Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 28 2018

Song: Toby Fox - Undertale (Kabuki Remix)

For more infomation >> 1,000 - Duration: 3:37.


Hope the Elephant | Kids Songs with Actions | Music for Children | The Mik Maks - Duration: 3:35.

We have a friend she's BIG and BLUE

We love her so much and so will you

and Hope the Elephant is her name

She's full of smiles and she really cares

She wants everyone to be aware

that stamping our SIDS is her aim

Come on everybody

Stamp, Stamp its Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp, Hope Hope the Elephant



Together we can Stamp Out SIDS

Stamp, Stamp its Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp, Hope Hope the Elephant



Together we can Stamp Out SIDS

Come on kids

Well we first meet Hope by a beautiful River

and now she needs all the help we can give her

and stamping out SIDS is her aim

Her trunk is blue and her heart is big

together we can find a cure for SIDS

and Hope the Elephant is her name

Everyone together

Stamp Stamp it's Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp Hope Hope the Elephant



Together we can Stamp out SIDS

yes we can

Stamp Stamp its Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp Hope Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp Stamp


Together we can Stamp Out SIDS

Come on everybody

Lets all sing and stamp together

Stamp Stamp Stamp

Stamp Stamp Stamp



Together we can Stamp Out SIDS

Stamp Stamp Stamp

Stamp Stamp Stamp



Together we can Stamp Out SIDS

Stamp Stamp its Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp Hope Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp Stamp


Together we can Stamp Out SIDS

Stamp Stamp its Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp Hope Hope the Elephant

Stamp Stamp Stamp


Together we can Stamp Out SIDS

For more infomation >> Hope the Elephant | Kids Songs with Actions | Music for Children | The Mik Maks - Duration: 3:35.


Płaska Ziemia - prawdziwa hipokryzja - perspektywa i wschód słońca - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Płaska Ziemia - prawdziwa hipokryzja - perspektywa i wschód słońca - Duration: 4:07.


The Baffling Viruses That Infect... Other Viruses - Duration: 7:12.

This episode is supported by NordVPN.

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Viruses make so many people sick and miserable that it seems like turnabout—it's only

fair play!

Make the viruses get sick for once!

But that's ridiculous… right?

Well, maybe not.

Virus-infecting viruses, or virophages, are totally real, because evolution just doesn't

know when to quit.

The first virophage, named Sputnik, was discovered in 2008 by a team of French researchers in

a Parisian water tower.

But they didn't discover it alone.

Pretty much everything we learn about these extremely small viruses is linked to the extremely

big viruses they infect, called giant viruses.

And since giant viruses, like mimiviruses and pandoraviruses, were only discovered in

2003, this whole field is brand new territory.

Giant viruses were discovered infecting amoebas, and have been found all over the world.

It's not entirely clear whether they can make humans sick or not.

They've been isolated within humans a few times, including people sick with pneumonia,

but it's not 100% clear if they were causing the illness or just hanging out.

And they're huge… relatively speaking.

In terms of their size and genetic complexity, giant viruses are more like bacteria than

most other viruses.

Like, mimiviruses are about 500 to 800 nanometers across and have genomes of around 12 million

base pairs.

And pandoraviruses are even bigger.

Now, mimiviruses are preyed upon by the Sputnik virophage, which is only 50 nanometers across

and has a genome of about 18,000 base pairs.

That's actually not super small for a virus.

The bacteria-infecting virus lambda forms particles of a similar size, and the flu virus

actually has a smaller genome.

But what's weird is that even though giant viruses are big, it doesn't seem like they

should be able to support invaders.

Especially since virophages are still…viruses.

They're made of DNA and protein, but they lack all the cellular replication tools needed

to copy DNA, and the translation tools needed to make proteins.

That's why viruses need hosts.

They enter host cells and take over cellular equipment to make little virus factories.

Without a host cell, viruses would never reproduce.

And, in this case, the hosts are...also viruses.

