Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

So why were you two fighting?

I had to defeat him


Now listen

Now I have no idea what your boyfriend did

But trying to stab him with an arrow is going too far


It probably thinks it was a lovers quarrel between us?

*gets angry in Allei language*


Uh huh, sure

If you want to break up, talk through it like adults

So chill

For more infomation >> [MMDxMMDers] A Misunderstanding between Altei and Allei - Duration: 0:30.





Food forests or Forest gardening have been around for a long time with many of the native

cultures practicing this form of sustainable agriculture.

It is a form of low-maintenance plant-based food production which replicates natural ecosystems,

incorporating fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, running vines and perennial vegetables.

Beneficial plants and companion planting is a big part of the food forest system.

Unlike much of the modern industrial agricultural system which relies heavily of inputs such

as fossil fuels and artificial herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers, a food forest

once established is self-regulating and highly abundant in yield.

Why Food Forests?

Forests are home to approximately 50-90% of all the world�s terrestrial (land-living)

biodiversity � including the pollinators and wild relatives of many agricultural crops

(Source: WWF Living Planet Report 2010) Tropical forests alone are estimated to contain

between 10-50 million species � over 50% of species on the planet.

Rainforests cover 2% of the Earth�s surface and 6% of its land mass, yet they are home

to over half of the world�s plant and animal species.

It is evident that forests themselves are synonymous with life, biodiversity and fertility.

Where life gathers, complex and mutually beneficial relationships are created between organisms;

natural harmonious communities form, and life forms multiply and proliferate.

If forests are where most of the life on the planet is, then anything less than a forest

is most likely less suited to supporting life.

Life supports life, yet we have forgotten that we are in fact part of the web of life

itself, and depend on other life to sustain ours.(1)


Unfortunately society has been conditioned to clear the land and create unsustainable

fields which need high inputs to be maintained.

Food forests are abundant and can yield significantly more than the conventional farming and mono

cropping that dominates much of the industrial landscape today.

As well as being high yielding food forests are high in biodiversity and life.

Food forests can be developed and grown in most climate zones and because they involve

vertical stacking are great for suburban and urban areas.

Check out this clip to see how a couple have transformed a traditional suburban landscape

into a highly productive forest garden.

The Layers Of A Food Forest 1.

Canopy or Tall Tree Layer Typically over 30 feet (~9 meters) high.

This layer is for larger Forest Gardens.

Timber trees, large nut trees and nitrogen-fixing trees are the typical trees in this category.

There are a number of larger fruiting trees that can be used here as well depending on

the species, varieties and rootstocks used.


Sub-Canopy/Large Shrub Layer Typically 10-30 feet (3-9 meters) high.

In most Forest Gardens, or at least those with limited space, these plants often make

up the acting Canopy layer.

The majority of fruit trees fall into this layer.


Shrub Layer Typically up to 10 feet (3 meters) high.

The majority of fruiting bushes fall into this layer.

Includes many nut, flowering, medicinal and other beneficial plants as well.


Herbaceous Layer Plants in this layer die back to the ground

every winter� if winters are cold enough, that is.

They do not produce woody stems as the Shrub layer does.

Many cullinary and medicinal herbs are in this layer.

A large variety of other beneficial plants fall into this layer.


Groundcover/Creeper Layer There is some overlap with the Herbaceous

layer and the Groundcover layer; however plants in this layer are often shade tolerant, grow

much closer to the ground, grow densely to fill bare patches of soil, and often can tolerate

some foot traffic.


Underground Layer These are root crops.

There are an amazing variety of edible roots that most people have never heard of.

Many of these plants can be utilized in the Herbaceous Layer, the Vining/Climbing Layer,

and the Groundcover/Creeper Layer.


Vertical/Climber Layer These vining and climbing plants span multiple

layers depending on how they are trained or what they climb all on their own.

They are a great way to add more productivity to a small space, but be warned.

Trying to pick grapes that have climbed up a 60 foot Walnut Tree can be interesting to

say the least.


Aquatic/Wetland Layer This is my first new layer to the Forest Garden.

Some will say that a forest doesn�t grow in the water, so this layer is inappropriate

for the Forest Garden.

I disagree.

Many forests have streams flowing through or ponds in the center.

There are a whole host of plants that thrive in wetlands or at the water�s edge.

There are many plants that grow only in water.

