Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

I got a half day today so we're gonna go whale watching.

Deanna gets seasick, I think a hot dog is a bad idea. We'll see.

I think that's the boat we're taking. Yep. Which is a nice boat it's a huge cat.

Fast cat boat. Catamaran.

Harbor Breeze Cruises

We are on board our luxurious yacht. It's pretty much empty down here.

Most people go up top because they think they're gonna see whales or something

but we haven't even left yet and it's pretty empty it's not very packed.

Takes a long time to get out to the whales

It's a top tip just sit in the comfortable seats then when the captain

says "there's whales over there" you get up in your move

Deanna has found some dolphins

Oh my God! There's a Blue Whale!

Deanna. What did you see?

A Blue Whale!

Whale Watching was epic. Yes. Now we're at the Aquarium of the this Pacific.

Stop doing that.

Guys feel free to touch our moon jellyfish.

They're completely harmless to us. These guys do sting.

They do have venom but it's so mild that you will not feel it.

What's it feel like?


Today we took a whale watching cruise and we actually got lucky enough to see

one of these guys out on the water. A blue whale. The largest mammal on the planet.

Oh it's delicious. It's delicious! Oh my goodness.

Oh you can't have it all.

No you can't have it all.

The Lorikeet stepped up on me.

Oh you just shot out some poop.

We got to feed these guys. Lorikeets! Parrots! These are Parrots!

They make me so happy.

Lorikeets poo liquid. Well they drink nectar. They make me happy.

What is that?

It's shrimp. What is it? It's shrimp. I'm gonna feed it to Bat Rays.

You are a little piggy.

Okay give it to the piggy

What was it like feeding the Bat Ray? Very fun. It was very funny.

They just suck up the food. Slurp. In their mouth just like that. Slurp.

And it's gone!

Here the penguins come!

Hee, hee, hee, hee

He pooped! Yep.

He didn't like you. Nope.

We saw a Blue Whale, she got to feed a stingray, she got to feed some lorikeets and

I got to touch a jellyfish. She touched a jellyfish

Annnnnnd That's it. SNAP!

For more infomation >> Blue Whale Watching - Bat Ray Feeding - Jellyfish Stroking - Long Beach Day 3 VLOG 112 - Duration: 9:34.


LUNA LLENA EN SAGITARIO, por Juan Carlos Pons López - Duration: 52:01.

For more infomation >> LUNA LLENA EN SAGITARIO, por Juan Carlos Pons López - Duration: 52:01.


▲SILLIE ON CRACK 3.7▲ - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> ▲SILLIE ON CRACK 3.7▲ - Duration: 7:07.


Stephanie Sapin - Creche ou babá? - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Stephanie Sapin - Creche ou babá? - Duration: 6:00.


Liên Quân : Grakk Đi Rừng Troll Team Bạn Cười Đến Nhập Viện - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Liên Quân : Grakk Đi Rừng Troll Team Bạn Cười Đến Nhập Viện - Duration: 11:09.


Guerra na Síria - Os resultados da operação Rastan - 22.05.2018 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Guerra na Síria - Os resultados da operação Rastan - 22.05.2018 - Duration: 3:56.


ARE ALIENS SPYING ON US - Duration: 5:50.



In my last video I talked a little bit about the black knight satellite and after I released

that video I got a lot of request to make a more detailed video about it.

Now this alien satellite conspiracy theory all started In 1998 when NASA took a photo

showing an object floating in space.

And they claimed that this object was nothing more than space debris, a thermal blanket

that was lost on a previous mission.

But a lot of people were not buying that statement because this object did not look like a thermal

blanket, to them it looked like some sort of craft.

So people started to believe that maybe this was some sort of alien satellite, and there

is some interesting alleged evidence that helps fuel this alien satellite theory.

In 1954 a marine corps naval aviator told the public that the U.S Air Force had detected

two satellites orbiting earth.

And that statement really shocked a lot of people because at this time we, mankind didn�t

have any satellites orbiting earth.

Then way before this 1954 statement from a marine aviator Nikola Tesla claimed that he

built a device that was capable of listening to alien radio waves.

And he once told a reporter that while he was experimenting in Colorado with this device

he believed that he actually got evidence that there was life on mars because he intercepted

a mathematical radio signal coming from outer space.