Mimiviruses can't copy DNA and protein on their own either, and have to infect an amoeba

to reproduce.

That's where the virophage sneaks in.

It infects the mimivirus while it's infecting the amoeba and borrows the giant virus factory.

So instead of making more giant viruses, the amoeba churns out the virophage copies instead.

This directly harms the giant virus and its efforts to reproduce, which is what leads

researchers to say that virophages are parasites of giant viruses, not of amoebas.

Now, giant viruses are kind of special because they seem to have some of that cellular equipment,

like a few genes involved in protein translation.

But they don't have ribosomes, the big factories that actually string proteins together.

So they can't get the job done all by themselves.

That's why many biologists exclude viruses from the tree of life that includes bacteria,

archaea, and eukaryotes.

If viruses can't replicate on their own, they're not really alive.

Scientists can compare various genes to determine evolutionary relationships, but if you want

to go back to the very beginning, you have to compare something that all cellular life has.

That's ribosomes.

Scientists line up the gene sequences of ribosomes to determine who's most closely related

to whom.

Since viruses don't have ribosomes, that means there's no way to fit them into that paradigm.

Viruses have historically just not been considered enough to count as life.

Not enough complexity, not a big enough genome to fit in the same camp as life as we know it.

But there's still a debate going on.

Like, maybe we're being cell chauvinists.

After all, viruses don't have ribosomes, but we cellular organisms don't have capsid

proteins, which form the coats of many viruses.

And giant viruses are supercharging that debate because they are more complex and they do

have big genomes.

Not to mention, they have some of that protein-making machinery that was thought to be unique to

us proper protein-making cellular creatures.

And the discovery of virophages has fired things up, too.

Virophage DNA can become integrated into the DNA of its host virus, just like other viral

genomes can integrate into cellular hosts.

So if giant viruses can be preyed on like cells... maybe that's an argument that we

should think of them as being more alive.

At least, according to some scientists.

We've only discovered 18 types of virophages so far, in places as diverse as lakes in Antarctica

to contact lens fluid in France.

Many of those are just hits in genome searches, meaning sequences similar to known virophages

have turned up in genomic studies.

Nothing about them has actually been studied in detail yet, so we don't know what they

look like or what they infect.

Which only sort of counts as discovering them.

But it seems like there could be plenty more of them out there, and virophages and giant

viruses might be more common than we expect.

The question of whether viruses are alive isn't something we're going to answer

in a 4 minute video… because it's not something that biologists are going to settle

any time soon.

The more we try to categorize evolution in neat boxes, the more curveballs it throws us.

It's a virus-eat-virus world out there.

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For more infomation >> The Baffling Viruses That Infect... Other Viruses - Duration: 7:12.


Maxine Davis | Filmmaker - Duration: 5:54.

(serene music)

(paddling through water)

- I always felt the breeze in my face,

the touch of water, made me feel alive.

The things that make anybody feel alive is what they love,

I think.

(tranquil guitar music)

(paddling through water)

What a day.



(slow, jazzy music)

- [Kid] Hello.

- Lake of the Isles was a swamp.

There was Lake Calhoun and Cedar Lake

and then some brilliant, crazy person in the park order,

I think back in the early 1900s,

said, "Let's connect these lakes."

There was this big event that you can see

in historic pictures of Minneapolis

when they opened up the channels between the lakes.

Women in their long skirts and the guys in their hats.

My name is Maxine Davis

and everybody calls me Max, pretty much.

I've worked in the film industry 32 or 33 years

and maybe I'm known as for working

in historical documentaries now,

but I used to work on motion pictures,

made-for-TV movies, rock videos.

I was lucky enough to work on Purple Rain.

I like the variety of the film world

and video world and I like being outdoors.

My mother was an outdoors woman

and my father sold outdoor equipment.

I always felt more at ease out of doors than in my house.

I don't mind getting dirty and I don't mind getting wet

and I don't mind getting cold.

- [Film Narrator] Now the girls are getting ready

to jump off on their long wilderness exposition.