To ignore this large list of plants is to leave out many useful species that provide

food, fiber, medicinals, animal feed, wildlife food and habitat, compost, biomass, and maybe

most important, water filtration through bioremediation (or phytoremediation).

We are intentionally designing Forest Gardens which incorporate water features, and it is

time we add the Aquatic/Wetland Layer to the lexicon.


Mycelial/Fungal Layer This is my second new layer to the Forest


Fungal networks live in healthy soils.

They will live on, and even within, the roots of plants in the Forest Garden.

This underground fungal network transports nutrients and moisture from one area of the

forest to another depending on the needs of the plants.

It is an amazing system which we are only just beginning to comprehend.

As more and more research is being conducted on how mycelium help build and maintain forests,

it is shocking that this layer has not yet been added to the list.

In addition to the vital work this layer contributes to developing and maintaining the forest,

it will even provide mushrooms from time to time that we can utilize for food and medicine.

If we are more proactive, we can cultivate this layer intentionally and dramatically

increase our harvest.




Türkische Lira Steigt wieder💪 Der künstliche Euro und Dollar Trick - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Türkische Lira Steigt wieder💪 Der künstliche Euro und Dollar Trick - Duration: 4:51.


Using OCS on Radiant Earrings! - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Using OCS on Radiant Earrings! - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 3:13.


How I'm Painting Simple Landscapes (At The Moment) · Gouache Landscape Painting in Sketchbook - Duration: 2:57.

Hello my loves, welcome back.

Today I'm showing the process of two quick, simplified landscape paintings.

I feel like I've come a long way with my process since I started doing these so I thought

I'd share my current approach.

I'm working with a mixing colours set of Holbein Acryla Gouache, it's my go-to at

the moment for not overcomplicating things, giving me a cohesive colour scheme and being

able to mix up all the colour combo's I might want as well as just giving me a lot

of freedom with texture, layering and blending.

I'm working on Strathmore toned paper in my DIY sketchbook, all important links will

be below, and I've masked off the edges of the page with just plain washi tape.

For references, I've used a royalty-free website that I'll have linked below as well.

I'm taking a much more relaxed approach to these paintings now, I think a lot of the

ease of it has come from doing them regularly, getting into a routine almost, figuring out

what works and what doesn't until it almost comes naturally.

If you compare the first couple of videos I did doing similar paintings to this, I think

you can really see an improvement from then until now, and that really just comes from

keeping at it and gradually getting the hang of it.

There's no secret or real tips or tricks I can give to help you shortcut your way to

better landscapes, it's just a case of sticking it out through the bad ones until you start

making some progress.

I've tried all sorts of things with my landscape paintings from underpainting the values in

first to working my way from the darkest colours to the light, and sometimes I still do that,

but honestly, when it's just a fun and casual practice like this in my sketchbook, I'll

either just start in the background of the painting and layer my way to the foreground

or just work from wherever I'm drawn to first and fit the painting around that.

I don't sketch anything in, I'm not aiming for complete accuracy, just a sense of what's

going on.

One thing that makes a real difference in these paintings for me is the final addition

of details.

Its crazy to see how what can initially just look like a jumbled mush of colours can really

come together with just a few white dots to suggest waves on water or light hitting leaves

on trees.

If you think you've gone a bit too simple in your painting and it's reading more like

a jumbled mess of colours and shapes, try getting a little detail brush and painting

in just a few hints of branches and leaves on trees or pebbles on a stony path, a couple

of blades of grass standing out in the light, anything like that.

Don't go overboard with it, see how few details you can use to really give the impression

of what's there.

I won't be able to respond to your comments right away as I'm currently on a short break

but I will try to come and catch up when I'm back.

Thanks so much for watching, I will see you next week for the next video.


For more infomation >> How I'm Painting Simple Landscapes (At The Moment) · Gouache Landscape Painting in Sketchbook - Duration: 2:57.


10 nombres de perros de películas y series de TV - nombres de mascota - - Duration: 1:16.

10 male dog names from films and series











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 nombres de perros de películas y series de TV - nombres de mascota - - Duration: 1:16.


5 WWE Wrestlers Rumored To Get A Big Push - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> 5 WWE Wrestlers Rumored To Get A Big Push - Duration: 10:04.


SHROUD HAS PERFECT AIM! (3rd CS:GO League Game!) - Duration: 10:33.


