Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

Title: Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube)

For more infomation >> Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube) - Duration: 3:12:34.


$21 Trillion Missing From the Pentagon – Remember 911 and the Missing $2.3 Trillion - Duration: 11:24.

$21 Trillion Missing From the Pentagon � Remember 911 and the Missing $2.3 Trillion

�The day before 911 Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon could not account for $2.3

Trillion! The very next day the General Accounting Office at the Pentagon was hit by a �plane�

and everyone therein was killed! These sums of money are beyond imagination. What is the

Pentagon doing with amounts like this? How can these monies be unaccounted for?

Twenty-one trillion dollars.

The Pentagon�s own numbers show that it can�t account for $21 trillion. Yes, I mean

trillion with a �T.� And this could change everything. But I�ll get back to that in

a moment.

There are certain things the human mind is not meant to do. Our complex brains cannot

view the world in infrared, cannot spell words backward during orgasm and cannot really grasp

numbers over a few thousand. A few thousand, we can feel and conceptualize. We�ve all

been in stadiums with several thousand people. We have an idea of what that looks like (and

how sticky the floor gets).

But when we get into the millions, we lose it. It becomes a fog of nonsense. Visualizing

it feels like trying to hug a memory. We may know what $1 million can buy (and we may want

that thing), but you probably don�t know how tall a stack of a million $1 bills is.

You probably don�t know how long it takes a minimum-wage employee to make $1 million.

That�s why trying to understand � truly understand � that the Pentagon spent 21

trillion unaccounted-for dollars between 1998 and 2015 washes over us like your mother telling

you that your third cousin you met twice is getting divorced. It seems vaguely upsetting,

but you forget about it 15 seconds later because� what else is there to do?

Twenty-one trillion.

But let�s get back to the beginning. A couple of years ago, Mark Skidmore, an economics

professor, heard Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary in the Department of Housing

and Urban Development, say that the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General had

found $6.5 trillion worth of unaccounted-for spending in 2015. Skidmore, being an economics

professor, thought something like, �She means $6.5 billion. Not trillion. Because

trillion would mean the Pentagon couldn�t account for more money than the gross domestic

product of the whole United Kingdom. But still, $6.5 billion of unaccounted-for money is a

crazy amount.�

So he went and looked at the inspector general�s report, and he found something interesting:

It was trillion! It was f *****g $6.5 trillion in 2015 of unaccounted-for spending! And I�m

sorry for the cursing, but the word �trillion� is legally obligated to be prefaced with �f*****g.�

It is indeed way more than the U.K.�s GDP.

Skidmore did a little more digging. As Forbes reported in December 2017, �He and Catherine

Austin Fitts conducted a search of government websites and found similar reports dating

back to 1998. While the documents are incomplete, original government sources indicate $21 trillion

in unsupported adjustments have been reported for the Department of Defense and the Department

of Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015.�

Let�s stop and take a second to conceive how much $21 trillion is (which you can�t

because our brains short-circuit, but we�ll try anyway).

1. The amount of money supposedly in the stock market is $30 trillion.

2. The GDP of the United States is $18.6 trillion.

3. Picture a stack of money. Now imagine that that stack of dollars is all $1,000 bills.

Each bill says �$1,000� on it. How high do you imagine that stack of dollars would

be if it were $1 trillion. It would be 63 miles high.

4. Imagine you make $40,000 a year. How long would it take you to make $1 trillion? Well,

don�t sign up for this task, because it would take you 25 million years (which sounds

like a long time, but I hear that the last 10 million really fly by because you already

know your way around the office, where the coffee machine is, etc.).

The human brain is not meant to think about a trillion dollars. And it�s definitely

not meant to think about the $21 trillion our Department of Defense can�t account

for. These numbers sound bananas. They sound like something Alex Jones found tattooed on

his backside by extraterrestrials.

But the 21 trillion number comes from the Department of Defense Office of Inspector

General � the OIG. Although, as Forbes pointed out, �after Mark Skidmore began inquiring

about OIG-reported unsubstantiated adjustments, the OIG�s webpage, which documented, albeit

in a highly incomplete manner, these unsupported �accounting adjustments,� was mysteriously

taken down.�

Luckily, people had already grabbed copies of the report, which � for now - you can

view here.

Here�s something else important from that Forbes article � which is one of the only

mainstream media articles you can find on the largest theft in American history: �Given

that the entire Army budget in fiscal year 2015 was $120 billion, unsupported adjustments

were 54 times the level of spending authorized by Congress.�

That�s right. The expenses with no explanation were 54 times the actual budget allotted by

Congress. Well, it�s good to see Congress is doing 1/54th of its job of overseeing military

spending (that�s actually more than I thought Congress was doing). This would seem to mean

that 98 percent of every dollar spent by the Army in 2015 was unconstitutional.

