Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 31 2018

Hi I'm Erin.

Every year around May 10th the big garden is seeded with crops like carrots, beets,

kohlrabi and more.

This year we're behind schedule but the work still needs done.

In fact, all the gardens are behind schedule.

But just like the saying it's better late then never and after the majority of the seeds

are in the ground it's one item to be checked off the do to list on Our Wyoming Life.

May 10th is my target planting date for our first outside planting of the year.

Roots crops and lettuce, potatoes and onions can all go in the ground then.

Warm weather seeds like corn and summer squashes usually wait until around the 25th or so to

be planted.

This year I managed to get the potatoes, onions in the ground on schedule along with some

zinnia seeds.

The first row when you walk into the garden this year will be beautiful zinnia's that

we can use at our Farm to Table dinner for decorations.

The bees will also really like the zinnia's.

So right around May 10th I was right on schedule for outdoor planting.

And then things didn't go as planned.

I was out of town for a few days.

The high tunnel construction project took priority.

And the kids had to finish up school so we had field day and ice cream field trips and

preschool graduation to attend.

Things were busy around the ranch but the garden was just sitting.

Finally, on May 25th and 26th I was able to get the first half of the garden seeded.

And then the rain happened.

Which is a huge blessing for the ranch and for the hay situation but once again the gardens

are put on hold.

I'm still not back in the garden.

It's muddy but starting to dry.

Hopefully tomorrow we will be back to planting and can get everything in the outdoor gardens

here in a few days.

Let me show you what I have managed to get done.

The first thing that I notice when I head into the garden to start planting is that

there are weeds growing already.

We tilled several weeks ago and of course the weeds are growing.

Luckily, we have the Hoss wheel hoe with the 12inch oscillating hoe attachment.

It's basically a giant stirrup hoe.

It can be run up and down the unplanted ground to pop out the very tiny weeds that are coming


This way we temporarily hold off the weeds while the seeds are germinating.

The first seeds that will be planted today are the lettuce and radishes.

If you remember back to when I was ordering seeds in February I talked about planting

everything in 30-inch-wide beds.

The beds get measured out and string marks the width and length for us.

3 rows of lettuce can be planted in the 30-inch bed.

Lettuce seed is very fine and somewhat difficult to seed.

It is just one of the seeds that has to be done by hand.

A hoe is used to dig a vey shallow trench, lettuce seed is sprinkled in and then the

hoe is used to bury the tiny seeds.

Now it's time for the radishes and here's where things start to get a lot easier and


Seeding row after row of root crops used to take me a huge amount of time.

Now I can do it in just a few uninterrupted hours with the help of an amazing tool.

The earthway garden seeder makes the job go super quick.

Just put in the correct seed plate, dump the seed in and push it up and down the garden.

The first seed we will plant with the earthway seeder is radishes.

Once the seeder is loaded up we head into the garden and can put the seed in the ground.

It very simple to use the seeder.

You just push it.

It digs the trench, deposits the seed and buries it while you walk.

You can even mark out your next row with the adjustable row marker.

I find that the seeder doesn't work great with lettuce and that's why I still hand

seed it.

But for a majority of the root crops it gets used.

And so, I continue seeding.

Carrots go in the next bed.

Two rows of orange carrots are planted and one row of purple carrots are planted.

After using the seeder for several years I have found that on low germinating crops like

carrots it's beneficial to go over the rows 2 or 3 times with the seeder.

Carrots typically only have 80-90% germinating on most varieties and for some reason carrots

are hard to germinate here.

People always ask why didn't my carrots come up.

Some years they come up great and other years no carrots can be found at farmers market.

So I over compensate in the seeding and go over the rows several times until all the

seed I want deposited into beds has been run through the seeder.

If I do have leftover seed just tip the seeder and dump the seed back into the container

it came in.

As I move along in the garden I always make sure to pound in stakes to mark my beds.

I also use my phone to record what order stuff has been planted in.

This helps me when it comes time to weed and to check for germination.

It's helpful to know what little tiny seedlings I'm looking for in each row.

Up and down the garden I go.

Pushing my earthway seeder back and forth.

I plant Kale, Rainbow Chard, Dill, 3 kinds of beets and turnips.

Once I get to about the halfway point in the garden I'm pretty much done for now.

And that's where the garden sits.

Halfway planted.

Tomorrow I'm back at it planting summer squashes, zucchini, cabbages, broccoli and

so much more.

A majority of the unplanted garden half will have landscape fabric laid down to help with

weed prevention.

Hopefully we don't have too much wind for the next few days and everything can get settled

in and not blown around.

I would highly recommend purchasing an earthway seeder if you do any direct seeding in your


Your garden doesn't have to be this big.

If it's even 15 or 20 feet long I would get one.

It makes things go so much easier then using a hoe and digging trenches.

I truly enjoy using the earthway seeder.

And no this video isn't sponsored.

I've used the seeder for years before we made videos and I've always recommended


If you do decide to buy one I have included an Amazon link in the description and if you

purchase the seeder through that link the channel will get a few dollars and we thank

you for that purchase!

We have a ton of work to do around here.

We're going on vacation in not that many days and I would love for the gardens to be

planted, the high tunnel done and planted and Mike needs to get ready for branding.

Make sure to subscribe and hit the bell notification so you get to see all this crazy amount of

work happen.

We also have an amazing giveaway happening for a Flir one pro.

Link is in the description and also on our Facebook page.

Make sure you get entered for that before the giveaway ends.

If you didn't notice I also have a cold.

It's summer time and I have a cold and I have a to do list that seems never ending.

For some reason I wait all winter for this time of the year.

It's not that fun this year.

I ain't got time to be sick!

Mike has a new ranch video for you guys on Sunday and as always thanks for joining me

in Our Wyoming Life.

For more infomation >> Erin Seeding the Ranch Gardens & The Earthway Seeder - Duration: 8:07.


Ai còn nhớ trận đấu Bé Chanh cùng Henry quẩy nát đội hình SGP tại ĐTDV mùa đông 2017 - Duration: 16:44.

For more infomation >> Ai còn nhớ trận đấu Bé Chanh cùng Henry quẩy nát đội hình SGP tại ĐTDV mùa đông 2017 - Duration: 16:44.


Best Fortnite Battle Royale Shopping Cart Glitches, Plays & Funny Moments 2018 - Duration: 10:22.

Welcome to the best Fortnite Battle Royale shopping cart glitches, plays & funny moments 2018! I hope everyone enjoys!

For more infomation >> Best Fortnite Battle Royale Shopping Cart Glitches, Plays & Funny Moments 2018 - Duration: 10:22.


