Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

The word of the day!

Siema ludzie!

Let's learn Polish language!

The word for today is "używać, używać" which means "to use".

Let's use now this word in a couple of sentences.

"Czy używasz Instagrama?"

"Czy używasz Instagrama?"

"Codziennie używam swojego komputera" "Codziennie używam swojego komputera"

"Do gotowania używamy tylko zdrowych produktów" "Do gotowania używamy tylko zdrowych produktów"

"Oni źle tego używają" "Oni źle tego używają"

"Czy używasz tych ciężarków?"

"Czy używasz tych ciężarków?"


If you enjoyed this video remember to give me a like

and subscribe with the notification bell on, to get more content and learn Polish language.

To practice this new word I dare you to use it in a sentence in the comments section


And that's it.

Do zobaczenia!

For more infomation >> Learn Polish Language: The word of the day - używać - Duration: 1:19.


KIDS GET THEIR FIRST JOB! - Duration: 11:31.

Mack you can't fix your hair I know like you guys I know you guys on summer break

but you guys still get a brush you here for so did this morning surprisingly

she's been doing it for the past few days what's going on crew

it's morning time and the Jay household we're having breakfast and I made a

chore list well on the chalkboard we have a chore chore chalkboard

which I just started to write chores on then they can earn money right guys

and so what are your chores today to organize yep clean it and organize it

and I will be clean okay so for says gonna earn my money today

the more the more you work the more money you make

so these girls and that will boy right there

they complain that they're bored they started this summer break early and you

know we're moving so we're organizing I'm packing we did a few fun stuff but

they've been they've been saying you're bored so you know what that's what I'm

giving you guys chores and you guys can earn money you guys you guys wanted to

do a two though

we will we will we gonna plan that out to will do a lot of fun things but you

know we just moved a month ago and we're still organizing everything well it's

pretty much done but some certain things and then once we're all done with

everything we'll give you guys a new house tour with all everything in it hey

are you guys ready do your chores yeah so this is a short board I was talking

about earlier they're all the days of the week and there's actually the date

save May 26th and Saturday these are the chores for today

so here are the chores that have to do today and they earn money for vacuuming

they're on $1.00 spray and wipe down counters $1.00 cleanup Playmobil area

and organize it $2 because it's a disaster

yeah and then dusting which is 50 cents you guys ready yeah let's do it

Anthony you get your duster so hey that's the window channels and you what

else he does fan well you can't reach the fan oh I'm gonna lift you up so oh

yeah the flowers good job that's that it's fake yes all right

gets a vacuum a tea and that Priscilla I just started with the table not even to

go over there make sure you put everything off the table for me clean

Matty are you ready to vacuum yeah

nice even you know how to turn it on and

which one you know the yep no show everyone no no yeah got one yeah okay so

it's getting loud in here so we're just going to make a montage of them cleaning

and then show the results

it's hard enough for us

I have been cleaning for a long time I'm sweating and this is what I clean so far

in that area and over here in the kitchen

I forgot it here the sniff goes about get to that later and I did here and

then I did there Anthony you did a good job

here's your money ye that was just gonna give you fifty cents but you did extra

good and you did extra work so I give you and I give you a dollar

yep one dollar yep so I think the girls are pretty good will Priscilla let me go

with the counters Madi vacuumed the floors except the carpet so she gave up

let's go upstairs she came what are you doing over there

what are you doing over there wow house looking clean and that scene manatee

she's struggling

but then as a fucking past duty oh wow vacuum wonderfully well spray and white

counters of $1.00 clean Playmobil area and organize $2 dust 50 cents looks like

AJ's got the dust in man you Priscilla got the cleaning the Playmobil

Priscilla's got spring wiping counters me hey guys how's it going

horrible come on guys I would this should only take you like ten minutes no

I wanted up on top of the table all cleaned and organized so Priscilla

earned whoa I owe you five dollars from that past

chores that you guys did so you earned two dollars today well seven altogether

from the past jobs Maddy Maddy you earned five dollars from the past few

weeks that you guys had chores oh here's a five and today you earned a dollar for

