Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 31 2018

Our Story - How AMP-3, LLC Started

Well I think it's important for us to share our ant 3 story and

let people know kind of how our company started, and why we kind of do what we do and

the education part is so important to us and


You know this started a long time ago and amp 3 started in 2011

But we've been really kind of

Preparedness - since probably the 80s

I'm keeping track. I'm gonna do it one more time ok. I'm ready. It's great having a blonde CEO, but there are some

Ok ready we're gonna say hi. My name is Beth

Shush want me to write it on the glass


He's making fun of me, okay

Hi, my name is Beth

Welcome to our first fireside chat we wanted to share the story of amp 3

The austere medical and practical preparedness project you did it


So this was I'm kind of glad we're doing this because I want to

Share I think one of the most important things for us, and that is

You are like I don't think people realize that you are the force behind am-3, so I'm kind of glad to share that

Well amp 3 the austere medical and practical preparedness project

Really started with a single video that I put out on YouTube about an eye FAQ now

What is a knife back I fact stands for individual first aid kit?

It's an acronym, and if you're in preparedness law enforcement or the military

That's a very familiar term being an emergency physician. I always have people showing me first-aid kits, and I had a kit that I

Used for quite a long time, I put a video out thinking. Oh, just put a video out

And move on to something else that


resulted in a lot of

Email and private messages just asking where can I buy that kit and honestly I was quite surprised because I thought

the video showed not only

how to build the kit

But I also gave a PDF on where you could purchase the items to build the kit

The kid is about the size of an MRE

this is the current I fact that we are producing with amp 3 and it is very similar to the

original I

fact that I put out on youtube so

Amp 3. The austere medical and practical preparedness project really is a product of a YouTube video a

Single IFAC or individual first aid kit and before you know it Beth

And I have a full-blown company. We are shipping products around the world

We have repeat customers

I have for years probably 20 years David built this IFAC and

Gave it away to all of his friends, and I said to him

I said you should build some of those and maybe saw him he's like yeah

No one would want to buy those and I said well. How do you know you've got that YouTube video thing?

Why don't you do like a video built? Maybe 10 kits and you can set up a little?

online thing and try and sell them that way and see how it goes and

It took us about two and a half to three weeks to build 10 kits and now I can build you know 20 kits in

A couple days it took a long time to resource all the things that are in the IFAC

And then we had to heat shrink everything number when we first started you were like heat shrinking everything and document vacuum

Everything and it took like a really long time just to do all of that or now we package everything in

Lock sacks are our big goals. That's our gold standard, right?

and you know it now better than me I

Made these kits

Now I know I need you to instruct me how to build them, but we definitely have a system of attacking them Yeah, right?

No, it's harder to pack them so that first initial run of ten kicks took us about two-and-a-half to three

weeks to build him and then we put them online and

David did a little video which back then

I was like I don't even know what YouTube is I had no clue and they sold in an hour

well the web site that we

Made was starting to sell kits that we didn't have

Right, that's true. That's true, and then you did that first trade show and

Suicide I think it would to CPAC for the very first time at Seaside and you've had these little white trays

With like what you only had the iPad that's right. We had this little boy crazy right so then I got from the hospital

And we had we made a batch of iPads which wasn't sure yeah, yeah, we had a couple of other items that we also became

vendors or right in the rain, which is

But anyway getting back to how we sold the first ones

They sold in an hour and David was like yeah, those are just my new tube buddies, and I said, okay

Why don't we build 25? Well we got a little panic though, and we turned that website off we did turn it

It was all too fast. Yeah, we did a regroup and said do we want what do we do?

What do we do so we thought well let's try it again

Let's build 25, and maybe they won't be YouTube buddies, and we'll see how it goes

They still aren't where cash funding where we cash fund our business

And so but back then it was like okay, we have you know twenty-five dollars

And what can we buy for 25 Wow so exactly?

Exactly, so we would have a small amount of money and and bless your heart

You've been a great steward of the resources of this company

But we would get a small amount of money and that time I mean a small amount of time 10 15 20 dollars

And you would order like I'd order

3/4 of this and now

We built the 25 David did another YouTube video and those sold in an hour and a half and

At that point we had a company. I mean we launched at 3 in March of 2011 and

But we've been in preparedness for a long time

the only one take

video that I would call your brother

Doing this

In one take

Say if it makes somebody's faculty experience easier then we've done our job

For more infomation >> Our Story - How AMP-3, LLC Started All Because of YouTube! - Duration: 7:21.


Regardez top 20 des chaussettes originales pour avoir de beaux pieds - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Regardez top 20 des chaussettes originales pour avoir de beaux pieds - Duration: 3:06.


How To Prevent YouTube Burnout? - Duration: 6:19.

You got a successful YouTube channel. You're making tons of videos. You've got

a great audience that wants you to make more and more and more, how do you

prevent yourself from burning out? Hey, what's up Kris and Grant? Question for you

guys. I recently attended your Self Made event and Grant you made available your

entire seventy page checklist for every video. And I got to say, when I was looking

at that as like, "oh my gosh, just looking at this list is exhausting. So how do you

prevent burnout? Like producing content every single day for YouTube? How do you

prevent burnout? You know Grant, I think of some of the people that are burning

out, it's not always necessarily, I'm so successful and now I want to keep from

burning out. There's also a lot of little fish that are just getting started on

their journey and like, "dang! there's a lot of work and effort that goes into

this thing, how does both the novice and the mature actually keep

from burning out? That's a good point because you know, and I also want to bring in

the discouragement factor as well. When you're trying something and you fee

really vulnerable because it's new to you. Any kind of failure can be very

discouraging and kind of weed you out. But that's different than burning out.

