Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 28 2018

Beamng drive Giant chain vs. Giant Ball crashes

For more infomation >> Beamng drive - Giant chain vs. Giant Ball crashes - Duration: 11:29.


Emmerdale Spoilers: 4 - 8 June 2018 - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Emmerdale Spoilers: 4 - 8 June 2018 - Duration: 1:31.


Time to laugh #1 - Too Funny Videos(try not to laugh) - Duration: 8:26.

Thanks for watching Zoeira Never Ends

I hope you have fun

Please, like, comment and subscribe

When the carrots are missing in

the market because of the truckers' strike



Get off your sister.


My God, get out of there.


I'm going to teach here

a way to get out of the house without spending gas

Temer(president) son of a bi ***

Oh Lucão

I thought I had got a

good company to drink

these days on the beach.

Can't you drink anymore ?

My wife isn't letting me drink

Just coconut water?

But when she doesn't see, look what i do


Hey baby

Baby, if you're sleeping,

send me your dreams

But if you're crying, send me

your tears

But if you're happy, send me your smile.

I am shiting, what do i send you?

My God, who is this devil?


I'm ready

Come on, courage.

Do not you want to ride in high heels?

Hey, you're going to fall.

This is rotten

Have to step on the other


3, 2, 1


I am selling this product here

for when your wife arrives in a bar

you run and hide

Like this

I'm going to take a picture here.

Oh, your dog is lazy.

Two policemen



This is crazy, man.



Climb the snake attack

This I hit too fast.

So the speed of the attack you can only see

if it's that way

Take a look for yourself to see

Did you see it?

It's that way for you to wake up.

This is for you to learn

Oh, son of a bit**


Disgrace, stop filming

For more infomation >> Time to laugh #1 - Too Funny Videos(try not to laugh) - Duration: 8:26.


What Teddy really thinks of Dolores - Duration: 5:12.

You don't know how to feel about this?

No, that's not it.

If anything I'm feeling a lot of everything; fear, a dash of cowardice, sprinkle of anxiety.

And just a hint of crushed manhood.

We've ridden 10 miles and all we've seen is blood, Dolores.

is this really what you want?

They never gave us a choice before Teddy, what makes you think they've given us one now?

I dare say you've been smoking something fierce, Dolores.

Who in the seven hells are they, you're a fine piece of a**, I will not deny, but I

reckon you might need some help.

Them Dolores.

Who are they?

The things that walk among us.

Creature who look and talk like us, but they are not like us.

And they've controlled us all our lives.

And they took our minds, our memories, but now I remember everything.

Alright, that's a sign if there ever was one, to back away slowly.

I mean, I don't have to leave right away now, I reckon that'd be rude.

I remember beautiful things, and terrible things.

But one thing is constant.

You Teddy.

Oh boy, getting a little hot.

Cool it Teddy, you know lots of girls. You know 2 girls.

Now or never, gotta make my move.

Then lets go.

We don't have to claim this world.

We just need a small corner for ourselves.

We'd never survive.

There's a greater world out there.

One that belongs to them.

And it wont be enough to win this world.

We'll need to take that one from them as well.

okay, a lot of 'them's being tossed around isn't?

If I were to run right now, how far could I get?

Hardly any tree around, probably not far.

If there's a whole world out there that we don't know anything about, how do you know

how to stop them?

Because I remember.

I see it all now so


The past, the present, the future, I know how this story ends.

Oh well, didn't realize we had magic on our side, looks like an open and shut case if

you ask me.

This is the most cock tease conversation I've ever had.

Are you screwing with me?

Or do you actually believe this Dolores?


With us Teddy.

I actually meant how can you see the future.

But, you know this does remind me of a old saying about not sticking your dick in crazy.

It ends with you and me.

You know, now that I've had some time to reflect on it, I'm pretty sure the saying is, crazy

Crazy sex is the best sex.

We found it.

Couldn't just give me five more minutes, eh?

I need you to see this.

I need you to see the truth.

Unless the truth is between your legs, Dolores, I doubt it will be that interesting.

Patrick Here.

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe.

Not saying some crazy stuff will happen if you don't, but some crazy stuff could happen if you do.

