Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 31 2018

yeah thank you say that but don't put your hands in appropriate

places, Or i wont be able to speak, you can't see what's

going on down here. hey everyone its Avelina here with my husband Von, he's a

newbie to my channel, actually I think this is my cameo

yeah the swimming video yes you've been highly requested so here is today we are

going to talk about our lovely gothic wedding I've made a little slideshow of

all of the photos that were taken and we're just going to talk through it I

haven't looked at them in a while what we're going to do before we start that

is I've got my wedding dress down here I'm going to try it on and see seven

years later if I can still fit into it so I'm not wearing too much clothing

right now let's see if you can get it on me I've been saying I wanted to do this

for so long I think I threw out the herps thing you know that is a co-worker

I don't know what the official title is the thing that goes on to the dress to

keep it like really poufy and keep its shape yeah try that out

remind me to talk to you all about how much my dress was they can't actually

see what's happening alright I will show you the bottom of the dress I'm in

that's good I wish my hair was this long actually ah how is that possible after 2

children that's because they steal all my food oh I can't eat can you show the


we'll start with the zip we kind of light it up like a quarter yeah that's

gonna hurt two hours oh my god we don't have to that no we tired you have to

dress me hold it up it's not it's IQ it's like totally urban this is why men

don't have up corset can you get it tied up yeah keep going keep going keep going

keep going there's no more that's it two bits of corn well I'm in it it actually

st. Lucia yeah I wish mine was I know we're 87 all right so yeah it seems I've

lost some weight this was a lot tighter I mean it's not done up completely it's

got all these lovely beadwork here the Saturn is so thick it's lovely and it

looks it looks way better with that little hippie thing underneath it it's

got beadwork here I just felt like a princess look at the trail I got a

trailer or trying tail tail I don't know

yeah it was alright so let's go through the photos now and see what we can

remember about that woody Oh remind me never to do this again

not the wedding thing they're wearing the dress in a really like closed area

with live drum clumsy you guys I don't know if you know this about me but I'm

really clumsy you know especially when I'm pregnant I how much more clumsy did

I get you know this isn't that complicated yeah you kind of like safe

filming so I'm in this like long dress and the trail of the train whatever it

is is that keeps long and I'm tripping over it things are flying a break

alright so now we're going to go through the photos and I will somehow impress

editing put the same photo up so you know what interest aneurysm really I

couldn't get what was I think I wore ring over the black satin

gloves that I had on I remember kicking my mom out of the room because I was

doing my eyeliner and it's so funny that same thing just happened now that's why

my eyeliner is so beat today it kept getting bigger and bigger and

bigger because I walked in and you know when it's wet and it hasn't dried yet

and then she came in and I looked up and then I like I nearly died because I

bought waterproof everything because you know I was gonna cry and I did cry it's

quite a few times I had waterproof eyeliner everything and I'm like how am

I gonna fix this so then I had to get like makeup remover and redo it and yeah

she didn't come but I was not a bride Nazi political movement they have to be

applied to join the parade country you don't say I'm sure it's like a Hungarian

punk band or something it's when women go off the rails and they forget the

point I didn't do any of that I didn't really have bridesmaids or anything like

that I just cuz I don't quit they all ran away screaming

I asked my sister she was my ones bridesmaid but no dresses and their

fittings nothing like this just wear what you want is something that's black

that's what we said just wait and I think I had my mom as the maid of honor

but they didn't have to do anything you know it was really easy okay where any

on the third phone that's people oh I don't kiss you with your massage that

was heavy that was so hold it was big pretty cool

I think they sprayed it like a little bit so it was darker as well oh that's

so that's how big the dress looks when you put that could be thing under it

that's pretty cool what a poser there'll be a lot of posing here you kind of look