- The first girls' Outward Bound in America was in 1965

and I just said, "I love the outdoors.

"I've gotta do this."

I didn't know what I was getting into.

I didn't know how tough it was.

It was outside of Wheeling, Minnesota.

The origins of Outward Bound go back to World War II

and in the UK and they were trying to teach young men

how to withstand the rigors of war.

Because I think nature throws challenges at you

when it's pouring rain or there's muck up to your thighs.

Trying to work together as a team, and back in 1965,

unless you were in a private girls' school,

there weren't teams.

Title IX didn't exist.

So we went out as a brigade into the wilderness,

following, looking for portages and following

our compass and our map in a route

that took us places we'd never seen, never been,

didn't know what we were gonna confront when we got there.

And it made us sort of tough for that month.

You had to learn to get along and to find something inside

of yourself, some kind of gritty, tough thing

to just keep on going, because you couldn't stop.

It's like you can't give up.

When my daughter was one,

I found out I had a cancer.

I thought I might die and my daughter would never know me.

And I looked at this big hospital and I thought,

"Okay, you can go in here and you can do this,

"whatever it is."

"They're gonna take your blood.

"They're gonna cut hunks of whatever out in you.

"You're gonna have whatever."

And I thought, "Well, you made it through the muck

"of Outward Bound when you were 17.

"You can do this."

Ooh, I love this!

When the kids jump off the bridge.

I love this.


I've always wanted to do that and I've never done it.

I think kids need to play in nature

to see unstructured space,

to learn who they are by themselves and with their friends,

with this around, to give kids a sense of themselves.

You know, I'm a woman, an American woman,

a Jewish American woman.

Oh, you got, I didn't even see your dog.

My culture says I owe the world something.

You're suppose to leave the world better than you find it.

And I've tried to help in very small ways.

I'm looking for what the next thing is.

I wanna contribute something permanent,

so I have to figure that out.

But, it will probably have something to do with nature.

(slow, jazzy music)

For more infomation >> Maxine Davis | Filmmaker - Duration: 5:54.


HIGH DOSE BENZO Experiment Reloaded (5k Abonnenten SPECIAL) [Aufklärung/Safer-Use] - Duration: 28:38.

For more infomation >> HIGH DOSE BENZO Experiment Reloaded (5k Abonnenten SPECIAL) [Aufklärung/Safer-Use] - Duration: 28:38.


Michy Batshuayi festeja con balonazo en la cara - Duration: 1:09.

 Michy Batshuayi celebró el primer gol de Bélgica contra Inglaterra anotado por Adnan Januzaj con un pelotazo a su cara que se volvió viral en segundos en redes sociales

 Después de la anotación de Januzaj, el atacante del Chelsea tomó la pelota con las manos, le pegó y esta rebotó en el poste, lo que provocó que le pegara en la cara

 Tras el balonazo, fue a reírse junto con sus compañeros y continuó con el partido ante los ingleses

Ambas selecciones llegaron clasificadas a la siguiente ronda.

For more infomation >> Michy Batshuayi festeja con balonazo en la cara - Duration: 1:09.


English Modal Verb TIPS 🔸PART 2🔸 Ability 💪🏼 - Duration: 10:07.

Hello, I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!

Last week, my lesson was about using modal verbs

to express possibility and probability.

If you haven't seen it,

make sure you check it out after this lesson.

I'll link to it at the end of this video.

So, we'll continue talking about modal verbs today,

but this time modal verbs that express ability.

Now, it's important to know that one modal verb

can be used to express

different things in English.

So, for example, the modal verb 'can'

is used to express possibility but in this lesson today,

I'll explain how it expresses ability.

And then later,

you'll learn that 'can' can also be used

to ask permission, make requests

and offer help.

So, it's a pretty useful modal verb!

To express ability in English,

you need to use these verbs





And be able to.

Now, 'can' and 'can't' are pretty simple.

