Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

We are here today with.

Chad Wild Clay

Your channel is and how many subscribers do you have?

It is also called Chad Wild Clay, makes it easy, and right now 2.8 million subscribers.

Awesome, congratulations on your channel.

Thank you.

As a YouTube who has had much success, you have three pieces of advice you want to give

to other YouTubers to help start their channel or grow their channel.

Yes, definitely, I would say the number one new thing right now is to pay very close attention

to your click-through rate.

If you don't know what that is.

Let's say you get a 100 views on your thumbnail and out of those 100 people who saw your thumbnail

10 click in, that's a 10% click-through rate.

YouTube really determines how much they want to promote your video.

A big part of that is determined by your click-through rate.

So make sure to pay close attention in your analytics to your click-through rate and keep

testing different types of thumbnails and strategies to see what you can do to get that

click-through rate higher.

Yeah, the impressions are literally from how many times someone sees a thumbnail and the

title from your video purely from those parts of the platform.

Exactly, so whether it's YouTube's homepage or whether it's on the recommended section,

you're watching another video and you see other videos being recommended, your thumbnail

is getting an impression right there.

So you want people clicking on it to get a high click-through rate.

And what would be tip number 2?

Tip number 2, the next thing I pay very close attention to my watchtime, both the percentage

watched but even more so how many total minutes and seconds are being watched per video.

That does tend to make me want to favour wanting to create longer-form videos.

So often my videos will be 12,13, 14 minutes.

If it ends up being 18 minutes sometimes I will be like, you know I may want to trim

this a little bit, but sometimes keep it a little longer because it definitely does seem

to me like YouTube does favour watchtime.

For example, for me, if I get a video where the average watch duration is eight minutes

long, that's really, really good for me, and I've definitely noticed a pattern where those

videos that have over eight minutes of watchtime, YouTube promotes those videos like crazy.

So combine a good click-through rate with that watch time and I know that videos going

to do great.

For more infomation >> Pay Very Close Attention to Watchtime! - Chad Wild Clay - Duration: 2:19.


Spotify Uses Google Optimize 360 to Increase Premium Subscriptions - Duration: 1:59.

Spotify is the world leader of music streaming, but you can also listen to audiobooks or even podcasts on it.

We operate in over sixty markets. We have seventy-one-million subscribers through Spotify Premium.

Our goal is basically to improve conversion rates from free to Premium.

It's very important first to understand what our users are looking for

One of the challenges is localization. At Spotify we have loads of local knowledge, we have great teams, they want to do a lot of localization for their specific markets.

In Germany it's quite surprising that the most streamed content is not music but is an audiobook.

We decided to launch a test with Optimize 360.

We wanted our users searching for audiobooks on Google to see a very dedicated landing page to audiobooks.

So in this case with the direct integration with Adwords and Optimize 360, when people have searched on Adwords for audiobooks only then showed them this page.

We did fifty percent of all traffic, we sent them on to the normal Premium page,

and then the other fifty percent of the traffic, we'd send them to a rebranded Premium page with a lot of audiobooks on there.

Optimize 360 made the process very easy. If we had wanted to run this audiobooks experiment without Optimize 360,

it would've taken a couple of months, but it took a couple of days.

The results were far above our expectations. The audiobook landing page had generated

an increase of twenty-four percent of Premium subscriptions.

Before Optimize 360 we weren't even testing anything. It has changed the way Spotify

is trying to be more and more locally relevant across all of it's markets.

A/B testing is about learning about your customer.

It's still important that we learn our lesson from it and that's why we want to do as much testing as possible.

For more infomation >> Spotify Uses Google Optimize 360 to Increase Premium Subscriptions - Duration: 1:59.


Yanny or Laurel?? (the science and ART behind it) - Duration: 5:51.

Hi guys, so I know this audio went viral last week and it's outdated already.

But I wanted to share this again with you because I believe the science behind it also

explains the

profound and wonderful thing about our

perception and cognition.

So I personally hear Laurel so clearly

that it's still a mystery to me, like how can you possibly hear Yanny? Like I want to hear Yanny too!

But all I hear is

Laurel every time I play this audio, and I watched the video that explains the science behind it.

So I won't dig deeper into it and instead share the link to the video in the description box.

But the bottom line is that it all comes down to


Depending on what frequency your ear is used to hearing in the current moment and in current condition,

you will hear different sounds.

And this might sound a little bit too far-fetched,

but I thought, hey this could apply to art as well!

So what do I mean by that?

