Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

hey everyone I hope you are having a fantastic day today for those of you Make Money Online Fast with Motor Club of America | MCA Work From Home

that don't know my name is Sarah Gilmore and I wanted to tell you today about a

way that you can start making money online from home from your phone and

quickly I know that is appealing to so many people because we all have such

busy lives right and who wants to go work in the office or pick up a second

job if you are wanting to make more money maybe you don't even like your job

and you're wanting to quit right and doesn't anybody or everybody want extra

money it makes life so much easier and it can make it so much more enjoyable if

you can travel more if you have that extra money to pay off bills get your

hospital debts paid off or your student loans or whatever you know I mean you Make Money Online Fast with Motor Club of America | MCA Work From Home

know the uses of money I don't have to state them so this is something that I

had actually been a part of for a year and a half and I check out the

opportunity I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed one day and and excuse

me guys I stopped the camera to sneeze and I'm not even gonna take that out but

and I'm so I got distracted but I've been a part of this opportunity for a

year and a half now I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and I saw

some girls showing money this commission that was she was earning and I check out

the business opportunity I signed up on the spot because I can see a good

opportunity and I know how to spot scams from something that's that's legit

because I've done a lot of research right so I signed up on this spot and

it's called Motor Club of America now Motor Club of America what they do is

they offer roadside assistance and a lot of other benefits to their members and

the great thing about it is that they have an affiliate program so that means Make Money Online Fast with Motor Club of America | MCA Work From Home

that when you sign up and you become an associate with them they will pay you

for each person that you refer to their services and so you may be thinking oh

Sarah that's boring blah blah blah who wants to be referring people to roadside

assistance well guys roadside assistance people

need it okay they need it who wants to end up stranded on a highway

who wants to end up in the hospital without extra cash in their pocket I

mean there's a lot of benefits that Motor Club of America offers and just

anytime that you do refer somebody to their services they pay you now how much

do they pay you they pay you 80 to 90 dollars per referral that means people

that you can refer three only three people a week and have 240 extra dollars

every single Friday every single Friday $240

it's not hard to refer three people a week um with this opportunity whenever

you do sign up with me you'll you will be provided full training that will

teach you how to work the business so you don't have to be scared coming into

it and be like I don't know what I'm doing how am I gonna refer people you

know I don't want to sell to people you're gonna receive training and let me Make Money Online Fast

tell you it's not sales okay what I do is I post ads on social media it

attracts people when those ads generate sales

I get paid Commission because people sign up for Motor Club of America

because of the ads that I post it is hosted booked guys is some of the

simplest work that you will ever do yes you do have to show up every day yes you

do have to put on effort every day yes there is learning in their skill

involved but not it it's hard it's not hard tell you what it's a lot easier work from home mca

than going working on a construction company or sitting in some boring office

for eight hours or more a day like glue to your computer freaking bored out of

your mind being on your feet every day as a server killing your feet in your

back you know waiting on people rude people might I add you know making

measly tips standing on your feet all day through Walmart being a cashier

again me you know it's kind of nice to be your own boss because you don't have

to clock into any of those jobs and put up with any of those people oh wow

that's sorry about that like literally a firecracker just went off and that was

super loud and it's not even July I guess it is getting close to July though motor club of america

so back to my what I was saying it's nice to be able to be your own boss

because you do have the potential to quit your job if you show up and put in

the work every day this easy work whenever you're able to make and two

hundred forty three hundred twenty five hundred six hundred thousand two

thousand extra dollars every single Friday of course you can quit that job

think of the time freedom that you can have guys and if you show up every day

and you put the work in you can start making money quickly there are people it

is common she make four hundred their first week five hundred their first week

80 bucks their first week two hundred bucks I mean come on so if you are

interested in receiving full training on how to do Motor Club of America

and get paid eighty to ninety dollars per referral by posting ads on social

media please click the link below my video and connect with me on Facebook

message me that you signed up you can send me an email that you sign up you

can message me here on the YouTube video it doesn't matter but please let me know

that you sign up and let's connect and I'll get you into the training group

today so that you can start making a direct deposit by next Friday

guys this is quick it's easy and the money is good sorry about that extra

entertainment but again thanks for watching please subscribe to my channel

please comment like my videos I was appreciate the interaction and you guys

have a great day

For more infomation >> Make Money Online Fast with Motor Club of America | MCA Work From Home - Duration: 5:44.