They're both used to express

ability in the present tense.

You can speak English.

My mum can pick us up.

I can ask my brother for help.

We also use '(be) able to'

to express the same thing.

You are able to speak English.

My mum is able to pick us up.

I am able to ask my brother for help.

But notice that the 'be' verb conjugates

to the subject

when we're using '(be) able to'.

But, when you're using the modal verb 'can'

it doesn't matter what the subject is.

The modal verb is always the same.

And this is true for all modal verbs.

They have just one form.

Now, the present tense is simple.

But, when we talk about ability in the past,

we need to pay closer attention to the rules.

Because we use 'could' to talk about general ability

and we use 'was/were able to'

to talk about specific ability in the past.


To express yourself correctly, you need to understand

What is general ability and what is specific ability?

If someone had the ability to do something, at all times

and in many different situations,

then this is a general ability.

She could read by the time she was five.

She could read anything!

Books, newspapers, letters, anything!

This is a general ability

so 'could' is the correct choice here.

Now, if someone had the ability to do something at a

specific time,

in a specific situation, well, this is specific ability.

She was able to read Little Red Riding Hood

in front of the class.

This is a specific situation.

So when you're talking about a specific ability

to 'be able to' is the correct choice.

So, in these examples,

we used different words to express ability in the past.

It's a little trickier, isn't it?

But fortunately, the negative form is the same

in general and specific situations in the past.

It's just 'couldn't'.

She couldn't read by the time she was five.

She couldn't read

Little Red Riding Hood in front of the class.

Note that when someone had the ability in the past,

but they didn't use it,

we use a different structure.

We use 'could' with 'have'

and the past participle form.

I could have helped you, but you didn't ask me!

We could have invited more people.

There's spare seats at the back!

Okay, let's just pause for a moment

and think about

all of this new information that you've taken in.

I think we should probably practise

expressing ability in the past tense

just for a moment before we move on.

So, what you need to do is choose the correct word

to complete the sentence.

Okay, choose the correct word.

When my neighbour

slipped down the stairs this morning, I...


help her.

So, think about this situation.

Is it general,

or is it specific?

This is a specific situation in the past, isn't it?

We know when and exactly what was happening.

So, 'I was able to help her' is the correct choice.

She (something) speak

a little Japanese when she was younger.

Is it general?

Or, is it specific?

It's general.

So, 'could' is the right choice.

She could speak.

My brother (something)

not start the car last night.

Well, this is a negative sentence, isn't it?

We can see 'not' so, it must be 'couldn't'.

My brother couldn't start the car last night.

Or he could not the car last night.

He (something)

offered to drop her home, but he was too tired.

Now, notice the form of the main verb here,

that's a clue

because it's not in the bare infinitive form.

So, it must be 'could have'.

He could have offered to drop her home,

My boss' phone was switched of all day today!

Finally, I got through at around and I

speak to her.

This is quite a specific situation, isn't it?

So, 'was able to' is the right answer.

Okay the last step now.

We need to talk ability in the future, don't we?

We still need to pay attention to those rules

about general ability and specific ability.

And it's a little trickier

because the rules are completely the opposite

to the past tense.

Thanks English.

So in the future, we use 'will'

and 'won't be able' to

to talk about general abilities.

So we're using 'will' as the future tense

and following 'will', as with all modal verbs

is the bare infinitive form every time.

We don't conjugate the verb following 'will' here.

It's 'will be' or 'won't be'.

If you arrive before 6 o' clock,

you'll be able to see the sunset.

Women who become members

will be able to practise their English speaking skills.

We use 'can' and 'can't'

to talk about specific abilities in the future.

I can look after your kids tomorrow night.

But I can't collect them from school

because I don't finish work until 5 o'clock.

So these are specific situations.

Okay a couple of questions to practise with

just before we finish.

I (something) help you with your homework

this afternoon.

That's a specific situation, at a specific time.

So in the future we you use 'can'.

