Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

Welcome to Mien Tay Vlogs

For more infomation >> Sinh Tồn Trong Rừng Tre : Nấu Mì Trong Ống Tre • Miền Tây Vlogs Tập 205 - Duration: 16:51.


"Follow the treasure map found in Greasy Grove" Location Fortnite Week 5 Challenges - Duration: 1:57.

Wassup guys, it's OmniPie here.

Welcome to another fortnite weekly challenge video where I show you exactly where the hidden

locations to get a free battlepass tier is so you can get that Omega skin quicker.

If you're watching this early, then you're awesome but the challenge is not out just

yet, it will be in a couple hours though, but I can show it to you early because it

was leaked by those sneaky data miners.

For this week, we have follow the treasure map found in Greasy Grove, here is the map

on screen for you guys to see, you donn't actually need to find it for this challenge

so don't worry about doing that.

The location is going to be right here on this mountain between Snobby Shores and Pleasant


I'm gonna go ahead and fly to the location right now so you guys will know exactly where

to go to get the battlestar when the challenge goes live.

While I'm doing that, it would be awesome if you could leave a like and subscribe to

the channel if you're new.

We are almost at 100 thousand subscribers which is a huge milestone and I appreciate

everyone of you for helping me get there, the support lately has been absolutely amazing.

I do a ton of helpful fortnite content that helps get you wins and play better, so definitely

hit that subscribe button if that's the content you'd like to see on youtube.

Alright so when we get close to the location, you can see that the map is more of a drawing

of this building rather than an actual map.

And ofcourse the battlestar should spawn on the X which is on top of the nose looking

part of this building.

So when the challenge goes live, you should be able to see the battlestar Icon appear

right here and interact with it.

Important things to remember, you have to buy the battlepass to do these challenges,

so if you don't see it, then you probably need to buy the battlepass and also don't

leave the game without dying or winning, if you have to go somewhere and can't finish,

just jump off the building like this so you can complete the challenge.

If the video was helpful, then tap the like and subscribe button if you're new and I'll

cya around.

For more infomation >> "Follow the treasure map found in Greasy Grove" Location Fortnite Week 5 Challenges - Duration: 1:57.


X2 DEAGLE С 400ХП ПРОТИВ X2 ZEUS С 200ХП // ЧТО КРУЧЕ? - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> X2 DEAGLE С 400ХП ПРОТИВ X2 ZEUS С 200ХП // ЧТО КРУЧЕ? - Duration: 9:30.


You are the sunshine of my life(Cover by ZOIN)_Acoustic_ASMR_Lullaby - Duration: 2:32.

♪ You Are The Sunshine Of My Life ♪

That's Why I'll Always Stay Around

You Are The Apple Of My Eye

Forever You'll Stay In My Heart

I Feel Like This Is The Beginning

Though I've Loved You For A Million Years

And If I Thought Our Love Was Ending

I'd Find Myself Drowning In My Own Tears

♪ You Are The Sunshine Of My Life ♪

That's Why I'll Always Stay Around

You Are The Apple Of My Eye

Forever You'll Stay In My Heart

You Must Have Known That I Was Lonely

Because You Came To My Rescue

And I Know That This Must Be Heaven

How Could So Much Love Be Inside Of You

♪ You Are The Sunshine Of My Life ♪

That's Why I'll Always Stay Around

You Are The Apple Of My Eye

Forever You'll Stay In My Heart

For more infomation >> You are the sunshine of my life(Cover by ZOIN)_Acoustic_ASMR_Lullaby - Duration: 2:32.


Gwaine is NOT drunk (Merlin) [Clean version of audio!] - Duration: 0:36.

[Merlin:] Mark! (Gwaine!)

I can't believe how drunk you are!

[Gwaine:] I am not drunk.

[Merlin:] Yes you are!

[Hunkalicious I mean Gwaine what:] I AM NOT DRUNK.

[Merlin:] Can you tell the time?

[Gwaine:] ...yes.


Like and subscribe bro.

Share and comment or I will fite u

Support me on patreon and follow me on social media for more.

go watch another video fam do it

For more infomation >> Gwaine is NOT drunk (Merlin) [Clean version of audio!] - Duration: 0:36.