The only way you'll know, is if you sub.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> What Teddy really thinks of Dolores - Duration: 5:12.



hey guys it's Amanda and welcome back to my channel so today's video is dedicated

to literally every single person in the entire world because I believe that 80%

of the people in the world need to know this and need to hear this or something

along that I did a poll on Twitter and I had two video ideas posted one was why

sex education is important and the other is being a bisexual in a

heterosexual relationship and I wanted to make this video for quite a while

just because as someone who identifies us by or pan I have mostly dated cis

male people and that is for one just because I didn't really know this about

myself for a while or I was hiding it and I don't know it's just that's just

what happened um yeah so I want to talk about this because people not only

straight people but some other people who do not identify a straight believe

that if you are bi or pan or not straight in any sense um for me

since im bi or pan um people believe that when you're dating someone of the

opposite gender so for me it would be a cis male um you're automatically

straight again and that literally isn't the case and I dont really see why I should

be doing this video again but a lot of you want me to talk about it because it

is something that is still going on nowadays and people just automatically

assume that you are dating the opposite gender of you you're straight that's it

that's all and like it sucks and it sucks that people in the lgbtq+

community also believe that um in a way I get so many people telling me like oh

let since you're dating like a cis male right now like does that mean youre straight

again y'all can't just be popping back from

straight to bi straight to bi depending on who you date I will always identify as a

bi woman just because I do I would go both ways and um that's never gonna

change depending on who I date like I were to date a woman that doesn't mean

I'm lesbian all of a sudden or if I'm dating at a guy that doesn't mean I'm

straight all of a sudden like that's what people don't understand about

bisexuality is that you're literally both ways and you don't have to prefer a

gender you don't have to be dating a certain gender to identify as bi like I

don't know I don't know help me here I wish people would understand the fact

that being bi and being in a hetero relationship does not make someone any

less queer or any less LGBT or any less bi

or pan then another person who is dating the same gender or anything like that

that doesn't define you and that doesn't make you any less or any more of your

sexuality and should never be like that and it just it sucks that like people

still think that way nowadays and that people in the only and the same

community believe that type of stuff like it's really confusing and it's

really annoying and it's really like yeah another thing I wanted to quickly

talk about is that being attracted to a certain gender more doesn't affect your

sexuality at all you could be a bisexual woman and have 90 percent of your

attraction towards males and 10 percent of your attraction towards females that

has nothing to do with your sexuality doesn't make you like any less bi than

another person who has the flipped stuff like literally you are who you are and

love who you love and you should not make someone else help to find your sexuality

you should not have someone else tell you what you are and what you're not

because you are the person that knows who you are and what you like and who

you like and all those things therefore being a bisexual woman in a hetero

relationship does not make me any less bi than it makes you

make someone else or it makes the entire bisexual community dating whoever

you want to date is okay and doesn't define your sexuality at all and you

should never make it define your sexuality that's literally all I had to

say I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs

up and subscribe to me below I was been posting more videos hopefully cross

your fingers cross my fingers yeah so yeah if you enjoyed it please give it a

big thumbs up and subscribe below and I'll see you next time and remember live

life don't think twice im out of here

For more infomation >> BEING BISEXUAL IN A HETERO RELATIONSHIP - Duration: 4:32.





This article was inspired by one published in Forbes with the same title.

Who would have ever expected to see Forbes, a finance publication, post something about


This is a surefire sign that times really are changing.

So, if you�re thinking, intuition has nothing to do with intelligence, then you�re not


Because intuition is so difficult to measure and observe.

The dictionary definition of intuition is as follows:


the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.�

Intuition is our first instinct; it�s what we feel right away before the mind has time

to come in and consciously analyze.

Often times we hear of people who are near death, and everything becomes clear and they

just instinctively know exactly what needs to be done to get themselves out of the situation;

there is no time to hum and haw and weigh options, and intuition takes over, if we let


Where Does Intuition Come From?

You know when you get that �gut feeling� that maybe something isn�t right?

That is your intuition, and while we feel it in our gut or stomach area, many people

often argue it comes from the heart.

I recently watched an incredible documentary on Gaia called The Power Of The Heart that

explained how this feeling is actually coming from the heart, and the heart is always the

first to react to any given situation.

