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How to Start a YouTube channel for beginners| 2019 - Duration: to start a youtube channel for beginners
Welcome back to my channel as you can read by the title today
We are going to be talking about how to start a channel a YouTube channel in
how to start a youtube channel for beginners 2019
2018 was a good year, but you know as time, you know
What am I gonna fit time waits for no one and we are about to be in 2019 with two super crazy. And so
I thought that I'd shared with you guys a couple tips and tricks on how to start a YouTube channel in the year 2019
If you are new everything, don't forget to subscribe click that bill. I console you can be noticed
On the regular and comment down below any other video suggestion you guys have it's for you guys for the dude
Let's get into the video. So I actually compiled a list because I have scatterbrain
Especially like when it comes to like sort of like on-the-fly stuff and if I don't have a guideline
I will screw everything up and end up talking about cats, which I'm allergic to for about two years
So let's get on with the video. The first tip would be to find your community
and when I say find your community, I mean the people that are
Focused on the same thing that you're focused
So if you that is makeup then find a community of people that love makeup if it is reviewing
Phones, then find like the tech
We call them nerds. how to start a youtube channel for beginners 2019
then fine people, um
Then find what do you call them? Geez, Louise?
Tech gurus. There we go. If it's cars and fine automobile, gurus, etc, or you or
Rubik's cubes
this is really important because this is going to aid in your channel growth because once you
hunker down
hunker down anchor down have enough once you go on to a specific niche and
A niche basically means a certain area a designated area
Once you find that specific niche that definitely has potential grow or is already growing then definitely
Tap into that and make content about that because that is ultimately how you will grow your channel if you're all over the place
like how I am
you run the risk sometimes of
You know not having as much growth
Than others so that will be the first thing is find your community and or your niche the second thing would be to love
to create content now that for me this is one of the important things because
If you don't love what you're doing then how can you expect to do it and people you know?
A lot of people they go into YouTube thing and they're gonna make so much money or they're gonna be so famous
And which this can be very true. You also want to make that you are loving what you're doing because
Nothing will literally happen for a long time
I promise you that so you have to make sure that you're doing what you love because trust me the hard work will pay off
But it first takes the hard work and so you have to really love being a content creator and what that entails
yeah, so
Number three. This one is really um
this one is really important because I feel like a lot of people skip this step and
When it comes to marketing, they they often get lost in the shadows
It's come up with a name that is either catchy or short
It can work sometimes with people like Trisha Paytas blonde sand doll for MJ or whatever
It could work for some people but if you're starting out and no one really knows who you are
simplicity is key because you don't want to a
name like
Eyeshadows Rubik's cubes on the side Plus conspiracy theory videos and all of that
like no one's gonna want to search that and so you want to make sure I just
so you want to make sure that you are honing into a name that is very simple and
easy to spell easy to find and you want to make sure that this is
definitely at the forefront when it comes to creating a channel so first it will be
Creating the content or focusing on what you want to do
And then creating your name going from there
a lot of people they're tricky with they're not tricky but their names were really catchy based on their sir nitch, so
Like many MUA like it flows, but many makeup artists which like makeup
He's a makeup guru, you know and so like names like that
Are really catchy but also serves a dual purpose in the brand and also
The name and so I would say with the names keep it simple. Nobody wants to know
Ancestry DNA results like just keep it really simple. So people can search them and
This leads me to the next one
If you are planning on starting a YouTube channel and say you get really big
You want to make sure that what you're doing ahead of time is getting your name on all social media platforms
So that's Instagram Twitter snapchat
all the above
Because what happens is is when you get big
You run the risk and and if you don't say these names you run the risk of
people trying to take the names and then have you by your own name from them and you don't want to do that because that's
stupid and so definitely make sure that if you're gonna go full-time with YouTube or if you're gonna go full with social media
that you are
Reserving all of your names even if you're not using them right away
It's just a safety net to have all your names about what you don't have to worry and they're yours
The next step I would be the next tip I would give is to engage with your audience
now this one has also overlooked a lot of the times because people think that you know,
They're just gonna have an amazing support
System and they could treat their either they could cheat their support system like crap
Or they could talk to their support system every once in a while
Literally your support system is your driving force your support system is the gasoline to your car without gas
You ain't going nowhere and it's the exact same way with your supporters
you want to make sure that you're engaging with your supporters because I think
Everyday though at the end of that at the end of the day. Those are the ones
Those are your height men in the street the ones telling other people to check out your content
So you want to make sure that you're being nice to them and engaging with them?