If you complete this course, you

(something) apply for a new job.

So this is quite general, really.

So 'will be able to' is the correct choice.

Well, that's it!

But who would have thought that talking about

ability in English could be so tricky.

I hope this lesson made it a little clearer for you

and I really recommend that you write down a few

of your own sentences on paper

or in the comments under this video.

Then, go back to the start of this lesson

and watch it again to check your answers

and to make sure that the information sinks in.

Remember to practise using what you've learnt today.

Don't just watch these lessons,

use the English that I teach you.

Now if you want to keep practising,

then check out this lesson up here.

Oh and the modal verbs lesson

that talks about probability and possibility

is right here.

So thanks for watching and I'll see you again next week

for a new lesson.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> English Modal Verb TIPS 🔸PART 2🔸 Ability 💪🏼 - Duration: 10:07.


Fakhreddine BEN YOUSSEF (Tunisia) - Man of the Match - MATCH 46 - Duration: 2:07.

Today Tunisia has come back.

They got a deserved victory.

This is a gift from God to all the fans.

Yeah, after the previous matches we played confidently today.

We wanted to win this match, and we won for our families and the Tunisia fans.

Everyone in the squad wanted to give their best.

Thank God for everything.

The previous teams we played are among the strongest in the World.

However, the match today wasn't easy, neither mentally nor physically

Especially in terms of preparing our state of mind.

Thank God, in the end we got three points.

Thank God these were three deserved points.

You even got one goal in the match against England.

What did you learn from this experience?

We've learnt plenty of things.

We hope this squad will play again in the World Cup.

We gained experience.

Now we know what the World Cup means.

All the players in this squad loved this experience.

God willing, we still have other matches to play in Africa.

The next tournament isn't until another month or two, it will take time.

We'll also give our best there.

What can you tell us about your performance in the three matches?

Thank God, I wanted to give my best, to make our people happy.

They expect us to perform well.

I dedicate this gift to my family; my friends, who've always supported me,

and of course I dedicate it to the Tunisian people.

For more infomation >> Fakhreddine BEN YOUSSEF (Tunisia) - Man of the Match - MATCH 46 - Duration: 2:07.


Adnan JANUZAJ (Belgium) - Man of the Match - MATCH 45 - Duration: 1:02.

Adnan, the match was a difficult one, but your skill made the difference today.

Does this show just how far Belgium can go in this tournament?

Yeah, of course.

We knew it would be a tough match because both teams wanted to win.

And like you said, it needed a bit of individual skill which I brought, so I can be happy with that.

There were a lot of Belgian players who knew their opponents today.

It was like a meeting between friends.

Do you think that was an advantage for Belgium?

An advantage?

You could say so.

Almost all their players play together, in the same teams.

So we knew what to expect, we knew that both teams wanted to win.

And at times, the match was very intense.

For more infomation >> Adnan JANUZAJ (Belgium) - Man of the Match - MATCH 45 - Duration: 1:02.


Best Free Online Games (2018) - Duration: 4:01.

Do you wanna play the best latest games ?

what about challenging your friends online ?

you have a problem in prices & money ?

Today Im going to talk about the best free games

for this year 2018, It can be played online by console like ps or xbox

or in PC

how to download its & how to run it with a gift in the end of the video

Ahlan ! (Yo)

Hello & welcome

this Mohamed Aziz Hafhouf with you

from Hafhouf Geek Channel

Im back with another video

Today Im going to show you

the best latest free games in 2018

that you can enjoy it in PC with your friends online

first of all I want to be clear & declin that this is a personal list without any order or something like this

just Im going to talk about it

& know without any introductions... Let's Go

the first game for the FPS lovers

its Black Squad

we can compare it with CS Go

because, it has good graphics

with a variety of weapons & skins

a lot of maps

with a lot of modes

and you should try it with your freinds to get into the best experience

because its full with adventures & fire !