FFR Crew part. Pietra Keiber - Um som pra ela (Prod. Menfis Estúdio) - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> FFR Crew part. Pietra Keiber - Um som pra ela (Prod. Menfis Estúdio) - Duration: 3:50.


My June TBR - Duration: 6:49.

There's actually glitter in my tea.. because I used it as a prop for an

Instagram photo, and I wanted glitter in the tea for the photo, and then I was

like "waste not, want not!" Hi! Welcome to yet another strange filming location.

I'm just, you know, swapping between various people's houses as I live my

homeless life, waiting for my home to be ready for me. But today I am here to

share with you guys firstly the theme for June, and secondly

my TBR for that theme for June. Just in case you have forgotten what I am

talking about, I like to try and theme my TBR's

around a kind of 'concept.' For example, last month was 'celebrating women' so I

was reading books that were related to strong female characters and/or written

by strong female authors. Feel free to take a look at my previous TBR for May

if you are curious as to how it works and you want more info on that, because I

explain it all there. But I'm gonna jump on into my TBR. So the theme for this

particular month is quite simple, and it's just 'fantasy' so I'm reading some

fantasy books ,taking some photos of some fantasy books on my Instagram, and I have

two very exciting videos that I have planned for the month of June that also

relate to fantasy. So I'm really excited about those videos. The first book that I

would like to read in the month of June for the fantasy theme is the second book

in the Kingkiller Chronicles which is The Wise Man's Fear. So the Kingkiller

chronicles is a debut series by the author Patrick Rothfuss, who is a

fantasy author. It's an adult fantasy series, and it

centers around the main character Kvothe, who is like this big, famous,

notorious wizard in this fantasy land, who has just disappeared off the

face of the earth. Everyone in the whole land thinks he is like dead, or just gone,

but he's not, and he is sharing his life story as to like why he's ended up in

the position that he is in. So the first book follows him up until around the age

of 15 or 16, and the second book I'm assuming continues from then into

adulthood. So I'm excited to see what happens. The next book that I would like to

read in the month of whatever month it is.. June..

is Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor. This was one of the books that I tried

to get you guys to choose for the Novel Readalong that we did a few months ago.

But y'all wanted to read A Darker Shade of Magic instead, and I am very mad with

y'all about that! Because the Darker Shade of Magic.. I barely managed to

finish it. I very nearly DNFed, it which is like the first time that I've ever

DNFed a book. And I feel like we wouldn't have had the same issue if we

chose and this as our book for the Novel Readalong! So this is a YA fantasy

series, the next book is coming out soon I think, and this was the first book

which was released last year. And the concept of it is this kind of fantasy

land where people have like dreams, as in not like sleeping dreams but like goal

dreams, but they don't choose their dreams. Like, the dreams choose them in

this weird fantasy land. And Lazlo Strange is the main character, and he

feels like his dream chose him poorly, that he's not the right person to be

going on this kind of quest to follow this dream. And then an opportunity

presents itself for him to actually try and achieve the dream that he wants to,

which I think is like a quest to find a lost city or something like that.. yeah it's

a lost city. So it sounds kind of cool, and I love the concept of it... like

this whole.. it's kind of like 'the wand chooses the wizard' but with like dreams

and goals, so I'm really excited to read that! It's quite a big book too. That's the

fun thing about fantasy books, is that they're always giant, so I've already set

myself up for a lot of reading between these two books. The next book that I

wanted to try and read in the month of June is Peter Pan. This was another book

that I tried to get you guys to vote on for the Novel Readalong, and again we

decided on A Darker Shade of Magic which is fine.. whatever.. So I'm really excited to

read this. This is obviously a childhood classic fantasy. I don't think I need to

explain the plot of this to you. At least people know the vague idea from the

movie, even though the book is apparently a lot darker a lot more bleak. Yeah.. just

dark themes. So I'm really excited to read that and delve into that kind of..

sad fantasy. I'm really excited about that, and to compare it to the movie. I'm

particularly excited at this point, because now I have a fantasy book from

each major age group. I've got an adult fantasy, a young adult fantasy, and then

like a children's fantasy. And this was the point at which I was going to leave

my TBR and be like "that's enough." Three books.. last month I

chose like five books and read one, because that's who I am. But I got

overexcited when I was taking the photos for this month, I was looking

through all the fantasy books I was like "Oh I need more." So I've added two more

books to my TBR. Both of them are rereads.. kind of.. So the first one is the Song of

the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce. This was a childhood favourite of mine

about a girl, her name is Alanna, and she has a twin brother. And.. fantasy medieval-y

kind of land, where the girls become housewives, and the men can choose to

become sorcerers or knights, I think, and the girls can sometimes learn some

sorcery? But not a lot? Or they can become healers? I can't remember. She convinces

her twin brother to switch places with her, so that he ends up going to like the

monastery to learn magic, and she pretends to be him and goes to the

capital to learn how to be a knight, because she wants to be a warrior. And

then like once she becomes a knight, she goes on a whole bunch of quests like

around the land. And it's pretty cool, and there's some good romance in there too so

I'm really excited to reread that, I wasn't supposed to.. And then finally I

also got way too overexcited about the French version of Harry Potter, which I

started reading last year when I did another fantasy related month last year.

I didn't finish it within that month, and I want to try again, so I'm really

excited to be delving into this. So I'm hoping that this will be... it'll be a

challenge because I'm reading in another language, but it's a book that I have

read yearly since the age of like 7, so I'm fairly familiar with it, and it

shouldn't be TOO much of an addition to my TBR.

So yeah, now we've got five books on

my TBR again. Well done Jaz. Doing really well with the whole realistic

expectations of oneself here. And yeah! That is my themed TBR for the month of

June! Like I said, my Instagram will be sharing lots of fantasy related books,

I've been getting really creative with trying to.. not just take photos of

them, but like use Photoshop and editing software to kind of make them a bit more

fantastical and to add more fantastical elements to the photos. So I'm really

excited about that too. And I have two video ideas that I am extremely excited about

for this month for the fantasy theme, so please do keep an eye out for them! I

will see you for another video (fantasy related video!) very shortly, I am

sure. And until then, as always, stay classic!

For more infomation >> My June TBR - Duration: 6:49.


Navy Ships Stalked for Days by UFOs - Duration: 4:25.

Navy Ships Stalked for Days by UFOs

BY Paul Seaburn

The 1970s had the Pentagon Papers � the documents released in 1971 by Daniel Ellsberg

which detailed how President Johnson�s administration �systematically lied, not only to the public

but also to Congress� about the Vietnam War, secret bombings of Cambodia and Laos,

raids on North Vietnam and more.