like you're ready to like look out on the stage they haven't done that in a

while back to it you know the last time you did it was eight years ago okay for

another my makeup looks flawless tattoos beating up my dress

let me see doing that move and you don't know that either you've changed your

facial hair a lot I made sure to like even close though

yeah I like when you have bowls on your face oh here we go again jump into the

honeymoon honeymoon activities and then your mother moved in with this that was

the honey way no no no he used to have when he first got the snakebites he had

balls and I was

that's just good uh I can't come up next I think you're always holding my hand

because I was just gonna like trip by about full up and say like that way

laughing because you like I just tripped over and you caught me he like yeah we

did a lot of posing focusing but no kissing cuz it like it looks better

probably Terminator yeah I really like that photo this is the suit looks really

good to really see the back of the dress do I look different there six seven

years ago this thing my makeup looks good doesn't it

I did it myself that's another thing I wasn't gonna have lights um probably

bought myself so that's my clutch the it sold out the first bag of gifts that I

designed I actually designed that full the wedding because I wanted something

really special and I couldn't find anything hosing by the Quran pew I did

get a makeup buzz to do my my contour i think uh so though back then i do that

doesn't my pop up and then my mom kind of sporting the same history I just

squeeze my mom's neck that's why she looks kind of funny because she doesn't

know how to casually smile a so I said oh I'm actually pinching her neck she

pulled it together for the day I'm like where's the food I'm hungry bitch god I

ran away at this time I think we were having a bit of a meltdown yeah yeah

because the celibate was supposed to come pick me up

and she didn't turn up and she was an excellent fund she would figure out how

to get me there jump in the car and grab you sir also which is not what I wanted

to do because you know that's stress and I just finally got through to her and

I'm like where the fuck are you like I fully spoke to her like that I'm like

you're supposed to pick up a bomb like half an hour ago the wedding starts in

15 minutes and my groom is Julia and she's a cop sorry we're just having so

much fun decorating and this candelabras everywhere and I just so perfect I'm

like that's great come and get my fucking husband she never did because

you're already there and she couldn't say my name right we'll get to that


even the photographer he said she's where did you find that one she was fine

until the day I know she was lost ships she lost her shit the wedding was just

to like special I think and like I don't know but she seemed really nervous

she had one Joe I know I read the papers

okay that's mean looking pretty I think you would left by now you know logia so

I'm getting ready to get in the hole send Carrie

who's staying at a really nice hotel today so I made all the photos really

nice made my dad again just about to get oh wait that's a really beautiful one

that shows off my dress I'm so glad we have these because the

whole day went so quickly things with the cops now yeah we didn't even get

date oh I I just think it's cake which is still upset about no we

got the cake and the limousine actually wouldn't get that little dessert thing

which apparently was really good inside the carriage now it was really

hard to get into heels a crazy dress like that has helped a woman from like

the 16th century so yeah the place we got married that is

horizontal holders it's like a castle used to be a house yeah obviously rich

family so it looks like Cinderella is so beautiful look at that that carriage

ride went really quickly with my dad like what only ten minutes away

I'm sorry um but yeah it was it was a nice little moment for me and my dad to

perform so he gave me away to the devil I think we were late too because the

photographer was just having so much about taking photos what are you

standing there for a while no no mm-hmm you probably just go down yeah I think I

only just got that a few minutes before you do a lot of photos before hitting in

on me with the horse they were lovely

reminds me of London now animal noises you say any animal copy you it's the

cutest thing ever alright we've just had changed over to

my pics because this video is gonna be like four hours long longer than the

damn wedding if I'm if I show you every single third this one is my dad lifting

back my veil which was kind of heavy I had a headache at the end of that day

such the perfect location for us last night

moody suicide yeah read the lighting is perfect so it was in a what used to be a

wine cellar so it was really like kind of a dungeon which they had recently

renovated for small events and things like that so I waiting

we have 30 guests so considered as practically hit rose petals sprinkled on

the red carpet I got my dress willow everywhere big ceeze that was

basically how big the room was and each guest had a candle mom or the rings

remember when the celebrate started reading from the wrong page punch it the

stuffing pass sorry I'm on the wrong page so that's pretty much who you see

that one doesn't even look like they actually get that printed on canvas

you'd see the long dress and the red carpet of smoke candles

it involves bloodletting and leeches and

you look really evil they're like ha ha ha she didn't notice the things I snuck

into the vows I read that fine print I didn't I should really do that my mom

dad also signing is that just as a witness Angelina javelina and she felt

alone with a certificate yeah I think you can say that it actually and I think

that's a different name on the candles yeah Evelyn the de Moura

opinion my gosh I really like that better - I like that one that's I don't

know how that reminds me of like Bram Stoker's Dracula for some reason maybe

that scene with a dancing with the candles and stuff very similar but she's

gonna red dress on Easter that's my sister on the road

oh I love that take me I thought that's pretty much all I remember doing those

photos photos photos I remember my mom said are you guys coming in uh you know

I did like spend some time with the guess what yeah this is a photo on the

canvas yes and don't never leave leave class

none of this is photoshopped these Claire for the papers always used to

it's like just slightly crooked unlike did make it straight just rotate

it no it's ten degrees like so I made him

do that before they printed in the book that's all the guests have been little

miles he was the only baby in the family at that time obviously we didn't that

children yeah okay I think we might have another one say I know it kind of looks

like I've got wings that really shows up the bouquet that my dress oh look my I

love that one too Oh take me by the neck that's a really

nice one of you to the wind just catching you jack these are very odd see

through the tweaks the branches I love them what happened to those vampire

glasses done cinnamon use and after this we got a black limo to the shangri-la in