They're saying what's going on

Yeah, five big that's what's up, baby

I don't think so. Dude. I think we're gonna be we're gonna be playing la every single week

Absolutely doesn't you want to do hey listen if we make playoffs I'll come down to

That's going on reddit's

Smoking headshot on


Snap up right side. He's there

Nice planning on truck great finding for making you watch my belly like to point to blink

2.1. Did you guys hear me? Hello? Yeah, we're old time in at a black flag. Oh

My god, it wouldn't take long this. Yeah, I got it. I got it. Oh, come on

Well, there's three last three last week blue

They fuck me up

Good job caught me it's acceptable. We did what you need

There sands

Clearly dying I open door and there were five of them

Probably big t spawn flank if we haven't heard anything

Flashing high color my


Duck at the top center look at my boy then just a doctor named at the woman's head Jordan. Just giving

No, come on the flashing Jordan fight kills

Korean barbecues that I

Literally had five people in front of me all lined up. I start spraying I

See a flash coming in. I look at the bottom left and I just see it nothing fired

Flash out or whatever. Listen, I'm flashing a defensive offensive push

Over you fucking clown costume stuff without water. Yeah nice

Once water flows


I just kept doing it - I don't know

No, I guess I suppose yeah, what do you want? Yeah. She's probably my kept going out boss right now

Yeah laughter

Oh my god, throw it on bomb what

Okay, if someone would have just held that from the beginning that would have been all

There was a guy connector he just fell back so he's gonna come through spawn I guess

He didn't attack no, I think I'm flying I think we're here dude

Sorry sure. Yeah I kind of was hoping they'd bump right into me Petey

No idea where I'm getting from

One water is low water when water Jordan

You should be low, okay

Sorry can't let you die. You owe me fucking $5,000 route. That's unreal man debate

To be fair, I was smoked out and you keep like it all happened that this is a grazie time man, you know

To do some kind of advanced analytics on how many times I've run into a site's first and got it killed

Four times with the bomb trying to plant and I think proud has gotten him every single time after I die to

See a trend here

With me and Robin are the meat meatball for everybody else

me cheat you I I carried the bomb, but and you go first this is like

Why why do you not go for the knife I'll do these pushing me water

Well, I still remember most I think

Dirty house in Santa

This is my keys game it was mine. You did call it last week. You said it was my keys game I'm swinging

Peeking fell up mid okay? Oh my god, of course made from there all there

Of course my keys just chasing the eCos absolutely

Yeah, I'm jealous


You got this really cheese spots I can come out fight maybe like

Fusion see I think that's what wraps up

There's no one there Jordan's got it all

Yeah, hey guys fuck yeah, whoa

That's how most of these open matches are gonna go we they'll probably playoffs playoffs happen

That's like when for 30 minutes the actual and I try hard for serious teams publish

For more infomation >> SHROUD HAS PERFECT AIM! (3rd CS:GO League Game!) - Duration: 10:33.


3 Essential Lessons of Your Sacral Chakra That Will Bring You More Joy - Duration: 2:52.

3 Essential Lessons of Your Sacral Chakra That Will Bring You More Joy

BY Vicki Howie

Every energy center in your body (chakra) relates to a different part of your life,

and for this reason, each one has specific life lessons to impart.

This video looks at the 3 key lessons of your second chakra that resides in your pelvic


If you haven�t watched the video for your first chakra, take a look at it here:

3 Key Lessons of Your Root Chakra

Your sacral chakra is the home of your Divine Feminine (for men and women alike).

It is orange and located in the hips and its element is water.

This means that it is all about flow, ease and movement.

Whereas the root chakra is all about stability, the sacral chakra is all about change.

It is the seat of all your moods and emotions as well as your fertility and sexuality.

Here are the 3 Key Lessons of Your Sacral Chakra:

Lesson #1: Embrace, Honor & Express Your Emotions � our culture likes to shut down emotions,

but experiencing them is a beautiful thing.

Besides, repressing them can lead to all sorts of ailments.

Since the sacral chakra is the home of your childlike creativity and joy, it especially

wants to teach you to remain playful and keep your youthful exuberance.

Lesson #2: Be Flexible and at Ease � Since this chakra is all about the element of water,

one of its key lessons is to be like water.

Bruce Lee is often told people to be like water, because he understood the inherent

strength in something that can bend and be flexible.

Move around the obstacles in your life without drama or fuss, and you will find that your

life feels easier.

The motto here is: go with the flow.

Lesson #3: Treat All Intimacy as Sacred � wherever you have two people, you have an opportunity

for sacred connection.