Olá YouTube my name is Ricardo lino and I'm a wheel addict I'm in Amsterdam

in the north part of Amsterdam I'm with evil the owner of the skate shop called

DC soul let me show you the Sketchup

now that you know the skate shop you want to know also a little bit more

about evil I've been skating since I was 13 started teaching when I was 16

started selling stuff when I was 21 like kneepads and vintage skates at

first used skates and then slowly like wheels and cars and new skates started a

webshop and then opened the skate shop when I was 26 this store is six years

old now but we had a webshop before we had like a warehouse before started

teaching when I was 16 and grew kind of nice but had like 30 40 students then I

opened the shop and my focus was more towards creating this is so brand and

having a nice store so the the lessons are kind of like faded away bit but then

I realized that that all the good children like under 20 in the whole am

same area that were any good they were all my ex-students that may really made

an impact to me like we need to continue this and grow the support after I

started the shop and finish the shop kind of like created the skate school I

put my energy in that and now we were doing five hundred thirty kids in one

week most of them through school programs and

we have like sixty students that are on our own courses that are like weekly

attending on on our own courses but we also have like weekly school project

program courses and we do birthday parties and like business business

how do you call that team-building stuff yeah exactly the entire business grew it

all almost double yeah well nothing that the shop Dumbo I'm saying the business

as a whole double like for instance last Saturday there were like a couple of

students of mine in the shop buying skates and stuff so it did just get back

to you it's called aggressive inline skating people acknowledge it own it

like it or not' yeah yes so even like I said he's been teaching a lot of kids

like last week it is more than 500 kids are to skate so I decided to come here

to show all of you what he has been doing so enjoy this one

and that's it I hope you guys enjoy what Eva's been doing in Amsterdam I

hope you take some ideas of something that you can do in your hometown and

hopefully together we're gonna make skating grow more and more and more now

if you like this video give me some thumbs up if you didn't like this video

well you can give me some thumbs down but let me know what I didn't like about

this video other than that do not forget to subscribe to the channel if you want

to see more of these and never forget why we all started skating because it's

fun cheers guys and see you soon



Christopher Nolan on Creating a Black Hole | James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction - Duration: 4:49.

Chris, it's a pleasure to get to talk to you

on one of our common subjects, which is science fiction.

No, well thank you for having me.

It's exciting to talk about.

So, probably most people wouldn't think of you

as a science fiction filmmaker.

But you have major forays into it.


Very, very unique ones.

"The Dark Knight" is science fiction

from a sociological standpoint.

"Interstellar" obviously is.

"Inception" obviously is.

They're using a machine to go into a dream.


If there was no machine, you could argue...

It'd be metaphysical.

Exactly, it would be a metaphysical story.

Yeah, and it would've made a lot less money.

[Chuckles] Yeah, it would.

I mean, I'm being glib, but the truth is,

that science fiction allows you a mechanism...


...that we can all understand and grasp.

A lot of the inspiration for "Inception"

was from a period of my life,

you know, when I was in university

and didn't have much money.

And breakfast was free.

But it ended at 8:00, 9:00 or whatever and we were,

of course, staying up all night.

And so, I would got to bed at, you know,

4:00 in the morning or something.

Set my alarm. Wake up to get into breakfast.

Go back --

Go back to sleep. Right.

So, then you're in this sleep state...

Yeah, yeah.

...where it becomes possible to be very aware

of the fact that you're dreaming.

And I would experiment with trying to control a dream.

Try to make something --

Lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming.

Yeah, yeah.

And it was -- it was frustrating but it's fascinating.

And the occasional moment where you get something to work

and you're able to actually channel your dream --

lucid dreaming.

Yeah, yeah.

It's pretty fascinating.

Okay, that's a super power.

That's an amazing thing.


And that was really very much the genesis of the film.

It's incredible.

You made something that was completely unique,

and I would argue, probably unique in film history,

which was this kind of matryoshka stacking doll reality

that was challenging to follow,

but thrilling to know that you had got it right.

But maybe it makes sense to start with "Interstellar."

It's pretty four square in the genre.


Future, hardware-oriented and so on.

What drew you to that subject?

I was sort of excited to try the Newtonian physics

'cause so much of "Interstellar" is about quantum physics,

Einstein and beyond.

But to get back to Newton, the things that, as a moviegoer,

you can really grasp and feel, that kind of thing.

When you're showing gravitational lensing

and the intense distortion around a black hole...

Yeah. approached it very rigorously...

Yes. going to some of the top experts.

It was a really fascinating part of the process

because Kip Thorne,

one of the great minds in physics,

said to me very early on, "When you get to that,

I want to talk to your visual effects guys and artists."

And I, you know, as a filmmaker, he was a little, you know, like,

well, we're gonna make it the way we want it to look.