What I want to be talking about in this video is you know when you reach that

point where you got into it for a specific passion but now you've been

doing it so long and so hard that that passion may have either been satisfied

or just disappeared altogether. So what kind of things can you do to keep

yourself going, in order to keep your channel going, when you reach that point?

You know I'm thinking specifically back to an experience that I had. Which

was about 2015 ,mid 2015 when I had been producing content for about three and a

half, four years and I given it my all working 16 to 18 hours every single day,

and finally I reached a point where I just like, "I'm tired." You know I'm tired,

I'm exhausted. I had four little boys. Well at that

point three little boys and they were growing up and I started feeling like

they need their dad around and am I going to be available for them? What's my

priority in life? So... What you do? What did I do? Yeah, I quit.

Decided to quit YouTube. I decided I couldn't keep going anymore and that

actually was one of the best things I did because for me I had all these

standards and preconceived notions about ways that I had to do things. But once I

decided to actually quit YouTube, it released all of my fears. I had nothing

to lose. Because I had nothing to lose, I decided just to pick up my handycam and

just film random experiments and just upload them with very minimal editing.

And you know what happened when I did that? Was the very first video that I put

up took seven minutes to make. Wow! And it got six million views. Wow, that's

awesome! And it was funny as I didn't even consider that a viral video because

I wasn't proud of it and I didn't intend it to be viral. I just put it out. I got

six million views. But what that was to me was a testimonials like, "hey, all this

quality that you think has to go into a video, may not really be as important as

you think it is. Because this little experiment that you did with your

handycam, obviously produced twelve times the results as all your other videos are

doing." So the next day, I filmed a very similar style video and that went on now

to gain 15 million views and it was just a testimony to me like, "hey, do things for

the fun of it." Because I think people want to see us having fun. When you're

burning out and just crushing through content, it's not necessarily fun. It

doesn't get really worth it. So, when you did that, like you went from spending how much time per

video to how much time per video? Like what was the difference? So, originally I

was spending around a 150 hours per video that includes all the

prototyping and the modeling and then you know filming, editing doing the

voice overs, recording the audio, editing the audio, linking the audio to the video,

inserting the transitions, rendering, uploading, doing the title the tags, the

description, answering comments, the graphics and the thumbnail and

everything else associated with it. It's like months of work. It was a ton of

work. Yeah, it was a ton work. And how about with the new model? The new model well,

like between seven and forty five minutes per video. Totally different

right? Yeah, I felt like you got your whole life back? Yeah it really

did. It really did give me my life back which actually like refreshed

my energy. Yeah, so I think it's super important that whatever you do needs to

be sustainable. Which means you got to be really honest with yourself. Sometimes, we

really commit ourselves to doing things that maybe we really don't want to do or

if there's any part of the business, like listen, if I'm just being super honest

about me. I know how to edit but I don't want to edit. In fact, there's a lot

of things. I know how to shoot video, but I don't want to shoot video. And so you

know I've I got this philosophy that if you want something done right, don't do

it yourself. It's like only do what you love.

Hire everything else out. And you know, one of the things I think that's been

really useful Grant for me in my personal journey to keep from even

getting to burnout, has been my channel, I have got a brilliant team that produces

it for me. I know you have that now. In fact, you're not even the talent on your

main channel which is like, I mean you've got another space of

total freedom. So I think it's important for our viewers to know hey, if you don't

want to burn out then make sure what you're doing is sustainable and then do

what Grant did. He questioned his methods and he found a way, simpler way. He had

created rules and expectations of how it needed to look but when he broke them he

found that he was wrong. Test some of your philosophies. Test some your ideas.

There's so many things that we treat like a capital T truth that are really

just personal opinions that we treat as truth. The reality is, no matter how much

you want to think something's true when it's not, doesn't make it true.

Even when you think that it is. So I think it's a good idea to actually

challenge all parts of your business to ask. Is there an easy way? Is

there a better way? Is there a higher producer or a productive way? Is there a way

that makes more money? Is there a way that costs less money and just be willing to

look at the flip side of everything, I think that is a really refreshing way to

alleviate maybe any stress that's building up that could be leading to

this burnout. That's right. Hey, guys thanks for joining this video. If quality

is still really important to you, there is a way to systematize your process so

that you're not carrying the heavy workload. We've got that in another video

that you guys can go check out. We've also got a course that will teach you

how to build a successful YouTube channel and monetize it without concern

of Adsense. Yeah so check it out. It's in the description below. You can hop on

over to our website, we'll give you all the details and what that looks like. I'm

going to tell you right now, it's awesome! See you there.

For more infomation >> How To Prevent YouTube Burnout? - Duration: 6:19.


DÜNYA REKORU 1 MİLYAR SKOR YILAN! Wormate io KOMİK ANLAR! - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> DÜNYA REKORU 1 MİLYAR SKOR YILAN! Wormate io KOMİK ANLAR! - Duration: 10:53.