The sacral chakra is all about relationships and one-on-one intimacy.

It teaches you to honor all the dyad relationships in your life � especially the highest expression

of intimacy � sexual union with your beloved soulmate.

The second chakra wants you to celebrate sex as a sacred act.

For more infomation >> 3 Essential Lessons of Your Sacral Chakra That Will Bring You More Joy - Duration: 2:52.


DESAFIO: CANTE - NÃO CANTE (FUNKS 2018) - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> DESAFIO: CANTE - NÃO CANTE (FUNKS 2018) - Duration: 4:21.


2Pac - Im Monster 4 (ft. Notorious B I G , Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eazy E ,The Game, Ice Cube) - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> 2Pac - Im Monster 4 (ft. Notorious B I G , Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eazy E ,The Game, Ice Cube) - Duration: 8:08.


MIND Explained by Sadhguru - 2018 Rare Speech - Duration: 13:18.

so Sadhguru what is a creative mind oh

how big an answer do you want as big as you want it so the English word mind

doesn't say anything because it's just one generic word which does not describe

different dimensions what the mind is mind is not just one something sitting

here and doing something okay there is really no such thing as mind in the

yogic culture there is no mind there is a physical body there is a mental body

because what you're calling is mind right now is a certain combination of

memory and intelligence there is memory in your body more memory in your body

than you can imagine if I have to get it to against okay I'm

picking on you okay you definitely don't remember how your great-great-great

great-great grandmother look like but her nose is sitting on your face right

now yes you don't remember a thing consciously but your body remembers 100%

how 10 generations ago your grandmother was your body still remembers a million

years ago have your forefathers were you are still your body remembers isn't it

it's not forgotten and it's not going to forget your mind is not capable of this

kind of memory your body has a trillion times more memory than your so-called

brain this whole shift towards the brain and intellectual process is a new is a

European malice they gave too much significance to thought this has

happened because they lived under a subjugated society religiously

subjugated society where you are not supposed to think anything except what's

written in some book otherwise you're dead they lived like this for a long

time because of this when they got little freedom to think and manage to

live they started celebrating their thought too much let's understand the

context of thought you can only think from the data that

you already have gathered that means you can never think anything new you can

recycle it you can rehash it you can produce

permutations and combinations of it but you cannot think something absolutely

new it is not in the nature of the thought to come up with something new

it can only recycle the past that means if you dedicate yourself to your thought

process if you enshrine your thought process you

are ensuring nothing new ever happens in your life so thought need not be

celebrated like this that's why in this culture thought has never been given so

much significant psychological drama we don't think much about that because it's

your drama your drama is important for you somebody else's drama it's important

for them everybody thinks their drama is the most important drama in the universe

this is everybody's experience because they are so identified with their own

psychological drama this cycle of psychological drama should not determine

the nature of your life because this is just a small happening compared to the

life process life is a much deeper intelligence than intellect we can look

at the yogic system looks at the mind as sixteen parts those sixteen parts are

further broken and they're taken up to 84,000 parts but now if I talk about

84,000 already this segment which says no so I will make it four I'm taking

away 80 okay I'm being fair to you only four four fundamental parts one is the

intellect which we have in modern world in today's world we are unnecessarily

giving too much significance to intellect and we will pay an enormous

price for this you will come to your place where you will know everything but

you know nothing of life significance well today you will see this happening

to children for the first time this generation you

see ten eleven year old or twelve year old children they look bored when you

were ten eleven you did not know what is boredom it was not possible just too

exciting to be alive and looking around you will see ten twelve year old

children are looking bored because they've seen the cosmos through their

phone screen they know it all and especially in the Western countries you

will see this happening at 8:10 they're really bored you will see in the school

buses there are certainly bored because by the time you are 12 you already had

one love affair you know what is a break you know how to always recover from that

you tasted alcohol you've seen this probably you've gone into all kinds of

physical things and you know the cosmos what more but the time you 15 there's

really no purpose for you to exist for many of them you should not be surprised

if this culture continues I am NOT saying this is a prediction it is

something that I see beginning to happen in another 50 or 100 years time if 25 to

