Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

hey everyone I hope you are having a fantastic day today for those of you Make Money Online Fast with Motor Club of America | MCA Work From Home

that don't know my name is Sarah Gilmore and I wanted to tell you today about a

way that you can start making money online from home from your phone and

quickly I know that is appealing to so many people because we all have such

busy lives right and who wants to go work in the office or pick up a second

job if you are wanting to make more money maybe you don't even like your job

and you're wanting to quit right and doesn't anybody or everybody want extra

money it makes life so much easier and it can make it so much more enjoyable if

you can travel more if you have that extra money to pay off bills get your

hospital debts paid off or your student loans or whatever you know I mean you Make Money Online Fast with Motor Club of America | MCA Work From Home

know the uses of money I don't have to state them so this is something that I

had actually been a part of for a year and a half and I check out the

opportunity I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed one day and and excuse

me guys I stopped the camera to sneeze and I'm not even gonna take that out but

and I'm so I got distracted but I've been a part of this opportunity for a

year and a half now I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and I saw

some girls showing money this commission that was she was earning and I check out

the business opportunity I signed up on the spot because I can see a good

opportunity and I know how to spot scams from something that's that's legit

because I've done a lot of research right so I signed up on this spot and

it's called Motor Club of America now Motor Club of America what they do is

they offer roadside assistance and a lot of other benefits to their members and

the great thing about it is that they have an affiliate program so that means Make Money Online Fast with Motor Club of America | MCA Work From Home

that when you sign up and you become an associate with them they will pay you

for each person that you refer to their services and so you may be thinking oh

Sarah that's boring blah blah blah who wants to be referring people to roadside

assistance well guys roadside assistance people

need it okay they need it who wants to end up stranded on a highway

who wants to end up in the hospital without extra cash in their pocket I

mean there's a lot of benefits that Motor Club of America offers and just

anytime that you do refer somebody to their services they pay you now how much

do they pay you they pay you 80 to 90 dollars per referral that means people

that you can refer three only three people a week and have 240 extra dollars

every single Friday every single Friday $240

it's not hard to refer three people a week um with this opportunity whenever

you do sign up with me you'll you will be provided full training that will

teach you how to work the business so you don't have to be scared coming into

it and be like I don't know what I'm doing how am I gonna refer people you

know I don't want to sell to people you're gonna receive training and let me Make Money Online Fast

tell you it's not sales okay what I do is I post ads on social media it

attracts people when those ads generate sales

I get paid Commission because people sign up for Motor Club of America

because of the ads that I post it is hosted booked guys is some of the

simplest work that you will ever do yes you do have to show up every day yes you

do have to put on effort every day yes there is learning in their skill

involved but not it it's hard it's not hard tell you what it's a lot easier work from home mca

than going working on a construction company or sitting in some boring office

for eight hours or more a day like glue to your computer freaking bored out of

your mind being on your feet every day as a server killing your feet in your

back you know waiting on people rude people might I add you know making

measly tips standing on your feet all day through Walmart being a cashier

again me you know it's kind of nice to be your own boss because you don't have

to clock into any of those jobs and put up with any of those people oh wow

that's sorry about that like literally a firecracker just went off and that was

super loud and it's not even July I guess it is getting close to July though motor club of america

so back to my what I was saying it's nice to be able to be your own boss

because you do have the potential to quit your job if you show up and put in

the work every day this easy work whenever you're able to make and two

hundred forty three hundred twenty five hundred six hundred thousand two

thousand extra dollars every single Friday of course you can quit that job

think of the time freedom that you can have guys and if you show up every day

and you put the work in you can start making money quickly there are people it

is common she make four hundred their first week five hundred their first week

80 bucks their first week two hundred bucks I mean come on so if you are

interested in receiving full training on how to do Motor Club of America

and get paid eighty to ninety dollars per referral by posting ads on social

media please click the link below my video and connect with me on Facebook

message me that you signed up you can send me an email that you sign up you

can message me here on the YouTube video it doesn't matter but please let me know

that you sign up and let's connect and I'll get you into the training group

today so that you can start making a direct deposit by next Friday

guys this is quick it's easy and the money is good sorry about that extra

entertainment but again thanks for watching please subscribe to my channel

please comment like my videos I was appreciate the interaction and you guys

have a great day

For more infomation >> Make Money Online Fast with Motor Club of America | MCA Work From Home - Duration: 5:44.


AMV Tokyo Teddy Bear HD (phụ đề Việt sub) - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> AMV Tokyo Teddy Bear HD (phụ đề Việt sub) - Duration: 3:41.