That's a bit cheeky.

It's a little bit cheeky.


You would appreciate that.

But I thought, "He's got a real passion for that.

There must be a reason for that."

And of course, what I then realized is,

he's sitting on all of this information,

all these equations,

that he knows that put into the right computer, essentially...


...he can spit out a picture of what science really tells you

this thing would look like.

And he's probably always wanted to see it.

He's always wanted to see it.

And of course, we have those computers.

They have all kinds of other computers.


They've got all the equations.

They got all the mathematics.


But they don't have the indulgence that we have...

Yeah, yeah. They don't have the --

...of months and months

of render times to make those.

And in the end,

that construction of the black hole was so successful

that Kip actually presented a scientific paper on it.

So, sort of -- it literally fed back.

You know, he gave us the equations.

We had produced the black hole.

And then he was able to re-present that

to his colleagues and say, "Okay,

here's the visualization."

Isn't that the great

virtuous circle of science fiction...


...though, which is that we imagine these things

and then fairly competent minds write science fiction

and propose ideas and then inspire scientists...


...who then go and find out what things really are.


Often inspired by science fiction.

I think very often inspired.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, I think you go back to 2001.

I mean, they have iPads.

Yeah, right.

I mean, they look like iPads.


And I think, "Okay, I mean that, you know,

filmmakers are not pouring the stuff out into a vacuum."


And if you look at, I mean, what Steven did

with "Minority Report," with that interface.

Mm-hmm, with the gesture-based interface...


...which we now have, of course.

Hugely influential.

I mean, luckily, no one's figured out killer robots yet.

Yeah, right. Right. No, well, they have predator drones.

Ah, yes, even as I say that, actually.

I was thinking of Arnold himself.

But no, actually, thinking about it, it's chilling, actually.

Oh, yeah, they can do it now.

And close those drones are.

So, thanks for that.

[Laughs] Just trying to do my part.

For more infomation >> Christopher Nolan on Creating a Black Hole | James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction - Duration: 4:49.


How Much Money Do You Want? Ask & Receive | Guided Meditation - Duration: 32:25.

Before we begin, lie down and get into a comfortable position.

Your environment should be somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed.

Allow for your body to relax.

Quiet your mind.

Put aside any lingering thoughts or worries from the day.

Take notice of your breathing and start to slow it down.

Deeply breathe into your abdomen.

Exhale slowly.

With each breath, allow your awareness to increase.

Become more and more present in this moment.

Allow the oxygen to consciously fill your entire body.

Feel your vibration rising.

With each breath, your mind is becoming clearer.

Breathe in and become aware that you're breathing in

Breathe out and become aware that you're breathing out

Feel your mind and body being rejuvenated.

Feel your consciousness expand.

Continue breathing as you relax your body, starting at the crown of your head.

Release any tension as you exhale.

Now relax your forehead.

Your eyelids.

Soften your entire face.

Take a bigger, deeper breath as you relax the neck and shoulders.

Take note of how your body is now feeling.

Notice where any tension needs to be released.

Continue breathing as you release any tension from your back.

Relax your elbows and hands.

Your fingers.

Take a few more breaths until your entire body feels almost like it has melted.

Let us begin with expressing gratitude for all that we have.

Think of your successes.

Think of your victories.

No matter how big or how small.

Feel your appreciation for all of them.

Visualize all the money you have now.

No matter the amount.

See it right in front of you.

Touch it.

Feel the appreciation for this money

Once you start to deeply feel gratitude, see it as a beam of light illuminating from your

heart space.

Send this light of gratitude to the Universe with thanks.

Now, we are going to release any negative thoughts or beliefs associated with money.

You are replacing them with positive thoughts at the highest level.

Take a moment to gather any feelings of stress or worry about financial situations.

Releasing them will align you with the path of attracting money.

When you are ready to fully release, take in a deep, slow breath.

As you exhale, you are releasing lower, stuck energies.

In your mind's eye, watch them floating away.

Watch as they completely disappear into the air.

Repeat each affirmation out loud and with confidence:

I release resistance to wealth.

Money comes to me naturally.

Abundance and prosperity are my birthrights.

The money I want is coming.

I am positive about money.

I spend money with happiness.

Now visualize a moment of pure happiness.

A moment of feeling wonderful.

Full of joy.

It can be any moment you want it to be.

Continue visualizing this moment until you deeply feel true happiness in your heart space.