AMV Tokyo Teddy Bear HD (phụ đề Việt sub) - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> AMV Tokyo Teddy Bear HD (phụ đề Việt sub) - Duration: 3:41.


Troca de compressor cuidados básicos e garantia - Duration: 12:15.

For more infomation >> Troca de compressor cuidados básicos e garantia - Duration: 12:15.


PBS NewsHour full episode June 28, 2018 - Duration: 54:38.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour full episode June 28, 2018 - Duration: 54:38.


Taurus Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions - Duration: 4:12.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> Taurus Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions - Duration: 4:12.


How Introverts Can Keep a Conversation and Never Run Out of Things to Say - Duration: 3:19.

Running out things to say in a conversation is awful.

It is even worse especially you are talking to someone important for your future.

Indeed, you may face a dangerous problem if you eventually end the conversation without

even saying goodbye or any closing remark.

Fortunately, we have some tips to keep you fed with ideas to say.

If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the subscribe button below, and don't

forget to like this video if you find this information is helpful to you.

Let's here the tips on how to never run out of things to say in a conversation.

#1 - Just relax.

Relax is the most important thing you should remember anytime you are in a conversation

with someone you like or love.

The reason being is that staying in this condition makes your ideas flowing in orderly manner.

You know what topic you will discuss next as you plan.

Additionally, you also get additional ideas especially if you get respond from the person

before you.

This also means that you should not have to worry about the things you are talking about.

Please remember to be ethical and careful though.

#2 - Ask some of these.

Favorite items, friends, occupation, foods, injuries, pets, hobby, celebrities, and music.

They are all good topic to trigger more response about the person you are interested in.

just be sure that you listen to what they answered since it will keep the conversation

going smoothly.

It is also important to be prepared to being asked back.

That means, you need to learn some of those topics to create link between you and him,

or her.

#3 - Observing the surroundings.

No no no.

it is not only about the weather.

It is about people.

Talking about people around you is excellent way to keep a conversation going from silence.

If you are wondering why, it is because human being is related.

That means, it is fairly easy to trigger response from other human being around the vicinity.

Well, those are all some tips to keep conversation going.

There are still other things you can do.

However, keep practicing those tips before we continue.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How Introverts Can Keep a Conversation and Never Run Out of Things to Say - Duration: 3:19.


Horóscopo Cancer Predicciones 2018 Derribas Bloqueos, Mudanza - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo Cancer Predicciones 2018 Derribas Bloqueos, Mudanza - Duration: 5:47.



- It's official!

(bright music)

- 23rd, May, 2018, we're in the back

of a horse's cart right now, check this out.

Gili T. is where we're at right now,

second day that we're here, and it's about 1:00

in the afternoon, 1:30 in the afternoon.

We're going to go to the swings,

and we're also going to chill out on the beach,

I'll get you some drone footage.

Let's do this, right now.

(bright music)


Please give up singing.


My new thongs not slops.

- Slops. - [Brad] Who calls them slops?

- I do.

- [Brad] Slops and flip flops, man.

(laughter) - [Brad] They're thongs,

thongs, thongs, in Australia

we call them thongs. - Flops, flops.

- [Brad] Slops.


(bright music)

We'll do it together, ready, ready.

- That dude, he did that to me.



- You did that really well.


You've practised that.

Did you practise that?




She's a dog, man.

- A poodle, a poodle.


- Do the horse, do the horse.

- The whole thing?

- No, no, I'll do the (blows)




Again, again.





Ooh, you okay?

- [Robyn] You okay?

- [Brad] You need help?

- [Robyn] Oh her head was so close to the...

- [Brad] Yep, you okay?

- Oh, all good, yes, all good.

- You all right?

- Yeah, no, no, it didn't hit me at all,

it hit the bike, it's okay. (laughs)

- [Brad] So the bike hit the carriage?

- No.

- Yeah, yeah.

- We almost ran over a girl on a bike,

in a horse and carriage.

- [Robyn] She fell right there by the wheel.

Like, that's why I screamed, because I thought, you know,

her head would get squashed by the wheel.

- Guys, that was filming.

- And like, I was scared, that really scared me.

- So basically, a girl fell of her bike,

she almost ran into the horse and like,

fell under the wheel of the carriage.

Alright, so back at Ombak Sunset,

the place we're staying here,

and the horse has just dropped us off.

Check this out, horse and carriage right here,

for 150,000, right here.

- Bye.

- See you man, thank you, ciao.

So, we get back at Ombak right now,

going upstairs, going to get the drone out actually

and head over there.