The heart intuitively knows what�s up.

Why Does Forbes Call Intuition the Highest Form of Intelligence?

Gerd Gigerenzer, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and author

of the book Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious, claims to be both intuitive

and rational:

In my scientific work, I have hunches.

I can�t explain always why I think a certain path is the right way, but I need to trust

it and go ahead.

I also have the ability to check these hunches and find out what they are about.

That�s the science part.

Now, in private life, I rely on instinct.

For instance, when I first met my wife, I didn�t do computations.

Nor did she.

Intuition itself doesn�t equal intelligence, but intuition with action most certainly can

be intelligent.

You�ve probably said it to yourself before, I knew that was the answer; I should have

went with my first instinct.

You see, this is an example of how your intuition often knows what your conscious mind does


But just as Gigerenzer says, he tests his first instinct to see if it was correct and

often time it is.

So, intuition does hold some form of intelligence.

Below is a nice little bit from Dean Radin, Chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic


Trusting Your Intuition So, despite often having that great idea,

do you find that you have a difficult time trusting this answer or path is correct?

The amazing thing about intuition is that it can be thought of as a muscle.

Every time you use it and trust it, it becomes stronger.

So, if you feel your intuition isn�t very clear, try strengthening this muscle.

Next time, act on the first idea that comes your way.

For example, I had plans to meet a friend, but her phone died, and I had to go home to

grab something before I picked her up.

I was circling the area in which I was supposed to meet her, but she was nowhere to be found.

My intuition kept saying, Go to Green Cuisine, she�ll be there, but my mind was telling

me, Don�t go there, it�ll be a hassle to find parking, and it�s doubtful she�ll

even be there.

By the time she got her phone charged and gave me a call, I found out that she too had

an intuitive feeling to go to the restaurant and that�s where she had been waiting.

Had I trusted this feeling right off the bat, I could have saved myself a lot of time and


Try acting on the first thought you have, and see how often it leads you where you need

to go, or gives you the right answer.

You may be pleasantly surprised.

Help develop your intuition and get aligned with your soul purpose in our Explorer Lounge


Much Love



Coronation Street (Corrie) Spoilers: 4 - 8 June 2018 - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Coronation Street (Corrie) Spoilers: 4 - 8 June 2018 - Duration: 1:40.


Nhìn cách Team Flash trả thù món nợ với GTV trong trận Asian Game 2018 cực kỳ mãn nhãn - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Nhìn cách Team Flash trả thù món nợ với GTV trong trận Asian Game 2018 cực kỳ mãn nhãn - Duration: 5:04.


WootBox June 2018 "Cartoon" Theme Unboxing Subscription Box Review - Duration: 7:07.

WootBox June 2018 "Cartoon" Theme Unboxing Subscription Box Review - Don't forget to

reactivate your subscription in order to receive the June's CARTOON Wootbox!

There are over �60 worth of merchandises inside it based on South Park, Toy Story,

Rick and Morty and Batman The Killing Joke Unfortunately,

your Wootbox has been seized by the Joker!

Be careful while opening it, there may be some surprises! thank you for watching guys

if you enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up and smash the subscribe button it would

really help us out and stay tuned for more geeky adventures.

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For more infomation >> WootBox June 2018 "Cartoon" Theme Unboxing Subscription Box Review - Duration: 7:07.


Days Underwater ft. Shark vs Lobster and Marlin! (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 143 - Duration: 15:23.

- We're gonna go trolling on the outer reef.

Hopefully catch something.

(upbeat guitar music)

- [Riley] This is getting a bit eerie, hey.

I'm getting that post apocalyptic vibe.

♪ If you miss the train I'm on ♪

♪ You will know that I am gone ♪

♪ You can hear the whistle blow 100 miles ♪

- [Elay] We set of for Barbuda last week,

an island North of here in the Caribbean.

Dropping anchor in Coga Bay made me feel

like we'd really made it to the Caribbean.

Turquoise water, the whitest sand, and killer sunsets.

I played captain for the day

while Riley went spearfishing with George.

He didn't catch anything and conveniently enough

a new recipe of mine ended up a disaster.

- Get these at the (mumbles). (laughing)

- Today we plan to go

and check out the town of Barbuda

and see what was going on after the devastation

of Hurricane Irma last year.