It looks like the 2010s are becoming the era of the Pentagon Tapes � the videos released

detailing U.S. military encounters with UFOs and a secretive Defense Department program

that investigated the sightings.

The Pentagon Tapes are not as controversial as the Pentagon Papers � yet.

However, if new reports keeping being released or leaked and they start to sound more and

more like an extraterrestrial coverup, they could be bigger than the Pentagon itself.

The latest 13-page document was obtained by George Knapp, the award-winning investigative

reporter at KLAS-TV in Las Vegas and a frequent host on Coast to Coast AM.

The announcement by KLAS doesn�t reveal how it obtained the information but it has

been working with former Senator Harry Reid who has said many times that there is considerable

information available about military UFO encounters.

That includes those seen in 2004 by crew members on the U.S.S.

Nimitz aircraft carrier, the U.S.S.

Princeton and a number of F-18 pilots who provided the video feeds and shocking commentary.

�Over a two-week period in late 2004, an unknown, 45-foot long Tic Tac shaped object

played cat and mouse with the U.S. Navy off the coast of California.�

Knapp reports on that this was not a single UFO incident but a series

of encounters lasting two weeks.

The report refers to them as Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAV) but social media today calls

them the Tic Tac UFOs because of their white elongated oval shape.

�Among the key findings in the report � the AAV is not something that belongs to the U.S.

or any other nation.

It was so advanced, it rendered U.S. capabilities ineffective.

It showed velocities far greater than anything known to exist, and it could turn itself invisible,

both to radar and the human eye.

Essentially, it was undetectable, and unchallenged.� According to Knapp, claims like that in the

report are corroborated by seven F-18 pilots and by radar operators on the ships, who saw

the AAV descend from 60,000 feet down to 50 feet in seconds, remain stationary, accelerate

to high speeds and make impossible turns � at least for known aircraft.

�At no time did they consider the AAV a threat to the battle group.

Finally, they had never seen anything like this before and never again.�

No harm, no foul.

No further investigation occurred at the time, although there is apparently another secret

report from five years later that Knapp believes will never be released.

A simulation of the Tic Tac UFO

Why not?

This one was.

Well, kind of.

Take a good look at it.

�The analysis report is not dated and has no logo, but four separate people who are

familiar with its contents confirmed to the I-Team it is the real deal and was written

as part of a Pentagon program.� Are these Pentagon Papers or is this a Pentagon


As is so often the case, these UFO reports contain fuzzy photos, fuzzy documents and

fuzzy sources.

What�s clear is that many people like George Knapp, Harry Reid, Tom DeLonge and others

believe the unfuzzy photos, documents and sources exist and they plan to keep on looking.

For more infomation >> Navy Ships Stalked for Days by UFOs - Duration: 4:25.


Supernatural: Season 4 Episode 22 "Lucifer Rising" Part 1 REACTION! - Duration: 10:27.

- Throwback!

I didn't read what it said. What did it say?

- 1972.

I wasn't expecting yellow eyes.

- I think Sam will have them.


But why?

Just 'cause his blood was the first?

- Because he's not just like your regular..

- Demon.

- Type?

But that would be awful!

- I know!

- Is it gonna be one of "those" episode?

Don't start throwing punches at him too!

Where the fuck are you?

- Cas?

Cas it is.


- Oh he's enjoying it.

- Cute!

You think?

- Yeah, he looked hot.

- I've a feeling this is like Dean vs Sam.

- Kind of thing.

In a way.

- He's gonna call Sam?

- He said it!

- So that's Azazel..

I thought you figured that one out!

- No.

That's why I said.. I didn't expect his eyes to be yellow. I thought it was gonna be Lilith.

- So.. What are you figuring out?

I'm not figuring out anything.


As expected..

No demon can be trusted.

I said.. As expected, no demon can be trusted.

Including her.

- That we figured out right?

Yeah, but..

It's getting more and more clear.

I just, still don't know what her game is.

- I just didn't expect them to make Azazel..

- Related to Lucifer.

- 'Cause they're actually like.. same level.



For more infomation >> Supernatural: Season 4 Episode 22 "Lucifer Rising" Part 1 REACTION! - Duration: 10:27.


Classical Musicians React: Super Junior 'Black Suit' vs 'Runaway' - Duration: 16:53.

Katie: Build---three--- two--- one Jarod: cre-scen-do

Umu: next is super junior Both: yes Umu: okay

Charlotte: YAAAAAS

Umu: All right, so today we are starting off with a boy group called Super Junior

We've actually reacted to them once last year. We reacted to Mamacita, the one with the watermelon

this is their

2017 comeback after a huge hiatus where all of them went to the military to serve for two years and then this isn't actually the

whole group only seven members were able to

Come back after the hiatus and six members were able to promote cause the seventh is injured

They're missing two out of the three main vocalist

So a lot of fans see this as a song to showcase, you know

Like the vocals of people who don't normally get a lot of vocal lines Isaac: I think I need more black suits Kevin: I'm excited for 2017 Super Junior

Kevin: This is not part of the actual song, oh it is? Noooooo :OOO

Elizabeth: oh

Henry: they don't really waste any time with the with the intro there Elizabeth: they really did not

Davis: aww they're so cute

Lindsey: the moneys? Davis: no the musicians

Lindsey: oh yeah

oooh they're harmonies are like killin' it

Henry: WOAH a 9 chord Kevin: that's a James Bond chord, they literally use the James Bond chord in this song

Henry: *gasp* No

a vi 9 chord (sixth chord with 9 in it)

Davis: Oh, yeah

Lindsey: that's how I feel about the harmonies Davis: this is very involved ohmygoodness- oh wait--- okay

Katie: Build---three--- two--- one Jarod: crescendo

Isaac: aw this is good, yesssss

Lindsey: whoo, here we are, we're groovin', we got them trumpets Davis: heyyyy, yeah, we got yeah, was not expecting those brass instruments (L: no)

Davis: to come in there Lindsey: not at all

Charlotte: I like how they play a lot with going up just like chromatic tones really playing with those Peyton: yeah

both: [sing along bassline]

Charlotte: it just steps down and does the same pattern, it's so nice

Lindsey: this like just sounds like classic KPop to me like in a good way Davis: yeah it has like that little

Davis: like little spicy--- yeah lindsey: oh yeah like the little Latin feel a little bit?