Sydney which is a really nice hotel

that's gorgeous very gothic is a night with their we're like all that stained

glass window in the bedroom I've still got that we're not good I leave must

have been getting quite many at this point oh I look like a baby there but

now do i oh the food is making me hungry

it was really okay Wow I wish I'd got more photos of that

actually there's a few more coming up but yeah that was a pretty epic cake and

it was so good as well

speeches hmm my sister thinks something funny to do that that's a great photo

though I love that way mm-hmm I think we danced just up to this

okay well that's all everything that was what I danced to it my dad we danced

with insulation the 6/8 falafel in that followed for sale as the one that

featured in Vampire Diaries which was not at all why we selected it it was

just so it was 16 it was a good kind of like well sing neither of us really knew

how to dance we just winged it he's not gonna get lessons yeah it's with my dad

the next one I think we're crying so we dance - uh I don't close my eyes

Aerosmith what's mom doing

that's a beautiful photo so literally my dad was singing like he can't sing he

sings as what was using me he does yes let's be honest um yeah and like that

just sings in this yeah I was just so beautiful and then we just we both

teared up and stead of crying it does same time it was beautiful Motley Crue

thank you yeah he's your family I love them behind their young me on you

my mom and my sister oh my god the photos never end we have a bunch of

people coming out from the other rooms that autumn to look at a black wedding

dress and they wouldn't get out of the damn shot and there's a whole bunch of

people at the top of those stairs as well and they all want to walk down the

steps when we have to sort of stand there yeah because it was a really big

like reception area they had maybe three or four other weddings I had like three

or four hundred guests and then Alice which was like the smallest of them all

obviously see a dress is so original singing and we got that same thing like

yeah before gorgeous the home venue is just set up full photography is

beautiful and really like we bought in the weddi running for like 15 grand I

think the venue was like 9,000 9,000 10,000 and that was like the room higher

and the buffet and all of that maybe because we had so few guests I think we

spent three and a half on the flowers and stuff like that they were pretty

elaborate photography to another three miles then I can't count it yeah but my

dress like everyone is like Oh much mystery dress and it looks like it would

have been like six grand or something like that but I could enough some

comment with some Bridal website at China 300 u.s. dollars so I just took a

chance and thought what's the worst that can happen if it's really shit I'll just

buy one locally but I was trying on a few bustling they didn't have any black

and they were like really full five six thousand dollars I'm like for a dress

you're gonna wear once I'd rather buy myself a camera I love that photo in the

black memory edited in more lights then that one is well I remember we were

looking at the scene from Bram Stoker's right yeah yeah

time so this is awesome a limo now

summed up in 100 photos it was going to be 500 variants a cut that shit down

would you do it again yeah again it's about we should do it invisible hello

maybe at 10 years in Vegas I don't want to like any gonna be office know that we

can get dead Elvis to do it okay thank you well ten thousand of you better be

there you better send out the invitations sorry for taking someone for

making this video it is a bit of a chore to get him and me together in the same

room when I'm filming these days isn't it with all the work we've been doing on

the back yard that's kind of slowed down and finished so we yeah we have more

free time and I'm heading off to LA next weekend yeah gonna be with me for a week

and then he's coming back with the kids a little bit earlier so yeah I just

thought let's do it well while we can and whilst I still fit in this dress

because if I am hopefully pregnant soon

I'd like to see that

all right on that note who say oh um let's not end it on balls or mm-hmm

Nazis or anything like that right Nazis thank you for watching I hope you

enjoyed this video let me know if you'd like to see more videos with you need

your in general I'd subscribe I'll go and check do you yeah both it would be

on YouTube you don't even know are you talking okay on that now please leave a

comment let me know if you would wear black at your wedding

did you enjoy did you enjoy what I did for my wedding see you guys next time



For more infomation >> Our Gothic Wedding Story + Trying On My Dress 7 Years Later! | Avelina De Moray - Duration: 24:23.


🌍 Cómo Preparar un Viaje Energéticamente · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌍 - Duration: 14:50.

For more infomation >> 🌍 Cómo Preparar un Viaje Energéticamente · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌍 - Duration: 14:50.



For more infomation >> SAINTEZ & FURIOS - DI FRETTA (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - Duration: 1:58.