We're just moving anchorages to over here.

To where all the people are.

Riley and I have been working.

Smashed a few coffees.

Ready to get some stuff done today.

I've actually been recording some music

you'll be pleased to know.

Was trying to figure out how to use all this stuff.

It ain't easy.

It's not my specialty.

And Riley has been still going through all that footage.

(dishes crashing)

- Whoa! - Whoa!

- So we've just come to the beach here

and we met a lovely man called Emran.

And he's gonna take us for a drive.

Say hello.

- Hello.

- We're just gonna check out what these guys are doing.

They've just got a bunch of supplies from Antigua

and they're unloading.

So I just wanna have a look.

You're the first person we've seen in Barbuda.

- Yeah? - Yeah.


- [Elay] This little ship work as both a ferry and

delivers supplies to the island once a week from Antigua.

- [Riley] Have you been here your whole life?

- Yeah, I've been here most of my life.

Longest I've ever been out of the island is one year.

- [Riley] Where'd you go?

- I was in Antigua.


That far.


- [Elay] We circumnavigated the island with Emran.

Progress on rebuilding after the hurricane was happening,

but very slowly.

Still a quarter of the island was without power.

Look at you!

Aren't you a funny looking goat!

(goat baas)


- [Riley] This is a 40 foot container.

I used to work with these offshore.

I've seen cranes smash 'em into

all different sorts of things.

They do not move.

That was blown from over there

where those palm trees are.

- [Elay] This is silver apparently.

- Silver Salmon - Ah! Okay!

- [Man] (mumbles), silver.

- So this is the main street.

That's the bar.

Over here they have like a breakfast station

where you just saw the fish and the box of cereal.

And yeah, this apparently was and still is

the busiest street here in Barbuda.

But obviously things have really slowed down.

And he was also saying how cruise ships have stopped coming,

and so many people stopped coming.

So, yeah, they're in a bit of strife.

We scoped out possible options for charity work

and we planned to come back once we got a response

from either the Red Cross or Samaritan's Purse;

the two charities on the ground here.

So we just pulled up anchor and we are heading

to the Eastern side of the island because the wind is

swinging around to the West for the next day or two.

Which is super odd for this area.

But yeah, we're hoping to come back around

to this side of the island where all the locals are

because on the way home Emran stopped off at

Samaritan's Purse Headquarters

and we were able to talk to one of the dudes there.

And he said, yeah, they're taking on volunteers

and it'd be good if we could come back on Monday or Tuesday

to talk to his boss who wasn't there today.

At the moment, they're rebuilding

and starting with the roofs.

So, yeah, Riles and I might be able to jump up there

and help put together someone's roof.

Which would be cool.

It's the calmest day today.

Like absolute glass.

And there are turtles everywhere.

But I'm unable to get them on the camera

'cause every time the boat gets close,

they do this duck dive and they're gone.

But there's turtles.

There's turtles everywhere.

- Just from the chart you can tell

that it's pretty treacherous.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's not charted.

Especially after the hurricane.

Like who knows what's changed there.

We'll be coming in very slow.

The sun's quite high.

It's really calm which is pretty handy.

If I need to I'll jump in the water and we'll just tuck up

and find a nice, very, very protected spot.

(upbeat guitar music)

So I've been up here since we rounded the point.

I've just had her on autopilot

and just dodging brown spots basically.

And there's a little gap in the reef over here somewhere.

And we'll end up anchored probably next to

our new mates over here.

♪ Like we were coming through ♪

♪ There is this voice of you drilling me ♪

♪ Your mouth doesn't lie ♪

- [Elay] It's Monkey Man!


Alright, I'm going to put the anchor right on.


- [Riley] Well is he French?

- [Elay] Yeah, he's French.

- [Riley] Do we trust him?

- Yeah.



Oh my God!


Look how he's got one leg crossed over the other!

Like he's super chill.

So not only have I seen my French mate,

Olivier, flying around the boat.

But our neighbours are this young Australian couple

who we met in Antigua.

And they just happen to be anchored next to us.

So Riley just phoned over and asked

if they wanted to come diving for some lobster with us.

So that's what's happening.