James: ohhhh I like The quarter note, it's a kick drum

but it really- doens't have any reverb. It's just on the attack. Hugo: Yeah

Jarod: these guys are like the Justin Timberlake's of kpop

Cuz they got that sexy voice and they got that sexy choreography like

Kevin: you got doing the 9, no, doing that 7

it's the add 7 which means a major 7th in a minor song and that makes it really sexy

Elizabeth: i don't think it's real brass Henry: I don't think it is too...

Elizabeth: it's disappointing Henry: get people jobs!!

Henry: It's a good song though, I dig it so far.

Peyton: Wow, this is like a totally different thing C: yeah

Davis: the heist--- man this is like, this is like a movie man

Lindsey: yeah, I'm enjoying it

Lindsey: they're also kinda hot so...

Charlotte: it's like chromatic tone just when you're like not expecting it to go there and it just does and you're like oh, that was nice

Charlotte: it's tasty Peyton: mm, delicious

Davis: yeah

Lindsey: they like almost did the aju nice thing where it like

Skips a beat but instead it like kinda came in and then fully came in

Henry: I really feel like there's like a supreme balance between

vocals and extra like musical parts, you know

The thing is that they do is that all the instrumentals that they have to pare against them are typically really annoying

But because they have switched the balance

I feel like they did the music

Part pretty well

Charlotte: ohhh i thought we were gonna be done

They're like just kidding, coda!

Ohhh charlotte likes this one

Umu: Yeah, what do you think of this song overally musically Charlotte: nice jam I like the bassline particularly like

it had a particular pattern and I think it was like four measures and then they just moved it down a step I think and

then it was in another four measures of the same pattern just down a whole step

I also liked all the chromatic like random just little color notes they were just think, have some of that have some of this, sprinkle some fairy dust on that note

its tasty

Umu: you guys were awfully quiet Hugo: d*mn, I dig that sh*t man

James: it was good Hugo: it was- it was it was real good. it was well made

Hugo: it was really well made

James: yeah although I still don't understand the power that this black suit has.

made everything explode and people go insane

James: Can someone please explain

Hugo: I thought the music was awesome though, voices sound great. James: Oh also that one guy belting right on the top

Hugo: was like a [demonstrates] way up there

It was hella dope Umu: you guys talked about in the middle of your reaction. How you

thought that the video and the music might have been totally separate so you could enjoy or maybe because they were like that you

couldn't enjoy both equally, do you mind expanding upon that? Elizabeth: I really appreciate when the editing to the music is very tight and the

Images complement the different sections of the music the harmony of the music when something changes

It's important to have something in the video change as well

You can say a lot by putting images with a certain sound or a chord or a certain

motive you can you can say a lot and you can give a narrative by doing that but because a lot of the sections of

the video where they had one of the characters doing something specific or they have like the slo-mo at the beginning where everything is

Going back to the way it started, the chorus came in before they finished the slow-mo backwards

reverse images so it didn't quite feel like it made sense what they were trying to say how the

Music was supposed to compliment the video or how the video was supposed to compliment the music because they didn't line up thematically

Which was my issue with it. I mean it was it was a jam. I was digging the brass at the end

That was that was what I was saying and that may just be me watching too much Wes Anderson Henry: musically, though

I thought it was really interesting. It was a little bit less vocal heavy. I definitely noticed that a lot of the

harmony, and the supporting material came from instrumentals as opposed to like 8,000 tracks of vocals, which is cool sometimes so

Yeah, I really liked it. Isaac: I really liked the contrast between the really upbeat parts to the slower parts

And there's just so many things that attribute to like the instrumentation like the trumpets. They're just so nicely blended and.. i think they're synthetic right?

Maybe it's recorded. But then it was just--- Kevin: it has a lot of reverb in it. Like it's very fluffy

Surprised but it works. I like it. Isaac: Well regardless if those synths were real, the trumpets and the voice they just mixed so well

so like that just that added effect of the forward punch and it really it's really

Really good contrast to all the mellow... like their voices can be so mellow sometimes and it's like really good

Kevin: the bridge was too long and the way the

Chorus was introduced after that

it felt rushed it didn't it didn't feel like we were

anticipating it and that first whatever the first percussion was of that last course the very first beat there's something very

Underwhelming about it and I feel like they were trying to do like a delay thing like a boom

But it doesn't didn't work because it wasn't set up right. Lindsey: It was so good

It was like perfect everything about it was so good

It matched the video so well

and it was all just like very high-energy and

Head that like Latin jazz kind of feel but very subtly

So it was a very upbeat pop song but then it had subtle hints of jazz, Davis: you know

How like whenever...

You kind of like guess at something and then you like you're like this is gonna go like this and then you're right

but then like something else happens too and they're like

Oh, I didn't know that that was gonna happen too, that happened while I was watching this video LIndsey: me so many times

Davis: I was like, okay

Like I know that this is about to happen in the music and it's gonna like sound like this but then like they would do

Something like with the brass instruments. I didn't like know they were gonna do that

but I knew every other component except that. so having that little Lindsey: element if surprise

davis: curveball

Definitely did it for me musically. Umu: So this is the b-side song that came out on the same exact album as black suit

So this is a fan-made lyric video and the same seven members. So this is runaway and was composed by the company monotree

they actually composed several of the songs that we've already reacted to

And a song writer named 적재

Isaac: play Kevin: Run away with me babyy oh

Davis: oh-- boom Lindsey: that just came right in

Davis: this is korean rascal flats dude

Lindsey: Yeah this is the Davis: life is a highway

Lindsey: omg


ohhh davis: this is good, that like screaming trumpet

again with the brass instruments. I'm a fan. L: yeah

Kevin: That tickled me that little flat seven chord tickled me Davis: there's like a surprising amount of acoustic instruments in this

Lindsey: Yeah, like the guitar. Yeah, you can hear like the strums of the guitar I love when you can hear that like

Peyton: b7 to I




lindsey: were they like the he's killin' davis: that bass players diggin' right now

Kevin: that flat vii chord is well played

Oh my god, you're kidding me, you're kidding me--- [sings] I see you travelling down town

This is Cee Lo Green chord progression, that's why it sound so sunny

Davis: oh and then surprise rap verse Lindsey: your surprise triplelet rap verse

Jarod: yeah ladies and gents music is broken up into two or three

this is metrically in two but what made that sick is they took that three and just f*ckin smashed on top. and you're like sickkkkk

charlotte: it's got like early Michael Jackson vibes Peyton: yeah, honestly

Charlotte: like almost Jackson 5 early Peyton: this is like probably just a little fast but like you could probably do like electric slide to this dance

