Learn Colors with Disney Cars Lightning McQueen - Learning Colours bowling balls
Clip Compilation 2 (Too Many Jumpsnipes) - Duration: 3:01.NIEN NUNB LAUGH
Palpatine Chuckle
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or else... muahahahhaha
*Choking on Aspirations*
Хорошее самочувствие. 😀Криотерапия для укрепления иммунитета и хорошего самочувствия. - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Your Bottled Water is Filled With Fluoride! Learn Which Brands to Avoid - Health - Duration: 4:55.Your Bottled Water is Filled With Fluoride! Learn Which Brands to Avoid
You may have heard about some of the buzz surrounding fluoride. Its negative effects,
according to research, appear to have become severe. The downsides of fluoride use have
been brought to light and are now being discussed worldwide. Fluoride is found in many public
water products, and may pose some serious health threats. If you�re a bottled water
connoisseur, you�ll want to read on.
Experts have been arguing for years about whether or not fluoride in drinking water
is toxic to humans. Recent studies have finally shown evidence that it is. Extremely high
levels of fluoride have been shown to cause neurotoxicity in adults, resulting in negative
impacts on memory and learning. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and
China Medical University in Shenyang combined 27 studies, finding strong indications that
fluoride also adversely affects cognitive development in children.
A study published in the Journal of Epidemiological & Community Health found that those who consume
fluoridated water are more likely to suffer from thyroid issues, which often result in
depression and obesity.
According to the study, �In many areas of the world, hypothyroidism is a major health
concern and in addition to other factors � such as iodine deficiency�fluoride exposure should
be considered as a contributing factor. The findings of the study raise particular concerns
about the validity of community fluoridation as a safe public health measure.�
In the United States, about 70% of public water supplies are fluoridated. Intake cannot
be controlled, it�s available to everyone regardless of age or health, and it accumulates
in the body. While fluoride is often associated with preventing tooth decay, research has
found no significant relationship between tooth decay and fluoride intake among children.
Many children are instead being overexposed to fluoride, leading to dental fluorosis,
a discoloring of tooth enamel caused by too much fluoride.
The health risks of drinking fluoridated water are numerous. It can have negative impacts
on oral health, interfere with brain functions, cause damage to the pineal gland, affect thyroid
function, damage bone and decrease overall health. Knowing which bottled water brands
to avoid is vital to keeping yourself and your family safe from the damaging affects
of consuming too much fluoride.
High-risk bottled water brands full of fluoride that you�ll want to avoid include:
Arrowhead Belmont Springs
Crystal Rock Crystal Springs
Deer Park Diamond Springs
Ice Mountain Mount Olympus
Ozarka Poland Spring
Sierra Springs Zephyrhills
Some fluoride-safe water bottle companies are listed below. Here�s a complete list.
Arbor Springs Aquafina Water
Aqua Pure Black Berry Farms
Blue Ice Natural Mineral Water Cascade
Century Springs Clear Mountain Spring Water
Crystal Spring Natural Spring Water Dannon
Deja Blue Eureka
Evian Flowing Springs
Fresh Market Glacier Bay
Hidden Valley Natural Mineral Water Mountain Valley Spring Water
Oasis Pure Drinking Water Polaris Water
Smart Water Whole Foods 365
Health Affects of Drinking Bottled Water
While knowing which bottled water brands to avoid is important, bottled water has its
own impact on health and the environment. Around 67 million water bottles are throw
away every single day, causing a staggering amount of waste. Drinking from plastic water
bottles can also pose some serious health risks, including learning and behavioral problems,
altered immune system function, early puberty in girls and fertility problems, decreased
sperm count, prostate cancer, breast cancer, diabetes and obesity. Thanks to BPA, an estrogen-mimicking
chemical found in plastic, your health may be at risk if you�re drinking bottled water
on a regular basis.
The Hidden Chakras Understanding Our New Emerging Meridians - Duration: 9:00.The Hidden Chakras: Understanding Our New Emerging Meridians
New chakras are emerging on the Earth plane, though many of these have been chakra points
in the spiritual body all along and as humanity progresses, we have raised the vibration of
the planet and ourselves.
This has brought about the physical world presence of these new chakras which have,
and will continue to manifest themselves on the physical plane, creating changes in all
of us.
Who is Affected?
As you raise your vibration and consciousness, so too does Gaia (Mother Earth) and because
of this, vast changes are occurring; chakras are merging, moving, and forming, an upgrade
that will roll out in 3 stages.
Firstly, the forerunners, those of you who begin their spiritual awakening prior to 2012
will experience these shifts, before the Second Wave Awakeners who began their journey between
2012 and 2016.
Finally, the rest of the world will experience the upgrade.
New Chakras
So what changes are going to take place?