As you can see, beautiful sand, lanterns hanging down there,

beautiful sunny day, swings are straight through there.

That's where we're going very shortly, stick around.

This girl's on a mission.

She's been shopping, look, she's been shopping again, again.

Turn around, show everybody what you bought.

Show me.

Open up your bag, I wanna see it, we wanna see it, show us.

Look at this beach towel,

which actually it's a beach sarong.

- With pockets.

- [Brad] With pockets, look at the colour,

I actually like the colour, that's quite nice.

- Ta-da!

- [Brad] It's very nice.

Mermaid, talk to me, people wanna know where we are.

- [Robyn] I can never remember the...

- Check out, check, okay, so we're at Ombak Sunset.

- [Robyn] That's it, that's what I was trying to remember.

- Yeah, Ombak Sunset is where we're staying,

right, two nights here.

This pool is insane.

Look how long that is.

Look how long that pool is.

And so the actual beach is straight through there.

It's official!

(bright music)

- Mermaid, ah!


- [Bartender] One Pina Colada, yeah?

- Two Pina Colada. - Two please.

- Two Pina Colada. - Two Pina Colada.

- [Bartender] Where are you from?

- From Australia.

- [Bartender] Australia, right, yeah.

- [Brad] From Melbourne.

- Melbourne.

- Melbourne.

- It is official, it is official, boyfriend, girlfriend,

it just, it just was meant to be.

It was meant to be, so right now we're in the pool

and enjoying ourselves and the water is amazing.

- Celebrating with a Pina Colada.

- Two Pina Coladas are on the way.


- Cheers.

- [Brad] Cheers, to us.

- To us.

- [Brad] To us.

Cheers, to us, to us. - [Bartenders] Cheers.


It's official, it's official.

- [Brad] That is awesome.

- Yoga, hold.

- [Brad] Yoga pose on a horse,

at Gili T., and ocean swings.

(bright music)



Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 6:37.

Panic Button did the impossible last year and ported DOOM to the Switch.

One of the greatest shooters of all time and one that was built from the ground up for

PS4 and Xbox one.

Sure the frame rate and resolution were pretty much cut in half but to have a current gen

game running on a what's essentially a handheld shows just how far we've come.

And they've done it again with Wolfenstein 2 the New Colossus.

Depsite adoring The New Order, I actually let the sequel get by during the initial release

so the Switch version was my first exposure to the nazi killing follow up and man am I


The New Colossus ramps up the tension, the stakes and creates a more personal journey

with one of the most hateful antagonists I've come across in a shooter.

While DOOM went for the shooter now, ask questions later approach, Wolfenstein is a far more

linear style of story telling and it's surprisingly gripping, even if at times ridiculous.

There are so many effective moments though that draw direct parallels with racists and


See, Wolfenstein takes place in an alternate history where Nazis won World War 2 and while

some fight back, others embrace the dictatorship.

It creates some really uncomfortable scenarios, especially in scenes where all you can do

is sit back and watch.

The story really is a highlight of The New Colossus and it constantly throws all this

built up tension at you only to then let you storm out and just destroy everyone.

You can probably tell that I like the game which means the port must be good, right?

And yeah absolutely, Panic Button have managed to take a game visually more diverse than

DOOM and bring it over to Switch with seemingly better results.

During normal and intense fire fights I didn't even notice frame rate drops, what I did notice

though is the image quality getting a tad blurry in scenarios with heavy fog and smoke


It feels like the prioritised frame rate and it really works out for the best.

I actually recommend playing this in handheld mode as the lower resolution actually looks

pretty good on the smaller screen though docked is nothing to be scoffed at.

This is one of the best looking games on Switch.

Moments like this with floorboards flying everywhere don't even seem to make the Switch

sweat which is amazing.

But it's not just all about visuals.

Those who stuck around with DOOM know that it was eventually patched with gyro controls

and man did that change things.

Now here's one little issue popped up which could be a big issue if you aren't aware.

When I first started playing Wolfenstein the menu was completely static, like I couldn't

move up or down and the only inputs it was recongise were A and B. So I could start the

game but I couldn't adjust anything.

It wasn't until around 6 hours in that I found a work around.

For whatever reason I needed to reboot my Switch from scratch, for a fellow journalist

at Nintendo Life, they only had to do it once.

I had to do it four times though.

No idea why this is the case and hopefully it's patched by the time you guys get your

hands on the game but now that it's working, the issue has never popped up again.

While a weird glitch, it actually came with a perk.