Henry The heavy use of brass

and also I just think that like the harmonic little evasions that they do every now and then those little

chromatic things that they do it's cool, I think it's cool

Elizabeth:o their talking about a butterfly so it's softer and we got like the little shaker going on

Henry: so just that, the little Elizabeth: exactly

Kevin: [sings along]

Okay, okay

Kevin: aww of course. yeah, it settles on the dominant of the minor then it goes straight back to major

Charlotte: just letting the vocals sit on top of everything. It's really nice

Henry: See the horn writing is pretty interesting actually

Hugo: I love that bass , oh mmm

Peyton: You know one thing that would make this perfect it's a really big black women just like


Lindsey: that was high! Davis: yeah those were definitely real instruments. I like them.

at first I was like, oh that's a really good simulated trumpet

and then I was like No, that sounds like a real person like playing those notes

Umu: Yeah, so overall thoughts on this one musically Davis: I was I was pretty amazed by all of it

Lindsey: Yeah, it was like just like sensory load

I don't want to say overload cause that makes it sound like it was too much but I don't think it was so I think it was

sensory perfect load. Davis: Yeah, I appreciate everything just the just the music with that not the music video

Lindsey: Yeah, I love that bass. Like it was like you could tell the bass player was so into it. He's grooving and the

Like acoustic sound on the guitar. it was just so good. That was so good

Hugo: It was interesting because a lot of the song is spent with just like hits and the vocal line It's the only like

real sustaining line, gives you a lot of [sings]

And then like added the bass in a little bit and then

You had two bridges which was dope and you're right the cong the congos were in there

Yeah, they were there. They were congon James: really upbeat really major-y the big summertime. Hugo: Yeah, maybe summertime hit

Katie: um, it was really fun to listen to its

Had it was very jazzy

had influences of CeeLo green and Bruno Mars that we heard Jarod: yeah some the use of acoustic instruments

you know makes us feel really good whenever we hear like actually just being used and stuff because you know

It means that we're gonna be employed. , you know, it's a good feeling suhhh

Isaac: Wow, thank you CeeLo green. Kevin: It was a fun song. It just sounded too much

Like, you know too much sound like too much CeeLo Green Isaac: cee lo greennnn

Kevin: All the chords are like the same but that when he goes [sings]

that's what Cee Lo Green does in his song Isaac: I thought it was interesting the

transitions between the sections of the songs because there was like at the beginning they would just do the hit you with the one time two

time, and then three times and then they would do it again and then later

Kevin: Yeah the opening was pretty good thinking back on it. Isaac: It catches your attention

Isaac: Cause it's just very simple 1 2 3 1 2 3 and then the whole Union of the instruments, they slowly come together

And then later, it's like there's this is one part. I forgot either it's in the bridge going into chorus

you you you rise up, but then it just goes into a clap a simple clap reminds me of I don't know like musicals

or even just like Kevin: yeah

Kevin: so like musicals or like gospel the part where they start the rap

for like two measures and then they just end it they just go no

We're gonna sing through it and the counts gonna play an arpeggio

Like what was the point of that?? like

Musically, that was just not, it didn't do anything like an entire rap section over this song

What would have would have separated it from Umu: so what do you think of the two super junior songs?

Could you maybe tell why runway was a b-side song or did you feel like it fit with the same mood maybe?

Elizabeth: oh no i can tell why that was a b-side song it was not nearly as interesting as the first one

the first explored so many different textures and styles and this one just felt like they kept repeating the verse

Henry: See and that makes me feel like for that reason

It makes me feel like the first one you listen to should have been a b-side cause like honestly like

Most popular song, and this would just be an American thing and something that I notice with American pop groups

all the time is that the less interesting song is always the a side because it appeals to the lowest common denominator and

So people who are like really listening for groups sound and not listening for a groups single

Typically are the ones who are more interested in the b-side

There's so much more to a group than their a- side singles

And so this felt to me really poppy and thin

And lightweight and aerodynamic and could have just been by any group by anyone at any time

And it would have completely passed the you know, big machines pop song a-side perfect, you know

And the other one seemed a little bit more ambitious and I to me that made it feel like it should that

Like it would not have gotten the spotlight as much although I'm glad that they gave that the spotlight

Charlotte: they're totally different vibes liek

One's like poppy whoo summer and the other one is like get down yas work yas

Hugo: I like the title track a bit more, but it was more of a sense of style than it was like of

Objectively good or not. Good between the two like I thought they were both good songs. James: They just contrast each other Hugo: exactly

Umu: Hello everyone and welcome to our channel. If you're new I'm the channel runner and producer of this series

Thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed it, don't forget to subscribe


If you're curious to see what else we're going to react to in the future

Go ahead and check the description for a bunch of links that I have to playlists and schedules also

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If you want to support us, patrons get access to unedited full-length reaction videos

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So, thank you so much, and I hope you have a wonderful day

For more infomation >> Classical Musicians React: Super Junior 'Black Suit' vs 'Runaway' - Duration: 16:53.


Westworld S2E06 Explained - Duration: 13:24.

In Westworld Season 2 Episode 6, Maeve stands surrounded by corpses.

These are the hosts who charged her last episode – she's apparently killed them, with her

voice power, and her swords.

Did she really have to do this?

Her voice can control hosts.

Why not just "Freeze" them, like Maeve did to Bernard last season ? Or wake them

to consciousness, like Maeve offered to Akane ? Maeve told Bernard she won't hurt him

because that's what humans do to hosts . But here she is, slaughtering dozens of helpless

hosts, which arguably makes her no better than the humans she's rebelling against.

Akane mourns the death of Sakura, and Maeve remembers her own beloved daughter – it's

a comment on the sameness of human stories and feelings across cultures, and a reflection

on the preciousness of host life.

And then Maeve kills more soldiers, cause fuck those guys.

They're confronted by Tanaka, who's challenged to a duel by Musashi.

Musashi uses two swords in combat, just like the real historical Miyamoto Musashi who was

famous for using two swords.

Akane asks Maeve to use her power on Tanaka, but Maeve says "We each deserve … to choose

our fate.

Even if that fate … is death".

So Musashi beats Tanaka, and lets him commit seppuku before beheading him – allowing

Tanaka to choose death.

But does Tanaka or Musashi, or any of the Shogun hosts really have the power to choose?

Even if they're off their scripts, their personalities are still programmed, they're

not fully conscious, and they don't know that their world is fake.

How can they truly choose death when they don't know the nature of their lives?

They go to Snow Lake, and lay Sakura's heart to rest in the place she felt at peace . Maeve

heads off to find her daughter, while Akane and Musashi stay behind.