Your entire body is now emitting vibrations of a high frequency.

In your mind\'s eye, notice what these vibrations look like.

Watch as they soar out into the Universe.

The Universe is waiting for your request.

It is time t ASK the Universe for money.

How much money do you want?

There are no limitations to the amount.

Take a moment and think of the exact amount that you desire.

Say the amount out loud using the words 'I AM ATTRACTING ..... This, or something better.

It is done.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now your entire being is vibrating in harmony with what you desire.

Know that the Universe will deliver it into your hands.

The manifestation cycle has now begun.

You must BELIEVE that you are getting it.

Have faith.

Have trust.

Know that the Universe has heard you.

You are supported.

You are loved.

You are nourished.

Believe that the money you desire is manifesting physically.

Your dreams of wealth are manifesting into reality.

Visualize yourself with this amount of money.

Doing this is allowing you to attract and receive money easily.

Do not worry about how it will come.

The Universe is bringing it to you in many ways.

Embrace your happiness about receiving this money.

Feel excitement.

Feel a powerful desire for this money.

Visualize any 1 reason why you desire this money right now.

You are consciously deciding to attract the money you want.

What are you doing with this money?

Visualize this in your mind's eye.

Be very detailed in this moment.

Feel the freedom and exhilaration.

Feel your wealth.

Feeling these emotions is the most important process of manifestation.

The Universe is delivering what You.



Elevate your confidence.

Now elevate it even higher.

Take the time you need to visualize and to feel.

Hold this feeling confidently and powerfully for the next 7 seconds.

Repeat the following affirmations out loud with confidence

The Universe is conspiring to make me wealthy.

The Law of Attraction is working for me right now.

I am a powerful magnet for money.

I create money and abundance through joy and self-care.

I am excited about money.

Money comes to me freely with ease.

You must now allow yourself to RECEIVE.

Know that your desires are being provided.

Your only task is to receive.

See the steps you are taking to create your wealth.




Welcoming new opportunities.

You are giving more power to the manifestation as you do this.

See yourself spending freely with confidence.

Acknowledge the source of your wealth.

Acknowledge your Creator with gratitude.

The more you give, the more you receive.

This is helping you attract more money.

Repeat these last affirmations out loud with confidence

I am receiving money-making ideas each day.

I am freely receiving checks in the mail.

My intentions to receive money are a reality.

I am open to new ways of earning income.

I am the creator of my success.

I am attracting more money freely from multiple sources.

I am living in an abundant universe.

There is enough for everyone.

It is done.

And so, it is.

Beginning with a deep inhale and exhale, take your time and slowly begin to bring energy

and vitality into your body through movement.

Begin by moving your toes slightly.

Continue with other small movements in your feet and your legs.

Do what feels most comfortable for your body.

Allow your small movements to grow into larger movements.

Slowly open your eyes when you feel ready.

Once you feel fully energized and revitalized, take as much time to enjoy the feeling of

the prosperity that is on its way

to you.

For more infomation >> How Much Money Do You Want? Ask & Receive | Guided Meditation - Duration: 32:25.


❤️29 мая - День военного автомобилиста❤️Поздравляем С ДНЕМ ВОЕННОГО АВТОМОБИЛИСТА❤️ - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> ❤️29 мая - День военного автомобилиста❤️Поздравляем С ДНЕМ ВОЕННОГО АВТОМОБИЛИСТА❤️ - Duration: 0:45.


Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Intelligence of AI | James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction - Duration: 3:20.

I think I've been involved in more science fiction movies,

if you think about it...


...than anyone else.

You've been to Mars.

You've been from -- in the future.

"Terminator," "Total Recall,"

and with "The Running Man."

"The 6th Day" where I get cloned.

Or even with "Twins," which is an experiment

that has not yet really been --

"Twins" is a science fiction movie.

And "Junior."

What was the one -- what was the one where you were pregnant?


"Junior" is science fiction

that a male carrying a baby or something like that.

It's totally science fiction.

I have been involved with a lot of those movies.

Sometimes, we get a little too serious about science fiction.

And there's a lot of scholarly

thought that goes into it and so on.

But sometimes, it's just an expression of imagination.

But it's great entertainment.


It's fantastic.

So, you're not staying up late at night worrying about

our intelligent machines taking over the world?

No. My crusade is to make sure that we're going

in the clean energy future.


So, let's say we make it artificial intelligence

and we give it the job of saving the environment

and saving the climate,

and it comes up with the final answer,

which is, there's no way to save the environment

without getting all these humans off the planet

'cause we're the problem.