I played half the game without gyro and the other half with gyro and boy do I appreciate

that second half even more.

Gyro controls let you make such small refinements to your aim and is honestly comparable to

a keyboard and mouse.

They've pretty much become a control standard for the Switch at this point and if playing

Wolfenstein on the go wasn't a selling point for you?

Gyro should be, it's a game changer.

All this makes Wolfenstein 2 not only a great Switch port but gives it perks over other


Sure if visuals are what you care about, go for last year's originals but it's insanely

impressive what they've pulled off on such small hardware.

Wolfenstein isn't just your average world war 2 shooter.

Having lost the ability to walk, BJ Blatzkowitz relies on a special suit that makes him a

borderline super soldier, this lets him rampage around at high speeds and dual wield just

about any weapon regardless of how heavy it is.

The sheer amount of combat options is staggering, you can take it slow and deal with all the

Nazis with stealth, you can stay behind cover and lean out dealing with them one by one

or you can run and gun and use their own weapons against them.

The game even incentivises you to mix up playstyles with perks rewarded for performing different

actions with different setups.

Whether you're sneaking around with a silenced pistol or painting the walls with dual shotguns,

every single blast feels good and the emotional story makes each character feel justified.

BJ isn't an angry man, he's a sad one who's been put down by Nazi's his entire

life, even by his American father.

Some levels are bombastic and huge and others are calm and small.

Wolfenstein is an emotional rollercoaster and the unpredictability always made me want

to see what was next.

There were so many moments where I thought "How the heck is he gonna get out of this

one" and the answer is rarely what you think it'll be.

The Nazis are overwhelmingly powerful newly developed weaponry and cybersuits but perhaps

more powerful than that is simply looking at the environments and seeing remains of

a world on the edge of defeat.

There's a ton of lore to uncover in The New Colossus that tell a much deeper story

than what's on the surface.

Inbetween levels you'll even return to what can be considered a HUB where every single

character changes and develops as the game goes on.

You can even go into their rooms and learn what they're all about.

Wolfenstein The New Colossus nails its atmosphere, it nails the gunplay and always gives you

the motivation to push on.

This is a purely a single player shooter but I think it more than justifies it.

There are times where Wolfenstein would remind me of Half Life only with a less friendly

robot dogs and Nazis.

With the reboots of DOOM and Wolfenstein we're in a new brilliant era of single player shooters

and it's remarkable that both franchises are back on a Nintendo platform for the first

time in over a decade.

Wolfenstein's definitely more sentimental than DOOM but it justifies all the story and

emotional depth with the payoff of bringing Nazis to their knees.

This is a powerful game and just about every element feels good.

Despite the issue with having to restart my Switch a few times to get the menu working,

the port feels brilliant, I did run into one glitch where I took the camera anywhere I

wanted and tried to find secrets and new discoveries in some of our favourite games, but that seemed

like a weird exception that probably exists in other versions too.

There just aren't that many first person shooters on Switch and when we get some as

well made as this, it's hard not to appreciate all the effort and polish squeezed into every


The game lastest me around 8 hours but there's still so many secrets to go back and find

to the point where I only cleared it with a 38% completion rate.

I loved Wolfenstein the New Colossus.

There may be some downgrades visually but purely in terms of how it plays, I had an

even better time with this than The New Order and was consistently floored that that Switch

could pull off such a feat.

What do you guys think of Wolfenstein?

Let us know in the comments below and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Woflenstein

and other things gaming too.

Until next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 6:37.


ASMR Eating Ice - CHERRY & BLUEBERRY Juice - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> ASMR Eating Ice - CHERRY & BLUEBERRY Juice - Duration: 3:01.


Report: Police identify Annapolis newsroom shooter - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Report: Police identify Annapolis newsroom shooter - Duration: 3:37.


Alldocube M5 Unboxing & Review - Helio X20 LTE Ten Core Tablet - Duration: 13:39.