50 percent of the people commit suicide you should not be surprised because

laugh needs some exuberance if too much information happens to you without

experience that exuberance will be gone and a sense of false sense of knowing

becomes so strong in you this is the danger of intellect because intellects

to intellect wants to dissect everything intellect is like a scalpel the sharper

it is the better it is it wants to dissect and no dissection works with

some things not with all aspects of life if you want to know the poor frog you

know you remember the poor frog that you crucified and cut and great knowledge

you acquired from all that torture is unbelievable how much knowledge you know

for the torture that that frog went through how much knowledge you have

acquired is quite unbelievable

all that you got to know now you got interest suddenly you got interested the

mother that you are ignored you want to know your mother today please get

yourself a sharp knife start the dissection you may know everything about

her liver kidney heart but you won't have a mother left that's all

so life cannot be known by breaking it up you can know

physical things by breaking it up you cannot know life by breaking it into

pieces but this is the nature of the intellect the whole modern science has

evolved from human intellect because it's produced technological benefits you

can't argue against it because people you know yeah

they pick the scientists they know nothing about science they just say

enjoying their iPhone they think they're scientists because they can do this no

technology is fine and it's brought much comfort and convenience but it will not

bring life to us so intellect is like this intellect will be useful only

depending upon what it is identified with and what is held what holds this

how steadily so the next dimension of the mind the first one is called as good

D which is the intellect the second and is called is ahankara ahankara does not

mean ego this that it means the identity whatever you are identified with you

intellect functions only around that simple if you just identify with the

nation if you say I'm an Indian everything Indian looks beautiful if you

cross the border and you say you're something else

all that looks beautiful so whatever you are identified with it's only with that

the intellect functions so ahankara is the identity how consciously and how

steadily your ahankara has been created will

determine the effectiveness of your intellect just because it's sharp it

does not mean it will be effective because sharp intellect or a sharp knife

can cause any amount of damage to you if you have a sharp knife and you don't

have a steady hand you will cut yourself all over the place that's all that's

happening human suffering is just this you don't

know how to hold this intellect in your hand properly every day you're cutting

yourself so all suffering is on self-help because your own mind causing

this to you all the time no matter what happens people suffer whichever way they

suffer because they don't know how to hold this intellect if you had the mind

of an earthworm you would be quite peaceful yes you're trying to do it in

so many ways to reduce the sharpness of the intellect by drink by drug by

overeating by doing all kinds of things somehow to take away the sharpness

because the damn thing hurts it hurts not because that's its nature it hurts

because you do not know how to hold it the next dimension of the mind is called

as Manas which is a huge volume of memory it is not here or their entire

body carries memory so manomaya kosha this is called a huge sack of memory

this memories in various stacks will not go into all these details considering

some people have closed aside a clear no they don't want to have a mind I'm sorry

they don't want to know anything about the mind

so the fourth dimension of the mind is called as Cheeta Cheeta means it's pure

intelligence it is unsullied by memory it has no trace of any kind of memory

it's just pure intelligence if you touch this then you have access to what you

are referring to as the source of creation because all kinds of things

might have been fed to you God is this God is love God is compassion God is

kind whatever whatever somebody come stand on the edge of this stage say all

the prayer you want to say and fall let me see where the compassion happens to

you or a cracked bone happens to you I would like to check all right all these

things have been made up because whatever somebody is deprived of

we'll attribute that quality to their idea of God your ideas of God have come

only because you do not know what how this whole creation happened because you

don't have an answer you made it up because your human being you said a big

human being is sitting up there or how can you do all this if somebody asks he

has ten hands so he does a lot of things not like you whatever it's all right for

children but essentially because you do not know how creation happened you are

coming up with explanations so that which is the source of creation don't

believe what I say what anybody says pay attention to one piece of creation just

take a flower pay attention to this pay an attention to leave for an atom or an

ant all you will see is phenomenal intelligence beyond anything you can

imagine yes but nobody told you God is intelligence

but this culture has said this to you in many ways they told you chewed Akasha

chidambara and so many things to tell you if you touch your teeth the whole

existence becomes yours everything that's worth knowing is right here

because you have access to the source of creation so these are the four types of

your four dimensions of your mind unfortunately the modern education

things by just feel feeding information and keeping the intellect reasonably

sharp everything is going to happen no you will rip this planet apart looking

for wellbeing you may lose the planet or you may manage to go to another planet

and start your work again there but well-being will not happen if well-being

has to happen you have to dig a little deeper into this one otherwise


For more infomation >> MIND Explained by Sadhguru - 2018 Rare Speech - Duration: 13:18.