Here we take a quick rundown looking at these new chakras, and show which shifting chakras
they have absorbed (along with the duties) and how this will impact your physical life.
You can refer to this Chakra map throughout the article, thanks to Karen Downing and Suzanne
Jonas for drawing this up!
image Crown Chakra � (Purple and white)
Starting our journey at the top of the head, the Crown chakra is where the connection to
the spirit occurs and spiritual energy enters the body.
This sits, as a crown would, on the top of your head.
As this chakra grows, it will become almost like a column of light extending up to meet
the Ultimate Being Chakra (where your connection with the ultimate being or God occurs) drawing
it down as they merge into one.
This process will see you have an increased ability to tap into esoteric knowledge, and
you will see truth and untruth a lot more plainly.
As this process happens, you will begin to feel much taller in your physical body.
In order to properly complete this merging, a release of hidden truths is necessary.
Third Eye Chakra � (Indigo)
This chakra, located at the centre of the forehead, is associated with physical and
spiritual sight as well as dreaming.
It is through this chakra that you can see the energy of the spiritual realms.
This chakra works in synchronization with the Nasal Chakra for telepathic communication.
By now, everyone on Earth will have upgraded this chakra, and will notice a greater focus
in it, thanks to the Nasal Chakra taking over some of its duties.
Nasal Chakra � (Navy blue)
Responsible for being receptive to others� communication as well as one�s own senses
of smell, taste, and hearing, this chakra is located at the tip of the nose.
It works with the Third Eye Chakra for telepathic communication by being the receiving point
of telepathic signals sent out by others.
You may feel like you have a keener sense of smell, and can smell scents you are unable
to identify right away; these are in fact mostly associated with Higher Energies.
Another signal that this chakra has opened in you, is a change in your taste in food.
Spiritual Communication Chakra � (Silvery-blue)
This chakra started out about 18 inches above the head of your physical body, but over time
has lowered and merged with throat chakras to sit in your throat.
It is where the Higher Self communicates with spiritual realms.
This new position means it is taking over for the throat and lower throat chakras in
the body, helping to bring your own truth into action, allowing you to speak and live
As well as this, it aids the physical communication with other people.
As this shift occurs you might notice you can�t hold yourself back from speaking your
Late 2017 � Late 2018 will be when most people experience a settling of this chakra
in its new place.
If you�re experiencing vertigo lately, this is because this chakra is still on its journey
down and is currently overlapping with the Crown Chakra.
Universal Love Chakra � (Magenta)
Located centrally and close to the heart, this is where interconnectivity with all living
beings is fostered.
It is essential to possessing peace and tolerance, not just for everybody else, but for yourself.
It is taking over the traditional Heart Chakra which has merged with the Root Chakra.
By now, everybody will have already experienced the shift and absorption of chakras.
You may have experienced an expansiveness in the chest in the past couple of months,
possibly accompanied by coughing or a low fever.
Belly Button Chakra � (Tangerine orange)
Connected to group energy and collective needs, this chakra provides nourishment for the body
and soul, governing physical digestion and nutrition, as well as playing a vital role
in creativity.
You should be able to guess where this is located!
This chakra will take on the old roles of the Sacral chakra which governed human fertility
and creativity and success in the arts.
During this shift in energies, lasting through 2018, you may experience digestive discomfort
and pressure just under the bellybutton.
Additionally, the duties of the Solar Plexus Chakra, where we define ourselves, and which
is linked to self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem will be absorbed.
The majority of fears from other lifetimes are stored in the physical body in this chakra,
and during the shift, a lot of deep fears will be purged from the body.
As such you might experience anxiety or fears you cannot explain.
This process will be over for everyone by the end of 2018.
Hands Chakra � (Gold)
We use our hands to give and receive, and the chakras in the centres of our palms are
essential to this.
They govern everything regarding wealth, knowledge, and kindness.
When the Hands Chakra closes, you tend to become withdrawn or dwell in victimhood.
You may notice itching hands, which indicates that these chakras have taken on the responsibility
of pulling ideas from the upper chakras into physical form, manifesting in creativity,
from the Sacral Chakra.
Root Chakra � (Ruby red)
This holds the spiritual body in the physical body; when you feel clumsy it�s due to this
chakra being out of balance, meaning you feel less grounded in your physical body.
This chakra is also central to sexual energy, located where the legs and torso meet, between
your rear and genitalia.
In the new energy, this chakra will merge with the Heart Chakra and you will begin to
see how sexuality and love energy merge together in a new way.
It will be through this chakra that you connect with the new vibration of Earth.
By the end of 2019 this merge will have completed for everyone.
The Heart Chakra, responsible for giving and receiving love to and from others, has moved
and merged with Root, as the Universal Love Chakra has taken over most of its responsibilities.
Foot Chakra � (Brownish red)
Associated with the strength to walk forward on one�s life path, this chakra is located
in the center of the sole of each foot.