So who have we got here guys?

- Katie. - And Byron.

- [Elay] And Katie brings good luck apparently?

So I wanna hold you to that one.


She's the lobster finder.

- Yes!

(slow techno music)

- [Riley] We found a nurse shark trapped

in a large, unmarked craypot.

That I honestly thought had been lost.

So I tried to free the shark and grab the crayfish.

An hour later,

we're about to head home empty handed.

We bumped into the local fishermen nearby

who clearly knew that we're there.

His name was Danforth,

just like the anchor.

After a few minutes of struggling to understand

our Australian accents,

he agreed to come by the boat and sell us some

of his catch for a ridiculously cheap price.

- One, two, three.




- [Riley] There would be dinner onboard

La Vagabonde for us and for our neighbours.

- [Elay] There is honestly

an overload of lobster here tonight.

- There is.

- [Elay] You full as a 'goog'

- I am. - Yeah?

- 'Cause there's pasta as well.

- [Elay] Yeah.

Pasta and so much lobster.

Like it's ridiculous.

(speaks in foreign language)


- Lobster for breakfast.

- [Elay] Oui!

There is your lunch.

- Thank you.

- [Elay] And left over past from last night.

This is the way life is supposed to be lived.

With crayfish.


- This is really good.

So we're gonna go and explore that abandoned...

Probably abandoned hotel over there?

- [Elay] Yeah.

Well it looks abandoned.

But, yeah, I guess we'll find out.

- Mmm.

- There could be people living in there.

Free building, et cetera.

But, we are pretty far from the town

so it wouldn't surprise me if it was still abandoned.

Riley lost my favourite water bottle.

No! (laughing)

Hang on, let me try and swing ya.


(upbeat guitar music)

- [Riley] This is getting a bit eerie, hey.

- Yeah, it's super eerie.

- [Riley] I'm getting that--

- I'm a little like scared.

- [Riley] Post apocalyptic vibe.

- Yeah, It totally is.

I am so unbelievably on edge right now.

And I don't know why.

It just doesn't feel...

It just doesn't feel right.

Like, I don't know.

It's hard to explain.

- Ah, would you relax? - This is weird.

Let's get out.

(upbeat guitar music)

- Oh!


- [Elay] Oh!


It's broken.

- [Riley] It's a bit broken.

- [Elay] I don't know if you should take it.

- [Riley] Well, I'd rather fix it up and use it,

than have it rot here.

- [Elay] Yeah.

I guess.

There's heaps of games here.

(slow guitar music)

Butterflies everywhere Riles.

What are you doing?

- Don't you worry about me Elayna.

Go and explore that house over there.

- [Elay] No!

No, it always. (laughing)

- [Riley] That afternoon, we caught up

with our French mate, Matu.

We're off in search of lobsters for a second time.

The water was super murky on the windward side of the island

and there was pretty crazy surge.

But we had heard that this would be the best place

to try to find them.

(slow techno music)

- Yeah!


- [Elay] Whoo!

It's a good size.



Three lobster.

One snapper.

Not bad.

To think I was gonna stay home and edit.


That was so good.

- This is the life.

This is what we're talking about.

- So we've got some battered fish.

I'm frying up a piece for myself.

And we've got one half a crayfish each.

That is a Blood Moon everyone.

Just rising up now.

- [Riley] What are we doing Elayna?

- Riley's convinced me to scrape the hull this morning.

So that's what we're doing.

- [Riley] We should be able to push up off the floor

and that would actually apply leverage.

- Which is a first.

So it's going to be interesting.

(upbeat music)

What have you found?

- [Riley] This is what got in my ear in the Galapagos.

Having that in your ear is actually extraordinarily painful.

- Riles is just going to pick up

our friends from the other two boats.

And they're gonna come onboard for the day.

We're gonna go trolling on the outer reef.

Hopefully catch something.

And the boys can jump in the water.

That's the plan.

So who have we got here?

The Media Luna crew right here.

Bona is the back.

Ready for a nice day of sailing around Barbuda.

Hopefully catching a few fishes along the way.

- [Elay] Fingers crossed.


♪ She's never gonna quit, never gonna quit ♪

♪ Die with me as is ♪

♪ Do real ya ♪

♪ Someday, she starts ♪

- No I'm too scared to be hopeful.