Taurus Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions - Duration: 4:12.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> Taurus Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions - Duration: 4:12.


How Introverts Can Keep a Conversation and Never Run Out of Things to Say - Duration: 3:19.

Running out things to say in a conversation is awful.

It is even worse especially you are talking to someone important for your future.

Indeed, you may face a dangerous problem if you eventually end the conversation without

even saying goodbye or any closing remark.

Fortunately, we have some tips to keep you fed with ideas to say.

If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the subscribe button below, and don't

forget to like this video if you find this information is helpful to you.

Let's here the tips on how to never run out of things to say in a conversation.

#1 - Just relax.

Relax is the most important thing you should remember anytime you are in a conversation

with someone you like or love.

The reason being is that staying in this condition makes your ideas flowing in orderly manner.

You know what topic you will discuss next as you plan.

Additionally, you also get additional ideas especially if you get respond from the person

before you.

This also means that you should not have to worry about the things you are talking about.

Please remember to be ethical and careful though.

#2 - Ask some of these.

Favorite items, friends, occupation, foods, injuries, pets, hobby, celebrities, and music.

They are all good topic to trigger more response about the person you are interested in.

just be sure that you listen to what they answered since it will keep the conversation

going smoothly.

It is also important to be prepared to being asked back.

That means, you need to learn some of those topics to create link between you and him,

or her.

#3 - Observing the surroundings.

No no no.

it is not only about the weather.

It is about people.

Talking about people around you is excellent way to keep a conversation going from silence.

If you are wondering why, it is because human being is related.

That means, it is fairly easy to trigger response from other human being around the vicinity.

Well, those are all some tips to keep conversation going.

There are still other things you can do.

However, keep practicing those tips before we continue.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How Introverts Can Keep a Conversation and Never Run Out of Things to Say - Duration: 3:19.


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For more infomation >> ខ្មាស់គេទេដែលបងជាសង្សារ Khmer remix 2019 ភ្លេងស្ទាវថ្មី ១០បទស្តាប់កំដរអារម្មណ៏ Nonstop New Remix - Duration: 33:24.




please subscribe,comment,like and share



wild animals finger family song for kids | nursery rhymes,children,toddlers,Tiger,lion,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 3:52.

wild animals finger family song for kids

For more infomation >> wild animals finger family song for kids | nursery rhymes,children,toddlers,Tiger,lion,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 3:52.


I Copied Lisa Marie Schiffner's Instagram for a Week!! - Duration: 23:19.

Hi guys! It's Doreen and welcome back to my channel! I've been waiting so long to

do this video and I'm super excited that I finally get to film it. And the reason

why is because this video took a really long time to make. That is because

I've been following this kind of challenge video that's been going around

on YouTube. I'm sure some of you guys have seen it but I wanted to do somebody

like copy somebody's photo that I haven't seen being done before like I've

seen a lot of Kylie Jenner and a lot of like SuperDuper famous people so I

wanted to do something a little different.

I've been watching a lot of these videos and a lot of people they put a lot of

effort into it and I said that if I was gonna do this I was going to go all-out.

So there's this youtuber / Instagram type of model that I've been following

recently and her name is Lisa-Marie Schiffner I believe that's how you pronounce her last