cleaning organizing the Playmobil and $0.50 for vacuuming you didn't get the

whole dollar cuz you didn't complete the job I had to complete it okay there you


we're at the store here getting a few things for dinner I don't wanna stay

long here because it's kind of getting late and daddy wants to grill some daddy

wants to grow some chicken wings and I'm gonna make a pasta salad so we have five

minutes to get everything okay and here is the timer ready let's go that was not

on the list Matty noodles noodles let's go in here

cut serious elbow noodles elbow noodles elbow elbow must those aren't ya just

yet gets you a vote oh my gosh this is rushing man we only have a minute and 41

seconds you guys ready to check out

we're back at home kids took a shower eating dinner chicken wings and some

pasta salad which I don't think my kids like it very much

yeah I know you don't so long there's too many veggies in there I think that's

why you are a page you Anthony already put in a page the fan too

okay Maddie how do you like my pasta salad yeah then why you're not done

you're done with the chicken but that mom pasta salad all right we're ending

this vlog yes we're watching Paddington Bear

comment down below if you've seen it before and if you like it we'll be

watching the second one we saw the first one watching the second one so today


For more infomation >> KIDS GET THEIR FIRST JOB! - Duration: 11:31.


Laser holography kit that can fit in a backpack can project holograms into your brain - Duration: 5:03.

Laser holography kit that can fit in a backpack can project holograms into your brain

by: Ethan Huff

The ability to implant artificial thoughts, memories, and sensory experiences into people�s

brains isn�t that far off, according to new reports.

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley are working on a new technology that

they say will one day make it possible to perform virtual brain implants � all from

a device that they claim will be small enough to fit into an ordinary backpack.

Known as �holographic brain modulation,� the technology involves the use of light to

alter brain function, all by projecting holographic images into brain cells.

Using advanced technological trickery, these holograms basically fool the brain into thinking

that it felt, saw, or sensed something that wasn�t actually there.

The flashes of light that the device creates act as tiny control units for operating brain

neurons, effectively simulating experiences and life events that never occurred in reality.

But the holographic implants make it seem as though they did, and patients would theoretically

have no clue one way or another.

Researchers say that such technology could be beneficial in helping patients with post-traumatic

stress disorder (PTSD), for instance, overcome negative and damaging experiences by artificially

replacing them with pleasant ones.

Another potential benefit involves helping blind people to �see,� and paralyzed people

to �feel touch.�

Holographic brain implants have the potential to �imprint� pretty much any type of brain

programming that a person wants, whether it be happy memories, positive achievements,

and even the erasure of negative memories and experiences.

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Tests on mice found that the application of optogenetics, as it�s called, or the use

of light to control cells in living tissue, was able to effectively synthesize a variety

of brain activity patterns in the animals.

The mice were basically tricked into believing that they had felt, seen, or sensed various

stimuli that weren�t actually there � which was precisely the goal.

As these tests were being performed, researchers at UC Berkeley monitored the mice�s neural

activity in real time, observing what was taking place as various implants were being


From this, they learned which neurons to turn on, and which ones to turn off, in order to

achieve a desired outcome.

�This has great potential for neural prostheses, since it has the precision needed for the

brain to interpret the pattern of activation,� stated lead author Alan Mardinly, a postdoctoral

fellow in the UC Berkeley lab of Hillel Adesnik, about the findings.

�If you can read and write the language of the brain, you can speak to it in its own

language and it can interpret the message much better.�

Giving people �new� brains is a recipe for human disaster

Those who�ve seen the 2004 film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind will recall

that artificial brain reprogramming was this movie�s entire premise.

A doctor with the ability to erase people�s bad memories and reprogram their brains using

similar-type technology discovers that it isn�t exactly foolproof, and can actually

ruin people�s lives.

This story line was obviously fictitious, as was the technology at the time.

But now it seems that it�s on the verge of becoming a reality � as well as presenting

some of the exact same problems.

It all sounds good in theory, but what happens when the programming fails, or when new imprinted

memories are incongruent with older ones that are real?

It�s like trying to play God, and some researchers are dead set on doing so in the name of �science.�

They think it�ll work without creating problems � but as is usually the case with human

pride and arrogance, it�ll more than likely unleash a Pandora�s box of horrors that

has the potential to forever change the course of human existence.