The Sacred 369 in Your Body - Duration: 7:41.

The Sacred 369 in Your Body

by truthearth

The human body is a very advanced and complex bio-electrical machine capable of incredible


It can withstand the extremes of weather, pain and other activities which stretch its

limits beyond what we think is possible.

I�ve seen this personally throughout my experience in a hospital setting for the last

8 years.

Your body also encodes the sacred 369 which we have heard so much about, especially thanks

to Tesla:

The Three Pacemakers of the Human Heart My job focuses on the heart and all of its

functions and abilities.

It is truly an amazing organ.

It is certainly one of this Universe�s most amazing creations.

The sacred number 3 is encoded here with such genius.

You see every person�s heart has three pacemakers built into it.

The primary pacemaker (The Sino-Atrial Node) generates impulses which makes your heart

beat at 60-90 beats per minute, depending on a person�s baseline.

If that SA Node fails, a second pacemaker kicks in.

This is called the AV (Atrio-Ventricular) Junction AKA The Bundle of His.

This is located in the middle of the heart and its impulses are slower, ranging from

40-60 beats per minute.

In the event that this second pacemaker fails, a third pacemaker kicks in.

Your ventricles.

The ventricles are the bottom part of the heart, the main muscles.

This part of the heart is what squeezes (depolarizes) the blood from the heart to the rest of your

body, providing necessary oxygen-infused blood to the organs and tissues.

This part of the heart will beat very slowly, about 20-40 beats per minute.

But it will work to keep you alive as long as possible.

I have seen this happen many times.

The Three Human Eyes Most people will already know about this.

You have your two eyes which you are able to perceive the world with.

Light bounces off of objects and this light travels into your eyes and it is turned right

side up by your brain and thus you are able to see in real time what is happening in front

of you.

Many researchers have found that humans have a third eye, the Pineal Gland.

This gland possesses the same attributes as your other two eyes except it is located in

the geometrical center of your brain and is connected to the the visual cortex:

�What�s fascinating is that the interior of the pineal gland actually has retinal tissue

composed of rods and cones (photoreceptors) inside its interior lining just like the eye,

and is even wired into the visual cortex in the brain.

�The photoreceptors of the retina strongly resemble the cells of the pineal gland�.

Dr. David Klein, Science Daily.

It even has vitreous fluid in it like an eye does��

There is of course much more to the subject of the third eye, but in this article we are

just focusing on the manifestation of at least one expression of the sacred 369 in the human


The Three Brains of the Human Body Did you know you actually have three brains

that you use to think and make decisions with everyday?

Let us remember some common phrases that we use:

�My heart is telling me��

�Go with what your heart is telling you.�

�My gut is telling me..�

�I�m going to go with my gut on this one.�

�I have a gut feeling.�

There are others but these are a good example of the research that will be presented here.

It has been discovered years ago that a human heart possesses around 40,000 neurons.

Simply put, neurons are cells found in abundance in your brain which help you think and make


Without them, you would not survive very long.

�Back in the 1960s, research conducted by John and Beatrice Lacey�pioneers in the

field of psychophysiology�showed that the heart has its own reasoning that is not determined

by directives from the brain.

Subsequent investigations revealed an actual pathway and mechanism allowing the heart to

send messages that inhibit or facilitate electrical activity in the brain.

The new field of neurocardiology evolving from this research led to the development

of the concept of the �heart brain� in 1991.�

Your heart, just like your brain, thinks and is capable of information processing.

Now let�s move on to the gut.

This part of your body is crucial for many different purposes.

Eating, digestion, mental health (most mental illness starts in the gut) and making daily


The gut possesses around 100,000,000 neurons (this number varies depending on which website

you go to) and it is intimately connected to the brain between your ears:

�..The stomach does a lot more than dump acid on your latest meal.

It also fires off signals to the brain via its own extensive network of neurons.

According to Michael Gershon, chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

at New York�Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, there are 100 million

neurons in this �second brain.�

This arsenal far outnumbers the neuron supply in the spinal cord or the rest of the nervous

system outside of the brain.

�the stomach brain enables the gut to make its own decisions regarding the behavior of

the digestive system.

And the stomach has plenty to tell the brain as well.

Research shows that about 90% of the fibers in the vagus nerve�the main nerve for the

gut�carry information from the gut to the brain.

It turns out that �butterflies� and that �sinking feeling� in the stomach have

a neurological basis.

Neurons lining the stomach are filled with neurotransmitters, chemicals that help nerve

cells communicate with one another.

One key neurotransmitter is serotonin, which plays a major role in mood regulation.

While serotonin is also found in the brain, 95% of the body�s supply is in the stomach��

There is much more to be said in regards to the health of the gut but I just wanted to

include information in regards to the �thinking� capabilities that we may or may not be consciously

aware of throughout our amazing bodies.

Dolores Cannon once said in one of her lectures:

�Your body is a Universe.

It loves when you talk to it!�

You and your body are one and are currently experiencing an intimate relationship.

It is alive and has many ways of communicating with you; pain, symptoms, fatigue, hunger,

thirst, desire for love, sex drive, etc.

If we would pause and listen to it, it will tell us what we need to know to be healthy.

So as each of you can see possess the sacred 369 that is part of your very being.