I would argue all the way against it.


One of the things I've always loved about you, Arnold,

is that you really have a great sense of how people think.

How they are. You really understand people.

So, ask yourself, if there was a machine

that was smarter than us,

but it worked for us, how long would it work for us?

And how long would we be able to control it?

First of all,

I face everyday technology

that is much smarter than me.


When I play on my iPad, chess.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, it is ludicrous.

It kicks your ass.

But it's so quick.

I mean, it counts the seconds...

Yeah. it said 17 seconds for me to make a decision.


But as soon as I press the button,

where I'm gonna put the horse,

1/10 of a second later, it goes, boom.

Yeah, right.

It makes a move.

Yeah, right.

It doesn't even think.


I just makes it --

Well, it's thinking, it's just thinking faster.

Exactly. So, I see it all the time, how technology --

how fast it is that we can think,

how far superior it is than the way we are.

And just like I said, you can really program things

in such a way that it's really, it's spectacular.

Now, where is it gonna go in an evil way or a terrible way,

it can be possible.


But so much of science fiction...

No, I know.

...has been about the naive scientists

who see the wonderful uses of a technology

and then it gets perverted.

But, you know, the guys that were first thinking

about nuclear power,

they were thinking about the power of the atom and thinking,

"We could run civilization on this."


But of course, what was the first thing that was built?

It was a nuclear bomb.

That's why I don't -- it's not the machines I don't trust,

it's the people that I don't trust.

This is not easy stuff.

You know, that's why we gotta continue

making science fiction movies.

That's right.

For more infomation >> Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Intelligence of AI | James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction - Duration: 3:20.


What to Expect in your Philippine Homestay! (MAD International Pre-Tour 3/3) - Duration: 1:32.

Hi I'm Andrea!

Hey, and I'm Paula!

And either one of us might be your tour guide for your stay in the Philippines.

So since you'll be staying in the community, we thought we'd let you know what to expect.

So since you'll be staying in the Philippines and it's going to be a home stay,

please expect that it's not going to be a 5-star hotel, but you'll definitely feel like you're part of the family and you're staying in your home.

That means real experiences with real people, like bucket showers, and mosquito nets, and no air conditioning.

And of course, the best way to experience Philippines would be by food, let's be honest.

So expect rice 3 or 5 times a day, lots of sweets, and the best adobo.

Of course, if you have any dietary restrictions, just let us know in advance, so that we can coordinate with the community.

And you might love your stay so much that you'd want to contribute to the community or your family,

We want to discourage any kind of donations but we can work it out while you're already there.

Yes, of course, so whatever donations you will be giving us, it will be of course used for the community - to build their library, their garden.

So everything will be for the community.

We just want to make sure that whatever you contribute doesn't cause an imbalance in the community.

So, excited to see you! Bye!

For more infomation >> What to Expect in your Philippine Homestay! (MAD International Pre-Tour 3/3) - Duration: 1:32.


Inspirational Female Leaders - Duration: 17:12.

Okay, so our first

Beautiful speaker speaking on radiant hustle. I love that title is Judy Machado Duke?

She's a trailblazer in our downtown Toronto branch

She's the creator of productivity goddess and the productivity goddess or a planner titled life purpose playbook

she spends her days working with women as a holistic production coach to help them to ignite the

Next phase in their lives through her. Soul speaking


Productivity techniques love that. I know her. She's such a beautiful person. And so

Glad to be able to hand the mic over to her

Whatever she talks about we will all learn so much. So come on up duty


Just want to start off by also thanking Nathalie because

You've traded here with happy healthy women you are

Impacting the lives of thousands of women all over Canada including me and I'm so grateful for you. Thank you

So how many of you experienced a bit of the hustle and getting here this morning tiny bit of a busy morning

Yeah, well

I have the pleasure of bringing us all into our cart this morning to find that blissful

Calm place so that we can ground ourselves before all these other beautiful women

Presenters come up here throughout the day to share their goodness with all of us

But before I do that, I would like to share a little story with you

This story is about a beautiful

perfect and divine goddess

who's living up in the universe together with all the other goddesses and

On this day, this goddess decides that she would like to take yet another

journey onto earth as a human being a

goddess disguised as a human being

Now everyone in the universe knows that the one rule one coming down on earth is to agree

To forget who you really are now

The purpose of forgetting that she's a goddess the purpose of that is to experience the joy of