our second game its for Overwatch lovers

its paladins, it offer its own charm

with its special characters

this game its a mix between FPS & RPG

you can enjoy this game especially with good graphics

in a cartoonic way,

so youi can feel glamor

& the gameplay offer exitement in the same time

"Change the music, make some effects, Actionnnn ! "

the third game come from 3000 years, specifcly from Old Egypt

Yeah ! its the offical Yu Gi Oh Duel Links

from Konami

In this game

you are going to fin a complet system

to live the best experience of dueling online VS friends

or players all over the globe

everytime you win, you rank up

but this process its not that easy :p

you have to set good strategies & to be smart enough

this game is really amazing & every character from the serie are playable with their deck

so what you are waiting for ?

(you don't need to a subtitle :p)

fourth game : one of the best games in the world, a game that bombed the planet

which is ofc Fortnite

My brother, if you didn't hear about it then you are from another planet

because its one of the best free battle royale games

for who don't know exactly what is Batlle Royale...

well, its a mode where everybody

play in a specefic map, & the playable area decreases in time

to regroup players to make them in battles

so only the strongest will survive

finally, from 100 players, one player will win the game

let's comeback to the war

with our fifth & final game World of Tanks

its literally the world of tanks

every player is going to drive & guide a tank in a team

to make battles vs anther team

in this game you will find a lot of modes

& its one of the best war-tanks games and the most played game in PC

To download all these games & to get your gift

just click in the link below in the description

so you will find a tutorial (how to run it) & all links to download it

& a method to get payed games for free totally legal from the official companies

So tell me in the comment section

which one from this list worth the first place ?

& which one you are going to download ?

and if I found a lot of Likes I'll make another video with new list of free games

so we are in the end of the video

I hope that you enjoyed it

Know I have to say , this Mohamed Aziz Hafhouf from Hafhouf Geek

Beslema ! (GoodBye)

For more infomation >> Best Free Online Games (2018) - Duration: 4:01.


Games With Gold - julio 2018 - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Games With Gold - julio 2018 - Duration: 2:12.


Voices of pride and protest at Toronto Pride 2018 - Duration: 1:39.

We're all loving. We have glory. We have beauty within ourselves, and without.

And we represent a great community in this country.

I'm here in Toronto celebrating Pride because

I'm proud to be out with my friends, celebrating my queerness and theirs, together,

in a public space. There are people who aren't able to do that, and so we need to keep pushing forward

and keep that in mind when we're celebrating our queerness at Pride.

I'm from a small town, and I didn't come out until after

high school, so honestly, just being here feels like home.

Everyone should be able to love whoever they feel they love,

and just be who they are.

Accept each other.

All year round, not just one day.

That's what we need to do.

It's important to always remember to fight each other's battles, and to help lift each other up for

the greater good. Remember our history, remember the roots. Remember that Pride started as a protest. That's why

I'm proud. Because we always have to be fighting and make sure that everyone can get the

justice they deserve, and the ability to be themselves.

For more infomation >> Voices of pride and protest at Toronto Pride 2018 - Duration: 1:39.


Maine businesses look to solve workforce crisis - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Maine businesses look to solve workforce crisis - Duration: 3:14.


Dangerous Heat Coming - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Dangerous Heat Coming - Duration: 3:25.


Natuzzi, trovato l'accordo: salvi 2mila posti di lavoro - Duration: 3:01.

 Vertenza Natuzzi: è arrivato l'accordo che potrebbe scongiurare il licenziamento di 2mila dipendenti

L'intesa è stata sottoscritta oggi, giovedì 28 giugno, al Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico vede la firma di azienda, sindacati e parti istituzionali e consentirà l'occupazione di 1562 collaboratori a tempo pieno con la riqualificazione di altri 555 dipendenti in attività internalizzate da Natuzzi, attraverso formazione professionale

  Cosa prevede il nuovo piano Natuzzi  Gli investimenti previsti ammontano a 36 milioni di euro e vedranno anche la realizzazione di un nuovo stabilimento nelle vicinanze di Iesce 2 ad Altamura