So art is something

that you express to take out what's inside you and give form to it. And that becomes an art.

That form could anything it could be dance, poetry,

article, painting, music, comedy and so on.

However, not everyone will get to understand the true message that you were trying to deliver through your art.

And what could also happen is different people would have different

interpretation about your art and even feel different things.

How your art vibrates with other people

depends on you know, the timing, their cultural background, their personal background,

what sorts of experiences they had in the past, what sorts of experiences that they currently had, and so on.

Think about it.

Even when we watch a certain movie or read a certain book,

not everybody will get to learn or feel the exact same thing as I did.

And such difference and diversity

also happens in the same person.

The same movie that you watched years ago that you didn't find that impressive,

now moves you so much and you feel the message

so clearly and you sympathize with the main character so intensely.

Or the same book that you read previously that you absolutely loved

doesn't feel that much special to you anymore

and you wonder like why did I like this book so much back then?

It's because during the time gap

many things, even the small things, have happened that changed your inner vibration,

how your heart or brain

respond to the outer world.

And it also depends on your current mood and your physiology.

So it's neither the matter of how good or bad the art is

nor is it the matter of how good or bad the person that is appreciating the art is.

But it's all a matter of vibration;

how that person vibes with that art.

If the appreciator of the art is in the similar frequency of mind-state

with that of the creator's, it's way more likely that the art resonates with that person.

So what I'm trying to say is, if you have something to share or express to other people,

if it comes from

your sincerity or genuine seriousness or sense of purpose,

please go create something out of it and spread it.

And don't be discouraged

even if there are people who cannot get your art or your message;

you just happen to be in different frequency.

It's not necessarily your fault or their fault, but create it for people who will

possibly get your message who will possibly you relate to your art,

feel something and

be positively affected by it, and those people are what matter.

I believe everybody is an artist and

everybody's an art too for that matter because you create yourself.

You are an art created by an artist that is you.

And the vibration that you exude or display decides how the outer world

responds to you,

so if you are yourself and you are not afraid to

display your natural vibration, the world will pick up the vibe that you send out,

and the more people or things or

circumstances with similar vibration

you will get to attract.

In English, you say "We vibe well,"

when you meet someone you click with, and that word vibe comes from vibration.

Being able to vibe well with someone doesn't necessarily mean that you are

externally similar as well. You guys might have different hobbies,

different paths of career, different personal background and even different personality

But for some reason you feel very natural and comfortable in each other's presence.

And when you vibe well with art and the art resonates with you,

the same thing happens; it makes you feel good natural and content.

And I guess that's a kind of art that I wish to create and that I wish for all of you to create.

So the bottom line: be yourself and create your own true art.

And that'll decide and attract everything into your life.

Let me know in the comment section what you heard, Laurel or Yanny.

I would really love to know. I will see you on my next video!

For more infomation >> Yanny or Laurel?? (the science and ART behind it) - Duration: 5:51.


Buy Speaker cheap price in bd/Wholesale Market DJ,Bluetooth speaker shop in dhaka 2018 - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> Buy Speaker cheap price in bd/Wholesale Market DJ,Bluetooth speaker shop in dhaka 2018 - Duration: 7:58.


4 Rare Superpowers Every Empath Has But Doesn't Know About - Duration: 3:21.

4 Rare Superpowers Every Empath Has But Doesn't Know About

Empath known to have a sensitive level way higher than anyone else, so it's to be expected

that their sensitive nature may overwhelm them sometimes, especially when the energies

from their environment are overwhelming and hard to contain.

Well, that's one side of being an empath, however, before dwelling on the downsides

of being an empath, let's also consider that every empaths have some rare superpowers that

others don't.

If you're an empath, you may even want to sharpen your empathic skills to your best

advantage later.

Speaking of empaths superpowers, there are at least four gifts that they have.

Let's see all of the list on this video, in any case, If you find this information is

helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't

miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - Mind reading

This is the ability that not all people have.

They have this rare gift, and it is true that empaths own this skill.

Of course, they do not own this skill as is.

Instead, it is obtained through training, listening, and understanding others.

This is a great ability that a person can have, and it is proven to be beneficial since

it can avoid mistakes, lies, and toxic from bad people.

Amazing right!

By being an empath, you are able to walk a little bit further in someone else's shoes

and know exactly how it feels to be like them, though you can also feel their suffering.

#2 - Become hero of your emotion

Though you have superpower, empaths are still human.

They are hurt sometimes.