Remembering who she really is

So just like all of her other journeys on earth. She agreed to forget that she is a goddess and she

Began her journey on earth as a goddess

as a human being to

Experience the joy of remembering who she really is

It so happens that many of her other goddess friends that all agreed to join her in this journey back down to earth to

Also forget who they are

So that they could also experience the joy of remembering who they are

but in this lifetime

for this goddess

Her mission is different than before this time her mission is to fully

Awaken and fully remember that she is in fact a divine goddess

Her mission is to awaken and remember all of her inner beauty and ancient wisdom and power

that is her goddess self and

It happens to be that all of her goddess friends who together decided to take the same journey in this lifetime

We're all given that same mission to fully awaken to their true self while still in this lifetime

Now all these goddesses have been on so many other journeys journeys and through so many lifetimes together

Each getting a little bit wiser and remembering just a little bit more

They've been waiting for so long to reach this one journey this one lifetime

where they will all wake up together and

Recognize each other as goddesses for the first time in all of their human journeys

And so this particular goddess was living her life here on earth

Living her challenges and living her celebrations all the while


Remembering who she really is

Because she hasn't reached that point of fully remembering yet who she is

She's been looking around her and just doing what others are doing

working so hard

working so much

Trying to figure out is and what she's supposed to be doing in this lifetime

She's forgotten that her remembering

Is inside of her

This goddess has forgotten the secret to living free and feeling alive every single day

She thought it was to work hard and to hustle every single day. She

Forgotten the secret was to access her heart and her inner higher self

Where she stores her remembering and her intuition?

But today

in her morning meditation

She had an inspired vision suddenly where her exhausting hustle

turned into a magical flowing river and

in this dream

Rather than working so hard with so little results

She sees an abundance of people and an abundance of money all around her, but she isn't stressed

And she isn't overworked

Hmm instead she's so relaxed and feeling so calm and so alive

Something has changed

What was it?

Where did her inspiration and her sudden remembering come from?

I'd like to invite you now to get comfortable in your chair to uncross your legs

and to allow your shoulders to

loosen up

Let your jaw relax

I'm gonna shift our attention from our head to our heart now by placing our hand on our heart

We're going to close our eyes now

Let's begin just to breathe really nice and slowly

Slow and deep

Breathing five seconds inhale

At five seconds exhale nice and deep and slow

When we feel safe, we naturally breathe slower, so let's bring our body to that safe place right now

Feel yourself relaxed and present to this moment only

No one is looking for you right now, it's your time to relax

Keep breathing deep and slowly

Now feel the feeling of rest in this room

Feel how everyone is present and connecting to their heart

Feel the love that everyone is connecting to

Feel the energy in the room and how beautiful it feels

To be around others who are also connecting to their heart

Feel that energy of remembering

Not only are you remembering who you really are but divine goddess

You can also feel that everyone around you is also remembering that too

And with your eyes closed

See how you're recognizing all of the other goddesses now who are also recognizing you

Your heart is singing today

Because you're remembering all of these goddesses who all decided to come into this journey together with you

With your eyes still closed and your hand on your heart

Imagine for a minute what's possible if we started every day in this beautiful space?

From the space where we feel abundant

In this space we feel so connected to one another

In this space we are never alone

As you breathe feel the love coming from your heart and begin to feel of feelings of gratitude

What are you grateful for in this moment?

Smile as you see that in front of you and breathe that gratitude into your heart

Now feel the feeling of compassion what makes you feel compassionate

See that now and feel those feelings of compassion

Taking long deep breaths. Let's now focus our attention on caring

Who or what do you love to care for?

See that person or that pets or that thing now and smile as you see yourself caring for them

Now let's shift our attention to appreciation

Feel those feelings of appreciation feel that right now

Now let's feel all those feelings together

gratitude compassion

care and appreciation

Smile as you feel all those feelings together

In this space of feeling those four feelings together

We create a heart brain union, which has been scientifically proven

by the hard math Institute in California, and it's in this space that

When we're connected in this heart brain union, we're connecting to our intuition

It's in the space that we remember who we are

And we can listen for any messages and inspiration to help us in our journey

The more we connect inside the more were quiet the more we can hear those inspired messages

Take a minute now to listen to what messages are coming through from your inner wisdom your inner goddess

What does she want to tell you right now

Let's listen quietly for a full minute

What is she saying to you

Keep listening

Keep your eyes closed and breathing nice and deeply for a few more moments

Maybe you heard something and maybe you didn't

The more we connect in this heart brain Union the more may awaken our intuition

We know we can come back to the space any time to feel the love that we are

The love that connects us all and their inner wisdom and knowing that we have inside of us