Now I am not sure why he believed that this signal was coming from mars but many now believe

that this alien signal was coming from the black knight satellite, not from mars.

And Tesla isn�t the only one, in 1899 other scientist also claimed that they too had detected

radio waves coming from outer space.

Then in 1960 Time reported that they had detected a satellite that was in a polar orbit around

the earth.

And this report got a lot of people talking because at that time in the 60�s there were

know known satellites that were in a polar orbit.

And because of all the attention that this report received the Defense Department made

an official statement stating that this object was space debris, a part of the Discoverer

satellite that broke off.

But the Defense Department never did prove this making a lot people think that the government

was hiding something.

Now most likely this was some sort of top-secret military satellite but some believe that this

is just more evidence that the black night satellite is real.

Now after researching this black knight satellite theory I was very surprised at how little

information and alleged evidence there is.

I think that people just saw that this object in the 1998 NASA picture had to be some sort

of craft made by something intelligent.

And since it wasn�t made by us, it must have been made by aliens.

And that�s all it took for this black knight satellite theory to take off.

And for all we know it could be true, maybe it is an alien satellite.

But I personally believe that if aliens are spying on us they wouldn�t need a satellite,

they would just use the moon.

And many astronomers going back since the telescope was first invented believed that

there are aliens on the moon.

Many of these early astronomers have stated that while they were observing the moon with

their brand new telescopes they could see things flying, formations seemed to just appear

or disappear overnight, bright lights, moving bright lights and many, many other strange


Now if aliens are in fact spying on us maybe they realized that we could now see the moon

and they stopped their surface lunar activities, or maybe they just moved to the dark side

of the moon.

And during the Apollo 10 mission the astronauts said that they heard some strange music while

they were orbiting the dark side of the moon.

One of these astronauts said �Man this is some weird music� and another said, �we�re

going to have to find out what this is.

Nobody will believe us.� And after they reported this back to NASA it was believed

at that time that what these astronauts heard were radio waves interacting with the moons

magnetic field.

But scientist disagree with that theory because the moon doesn�t really have a magnetic

field, it�s just extremely weak.

So if this music was not caused by radio waves interacting with the moons magnetic field

well, what caused it.

And there was also a lot of strange stuff going on during the Apollo 11 mission and

NASA claims that some of the Apollo 11 footage was lost.

But most people are not buying that, they believe that NASA is trying to cover something


Even the crew claimed that they saw a UFO while they were walking on the moon�s surface.

And also why have we never gone back to the moon?

Now I am sure we have but just not officially.

Then we got all these structures on the moon that appear to be made by something intelligent.

And there are many, many more interesting photo�s.

Now to me it makes perfect sense that if aliens did exist, and they knew that we existed,

and they could get to us the moon would be a perfect base for them.

And I do think that the government, NASA is hiding something from us.

As to what it really is we can only wonder and imagine.

For more infomation >> ARE ALIENS SPYING ON US - Duration: 5:50.


xiaoling'challenge &candy cane or real food challenge ! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:33.

xiaoling'challenge &candy cane or real food challenge ! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> xiaoling'challenge &candy cane or real food challenge ! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:33.


عندي ليك كادو - الحلقة 14 - رمضان 2018 - سارة و أبوجاد - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> عندي ليك كادو - الحلقة 14 - رمضان 2018 - سارة و أبوجاد - Duration: 0:41.


WHAT THE HECK IS EXO!? - Duration: 18:29.

Hello everybody! How you doing?

You guys don't have idea how much I've been holding myself to not search this boys

I've heard Exo's name a hundred of times but I still haven't seen or listened any or their job

so I'm glad there's always a first time for everything

Beginning with the fact that they were part of the Olympic Winter Games of this year, they can't be bad at all

Before I forget, make sure to turn on the bell that's besides the "subscribe" button

so you'll get a notification every time I upload a new video

So now I finally leave you with the reaction

Ok, let's start with this

*please tell me that they aren't 8 thousand members, in name of the father, the son and holy spirit, amen.*

"EXO is a Chinese-South Korean boy group based in Seoul. Formed by S.M in 2011

the group consisted of twelve members separated into two subgroups, EXO-K and EXO-M"

How's that there are 2 Exos?

