Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

Cookie decorating. Video tutorials

Piping consistency royal icing

Flooding consistency royal icing


The inspiration Magic Dolls cross stitch. You can download this image from the website (link below)

Piping consistency royal icing

Flooding consistency royal icing

Flooding consistency royal icing


Flooding consistency royal icing

Let dry for 15-30 minutes

Piping consistency royal icing

Piping consistency royal icing. The tip №1

Piping consistency royal icing. The tip №1

Rose royal icing transfers

Leaf tip №65 Wilton

Brown food coloring and water

Blossom dust pink

Piping consistency royal icing. The tip №1

Cookie decorating video tutorials on website


For more infomation >> Роспись пряников, имбирного печенья глазурью (айсингом). Пряник Девочка - Duration: 11:00.


GSM vs CDMA - Difference between CDMA and GSM - Duration: 2:46.

GSM and CDMA are two dominant technologies for mobile communication.

These two technologies differ in the way calls and data travel over the mobile phone networks

take place.

On comparing both the technologies GSM has some limitation, when the call quality is

concerned but still has more flexibility and an easy implementation relative to the CDMA


The major difference between the two lies in terms of the technology they use, security

factors, their global reach and the data transfer speeds.

In this video i will go to show you difference between GSM and CDMA technology.

GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication.

CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access.

GSM operates on the wedge spectrum, called a carrier is divided into a number of time

slots and each user is assigned a different time slot, so that until the ongoing call

is finished, No other call have access to this.

CDMA is based on spread spectrum technology which makes the optimal use of available bandwidth.

It allows each user to transmit over the entire frequency spectrum all time.

The GSM network operates in the frequency spectrum of 850MHz and 1900MHz.

The CDMA network operates in the frequency spectrum of 850MHz and 1.9G Hz.

GSM uses EDGE data transfer technology.

CDMA has faster data technology as EVDO ready data transfer technology is used.

A SIM card is required for the working of GSM device.

CDMA phones do not have these pulses.

GSM offers a maximum download speed of 384 Kbps.

CDMA offers a maximum download speed of 2 Mbps.

Signals can be detected as the GSM signals are concentrated in the narrow bandwidth.

The signals cannot be detected easily in CDMA.

Dear viewers Thanks for watching the video, any question write in the comment box.

Don't forget to like and share.

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to press the bell icon.

For more infomation >> GSM vs CDMA - Difference between CDMA and GSM - Duration: 2:46.


How to permanent hair removal at home Naturally - Duration: 2:24.

how to unwanted hair remove permanently at home naturally show you how to remove

unwanted hair removal permanently at home naturally in the method of hair

removal it is very easy and beneficial its

100% effective and coasts less to build now let's see how it is made which has

needed aloe vera turmeric powder honey flower first take 2 tablespoons aloe

vera add 1 tbsp turmeric powder in 1 tbsp flour to it then they need to be


add three tablespoons honey to the mixture then the mixture must be made to


the paste will apply it lightly to your unwanted hair area then wait 15 minutes

then lightly remove hair


For more infomation >> How to permanent hair removal at home Naturally - Duration: 2:24.


Warface: Мечта любого Хедшотера? ПКП «Печенег» - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Warface: Мечта любого Хедшотера? ПКП «Печенег» - Duration: 10:52.


Станок по продольному разрезу трубки из вспененного каучука - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Станок по продольному разрезу трубки из вспененного каучука - Duration: 2:48.


Nhìn sướng con mắt | Tiktok VN, TQ | Người đẹp Tik tok | girls dancing |【抖音】上百万双击视频 | 美女抖音集合 抖奶 #2 - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Nhìn sướng con mắt | Tiktok VN, TQ | Người đẹp Tik tok | girls dancing |【抖音】上百万双击视频 | 美女抖音集合 抖奶 #2 - Duration: 3:32.


Different Parts of Valve - Components of Valve used in piping - Duration: 5:46.

Welcome to the

I am Varun Patel.

In this video, you will learn the different parts of valves.

The valve is assembled product.

It consists of various parts.

Knowing of this part is must if you are working with valve.

Watch this video till the end so that you will learn about

• Body • Bonnet

• Disk • Seat

• Stem • Trim and

• Actuator that used in valve.

Please subscribe to my channel because it helps me to increase my reach on YouTube and

you will also get regular updates on a new video.