It is the responsibility of this chakra to anchor the soul on the Earth plane.
This is active in all groups and is essential as it tethers us, through the Earth�s new
vibrations, to the old reality, should we need to safely reconnect.
Looking to the Future
Over the coming years, a lot of shifts in energy will be occurring in all of us, on
the physical and spiritual planes.
This shift is happening in Earth itself too, so be aware of all the opportunities that
might unfold, and find strength in yourself as your old energies merge into new ones.
It is an exciting time to be alive!
How to Prevent being Rear-Ended in a Traffic :: Defensive Driving | New Driver Smart - Duration: 9:23.[TITLE & MUSIC]
Hi there smart drivers, Rick with Smart
Drive Test talking to you today about
skills and techniques that you could put
in place to prevent yourself being
rear-ended. I was looking at Facebook last
week and there was a campaign against
distracted driving. And the campaign
showed this awful traffic crash of a
lorry driver--a tractor-trailer driver--on
the motorway in the UK careening down
the motorway and plowed into a line of
queued up traffic that was obviously
waiting to exit the motorway. It had been
determined he was distracted driving because there was a camera in
the cab of the truck - that the driver had
been changing the music on his phone. As
well the crash was caught on dashcam.
Somebody had a rear-facing dash cam and
the lorry was careening down the
motorway. It didn't even see the line of
queued traffic and didn't even apply the
brakes and simply plowed into the back.
And four children were killed in the
crash, which as a parent myself and those
of you who are parents we realized that it
just makes us absolutely sick because we
would do anything to protect our
children. A few years ago, there was a
video that we showed to new drivers in
training courses called "Sitting Duck" and
it was about the dangers of sitting
along highways and sitting along
freeways. And one of the things that we
teach new drivers for the purposes of a
road test, and one of the skills that you
should keep with you for the remainder
of your driving career and will help you
to not be rear ended when you're sitting
in a queue or sitting in traffic. So
that's what we're going to talk to you
today about - skills and techniques that
you can put in place to guard against
being rear-ended. Stick around, we'll be
right back with that information.
Hi there smart drivers, Rick with smart
drive test talking today about skills
and strategies that you can put in place
to prevent yourself being rear-ended one
of the things that we teach new drivers
for the purposes of taking a road test
is that when they stopped in traffic
behind other vehicles they have to be
able to see the tires of the vehicle in
front of them making clear contact with
the pavement as you can see here in the
image the reason that we teach them that
is that that leaves about one vehicle
length between you and the vehicle in
front of you and there are many reasons
why we do that one of the most important
reasons we do that is so that if the
vehicle in front of you breaks down or
the traffic becomes congestion or you
have to move you don't have to back up
in traffic to get around that vehicle
you can simply drive around that vehicle
that's one of the most prominent reasons
why we teach new drivers that now I
would encourage you if you've got your
license and you are driving to put this
scale back into place stay back from the
vehicle when you stop and traffic don't
drive right up to it because it also is
a measure against you being rear-ended
because if you're at the end of the
queue at the end of the line of the
traffic you can keep your eye in the
rearview mirror and be looking for the
traffic approaching from behind because
that the vehicles approaching from
behind you're not slowing down or
stopping that space in front of you is
often enough space that if you start
moving forward and tapping your brakes
to flash your brake lights or activate
four-way flashers that's going to get
the attention of the vehicle behind you
and often times that space that one
vehicle space if you move up that's
enough for that vehicle that driver
behind you to get his or her vehicle
stop before they plow into the back end
of you now if you're on the freeway and
you see somebody coming up behind you in
the mirrors and they're not slowing down
you can simply drive out and around the
vehicle and get out of the way and
you're probably not going to be
rear-ended so it's a very good technique
to continue
to keep in place after you get your
license now if you're stopped on a
freeway and I have been stopped on
freeways and highways and motorways and
interstates if there's a queue of
traffic and it is congested and you come
up stay back a fair distance i would
even three or four maybe five car
lengths stay back and activate your
four-way flashers the flashing light of
your four-way flashers draws in our
attention because our vision is
attracted to light and movement and
flashing lights on vehicle to get our
attention especially stop vehicles on
freeways where vehicles are traveling at
high speeds you need to get the
attention of the vehicles behind you and
indicate to them that you are coming to
a stop on a high-speed freeway highway
or interstate so that is one of the ways
that you can prevent yourself being
rear-ended and when you're sitting in
traffic if you're on a highway or some
other place like this awful incident in
the UK be on high alert if you're
anywhere on a freeway sitting on the
side of the road you're in a queue
you're behind stop traffic and
congestion and there isn't any vehicles
there aren't any vehicles behind you be
on high alert because you are in a
precarious situation there and
unfortunately sometimes this happens and
there's awful stories and many stories
that I've heard of crashes over the
years one of the most prominent ones
with some years ago on the 401 which is
the freeway that runs east-west through