So this means if they're commenting, oh my gosh. I love you so much
Giving them a heart or being like thank you so much for the support
Or doing giveaways giveaways are also an amazing way to show your gratitude for your supporters as well
And so I would say just engaging with your audience because at the end of the day
Those are the ones that literally are going to make or break your career and if you want to be successful
on social media or YouTube where I start a successful YouTube channel on 2019
this is something that you definitely need to make sure that you are doing
It's crucial. All right, guys
the next thing is I think this I think this is
Yeah, this is the last thing the last thing you want to make sure that you are uploading consistently
You want to make sure that you are uploading consistently not only does this show your audience that you are
Taking your content creating seriously
but this also shows you to be algorithm that you are taking your
content seriously and YouTube the algorithm they tend to push out the creators and
Show up in the creators that are often shown in the recommendations section are the ones that are pushing out content almost weekly
If not every day
And so you want to make sure that if you want to succeed and kind of rise above the content creators that don't do that
that you are
uploading content on a regular basis because
Not only does that give you more exposure that not and not only does it give you more credibility
But in the long run what happens is the more you are consistent
literally the more money you make and I know this is not about the money aspect, but some of you guys
You want to make full you want to make YouTube a full-time job and in this life it requires money
And so why not? And so that's just one of the other benefits to
Uploading consistently and creating quality content not just content of like this is what I'm doing today
I'm so boring blah blah blah
know getting creative with your titles getting creative with your thumbnails getting creative with the times that you're using and just making sure that you're
just putting your all into YouTube and treating it as a job as it should be because if you want to reap the
rewards chi-ching you want to make sure that you are putting in the effort and the work and
Literally the effort and the work that you you put out the money. We'll match it
All you have to do is love what you love to do
Make sure that you are uploading consistently and make sure that you are uploading quality
Content which leads me into my net. This would be a bonus one. I
Make sure that you are uploading quality content literally because nobody wants to see your cat for five hours
I know I I mean show me the video but
Nobody listened to your cat for hours. And so you want to make sure that you are being original and being creative
You know how many?
Car playlists drive with me videos. Have we
Had, you know on this platform and I'm pretty sure that people love watching those, you know
But after a while the all these trends they they burn out quickly the real youtubers you'll see which one those are
Those are the ones that are really creative. I mean, what was it in the year? 2018 how many?
Thousand degree knife
Videos. Did we have how many MOOC bonds did we have? I'm guilty of doing a couple bucks
But you know, it's just it's repetitive and redundant not almost easy to chase the money
but you want to make sure that you're not only chasing a quick dollar you want to make sure that you're
chasing a fanbase and the career and how you do that is stay relevant by being
original because if you continue to do like these quick little videos or if you have it in your mind that I
Just do what Logan Paul's doing or Jake Paul or whichever one it is
The more you do that you run the risk of people being like, oh I could just watch the next the next person
That's just like this, you know, and so you want to make sure that you are creating
Content that is amazing Shane Dawson is a great example he literally
has paved the way like and has revamped his career and
And Shane Dawson is an amazing person and I think he's gonna do one of those do tubers just stick around
for a while and so I would definitely say
Be creative with your content and make sure that you are not selling your soul for money
And yeah
The next one that I want to give is definitely try to make connections, I'm sorry
I'm not a floss because I have like salmon stuck in my teeth
We're good
the next uh
The next tip I want to give you guys this make connections with other youtubers
Because I mean and you don't want to be friends with them for the sake of like social-climbing per se
But you want to make friends with them because these are the people that literally are in the same workspace as you you know
not physically in the work space but you know like internet works based like
Everyone that's all YouTube in wants to be a content creator
They all have the same goal of making it you know, and so why not make friends along the way and don't be cutthroat
Because literally being cutthroat youtuber gets you nowhere
But like exposed like you will literally get exposed
So you want to make sure you are not doing that because that is not good. So
Just make friends along the way but not for the aspect of social climbing
But for literally just to have allies and to have people that are in your corner
So yeah
The last and final one, I know I said this before but the last and final one we just to have fun
At the end of the day like there are a lot of things I can come from YouTube
But you got to remember YouTube just started as a video sharing platform where people upload
wacky crazy videos and
I think in 2019 that is something that we definitely need to bring back is just like the fun aspect of YouTube
Without like the drama and stuff like that
I could just get really like diluted and almost cutthroat and so I would say it
Just have fun with the YouTube channel. Love what you do and
like if you literally have fun with it and create quality content and
Content consistently and upload consistently literally everything will fall into line
And so that would be the final tip with just happen to have fun. You know it lighten up a little bit kid, okay
and so yeah guys that is
My how to start a YouTube channel in 2019. If you liked this video then definitely give this video a big thumbs up
Don't forget to subscribe comment down below any other video suggestions got somebody to do Oh cloudy do it looks pretty guys
Regular I love you guys so much. Thank you for watching
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