The is the Alldocube M5 it is a 10.1 inch 2560 by 1600 resolution IPS tablet

that runs Android 8 it has a ten core Helio X20 CPU with Mali T880 GPU 4

gigabytes of RAM and 64 gigabytes of storage now this model here is a budget

offering from cube it is now their second mediatek helio X 20 tablet so it

does have 4G support LTE but unfortunately yet again only the Chinese

bands there so it will take to micro Sims as you can see under the plastic

here on the back of it and an SD card micro SD card so you don't actually have

to give up one of those SIM slots which is good

3.5 millimeter headphone jack and micro USB along the top here a rear 5

megapixel camera a front 2 megapixel camera and along the sides either side

we do have side firing speakers that put out a decent volume but they don't

actually sound too good I will give them give you a sample of those later on in

this video here so the battery capacity 6600 million hours it isn't huge and you

can see the build overall it does have a dated look with those larger white

bezels and it is an alloy unibody they have on the back so it is well put

together and in hand feels ok the volume buttons and the power button well those

are made out of plastic and I do have a little bit of a cheap feel to them that

tiny little dot you can see there that isn't the microphone that's in fact a

reset switch and on the front you'll find a little tiny slot for our

microphone so inside the box you get the tablet and this protective sleeve and it

will come with a pre applied screen protector in the factory and normally

they put them on perfectly and then just under this right here we have the power

supply and our USB micro USB cable so that power supply is very small it's

rated to 5 volts 2m so it's not a quick charger the USB cable is quite short

it's in white and we do have this quick guide here which is in Chinese but also

English on the reverse side which is good the m5 weighs 548 grams which isn't

too bad for a 10.1 inch tablet and the thickness is 9.3 millimeters so it's not

the thinnest now the display of the auto tube m5 is somewhat of a letdown while

it does have a nice resolution 2560 by 1600 it's an IPS panel the color

reproduction is okay you can tweak it with the mirror vision application so

you can tweak those whites to your own preference see if you like cool whites

warm whites out of the box it's okay the colors are a little bit off as you

expect for a hundred and eighty US tablet so we're it disappoints as

maximum brightness it only outputs up to about a hundred and ninety Lux on the

max setting which is simply not enough more so considering that this screen is

not fully laminated like some of the other tablets that I have reviewed

recently they're being fully laminated I can give you a couple examples there so

the tech last t10 is one of them and there's also another model from Chile of

course which is the hi9 ear that is also fully laminated so this is way more

susceptible to reflections the gap is approximately to 0.5 millimeters so it's

not the greatest you get about 57 gigabytes free on first boot you can of

course expand upon that with the micro SD card slot one of the best things

about the m5 is the ROM so it's 100% stock there's no custom launches and it

doesn't have any Chinese bloatware and you can also see that we do have this

right here hardware FM radio all you need to do is just insert a headset

which will act as the antenna for the FM tuner now the overall ROM performance is