3 eyes, 3 pacemakers of the heart and 3 brains.

What an abundance!

Thanks for checking this out everyone and I wish each of you much love.

For more infomation >> The Sacred 369 in Your Body - Duration: 7:41.


Legends of Bilgewater: Nautilus & The Ophidian | Audio Drama (Part 2 of 6) - Duration: 6:29.

No, no, that seat's not taken.

Pull up a chair, and sink a few, friend...

Though that might be a poor turn o' phrase, given my history.


Aye, I've seen a few shipwrecks.

Been in one me self, as it goes, back when I was young like you.

Her name was the Ophidian, that ship

pulled down beneath the Jagged Straits.

I was the only survivor too, mind.

Maybe you buys me a drink, and I'll tell ye about it.


No, this coin's not for spending, friend.

That's my lucky Kraken, for to pay the Tithe.

The Tithe.

Ye know the Tithe.

Everyone knows about the Tithe.

"Pay the Tithe, or face the ocean's wrath."

Oh, by the Bearded Lady...

Then you never heard o' Nautilus, either?

The Titan of the Depths?


Pour us a round, barkeep, there's a good lad.

This is a tale that needs an ale, as they say... and my friend here's buyin'.

Ahh, that's the good stuff, that is.

'Twas almost thirty years back, now, returning from a hunt.

I was a harpooner, finest shot in the Slaughter Fleets.

We'd caught ourselves an axe-fin leviathanaye, one o' them big, mean boggers

and we was haulin' the beast back to port.

It were just before dawn.

Bilgewater's city lights flickered in the distance

beckonin' us in.

There were razorfish and berserker sharks following close by

'cos the axe-fin was oozing into the water, see.

And our captain...


none of us much cared for him.

Untrustworthy sort.

He swears blind he paid the Tithe 'afore we left.

"A single gold Kraken," he said, "for 'tis all I have to give."

But none of us seen him throw it over the side, now did we.


naturally we was suspicious

'cos we knew he was a tight-fisted old wharf rat.

But on we sailed anyway.

And that was when the Titan hit us.

Without warning, this bloody great anchor comes at us from below.

Smashed clean through the keel, up through the main deck.

Caught us tight, and started pullin' us down...

Oh, it was chaos, friend.

Sailors thrown overboard.

The waters churnin', scavengers feedin'.

I grabs the captain, screamin' at him

"You're a liar!"

"This is the Lady's punishment for those as don't pay!"

The ship was going down fast.

But then the planking gave way, didn' it, and the anchor slid back into the depths.

If it had ended then

more of us might've got away.

But it weren't over.

Nautilus weren't done wi' us yet.

The ship tipped to starboard, right-sudden.

It was the weight of the Titan himself, hauling up onto the deck.

Perhaps once it'd been a man, but

it weren't no man I saw that night, risin' from the waves.

I has our captain by the throat.

"This is your doing!"

I roared, as I chokes the bastard, his eyes wide.

He can see Nautilus is comin' for us...

So I shoves the captain away, down the slanted deck, and this thing catches him in one hand

if you can believe it!

It was so big, the fingers closed completely around 'is body

and the captain weren't a small man by any stretch.

"There's your Tithe!"

I yells, and jumped overboard.

I dunno how long I was in the water.

Must've only been seconds, but it felt like an age.

But the sea scavengers didn't get me, Mother Serpent be praised.

Pulled myself up onto one of them stone pinnacles, out there in the Straits

an' I watched the Ophidian sink.

Nautilus still held the captain, squirmin' and wrigglin' like a stuck worm

but there were no escapin' that grasp.

The Titan was just standing there, motionless as a statue.

I watched them go


down into the darkness.

Why spare me?

Don't rightly know.

Perhaps I was the only one to make an offering.

Or maybe Nautilus wanted someone left alive, to tell the tale.

But on the darkest Bilgewater nights, when the murder-fogs roll in

ye might hear 'im wading out from the shallows

slow and steady like

draggin' that accursed anchor in his wake...

Want my advice, friend?

Keep a coin in your pocket, and always pay the Tithe.


don't trust no captain who says he's done it, 'less you seen it for yourself.

After all

ye might not be so lucky as me.

For more infomation >> Legends of Bilgewater: Nautilus & The Ophidian | Audio Drama (Part 2 of 6) - Duration: 6:29.


Lateral: Game 2 with Geoff Marshall, Vicki Pipe, LDShadowLady and Smallishbeans - Duration: 19:41.

Which rapper born in 1972 took his stage name

from the initials of his first and last name?

The answer... at the end of the show.

Welcome to Lateral, where two more teams

are going to be taking on some tough lateral thinking questions.

-Playing today we start with... -I'm Vicky.

During the week, I am a museum professional.

but at the weekends I make videos about trains with this man.

And I am Geoff, and I do like railways and trains a lot

and have a YouTube channel exclusively all about them as well as a joint one.

So are you hoping that train questions come up?

-I'm really hoping. -Very good on railways and transport,

and travel, and geography in general, that would be our specialty.

Do you have a team name?

Off Peak Only.

Team Off Peak Only, alright, that might get shortened to team Off Peak,

or team Off, depending on how much of a rush I'm in.

But alright, playing against you we have...

My name is Lizzy, or better known as LDShadowLady,

and I make Minecraft YouTube videos.