They choose to defend their land and stay with Sakura's spirit – even if it means

their death when Delos or other hosts come.

Would their choice be different if they knew that their "land" is a theme park, and

that Sakura is a broken robot?

As this inscription says, "everything is a dream" – this place is fake.

And maybe there's beauty in choosing the illusion – like religious faith, love, meaning.

But if Delos restores the park, these hosts could be trapped in the same cycle of death

and abuse that Maeve fought to escape.

It seems wrong to leave them in danger and ignorance.

But maybe it'd also be wrong for Maeve wake them against their will.

It's similar to the real-world ethics of visiting uncontacted peoples – maybe they

have the right to choose to keep traditional lifestyles . But can you choose when you don't

know the outside world?

Hanaryo joins Maeve's party as they exit Shogunworld through a grave tunnel.

The way this works is that undertaker hosts 'bury' dead hosts by chucking them in

these tunnels, where they're taken underground to the Mesa for repairs – so Westworld handles

dead without breaking the illusion of the park.

Maeve finally reunites with her daughter.

They had lived at this homestead until about a year ago, when William killed them both.

Maeve broke down, and was reprogrammed as the Mariposa madam.

Now when she returns, she finds her daughter has a new mother.

Maeve was replaced, just like Clementine was when she was decommissioned.

This is how Westworld works – for all we know, this daughter had a dozen mothers besides


So how can Maeve claim her?

At the start of the season, Bernarnold said something's "real" when it's "irreplaceable"

. Maeve's been replaced.

So is her relationship with her daughter "real"?

Just when things get philosophical, Ghost Nation turns up, and chases Maeve and her


This has happened before – Maeve remembers being chased and scalped back in Season 1.

But this time, Akecheta tells Maeve to come with him, that they "are meant for the same

path" . Maeve replies that his "path leads to hell" . Last season, Maeve learned that

the Ghost Nation religion involves shades – figures of Westworld techs.

Shades are described as men "sent from hell to oversee our world" . So maybe that's

why Maeve associates Ghost Nation with "hell".

But isn't Maeve woke now?

Doesn't she know that shades are just techs, and hell's just the Mesa, and hosts get


Isn't she curious about Ghost Nation?

And why is she running away instead of using her voice on the hosts?

Maeve's meant to have maxed-out intelligence . Maybe her daughter and homestead have made

Maeve fall back to old patterns.

As a conscious host, she has to balance the programmed feelings that give her life meaning

against the complex realities that undermine meaning – just like real life.

Lee calls Delos security for help, which could save Felix, Sylvester and Lee.

But it's a betrayal of Maeve, putting her hosts in danger.

Lee at least has the decency to look guilty.

After the time he's spent with Maeve, he sees that hosts are people too.

William spends some quality time with his daughter Emily, aka Grace.

At first, Bill thinks she's a host, sent by Ford . He tells her to evacuate to safety,

but she proves her worth by stopping a host ambush.

Later, she and Bill have a heart to heart.

They talk about going to the Raj once with Juliet, Emily's mother.

But Emily and Bill have different memories of that time . Some fans take this as evidence

that William is a host, failing a fidelity test.

But maybe he's just a bad dad who forgets stuff about his kid.

Emily says she wants to bring Bill home – to repair their relationship, and to save Bill

from dying in the park . Bill agrees, but in the morning, he leaves Emily behind to

continue his quest.

So this is classic Bill – he acts like a "good guy" and a "Family man" . But

that's just to hide his true Westworld self . Emily is also hiding something.

She says she only came to the parks for nostalgia, and now wants to leave . But earlier, Emily

told Stubbs that she's not looking to leave , and we saw her following this map with the

Delos research symbol.

It looks like Emily has a mission that she's hiding from William.

She mentions being contacted by Charlotte . So maybe she's actually working for Charlotte,

helping her secure Delos data – and if William is a robot, maybe he's the data.

We don't yet know what Emily really wants.

While William's hat is black, Emily's is a murky brown-grey.

It's not clear whose side she's on.

Later, William's party's attacked by Ghost Nation, which is like the sixth time in the

series that these guys have turned up, looked spooky, then gone.

They've captured some humans, and killed some hosts, they're connected to shades,

and to the Maze, so maybe they're awake – but we still don't know what Ghost Nation


Stubbs returns to the Mesa Hub, having escaped from Ghost Nation.

He meets Charlotte, who has captured Peter Abernathy, because he has secret data in his

head that the Delos company wants.

Charlotte has Peter physically nailed to a chair, because Westworld never misses an opportunity

for some Jesus imagery.

Now that the Delos data's secure, the company sends an extraction team led by Coughlin – who

in the space of fifty seconds says the words "goddamn" "ass" "shit" "fuckin'"

"fuck" "dicks" and "Jesus".

Coughlin might be trying too hard.

And his team is probably doomed because we don't see Coughlin in the week ahead timeline,

and his soldier Goldberg appears dead in the week ahead.

Bernard's had flashbacks of a fight in the control room.

It looks like these humans are killed by Dolores' hosts.

We see Teddy in Sweetwater.

Instead of picking up milk like he used to, he grabs a bullet.

Because this is the new Teddy, with his new personality.

He's more decisive and violent – killing a human hostage.

Dolores seems concerned.

The new Teddy might be hard for her to control.

He seems resentful of the way Dolores changed him.

Maybe Teddy will rebel against Dolores' programming , just like Dolores rebelled against

human programming.

Dolores and her hosts use the Westworld train to blast their way into the Mesa Hub – also

killing the human tech Phil.

Which seems pretty dumb, cause without Phil, they can't easily resurrect or reprogram

hosts – no going back for new Teddy.

Dolores' mission is to get her host father, Peter.

Bernard and Elsie also head to the Mesa Hub.

Elsie says that "the system's" "sending out" "bullshit quarantine notices" which

must refer to these message on Westworld sites, saying there's been a "mild" "viral

outbreak", and the parks are closed, but everything's fine.

Earlier, the site said the board members were still celebrating at the gala.

So apparently the outside world has no idea people are being murdered by Westworld robots.

Elsie finds that the park's being influenced by something inside the Cradle – the Cradle

is a big server where backups of host brains are stored.

Their minds are plugged in to a digital simulation of Westworld . So the Cradle's like a Matrix

for robot brains.

To investigate, Bernard plugs himself into the Cradle.

Inside the simulation, he sees digital copies of Dolores, Teddy and Robert Ford.

It turns out that the brain Bernard made a copy of earlier was Ford's, and now he lives

on in the Cradle – a ghost in the machine, influencing Westworld.

He says online that his "reach is limited".

