Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018


simply some keys to self motivation and

all of us have motivation of some sort i

define motivation as the desire to

achieve that which you'd believed to be

worthwhile and many people go through

life never getting in touch with their

greatness because of the lack of

motivation to push themselves or because

they have not found something that they

believe to be worthwhile to challenge

them I heard a poem once that said many

a flower has bloomed unceasingly and

waste its sweetness upon the cold desert

air as translated that means simply that

many are talented persons have gone

unnoticed and the world never had a

chance to be exposed to their talents

because that person did not take the

time to begin to express or to

demonstrate or to motivate themselves in

the direction to bring that which they

came into the universe to bring how can

you measure your motivation how can you

evaluate where you are on a scale of one

to ten let's do this for ourselves

mentally how do you rate yourself from

one to ten your mental attitude about

yourself how you feel about you how you

feel about life how do you rate yourself

on a scale of one to ten in terms of

your physical appearance in terms of

your health do you take care of yourself

are you allowing yourself to get

overweight and out of shape are you

conscious of your health are you

watching the food that you take into

your body do you make a deliberate

effort to exercise you know it was

George Burns he said we cannot help

getting older but we don't have to get

old and many of us get old before our

time because we don't take time to take

care of ourselves your environment is a

very good indicator on a scale of one to

ten is it what you want it to be do you

find it desirable are you satisfied the

job a career that you are involved in

someone said that 85% of the American



their jobs are you spending eight hours

a day just doing time doing something

that you don't find challenging that

does not make you stretch mentally that

does not stimulate you that does not

inspire you something that you don't

find a sense of fulfillment in it if

you're doing that day in and day out it

has to affect how you feel about

yourself your level of motivation your

relationships what kind of impact is

that having on your life is that

nourishing or is it a toxic relationship

does it drain you or does it build you

up ask yourself that how motivated are

you to do something about it

your contribution your actions what are

you giving many people will leave the

universe without a trace no one will

know they were here and in fact under

their name we could put under their not

used up will anybody know that you came

this way what contribution are you

giving what will you leave what will be

different because you came this way

someone once said that life is our gift

to us that God has given us and how we

live our lives is our gift to God what

kind of gift

are you formulating is this a gift that

you like to take back and do something

else before you turn it in think about

that what can we do what are some of the

keys that we can begin to use to

motivate ourselves when our batteries

were unload because I don't care who you

are I don't care what you do at some

time you are going to get tired at the

same time you're going to get in a rut

seem like nothing you do works out right

and sometimes it just seems like you

just don't have the wherewithal all the

will to do anything that sometimes you

act like you're punch-drunk you're just

wading through like just doing time day

in and day out

looking at nondiscriminatory television

anything that's all just looking

and depress feeling powerless feeling

useless and bored what do you do how did

you get yourself out of a rut how do you

when you know you can do more than what

you've been doing and you're not doing

it and you're discontented where you are

you get angry at yourself how do you get

out of that rut how do you motivate

yourself one of the things that we must

do is that we must be involved in

working on achieving self mastery you

must work on yourself continuously never

be satisfied with yourself always know

that as you invest the effort and time

on you that's the greatest ability that

human beings have above animals see a

dog can't be anything but a dog tree

can't be anything but a tree human being

you've got unlimited potential you can

put effort on you and by concentrating

on you and developing you you can

transform your life wherever you are

right now so you want to work on

yourself you want to read books that

inspire you and motivate you you want to

listen to tapes over and over and over

again and I suggest that you listen to

tapes when you first get up in the

morning you want to control the spirit

of your day when you first wake up in

the morning your mind is operating at

10.5 wave cycles per second that's when

the subconscious mind is most

impressionable whatever you hear in the

first 20 minutes when you wake up that

will affect the spirit of your day when

you listen to tapes listen with relaxed

belief believing that this can happen

for you and by listening to them listen

to them over and over and over again

and you will get a breakthrough you can

listen to the same tape for months and

all of a sudden you hear something you

never heard before it have a special

meaning for you or read the same book

over again and you find some special

insight you said I can't believe I

didn't see that the first time so you

want to be involved in developing

yourself most people won't do that most

people won't take that kind of effort

and invest that kind of energy in

themselves because they will fall prey

to that conversation within oh don't do

that you don't have time

you're too busy you're too caught up in

the rat race most people won't do that

well they won't take time to go to

lectures they won't take time to go to

seminars they won't take time to go to

classes to improve themselves and as you

continue to work on yourself you will

begin to expand your vision of yourself

you begin to work towards self mastery

and you will begin to see it reflect

itself in all the dimensions of your

life your mental life your physical life

your social life in your relationships

your monetary life so concentrate on

developing yourself because if you don't

I guarantee you that you will make a

settlement and most people have and most

of us already have what kind of

settlement have you made with your life

you know when we make settlements

out-of-court settlements you've heard

them that means that you decided to take

something less than what you originally

wanted to get had you gone into court

and the reason that you settle outside

of court is because you didn't believe

that you can get it so you made an

out-of-court settlement many of us are

making in life settlement we're settling

for less than what we actually deserve

we don't feel good about it

but we make it work at our minds we'll

come up with some kind of excuse to make

it all right

what kind of settle that have you made

with your life many of us settled for

less than what we want out of

relationships because we don't have the

courage to change them

I had a seminar used to do call are you

living together or dying together many

people are just dying together Gladys

Knight used to have a song that says

neither one of us want to be the first

to say goodbye

the next thing is in order to begin to

find some keys to self motivation to

drive yourself in addition to working on

yourself and as you work on yourself you

feel good about yourself and as you feel

better about yourself you treat yourself

differently develop a health plan so you

can't feel well and do well if you don't

have good health you can't perform if

you don't have your health your health

is valuable develop a health plan a plan

that you will follow because this is the

only vehicle that you have to carry you

through this experience called life and

you want to take good care of it because

you love you enough you care enough

about you and that's not easy it is not

easy having a health plan and sticking

to it but you're worth it doing it again

and again and again I have lost 22

pounds several times seven it's I always

do it I love potato chips people who

know me know I love M&M peanuts I love

peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I

love my mother's sweet potato pie I love

this it's not always on my health plan

but I put it on there sometimes I said

life is too short to go without sweet

potato pie if I go tonight I want you to

slip a surprise the sweet potato pie of

my casket yeah and watch the smile of my

face next thing is as you take care of

yourself the next key is keys to

motivation to self motivation you want

to live life with energy and passion you

want to make a conscious effort to be


see in life you either say hello or

goodbye you either on the way or in the

way leave that people alone some folks

just walking around looking saying how

are you doing honey

stay away from these people just go away

from them it affects you


you want to smile you want to be happy

you got a lot to be thankful for but you

watch some of the faces around you every


and I tell you some of these faces they