Move your hand over top of your heart right now making circles over your heart

feel your heart and let's once again remember right now that we can come back to this place every


Over and over again to weight can be greatest potential

in our life

Let's now begin to hear the sounds in the room and begin to come back

Into your chair and back into this room

When you're ready you can open your eyes

Look around the room ladies look at all of the goddesses that are here with us today

So beautiful see and see and see if there's anyone who suddenly looks familiar to you who didn't a few moments ago

Look to the Goddess sitting next to you and give her a big hug because you've just remembered who she really is

And look to your other side look to the goddess sitting to your other side and give her a big hug

Because you just remember who she really is

Beautiful, isn't it?

Doesn't that feel good I

Want you all these

Ladies, I want you all to imagine what is possible if we all started I our day from this space

Just a few moments every day from this space of remembering

My topic today is the radiant hustle

My wish is that you practice what I call the holistic hustle

We think that the hustle comes from ideas from our head when in fact

The hustle should come from messages from our heart

When we're always hustling always busy always working always pushing

We have no time to receive and no time to remember

But when we go inside deep inside to a restore that ancient wisdom and that remembering that's where we get connected to our purpose

to our mission

to our next steps

Inspired action comes from this place right here

It's time

To get slow and to start listening even just for a few moments every morning

That is the holistic hustle my gift to all of you ladies today

Is this beautiful 30 day declutter challenge because decluttering is also a part of the holistic hustle

Because when we let go of the things that no longer serve us we can make room for the new isn't that true?

spring cleaning right now right ladies

Thank You

Goddesses from my heart to yours. I look forward to work this remembering with each and every single one of you

For more infomation >> Inspirational Female Leaders - Duration: 17:12.


EGYPT 2018: TRYING EGYPTIAN KOFTA/ WALKING IN THE SEA/ RAMADAN (English subtitles) - Duration: 10:24.

Dusenka. But Dusya will be better off there, trust me.

I am very glad that we've been through this whole cycle with the Dusya.

From the moment we saw her. By the way when we saw her in the store. The first thing I said to mom. Let's buy it and let it go

It was the first wish and it is the most correct.

But before you let her go , you had to go through this whole cycle with her.

Put her in order, in consciousness. Because she was in a cage there in a terrible condition.

Wash it, rid it of insects

And now this moment has come we are very happy for it. However, we are happy for the Dusya? Aya: Yes

Malak a little upset about Dusya. She'll be better off there, trust me.

We got home safely all

Denis also went out on an errand and came back.

We today in 8 day of Ramadan.

Dani bought us food.

His choice

What food do we have there?

What kind of food? I see pizza there.

Malak: And here is a chop

It's like yesterday's version.

Is that rice you bought? Denis: Yes. Malak: it's rice

it's rice

And you took 2 rice, right?

Will you eat 1 whole rice? Deny: All of us

Bread well that a bit

There was a lot of bread yesterday. What's left?

Left, but it's tough

Yesterday's bread. But I don't think it's good. Malak: Where's the chicken?

Chicken right here.

Dandy bought pizza. But pizza, I understand...Here you go.

Dany bought the koftas. Sweaters are the Egyptian version of cutlets.

All very tasty on a plate lying.

Denis has all beautiful and bright

So does Aya. And I put some

Enjoy your meal.

Malak and Aya sing the song " Old MCDonald"

But with such cars are sold ful hot it is in Ramadan

It used to be a trolley, and now on motorcycles

Now we catch a taxi and go to the sea

A lot of people, a lot of cars. The traffic is a big

Want to enter? Let's go.

Malak and Aya: Sing "That we do not pass it we did not ask"

Here we come. Now go to the transition and we will be at sea

Look at the waves, huh? Not visible, but the waves are very strong

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: TRYING EGYPTIAN KOFTA/ WALKING IN THE SEA/ RAMADAN (English subtitles) - Duration: 10:24.


Lần Đầu Làm SLIME 1.000 Đồng | SLIME Cực Rẻ - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Lần Đầu Làm SLIME 1.000 Đồng | SLIME Cực Rẻ - Duration: 5:24.


El vehículo eléctrico no tiene enchufe en Madrid - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> El vehículo eléctrico no tiene enchufe en Madrid - Duration: 8:51.