For more infomation >> Laser holography kit that can fit in a backpack can project holograms into your brain - Duration: 5:03.


je'n, dva, tri... ♫ - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> je'n, dva, tri... ♫ - Duration: 0:33.


Dispatch - Life On The Road With New Music - Duration: 3:40.

♪ Hold my hand just one more time ♪

♪ To see if you're really gonna meet me ♪

- The music's not lacking.

Embree, Mike, J.R., these guys are killer musicians.

The music is phenomenal.

- Where can we find all the puzzle pieces

to cover the new material and all the production?

Mike Sawitzke, who helped record the record

and produce it, he's come in to play

so many cool parts on like six or eight different instruments.

Matt Embree, playing bass and guitar

from RX Bandits and J.R. playing percussion and drum kit.

But all five of us sing, and so I think

when we realized that all five of our voices

were available, as soon as we started singing,

that just kind of made it cohesive really, really quickly.

Then, all the instrumental stuff

just kind of fit in behind it.

- We're all getting to a level

where we've all been on tour,

maybe separately, and now we're together.

We've learned to sort of improvise correctly, I guess.

It's not like, and this sounds kind of

like an oxymoron, but we don't overplay.

Are we gellin' as a band? - Hell yeah.

- ♪ Circles 'round the sun ♪

- There's a little bit of growing pains,

especially with having all the different instruments,

but I feel like we've figured it out.

- I think "Only the Wild Ones"

surprised us, that instead of playing it

full drum kit and bass rig and

spread out all over the stage,

we felt like playing it really tight,

and playing it up front with just one or two drums

and shakers, and having all of our voices right there.

That's the best setup for that tune.

- I think that there's an undeniable energy to that beat.

That's fun, and I think we're all surprised

that that song ended up... I know I am; I didn't think that

was gonna be the single on the record,

but it's done really well, so...

- ♪ Only the wild ones ♪

♪ Give you something and never want it back ♪

- It's a really big collaborative effort

on everybody's part.

And everybody's, at the end of the day,

is working to make this sort of machine happen.

And by all accounts, it's really happening.

- Thank you!

For more infomation >> Dispatch - Life On The Road With New Music - Duration: 3:40.



For more infomation >> BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO NO MAN'S SKY - PART I: LEAVING THE PLANET - Duration: 15:39.


Tobi Lou's Top 5 Cartoons | Issa Vibe - Duration: 1:57.

- Howdy do, it's Toby Lou

and these are the five cartoons I can't live without.

One would have to be "Avatar: The Last Airbender".

I have songs I used to do in hopes of, like,

being the artist that, like, did the songs

for the Avatar movie.

It just unlocked the world.

I still watch it today and just be like,

man, that's good.

(mumbles) if you're watching this, we do have beef.

Number two, "Hey Arnold".

I'm always gonna be a good person in general,

but I would like to think that "Hey Arnold", like

helped instill some of that like,

yo, you can be good, you know,

you could be that sensual good force within the world.

I just really like watching the way he lived his life.

He just made it look so cool, like

everything was just smooth with him.

You know, I appreciate him.

Number three would be "Doug".

I watch it today and I don't feel the same

way I used to feel, but I knew when I was watching

it back when I was young, like I couldn't live without it

and I appreciated everyone's coloration.

Number four would be,

I say "As Told by Ginger".

They were goin' through the adult versions,

the kid versions of like adult problems.

And it was just cool to see.

I'd definitely enjoy like watching, and

re-watching that and like figuring out like,

okay, this is like, this is actually a cool cartoon.

I'll say "Steven Universe" just because,

at the time I got into him, it kinda re-sparked the whole

my cartoon aesthetic and, like the whole magic.

I think we're all magical, I think we've all got this

magic inside of us, but like our whole imagination

gets suppressed as we grow older and, like

how we have to like figure out how to deal with

adult problems and everything.

It combines the music,

the animation, and the magic, so yeah.

(laid-back guitar music)

For more infomation >> Tobi Lou's Top 5 Cartoons | Issa Vibe - Duration: 1:57.


ফিতরা আদায় করা কাদের উপর ফরজ || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> ফিতরা আদায় করা কাদের উপর ফরজ || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 2:31.


There are such miraculous plants in the world! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:04.