Только Для Тебя, Красивая Песня о Любви - Игорь Янакий | ПОСЛУШАЙТЕ!!! - Duration: 4:03.

Just For You, a Beautiful Song about Love - Igor Janaki | LISTEN!!!

For more infomation >> Только Для Тебя, Красивая Песня о Любви - Игорь Янакий | ПОСЛУШАЙТЕ!!! - Duration: 4:03.





ゆかいなバイク仲間とのてランチ〜我らが社員食堂!の巻〜 - Duration: 16:16.

For more infomation >> ゆかいなバイク仲間とのてランチ〜我らが社員食堂!の巻〜 - Duration: 16:16.


Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 16:32.

Oh my poor dolly is sick

Don't you worry let me take a look at her...

Miss Polly had a dolly, who was sick, sick, sick.

So she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.

The doctor came with his bag and his hat,

And knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and shook his head,

And said "Miss Polly, put her straight to bed."

He wrote a paper for a pill, pill, pill.

I'll be back in the morning with the will, will, will.

Oh my poor dolly is sick

Don't you worry she going to be perfectly fine

Miss Polly had a dolly, who was sick, sick, sick.

So she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.

The doctor came with his bag and his hat,

And knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and shook his head,

And said "Miss Polly, put her straight to bed."

He wrote a paper for a pill, pill, pill.

I'll be back in the morning with the will, will, will.

For more infomation >> Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 16:32.


Learn To Count | 1 to 20 Numbers Song For Children - Duration: 16:14.

Here are your numbers 1 to 20

Here are your numbers 1 to 20

1 2 3 4 5...

6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5...

6 7 8 9 10





11 12 13 14 15...

16 17 18 19 20





Here are your numbers 1 to 20

Here are your numbers 1 to 20

For more infomation >> Learn To Count | 1 to 20 Numbers Song For Children - Duration: 16:14.


SpangaS op zomervakantie | DYLAN #2 WEDDENSCHAP - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> SpangaS op zomervakantie | DYLAN #2 WEDDENSCHAP - Duration: 1:52.





If you haven�t already heard by now, yes, a small group of people and the corporations

they run completely control all aspects of human life, whether it be health, food, or

finance, media and education, each major area and the resources that go into it are dictated

and selected by this group. The crazy thing about it is the fact that nobody really knows

who these people are, but it�s becoming more clear that our political system, and

those who make decisions and set global policy every year, are always in attendance.

This group is extremely secretive, and has been meeting for decades while the public

had little knowledge of what was going on and who was in attendance. The world did not

really become aware of this group until only a few short years ago, and since then, alternative

media and multiple journalists have been swarming attendees and seeking out where these meetings

are held each year, while mainstream media completely ignores it.

Attendees continue to keep their silence and not really speak about it, which only leads

to more attention and more of a feeling that something suspicious is going on right under

our noses.

We are talking about the major financial players, representatives of all the big banks, corporations

and various sectors of government and politics, intelligence agencies and more. Below is a

little quote from 1991, given by David Rockefeller which really gives the reader a good idea

of what might be going on there.

The transcript is from a 1991 Bilderberg group meeting in Baden, Germany, proving how deluded

Rockefeller�s views truly were. Bill Clinton also attended this meeting along with many

other members of the elite class, I�m sure. Rockefeller stated:

�We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other

publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises

of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our

plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those

years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government�

The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable

to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.�

Rockefeller was one of the main people who have been on the Steering committee at Bilderberg.

Within recent years, because of the growing awareness that has surrounded this mysterious

group, they�ve been forced to publicly put out who is attending, when and where.

Is this where the global elite set their plans for the conscious and intelligent manipulation

of the organized habits and opinions of the masses? According to Edward Bernay�s (one

who roamed in these circles), it�s �An important element in democratic society. Those

who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is

the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes

formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.� � (Propaganda,


If we keep looking for one individual every four years to change the world, it�s not

going to work� Politics has become a giant distraction, a form of entertainment, and

a battle between the global elite who comprise of a few different groups that are playing

a game designed by those higher up than them.

This kind of organization, along with others like the Council on Foreign Relations, are

the hub of the Deep State that now controls politics, global geopolitical policy, and

basically, the future and what direction it takes. Who knows just how many attendees are

involved in the plans of those who actually run and organize these events, but they are

no doubt , if anything, being used to push it, just like we are.