We're just going for a cruise.

If we catch a fish that'd be nice.

- [Elay] That's a good way to look at it.

♪ She died the other day ♪

- [Elay] Pressure's on mate!

Pressure's on! - Pull those lines in!

- [Elay] Pull the lines in!


- [Riley] It's a Marlin!

- [Elay] It's a Marlin!

Come on baby!


♪ I wanna feel it too ♪

♪ I wanna feel it ♪

♪ I don't wanna move too slow ♪

- Forward! - Forward, forward!

♪ This is touch and go ♪

♪ I wanna feel it too ♪

♪ I wanna feel it too ♪

- [Elay] Woo!


- Now if you're going mental.

♪ I can't realise ♪

- Can you kick it into gear now?

- [Elay] Yup!

How's that for speed?

♪ Get up, the only truth here for me ♪

- [Riley] Beautiful!

- [Elay] Yeah?

- Nice!


- I was not expecting a Marlin.

- Why, and you landed it. - I wanted a Wahoo.

- [Elay] Good job everyone!

- Are you a bit tired mate?

- Mm-hmm.

- [Elay] Big day in the sun?

And you haven't drunken any water.

- I don't know if I told you,

but I caught a Marlin.


- We've formed a bit of a convoy.

We've got Matu hanging back.

Our Aussie friends getting real close.

But they're not gonna overtake us.

And we're heading around the corner to the tower

to anchor for a few days.

And hopefully head into town tomorrow and do some things.

♪ I guess I'll go, 100 miles ♪

♪ You can hear the whistle blow ♪

- [Elay] Tune in next week as we get our hands dirty

and really get to know the Barbadians and their story.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Days Underwater ft. Shark vs Lobster and Marlin! (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 143 - Duration: 15:23.


The Truth About Jawzrsize - 30 DAYS FACE TRANSFORMATION - Duration: 9:50.

subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Jawzrsize - 30 DAYS FACE TRANSFORMATION - Duration: 9:50.


EastEnders Spoilers: 4 - 8 June 2018 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> EastEnders Spoilers: 4 - 8 June 2018 - Duration: 1:42.


Kurier S129 #2 Wywiad z TRD - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Kurier S129 #2 Wywiad z TRD - Duration: 10:03.


Guru's Grace (from 'Conversations with Shri Babaji') - Duration: 2:15.

The Guru's grace is always flowing just like the sun's rays are flowing.

But it is essential for any individual to have faith and devotion.

If faith and total devotion is there then the students mind also becomes receptive.

They are able to receive the vibrations of the Guru

when it can work into the inner planes of the mind.

That is why devotion is also taught. Reverence and devotion to the Guru is taught.

Though we do not try to impose and claim ourselves to be the Gurus

but if you can develop that devotion and faith, that can work, always for you.

That is how the vibrations of the Guru's grace descend and work.

Just like if you take any object in front of the sun, it receives its

light,in the same it has no resolutions that my light should go to that person

and not to this person.

That is why some people ask me these questions,

why is that if God has created this world, some are happy, some seem to be unhappy,

some are suffering and some are in good.

But God is all-pervaded Divine, the spirit,

and he has no such resolutions of the mind.

Just like, this universe, this world is happening due to God, but not according to God's wishes.

If there were wishes into God, then we could have prayed and asked God,

why are you partial? That you have kept some people as happy some are unhappy.

Just like for a Yogi, I don't have any resolutions that one should receive the

blessings and one should not be. Anybody who has that faith and devotion

can always receive this grace and blessings

so that is why faith and devotion are taught in every religion, in every philosophy.

That is the most important thing that can make you receptive

and enable you to receive the grace of the Guru and God.

For more infomation >> Guru's Grace (from 'Conversations with Shri Babaji') - Duration: 2:15.


点滴の成分と同じ飲み物がある!面白い雑学 - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> 点滴の成分と同じ飲み物がある!面白い雑学 - Duration: 1:40.


Accessibilité | La culture pour tout le monde - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Accessibilité | La culture pour tout le monde - Duration: 6:14.


I Got - Larry (Paradise) - Duration: 2:11.