will put you in a depressed state of

mind so you want to avoid these kind of

faces when you see them coming turn your

head next thing is that you want to

monitor your inner conversations the

things that you say to yourself you want

to watch them and in watching them you

want to take charge friend of mine told

me this evening as she did it

excellently she said I didn't want to

come tonight I was feeling so depressed

and I said I'm going anyhow see that was

the conversation so you really don't

feel like it

you really don't need to do it you don't

really need to read anything forget all

that that's that in a conversation oh

you don't need to worry about trying to

go into your own business forget that

you can't do that what did you lose

everything you've got that in a

conversation that stopped you from doing

the things you want to do less don't do

that how can you possibly think about

being a motivational speaker you don't

have the contact you don't have the

money you don't know the right people

you're gonna get up in your minds gonna

go blink forget all that you remember

that time you got up before some people

and you panicked you stood up in your

mind set down don't you remember

I said yes and then I said shut up so

you've got to learn to stand up to

yourself inside yourself and

short-circuit override that conversation

that's always going on 85% of what that

conversation will tell you is negative

its negative it will tell you you're

tired when you really are not tired it

will tell you you can't do it it will

fill you with fear so you've got to

watch that conversation and when you

find it going on you've got to stand up

to it and say I'm gonna do this anyhow

I'm afraid but I'm afraid not to do it

and I'm not going to let you stop me the

biggest challenge that you will have in

life is you as an old African proverb

that says is there's no enemy within the

enemy outside can do us no harm

the next thing that is a key to self

motivation is that you've got to ask

yourself what do I want out of life what

do you want out of life what do you want

out of a job what do you want out of

career what do you want out of a

relationship what do you want what gives

you your life what how will you know

when you got it what will make you happy

you need to know you need to start

asking yourself some questions what do I

really really truly want you need to be

exact about that don't be vague oh I

just want to be happy that's too vague

what will make you happy how will you

know when you got it zero in on it be

exact be specific and as you do that

that will stimulate that super conscious

mind or the reticular activating system

of your mind that will begin to find

those things to identify with it and

once you begin to determine that which

you want take the time to write it down

don't just think about it write it down

that is a subjective process that

engages the subconscious mind write it


once you write it down read it three

times a day morning noon and night why

is that important because what it will

do it will cause you to focus it will

cost you to concentrate when that other

conversation is going on telling you

what you cannot do telling you all of

the impossibilities and all of the

obstacles you're concentrating will

begin to create a larger vision within

yourself and you start looking for and

seeing some new opportunities you start

creating some openings for yourself as

you begin to read that every day every

day day in and day out that will make

you focus that will discipline your

thinking and you'll get all kind of

creative ideas as I talk to you right

now being involved in this immersion

process you're going to create some

openings for yourself you're gonna get

some ideas you're gonna feel your

adrenalin flowing and you're gonna think

about something some idea you had you

said I want to go back and I'm gonna

look at that again from a different

vantage point not from the level of the

problem of the obstacles that I

encountered but from a higher vantage

point because what you will begin to see

them to know as I talk to the higher

consciousness within you that you are

powerful that you are a miracle worker

and that inner conversation has

conditioned you to believe that you're

not and as you begin to discover the

truth of who you are whatever challenge

that you're facing in life and if you're

living you're facing some challenge

you'll begin to know that you are

powerful and that you're America maker

so as you begin to write down exactly

what it is that you want read it every

day the next thing is see yourself there

how will you feel once you get there

what will the experience be like for you

what will be different what kind of

person do you have to become in order to

get there visualize yourself there

living the experience I remember when I

ran for state representative in Columbus

Ohio and I had a lot of people telling

me and you got to watch not only the

conversation within but the conversation


telling me less you can't possibly win

you can't do that

and I went down to the legislature and I

saw myself I knew what I wanted I saw

myself in the chair I pointed out the

chair that I wanted I used to go and set

up in the galleries and watch the

legislative process I used to go to the

committee meetings and listen to

legislation being introduced I learned

how to write legislation how to amend


I stopped thinking like a legislator got

up every day dressing thinking like that

selling myself on it seeing myself in

the legislature mr. speaker I'm the

gentleman from the 29th House District

I'd like to introduce the bill I went in

the legislature walk around I have the

experience of it and when I ran and won

against overwhelming odds they were

shocked I won the election even before

it was held because I was living it in

my mind you want to see yourself beyond

your circumstances you got a challenge

see yourself beyond your challenge see

yourself with the challenge already

resolved and knowing that all as well

seeing yourself in control and in charge

of your destiny being healthy and happy

the next thing is it is important in the

area of motivating yourself it's

important to know why you're doing it

because that mind will say why bother

why go through all this this is too hard

no throw in the towel it's not worth it

it hasn't ever said that to you before

here's how you can handle that here's

how you override that write down five

reasons why you deserve it why do you

deserve what you want why you why do you

deserve it what meaning and value will

it bring to your life what's so

different about you that you deserve

your goal of this goal and when you

write down those five reasons when you

have some down moments and you're going

to have them when that conversation

start talking to you and it's going to

talk to you what you will do is you can

pull that out and read it

we'll build you up it will be your rod

and your staff to comfort you through

some challenging moments because you're

gonna have some life will knock you

between the eyes

it will catch you on the blindside come

out of nowhere stuff you can't

anticipate that will knock the wind out

of you you want to give up that's why

it's important for you to work on

yourself listening to tapes building

yourself up talking to yourself with

power feeling and conviction building

yourself up day in and day out because

it's coming I guarantee you

life is just waiting oh he's doing good

now huh very good I've never had an

experience I was pursuing my dream and

that's why you have to work on yourself

you don't know what's gonna happen and I

was telling people I had this big rally

I had to do was 5,000 people there and I

said you must work on yourself if you

want a larger vision you've got to

empower yourself continuously because

life will catch you on the blindside and

after I finished my speech I got a

rousing standing ovation and I wouldn't

call the young lady that I was dating at

the time I said hey guess what I said

they'd love me I got a standing ovation

and they were chanting we want the

motivator we want the motivator I said

listen we want to motivate we want do

you hear

she said yes unless I need to talk to


I put wait a minute you're talking about

to tell I was ghetto and I'll be also

less I heard a voice in background hurry

up and tell him who's that

last time you've been gone a lot in

there's somebody else what they came in

less come on mr. motivator they want you

back out there wait a minute all of the

holder why'd you say I'm sorry that

someone hasn't heard a voice say hang

the phone up

come on I say what are they gonna say

hey hey motivator come on they want you

catch your hair chair

okay I said I said when you working on a

larger vision I say you you got a really

work good yourself good light will catch

you the Blind Side


I say you better be ready you better

make sure you want it cuz it'll make you

cry and somebody said the spirit is on

him thank you thank you thank you thank


I was talking to tell it's not blinking

the light they had to come toward me ah

but I say you gotta have a larger vision

you make sure you make sure you work on

yourself I said come over surround - oh

yeah I went back to my hotel room and

loneliness and heartbreak was sitting on