This all stops the day we decide acknowledge that we are all co-creating this experience

and there�s really nothing to fear here. Sure, these groups may dictate policy and

decide what direction the world may go, and not really have all of humanities (the collective)

best interests in hand, but that�s ok. Why is it ok? Because the day we wake up and realize

we are the ones being used to fuel the system that no longer resonates with us, is the day

it starts changing, and that�s exactly what�s happening right now.

As Business Insider pointed out a few years ago, the graph �shows the members� connections

to a ton of corporations, charities, policy groups and media. Everyone from Eric Schmidt

to George Soros is a member. There are tons of conspiracy theories about the group, including

that they control the world economy. We took the findings with a grain of salt�after

all, it�s easy to trace an individual to a corporation and the graph doesn�t specify

what influence the member wielded.�

Click on the chart below to expand and zoom in. It�s a great map that shows all of the

connections between the attendees and the world.



【SFC】SD英雄挑戰1代 - 中文字幕 Part 5 ( SDザ・グレイトバトル ) - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 【SFC】SD英雄挑戰1代 - 中文字幕 Part 5 ( SDザ・グレイトバトル ) - Duration: 4:50.


RESUMÃO: BIENAL GEEK!! - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> RESUMÃO: BIENAL GEEK!! - Duration: 4:25.


Hep Öldüm Bune (FREE FIRE - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> Hep Öldüm Bune (FREE FIRE - Duration: 10:55.



hey there guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I will be doing

an all-day clean with me now I've got a house full of messes today so I have a

lot of cleaning to do I am going to be starting in my master

bedroom today so if you guys enjoy watching these types of videos and they

really get you motivated to help you clean your house just click the

subscribe button down below and give this video a big thumbs up and

that way you will be sure to not miss any upcoming videos so I always like to

start by making my bed I've got some fresh sheets here and I've just put them

on the bed and I'm just going to be putting on our throw pillows and this is

a really good start for cleaning the bedroom because I like to use the bed to

lay my laundry out on

I've also gone and opened the windows in the bedroom

I just want to get some nice fresh air flowing through here it is really great

to have clean sheets on the bed and fresh air is just flowing through the

bedroom it smells really really great

now this is all clean laundry right here I'm just going to be sorting it into

piles and bringing them into the proper bedrooms and putting the laundry away I

have got a ton of laundry to do today and I'm going to be getting started with

my load of towels now this load of towels has that musty mildewy smell to

it sometimes laundry can get that smell if you forget it in the washing machine

overnight so I'm gonna be using this odor cleanse laundry additive it is a

really really great product to get that smell out and it is non-toxic made of

Earth minerals no harmful chemicals and there are no added scents and no masking

agents so I'm really really comfortable using this in my washing machine with my

laundry this is also a really great product to get body odor out of clothing

so if you've got workout gear that you just can't get the smell out this stuff

is what you want to use it is super great so you're just gonna want to add

the product directly into the detergent dispenser for your washing machine now

if you guys are interested in getting some odor cleanse laundry out of it for

yourselves there is a link down below in the description box you can go ahead and

head over to their website and there's also a coupon code amana de 15 for 15%

off now I'm just going to go back to my bedroom and finish off there I am going

to vacuum the floors wipe off the night tables and the dresser and wash the


now for washing the floors I'm just using hot water with about a half a cup

of vinegar and I used five drops of Young Living lemon essential oil now

here is a quick peek of my bedroom now that it is nice and clean now I will be

moving on to my master bathroom this bathroom is actually not too bad so I'm

just going to be using the vacuum to clean up any dirt that is on the floor I

will be also mopping as well as wiping the counters just washing out the

bathtub and the toilet


I actually just like to use toilet paper to wipe down my toilet with I don't

really like to use the wipes or a rag because I'm rag you have to throw in

your washing machine and if you're kind of wiping toilet dirt I just don't

really like the idea of throwing it into my washing machine and as for wipes I

find that the dry toilet paper does a much better job than wet wipes to wipe

it down so I just give it a good spray down with whatever cleaner I want to use

and then I just wipe away any of the dirt and grime with a lot of toilet

paper and then I just throw it into the toilet and flush it down

before we move on to the next room I just thought I'd give you guys a after

shot of the master bathroom here it is all nice and clean and now that this

area is clean I can move on to the next room so one thing about having dark

hardwood floors and for little boys is that it gets pretty dusty really quick

so I usually have to use my vacuum or even my I have this little dusting broom

that I can just run over really quickly and it just gathers up all the dust so I

usually like to do that at least once a day our stairs are a really high traffic

area so they get pretty dusty and dirty very quickly so today I'm going to be

using the pointy nozzle and I'm gonna get into all the corners of the stairs

and then I'll use the bigger vacuum head just to get the base of the stairs and I

