Okay, so our first
Beautiful speaker speaking on radiant hustle. I love that title is Judy Machado Duke?
She's a trailblazer in our downtown Toronto branch
She's the creator of productivity goddess and the productivity goddess or a planner titled life purpose playbook
she spends her days working with women as a holistic production coach to help them to ignite the
Next phase in their lives through her. Soul speaking
Productivity techniques love that. I know her. She's such a beautiful person. And so
Glad to be able to hand the mic over to her
Whatever she talks about we will all learn so much. So come on up duty
Just want to start off by also thanking Nathalie because
You've traded here with happy healthy women you are
Impacting the lives of thousands of women all over Canada including me and I'm so grateful for you. Thank you
So how many of you experienced a bit of the hustle and getting here this morning tiny bit of a busy morning
Yeah, well
I have the pleasure of bringing us all into our cart this morning to find that blissful
Calm place so that we can ground ourselves before all these other beautiful women
Presenters come up here throughout the day to share their goodness with all of us
But before I do that, I would like to share a little story with you
This story is about a beautiful
perfect and divine goddess
who's living up in the universe together with all the other goddesses and
On this day, this goddess decides that she would like to take yet another
journey onto earth as a human being a
goddess disguised as a human being
Now everyone in the universe knows that the one rule one coming down on earth is to agree
To forget who you really are now
The purpose of forgetting that she's a goddess the purpose of that is to experience the joy of
Remembering who she really is
So just like all of her other journeys on earth. She agreed to forget that she is a goddess and she
Began her journey on earth as a goddess
as a human being to
Experience the joy of remembering who she really is
It so happens that many of her other goddess friends that all agreed to join her in this journey back down to earth to
Also forget who they are
So that they could also experience the joy of remembering who they are
but in this lifetime
for this goddess
Her mission is different than before this time her mission is to fully
Awaken and fully remember that she is in fact a divine goddess
Her mission is to awaken and remember all of her inner beauty and ancient wisdom and power
that is her goddess self and
It happens to be that all of her goddess friends who together decided to take the same journey in this lifetime
We're all given that same mission to fully awaken to their true self while still in this lifetime
Now all these goddesses have been on so many other journeys journeys and through so many lifetimes together
Each getting a little bit wiser and remembering just a little bit more
They've been waiting for so long to reach this one journey this one lifetime
where they will all wake up together and
Recognize each other as goddesses for the first time in all of their human journeys
And so this particular goddess was living her life here on earth
Living her challenges and living her celebrations all the while
Remembering who she really is
Because she hasn't reached that point of fully remembering yet who she is
She's been looking around her and just doing what others are doing
working so hard
working so much
Trying to figure out is and what she's supposed to be doing in this lifetime
She's forgotten that her remembering
Is inside of her
This goddess has forgotten the secret to living free and feeling alive every single day
She thought it was to work hard and to hustle every single day. She
Forgotten the secret was to access her heart and her inner higher self
Where she stores her remembering and her intuition?
But today
in her morning meditation
She had an inspired vision suddenly where her exhausting hustle
turned into a magical flowing river and
in this dream
Rather than working so hard with so little results
She sees an abundance of people and an abundance of money all around her, but she isn't stressed
And she isn't overworked
Hmm instead she's so relaxed and feeling so calm and so alive
Something has changed
What was it?
Where did her inspiration and her sudden remembering come from?
I'd like to invite you now to get comfortable in your chair to uncross your legs
and to allow your shoulders to
loosen up
Let your jaw relax
I'm gonna shift our attention from our head to our heart now by placing our hand on our heart
We're going to close our eyes now
Let's begin just to breathe really nice and slowly
Slow and deep
Breathing five seconds inhale
At five seconds exhale nice and deep and slow
When we feel safe, we naturally breathe slower, so let's bring our body to that safe place right now
Feel yourself relaxed and present to this moment only
No one is looking for you right now, it's your time to relax
Keep breathing deep and slowly
Now feel the feeling of rest in this room
Feel how everyone is present and connecting to their heart
Feel the love that everyone is connecting to
Feel the energy in the room and how beautiful it feels
To be around others who are also connecting to their heart
Feel that energy of remembering
Not only are you remembering who you really are but divine goddess
You can also feel that everyone around you is also remembering that too
And with your eyes closed
See how you're recognizing all of the other goddesses now who are also recognizing you
Your heart is singing today
Because you're remembering all of these goddesses who all decided to come into this journey together with you
With your eyes still closed and your hand on your heart
Imagine for a minute what's possible if we started every day in this beautiful space?
From the space where we feel abundant
In this space we feel so connected to one another
In this space we are never alone
As you breathe feel the love coming from your heart and begin to feel of feelings of gratitude
What are you grateful for in this moment?
Smile as you see that in front of you and breathe that gratitude into your heart
Now feel the feeling of compassion what makes you feel compassionate
See that now and feel those feelings of compassion
Taking long deep breaths. Let's now focus our attention on caring
Who or what do you love to care for?
See that person or that pets or that thing now and smile as you see yourself caring for them
Now let's shift our attention to appreciation
Feel those feelings of appreciation feel that right now
Now let's feel all those feelings together
gratitude compassion
care and appreciation
Smile as you feel all those feelings together
In this space of feeling those four feelings together
We create a heart brain union, which has been scientifically proven
by the hard math Institute in California, and it's in this space that
When we're connected in this heart brain union, we're connecting to our intuition
It's in the space that we remember who we are
And we can listen for any messages and inspiration to help us in our journey
The more we connect inside the more were quiet the more we can hear those inspired messages
Take a minute now to listen to what messages are coming through from your inner wisdom your inner goddess
What does she want to tell you right now
Let's listen quietly for a full minute
What is she saying to you
Keep listening
Keep your eyes closed and breathing nice and deeply for a few more moments
Maybe you heard something and maybe you didn't
The more we connect in this heart brain Union the more may awaken our intuition
We know we can come back to the space any time to feel the love that we are
The love that connects us all and their inner wisdom and knowing that we have inside of us
Move your hand over top of your heart right now making circles over your heart
feel your heart and let's once again remember right now that we can come back to this place every
Over and over again to weight can be greatest potential
in our life
Let's now begin to hear the sounds in the room and begin to come back
Into your chair and back into this room
When you're ready you can open your eyes
Look around the room ladies look at all of the goddesses that are here with us today
So beautiful see and see and see if there's anyone who suddenly looks familiar to you who didn't a few moments ago
Look to the Goddess sitting next to you and give her a big hug because you've just remembered who she really is
And look to your other side look to the goddess sitting to your other side and give her a big hug
Because you just remember who she really is
Beautiful, isn't it?
Doesn't that feel good I
Want you all these
Ladies, I want you all to imagine what is possible if we all started I our day from this space
Just a few moments every day from this space of remembering
My topic today is the radiant hustle
My wish is that you practice what I call the holistic hustle
We think that the hustle comes from ideas from our head when in fact
The hustle should come from messages from our heart
When we're always hustling always busy always working always pushing
We have no time to receive and no time to remember
But when we go inside deep inside to a restore that ancient wisdom and that remembering that's where we get connected to our purpose
to our mission
to our next steps
Inspired action comes from this place right here
It's time
To get slow and to start listening even just for a few moments every morning
That is the holistic hustle my gift to all of you ladies today
Is this beautiful 30 day declutter challenge because decluttering is also a part of the holistic hustle
Because when we let go of the things that no longer serve us we can make room for the new isn't that true?
spring cleaning right now right ladies
Thank You
Goddesses from my heart to yours. I look forward to work this remembering with each and every single one of you
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