the bed said are you coming in now do

you have your larger vision now how's

your positive attitude say get on in

here are you still breathing

shut up you want your go no we'll just

go Donald light will wear you out you'll

be saying no I can't into our you try to

read it can't see that through the tears

I went running through the drawers in

this hotel trying to find a Gideon Bible

anything you know I said somebody

anybody help me Yahweh Yahoo anybody boy

I tell you that's why you got to work on

yourself good life will send you some


you cannot anticipate the next thing is

that whatever you do you want to develop

technical mastery you want to be the

best at what you do you want to master

it see part of self motivation is you've

got to find something that gives you a

strong sense of competence will you

become known for that you develop a

reputation of being good at doing that

you set some high personal standards for

yourself you're not competing with

anybody else you're just unfolding

yourself to be the best person that you

could be that you want to give the best

quality service that you can give

because that is a statement about who

you are the other thing that's the key

to self motivation is recognize the fact

that you're going to get into some

slumps recognize the fact that

you're going to encounter a great deal

of failure in life it goes with the

territory but in the face of that you

want to be relentless when you want

something you can don't expect everybody

to say oh come on it we've been oh you

want this oh great we want to give this

to you you're such a nice person you're

doing it for your family aren't you

great now don't like this and like that

no many doors will be closed in your

face many loans that you will want they

say no you don't have enough collateral

you don't have enough credit and most

people will give up but you've got to

decide that I'm going to be fearless

I refuse to be tonight and I'm gonna go

all out I'm going to be relentless I

don't care how many nose I encounter I

like something I see as Thomas said when

it's getting ready for a basketball game

he said I'm gonna either shoot us in or

shoot us out but I'm not going to not do

anything and that's the way to go


you can't make a basket unless you shoot

the ball you can't hit a homerun unless

you take a swing at it

most people won't even take a swing well

I probably won't make it anyhow that's

the conversation within they probably

won't give it to me anyhow

if you want something you've got to be

relentless you've got to decide I

deserve this and I'm going to have it

and you go all out to get it that drives

you the next thing is that when you want

something out of life you've got to be

willing to go into action don't wait

around for things to be just right

don't wait for things to be perfect

don't wait for the ideal situation it

will never be ideal there will always be

a reason well as soon as the children

grow up as soon as I pay my bills well

soon as I get my divorce ok as soon as I

get enough money together do what you

can where you are with what you have and

never be satisfied a lot of people never

take a chance in life they don't want to

take any chances they want the situation

to be ideal see that's not walking by

faith that's walking by sight if I can

see it I'll do it no no no glass a lot

of people say if I could see it I

believe it no no if you believe it you

can see it

and don't be despaired because no one

else can see it that's not unusual that

is ordinary but because you want some

different kind of results in your life

you've got to be willing to be

unreasonable if you weren't unreasonable

results in your life you've got to be

willing to be unreasonable part of being

unreasonable you don't judge according

to appearances part of being

unreasonable you can see it because you

believe it that's part of being

unreasonable part of being unreasonable

you like Paulo said you must have the

faith to call forth those things that be

not as though they were that's part of

being unreasonable most people won't do


most people say call me when you get it

together then I'll support you the other

thing is that what are the keys to self

motivation that empowers you is that you

want to find a cause larger than

yourself find something that you can

contribute to find something that you

can make a difference because you can

part of what feeds your larger vision

part of what gives you a reason for

being part of what gives you your life

is being able to give something back so

I can't afford to give anything you

can't afford not to give give your time

give your talent is nothing just to go

and lick envelopes I don't know exactly

what I'm going to do but I'm going over

there it's part of my tithing in the

universe once you develop that that

special sense of mission and that's what

you develop when you're part of a larger

cause than yourself

it drives you you don't need an alarm

clock to get up in the morning you have

special power you'll go places and folk

will like to be around you they will

know there's something different about


when you go in they say hey that's

somebody important I want to know who

you are I just want to be near you that

energy that you have that consciousness

that you will embody will affect


on you the next thing is is that you

want to create a home court advantage

for yourself you've got to be aware of

who you have around you so you want to

be selective have friends that will

enable you to grow I have friends that

help me to grow spiritually these are my

spiritual friends I talk spiritual stuff

with them I have some other friends who

are just intellectual friends they make

me grow intellectually they make me

stretch I have some professional friends

I'm a member of the National Speakers

Association I get together with other

speakers and we learn from each other

and we grow from each other I have other

friends suggest social friends all we do

is just socialize together we look at a

basketball game together or go out

dancing but that's all we can do we

don't talk anything serious nothing

spiritual nothing intellectual that's

not that kind of relationship nothing

heavy up in here have other friends we

walk together that's all we can do walk

together talk about if we're gonna lose

weight one day bye and bye for good all

right that's all we do nothing else so

according to the relationships that you

develop we grow from people and projects

and the relationships that you develop

can enhance and can enrich your life or

they can drain you I know many talented

people who had a great deal of potential

but because they didn't surround

themselves with other people that will

inspire them to transcend themselves

they never realize their greatness and

they will end up going to their grave

with all their good stuff still in them

so you want to look at your

relationships the people that you're

involved with the people that you

communicate with almost often and you

want to ask yourself the question what

am i becoming because of this

relationship desert inspire mean am i

motivated am i encouraged emma driven to

develop myself am i seeking my own

greatness what kind of person am i

becoming because of this relationship am

i becoming more cynical and negative

about life

ask yourself that the next thing is

you've got to say yes to your life

you've got to say yes yes to my dreams

yes to me yes I can make it yes I can

doesn't matter how many failures I've

made doesn't matter how many mistakes

I've endured doesn't matter about my

defeats doesn't matter about what I've


yes yes I don't care about the fact I'm

in a hole now doesn't matter about where

I am yes

the last chapter to my life has not been

written yet if you judge me now you

judge me prematurely

I haven't exposed all my stuff yet I'm

still in the process of transforming my

life I'm still in the process of

becoming yes I have somebody in my life

at one time told me you'll never make

and I said I'll show and I don't know

what energized me what motivated me was

something that Frank Sinatra said he

said the best revenge is massive success



I'll show you you just watched my smoke

as old folks used to say

so say yes stand up for your dreams

stand up for what you want in your life

decide that your life is so meaningful

to you that you love you and you love

life so much that you're going to stand

up for something you want I used to have

a saying when I was on the radio stand

up for what you believe in because you

can fall for anything so what I say to

you this evening that you are powerful

you have miracle-working power in your

life right now but you got to work on

yourself you've got to develop yourself

you've got to talk to yourself day in

and day out selling yourself on you and

on your potentials and you've got to

know that that you are worth all of your


and that the key to your motivation as

you get a larger vision of yourself is

to know that you have something to give

is to know that you have a reason for

being in the universe at this point in

time I want you to stand up for your

life right now anybody want to stand up

for your life stand up your dream





For more infomation >> Take Care of Yourself Every Day (One of the Most Motivational Videos You'll Ever See) - Duration: 33:16.