I mean… is worse than what I have thought!

I'll better start by how this is formed because if I don't I'll collapse and I haven't even started yet

They're eleven... f*ck

no wait, didn't it say that they were 12 in Wikipedia?

WHO DID YOU KILL GOOGLE? what the heck

They invented a new member or they killed one because…

How's this? Are they 12 or are they 11?

It can't…. It can't be

For more infomation >> WHAT THE HECK IS EXO!? - Duration: 18:29.


The Deadpool 2 Reference That Meant A Lot To Ryan Reynolds - Duration: 1:41.

Deadpool 2 definitely dialed the pop culture references up to 11 — like making Cable's

gun go to 11, a reference to the famous extra-loud amp from This is Spinal Tap.

But one joke in particular likely went over the heads of most audience members, unless

they happen to be massive Dave Matthews Band fans ... like, say, Ryan Reynolds himself!

Okay, we don't know for sure if Reynolds is still super into the chart-topping jam band

that was big in the '90s, but he appears to have two Dave Matthews Band-related tattoos

on his thigh, as revealed in an underwear-only shot in 2015's Mississippi Grind and several

paparazzi beach pics.

He's sporting the "coffee rings" from the cover of 1998's Before These Crowded Streets,

paired with the band's iconic "Firedancer" logo.

This might explain why two references to the band made it into the final cut one obvious,

and one obscure.

Spoilers ahead!

Deadpool 2's Bedlam, played by Terry Crews, has powers that he says cause "anxiety, confusion,

[and] pain."

After shaking off some light brain trauma, Deadpool quips,

"So, basically, you're Dave Matthews."


Maybe Reynolds isn't such a big fan after all?

But wait, there's more: After the X-Force assembles to rescue Russell, the invisible

mutant Vanisher slams into a power line, revealing a split-second cameo by Brad Pitt.

In the chaos of everyone in the theater saying "Was that Brad Pitt?!" you may have missed

Deadpool's reaction:

"Tripping f------ Billies!"

Believe it or not, that line's a big payoff for Dave Matthews Band fans.

It shows that for all his sass, Deadpool is familiar enough with the DMB to reference

a song from the band's breakthrough second studio album, Crash ... and that Reynolds,

perhaps, is still fond enough of the band to soften the blow of that first line.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Deadpool 2 Reference That Meant A Lot To Ryan Reynolds - Duration: 1:41.


Night Lovell x $UICIDEBOY$ - JOAN OF ARC (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:26.