And I'm Joel,

sometimes known as SmallishBeans, and I also make Minecraft YouTube videos.

So we're hoping for video gaming questions.

-Yeah, very much so, yeah. -Anything else you're looking for

-or hoping not to have? -Movies.

I'm okay at movies, but sport, no, science, no, maths, no,

it's a long list of no's to be honest.

I don't think any of the teams like sport, is that...?

Yeah. Vicky's good at movies and I'm good at sport and pop music.


At least one sport question would be nice.

Do we have a team name?

Pinky and the Brain.

Which one's which?

Lizzy is both, and we're Pinky and the Brain and Joel.

Alright, again, I might have to make that team Pinky when we're in a rush,

-but is that okay? -That's cute, I like that.

Alright, so team Off Peak, and team Pinky, let's start round one.

Round one is Deep Thought.

Six lateral thinking questions, sixty seconds for each question.

Buzz in as soon as you think you know the answer.

The earlier you buzz, the more points you'll get.

But if you're not sure, hold on

and I'll steadily reveal some clues to make it easier.

If you're ready, the first question is going to go to team Off Peak.

Fingers on buzzers, have a look at this.

A version of this object currently available on sale has sections labelled DAYTIME,


-What is it? -Some kind of clock.

Alarm clock. Should we wait for another clue?

Because that seems too obvious.

-It's clearly time based, isn't it? -Daytime, noon...


Think laterally, it might be not be time based,

so what else refers to time that isn't to do with time?

It tends to be used by older people.

-Is it to do with like pills, medication? -Oh, yeah, yeah.

-A pill dispenser device? -A pill box, pill... not a pillbox!

-Press the buzzer! -Okay, a medication, pill dispensing box.

Yeah, it's a seven day pill dispenser, you're absolutely right, for three points.

Each of those words has seven letters in it, so there's one over each day

and it's easier to print.

But you're absolutely right, for three points, that's a seven day pill dispenser.

We didn't think we were going to get one.

We thought we were going to get zero. That's amazing, we've got three points.

Okay, even if we get nothing else, we're good.

You're on the board. Team Pinky,

James Polk, US president during the 1830s, was not an impressive figure,

and sometimes went ignored when he entered the room at large gatherings.

To solve this problem his wife arranged for what to happen?

-Oh gosh. -Maybe something to do with how he looks

so that people notice him more when he walks in?

Clothing or some sort of weird... clothing device,

-Something, I have no idea though. -Or a sound plays when he walks in.

Oh, that would be smart, but it's the 1830s, like they'd have to get a band.

It got people's attention.

Well, clearly we knew that.

I think yeah, maybe a band played.

Maybe he had a theme tune when he walks in.

-Can we go for that? -Sure, go for that if you want.

-For three points. -A theme tune.

-Yeah, I'll allow it. -Yay!

It's "Hail to the Chief", it's the traditional presidential introduction,

and now every time a president walks in to a big function

they play that to let them know he's here.

-You're absolutely right. -And you laughed at me.

I will allow theme tune, that's absolutely fine for three points.

-Is that 'da da da da' music? -Yeah.

Here it is.

Team Off Peak, in 2001 the artist Milton Glaser got the idea for this

morale-boosting artwork on September the 12th,

which lengthened his 1976 original by 300%.

What did the original say?


-I know this. Morale-boosting artwork, 1976.

September 11 was obviously the awful tragedy in New York.

-Okay, yes. -Was that 2001?

The original is on many tourist t-shirts.

The font, it's the font, it's the 'I heart NY' font that you get on a t-shirt, isn't it?

Oh, okay, yes.

Yes, go for it.

-Yes. -I heart New York.

Is correct for 3 points, you're absolutely right.

The original has four characters, there's 12 more there in the same font,

so it lengthened by 300%.

-Absolutely right. -Another three points.

-I'm impressed. -I'm impressed by you.

Team Pinky, have a look at these.

What's missing?

Coordinates, what's missing?

I have no idea at all.

-I know nothing about geography. -I don't know, I'm not good at geography.

What could be missing?

-There's three sets, so that would be three. -East and South.

Those are three points on the Earth.

So it makes a triangle, it's ... what is it missing?

There's north and west,

or is it north and west? Probably not northwest.

-That's longitude and latitude. -Together they make something famous

that you can't see.

-The Bermuda Triangle. -Well, you go for it.

Ships are missing in the Bermuda Triangle.

I don't know if it's just the Bermuda Triangle, though.

-Shall I try it? -Try it, go for it.

Is it the Bermuda Triangle?

-Have another look at the question. -But what's missing?

-Ships. -Yes.

-Oh, that was it. -Yes, that's absolutely right, ships.

-You looked so confused when I said ships. -I'm so confused, I had no idea.

Those are the three points of the Bermuda Triangle,

so what's missing is ships and planes that have entered it.

Well, in legend, anyway.

Congratulations, that's two points to you.

The next questions are on the buzzers for both teams, so fingers on buzzers.

Two similar looking birds of the same species are perched on a fence

in a normal fashion.

One bird is from the countryside and the other lives in a city.

Without any scientific examination or special knowledge,

most people would be able to tell them apart after a few minutes.



It could be like a dove, because a dove in the country is like a pigeon or something.

Pigeon's, one's more bedraggled, one is...