OK you do see a little bit of stutter sometimes and even just the animations

you'll notice it's not 100% smooth the whole time but overall in general I feel

for the price of this tablet it is good and because it is an Android 8 tablet or

since Android 7 we can also run apps that support it in split-screen mode

which is also possible and all you need to do simply for that as just hold down

one of the app so for example right now I have Chrome open here and I can just

move this over and then you can also launch another app right there

and rainbow for them now depending on what apps you're running that will of

course affect their performance so it does support to Google's wired vine

level one and this is the DRM info so when it comes to things like Netflix

Netflix streaming that you will be able to get HD at least with this and I also

have streamed Amazon Prime video and it works perfectly fine on here

so being Android 8 it does support Tribble but it doesn't have the full

seamless update support as you can see here unsupported so that's not great to

see now testing out the wireless AC performance the range is good it's okay

it's not the greatest they have seen and maximum performance I could get out of

my wireless AC router is about 212 to 250 megabits per second that was a

download speeds here I also did test out another download test you can see so

upload slightly faster here 247 but for the price again of this tablet I feel

that that is okay and you're not really gonna get any better than that out of

this particular chipset here so 4G speeds there alright I would call

this an OK kind of speed considering I'm with orange here in Spain and they are

very slow they're rubbish I can't seem to get really any better than this now

the LTE bands are very limited so there's no LTE band 24 other European

users the good thing is that here in Spain at least I can always use the

bands that they ship with these Chinese mobile phones and tablets and here is

the internal storage so it's a MMC four point five point one spec and you know

these speeds aren't great they could be a lot faster they could also be a lot

slower I said to see they couldn't use MMC 5.1 which just would be a little bit

faster but this overall will not affect the performance of the device GPS so yes

it does have GPS and I managed to get accuracy of around about 4 to 5 meters

which isn't bad but it doesn't tend to lock on to to many satellites it doesn't

use them all and it also does not have a hardware compass and lastly the end to

to score so 103,000 for the Helio X 20 this chipset here from MediaTek paired

up with the Mele t8 80 GPU this is actually a good score this is not bad

now the average memory uses two point three gigabytes here and has four

gigabytes in total which I feel is perfectly fine for an Android

8 tablet to have 4 gigabytes even 3 gigabytes is fine what I don't recommend

is those older tablets that only have 2 gigabytes of RAM inside the audio cube

m5 we have a six thousand six hundred million hour battery and so far in my

test here you can see four hours and seven minutes of on screen time I have

32% battery left and my estimates here are around about seven and a half hours

and I do believe that because I have been gaming and this has been very heavy

use of being playing lineage to revolution for about two hours and it

also played some pub G shadow fight 3 as well so that's demanding you so if

you're doing something just like web browsing then expect these figures to be

a little bit higher and I've been on wireless most of the time a little bit

of data so if you use data a lot more again expect less this is only just an

estimate of the battery life now to fully charge it is going to take close

to four hours so it is very slow it's only charging at five volts two amps now

the screen because it does have the 2560 by 1600 resolution it looks good for

e-books you can see I've got an example here I'm using Google play's books and

it's good it's great for this now if you load up heavy PDF files so lots of

images expect a little bit of slowdown it will take a little while to catch up

that's just how it is with this chipset so it's not going to give you amazing

iPad like performance no but for this kind of stuff these Lite ebooks it's

fine for this as I pointed out in the beginning of the video here so we've got

two side firing speakers and yes you guessed it they don't sound great the

volume is okay but they really do lack quality I'll give you a sample of them

now at 100%

so looking at PUBG performance it's not the smoothest but it does seem to be

a little bit better than some of the other Helio x20 tablets I have tested so

you can see that just moving around there now there's a little bit of

starter now this is on the lower settings which the game auto detects I

would not increase that and you can actually increase that without using

something like GFX tool so when you zoom in here we'll discuss a that that's fine

I mean I managed to get here 16 kills but it's only a low-level game against

pretty much bots and very few human players just the ones on my side there

and of course having the bigger screen just does make this a lot more

comfortable than say playing on your mobile phone the other thing is that

your mobile phone if it's got an Adreno GPU in it a Snapdragon chip said that it

probably actually will be a little bit smoother and faster than the Mele t8 80

here which can be a little bit leggy at times now other titles like lineage 2

revolution this one here is on the recommended setting so it's just medium

settings and you will notice that there is some definite stutter and lag at

times but again it is overall playable some point out from that front-facing

camera it's 2 megapixels and the audio quality I feel is OK the quality of the

camera itself is going to be fine for things like Skype but it does look a

little bit blurry so it's lacking a little bit of detail but over I feel

again for the price of this tablet you know this is this is fine this is

acceptable the rear camera will not take a great photo it will not take good

video it's similar kind of quality like this so your cell phone that you have

will take a bit of photo and video differently than this budget tablet all

right so to quickly recap here we're getting a reasonable build quality it's

an alloy unibody has okay the buttons on the side are plastic we do have side

firing speakers but there's no creaks in the case the design there's no flex in

it and that overall is good considering the price of it now battery life forget

about seven perhaps even eight hours if your gaming does non-stop then expect

about five hours a better performance out of the six thousand six hundred

million hour battery performance in general is good it's not great you will

see some stutters and lag here they're gaming it will play all the

latest demanding new titles but it will be best to leave things on the lowest

setting now and then I did encounter a few stutters a little bit of lag and

performance but I roll you can still win games you can still shoot people aim and

things like that and PUBG so the performance is good but it's just not

amazing there it's not going to be the fastest out there definitely not so we

do have some good extras on this tablet what I mean by extras is we've got GPS

that you don't normally see we have FM radio which is also nice to have on

here and we've got wireless AC that's typical now wireless AC but also dual

sim support but there's a bit of a con with that dual SIM support because the

LTE bands well they're not the frequent common ones that you would normally get

in this part of the world so they're really chinese bands and luckily they do

work for me here in Spain but do check with your provider because you may be

stuck on 3G which is going to be a little bit slow so while this

performance is fine there's nothing wrong with that the 4G performance as

well as good and the charge time yes it's slow it's closer to four hours to

fully charge this once you completely drain it's not supporting MediaTek's

pump express or anything like that. does have that or could use that sorry

we're all it comes down to just a couple of things that I'm not too fond of as

the screen brightness that it's really far too dim it maxes out about 190 lux

and considering that this screen is also non laminated you get more reflections

and it's more susceptible to depths and it just doesn't look as good or as

bright again and they've got a screen protector on ER that it comes pre apply

with because the glass is on here is not scratch resistant so is it a tablet that