Il piano, spiega l'azienda, sarà operativo da ottobre 2018 e si svilupperà in 24 mesi con l'obiettivo del ritorno alla competitività del polo industriale italiano

Il nuovo assetto industriale, dunque, vedrà operative le sedi di Ginosa, Iesce 1, Iesce 2, Laterza, La Martella oltre a quella centrale di Santeramo

Come riporta BariToday, questo programma sarà subordinato all'accesso al piano di investimenti, regolato da Invitalia, pari a 36 milioni di euro e all'ottenimento dell'ammortizzatore sociale per la gestione di tutto il personale da riqualificare"

La Regione Puglia parteciperà con 10 milioni di euro, monitorando l'andamento dell'investimento da completare in 2 anni

Emiliano: "Plauso ad azienda e sindacati"  Soddisfazione è stata espressa dal governatore pugliese, Michele Emiliano: "Il nuovo progetto industriale 'esuberi zero'

sottoposto a referendum tra i 2000 dipendenti e approvato con un consenso dell'86% è un dato straordinariamente importante - spiega - perché in discontinuità con il passato aziendale caratterizzato da forti conflitti sindacali

Anche per questo va il mio plauso ad azienda e sindacati. Esprimo soddisfazione ed apprezzamento anche perché la Regione Puglia ha avuto, presso la Cabina di Regia ed avrà in futuro un ruolo determinante per la realizzazione del progetto"

For more infomation >> Natuzzi, trovato l'accordo: salvi 2mila posti di lavoro - Duration: 3:01.


Man accused of making threats against hospital - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Man accused of making threats against hospital - Duration: 0:59.


Documentales del FICM podrán competir por un Oscar - Duration: 1:25.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO. La Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de Estados Unidos anunció la incorporación del Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia (FICM) , a la Documentary Feature Qualifying Festival List, una lista recién creada de festivales selectos con jurado designado, cuyos largometrajes documentales ganadores podrán competir por un premio Oscar en la categoría de Mejor Largometraje Documental

 Por medio de un comunicado se destacó que el FICM es el único festival mexicano que forma parte de esta lista, y uno de los tres de Latinoamérica, junto al Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena de Indias de Colombia y el É Tudo Verdade–Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Brasil

 Los documentales que resulten ganadores en el FICM, podrán ser elegidos automáticamente para ser considerados en la nominación al máximo premio cinematográfico que otorga la academia estadunidense

 Desde 2008, el festival mexicano fue reconocido oficialmente por la AMPAS, por lo cual los cortometrajes ganadores en las categorías de Ficción, Animación y Documental son elegibles para inscribirse a los premios Oscar


For more infomation >> Documentales del FICM podrán competir por un Oscar - Duration: 1:25.


How Successful Leaders Approach Innovation, Collaboration & Mentorship - Duration: 9:21.

Innovation, leadership and women in insurance - that's what we're talking about today as we head to the 2018

IICF Women in Insurance Conference.

Hi, I'm Amber and this is Explore Insurance - your source for insurance industry news, trends, and events.

This is the inaugural episode of Explore Insurance and

I can't think of a better way to kick off the series than with a women in insurance conference

That brings together insurance professionals from across the country to talk about the forces that continue to reshape our industry

I spent the first 10 years of my career in personal lines underwriting operations where I was lucky enough to be surrounded by tenured industry veterans,

incredible women leaders, and

engaged supportive mentors who helped turn an entry-level insurance job into a lifelong passion for the industry. When I joined

insurance industry partner last year, Explore Information Services,

I saw an opportunity to create a series bringing industry news,

trends, and events those within insurance carriers - as well as fellow industry partners and voilá explore insurance was born

So follow Explore Insurance on LinkedIn and join me as I head to Chicago to bring you on-site interviews and insight into this year's

IICF women in insurance Midwest Conference

We are here in beautiful downtown Chicago at the Mid America Club for the 2018

IICF women in insurance conference series. I'm going to grab some breakfast and head into the conference