FINGER LICKIN' GOOD! | Barry Has A Secret - Duration: 12:20.

what's up everybody Lazlowhere and welcome to Barry has a secret chapter

one cherry pie so this is a game that you

could download I will put a link down in the description below in case you're

interested after checking it out I have no idea what to expect I just know the

berries got a secret and it's got something to do with food so let's check

it out alright so I'm guessing that I'm berry

hi oh this is Barry hi I'm Barry this is like time for some cherry pie I think I

left some in the fridge the music is very intense so I guess

it's but this is the most intense third-person over-the-shoulder I have

ever seen it gives residue before run for its money left mouse button to pick

up chip Wow he just went after it holy smokes

ahhh I'm Barry I don't know chairs I don't like milk and bananas are very

very aggressive all right I don't know where this is going well

pillows I grabbed everything hi I'm Barry I just I grab and grab and grab

alright we're looking in the fridge for cherry pie we're gonna murder the cherry

oh my goodness there's an axe I'm Barry I don't oh I see cherry but finger

cherry pie is that what that said the cherry finger pie this is the police

sure open the door wow I I need to I'd the four pieces of evidence what are the

four pieces there's oh well there's one there's the pie I stick it to the oven

it's just we're just cooking our dishwasher that's no I'll pick it back

up ah oh wait that's just the plate we're good we're good

I think the pie I think the pie is gone oh this hand is just in lovely shape oh

we're just gonna swing it around like a baton here aren't we oh just knock over

the chair with our bloody hand oh that's perfect wait

No Oh No I lost my hand where'd it go where the fingers are they under the

pillow oh god oh god what did I do what if I done I'm stuck on the pillow

Oh where'd the hand go there's a lid what did I do with it oh oh good there's

nothing suspicious going on in here at all officer don't bite well it's got to

be hidden cuz I can't even find it okay I the axe that's got to be a piece of

evidence right uh can I get it in I quit making the room put it in the fridge

that's hidden no that's not hidden because that doesn't close they come in

and I'm wielding an axe it's not going to be very subtle clothes the clothes

the UH just gonna put it in the sink

nothing's going on in here I'm just livid I'm do it I'm dude a hunky dory

there's oh god oh god cops found hand and a total of three trace evidence your

secret is revealed I can explain oh yeah good so take two all right yeah now I at

least got an idea of what's going on I don't I don't want the pie the pie is

bad news why do I want to eat the pie there's not

really a good place to hide I was I just stuff everything in the dishwasher can I

open the drawers I got the pie all right oh why is the pie so wobbly all right

there's one in the hand I just stuff them all in the dishwasher

- yeah they'll never look in there Oh the woolly axe oh he Huck didn't like a

boss that was awesome all right his mince is minced meat a bad

thing I don't I don't I don't think it is alright trace evidence they said what

there was like four things what else did I do do I have like finger soup in my

cup what's in here Oh God why is there a finger in my cup no that is not okay

hide the finger is it in it's in all right oh I didn't choose what else we

have is there something in the pot what's in the pot oh god well it's over

there now it's it's hidden but buh buh buh buh buh buh buh-buh-buh buhbuh

Oh Oh is there more evidence or is it all hidden are we good I'm good or we

get nothing in the coffeepot did I hide any ears in my toaster I don't know what

that is but I don't I think we're good there's a sponge Oh clean up make it

look good scrubby scrubby scrubby oh yes no no nothing in here hold on officer

I'm just running around like a madman destroying my apartment because I'm

innocent clothes clothes no stay closed

I just got stand here awkwardly hi I'm good

I just can't stand here God there's nothing going on I'm just standing in

front of the dishwasher yeah routine you're right there's nothing in this

dishwasher I'm just hanging out oh good just doing some dishes don't mind the

red bubbles coming out the bottom normal good Oh

Oh cops are looking they found nothing yet you won't find nothing I

you have a lovely day now officer I appreciate the routine check

makes job eat my finger though they might be back

I need to hide all oh god did somebody explode in my apartment what the hell

what happened why are there arms now did they like fall from the roof uh-oh

can I close that hey pick up the chair nope

where else can I hide stuff I can't stuff everything in the dishwasher can

noona open the fridge open the fridge I think

I can hide them in there there's one arm four pieces oh yeah

Oh No get in there I don't have hands like a normal human

this happens with the cannibalism it's my toaster Oh what else is there is

there more what's in the food is there like toes in my cranberry juice they

said four pieces of evidence I only see two uh but but but you would think when

the cops came by I would decide hey it might not be a good idea to pull out the

rest of my disembodied dude but I think we're good I think we're good

and close you close you close now you're not closing but now you didn't come that