♪ Ay, yes, yah yah, ay ♪

♪ Fatality ♪

♪ Tell me that she wanna ride me through the night ♪

♪ Then call me back, I like how she riding ♪

♪ Cause she take that shit all in that back ♪

♪ I got bands in my pants and I'm dancing ♪

♪ I'm like man, you a fan, why you snapping? ♪

♪ By the place, so I'm like baby you my novocaine ♪

♪ I don't even know you, swear to god bitch ♪

♪ How you know my name? ♪

♪ I'm like damn why you mad, I'm the guy nigga ♪

♪ I'm so sorry check that shorty, she's a gold digger ♪

♪ I don't give a fuck, never cleaning up ♪

♪ Bitch my blood is mud, never clean it up ♪

♪ Enter the chamber of love, set it on fire and run ♪

♪ Bitch, I'm a sub when it come to the drugs ♪

♪ I was sent here to get fucked up and then die ♪

♪ You don't want me bitch and if you say you do then you lyin' ♪

♪ I ain't a socialite, I'm staying home tonight, maybe another night ♪

♪ Shorty give me dome I'm high ♪

♪ Never thinking with a sober mind ♪

♪ So I might guess that she left me ♪

♪ For the same reason, she loved me ♪

♪ Sold her fucking those and now she don't trust me ♪

♪ Slapped me across my face, she say ruby you disgusting ♪

♪ Baby girl I got money, ain't no need for discussing ♪

♪ Told me never call her back and I don't think she bluffin' ♪

♪ Tell me that she wanna ride me through the night ♪

♪ Then call me back, I like how she riding ♪

♪ Cause she take that shit all in that back ♪

♪ I got bands in my pants and I'm dancing ♪

♪ I'm like man, you a fan, why you snapping? ♪

♪ By the place, so I'm like baby you my novocaine ♪

♪ I don't even know you, swear to god bitch ♪

♪ How you know my name? ♪

♪ I'm like damn why you mad, I'm the guy nigga ♪

♪ I'm so sorry check that shorty ♪

♪ Yuh, yuh, cradle to the grey, I cradle in my grave ♪

♪ Flick your ash, bring them drugs, I can't get no peace of mind ♪

♪ I can't lie it fucking hurts, I was designed to shine ♪

♪ Now I'm popping bars, till my brain fogs, drop like a phone line ♪

♪ Don't speak, we just squeeze, bitch on her knees ♪

♪ Help me put my mind at ease, begging to god I don't believe ♪

♪ Give me relief, on this grief ♪

♪ No sleep, I can't eat, light getting dimmer and dimmer ♪

♪ Call me selfish, blow my brains out now I'm gone forever ♪

For more infomation >> Night Lovell x $UICIDEBOY$ - JOAN OF ARC (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:26.


24 Reasons The Lion King & Black Panther Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:20.

Everyone knows that whenever you watch a Disney movie, one things for sure, you're going

to get a lot of dead parents.

Blood is thicker than water, but that doesn't mean a thing because in the movie a brother

murders his brother in cold blood proving that when you play the game of thrones, you

win or you die.

This game of thrones takes place in Africa.

The kingdom gathers for a sacred event on a cliff.

The village elder with the stick leads the event by passing on the juice to the king

to be and everyone cheers.

The O'Jays once said, they smile in your face, all the time they want to take your


Some of the same people who congratulate him are some of the same people who conspire to

kill him later on in the movie.

It's tough not to get jealous because his kingdom is humungous.

Everything the light touches is his property (audio).

A family member wants the throne and will do anything to get it.

He tries to kill the rightful heir to the throne but messes up big time.

The old king falls off a cliff and the new king and the people all think he's dead.

It's sad, at first, but then the new king does this motivational speech that gets everyone's

hopes up and you feel better for little bit until you realize he's just like every other

politician and you can't trust anything he says because he literally burns the kingdom

to the ground so everyone misses the old king.

Instead of rebelling, the people offer the new leader their loyalty.

In their culture it's disgraceful to turn your back on the king so the dictator takes

advantage of their customs (audio).

Meanwhile, the disgraced royalty finds sanctuary out in the wilderness.

Forget Hakuna Matata because this dude has a lot of worries.

He blames himself for his fathers death and has a tough time getting over it.

His lady love goes on a journey and destiny reunites her with the rightful heir to the


The weird primate character helps out.

I shouldn't say primate because M'baku isn't called Man-Ape in the movie like his

name in the comics because Disney changed it because it was incredibly racist and Rafiki

isn't a baboon because he says so (audio).

Anyways, the primate character arranges a spiritual meeting between the son and the


It's a sad conversation and leaves the main character a little teary eyed.

Nonetheless, he's motivated to go back and fight for his kingdom.

He's outnumbered, so he tells his evil family member he wants a one on one.

The evil family member is like "naw, I'm good".

A fight breaks out and the good guy is jumped.

The female warriors jump in to even up the score and they do a lot of damage, but I'm

not gonna lie, it's still lopsided in favor of the bad guys.

Then, the monkey dudes jump in the fight and it's even after that.

While the armies battle each other, the good king and bad king get to fight one on one.

The merciful king gives the evil ruler multiple chances to surrender, but turns him down over

and over again.

Eventually, the bad guy dies, but it's not at the hands of the true king so his conscious

and hands are clean.

In the end, the king gets the throne and kisses his lady love and everyone lives happily ever


Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?

Yes, no, maybe so?

If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe

button for more 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons The Lion King & Black Panther Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:20.


Diamond and Silk: Roseanne Barr is not racist - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> Diamond and Silk: Roseanne Barr is not racist - Duration: 9:45.


Gutfeld on Roseanne - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> Gutfeld on Roseanne - Duration: 12:34.


Gen. Tata: Denuclearization will lead to prosperity for NoKo - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Gen. Tata: Denuclearization will lead to prosperity for NoKo - Duration: 3:38.


Recreating Sofie Dossi's Instagram Pictures! - Duration: 3:42.

the number one comment I always get is how much I look like Sofie Dossi!