Hydra Shred by Sparta Nutrition 🔥This will knock your socks/fat off 😜 - Duration: 3:17.

- Hi burners, Paul coming to you from Fat Burners Only

today to give you a review on an awesome

and a very strong fat burning pre-workout,

Sparta Nutrition's Hydra Shred,

so I just wanted to explain to you the ingredient profile

in here in a quick two minute video

and explain how it will help with your energy levels,

how it will help you train harder

and how it will burn body fat.

So just to start with we've got two great flavours,

so it comes in a mango nectar and a strawberry kiwi

and the first ingredient off the ranks

is my favourite ingredient in any fat loss supplement,


So this ingredient will shuttle fat from your blood stream

into the mitochondria of your cells

where you can then burn it as fuel,

so in essence, you are targeting fat for fuel

with this ingredient.

Next they put in the very popular Garcinia Cambogia

at a 60 percent ratio, which is very high

to the core ingredient that you're looking for,

HCA, or Hydroxycitric Acid.

So this ingredient will do two fantastic things

for your fat loss.

The first is it will reduce your appetite,

the next is that it will actually block the enzyme

that converts carbs that you eat

from becoming fat on the body.

Next we have the great ingredient TeaCrine,

so this ingredient is a form of caffeine

that the body can't get used to.

So every time you take this product,

you'll get that same fantastic stimulant effect

that won't wear off.

Next we have caffeine at 100 milligrams per serve.

So enough to give you a really good energy boost,

but not enough to bug you out or give you the jitters.

Next we pop in there your Grains of Paradise

at a whopping 50 milligrams per serve.

So this is a very popular ingredient

to hit the market at the moment and what is does

is it boosts your core body temperature significantly

so you're burning hotter, you're getting a sweat on,

and therefore you're burning a lot more calories.

Next we have Theobromine at 50 milligrams,

so this ingredient will increase your dopamine levels,

which will increase your focus

and your drive to train harder as well as your mood.

Then we have a different form of caffeine,

we've got another 50 milligrammes

of Caffeine Anhydrous this time.

So this is a faster hitting caffeine,

so when you take the product,

you'll get hit with that caffeine energy faster

which is really effective for training.

Next we have a slower absorbing caffeine, Dicaffeine Malate,

at 50 milligrams as well,

and that will give you a longer life energy

so you don't get a crash from this product.

Then we put in Yerba Mate

which is another form of natural caffeine at 50 milligrams,

Guarana Seed, another natural form of caffeine

at 50 milligrams,

and then finally we've got your Cocoa Extract

and that's at 20 milligrams.

Again, will boost your metabolic rate and improve your mood.

You'll be training happier, training harder,

and burning more calories.

So a very well put together fat burner.

If you do have any questions on Hydra Shred

or any of the ingredients in Hydra Shred,

just come to our Facebook page and send us a message

or on our website, talk to us via our live chat,

or the contact page, you can use to send us an email.

Otherwise, thanks for watching burners,

we'll catch you next time, cheers.

For more infomation >> Hydra Shred by Sparta Nutrition 🔥This will knock your socks/fat off 😜 - Duration: 3:17.


Los atributos de Dios (Parte 2) - Los decretos de Dios - Duration: 1:15:26.

For more infomation >> Los atributos de Dios (Parte 2) - Los decretos de Dios - Duration: 1:15:26.


MAFS star Tracey Jewel's shock move - Duration: 2:13.

Married At First Sight's Tracey Jewel has revealed her desire to move to the United States

The former reality star and self-help author took to Instagram to share a photo of her 'vision board' which was reportedly inspired by American life coach Tony Robbins

Included in the vision board was the 35-year-old's goal to 'move to [the] US' within one year

To all my friends and followers I hope you have a beautiful Mother's Day to all mums, step mums, grandmums and mums to Be! I'm lucky enough to celebrate with two mums and my gorgeous girl Grace today 😍😘❤️ #happymothersday #bestjobintheworld #lovemymum Tracey came under fire earlier this year when she shared her plans of moving from Perth to Melbourne for then boyfriend Sean Thomsen, despite her daughter, Grace, living in Western Australia

Tracey was then forced to defend her decision, explaining that Grace spent most of her time with her father and step-family and that she saw her once a week, which worked for them

"Everyone just thinks I'm abandoning my child, and it's absolutely not the case," she wrote at the time

"Because she spends a majority of her time with her dad and step family, I've always been really conscious to bring her into my life so she can see what I'm doing when I'm not with her

" This story originally appeared on WHO. 

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