June 2108 | TBR Part 1 | Reading Women - Duration: 3:53.

Filming in the summertime means turning off my fan, and I don't like turning off

my fan, because I'm a sweaty boy.

Hi, my name's Matthew, and if you didn't know, for the month of June there is a

read-a-thon that I will be participating in... sort of. Kendra Winchester--I will link

her channel and all of the information about this down below--posted a video

recently, explaining that there is a Reading Women Challenge read-a-thon

for the month of June. This is all as part of the celebration of the

anniversary of the Reading Women Podcast which Kendra is a part of, and I wanted

to participate, because this is super cool. But because I'm not super cool I am

not really going to be following the prompts. Instead, I'm going to be getting

rid of some of my library holds. I don't know if this happens to you. I have

Overdrive on my phone. It's an audiobook app that connects to your local library--

not sponsored, you should just do it, support your local library. I don't know

if this happens to you, but all of my audiobooks that I have on hold

downloaded at once. So, I have about 15 days to read all of them, or listen to

all of them, and then they get returned. There are six of these books that are

written by women and I want to get them done. So these books are my TBR for the

Reading Women read-a-thon. I'm not doing the challenges particularly, although I'm

sure many of these will tick some of those boxes--so that's cool. Up first is I

Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sanchez. This was a National Book

Award nominee. I was really excited to read it. I have been in the mood for

YA lately, so I'm really looking forward to this one. Then, there is Chemistry by

Weike Wang. This has gotten a lot of mixed reviews, which makes me even more enticed

to read it. I don't know if you feel the same way, but when I see people polarized

on a book makes me want to have opinions. So, I'm ready to have some opinions about

this short interesting, little, love-story book. Next is Harmless Like You by Rowan

Hisayo Buchanan. This has been on my TBR for quite some time, and the waiting list

for the library was quite extensive on this. So, it's kind of funny that we've

had a little kismet moment, and now it has been downloaded. I'm looking forward

to reading this one probably most of all. Then there is Sorry To Disrupt The Peace

by Patty Yumi Cottrell. This won the Barnes & Noble Discover Award this

year, so for that reason I kind of want to read it, because it'll help me sell

things at work. And then also it's short, and

I am intrigued by the content. Second-to-last is The Best Awful by

Carrie Fisher. I didn't realize when I actually put this on hold at the library,

but it's a sequel to Postcards From The Edge, which I read last year and enjoyed.

So, I'm gonna read some Carrie Fisher. I love Carrie Fisher--she reads the

audiobook herself, God rest her soul. I want some craziness in my life, so this

is a way to do that. And then lastly How To Fall In Love With A Man Who Lives In

A Bush by Emy Abrahamson. This is translated from the Swedish by Nicola

Smalley, and this is actually the true story of how she met her husband. It's

supposed to be very whimsical and very sweet and funny, so I could use a little

light read after some of the darker reads that are on this list. So that is

my TBR for the Reading Women Challenge. I'm not really doing the challenge but I

really wanted to participate, so I'm including it. I think it counts.

I think it matters. I will be posting a video tomorrow for the books I want to

read for Pride Month, which is also June, so look forward to that. There's a lot of

things that I'm planning on reading. It's been a while since I've read as much as

I did last year--just like gratuitously. So things are happening...

maybe... we'll see. if you have any questions, thoughts, comments, opinions, or

beliefs about what I've talked about today, put those down below. If you have

read these books, if you have liked these books let me know. Otherwise thank you so

much for watching, and I hope to see you soon.

For more infomation >> June 2108 | TBR Part 1 | Reading Women - Duration: 3:53.


Toy Avengers Black Panther Robot Toy and Hulk Robot Toy - Duration: 10:59.

Black panthers swim

Hey Dino pal this is toy Rex here. Let's see what toy surprise. We have today Wow, super cool

It's the giant black panther robot toy and the Hulk mech robot. So

Well, the Black Panther mech robot looks super cool he's all black and wearing the silver Wakanda necklace

He's got these awesome spikes, too

And on his head he's got these really powerful Black Panther claws super awesome Wow, he looks super strong

Black Panther it's always on the lookout and

Let's look here down friends we can open this heart and look there's where the pilot is. Let's see who it is. Whoa

Black Panther its T'Challa. He's the king of Wakanda black pepper flip

She's so cool

here to drive too big

All right, he's all ready let's close up the robot

And now Black Panther is ready for action. No, the Hulk is a Giant Hulk robot. He's got super big arms

So he can do a Hulk smash. So cool

He's even got a Hulk purple pants

So cool you can do a whole church


And this is where the pilots it who's gonna drive the Hulk armament today?

It's Hawks best friend spider-man

So awesome. He goes in here

And now spider-man is driving the awesome Hong Kong America. Oh

So cool. Oh

No, it's an angry t-rex brah Hulk if you defend us

Hog wins. He did Hulk smash

Which one should we open up first, how about this side?


We got an evil robot Sonic the Hedgehog super cool

He's blue just like Sonic he's got yellow ears, but you can see he's a robot

Wow, he even has a yellow engine on his chest that allows him to go super fast there's the rocket part


I wonder who's faster between him and Sonic supercool

Now let's open up this mystery egg. It's a spider-man Avengers totally cool. Let's open it up

What's inside we got Captain America, he looks awesome

He's running on top of these bricks and he's charging into action

Oh how he also is carrying his super awesome shield that he can throw it at enemies and used to defend it

Looks like he's raised through a power punch. Boom. Hazzah

Captain America is the leader of the adventures totally awesome and

Look guys. There's this really cute little Wonder Woman. She looks awesome

She's carrying her super awesome shield

Powerful sword and she's even wearing her tiara. Did you know that her tiara could shoot out?


Totally awesome

She's got a really long black hair a blue dress and a red shirt covered in bunch of gold. That's her armor

I'll put her next to the big Wonder Woman and

Then we can open up this super cool mystery mini. I wonder if we could another Wonder Woman

There's also Batman Superman

Time to open it up

Wow, we got the flash

Totally awesome

The flash is wearing his red suit and he has little lightning bolts on his ears

Totally cool and you can see a little ladybug moogle. Yes to the flash can go super fast

He is the fastest superhero on this planet. Let's see him go super fast

Now you see much. No, you don't. Wow, he's so fast

That was awesome guys, which toy should we open up next. How about this one?