So, pray tell, what did the OIG say caused all this unaccounted-for spending that makes

Jeff Bezos� net worth look like that of a guy jingling a tin can on the street corner?

�The July 2016 inspector general report indicates that unsupported adjustments are

the result of the Defense Department�s �failure to correct system deficiencies.� They blame

trillions of dollars of mysterious spending on a �failure to correct system deficiencies�?

That�s like me saying I had sex with 100,000 wild hairless aardvarks because I wasn�t

looking where I was walking.

Twenty-one trillion.

Say it slowly to yourself.

At the end of the day, there are no justifiable explanations for this amount of unaccounted-for,

unconstitutional spending. Right now, the Pentagon is being audited for the first time

ever, and it�s taking 2,400 auditors to do it. I�m not holding my breath that they�ll

actually be allowed to get to the bottom of this.

But if the American people truly understood this number, it would change both the country

and the world. It means that the dollar is sprinting down a path toward worthless. If

the Pentagon is hiding spending that dwarfs the amount of tax dollars coming in to the

federal government, then it�s clear the government is printing however much it wants

and thinking there are no consequences. Once these trillions are considered, our fiat currency

has even less meaning than it already does, and it�s only a matter of time before inflation

runs wild.

It also means that any time our government says it �doesn�t have money� for a project,

it�s laughable. It can clearly �create� as much as it wants for bombing and death.

This would explain how Donald Trump�s military can drop well over 100 bombs a day that cost

well north of $1 million each.

So why can�t our government also �create� endless money for health care, education,

the homeless, veterans benefits and the elderly, to make all parking free and to pay the Rolling

Stones to play stoop-front shows in my neighborhood? (I�m sure the Rolling Stones are expensive,

but surely a trillion dollars could cover a couple of songs.)

Obviously, our government could do those things, but it chooses not to. Earlier this month,

Louisiana sent eviction notices to 30,000 elderly people on Medicaid to kick them out

of their nursing homes. Yes, a country that can vomit trillions of dollars down a black

hole marked �Military� can�t find the money to take care of our poor elderly. It�s

a repulsive joke.

Twenty-one trillion.

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates spoke about how no one knows where the money is

flying in the Pentagon. In a barely reported speech in 2011, he said, �My staff and I

learned that it was nearly impossible to get accurate information and answers to questions

such as, �How much money did you spend?� and �How many people do you have?� � They

can�t even find out how many people work for a specific department? Note for anyone

looking for a job: Just show up at the Pentagon and tell them you work there. It doesn�t

seem like they�d have much luck proving you don�t.

For more on this story, check out David DeGraw�s excellent reporting at,

because the mainstream corporate media are mouthpieces for the weapons industry. They

are friends with benefits of the military-industrial complex. I have seen basically nothing from

the mainstream corporate media concerning this mysterious $21 trillion. I missed the

time when CNN�s Wolf Blitzer said that the money we dump into war and death � either

the accounted-for money or the secretive trillions - could end world hunger and poverty many

times over. There�s no reason anybody needs to be starving or hungry or unsheltered on

this planet, but our government seems hellbent on proving that it stands for nothing but

profiting off death and misery. And our media desperately want to show they stand for nothing

but propping up our morally bankrupt empire.

When the media aren�t actively promoting war, they�re filling the airwaves with shit,

so the entire country can�t even hear itself think. Our whole mindscape is filled to the

brim with nonsense and vacant celebrity idiocy. Then, while no one is looking, the largest

theft humankind has ever seen is going on behind our backs � covered up under the

guise of �national security.�

Twenty-one trillion.

Don�t forget.�

For more infomation >> $21 Trillion Missing From the Pentagon – Remember 911 and the Missing $2.3 Trillion - Duration: 11:24.


Você Não Sabe Calcular %? | Marília Guimarães - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Você Não Sabe Calcular %? | Marília Guimarães - Duration: 2:47.


Things People With Disabilities Wish You Knew - Duration: 4:58.

- I so often hear people send the message

like thank God that's not me when they see

someone with a disability or like

thank God that's not me or my kid.

And that's sending the message that

disability is equal to someone who is less than

or broken or incomplete and that's not the case.

(upbeat music)

- I have Cerebral Palsy.

It affects me pretty much from the hips down

and also just like fine motor control and things like that.

- So I have Tourette Syndrome which is

a neurological disorder which means I do

movements and noises that I can't control.