I can recommend if you're on a limited budget and you're not after or you don't

need the absolute best performance for that you've probably bid off to get a

2018 iPad which a lot of people think asking what is the fastest tablet for

the cheapest price that is it but if you're on a budget and you don't wanna

spend more than about 180 us then I believe that this is an OK option but

just bear in mind the LTE bands the speaker quality is not going to be

amazing but you gain things like GPS 4G if you get the band support and over I

feel decent and better life there so this is an OK tablet

from cube definitely better than the alldocube x1 that ran into some thermal

throttling and got very naggy at least that's terribly here I didn't experience

any of that lag and the three hours or so that I was actually playing games on

this thanks a lot for watching this review my latest videos are right up

here and also have another tablet review right up here so please check that out

if you're interested and I do hope to see you back in the channel soon bye for


For more infomation >> Alldocube M5 Unboxing & Review - Helio X20 LTE Ten Core Tablet - Duration: 13:39.


Autolib' s'arrêtera progressivement d'ici au 31 juillet - Duration: 3:01.

FIN - Autolib' a annoncé lundi 25 juillet que le service prendrait fin définitivement le 31 juillet

Le nombre de voitures et de stations disponibles diminuera progressivement à partir du 2 juillet

 Au 31 juillet, Autolib' appartiendra au passé. Après la résiliation, jeudi, du contrat avec le syndicat mixte Autolib' Vélib', qui réunit 103 communes dont Paris, le service de voitures électriques en autopartage a annoncé lundi un arrêt progressif d'ici au 31 juillet

"Jusqu'au 1er juillet, le Service Autolib' fonctionnera comme d'habitude puis, dès le 2 juillet, le nombre de stations et de véhicules disponibles diminuera progressivement", indique Autolib' a ses abonnés

   "On va continuer le service normalement. Le but était de trouver un accord avec le syndicat mixte pour que les abonnés puisse continuer à utiliser Autolib'", précise Samir Mohamdi, secrétaire FO de la délégation unique du personnel d'Autolib', contacté par LCI

"Jusqu'au 31 juillet, on devrait retirer de la circulation les véhicules abîmés ou qui nécessitent trop de réparations, puis on retira tous les véhicules

" Quelles conséquences directes pour les usagers ? "Concernant la mensualité d'abonnement Premium, celle du mois de juillet vous sera offerte, et les suivantes ne vous seront pas facturées

Votre abonnement ne sera pas reconduit", indique Autolib' dans son message aux abonnés

Dès le 2 juillet, "les stations fermées seront indiquées comme indisponibles sur l'application ou le site Autolib'

Nous vous recommandons fortement de réserver votre place à l'arrivée avant de commencer une location, ceci afin d'éviter tout abandon de véhicule hors station conformément aux CGAUs", explique le message

La rédaction de LCIMis à jour : Créé :

For more infomation >> Autolib' s'arrêtera progressivement d'ici au 31 juillet - Duration: 3:01.




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Ed Sheeran kommt nun für zwei Shows nach Gelsenkirchen - Duration: 4:37.

 Gute Nachricht für Zehntausende Fans: Ed Sheeran wird Ende Juli nun doch in NRW singen

Nur wird er im Ruhrpott auftreten statt in der Landeshauptstadt. Der britische Superstar Ed Sheeran (27, „Shape of You") wird nach dem Ärger um ein geplatztes Konzert in Düsseldorf nun nach Gelsenkirchen ausweichen

Das teilte der Veranstalter FKP Scorpio am Mittwochabend mit. In der Veltins Arena sind zwei Konzerte am 22

und 23. Juli geplant. Denn die 85.000 Besucher müssen aufgeteilt werden. Eventim wird sich daher in Kürze per Mail persönlich an die Ticketkäufer wenden, um das weitere Vorgehen detailliert zu erklären, heißt es beim Konzertveranstalter

 Gemeinsam mit Ed Sheeran bedanke man sich bei den Fans „für ihre Geduld, ihr Verständnis und ihre Unterstützung in den Wochen der Unsicherheit", hieß es weiter

„Nur so wurde der Umzug nach Gelsenkirchen zu einer echten Option, Ed Sheeran in NRW doch noch live erleben zu können

"Lokalpolitiker haben keine Lust auf Sheeran Düsseldorfer Lokalpolitiker hatten Sheeran nach langem Ringen am Mittwoch die Genehmigung für einen Auftritt verwehrt