Recreating Sofie Dossi's Instagram Pictures!

Hey guys it's Zoe, and welcome back to my

channel! so for today's video, as you can

see by the title I am recreating Sofie Dossi's Instagram photos! alright guys

this is the photo I got the closest piece of clothing that I had to this

once it's just like a light sweater I tucked in the strings of the sweatshirt

because she didn't have strings in her picture itself Sofie Dossi I'm coming for you

I'm just kidding okay so this picture it looks like she she took it on a snapchat

I'm not gonna take it on snapchat just because I don't know I don't know I feel

like it'll be easier just to like keep taking the picture rather than one save

one save you got me okay so let's do this I think we got it

Hashtag Zoe

okay I'll edit a little bit and then

All righty guys, so this is the next photo I actually really like this look like this

is not me at all but I love this look and I think it's super cute I have my

polarized sunny's so I'm really excited for this one let's do it

I think we can work with the background a little bit she has green in the

background. So, let's do it!

she's like eating her sunglasses so...Protein?

hopefully we got the picture. if not, I will try again but I will let you guys

know her final one looks literally right now so let's go on to the next clip

alright guys this is the next photo it's super similar to the one I took earlier

so I'm still wearing the same thing yeah so you try this she's very sassy in

this which is fitting to me so let's do it

that is a little awkward for me but okay wait we got

okay I think we got it I might have to like edit a little bit but I think we've

All righty guys, this is the next picture I have a rose here although

mine has thorns on it hey you want it?

oh I just pricked myself anyway as I'm saying has thorns on it okay all right I

hopefully got it let's double check and I won't show you the picture in a second

I think sofie dossi is absolutely gorgeous and it is such a compliment people tell

me I would like her because the sweetest thing although I cannot do all that

contortionist things things she does that's amazing about it I can't even

don't even get me started anyway thank you guys for watching this video make

sure to follow me on my Instagram. sofie, call me! Leave a comment down below which

photo you think I recreated best. I tried my best something so any of you guys

thank you so much for watching and I will see you in my next video bye

Recreating sofie dossi's instagram pictures

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> Recreating Sofie Dossi's Instagram Pictures! - Duration: 3:42.


High Rounds on BO3 - Duration: 40:39.

For more infomation >> High Rounds on BO3 - Duration: 40:39.


Introducing My Creative Land! - Duration: 12:31.

Hello Guys, Welcome to my new video.

Today, I'll introduce my server.

i hope you enjoy the video and

let's start!

So first, I'll introduce you how it looks.

It looks like this! Isn't it cool?

In inside, it looks like this.

Let's go to some of thing we made.

This is trampoline and it's fun!

We have some buffs that my brother made.

This give us the buffs.

Let's play here.

This is a place that I made and it lags.

Let's try once more

Let's go to underwater lab.

There's basically nothing... yet.


This is a house we made.

There are some trees.

This is the portal to mountain lab.

This is an elevator and I putted a link where I found it.

Thank you, Avomance!

This is easy elevator.

Let's try it.

This is where you come in,

This is to the house.

This is a pool.

This is the way to the park.

You can turn fountain off by using the lever.

This is the way to village.

You can get items by using lever.

These are the beacons.

The view of the land!!!

Da diamond sword!!!

What should we do now?

I'll show you my skills!

I need to find a villager that can kill zombies.

Saw that?

This is so hard...




He's not afraid of zombies!!

Thank you for watching!!!

For more infomation >> Introducing My Creative Land! - Duration: 12:31.


What can you get for $1000 in Tenerife, Canary Islands as a traveler? - Duration: 6:22.

Hey hey! Welcome back to this episode of the Tsar Experience with me, Conor

Clyne. I'm in the Canary Islands in Tenerife and today's video is going to

be a variation what I've been doing before it's gonna be $1,000 what it can

buy you here in the Canary Islands in Tenerife before I've been doing $100 but

thanks to your feedback that you leave in the comments you wanted something it

was a higher kind of price band so I'm actually just gonna make this $1,000 or

800 euros so let's get in today's video and show you what you can get for your

money here.

So just before I get into explaining about the prices here in Madrid I'm just

gonna answer a question that I got several times on the last series of

$100 when I was traveling around that time in Eastern Europe and cities like

Brest, Warsaw and Hrodna and that's is why sometimes am I wearing shades inside?