far last time so we're just gonna make sure do double sleep I can see the arm

just hanging out it's just though guys so bad it's so bad

I got washi so they won't notice a thing though the salt over my shoulders no

can't do that

why are you in there they won't notice that's hidden would you what's what just

hanging out the still laying out mama dishwashing apis gone missing

oh really that's sad you know he's missing mm-hmm mm-hmm

just can I get you what's what Arnold Schwartzenegger what's that yeah

ah it's nothing the fridge er back with the arm sorry I got distracted pay no

attention to me they do hey I need to start eating man I need to stop saving

leftovers cops are investigating only a couple more days I need to hide the

evidence quit leaving the evidence all over your apartment what are you doing

uh why'd I pick it up now it begins now it begins

oh goodness oh goodness oh there's more there's oh it's a whole torso what am I

gonna do with that yeah I will be there just a sec it uh uh uh uh what do I do

with it what do I do with this it's huge tonight Oh quit throwing it around like

a madman and now now can I eat bury it in pillows cover it cover it up cover it

up cover it up they won't notice a thing they won't if you yeah yeah yeah this

will work it's good good he's good he's good

I'll be right with you I'm still just very slow at answering the door that's

that's that's all this is

I don't think this kind of work yeah I think I'm wasting my time or if eclis

here huh nope that's so good they won't notice a thing uh you go oh I

don't have anywhere to put you I don't have anywhere to put you back there now

I'm not right in the middle of everything covered with

Oh put the TV on it yeah what is it they shh-shh oh it's so good it's so good

is there anything else no okay hi again another neighbor my goodness they just

go through them here uh-oh busted an arm and a total that are to trace evidence

your secret is revealed I thought I did so there's pillows no anywho that is

berry has a secret especially pretty amusingly fun game I'd be curious to see

what the end is on Chapter two so if you would like to see me come back and try

and actually get through this leave a comment down below and let me know that

that's what you would like and if that's what you would like cuz you liked the

video they give the video like subscribe and share cuz that's always good anyways

until next time I will see you in the next video adios

For more infomation >> FINGER LICKIN' GOOD! | Barry Has A Secret - Duration: 12:20.


10 male dog names from films and series - the best pet names - - Duration: 1:13.

10 male dog names from films and series











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 male dog names from films and series - the best pet names - - Duration: 1:13.


SML Movie: Jeffy Plays Baseball Reaction - Duration: 13:32.

For more infomation >> SML Movie: Jeffy Plays Baseball Reaction - Duration: 13:32.


A Quick Update - Duration: 3:00.

I should probably worry about how I look, but I don't...

So, here we go...


I wanted to film something today, but unfortunately,

I don't have a lot of time.

So, I just wanted to talk for a bit.

Hopefully, I won't vent for another 16 minutes again.

Logical: Attention everyone…

Logical: Earthquake imminent…

What was that?

Wiccan: Sorry.

Wiccan: My spell backfired…


I just wanted to let you all know that…

Darkness: Oh, no….

Darkness: I'm hiding here…

I'm trying to film there…

Darkness: Oh, you're not doing much…

Darkness: It's fine.

Anyway, as I was saying…

Random: Light, duck!

What is going on out there?

Random and Madness: NOTHING!

Random: I got you, Madness.

Madness: No, you didn't…

Anyway, as I was saying…

Light: Oh! There you are.

Light: Have you seen my book?

Darkness: Nope…

Wait, are you trying to film?

I'm trying to…

Light: I'm sorry…

I just skip to the point:

The first episode of Personality Takeover will be next month.

Hopefully during the first week of June.

It will be very simple, nothing too complicated and the first one of us to show up will be…

Random: I won!

Madness: 2 out of 3.

Light, could you?

Light: I'll go check…

Thank you...


What was I saying?

After the first episode, there will be more,

but if they take too long (to show up), I'm sorry,

because both filming and editing will be very tricky.

Madness: There you are!

Madness: Catch!

Darkness: Really?

Oh, no…

Madness: Run, Random, RUN!


Wait… wait... wait... wait...

For more infomation >> A Quick Update - Duration: 3:00.


All Summers End Soundtrack | OST Tracklist - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> All Summers End Soundtrack | OST Tracklist - Duration: 0:50.


Kozicare skin whitening cream Review in Tamil ||| kojic acid side effects - Duration: 5:01.

stop using it

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