They need people who can motivate and solve their problems.

If there is no one around, it is practically possible to connect to their emotion through

some sort of meditation.

This enables the empaths to have positive minds which in turns become a great help for

healthy individual.

#3 - Transmuting negativity

This is a dream for most people, to avoid negativity.

Unfortunately, only those who are highly sensitive are gifted for removing all negativity in

words, attitude, actions, and transform those bad things into something beneficial, nice,

and positive.

Though it is a gift, it is still considered weak until you utilize it frequently.

#4 - You can use your sensitivity to acquire a highly coveted skill

Sometimes, empaths have an ideal world in which everything is clean, nice, organized,

and peaceful.

They will realize that there is something wrong in their surrounding due to their sensitivity.

They should utilize this opportunity to create a better system for your own better world.

Eventually, it actually leads to a profitable service that satisfies them.

Well, those are the rare superpowers that every empath has, whether they realize that

power or not!

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 4 Rare Superpowers Every Empath Has But Doesn't Know About - Duration: 3:21.


PRÉPARATIONS AU FIGHT | Phobia UHC S12E4 - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> PRÉPARATIONS AU FIGHT | Phobia UHC S12E4 - Duration: 8:02.


The Curse Of Bad Karma The Root Of Karmic Diseases - Duration: 3:54.

The Curse Of Bad Karma The Root Of Karmic Diseases

by Conscious Reminder

We all know what goes around comes around.

Karma is the perfect dish that fate serves and sometimes it becomes a huge burden.

However, Karma is solely dependent on what we do and only we can change our quota of


It is not an uncontrollable force, rather it is pretty simple : you are the cause of

your problems and you are the solution.

When it comes to karmic diseases, we can eradicate the negative karma which is the source of

the illness.

The illness could be a shock, it could also be a long period of sickness, or someone you

hold dear may fall ill.

It is unpredictable and challenging.

Believe it or not, the physical manifestation stems from mental clutter.

Anger, jealousy, hatred, fear, and such negative emotions are indicative of bad Karma.

Once you make a conscious decision to alter your present and in the process nullify your

past misdeeds, you create a scope for a better and brighter future.

What is Karmic Disease?

A disease that has its cause in past lives or is a consequence of serious violations

of the Universal Principles is a Karmic disease.

It may be related to the spirit or to the body.

It may also be both.

Every single disease is the outcome of ignorance and unnatural behavior.

Its objective is to extend our cognition and pay for our Karma in some form.

You may have knowingly or unknowingly hurt others; caused them discomfort.

These deeds are engraved in our Akashic Records, and determine our destination in life.

The negative aura of old enemies, astral miasmas that tend to influence the physical manifestation

of these disorders.

If you have consequently aborted issues in your past lives, you may have to face tremendous

amount of problems in childbirth, complications in your reproductive organs and difficulty

in conceiving in this life.

It is a lesson for the soul.

The aborted fetus becomes the primary cause of pain in the mother�s life as it takes

revenge on being denied life.

There have been instances of mutual bonds before reincarnation between mother and child.

This way, the child is born but with some disability.

The mother�s care, love and concern is tested time and again till the child is alive.

It is a form of penance and the mother is stripped of her sins.

Divine justice is meted out.

Collective Karma is also experienced by certain groups.

The people who took part in the Catholic Inquisition in the Middle Ages � they killed Jews, Muslims,

�witches�, homosexuals and any person who did not conform to their rules and regulations.

Such acts are the source of bad Karma and the sects have to endure suffering.

The people will have to face tremendous consequences in the form of familial dispute, illness and


Unlike other ailments, this can be cured through charity, moral living and virtuous deeds.

Try to look at things you have, realize that is rare and share it with those who are less


Constantly comparing and being jealous of those who are in a better position in life

will get you nowhere.

For more infomation >> The Curse Of Bad Karma The Root Of Karmic Diseases - Duration: 3:54.


Günün En Çok Konuşulan 5 Olayı (30 Mayıs 2018) - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Günün En Çok Konuşulan 5 Olayı (30 Mayıs 2018) - Duration: 1:20.


Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Los Octonautas en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Los Octonautas en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 10:33.


রেফার করে বাইক উপহার গল্প নয় এটাই সত্যি - Duration: 15:30.

For more infomation >> রেফার করে বাইক উপহার গল্প নয় এটাই সত্যি - Duration: 15:30.