will give that a really good brushing and vacuum up all the dirt and crumbs

so I'm not gonna be going into the boys rooms today because their rooms are

actually pretty clean I'm doing most of the main living areas so I'm gonna start

on the main floor here and I will be vacuuming up the main floor and all the

dust and dirt and then I will be doing a floor washing as well

all right so the floors are cleaned in the front entrance area and now I will

be just folding the blankets that are left in the couch fluffing the cushions

vacuuming the cushions because we've got a lot of crumbs here today somebody must

have been snacking on the couch and just getting under the rug a little bit

folding that pile of laundry no just general cleanup in the

living-room area here I'm just gonna fold that pile of towels that are done

that I did earlier in the video they smell fantastic thank you to that odor

cleanse product the laundry additive it worked awesome and now I'm just gonna

finish up with the couch cushions I've got some pillows that need to be put

back in their cases because I wash them every so often I'll give them a wash

because we've got sticky little fingers in this house so they tend to get a

little bit dirty pretty quick so now I'm just gonna vacuum all of the cushions

and the couches as well as just some of the surfaces in the living room the

piano can get a little bit dusty sometimes too so I'll give that a little

vacuum just to get into all the crevices as well

I'm just gonna be using my lilac mrs. mayor's multi-surface

everyday cleaner to clean the kitchen table the lilac scent smells fabulous it

is so springy and fresh okay guys so I have quite the job in the kitchen today

there is a lot of clutter just laying around there's dishes there's toys and

all sorts of just stuff everywhere so the kitchen is going to take me a little

bit of time today to get cleaned I will video most of it so you can just

see the process of how I am doing the whole kitchen cleanup here I am just

going to be using my method antibac bamboo cleaner to spray down the island

and wipe it down

unloading the dishwasher okay if anybody invents in the auto unload dishwasher

they're gonna be seriously rich because I cannot stand to load and unload the

dishwasher so I would pay some serious coin for one of those

this dish cloth that I'm using is from the target dollar spot it has like

little roses all over it it is honestly the prettiest dish cloth I have ever

seen it actually sat on my kitchen counter for like a week because I didn't

want to use it because it was so pretty but yeah the target dollar spot awesome

place to find cute little things just like that

here I'm using my method antibac spray in the sink I want to give it a really

good scrub down and sanitize it so I'm gonna use my little scrubber and get

into the corners and then give it a good rinse here I'm just gonna vacuum the

floors now one of these days I'm going to get myself a cordless vacuum I really

love this dyson vacuum but it would be nice to have a cordless one on hand just

for those quick cleanups when you don't feel like hauling out the bigger vacuum

in the court I really love my method glass and surface cleaner the mint scent

is just really really nice it's such a mild scent and it does a great job so

I'm gonna be using that for the glass surfaces here and even just quick little

jobs on stainless steel like the edges of this fridge

our back door always has fingerprints on it like I mean always like tomorrow

morning this door will have fingerprints on it

guaranteed so yeah having a little little guys running in and out of the

house using the back door it gets dirty pretty quick just gonna use my women's

stainless steel cleaner here it's my favorite cleaner

it leaves hardly any streaks at all on the stainless steel so I use that for my

dishwasher and my fridge all the bigger stainless steel surfaces for sure

okay so this brings us to the end of the all-day clean with me if you guys want

to grab some order cleanse for yourselves for your laundry the link is

down below the description box and do not forget to use the coupon code amount

of 15 for your 15% off thanks so much for joining me again for another video

please do not forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button down below if you

want to see more videos just like this and give it a big thumbs up thanks so

much we'll see you guys next time


For more infomation >> ULTIMATE ALL DAY CLEAN WITH ME 2018 ~ CLEANING MOTIVATION - Duration: 19:44.


Обзор Посылки №5 с aliexpress Рондели и Биконусы/Review Parcels with aliexpress Rondeli and Bicones! - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> Обзор Посылки №5 с aliexpress Рондели и Биконусы/Review Parcels with aliexpress Rondeli and Bicones! - Duration: 5:54.


Pepsi or Coke: People Just Can't Guess | Challenge Accepted#16 - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Pepsi or Coke: People Just Can't Guess | Challenge Accepted#16 - Duration: 3:26.


angled very bob haircut short curly - step by step short bob haircut - Duration: 33:52.

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For more infomation >> angled very bob haircut short curly - step by step short bob haircut - Duration: 33:52.