You couldn't do this immediately.

It has to be something behaviour,

it would have to be behaviour because it's not from looking at it maybe.

Would the one from the countryside have a different call?


It could be pigeons, pigeons like in the city would come towards you,

-pigeons in the country... -It's to do with the bird call.

-Oh no, it's a sound. -They've got a different accent.

-So the city bird would be quieter. -Well, I have literally no idea.

-Okay, go, go for it. -Buzzing for two points.

Out on a limb, I'm going to say that the city bird

would be quieter and the country bird is sort of more used to making more noise,

So they would be doing the louder and more frequent calls than the city bird.

I don't know why though, but that's my guess.

It's not what I've got, so I'm going to hand over the rest of the question.

You've got that uninterrupted if you want it.

Clock starts again now.

Right. Most people, so normal people, knowledge of birds...

-What do you know about birds? -I know nothing about birds.

The bird calls could still have the same notes, in the same order.

-What? -I have no idea.

-Yeah, I have no idea. -I was thinking it might

sound like a ring tone if it was in the city, but that's really dumb.

Guess, guess, have a guess,

It sounds like a ring tone - you made me do that!

It's not, it´s the same notes.

Geoff, you were the wrong way round.

The city bird is louder because it's got to compete with traffic noise.

-Don't I get half a point for that? -There are no half points for that,

-I'm really sorry. -So I was on the right lines.

You were entirely on the right lines, you just got it the wrong way round.

Definitely more right than us.

Fingers back on the buzzers, last question in this round.

A performer was asked to stream a concert

on the Second Life virtual world by a user.

They had the money to pay and there was nothing illegal

or immoral about the request.

And yet the performer replied, "As if."

That decision cost her an estimated £118 million, which she now regrets.

What didn't she foresee?

The internet?

Second Life is the one with all the weird characters and stuff.

Yet the performer, that decision cost her an estimated…

What's the Second Life virtual world, do you know?

Do you know? I don't know anything about that.


Many people didn't foresee this either.

How popular it would be.

It's not Donald Trump's inauguration, is it?

Oh, yes.

No, but why would that be on Second Life?

-Maybe… -Wait, we'll wait for a clue.

Yeah, let's wait.

Some people have called this a giant ponzi scheme.

What's a ponzi scheme?

I've heard of that.

Why would she have got 118 million pounds, not dollars?

It's to do with a financial fluctuation.

Was she paid in Bitcoin?

Yes. She did not foresee the rising value of Bitcoin.

This was Lily Allen, who turned down something like 10,000 Bitcoin

when it was not worth anything to perform in Second Life.

So that's absolutely right for one point, congratulations,

which means at the end of that round the scores are tied six all.

Neck and neck.

Round two is Second Thought.

Teams, you're going to see a board of 12 numbers.

Behind each one is a clue, all those clues point to one single answer.

And that's what I'm looking for, it's got to match all the clues,

even the ones you haven't seen yet, but there's no penalty for guessing wrong,

So if you're not sure take a guess, it might miraculously be right.

The earlier you get it, the more points you get.

So team Off Peak, you start with five points possible, pick a number.


Number eleven.


Could be so many things.


Taxes, I'm going to take that as an answer.

It's not what I've got on the board.

-Team Pinky, pick a number. -Can we have number four, please?

Number four, for five points.

-Works in a vacuum. -Right.

What works in a vacuum? There's no sound in a vacuum.

-Just guess it. -The Tardis.

The Tardis is not unfortunately government owned.

-Well, it's a police box. -Actually, it's the BBC's.

So yeah, sadly not what I've got.

-For four points, pick a number. -Number five, please.

Number five. Reusable.


Rubbish, no, I haven't got that, so pick a number.

-Seven. -Number seven.



-Space, that's my answer. -Space, no, sadly.

Not government owned as far as I know, not yet anyway.

Team Off Peak, pick a number.

I think I have an idea, so let's go with number two.

Number two.

-Back has two doors. -Is it the Space Shuttle?

It is the Space Shuttle, you are exactly right.

Government owned reusable orbiter that works in a vacuum.

Other things on the board,

I love the clue 'Three legs, two wings and one tail', which is technically right.

So yes, absolutely right, that is good for three points.

-Well done. -I was pretty close with Tardis.

You weren't too far away with Tardis, that's fair.

You get the first choice on this board, so pick a number.

Number one. Number one.

Claps but doesn't applaud.

-What? -Horse's hooves.

Ooh, it's a lovely guess, it's not what I've got.

-They clop, dang it. -They make a clopping noise.

For five points, pick a number.

-Sorry, go on. -Let's go for number three, number three.

I was thinking the same.

Caused by rapidly heated gas.

-Oh, not what I was thinking then. -No.

I was thinking it'll be like a movie clapperboard.

No, it isn't what I've got, so pick a number.

-Number six. -Number six for four points.

Also happens on Jupiter.

What happens on Jupiter stays on Jupiter,

-how would we know? -Thunder?

Yes. Thunder is exactly right for four points.

Well done.

You're so smart, I had no idea.

It makes a thunder clap, you're absolutely right.

The other things on the board steadily reveal that.

Oh, it becomes so clear now.

Which means that's four points to you, and that puts you in the lead.

Team Off Peak, pick a number.

Number six, please. Number six.

The third degree.