name. She is German and she has I think around like maybe 800,000

followers on Instagram. So she's pretty significant she has I think around

200,000 subscribers on YouTube and around 1.2 million on musically so

that's really what she's known for. She posts really positive videos and just

very happy photos and very unique photos as well and her edits are absolutely

amazing so I wanted to try to recreate that there was a lot of similar clothes

that we had. I went through her Instagram and just chose photos that

wouldn't be too difficult for me to recreate so there's no particular order

in these photos this is just what I chose and I'm not gonna ramble on too

much but let's just get right into this video

so the first photo I chose was this bath photo with a whole bunch of flowers and

honestly this one was really really difficult for me to recreate I think

it's probably one of the hardest ones and it was also the first one that I

tried I think that we pretty much nailed it though but the main issue was for me

is that I had a lot of hard time just because my head needs to be under water

while my face was above water and that included my ears being in the water so I

couldn't really hear Alexander giving me direction I just had to sit very still

and it was also very difficult because if the water wasn't completely still

then the flowers would keep moving around so always Alexander had to

readjust them hi guys so we're taking the underwater photo and I'm excited for

all the flowers are you starting to bring them I got these flowers from the

flower market or something in downtown Los Angeles and they were really cheap

and they're dying because we were wasting a lot of things there's some

white roses and I Ketan kidding she's not gonna be in that video and in this

photo sorry nothing yet I don't have any tube tops I did but I didn't think I

needed it so I gave it away a long time ago but I'm just gonna use this black

shirt and then fold it so it's just gonna be covering my upper chest area

and then we have the box a bowl full of what the ring why are you here Philip

Alexander is gonna get in the tub with me to take the photos with the car

already top swimsuit bottoms so I'm super-excited to set this one up to

move very interesting and let's get right into the photos but war should be

until here most of my ears are and I can't hear anything

I see water should be in until they're

just so weird keep the way you are right now and I'll

put your hands I'll just put your body varus but keep your hands like this and

don't move okay okay

these are all out of the water yet think so good

overall I think that I give this photo a 10 out of 10 just because of the

difficulty level and I honestly think it looks really accurate when you look at

the side-by-side comparison obviously if I wanted to look exactly a hundred

percent like hers like contacts everything I would have honestly just

took her photo and posted as mine and that's not the point of this challenge

this challenge is to try to create a photo as much as you can and the best to

your ability the next photo I did I actually filmed it and did the photo

twice but the first time it just was going through all the photos and I was

not happy with a single one of them so I decided to come back and redo it again

and the hardest part about this photo was getting the pose correct because for

one she's a lot skinnier than I am and honestly going through this challenge I

was feeling very self-conscious about my body and honestly like taking these

photos I wouldn't have post to them other than for this challenge and a lot

of them I wasn't the most happy with but at the same time I still said okay I

still want to post it and not gonna felt pretty good for me too even though I

wasn't the most popular fit I still posted it anyways

so we are here and in a beautiful hidden hello of Calabasas California bring me

filming the bench picture this is my outfit of the day I got it from fashion

OVA I got some New Balance shoes and some black socks that Alexander gave

me I just put you painted my nails blue you guys can see beautiful beautiful and

then we got my makeup done

so let's get started

I think the better she's fitting in smile baby smile more up

with Carly

oh my god that is perfect finally we can't retreat stop recording

by now or not finally we found something that was the most similar took a really

long time and I'm pretty happy with the outcome

overall I'd give this photo maybe a six and a half out of ten maybe a little bit

on the lower side maybe a five but for the pose and a composition everything I

think that this was the best I could do

this next photo was extremely difficult and mainly because we just don't have

any snow right now in California and she just has a whole mountain of snow behind

her so I just decided to try to look for a place that had a lot of mountains and

in the background a lot of mountains but overall I just decided to completely

Photoshop the background or not me Alexander did it for me but I completely

photoshopped the background because even though it's a very gloomy day and that

kind of helped to tone and mute down the colors a little bit then I still needed

to have that background be very vivid so I just decided to just take the photo

and Photoshop it we have the rose the dead rose and we have my angel wings and

this child side skirt that's super short but I just ran quick because I'm about

the Reznick there's two more two cycles just now waiting at us and I feel like

oh I'm gonna get some booth with my very short skirt see my underwear from the



the sun's coming out and it's beautiful cuz we don't have any snow in LA so wait

should I just talk about my outfit then no skirt is a child-size since been

dresslink and then this top is for 21 it's actually has a collar built um but

just put in the back and then I rolled up the sleeves and the top is tucks into

my sports bra and then the wings I just ordered them online from Jets and the

flower let's move Ventura and I just tried it

myself a few months ago shirt but different we're good let's go


this photo was honestly very difficult for me to post but just because I just

felt like it didn't fit and with everything else especially with the snow

I think I'll probably give this one a 5 out of 10 this next photo was the stairs

at the beach photo and this one it was hard for me because I really didn't have

an outfit that was similar to hers I saw that she did have an EF which is I think

like education first and it's like a school for international students or

something and they probably just gave her a shirt you have so obviously I

couldn't get the exact same top that she had I just borrowed Alexander's UCLA

shirt which I think was ok because it was great I had the lettering with the

white outline so I thought that was fine for the shorts I just used some shorts

that I had I really wear them but they were a little bit ripped up hers were a

lot more high-waisted than mine but of course I just had to make it work and

then shoes I just used some Nike shoes I don't know how you guys can hear me but

we are doing the picture on the stairs there's a lot of people today it's super

busy but we set up the camera on the tripod and whenever there's like no

bounce to people that's where we're gonna go is it recording

yeah it's already pretty


the most difficult part about this photo is that there was a lot of people at the

beach this day cuz it was a Sunday and there was just a lot of people and they

need to go up and down the stairs because I was the only way to get to the

beach so yeah it was hard for me because I couldn't have too many poses or too

many options I think maybe we took like 10 to 15 photos or something this

picture honestly came up the worst in my opinion I just feel like it looks super

photoshopped and that's because I had to photoshop it especially at the

background and everything but I think that I probably will give this one a 3

out of 10

next we have the photo on the floor with the mascara and my hair and hearts again