UPDATE: Does Political Fundraising collect private personal data & make it public? - Duration: 1:29.

hi guys okay I'm doing my quickfire round of questioning here questions we

should always question everything everything question everything do

politicians fundraising collect personal information and private information and

sell it to advertising agencies where they would earn a profit do politicians

fund raising or politicians collect personal information and private

information and sell it to advertising agencies do we have regulations to keep

our private information private to prevent politicians from fundraising and

selling our information to advertising agencies for a profit I'm just curious

about that question so are they regulated to keep our private

information private and from abusing it that's that's just a question I have

because you know the media the politicians a lot of them actually work

with the media so they're always the media is always hollering about keeping

our private information private and so I'm literal and I'm thinking we should

keep our private information private they shouldn't have access to that to

expose it all over the place and earn a profit it's like why aren't they paying

us so if they want my private information my starting price is

$100,000 and and I'll sell it to you for that price okay that ends my quickfire

round of questioning

For more infomation >> UPDATE: Does Political Fundraising collect private personal data & make it public? - Duration: 1:29.


再熬4天,4大生肖脫胎換骨 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> 再熬4天,4大生肖脫胎換骨 - Duration: 4:01.


😀Berkcan Güven Karışık instagram story 😀 - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> 😀Berkcan Güven Karışık instagram story 😀 - Duration: 1:35.


Portal [Risen 2 Horror Machinima] - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Portal [Risen 2 Horror Machinima] - Duration: 7:28.


HIT WAS NOT READY FOR THE HOMIES! HIT RAID! Universe 6's Living Legend | DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - Duration: 6:16.

Let's do this boy

Universe 6 the living legend

Yeah, we're gonna living legend we are going to have to start over cuz I don't have a raid outfit like my moves are not

For raids right now

Poison them because and you just giving them a power boost right there. Oh


why we in space THE WHOLE squad here the whole squad here and you seen my golden shell Yeah, I have that

I know how you get it though and hit em withthat meditation

All right, I send you meditate

I'm not fighting Thanos's younger brother

I did not even know this was out


You getting hit iz you

About the asteroid the asteroid

Gotta die if you do I'm going to die soon it



Revive me mate

I'm reviving you guys. Oh my gosh, but CHILL he did sometimes

I'm sitting here about to die and that man hit me three times. I just got OOFED

Plug walk. There you go. You got part of this

Alright, alright this man I got you guys. Yeah. I'm about to die. I

Got you, I

Can't unplug I'm playing game, that's me. I just got it

Thank God, it's not you know them super power waves when they be like blowing up the whole universe. Oh snap

Are you getting cold are you about to get clocked me?

Me why you hitting me!


Walk walk, I don't even understand how I

Got you cuz beep oh I got you with that healing powers

But I used to coming after me now

What's we did

Just look mom. You want my health isn't Jesus went down HEALTH MACHINE BROKE HEALTH MACHINE BROKE

Break old life machine gone. What you talking about?

Super Sayin blue ain't enough for this

It always is

We can do it

i'll destroy the whole planet if I have to

You won't blow up the whole planet. I will

We need to do so much damage we're surviving pretty good I did twice you guy twice

Oh, we got two stills down


got chips

Mm. All right

Walk, we're all here. Oh shoot my Angelics my intel

Dank chicken ? Why is he sayin nugget ng my name?

Why you see get that revive

You get them revive points never fight one

saving them LIVIES

Here this since you beam I got you cuz

come revive me

Is he coming after you mate yes, right. I don't see

Never mind, you you don't care about me because you can't revive your homeboy

I got you something my gosh me if it comes up with me I'm crying

Do dis hold them off. I'll keep flying. Well, they are I got me

30 seconds 30 seconds. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Okay, I'm gonna just fly around

This fly around you can't get me you can't get me keep vanishing. Keep that vanishing

You can't get me though here. I got you out with that day's but I got you

I just

Know well, that's your fault

Are we did it we did it. There we go. Come on, five four, three, two one. I

Just have to blow up the planet. We'll put

Yeah be gone hit be gone we won

First place boy, man

Shut up, the first play you got second. No, I did more. I got them more reviles on you of your blown. I

Need more support damage. I only died twice you died three times

For more infomation >> HIT WAS NOT READY FOR THE HOMIES! HIT RAID! Universe 6's Living Legend | DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - Duration: 6:16.


The Heart of Disappointment #2 - Timeless - Duration: 3:05.

Do you know why Tyr stole your crystal?

He cannot create life on his own. He needs your power.

I knew it all along. There always was something vile within him.

To use your own power trying to kill you...

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