Cool. It's a marvelous 500. That's so cool. Let's open it up guys

Who are we gonna get?


We got great honk. Look how many muscle yes. He looks super strong. This version of the Hulk is great

And let's check out his collector's card there's the collector's card guys can find great Hulk let's see he's right here

the first one

Super awesome balls building is Bruce Banner. He's a doctor. What did you get him angry then?

He's gonna do Hulk smash

Now let's see this blue one

It's a Thomas a train mystery mini and there's over 70 cards to collect


Cool guys, we got a black train and he's got these super bright red wheels. He's number 51

That means his name is Edward


Edward has gold trim. And there's two little windows for the driver. Let's take Edward for a spin


Park job

Now let's check out this brand better. What is it it's an Avengers 1 I've seen Iron Man

And even a honk let's open it up. Skip it he's dead time

System and he looked super angry even his mouth is open, huh? Huh? And he's a bobble head cool. Hahahaha

Awesome. It looks like Hulk is jumping in there ready to do a Hulk smash. Hahaha, and let's compare him to grey Hulk

Wow, they both look super cool lean hogs head is so big time to Hulk smash

Plan baby go

Let's see

Cool. I see a famine Superman and another Wonder Woman. Oh

Here we go


We got Batman, he looks awesome. He's got his long black cape his Batman mask

His bat Louisville with his golden you tell you better that's where he keeps his bat ring, and he's holding one right there

He throws the net at enemies

Super cool and he looks super angry. Did you do something bad? Haha

You'll need it Bruce Wayne. He's a super smart billionaire that protect Gotham City. Oh

Wait, there's one more. I didn't even see it cool. It's a salad. Whoa

Awesome, let's open it up guys

Wow, it's super cool we got these two little orange men

And here's the collector's guide. There's time to collect icy link the night

And here's the guy we got super cool. Do you guys know his name? If you did tell me in the comments below?

That was awesome. We had so many cool toys. Now. Let's open up these surprise eggs

We up the Hulk Captain America Iron Man and Batman, which one should we open up first? How about the home?

While the Hulk looks super cool shake shake shake I wonder what's inside in game. Oh

We've got a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, it's Leonardo

Awesome, huh?

Leonardo's nickname is Leo he wears a blue mask and he has two katana

Hahaha, he uses his katanas to fight the evil shredder


Leonardo is also the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Let's see if he can spit on a show

Let's open up Batman

Well, hello, there's his vegetable totally cool

Batman looks really serious

Shake shake shake. Let's see. What's inside


It's a Spider Man and he's special because he's wearing his white suit

It's white and black and there's his spider logo and it looks like spider-man was ready to shoot his spider webs

totally cool

Spider-man's real name is Peter Parker. He's a super smart scientist Oh

Let's see spider-man to a chump. Whoa

totally cool

All right, guys, let's open up Captain America first, okay

Shake shake shake

Wow it's store

Awesome, tour an awesome member of the Avengers

He's super strong and he's a son of Odin

He carries his battle hammer, and he smash it on the ground and you can see all the Lightning

Super awesome Thor it is super strong. And he's also a super nice guy. He helps the Avengers fight against the bad guys. Oh

Here we go and then we got one more it's Iron Man red she she cheek here we go


We got knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog. He's an awesome red Hedgehog

His name is Nichols because his knuckles sticking out his clubs. So he uses on the face


Knuckles is super fast. He wears red shoes with a green trim and let's compare him to the evil Sonic

Wow, they both look so cool. It's evil robot Sonic for a super cool red knuckles

Knuckles wins

Thanks for watching Dino pals, you guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> Toy Avengers Black Panther Robot Toy and Hulk Robot Toy - Duration: 10:59.


Hướng Dẫn Chơi Điện Thoại Iphone Đánh Bài+ Đồ Chơi Cờ Bạc Bịp Mới Nhất - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> Hướng Dẫn Chơi Điện Thoại Iphone Đánh Bài+ Đồ Chơi Cờ Bạc Bịp Mới Nhất - Duration: 9:38.


Toy Guns NERF Guns Rocket Launcher Mini Gun Non Nerf - Duration: 6:32.

Toy Guns NERF Guns Rocket Launcher

For more infomation >> Toy Guns NERF Guns Rocket Launcher Mini Gun Non Nerf - Duration: 6:32.


Star Wars: Woher hatten die KLONE ihre Fahrzeuge und Raumschiffe? [Legends deutsch] - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Woher hatten die KLONE ihre Fahrzeuge und Raumschiffe? [Legends deutsch] - Duration: 4:11.


Cover Room: Jimmy Fallon and The Roots - "At This Moment" - Duration: 3:37.


-♪ What did you think ♪

♪ I would do at this moment ♪

♪ When you're standing before me ♪

♪ With tears in your eyes ♪

♪ Trying to tell me that you ♪

♪ Have found you another? ♪

♪ You just don't love me no more ♪


♪ What did you think ♪

♪ I would say at this moment ♪

♪ When I'm faced with the knowledge ♪

♪ That you just don't love me? ♪

♪ Did you think I would curse you ♪

♪ Or say things to hurt you? ♪

♪ You just don't love me no more ♪


♪ Did you think I could hate you ♪

♪ Or raise my hands to you? ♪

♪ Come on, now, you know me too well ♪


♪ How could I hurt you ♪

♪ When, darling, you know I love you ♪

♪ And you know ♪

♪ I'd never hurt you ♪

♪ Ohh, oh, oh ♪

♪ What do you think ♪

♪ I would give at this moment? ♪

♪ If you'd stay, I'd subtract ♪

♪ 20 years from my life ♪

♪ Fall down on my knees ♪

♪ And kiss the ground that you walk on, baby ♪

♪ If I could just hold you again ♪



♪ I'd fall doooown ♪

♪ On my knees ♪

♪ Kiss the ground that you walk on, baby ♪

♪ If I could just hold yoooou ♪


♪ If I ♪


♪ If I could just hold you ♪

♪ If I-I-I-I-I ♪

♪ If I could just ho-o-old you ♪


♪ Again ♪


♪ Oh, oh, ohhhh ♪



For more infomation >> Cover Room: Jimmy Fallon and The Roots - "At This Moment" - Duration: 3:37.





Are you concerned about Genetically Modified Foods? Here�s (GMOs Revealed) a great documentary

that addresses many of the questions and concerns most people have today.

In March 2014, scientists from Indiana University announced that they had conducted research

to examine the operations of the fruit fly genome �in greater detail than ever before

possible� and had identified �thousands of new genes, transcripts and proteins.�

Their results indicated that the fly�s genome is �far more complex than previously suspected

and suggests that the same will be true of the genomes of other higher organisms.�

Of the approximately 1,500 new genes that were discovered, 536 of them were found within

areas that were previously assumed to be gene-free zones. Furthermore, when the flies were subjected

to stresses, small changes in expression level at thousands of genes occurred, and four newly

modelled genes were expressed altogether differently.