There are such miraculous plants in the world! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> There are such miraculous plants in the world! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:04.


A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: Natálio Vassoler - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: Natálio Vassoler - Duration: 2:18.


Vagas na Nestlé: ESTÁGIO | VAGAS #03 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Vagas na Nestlé: ESTÁGIO | VAGAS #03 - Duration: 3:09.


I want ice kreem - Duration: 3:06.

I want ice-cream

Papa Look at me


I want ice-cream


from where

Tomorrow I will buy for you

No, today

ok Let's buy ice cream

you told us you wanted Ice Cream and did not say you wanted to go for the games

It's number one

I want ice-cream

you want ice creem

I want ice-cream

thanks for wathing

For more infomation >> I want ice kreem - Duration: 3:06.


[FREE] ASAP Rocky Type Beat 2018 - SINS | Ft. Travis Scott | Trap/Rap Instrumentals - Duration: 3:22.



For more infomation >> [FREE] ASAP Rocky Type Beat 2018 - SINS | Ft. Travis Scott | Trap/Rap Instrumentals - Duration: 3:22.


হানাফি আল্লামা আনোয়ার শাহ কাশ্মিরি বলেন তারাবির নামাজ ৮ রাকআত মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> হানাফি আল্লামা আনোয়ার শাহ কাশ্মিরি বলেন তারাবির নামাজ ৮ রাকআত মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || - Duration: 1:51.


সব চাইতে শ্রেষ্ঠ্য ঐ ব্যক্তি শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> সব চাইতে শ্রেষ্ঠ্য ঐ ব্যক্তি শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 4:38.


Lead guitar Seben Rumba - Exercise to improve guitar precision - Duration: 7:45.

And action !

Hey fam' I have decided to add devices as you can see

to record with two cameras

the close-up and... the "far-up" I guess we could say

We are going to try if it works correctly

and by the way I will give you an excerpt

of the lessons I provide in the Seben Academy. So let's go !

I want to share with you a secret to improve your precision while playing lead guitar

It is neglected by some lead guitarists

It's simply the necessity of holding chords

to play most of your solo tunes with chords hold

as long as it's possible

You can also play separated notes but in this case you need to keep your fingers close to control strings

so you avoid this kind of noise

That happens when you don't keep control of the strings with your fingers close

you get all this background noise

what we want is this clarity

Controlling all the strings

There is no background noise

The point is to practice this habit

like always very slowly. Why slowly ?

Because we need to have these motions saved in the brain

The brain need to get gradually used to those new motions

After the habits will be saved, the brain will automatically process them with accuracy

without thinking

The objective is to practice to improve your precision this way

with the same exercice I gave last time

In the key of G again

This chord is the first degree in the key of G

It's a kind of shortcut of the G chord

Then the fourth degree which will be this C shortened

Then this shortened D as a fifth degree. You can play it like this

or like this or this

These are three shortened forms of the chords, as played for lead guitar

So I use shortened chords to play solos

and it's a personal advice I give even though some guitarists could disagree with me

I suggest to practice like this to improve your precision

and to keep control of all the sound of the strings on the fretboard

Still with up and down picking style here

to master the motion again give the brain enough time to save it with accuracy

take your time don't be in hurry

You won't even realize your improvement

This kind of exercice should always be practiced non stop

Practice, practice, practice until your brain doesn't need you to think about that motion to do it

With this commitment you will become a proven lead guitarist

This kind of detail show how advanced is a lead guitarist

judged by his accuracy and his imposing presence

You need to take your time guys to reach that level

Talk and express yourself clearly

that is all that matters

That is guys just to give you a glimpse of the lessons in the SEBEN ACADEMY

As you may have understood the SEBEN ACADEMY is the online guitar class

with the Seben and Congolese Rumba approach

It's a simplified approach with no complicate music theory concepts

only the minimum required to start playing guitar and to improve

So it's just a glimpse if you are realy interested

you can drop your email adress if you want more information about the SEBEN ACADEMY

subscribe to the newsletter and you will also receive the first guitar lesson and the interval diagram

This was just a short excerpt showing the approach of my lessons in the SEBEN ACADEMY

if you are interested let's meet in the other side

And don't forget ...

SEBEEEEEEEEN until heaven fam' !!

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