An interrogation?

It is not what I've got, so pick a number.

-Number twelve. -Number twelve.

Originally male-only.

-I was thinking about burns. -Yeah, I was thinking burns as well.

But that doesn't help.

Burns Night.

Burns Night is not what I've got.

So for four points, pick a number.

-Number eight. -Number eight.

Charitable causes.

You get third degree burns.

Take a shot.

Shall I say rubbish again?

No, I'm going to pass this over, you've taken far too long.

-Yeah, we don't know. -Pick a number.

-Eleven. -Number eleven.

Insignia and symbols.

Is the third degree like a book

-or a movie or something maybe? -It could be.

But why would a movie or a book be male-only?

The Tardis?

I mean it was originally male-only, that's fair.

-Yeah. -No, sadly not.

-Number seven, please. -Number seven.

-Apron. -Apron.

Make a guess, I mucked up last time, you make a guess.

-Take a guess. -The navy.

The navy is not what I've got, no.

So we're going to pass this back over.

-Pick a number. -Nine.

Number nine for three points.

-Handshakes. -Handshakes, apron.

I have no idea, I am so lost right now.

-Thunder. -Thunder, no.

-Number ten, please. -Number ten, supreme being.

-Do you want to say it? -The Masons.

The Masons, the freemasons is exactly right.

Yes, they wear aprons, they were male-only,

and some of them still are, and they have a secret handshake.

Secret handshake.

Fairly sure that's not the Masonic handshake,

but I wouldn't know(!)

-Absolutely right for two points. -Okay.

Last board in this round, you get the first choice, so pick a number.

-Seven, please. -Number seven.

The subject of a Mark Mason book.

-Who is Mark Mason? -I have no idea.

They look like they know.

-Make a good guess. -Take a guess.

-Steve. -Steve is not what I've got.

There's a look on their faces over there.

-Pick a number. -I have all of Mark Mason's books,

-so let's go with number six. Number six.

-124 UK areas. -Oh, okay.

-It's postcodes. -It is postcodes, you're absolutely right

and that is for five points,

which has changed the scores quite a bit,

And that means as we go into the final round,

it is team Off Peak with a six point advantage.


The final found is Qucik Thought.

Teams, you're both going to start with 90 seconds of thinking time.

First one to run out of that thinking time is going to be out of this game.

Not out of the tournament yet, but out of this game.

Now, you have a six point advantage,

each of those points gets turned into five seconds.

So you're going to start with two minutes on your clock,

You're going to start with 1:30, and I'm afraid you're going to be going first.

-No! -But the questions are fast,

if you're not sure, there'll be a new clue every ten seconds.

Buzz in correctly and the clock will start on your opponents.

Buzz in incorrectly

you'll lose ten seconds and your clock will restart.

-Is everybody ready? -Careful on the buzzer.

-Yes. -Alright, fingers on buzzers.

Team Pinky, your clock starts now.

In early dictionaries, which animal was known as a camelopard?

-A what? -Er...?

-A camel? -Guess it.

-No, it's too obvious. -It's too obvious.


-It was said... -A llama.

No, ten points away. It was a giraffe.

Looks a bit like a camel, the colours remind you of a leopard.

So clock restarts with 1:09.

Which cartoon characters by Pierre Culliford

are usually no more than three apples tall?

Could you repeat that?

Which cartoon characters by Pierre Culliford

-are usually no more than three apples tall? -Three apples?

They have a human-like form.

Three apples, like...

We need another clue.

They are an unusual colour.

-That didn't help. -Do you have any idea?

No. Three apples. What are those ...

Those bears, what are those bears called... I don't know, they're an odd thing.

They are famously Belgian and blue.

Something, an animal? Is it an animal?

Shall we skip the question?

-We've got 31 seconds. -You can pass if you need to.

-Yes, pass it. -Pass.

-Gummy bears. -It was the Smurfs.


So that's ten seconds away, I'm afraid, with only 17 seconds left on the clock.

What is the nearest star to Earth?

-The Sun. -Is correct.

Team Off Peak, two minutes on your clock.

Which current make-up brand was founded by a Polish beautician in 1909?

-Why you looking at me? -Because I don't wear make-up.

I don't know who makes it.

I can only think of one make-up manufacturer.

The brand is now owned by Coty Incorporated.

-I literally have no idea. -I can think of L'Oreal, that's it.

If you want to say it. I have no idea, dude. -Shall we just...

-Guess... Is it... -Some people don't realise

the brand is a real name.

Some people don't realise the brand is a real name.

Is it Avon?

Yes, I don't know... Avon.

No, it's Max Factor.

And I do have a full name on here.

-I'm not going to try and pronounce it. -That is a name?

Ten seconds away, 1:20 on your clock.

What's the only insect that can turn its head 180 degrees?

-The only... -I want to say cockroach.

Oh! Well, say it then.

-Cockroach. -No, it's a Praying Mantis.

Ten seconds away, your clock restarts.

Which bird requires up to 12,000 calories a day,

having the fastest metabolism of any animal?

It's got to be a bird of prey, so we're talking eagle, falcon...

-Yes, hawk. -...something like that.

You need special cameras to film it properly.

Oh, like an owl, if it's nocturnal.

-I kind of want to wait for another clue. -Okay, that's fine.

It moves its wings very quickly.