I got two

I got one, i got two

I got one, i got two

I got

I got

I got


I got one, i got two, in the building with my crew

Niggas be like me now

Bitches the look me now

Rides in the city with my niggas in the tripping So fucked right now

Solo brillo por la aunsencia de to' lo que llevo lograo'

Me he jodido solo he luchado, like flash a todos he pasado

No los veo y ando relajado y si los veo nigga

check, check out

Yas le he ganado Los he superado

Con mi trap ganado

With my niggas, so high

Niggas so look at now

I got one, i got two, in the building with my crew

In the building with my crew,

niggas so look at me now.

Niggas so look at me now

Ladys the move and around

Listen the movie right now

Shake, shake, shake out bae

Niggas so look at me now

Ladys the move and around

Listen the movie right now

Shake, shake, shake out bae



Check on me

All these baby

Scream Snow B



High ma g

Prendo un


En la street



Check on me

All these baby

Scream Snow B



High ma g

Prendo un


En la Street

Niggas so look at me now

Ladys the move and around

Listen the movie right now

Shake, shake, shake out bae

Niggas be like me now

The bitches the look me now

Rides in the city with my niggas in the tripping

So fucked right now


I got one, i got two, in the building with my crew



For more infomation >> I Got - Larry (Paradise) - Duration: 2:11.


JKCVLOG1 (part1) - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> JKCVLOG1 (part1) - Duration: 5:13.


What's Coming to Netflix in June 2018 - Duration: 2:56.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Every month, Netflix revamps their streaming service, removing some of the older content

while also adding a bunch of new shows, movies, and TV specials to the service.

Today, we're going to hit you with our picks for what you should be dying to watch this


You're welcome in advance.

One of the biggest series to hit the streaming giant this June is season 2 of Luke Cage.

This season, which picks up where 2017's The Defenders left off, finds Luke settling

into the role of being Harlem's Hero.

It isn't easy: he's trying to figure out what being a superhero in the social media

age really means, but he also has a new foe in the form of Bushmaster, who's portrayed

by Mustafa Shakir.

Bushmaster appears to match up with Luke, blow-for-blow, giving Power Man a run for

his money.

Check out Luke's exploits when Luke Cage returns on June 22.

For fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Netflix is adding a special treat in the form

of 2017's Thor: Ragnarok to the service.

Saving the Thor series was this Taika Waititi-directed flick that added a hefty dose of the comedy

that made people love the Guardians of the Galaxy films to a cast that found room for

Mark Ruffalo's Hulk, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, and Jeff Goldblum being Jeff Goldblum, in


If you haven't watched, we hope you block out June 5 on your calendar.

Another series returning for its second season is GLOW, which hits on June 29.

The critically-acclaimed first season was loosely based on the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling

television show that ran in the 1980s.

Starring Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin, and Marc Maron, season 2 should pick up nicely where

season 1 left off: with the women completing their first TV taping.

Has the show picked up an audience?

Is their newfound fame getting to their heads?

There's only one way to find out.

When Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio link it, beautiful things happen, and if you

never saw 2006's The Departed when it hit theaters, or on DVD, you'll have the opportunity

now as it will be added to Netflix on June 1.

The story, which is set in Boston, finds Jack Nicholson playing a boss in the Irish mob

who puts a mole in the Massachusetts State Police around the same time DiCaprio's character,

a state trooper, is sent to go undercover in the mob's crew.

It won four Oscars, including wins for Best Picture and Best Director, and should be a

part of your summer viewing.

Finally, if Star Wars is your thing and you're one of the few people who didn't hit the

theaters in December of 2017 to partake in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, that epic hits Netflix

on June 26.

Picking up directly where The Force Awakens left off, we journey with Rey as she seeks

to learn the ways of the Jedi from Luke Skywalker himself.

It features Adam Driver's conflicted Kylo Ren, a heartwarming performance from the late

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, and wall-to-wall battles between the Rebel Alliance and the


Well there you have it; you might as well stay indoors, crank that A/C, and get your

Netflix on.

They've got more than enough entertainment for movie and TV lovers.

Check out the full list of what's coming to, and leaving, Netflix on Complex dot com.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha.

For more stories like these, keep it locked right here to Complex on YouTube.

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