SPD und FDP stimmten im zuständigen Stadtratsausschuss für die Genehmigung – CDU, Grüne, Linke und Freie Wähler dagegen

  Erstmals hätte auf einem Parkplatz der Düsseldorfer Messe ein großes Open-Air-Konzert stattfinden sollen

Dafür hätten aber 104 Bäume gefällt werden sollen. Vor Monaten schon waren 85.000 Tickets für das Konzert verkauft, das am 22

Juli stattfinden sollte. „Das ist ein sehr, sehr schlechter Tag für Düsseldorf", sagte Oberbürgermeister Thomas Geisel (SPD), der sich für Sheeran und ein neues Open-Air-Gelände in der Landeshauptstadt ins Zeug gelegt hatte

„Da wurde eine Riesenchance vertan. Das wird uns als Event-Metropole zurückwerfen

" Vonseiten der FDP hieß es gar, Düsseldorf mache sich mit der Entscheidung lächerlich

 Die Grünen freuten sich hingegen darüber, dass die Bäume nun doch nicht gefällt werden müssen

„Das bringt Düsseldorf gar nichts. Wir wollen hier auch kein Wacken, das halten wir für unpassend", sagte CDU-Fraktionschef Rüdiger Gutt mit Blick auf das große Heavy-Metal-Festival im Norden

 Der Veranstalter hat bereits angedeutet, bei weiteren Konzertplanungen um Düsseldorf künftig einen Bogen zu machen


For more infomation >> Ed Sheeran kommt nun für zwei Shows nach Gelsenkirchen - Duration: 4:37.


حكم أميركي بسجن الليبي أبو ختالة 22 عاما - Duration: 2:45.

 قضت المحكمة الفدرالية الأميركية في واشنطن بسجن الليبي أحمد أبو ختالة لمدة 22 عاما بعدما أدانته بالتورط في الهجوم الذي استهدف القنصلية الأميركية في بنغازي في سبتمبر/أيلول 2012 وأسفر عن مقتل السفير الأميركي في ليبيا وثلاثة أميركيين آخرين

 وذكرت وزارة العدل الأميركية أن أبو ختالة، الذي أدين في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني الماضي بأربع تهم تتعلق بالقتل والإرهاب، كان يقود مليشيا "عبيدة بن جرة" في بنغازي والتي شنت الهجوم الدامي على القنصلية الأميركية فيها

 وكان الادعاء العام وجّه إلى أبو ختالة (46 عاما) 18 تهمة بينها تدبير الهجوم الذي استهدف مقر إقامة السفير كريستوفر ستيفنز ومبنى تستخدمه وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية (سي آي أي)، وقتل خلاله إضافة إلى السفير موظف في وزارة الخارجية وموظفان في الـ"سي آي أي"

     وفي يونيو/حزيران 2014 اعتقلت وحدة من القوات الأميركية الخاصة أبو ختالة خلال عملية عسكرية في ليبيا ونقلته إلى الولايات المتحدة حيث مثل أمام المحكمة الفدرالية في واشنطن

     وفي نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2017 أسقطت المحكمة عنه -في نهاية محاكمة أولى استمرت ثمانية أسابيع- 14 من التهم الرئيسية الموجهة إليه، لكنها دانته بتهم تتعلق بالإرهاب

     وبرّئ أبو ختالة من تهم رئيسية تصل العقوبة على بعضها إلى السجن المؤبد، وهي العقوبة التي كان الادعاء العام طلبها للمتهم، بينما طلب فريق الدفاع الحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة 15 عاما

     ومثّل هذا الحكم نكسة للادعاء العام الذي فشل في إقناع هيئة المحلفين المؤلفة من 12 عضوا بأن أبو ختالة كان العقل المدبر لهجوم بنغازي

 وهناك ليبي آخر يحاكم في واشنطن على خلفية الهجوم نفسه، وفي نهاية 2017 اعتقلت وحدة من القوات الخاصة الأميركية في عملية داخل ليبيا مواطنا ليبيا ثانيا يدعى مصطفى الإمام، وتشتبه واشنطن بتورطه في الهجوم على قنصليتها في بنغازي

 وأثار الهجوم على القنصلية الأميركية في بنغازي عاصفة سياسية في الولايات المتحدة زادت من حدتها المعارضة الجمهورية لإدارة الرئيس الأميركي حينئذ باراك أوباما الذي كان يخوض حملة لإعادة انتخابه، ووزيرة خارجيته آنذاك هيلاري كلينتون

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