[SUB] ASMR Wedding Makeup for Lady RP (Girls Love, Korean) 👩‍❤️‍👩 - Duration: 1:08:28.

Today will certainly be a wonderful day.

Did you sleep well, lady?

Wasn't the wedding dress just so pretty?

You were very cute.

How important you are to me ...

strangely, my bosom started to ache.

I've been preparing it for you for a long time.

Can we be together?



Please wake up.

It is an important day for lady, so I think you should prepare for it early.

Please have a sip of this water.

Did you sleep well?

Finally, it's your wedding day.

I prepared the water for a warm bath, and will assist you once you are in.

You're very nervous, right? Today will certainly be a wonderful day.

Before I assist you with your makeup

I'm going to use this headband to make sure your hair does not get in the way.

It's all proper now.

So that your facial skin does not dry out...

I'll use a toner to seal some moisture in it.

This toner contains Centella asiatica, so it will be very soothing for your skin.

Do I seem more nervous than usual?

Actually, I couldn't sleep tight.

Did you sleep well, lady?

You as well. I thought you would be very nervous.

I guess I am more nervous than you, then.

I couldn't sleep well at all, because today is very special and important!

I was worried about whether or not this would mean that I had to part with you, lady.

I'm sorry for my worried banter.

Does your face feel uncomfortable?

The toner applying is done.

Now I'm going to massage your face with some cream.

Fortunately the weather seems really nice today, doesn't it?

The wedding hall for your ceremony is

decorated with lots of pink and white roses that lady likes so much.

There are plenty of your favorite cakes and strawberries served on the tables...

Sweet champagne and delicious dishes will be prepared...

The hall will resonate with your favourite music...

You will be blessed by so many people celebrating your wedding.

Your skin is perfect today, as well.

I'm highly anticipating today.

You are the main character today, so please tell me any makeup style you want.

I think it's a most special occasion so very fancy makeup would suit you well.

You want modest makeup?

I think most people would prefer a more fabulous look for their wedding day... You seem to be a bit different than most.

You want to look like usual because it is your special day?

I can understand that but the other people might not understand.

You know...

Even with modest makeup and casual style you still are more beautiful than anyone else.

Maybe... I'm not the only one thinking so.

The cream massage is over too.

I'm going to make your skin look bright and gorgeous with this violet makeup base

on puff

tap tap tap

You'll look so wonderful in the wedding hall, adorned by that beautiful wedding dress, I can already imagine it.

Isn't the wedding dress we selected together just pretty?

It was embroidered with delicate gems on shinning pure white fabric.

It looks like the attire of an angel or fairy.

The dress is prepared on the far side of the room

and the dress is waiting for its owner.

When your makeup is finished

you should get dressed. And then I'm going to style your hair.

I'm very much looking forward to that!

I can't wait to see that.

I'm more anxious than you. Right?

I'm done applying the makeup base and will now use the foundation.

It is a bright tone that matches lady's skin colour.

It's on the puff again.. tap tap..

I still remember ladys and the Counts first date.

And how tense and nervous you were before that picnic.

Do you remember?

You were so cute when you tried to make an apple pie yourself for the picnic.

Since it was your first try at baking, your apple pie was completely burnt...

And then the count found the pie in the end, because he came to pick you up.

Your face was blushed and you tried to hide it, but the Count noticed it anyway.

The Count said that the burned pie was even more delicious that way, and he ate it all.

ladys face is as smooth as porcelain. The foundation is finished.

Now I'll controll the oil with some powder on your face and make it and your neck look smooth.

You had a good relationship with the Count ...

for two years now.

I knew that someday this day would come.

Both you and the Count have good personalities and you match well together.

I'm sure that the Count can make you happy.

It is my dream that you become happy.

Am I talking too much?

Now I'll draw your eyebrows.

I'm going to use this screw brush to clean your eyebrows texture first

to make the gentle looks of lady stand out more.

You are really beautiful.

I am going to do full-scale eye make-up. Before that, I would like to begin curling your eyelashes first.

I'll use this eyelash curler and make them more distinctive.

How can your eyelashes be so long like that? lady is truly the most beautiful in the world.

Now your eyelashes look splendid.

How about applying the eye shadow with three natural colors?

Here is a pink beige color

Gold pearl brown,

It's a dark brown color that can give a shade.

I'm glad you like it all.

No matter what I do, I'm jealous of the Count because you are such a pretty girl like this.

I'm not only talking about beautiful looks.

You are especially beautiful in your heart and caring personality.

You are the one who will be the source of a warm and gentle atmosphere.