Is it because of branding? Is it to look like you Casey Neistat? Am I blind at times? No!

The actual reason is because I suffer from really bad allergies at times and

if I don't have antihistamines these eyes get really really messed up so this

is actually something why you see me sometimes wearing shades when I'm

vlogging indoors. You can actually see here in the viewfinder I can actually

look at it while I film and it doesn't look weird I see some other vloggers do

that when they look just past the actual lens and not into the lens and speak to

you guys so I always found that a bit strange so now you know I'm not blind

and this is not really branding for ...

So the first thing that you need to do normally when you go traveling other than actually get there and figure how

you gonna fly is of course book your accommodation figure where you're gonna

be staying where is that roof of your head gonna be what's very popular here

in Tenerife in the Canary Islands of course is to rent a villa if you're in a

group you know a nice place with a pool we rented one I was at a business

mastermind actually in the south of the island that's why I originally came here

to Tenerife that cost about a thousand euros a night so about 1250 US dollars

but if you are on your own and you don't want the entire villa to yourself, of course

you can stay in an apartment like this one I got an Airbnb with this nice patio

right in the center of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which is the capital here and

that is about 60 euros a night so about seventy, seventy five US dollars

and night so if you're staying for like say three or four four days here then

that you know it's gonna work out about 250 euros more or less to get this kind

of level of accommodation in the city center.

So unfortunately Uber which is normally my go-to in terms of transport when

I'm traveling doesn't work in Tenerife so I took a taxi from the southern airport

up to the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife and it cost around $100 or 80

euros now if you are looking to rent a car which is not a great option here

then that's gonna set you back thirty to sixty US dollars per day so that's gonna

be roughly around twenty five to fifty euros if you want to take the bus

instead of taking the taxi all the way down from the capital to the southern

airport that's gonna be around ten euros more or less so about twelve dollars

fifty so that's an overview of the price range for transport. So now I'm here on

the main pedestrian street in the centre of Santa Cruz the capital of Tenerife

and if you have a glass of wine it's probably two or three euro for local

wine. That's great value. That's gonna be about yeah three or four dollars US

for that and about 1 euro 25 maybe a $1 25 for your coffee to go for

breakfast like have maybe an orange juice and coffee and yeah something

savory it's probably gonna set you back around about 5 euros here and if you go

for like got dinner was setting me back around 30 euros for maybe two plates

some coffee some wine you know there's water so one of those

kind of typical Spanish plates like with tortilla or chickpeas I had another one

garbanzos. What else did I have huevos con chorizo also seafood we're

here by the sea so go for some pulpo or some octopus something else that's probably

gonna cost you about 10 to 12 euros or twelve to fifteen dollars US so that's

kind of the overview of the restaurants. To sum up so for what can you get for

your 1,000 bucks or about 800 euros against maybe 750 euros well if you stay

for like three or four days and you don't say the Villa of course because

that would be one night gone you could stay in a place like this right in the

center then you could like eat out three times a day you're probably gonna go

through about 50 euros eating reasonably well then if you like

clubbing say the weekend you want to factor in about 50 euros unless

you're getting a table or something that's going to push up the price but I think we have a

few cocktails they were like 10 euros and then the entrance about 10 to

the best club in the island which was Papagayo in the very south at Playa De

Las Américas and then if you do something like maybe you actually

take the catamaran you go out for a day or something like that with some friends

have a party I think you probably be on the money for one thousand dollars

pretty much around that kind of price range. So let me know in the comments

section well the reason as I said this is now $1,000 not $100 is actually a

feedback that I get from you guys that you wanted to see things that were

outside of the kind of budget traveler price range exactly that's why I can

bumped up the price a little bit I'm gonna try and accommodate you and show

you what you really want to see in terms of the prices so keep writing in the

comments below ... whether you find this actually expensive whether you find it

cheap relative to where you live or where you're used to traveling to and yeah I

will see you very soon in the next video that's it from this Tip Thursday from me

Conor Clyne of the Tsar Experience. Adios y hasta luego de Tenerife de Santa

Cruz de Tenerife la capital ... Ciao! [Bye and see you soon from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital, ciao!]

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