IICF stands for Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation as you know

We're actually celebrating nationally a 25 year anniversary this year. The IICF, the mission is really around three things. It's around

of course charitable contributions in the communities where we live and work. It's also

Really we promote volunteerism

We want our teams and our industry very involved in volunteer activities

And thirdly the third pillar is really around leadership and that's why we're here today

Amber is for the women in insurance on leadership forum is really to drive leadership on strategic issues that the insurance industry faces

Focus really on delivering results. I got this advice early on too actually for my college advisor

Because I was probably a little bit more of a techie and he really encouraged me to have a balanced perspective

He said

you know don't miss out on some of the liberal arts. How that resonated with me that all of us need to have a

balance I think of

technical skills and interpersonal so

Balancing how we interact with people but having enough technical knowledge to establishment credibility

so I would say deliver results, you know a combination of technical and


capabilities and then I think thirdly is

Make sure that you kind of build a proper network and that established ourselves as lifetime learners

I always say, you know, we're lifetime learners be curious about

your role, be curious about your colleague's role, be curious about your customers

So I think just having a curiosity about the business

There's this sense again that we have to make that every company has to make a choice between

incremental improvement

internally or a


And the key is to manage that spectrum always

so if you can do

Incremental and internal improvements and modernizations while at the same time

Having some stretch goal innovation going on all the way to quite literally moon

shots in the innovation space

And then by that's that's an innovation portfolio

Once you have a view of that

And how many ideas are in each of those

Then you can create


To manage the resources and the pace

Companies should treat each idea as an investment

I know

companies I've worked with over the course of a year will take in 1,000 - 2,000 ideas

They should only probably go to market with

two or three

They're going to fall into one of two categories:

the person who was brave enough and acted

for the long term health and stability of the company

or the guy who should have. My message to them is it is simpler than you think because the minute they decide what

technology or market or application with technology they want to focus on just to launch

As soon as that decision is made,

they have launched an innovation effort.

I have to remind people all the time, you're not going to plant your flag

perfectly, it's important that you plant it. That's my message - you learn by doing so just go ahead and act.

My best advice to anybody who's working in a large organization or small where you are facing that

is - you really have to know what your end goal is

and know who the key stakeholders are and you have to be bold, right, and sometimes you need to work across those lines

so whether it is picking up the phone, whether it is getting on a video conference if you're not in the same location

Whether it's asking people to help you get to those people because I know when you're especially if you're earlier in your career

You don't always have access to people and people generally do want to help. The other thing, too

I would say is like make sure that people know what you do, right and what you're trying to accomplish because sometimes

The biggest issue is that people just don't get it

They just don't really understand what it is that you're trying to accomplish or what your business unit,

what you know what your strategic goals are for that year and sometimes when they when you get someone to understand that

then they're more apt to help you.

Mentorship is

extremely important to me. I do participate as a mentor in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy here in Chicago

Which is a mentor program for high school females

mostly from underprivileged

areas of the city and it's a great opportunity for them to build their own businesses

Over the course of 32 weeks they build an entire business plan

And they present it to the committee, kind of like "Shark Tank" deal to investors. So they pitch to get money.

It's really fun, it's a great way to kind of get these young girls. It's important to me that they see

female leaders. And even if you're early in your career, there's reverse mentorship

My joke is I think everyone's so scared of millennials but I'm like, oh my gosh, keep them close

They're amazing. So we have a lot of 20-somethings that are on our team and they're

phenomenally smart. They think in different ways and they help move our business forward faster

and so in many ways they mentor me! So I think

you know the whole concept of having mentors, being a mentor, is something that as any any career professional, especially in our industry,

Really should be

adding to their

to-do list.

And that's a wrap for the 2018 IICF Women in Insurance conference series

I'm heading back to Minneapolis. Don't forget to follow Explore Insurance for more insurance industry news, trends, and events

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