Just being in ladys presence made me laugh happily.

Are you aware of that? How important lady is to me ...

I'll apply this brown eye shadow with a pearl point on your eyelids.

Anyway... I think I'm jealous of your Count.

I'm going to apply them at the tips of the eyes and under the eyes too..

I'll give a little contrast on your eyelids.

I'm done preparing the eyebrows.

I'm going to use the eyeliner now.

Your eye lines will be done with this brown liquid eyeliner.

And how about we make your eyebrows look lushious?

Keep your eyes open.


Just a little ... tap tap..


Then I'll do your lushious eyelashes with this mascara.

the lower eyelashes as well...

Very well done.

How about using the transparent pink that you usually wear?

This colour of lipstick always looked gorgeous on you.

Yes, I'll apply like that.

Your lips are so pretty.

How about a pretty peach blusher?

It will look very lovely.


Finally, with these highlights your pretty face will look more brilliant and stand out very nicely.

I'll apply a little more shading to your nose and jawline...

Make the eyes and nose part look a little slimmer.


I'll put a light gold highlighter on your forehead, nose, cheek and the front of your eyes.

on your forehead ..

on your cheeks ..

on your nose

on the front of your eyes...

You look really beautiful, lady!

Apparently, lady looks casual now, but I think that you are already the most beautiful Lady in any case!

It's definitely the best wedding makeup.

I nearly forgot. I'm going to apply a white nail polish on your nails for your wedding.

This hand too...

I wonder how your hands are so smooth like this.

I'll brush off a little powder for the finish.

How would you like your hairstyle, lady?

Would you like to have the same straight hair style as usual too?

If so I'm going to brush your hair and apply hair oil.


you know ...

after you decided to marry,


Since your decision for your marriage..

I feel bliss and I am really happy that you are finding happiness.

Alas... strangely, my bosom started to ache.

I'm wondering whether it is similar to the mothers mind, feeling lonely when her daughter gets married?

I've been with lady since I was a kid,

I've always looked after you,

I've only ever had eyes for you...

So.. It may be similar to a mothers feelings

but maybe it would not be exactly the same.

I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep well, so I'm saying weird things.

Today is a day of celebration, so that everyone should smile ...

I'm deeply sorry, lady.

For being this way.

Now I'm going to carefully apply this serum on your hair.

It's done, lady.

I'll help you get dressen in your wedding gown now.

Oh really beautiful, lady..!

I think I'm going to cry. Ha ... Oh my Gosh!

I'm sorry for my anxiousness, lady.

I have a surprise gift for you, lady.

First.. TADA! it's a beautiful crystal necklace.

I've been preparing it for you for a long time.

It looks really good with your gown.

Do you like it, lady?

I'm very glad that you like it so much!

I'll help you put it on.

It really suits you, lady!

The necklace finally found its owner.


It's pearl earrings to go along your dress.

These earrings and your hairstyle will make your beauty stand out splendidly.

Do you like this as well? Thank you! What a relief! That's so wonderful. I'm so happy.

I'm going to put them on your ears

I'll stick~ them inside the earlobes...

They really suit you, lady! I think the earrings found their owner as well.

When you put on this white wedding veil...

and this pretty flower circlet...

And then you hold your bouquet... all the preparations would be finished and you would be ready.

I'll put the white wedding veil and flower circlet on you.

It is a pretty circlet made of white roses. This will suit you beautifully as well.

You look wonderful, lady.

lady ... I am still worried about something.

I have to ask you something now.

No, I may have an important demand...

I have lived only for you during my entire life

but... I feel the need to be greedy and selfish this once...

If you do not mind, can I continue to be with you, lady?

I know it's a difficult request.

I know that It's not only ladys decision alone.


I want to forever be by your side and continuously help you, and never leave you, lady!

Just a place in the stables would be enough for me. Just a simple bed and meal a day would be enough...

For just a simple meal I will give my body to you, lady, to work hard.

Would that be acceptable?

Thank you, lady.

Thank you.

Here is a bouquet of the roses you so love.

Everyone is waiting for you...

Today will be a wonderful day.

For more infomation >> [SUB] ASMR Wedding Makeup for Lady RP (Girls Love, Korean) 👩‍❤️‍👩 - Duration: 1:08:28.


[FNAF/SFM] The DANGER to the Pizzeria - The Unknown Story - Season 1 Episode 11 (By Funtime Megi) - Duration: 0:49.

I need to get back to the Pizzeria, but how??

Don't worry, you'll never get back to the pizzeria!

I will check for something that tend to be helpful

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