that you don't

mind getting wet so I suggest using an old pallet laying that down on the

ground and that will ensure proper coverage for this next step you're going

to now liberally apply water using your low pressure water jet cutter on the

surface of the piece until you see them start to separate into the 3-inch pieces

that we want for this lumber rack and with our lumber rack pieces all cut down

to size we obviously just need to lay them out now and let them air dry for a

little bit or you can just pop each one of them in the microwave for a few


so it's been about a three hundred thirty eighth of a fortnight now and

these look dry enough so we're gonna move on to the next step now we're going

to want the lumber rack to be aerodynamic so I'm going to create a taper along the

bottom edge of all of these pieces so to do this we're going to set our oven to

350 degrees and put these in there for 48 hours oh I think they're done

alternatively if you're using soft wood 2x4s those reacting to cold

temperatures so you're gonna want to load those in your freezer for 24 days these

brackets are going to be inset into the back and top of all these wooden pieces

so there's a flush surface on both of these sides to do this I'm going to

create a dado the dado is created by centering the bracket and using a really

strong screw clamp to pull it tight and into the surface until that dado is

created there we got it

that's our dado on the back and the top surface I use a string line in between

the extents of the lumber rack so that ensures a straight line along the entire

rack and I just need to fasten a bracket into each one of these studs now

anything that is long enough to reach through the drywall and grab into the

stud should be good enough like spaghetti a pencil an ice pick

cooked spaghetti or just your trusty three inch deck screw

now drywall screws are a no-go they are too brittle and have a chance

of shearing off under the load of the bracket which is likely to cause a

nuclear meltdown and then with all the brackets install the temporary spaghetti

I mean I mean string line can be removed

now if you cut the dados tight enough you'll find that they just seem to find

their place on the wall so that's it but a lumber rack is not a lumber rack

without lumber oh if you'd like to duplicate this for yourself I do have a

free template available on the website so go ahead and download that check out

this other stuff and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Floating Lumber Rack - You Suck at Woodworking - Duration: 5:01.


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For more infomation >> Trump pays tribute to American heroes on Memorial Day - Duration: 3:30.


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For more infomation >> US team on Korean peninsula ahead of canceled summit - Duration: 2:01.


Ulrich Bischoff: Steuernews-TV Juni 2018 - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Ulrich Bischoff: Steuernews-TV Juni 2018 - Duration: 1:24.


Rainbow Pumpkin Coloring Pages for Kids 🧡💛 | How to Draw Pumpkin Step by Step | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:00:42.





















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