I just used the same outfit from fashion OVA and it wasn't too hard to do I just

had to sit very still and pretty much Alexander was doing all the work

same with the first photo of the flowers it was just Alexander doing all the work

me just sitting there trying my best not to move so yeah I really enjoyed this

one it was a lot of fun to do I think it came out pretty accurate we're doing the

picture now where she is lying down I'm super

excited because I think I got my makeup pretty much on point and I found this

rug literally took me forever to find I went to probably around 10 different

stores we found something similar and it's

gorgeous and I was only twenty bucks so that's good Thank You t.j.maxx

this is our setup right now we have the camera the lighting or my ring light and

another umbrella lights and the kitten is in the room so she doesn't mess up

the rug or play with the cords so let's get started Alexander

if I was super long time it would be out of frame and disappointing

firstly I'm over each other and then it's like easier to do it's like a nice

heart yeah

overall I think this photo went very very well and I give it a 7 out of 10

the second to last photo was the close-up and this one wasn't too

difficult I just had a lot of problems with Daisy wanting to pull out the cords

and everything so it wasn't anything too crazy we just sent her putting her in

the room and shooed me all off but it was fine

it wasn't too much to it there wasn't too much composition in it so I didn't

have to worry too much about my outfit or anything it was just mainly my makeup

hair and a black t-shirt here we go okay guys so we are doing the close-up photo

and there's not much to this she's wearing a black shirt so that's what I

have and then I just put my hair up in a bun

I gotta stop my nails but it doesn't matter because you're not gonna see them

honestly I don't think she's bringing a nail polish but this is our setup let's

get started we just have two of my lights which is gonna give us the right

shadowing higher lower and also do the edges are

not good yeah so maybe if you why don't retract my big camera while losing my

phone we're raising the phone well because you would be the hair of the dog

this is not a ploy okay why don't you put it one up so soon though video

motive then you can see here and oh my god if it wouldn't have touched you okay

stand on your two feet even like this so we have your balance

so gonna make sure she's good I think I need to I love my hair being see how

it's really tight fuck yeah that body's the best girl ain't trying

to pressure

I think side-by-side these photos look very accurate and there are a few subtle

differences such as the shadowing of her as being a little bit more darker than

mine but other than that I think that overall this photo came out very very

well and I will give this photo also a seven out of ten

all right and finally we've gotten to the last photo and I actually have two

photos for last one but I I did it that way to kind of decide between which one

I wanted to use so I had some options there in the same location same

everything it's just two different style of photos so one of them is with the

done' and one of them is just holding the hair and I don't know why my hair

didn't want to curl that day I guess because it was a very gloomy day and my

hair just like did not want to stay up at all so my curls by the time that we

actually got to Santa Monica they I completely fallen and they were getting

a little bit more straight while hers are very voluminous and staying in the

place but I think that this photo was the most easy to do because it was just

the location and the outfit and everything and the poses weren't so

complicated I think we were done maybe within like 10 minutes I definitely

think this one was the easiest out of everyone to create I just wore the top

from fashion OVA I wore a Calvin Klein bra that just had a very thick strap at

the bottom and I just wore some workout pants I couldn't find pants that had

this stripe like she did but I just put the workout pants and just Photoshop the

stripe on the side I wore some socks from Alexander and some converse shoes

so weird here these are the wings and we even got a load

this one is the lavender skies that has little sparkles on it we couldn't find

the pink one as she had but I think we're just gonna Photoshop it No

and we also got some extra jealous for my family cuz they were part gonna go

visit them on the way back and yeah we'll do both pictures just in case I

decide to do one or the other

if you guys are curious to know how the donor photo came out I'll have it right

here so you can see them side by side in comparison and that's pretty much it if

you guys want to go check out these photos it will be on my Instagram and my

Instagram handle is at doing angel with an underscore at the end so you guys can

go check them out comment down below what you think I'm definitely untag for

these photos not that this challenge is over and if you want you can tag her as

well I would love to hear her opinion and what she thinks of these photos but

yeah I really hope you guys enjoyed this video so I'll see you guys in my next

video next time thank you so much for watching bye



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