- I have Cerebral Palsy as well left Hemiparesis

and Nystagmus which means that my whole

left side is weaker than my rights.

- I have a very aggressive form for Lupus.

And I have a blood clotting disorder associated

with my Lupus and four years ago I had a clot in my foot.

And then this happened and over eight months

and 11 surgeries, this was the end.

(upbeat music)

- I...

love having Tourette's.

I love that I'm four foot, seven.

I love my obsessive compulsive disorder.

And I think that's the case that many of us

have embraced our disabilities.

- I've had my disabilities since I was born

and it's a part me.

- My brain is quick and witty and wildly inappropriate.

And it also has Tourette's and at some point

I decided not to just love parts of my brain.

(upbeat music)

A lot of times I see kids staring at me.

That's OK with me.

- I welcome it, kids are curious.

- But what I struggle with is when a parent

shushes them or quickly pulls them in the other direction.

- When a child is hustled away from a person

or hushed, it stigmatizes even just asking the question.

- Because kids then associate disability

with feeling ashamed.

- If they've never seen anything like this before

they're gonna look and if they questions let them ask.

There's nothing wrong with that.

- So instead I hope that parents say things like:

How cool that we all move differently

and walk differently and talk differently.

More than just like normalizing disability

but celebrating it.

We date, people with disabilities date!

And not always other people with disabilities.

- Just because I have I disability doesn't

mean I have to be paired with somebody with a disability.

- Direct message to everyone in my life

but if you're gonna set me up on a blind date

please have more criteria than

this guy also has a disability.

(upbeat music)

- Not every single person with a disability

is in a wheelchair.

I am not in a wheelchair.

I've never been in a wheelchair.

(upbeat music)

- If one more person calls me an inspiration

after just meeting me, I'm gonna burn your house down.

- We aren't inherently inspirational or brave

because we are disabled.

We're just kind of the idea that people

think about what when they say that.

- It's OK to call me an inspiration once you know me.

Or know something about me.

But genetics does not make me an inspiration.

Let me earn that word.

- There are people who are actually doing

amazing, brave things out there.

Whether they have a disability or not.

- But it comes across to a disabled person as:

wow I'm so happy that I'm not in your shoes.

(upbeat music)

- I get a lot of strangers trying to help me.

Up the steps by grabbing my arm or my waste or something.

And that's extremely inappropriate.

- You can say hey do you need some help?

Rather than just either forcing my chair or ignoring me.

(upbeat music)

It took me awhile to actually call myself

a person with a disability.

But I'm a person first.

Being an amputee is secondary.

- I rather have somebody say I'm a person with a disability

rather than being disabled because of the

whole control and ownership issue.

- I hear differently abled.

The word is disability.

- They used to call myself like differently abled

and some people didn't like that.

And I'm just like, but I am different

and their like no you're not

and it took me awhile to actually see

that I was using very able-bodied terms.

- It should be a descriptor.

Just like I'm right-handed, I have a disability.

(upbeat music)

When we're talking about disabilities I hear

the word that we wanna be accommodating, which is great.

Or we're working on tolerance.

Nobody wants to just be tolerated.

Like I tolerated those three years my sister

was learning to play the trombone.

I tolerate going to the dentist.

None of these things are things I like,

they're things I tolerate

because I know that I have to deal with.

So there's such an important step in communities

between opening the door to somebody with a disability

and like embracing them

and building a community with them in mind.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Things People With Disabilities Wish You Knew - Duration: 4:58.


Giving away free robux!!!!!!!!!!! (1k robux!!!!!!!!!!) LEGIT!!!! - Duration: 4:39:10.

For more infomation >> Giving away free robux!!!!!!!!!!! (1k robux!!!!!!!!!!) LEGIT!!!! - Duration: 4:39:10.


Pakistani Beautiful Flowers Part 5 - Duration: 0:31.

Pakistani Beautiful Flowers Part 5

For more infomation >> Pakistani Beautiful Flowers Part 5 - Duration: 0:31.