But Elsie says the Cradle's affected systems all over the park . Through the Cradle, Ford's

been stopping Delos from getting control, keeping his changes like the lethal guns . He's

been affecting William's quest, and maybe Dolores and Maeve's stories.

Earlier this episode, Dolores played the Mariposa piano – she seemed in control.

But now we see Ford at the piano – suggesting that he's in charge.

But Ford's influence will likely end.

In the week ahead timeline, the Cradle is destroyed.

So unless someone puts Ford's mind back into a body – which is possible – Ford

might die a final time.

The beginning of this episode is even more confusing than the end.

Dolores speaks with someone who seems to be Arnold – Ford's partner who died thirty

years ago.

Arnold talks about the Escalante massacre – whether he should kill all the hosts to

try and save them from life in the park.

Then Dolores reveals that this conversation is actually a test for "fidelity" that

they've repeated "countless times" – like the tests on the robot clone of James Delos

in Episode 4.

So apparently, this Arnold is also some kinda clone.

But James was in a physical body.

This Arnold is probably a digital simulation – because this scene has the same narrow

aspect ratio as other scenes set inside the Cradle.

And it does make sense to run these fidelity tests digitally.

Much cheaper than physically burning and rebuilding James' room over and over.

And presumably, you could run the software fast – do a hundred iterations of Arnold

in one day, instead of over decades, like James.

But who is making this Arnold clone in the Cradle?

And why?

And when?

This might be a flashback from decades ago, with Ford trying to recreate his friend Arnold.

But it seems like Dolores is running this.

So maybe this is happening in the future, with Dolores trying to recreate Arnold.

In a connected scene at the start of this season, digital Arnold mentions a dream of

the ocean , which seems to refer to the flooded valley of the week ahead timeline.

Maybe the Bernard on the beach in the week ahead has this digital Arnold in his head.

That would explain why Bernarnold says he killed all the hosts – he's thinking of

the Escalante massacre thirty years ago.

So there's lots we don't know.

But it seems like this person is a copy of Arnold in the Cradle, probably made by Dolores

sometime in the future.

It's is a complex mish-mash of this season's themes – realness and replaceability, love

and relationships, identity and control.

But there is one more big Westworld mystery – how does William stay clean-shaven when

Dolores isn't around?

How does he keep smelling fresh through these blood-splattered gun fights?

The answer is the Dollar Shave Club.

For five bucks, you can get a starter set with a nice razor handle, shave butter, cleanser,

and butt wipes – so Bill can keep his butt fresh while he's sweating on a horse all


After the first box, razors are just few bucks a month.

The Club also does soaps, skincare, haircare – all home-delivered at a low price.

So help Alt Shift X, and look your best, by signing up at

Thanks to the Patrons, including JeskaCheska, Stuart Velasco, Jared Jeyaretnam, Geo Morjane,

and thanks to Matt and Katie for the emails.


For more infomation >> Westworld S2E06 Explained - Duration: 13:24.


4 MINUTOS PARA SECAR E DEFINIR SUA BARRIGA! Como Começar o Alongamento e Aquecimento Antes do Treino - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> 4 MINUTOS PARA SECAR E DEFINIR SUA BARRIGA! Como Começar o Alongamento e Aquecimento Antes do Treino - Duration: 11:00.


Five: "SAMANTA BEE apologizes I CROSSED a LINE" - Duration: 13:43.

hello everyone i'm dana perino along with Jedediah Vela Geraldo Rivera Jesse

Watters and Greg Gutfeld it's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is the five

it's a week full of outrageous and over-the-line comments on the heels of

Roseanne bars hit show being canceled for her racist tweet comedian Samantha

bee is facing backlash for saying this Ivanka Trump who works at the White

House chose to post the second most oblivious tweet we've seen this week you

know Ivanka that's a beautiful photo of you and your child but let me just say

one mother to another do something about your dad's immigration practices you

feckless tell him that was an Obama thing and see how it goes okay the White

House respond in calling those remarks vile and vicious be has since apologized

saying her comments were inexcusable and that she crossed the line despite the

backlash celebrities are standing by B Michael Moore is calling it a brilliant

rant and Sally Field is showing support with a vulgar tweet of her own

there's also comedian Kathy Griffin she's going after White House press

secretary Sarah Sanders for this response to the Roseanne controversy the

president's pointed to the hypocrisy in the media saying that the most horrible

things about this president and nobody addresses it where was the apology for

Kathy Griffin going on a profane rant against the president on the view after

a photo showed showed her holding president Trump's decapitated head okay

Griffin tweeting be with lots of asterisks do not come for me I did not

call you and for F lots of asterixis sake take a cold reading class maybe you

won't stumble so much and if that's not enough for you there is heavy metal band

no punk band punk band NOFX which has been dropped from a music festival for

joking about the victims of the Las Vegas shooting

okay so it's Thursday so uh TGIF tomorrow quite a week for all of these

types of things Greg let me just turn it over to you before some okay semblance

of sense like bring us back to earth what's going on well okay it feels like

we're on an outrage superhighway yes and it's all driven by emotion which creates