Why is this important? Because it reveals how little we know about this planet and the

organisms dwelling on it, yet also how much we think we know. This kind of hubris is found

within all areas of human knowledge, but particularly when it comes to science.

Another great example that I�ve used before is when the populace first realized that the

Earth wasn�t flat. Another is a statement made by physicist Lord Kelvin, who stated

in 1900 that �there is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains

is more and more precise measurement.� This assertion was shattered only five years later

when Einstein published his paper on special relativity.

When it comes to our genes, and the genes of other organisms, we really do know next

to nothing. Unfortunately, proponents of the biotech industry (Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta,

etc.) claim otherwise, and have developed multiple, flawed assumptions that undergird

agricultural bioengineering.

The information presented in this article comes from a variety of different sources,

but my primary sourceis Steven Druker, a public interest attorney and the Executive Director

of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity. He initiated a lawsuit in 1998 that forced the U.S. Food

and Drug (FDA) to release its files on genetically engineered foods, and recently published a

book about it, which has received dozens of rave reviews from the world�s most accredited

scientists in the field. I draw primarily from his book for this article.

�This incisive and insightful book is truly outstanding. Not only is it well reasoned

and scientifically solid, it�s a pleasure to read � and a must-read. Through its masterful

marshalling of facts, it dispels the cloud of disinformation that has misled people into

believing that GE foods have been adequately tested and don�t entail abnormal risk.�

� David Schubert, PhD, molecular biologist and Head of Cellular Neurobiology, Salk Institute

for Biological Studies.

Natural Genetic Modification Versus Human Induced Genetic Modification

Biotech proponents have an unshakable faith in their GE crops, and these corporations

also hold major sway over mainstream media outlets, and close relationships with government

agencies like the FDA. Indeed, several high level industry employees have also held positions

at these institutions. One example is the FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods, Michael

Taylor, who is also Monsanto�s former Vice President for Public Policy. While at the

FDA, he was instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto�s genetically engineered bovine

growth hormone.

Druker outlines in his book how the commercialization of genetically engineered foods was enabled

by the fraudulent behaviour of these government agencies, and how this actually violates explicit

mandates for federal food safety law. The evidence shows that the �FDA�s falsehoods

have been abundantly supplemented with falsehoods disseminated by eminent scientists and scientific

institutions, and the entire GE food venture.�

This is why it�s so amazing to see so many scientists within the field supporting the

dissemination of truth, and bringing the falsehoods to light. So if you still think this type

of thing is a conspiracy theory, we now have the documents as well as the science, which

stands on its own, to show that something is terribly wrong here.

Joseph Cummins, Ph.D. and Professor Emeritus of Genetics at Western University in London,

Ontario, believes that Druker�s book is a �landmark� and that �it should be

required reading in every university biology course.�

There are several presumptions on which the bioengineering venture was based, and one

of them is that natural breeding is more random and unruly than bioengineering. The standard

argument holds that genetic modification has been occurring for thousands of years, and

what we do now is simply that process sped up and made better.

Key Presumptions on Which the Bioengineering Venture Was Based

Genetic engineering is based on the presumption that the genome is just a linear system, where

the action of a single gene will not impact the action of other genes, or disrupt their

normal function.

In 2007, the New York Times published an article outlining how �the presumption that genes

operate independently has been institutionalized since 1976, when the first biotech company

was founded. In fact, it is the economic and regulatory foundation on which the entire

biotechnology industry is built.�

Basically, genes are viewed as autonomous, adding to the whole without acting holistically

because they don�t express their proteins in a closely coordinated matter. Another assumption

used to justify genetic engineering is that genes aren�t organized in a specific way,

that the sequence in which they occur is meaningless From this point of view, a gene would function

normally if it were relocated to a different chromosome or came from a neighbouring gene.

Quite a big assumption, don�t you think? Giorgio Bernardi, a biologist at the University

of Rome III who specialized in the study of genome evolution, calls this perspective a

�bean-bag view of the genome� because it regards the genes as �randomly distributed.�

Druker explains:

Together, these two assumptions supported the belief that a chunk of recombinant DNA

could be put into a plan�s genome without inducing disturbance � because if the behavior

of the native genes was largely uncoordinated and their arrangement was irrelevant, there

would be no important patterns that could be perturbed by such insertions. Accordingly,

they engendered confidence in the precision of genetic engineering, because they implied

that the outcome of a gene insertion would be exactly what the bioengineers expected.

How could biotech proponents push the idea that the target organism would continue to

function just as it had before, and that the change would be limited to the new trait endowed

by the inserted gene? How can it simply be assumed that this would not alter any of the

organism�s other qualities?

These presumptions still underly genetic engineering today. The example of the fly above serves

well here. In the New York Times article cited earlier, the author noted that �genes appear

to operate in a complex network,� and states that �evidence of a networked genome shatters

the scientific basis for virtually every official risk assessment of today�s commercial biotech

products, from genetically engineered crops to pharmaceuticals.�

Molecular geneticist Michael Antoniou, who testified at New Zealand�s Royal Commission

in 2001, notes that agricultural bioengineering �was based on the understanding of genetics

we had 15 years ago, about genes being isolated little units that work independently of each

other.� He also presented evidence showing that genes actually �work as an integrated

whole of families.�

Despite the grave possibility that these presumptions are indeed wrong, they still form the backbone

of genetic engineering today.

Antoniou himself was even selected to represent multiple nongovernmental organizations to

present precaution reasons to the UK�s GM Review Panel, and a plethora of studies that

clearly justify it. Despite his presentation, and many others�, the 11 other scientists

on the panel, who were biotech proponents, dismissed these studies and continued to argue

that it makes absolutely no difference how genes are arranged.

How can a scientist make such a statement?

What do we have as a result? As Druker says:

Such disregard, denial, or avoidance in regard to the evidence was essential for maintaining

faith in the venture, because its predictability and safety have always relied on the genome

being largely disjointed; and the more the genome instead appears to function as a tightly

coordinated system, the more potentially disruptive and unpredictable are the interventions of

the bioengineers.

Geneticist, activist, and environmentalist David Suzuki weighed in on this very subject

a few years ago in an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC):

By slipping it into our food without our knowledge, without any indication that there are genetically

modified organisms in our food, we are now unwittingly part of a massive experiment.