You can subscribe right now by just clicking the subscribe button on the right-hand side

of the screen.

Body The valve body is the main pressure retaining

part that also houses other valve parts such as disk and seat.

Here you can see that body also provides passage for fluid to flow from the valve.

Ends of valve body connect with piping.

These ends can be flanged, threaded and butt welding types that depends on size and pressure

of the piping system.

Valve bodies can be cast or forged in different materials such as cast steel, stainless steel

and alloy steel depending on the requirements.

Bonnet Bonnet is a second pressure retaining part

of the valve.

It is also known as a cover.

It connected with valve body by bolting, welding or threading to create valve enclosure.

In case of gate, globe, stop check, and diaphragm valves, it has an opening so that the valve

stem can pass through it.

Bonnet provides access to valve internals, during maintenance.

Usually, it contains a stuffing box and also support yoke, and operating mechanism of the


Disc The disc is the part which allows, throttles,

or stops flow, depending on its position.

In the case of a plug or a ball valve, the disc is called a plug or a ball.

A valve disc could be cast, forged, or fabricated.

A disc is seated against the stationary valve seat or seats when the valve is in the closed


It can be moved away from the valve seats by motion of the valve stem, with the exception

of check and safety-relief valves, in which the disc is moved away from its seat by fluid

flow and pressure.

Seat Seat is one of the main components that directly

affect the leakage rate of the valve.

Seat can be an integral part of valve body or made of forged ring or of non-metallic


A valve may have one or more seats.

In the case of a globe and a swing-check valve, there is one seat, which forms a seal with

the disc to stop the flow.

A gate valve has two seats; one on the upstream side and the other on the downstream side.

Multiport plug and ball valves may have several seats, depending upon the number of ports

in the plug or ball.

Stem Stem is forged solid rod or shaft.

The valve stem transfers the required motion to the disc, plug, or the ball for opening

or closing the valve.

It is connected to the valve handwheel, actuator, or the lever at one end and the valve disc

on the other.

In gate or globe valves, linear motion of the disc open or close the valve, while in

plug, ball, and butterfly valves, disc is rotated to open or close the valve.

Note that stop-check valves, check valves do not have stem.

Trim The removable and replaceable valve internal

parts that come in contact with the flow medium are collectively termed as valve trim.

These parts include valve seat, disc, glands, spacers, guides, bushings, and internal springs.

API standard has standardized trim materials by assigning a unique number to each set of

trim materials.

Actuator The actuator is a mechanism that operates

the valve.

It is connected to the stem and disk assembly.

It may be manually operated by a handwheel, manual lever, gear, chain or it can be operated

through motor, solenoid, pneumatic, or hydraulic mechanism.

Some valves are self-actuated such as check valves.

There are may types and sub-types of these components.

You can learn all that along with more than 18 types of valve in detail, buy my course,

how to be an expert in piping valves.

Link is given in the description.

This is all about components of valves.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel.

Please like and share my video with your friends.

If you want to request a video, write in the comment.

See you soon goodbye take care.

For more infomation >> Different Parts of Valve - Components of Valve used in piping - Duration: 5:46.


心理測試:你的手指長度,決定了你的性格 - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 心理測試:你的手指長度,決定了你的性格 - Duration: 4:42.


Desestimada la demanda de la abogada que denunció en YouTube discriminación por ser madre - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Desestimada la demanda de la abogada que denunció en YouTube discriminación por ser madre - Duration: 6:07.


Hvordan dele SharePoint filer med eksterne brukere? - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Hvordan dele SharePoint filer med eksterne brukere? - Duration: 6:20.


Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 3 Wifi Module Firware Upgrade - Duration: 3:42.

Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 3 Wifi Module Firware Upgrade

For more infomation >> Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 3 Wifi Module Firware Upgrade - Duration: 3:42.


Ca cổ Miệt Vườn - Không thể tin được cô hát vọng cổ đỉnh tới vậy✔ - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Ca cổ Miệt Vườn - Không thể tin được cô hát vọng cổ đỉnh tới vậy✔ - Duration: 2:57.


心理測試:測你最近會有煩心事困擾著你? - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 心理測試:測你最近會有煩心事困擾著你? - Duration: 3:12.


How to change your YouTube channel name several times - Duration: 8:23.

How to change Youtube channel name multiple times | Minh Hoang Tube

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