Don't all birds move their wings very quickly?

I don't know about...

Owl. Owl.

-No, it's a hummingbird. -Oh!

-Ten seconds away. -No!

24.2 on your clock.

Which product for displacing water was perfected by Norm Larson's company

after 39 failed attempts?

-WD40. -Is correct.

-Yes! -Team Pinky, 14.4 seconds.

Which famous author born in 1928 had the middle name Kindred?


I need another clue.

Yeah, no idea.

His works have been featured in famous films.

-Guess. I don't know. -I need an answer.

AA Milne, is that a person?

It is a person, but they don't have the middle name Kindred,

and they don't have the middle initial K.

It is Philip K Dick.

I'm afraid you don't have ten seconds to give.

So that means that the victors are team Off Peak.

Congratulations, you are straight through to the next round.

We're not saying goodbye to you yet though,

there is still a chance to make it through with a slightly longer route to get there.

But until then, commiserations and thank you very much for playing.

Congratulations team Off Peak, we'll see you very soon,

and until then we'll see you next time on Lateral.

For more infomation >> Lateral: Game 2 with Geoff Marshall, Vicki Pipe, LDShadowLady and Smallishbeans - Duration: 19:41.


Monnaie pleine : réformer la création monétaire ? - Heu?reka HS#2 - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> Monnaie pleine : réformer la création monétaire ? - Heu?reka HS#2 - Duration: 10:24.


INTERVIEW en Urbex avec SEULEMENT JULIEN ( CORBEAU ) - Duration: 9:24.

For more infomation >> INTERVIEW en Urbex avec SEULEMENT JULIEN ( CORBEAU ) - Duration: 9:24.


Günün En Çok Konuşulan 5 Olayı (31 Mayıs 2018) - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Günün En Çok Konuşulan 5 Olayı (31 Mayıs 2018) - Duration: 1:25.


Зелень на зиму. Самый простой способ. - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Зелень на зиму. Самый простой способ. - Duration: 1:46.


Составления рассылки без спам слов Как сделать рассылку без спама - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> Составления рассылки без спам слов Как сделать рассылку без спама - Duration: 11:06.


FluteTips 40 Why Can't I Get My Low C? - Duration: 3:08.

FluteTips 40 Why Can't I Get My Low C?

Hi, I'm Dr. Angela McBrearty of

Today's FluteTip is on: Why Can't I Get My Low C?

Sometimes you're going for that low C, and nothing comes out.

You know, you can't get it...

no matter how hard you try that Low C won't come out.

There are a couple of reasons why.

One of the simplest reasons why is...

Your Flute Needs to Get a COA.

And a COA is a clean oil and adjust.

Many times, I mean many many 90% of the time when I have students that can't get Low C

to come out it's because their flute is leaking.

And you're going to know that your flute is leaking when you play the Low C

with all your fingers down.

Other notes you might not catch it quite as easily

because they're different combinations of fingering.

But when you try for that Low C and nothing

comes out it's because something is leaking.

That is the most common reason.

I know that sometimes I thought

"oh I must be out of shape!"

I mean even me I can't get my Low C. It's not coming out very well,

it's just very weak or something.

And then I take it in and I get back a brand new flute.

I always feel that I have a brand new flute when I get it because I'm playing on it but

I've learned to adjust and I don't even realize

that it's starting to leak or a pad has been ripped.

And so, I get it back and all of a sudden that Low C pops out and I realize all along

it wasn't me, it was the flute.

So, get a regular maintenance.

With my students I say at the end of their school year.

Sometimes if they're really working hard on it they need it at you know the halfway point,

maybe Christmas break or something.

But you need to do that.

Another reason is you're blowing too hard.

When you're playing for that going for that Low C you don't need a lot of air...

even if I want to play a little bit louder I'm still holding in a whole lot of air.

So, try playing with a lot less air.

Keeping all that air held in and just let out a nice stream very very little a lot under

control keep it under control.

And see if you can get that Low C to come out.

Those are the most common reasons why your Low C is not responding.

But I would guarantee your flute probably needs a COA.

So, try that first.

That's today's FluteTip.

If you liked today's FluteTip press the like button, subscribe, and share with your friends.

FluteTips 40 Why Can't I Get My Low C?

For more infomation >> FluteTips 40 Why Can't I Get My Low C? - Duration: 3:08.


4 Amazing Lifehacks Using Bottle Lids//Plastic Bottle Caps Ideas - Duration: 5:08.

Welcome To My Channel


For more infomation >> 4 Amazing Lifehacks Using Bottle Lids//Plastic Bottle Caps Ideas - Duration: 5:08.


Landscape Photography Film | Shot on iPhone - Filmic Pro | My very first YouTube Video - Duration: 2:50.

this is a video that I made a year and half ago

with my iPhone

I think iPhone 6 at the time

I did post it on YouTube, but because

I was using

a copyrighted song, I decided to take it down

I am doing a new edit

let me know what you think!

It was fun to make this video

it was my very first one for YouTube

the Photography outcome wasn't phenomenal, but

it is hard to win every time

what really matters though, is to show up and

play, so get your camera out

take photos, enjoy the process

and if you did like this video you can leave me a comment

share it with your friends and of course, if you didn't yet

Subscribe - Thanks for watching and see you in the next video!

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