. . . Essentially, the FDA has said that genetically modified organisms, or food, are basically

not much different from regular food, and so they�ll be treated in the same way. The

problem is this: Geneticists follow the inheritance of genes, in what we call a vertical fashion

. . . [but] what biotechnology allows us to do is to take this organism, and move it,

what we call horizontally, into a totally unrelated species. Now, David Suzuki doesn�t

normally mate with a carrot plant and exchange genes. What biotechnology allows us to do

is to switch genes from one to the other, without regard for the biological constraints.

. . . It�s very very bad science. We assume that the principals governing the inheritance

of genes vertically applies when you move genes laterally or horizontally. There�s

absolutely no reason to make that conclusion.

More Differences This is a common argument made by GE-food

proponents, and commonly used whenever an expert brings up a challenge to the technology�s

safety. For example, David Schubert, PhD, a molecular biologist and the Head of Cellular

Neurobiology at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, commented in Nature Biotechnology

that there was mounting evidence that the insertion of even one gene into a cell�s

DNA alters the expression patters of genes throughout the entire cell. He said facts

like this one, among many others, �cast doubt on the soundness of agricultural bioengineering

� and entail the conclusion that it �is not a safe option.� �

Predictably, when a professor and a laboratory director of one of the world�s most prestigious

scientific institutions makes a comment like this, there�s going to be a response. This

time it came in the form of a letter, published by 18 biologists at respected universities

and institutions, stating that Dr. Schubert failed to properly consider �the genetic

realities.� The main reality he allegedly failed to recognize is that the natural method

of plant breeding is inherently more random than bioengineering.

A portion of the letter reads as following:

We do not take issue with Schubert�s basic contention that unintended genetic and metabolic

events can take place. The reality is that �unintentional consequences� are much

more likely to occur in nature than in biotechnology because nature relies on the unintentional

consequences of blind random genetic mutation and rearrangement to produce adaptive phenotypic

results, whereas GM technology employs precise, specific, and rationally designed genetic

modification toward a specific engineering goal.

In his book, Steven Druker offers the following counterargument: �This letter thus reveals

how strongly the GE food venture relies on the presumption that the natural process driving

biological development are intrinsically more disorderly and risk-bearing than the genetic

interventions instigated by the human mind. And it confirms that this belief forms the

ideological bedrock on which the venture rests.�

In fact, a report published in 2004 by the National Academy of Sciences couldn�t uphold

�even the more modest notion that bioengineering and natural breeding pose the same risks.�

The panel that produced the report ranked various modes of plant breeding in terms of

their disposition to produce unintended effects. They were forced to acknowledge that bioengineering

produces far greater effects than pollen-based sexual reproduction. Despite this fact, they

still insisted that this does not mean a difference in risks.

Druker says in response:

Thus, there�s no rational way to reconcile the fact that natural breeding is less disruptive

and more predictable than bioengineering with the claim that it poses equal or greater risk,

which is why the admission in the 2004 report is a rarity � and why biotech proponents

almost always ignore or deny that fact and instead assert that natural breeding is more

disorderly and unpredictable.

Randomness According to the biotech industry, natural

plant breeding could actually result in crops that are dangerous to human consumption, which

is why we should be grateful for genetic engineering. For example, in the same NAS report mentioned

above, they portrayed what are known as �jumping genes� as more randomly mobile and threatening,

but failed to recognize, as Druker points out, that although these entities do not pose

risks within natural pollen based breeding, when bioengineering is employed they do because

that process alone �tends to stir them up and get them jumping.�

When it comes to sexual reproduction, it�s yet another area where biotech proponents

state that it�s a random phenomenon, despite the fact that we now know that it�s not

random, and that there are multiple factors that can and do influence the genetics of

life. Genetic engineering, be it human induced or naturally occurring, requires a genetic

�rearragnement,� a recombination of DNA. The difference between the artificial way

and the natural way is that the natural way does not disrupt the entire organism, as was

discussed a little earlier in the article and touched upon in the Suzuki quote above.

As Druker explains:

This natural form of recombination occurs during the formation of gametes (the sperm

and egg cells). It includes a step called crossover in which two partner chromosomes

break at corresponding points and then exchange complementary sections of DNA; and every time

a gamete is produced, every set of paired chromosomes engages in it. In this way, all

the chromosomes end up with genes from both parents instead of from only one. However,

all the genes are preserved, as is the sequences in which they�re positioned. The only changes

are in the relationships between aleles. . . . So this natural recombination augments diversity

while maintaining stability. And without it, except for the occasional favorable mutation,

the composition of chromosomes would stay the same from generation to generation, and

genetic diversity would grow at far too sluggish a pace.

He goes on to mention how natural recombination preserves the order of the genes, and is predictable

in the way it cuts DNA. The entire process displays a great deal of order.

Despite this fact, scientists who support GE state, as in, for example, the 2004 NAS

report, that �genetic engineering methods are considered by some to be more precise

than conventional breeding methods because only known and precisely characterized genes

are transferred.� They use the idea that the randomness and unpredictability of natural

engineering make bioengineering safer.

Yet, as Druker so brilliantly captures:

This misleading tactic fixates on the predictability of the plant�s specific agronomic traits;

and it portrays traditional breeding as less predictable than bioengineering because undesired

attributes are often transferred along with the one that is desired. However, those who

employ this ploy don�t acknowledge that if both parents are safe to eat, the unwanted

traits hardly ever pose risk to human health. Rather, they�re undesirable for reasons

irrelevant to risk (such as aesthetic appearance or seed size), and breeders must then perform

back-crossing to eliminate them while retaining the trait they want. However, although the

inclusion of unwanted traits entails more work, it does not increase attendant risks.

Therefore, while breeders can�t fully predict what traits will appear, they can confidently

predict that the resulting plant will be safe to eat.

This is why the GE stance on natural modification is so flawed and misleading.

Druker goes on:

Although it describes the sexual reproduction of food-yielding plants as a messy and risky

affair that involves the transfer of �thousands of unknown genes with unknown function,�

we actually know quite a lot about those genes. And what we know is far more important than

what we don�t know. We know that they�re all where they�re supposed to be, and that

they�re arranged in an orderly fashion. And we know that during the essential process

in which some of them are traded between partnered chromosomes in order to promote the diversity

that strengthens the species, their orderly arrangement is marvelously maintained. Most

important, we know that their functions mesh to form an exquisitely efficient system that

generates and sustains a plant that regularly provides us with wholesome food.

This sharply contrasts with genetic engineering.

As you can see, comparing natural modification to biotech modification is not an easy process,

and this isn�t even the tip of the iceberg. Research shows that it�s not natural modification

that�s more random and risky, but biotech genetic modification:

The inserted cassettes are haphazardly wedged into the cell�s DNA, they create unpredictable

disruptions at the site of insertion, the overall process induces hundreds of mutations

throughout the DNA molecule, the activity of the inserted cassettes can create multiple

imbalances, and the resultant plant cannot be deemed safe without undergoing a battery

of rigorous tests that has yet to be applied to any engineered crop.