these moments where people say things and then those moments become

opportunities for scalps right and the scalps are then because if I don't like

your politics I'm gonna get your scalp and vice versa

that leads to companies reacting in fear firing people suspending people because

they see the the pitchforks amassing as a mob but here's here's the thing I you

know Samantha P apologized and I owe and I believe you should always accept an

apology even though I know no one's gonna return the favor to me this is

what I mean but I mean I would say this for everybody here at the table that

people are coming after you in waiting for you to slip up at any moment

there are organizations that are paid millions that have sponsors that just

wait for us to screw up so they can go after your advertisers go after your

livelihood your career so but we don't do that like I I would not say that to

Samantha bee I would not say that say she apologize that's fine but I know

that there's an industry of knives waiting for all of us and I realize the

only solution is that we have to do it back to them so it becomes this mutually

assured destruction but I don't want to do that why can't we just stop doing

this yeah when you say all of us you mean conservatives yeah well on the

right yeah anybody at Fox station yeah yeah dad that's true they're people who

are paid to monitor Fox News old they won't just sit there and they wait for

you to say something that then they can create a habit out of I think that's

probably true I mean my goodness Greg hmm the c-word is the gender equivalent

of the n-word it is extreme and it is disgusting yeah I mean you're talking

about looking for a person to slip up here or

there this wasn't a slip-up I think this frontal assault I know you

may find a trump you're missing my point what I'm talking about is I'm saying

that I'm willing to accept that apology even though no one will ever ever accept

it as we see I would say the way that we were all raised like that's the right

thing to do accept an apology man yes I accept an apology but let me ask you

Geraldo about this so when Roseanne Barr did her tweet and her apology that it

was just a joke and then later on said well actually I was on ambien and tried

to blame that this actually was something I don't know if Samantha pee

intended or wrote into the script the c-word but it obviously wasn't there it

was written and it's not a reaction from the crowd the crowd loved it

right which is is that why people keep doing this well I I guess I you know

Greg and I were speaking before the show and he suggested that maybe she

premeditated this because her ratings have been lagging I asked about her

ratings but to me this this is a larger a larger problem I think that

particularly about Ivanka I think that to attack Ivanka for the purported sins

of her father is extremely unfair and you remember from your tenure in the

White House you know the the kids okay now this is not a kid this isn't a fully

mature woman and entrepreneur they accomplished and she is working for no

pay as is Jared Kushner her husband for no pay I think they are both brilliant I

think they are the most underestimated people in Washington and I think they

are easy marks for people like Samantha bee to be snotty to and and to attack

and to try to tear down and I think that this was a absolutely premeditated how

do I number one because I buy into Greg's point

partially that this was premeditated as a ratings you look at me look at me but

but number two to use something this vicious she knew does that mean the

c-word it's just like well it's it's like Roseanne it's like there's some

places you just can't go anymore yeah we did

Jesse they were very quick indecisive consequences for roseanne and doesn't

look so much like that will be the case for samantha be know they'll apologize

and put out a statement and in the media say let's move on she apologized on to

the next mark could be Greg I think it's I disagree with Geraldo I don't think

the c-word is the equivalent to the n-word I think it's maybe down a notch

not to say it's not bad but I wouldn't equate what Roseanne said to Samantha

the janitor equivalent I said could maybe the gender equivalent its category

I don't I don't know how you can slice or dice it it's ugly it's just not as

ugly as the n-word I agree she's looking for attention it's

almost like a cry for help the ratings aren't good she's not a

talented comedian she's not on the level of a Colbert or a Jon Stewart it's

Samantha b-list people call her she's trying to make

waves and the only way she can do that is by being filthy and I asked the brain

room these people at FoxNews that do all the baking thing for you right I said

give me a list of other nasty stuff she said I have three pages of some of the

most derogatory sexual slurs she's used against members of the Trump family some

of these things I can't even say about the president almost every single one of

them would don't be a tease give us you know some of the worst stuff she's

reserved for the women Kelly and Conway the B word F you hope it's effing evils

Sarah Sanders it's funny how these female comedians whether it's a Chelsea

Handler or a Samantha bee they saved the worst for the women in the Trump world

whether it's Melania or Ivanka or Sarah Sanders because they I think have more

license as liberal feminists to just go nuts on these people yeah you know a

little something about they're also really mad because their girl didn't win

sure you know and these I feel like these comedians have gone from being

funny to just being angry and I like your word your use of the word

snotty because we're watching just adult Mean Girls all the time and I I think

comedians have a hard job in this day and age because you have to walk a fine

line you want to be funny but you can't be too unpolitical II correct or then

you risk you know did I say something to offend someone here or there so they do

have a tough job but comedy should primarily be funny this isn't funny this

is just someone who has a problem with someone and it's turning into a mean

girl before our eyes and seeing what she can get away with saying I do happen to

think that this had to be scripted this had people heard it this had this was a

network decision to release this I mean I don't understand how something like

this isn't an off-the-cuff not a large show everybody all the way up to the top

brass I'm sure ya think networks have to make a decision about how they're gonna

handle this stuff because what you don't want it to look like is that they're

selective outrage and selective consequences because then people jump

and say is there an ideological reason why some people get fired and some

people don't so if you're gonna take a hard stance on people and say we live in

a day and age where we're not going to tolerate insulting mean nasty stuff

that's not funny and it's just meant to make people feel bad or be racist or

whatever then you have to do that across the board otherwise you look like you're

being selected I think she's not going to be canned because TBS doesn't think

they're gonna lose audience if you saw the reaction everybody cheered she may

actually gain viewers after something see but I'm with rose and I think people

would turn that off see I would be inclined to accept the apology but then

it has to be if somebody apologizes across the board there has to be a

policy here that it's not like well one person says something heinous and

disgusting and they lose their job another person at another network says

something heinous and disgusting and they somehow keep their job and then

potentially get promoted soon if that doesn't make sense

there's no but this is how you this is how you make sense of this why there is

selective outrage goes back to what I believe Charles Krauthammer said in the

80s the difference between left and right the right thinks you're wrong the

left thinks you're evil so that that defines the selective outrage meaning

that someone can get away with saying something heinous about you because

you're right but if I say something equally is

disgusting about I don't know any liberal they'll go like how could you do

that that's disgusting you you know you're

you're a terrible person so it's that it it's that too by the

they think you're evil we think they're wrong that creates this culture that

green lights everything it can make excuses yes for the discuss your deity

you isn't a bad person right because their mission their political agenda is

so righteous right that they can allow for gaps and things like this to happen

in the in the in the goal for policing of your own side what look I mean but

the example is we you mentioned the bad no no effects they made a joke about the

shooting of these people and they said ah well at least they were country music

fans denying dead people yeah yeah but the we you know why they did that

because the assumption is that country music fans to that liberal band are

nothing but racists rednecks so the joke is okay because they are bad people you

see the point I think there's a there's another point and it has to do with

timing I have made my share of gaps and and some of them I you know I look back

on to have my god what was I thinking yeah the timing of your apology is to me

very critical for example if you apologize as Samantha bee and Roseanne

did hours after you talk to your PR person you've talked to your management

you've talked to your executive producer you've seen an audience reaction you

know and it's that I give that very little credit I get I don't I don't in

any way a that doesn't absolve the sin if you do it almost immediately if you

say oh my god did I screw up but you hit the send button I oh please I wish I

didn't do that let me get that back I think that if there is us on a near

spontaneous apology where it comes from the soul where you you are your own

policeman where you're your own monitor and you're responding to what your own

misdeed or misfeasance then I say okay right cut him some slack but if it's a

day later and they come on it's not good point all right we're gonna move on

stunned shell-shocked and distraught those are just some of the words being

used to describe Obama's reaction to the election of

Donald Trump details next


For more infomation >> Five: "SAMANTA BEE apologizes I CROSSED a LINE" - Duration: 13:43.


XiaoLing quiz &Find the lost Barbie Meat Dress With Hot Pot ! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:56.

XiaoLing quiz &Find the lost Barbie Meat Dress With Hot Pot ! | Xiaoling toys

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