School Case Study Learning Disability Trends in Department of Defense Schools Part 3 - Duration: 2:54.

is something else that's kind of interesting Stace case study committee

eligibility report and it's got my son's name wrong but that's actually his

cousin's name so this is really interesting

the fact that his name is wrong it does have his birthday right though but his

name is wrong but down here it says justin is a seventh grade student who is

functioning within the average range of intelligence tony to quotient ninety six

academic achievement assessment indicates this that he is functioning

within the average range in regards to reading his written language score is in

the lower portion of the average range he obtained a broad math score which

when the standard error of measurement is applied he falls below the 10th

percentile long term okay so they're getting him for math right there but I

struggled with me after myself information processing assessment

indicates that Justin is within the average range of functioning with

regards to short-term memory processing speed auditory processing and visual

processing the social family medical history has not been returned as of this

date a classroom observation that was conducted during a reading class showed

that Justin was attentive to the instruction being presented during a

review of Justin's incoming records it was discovered that he has been

receiving special education services since the first grade i I didn't really

know that um to some degree I had no idea that he was actually receiving

special education services since the first grade but so my son was targeted

and so it's like okay so think about what this might be doing or who it might

be targeting related to the pil setting a precedence or a tentpole trend

that's all I'm asking is I'm sure this is why I'm sharing this information with

you guys for that specific reason to see how children are targeted in in

the school system because for the most part he has been tagged or targeted with

a special education but at the same time a lot of things he's functioning at a

you know an average level you know and and what is the meaning of you know even

if he is falling a little behind in math that still doesn't mean that that he

well he's actually a functioning adult now so yeah I just wanted it I wanted

you guys to see this

For more infomation >> School Case Study Learning Disability Trends in Department of Defense Schools Part 3 - Duration: 2:54.


Ultimate Custom Night in a Nutshell - Duration: 2:12.

Dawko: Scott, how did you do this to make 51st character again?

Scott: cuz u make about 4 hostages they escape R.Bonnie: gimme dat guitar! R.Foxy: Gotcha M8!

Rockstar Bonnie: Dawko, Pleas Help me!

Halp Meh

Dawko: Woah Woah Woah, What's going on?

R.Bonnie: Rockstar Foxy is gonna break my guitar, Dawko

Dawko: Just Give Him Back, Foxy!


Dawko: Just Give Him Back!


Dawko: Give Hem Bak!

Roxi: Nou !!!!!!!11!!!1!!!


Rockstar Foxy: Fine!

R.Foxy: F*** You! (R.I.Pizza. Rockstar Bunnu)

Dawko (Insane Slap Mode): L E T ' S G O !

(Ripping in Pee Pee Rockstar Foxy get slapped)


R.Freddy: Let's Go Ge-


R.Chica gets Slapped by Wet Floor Sign

Bonnie: i will kill you-

(nOOp) W.Chica: Die Bit-

(Nope) Ballora: OMG You Kille-


W.Bonnie: PLEASE KILL U- *Ennard Singing Ocean Man


Scraptrap: I always come back *Enny still Singing a meme*


AARGH! god my glourious forehead

Scott: Oh My God! Dawko is so strong

*Nice Random Encounters Music*

Welcum 2 Baldi Basic's in Goroning and Suspicious

Is it a boy or a girl: We All gonna-

Bijuu Mike is Baldi Confirmed (OwO)

*Hey CK9C released a music video*

*axie is also a gay face*

Dawko: Hey you!

Opps there is no Death Coin.

FT.Foxy: Why did you just do that

SPRIINGTROOOP: I'm gonna kill you!

This Is Getting Slapping everyting!!

Wait! Why is there Santiago in here? Thats the 51st character! ah~i get it!!

Santiago: SANTIAG- *Critical HiT!!!*


R.I.P Helpy 2017-2018

*cracks* Dawko: i won Scott!


Wait! Dude! watch ou-

Later in the Shadow's Room

Shadow: Dawko make a Spoopy Video and responds to him to make 50/20 mode easier

so he desided to add another character to the roster

and there is a death coin or whatever you call it

and he's gonna find him before it's too late

Well, i'm just gonna lay up/killmeplz here before Grape Man reache-

Here's Grape Man

Dawko: GRAPE(S)!

R.I.P Headphones Users

Subtited/Caption by: Mr.Gu- Wait! why i'm i typing sh** on the subtitles

For more infomation >> Ultimate Custom Night in a Nutshell - Duration: 2:12.


CU Denver Master of Science Information Systems (MSIS) Program - Duration: 3:24.

(upbeat music)

- The mission of our Online Program is to provide

the best technical training and technical education

for working professionals.

- I think that the type of student varies.

What we have been seeing in the last number of years,

there is a move now for more working professionals

and they come here and take this alignment of

business and information technology learning points,

so that they can go back and assume higher roles.

- The reason I choose online versus traditional classes;

when you live such a full life with family

and work commitments and just all kinds of things going on,

there's really no other way to fit in school

than an online program.

- Right now I'm working as a business analyst

at Kaiser Permanente,

where I also worked as an intern for two years.

After I finished my internship,

I found the MSIS program would allow me

to continue my education, while still working full time.

Which is something I wouldn't be able to do

if I had to go to class in person.