Experts attribute summit turnaround to compromise - Duration: 3:10.

Just last week, President Trump cancelled the hotly anticipated summit... only to hint

at the possibility of reinstating it... within hours after making that statement.

The flurry of preparatory meetings are being held to make up for lost time.

Lee Ji-won delves deeper into how these sessions are boosted by his shakeup.

The North Korea-U.S. summit was on and then off, but now preparations for it have been

coming fast.

Experts attribute that to change in attitude from the North.

"Before, North Korea would not show up to meetings and play 'hard to get.'

And it did that again a few weeks ago, according to a White House official, by not going to


But with Trump's sudden cancellation of the meeting, the North has been active in expressing

its determination that the talks go ahead."

Thanks to the shake up, experts also say finding a consensus now would've become much easier.

"The U.S. seems to have the upper hand in the situation with the North as of now,...

so it's expected that Pyongyang has agreed to a lot of what Washington wants."

This could mean, says the expert, that the North might have accepted what it has reportedly

been sensitive about, the so-called "front-loaded agreement."

"Considering how the inspection and verification of nuclear facilities takes a long time, it's

likely that the U.S. requested that the North move all of its ready-made nuclear warheads

outside of its borders.

And while the regime seems to have protested this, it may have agreed... in view of the

fact that the summit preparations have resumed."

But it's not that the North has to fit itself perfectly into a framework set up by the U.S.

against its will.

In fact, the North showed satisfaction with and anticipation for the so-called "Trump

model" after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's second visit to Pyongyang, where

the regime's state-run Rodong Newspaper said Pompeo and leader Kim Jong-un reached a "satisfactory


"Before Trump called off the meeting, he had hinted on numerous occassions that the talks

were going well.

And I think it's because the two reached some sort of common understanding and prior agreement...

that the latest preparations were able to proceed rapidly and simply continue from where

they had left off."

And some say the latest Panmunjom talks' inclusion of Sung Kim -- the former U.S. ambassador

to South Korea and former nuclear negotiator -- could have been meant to better fine tune

the details.

"The main structures of the deal are likely to have already been settled by the White

House and Pompeo.

And now, for the details, and to get Pyongyang's agreement and understanding in that process,

it seems Sung Kim has been called in... with his ample experience in dealing with the North,

and as the only Korean-speaker in the State Department."

Experts say that with what look like the finishing touches being made, they're hopeful that a

satisfactory deal will be laid out by North Korea and the U.S. in just a few weeks.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Experts attribute summit turnaround to compromise - Duration: 3:10.



For more infomation >> AVUSTURYA - RUSYA (İDDAA ORAN ANALİZİ) - Duration: 1:01.


ОСТРОВ САМУИ. Жизнь в путешествии 2.0 / #LifeInTravel Reloaded - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> ОСТРОВ САМУИ. Жизнь в путешествии 2.0 / #LifeInTravel Reloaded - Duration: 2:42.


How good are you at following instructions? - Duration: 3:22.

Turn on closed captions for the instructions

How good are you at following instructions?

Complete all the steps in order

You are free to pause, rewind and move around the video as needed.

You will need paper, a pencil and an eraser

Let's start with step 1

Draw a grid with three horizontal lines and three vertical lines, as shown here.

Draw a dot on each intersection

and number them from 1 to 9, as shown here,

left to right and top to bottom.

Erase and clean all the lines

and leave only the dots and numbers.

Turn the paper clockwise 90 degrees, like this.

Now connect the dots to draw some numbers.

Draw the numbers using these as a reference.

Connect the maximum number of dots

And draw the highest number possible. It can have multiple digits.

There is only one possible solution that is the highest number connecting the most dots.

For this step the number here is just an example...

Erase any unconnected dots and its numbers.

Then add up all the remaining numbers in the grid.

(You can use a calculator if needed)

Look carefully at the digits in the number you just got.

Erase the dots with those numbers.

For example, for number 15 erase the dots 1 and 5

Now erase and clean all the lines.

And connect the dots to draw numbers like these.

Draw the highest number you can, multiple digits allowed.

No need to use all the dots.

Just make the highest number possible.

It's time for the final step

Write down the number you just got.

That's your result.

If you want share your result in the comments.

Is it the same as others? Is it correct?

If you have followed the instructions correctly it should be the correct result.

How good are you at following instructions?

Like the video if you are good at following instructions!

If you are really good at following instructions... Thanks for liking the video!

For more infomation >> How good are you at following instructions? - Duration: 3:22.


錄到氣噗噗!這完全是詐欺吧?大人的科學 愛迪生圓筒型留聲機|開箱(非業配)| 學霸養成計畫【雨果先生】 - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 錄到氣噗噗!這完全是詐欺吧?大人的科學 愛迪生圓筒型留聲機|開箱(非業配)| 學霸養成計畫【雨果先生】 - Duration: 5:41.


Essence Of Murli 31-05-2018 - Duration: 6:29.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 31st May 2018

Essence: Sweet children, Maya is keeping proper guard over you.

Therefore, don't make the slightest mistake.

Continue to make effort to become soul conscious.

Question: Which of the Father's treasure-stores are always overflowing? What is the way to fill yourself from those treasure-stores?

Answer: The Father's treasure-stores of purity, peace and happiness are always overflowing.

If you want permanent peace and happiness, there is no need to wander around in the forests.

Purity is the basis of peace and happiness.

Become pure & all your treasure-stores will become full.

The Father comes to make you children pure. He is ever pure.

Song: Neither will He be separated from us, nor will there be sorrow.

Essence for dharna: 1. I, the soul, the charioteer, am sitting in this chariot.

Practise this and become completely soul conscious. Race with your intellect's yoga.

2. Become a total conqueror of attachment.

Even in this last birth, tolerate injustice and definitely become pure.

Blessing: May you be a true server and have a temperament of happiness by constantly eating dilkhush toli (happy heart toli) and giving it to others too.

Those who eat dilkhush toli every day at amrit vela remain happy all day

and others also become happy when they see them.

This dilkhush toli makes any situation a small thing. It makes a mountain into cotton wool.

So, always have the awareness that you are the ones who eat dilkhush toli and who give it to others too.

Even in a tearful situation, let your mind always be happy and you will then be said to have a temperament of happiness.

Service will then take place through your face. Your face will reveal the personality of knowledge.

Slogan: Those who with their every thought inspire many others to make their lives elevated are charitable souls.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 31-05-2018 - Duration: 6:29.


Kuinka vaihta moottoriöljy ja öljynsuodatin VW PASSAT B6 -merkkiseen autoon [OHJEVIDEO AUTODOC] - Duration: 7:39.

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