- What is unique about our MSIS online program

is that the faculty who teach our on campus courses

are the same faculty that teach our online courses.

- As a faculty,

we want our student to experience the diversity

and the depths of technology and the breadths of technology.

- The professors and faculty that work on the MSIS program,

come from multiple backgrounds,

bringing their own unique perspectives to the mix.

- I've had really good experiences

with the faculty in the MSIS program.

I've just really enjoyed how we somehow managed

to have a rapport,

even though we never actually met each other face to face.

- What I think my passion towards teaching

and my willingness to relate,

and relate with each and every student.

- What we want our graduate student to have,

is to have personally,

one is technical knowledge,

the other one is opininous knowledge.

So meaning is,

that we have to identify the correct technology

to solve the opinious problems.

- [Jiban] The students who graduate from this program,

they are placed in many top hundred companies.

Top notch companies, such as Kaiser Permanente,

KPMG, DaVita, Walmart

and many of them have been placed in companies abroad.

- The main difference between online teaching

and offline teaching

is the length of the class first of all.

When we create an online class,

we try to focus on the concept,

so that one concept can be fit

into one module or video play,

so that the student can better flexibility

by choosing the concept that they want to learn.

- Being able to access my classes online

lets me check my homework when I'm, you know,

on my lunch hour or my lunch break.

Having that connectivity all the time,

is something that really brings peace of mind.

- The future is very bright for MSIS graduates

because if you look at the best jobs that are out there,

projected growth for these jobs,

most of them are technology fields.

- We bring to the class, the elements that we know

are essential for the next generation

and that's enabling businesses through technology

in a futuristic sense.

Not what existed in the past, not what exists today.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> CU Denver Master of Science Information Systems (MSIS) Program - Duration: 3:24.


15 Interesting Facts About Germany - Duration: 7:02.

15 Interesting Facts About Germany

Germany, a Western European country has been one of the top in the list of tourist destination for a very long period. Germany has about 2 millennia of history since it has been amidst many ups and downs. Apart from the historical anecdotes, Germany has been famous for a variety of things like Sausages, Cars (Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, eh?) and who can be unaware of Oktoberfest??

1.Consuming Beer

Germany is the second biggest consumer of beer after the Czech Republic (bonus fact 1: so that you know, in Bavaria beer is considered food!)

2. Ockotoberfest (Festival of Beer!)

Not actually celebrated in October but in last two weeks of September, this is one of the most popular (and awaited) festivals in the world. Also, the first Oktoberfest was actually a wedding celebration for Prince Ludwig of Bavaria in 1810.

3. Berlin

Berlin is about nine times bigger than Paris and has bridges more than Venice.

4. Break Free

From Germany prison, there is no punishment for escaping since the need to be free is a natural human instinct.

5. Shortage of Men

After WW I, there was a much shortage of men, that only one in three woman could find a groom for herself.

6. Longest Name

Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft is the longest word to be published. It is 79 letters long which translates to "Danube steamboat shipping electricity main engine facility building sub clerk association"

7. Diversity of (Some) Foods

There are about 300 kinds of bread and more than a 1,000 kinds of sausages in Germany.(Bonus fact 2: There's a bread museum!)

8. Lost in Translation

When JFK visited Berlin, he (might have been pranked!) said "Ich bin ein Berliner," which translates to "I am a jelly donut." Though that's not what was interpreted. Berliners knew he meant he was one of them.

9. Tannenbaum

Or the Christmas tree tradition came from Germany. Three cheers to that one!

10. Another Long Name Fact

The word Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz (law delegating beef label monitoring) was removed from the German language in 2014.

11. Fake Bus Stops

Supposedly, Germany has fake bus stops for Alzheimer's patients, who escape from nursing homes because they tend to wander to the nearest bus stop so they can go home. When nurses find them, they let them know the bus will be late and have them sit inside.

12. Branded Country

Adidas was founded by Adolf "Adi"Dassler, a Bavarian and the company owns 10% of Bayern's shares. (Bonus fact 3: Adolf's other brother, Rudolf Dassler founded Puma.)

13. World's Narrowest

The world's narrowest street is called Spreuerhofstrasse in Reutlingen and is 31 cm (one foot) wide at its narrowest point.

14. German Determination Test

In the 4th grade, German kids are placed into Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium, which pretty much determines if you will go to university or straight to the work force (Gymnasium is the highest level).

15. Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, the most recognised scientist in the world, was German and born in Ulm. (Bonus fact 4: Einstein married his cousin.)

For more infomation >> 15 Interesting Facts About Germany - Duration: 7:02.


Guy cosplay, and the result is filled with fun humor ( part 1 ) - Duration: 4:04.

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