ontario the province of ontario here in
canada there was a police officer that
had a tractor-trailer unit pulled over
on the side of the freeway and the
officer was standing up on the steps of
the truck talking to the driver of the
truck and another truck came down the
freeway somehow ended up off on the
shoulder of the road plowed into the
back of the cruiser and the back of the
truck and killed both the police officer
and the truck the driver in the truck so
any time that you're on an interstate a
free weight a motorway and you're
stopped be very afraid beyond very high
alert because you are in a dangerous
position so that's some techniques and
skills that you can put
place to prevent yourself being
rear-ended quick review of skills and
techniques that you can put in place to
prevent yourself being rear-ended we
teach new drivers to stay back one
vehicle length we stopped in traffic so
that you can see the tires of the
vehicle in front of you making clear
contact with the pavement that way
you've got enough room if you're in the
back of the queue whether you're on a
freeway or you're in town or wherever
you should always be looking in that
rearview mirror the centromere up at the
front and your two wing mirrors to make
sure that the traffic coming up behind
you is stopped now in the incident of
the lorry driver plowing into the back
of the queue if you're at the back of
the queue and you see some juggernaut
coming up behind you that's not going to
stop get on the horn get on the horn
drive around the traffic drive into the
ditch do whatever you need to do to get
your vehicle out of the path of that
vehicle because if they hit you straight
on they're going to plow you straight
forward if you get the vehicle onto a
bit of an angle or whatnot you're going
to decrease the amount of impact and you
may survive the crash whereas if you are
plowed straight into you're probably not
going to survive the crash so try and
get your vehicle off somehow anywhere
that you can reduce the head-on impact
of vehicles coming up behind you and if
you are in the queue and you see the
vehicle coming up behind you and you
know that vehicle isn't going to stop
the vehicles in front of you need to be
worn too so that everybody can move
forward and lastly just as an aside if
everybody stayed back one vehicle
lengths at the intersection with the
traffic all the traffic could move off
together where is when they are right
close together you have to sort of stop
and start to sort of move off and the
traffic doesn't move off from the latest
fastball so that's another benefit of
staying back one vehicle anchor question
for my smart drivers have you been
rear-ended what was your experience of
being rear-ended in a traffic crash then
comment down in the comment section
they're all of that helps out the new
drivers with their license learning how
to drive and be defensive and protect
themselves when driving your vehicle I'm
Rick with smart drive test thanks very
much for watching if you like what you
see here share subscribe leave a comment
down in the comment section as well hit
that thumbs up button check out all the
videos here on the channel if you're
working towards the license or starting
your career as a truck or bus driver
lots of great information here there's
had our website you can find great
information over there and online
courses that you can purchase as well
we're working on air brakes simplified
it's a manual to get your CDL air brakes
and fulfill that requirement for earning
your CDL license it's a great book it's
broken down into good information that
you need to know to drive a truck
successfully and the specific
information that you need to pass the
CDL license and 100 multiple-choice
questions thanks again for watching good
luck in your road test and remember pick
the best answer not necessarily the
right answer have a great day bye now
Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Rock Crawler Rock Sliders (1987-2006 YJ & TJ) Review & Install - Duration: 3:43.I'm Ryan from extremeterrain.com, and this is my review and installation of the Rugged
Ridge Rock Crawler Rock Sliders, fitting all 1987 to 2006 Wranglers.
Today we're gonna talk through the installation of these rock sliders which is a two out of
three wrench install because this does require you to drill eight holes into your frame in
order to get these installed.
I would recommend setting aside two hours to get these bolted up but will give some
more information on the install in just a second.
We're also going to talk through the features and the construction of these sliders.
These are gonna be for those of you who are interested in some side protection for the
rocker area of your Jeep when you're going offroad, and also want something that will
help you get in and out of your Jeep by working as a fairly useful step as well.
Now, while these do require you to drill into your frame, these don't require you to drill
into your body.
There are sliders on the market that do require you to drill the body, in my opinion, those
are going to be a little bit stronger and work a little bit better.
So if you're looking for even more protection and you're okay drilling the body, those sliders
are probably gonna be the best option for you.
If you're looking for a little bit of a lighter protection and you're still okay drilling
into the frame, this is going to be an option for you.
And if you're not interested in drilling at all, I would recommend looking at one of the
sliders that bolts directly onto the body mounts of your Jeep, so you won't have to
drill any holes.
Overall, this is going to be a fairly well-built and a fairly strong rock slider.
Although being bolted into the frame as it is and having a lot of leverage from sticking
out from the frame, does mean you're not going to get quite as much protection from these
as with those other sliders that are available.
So, it really comes down to what your budget is and how you use your Jeep.
As I said, these are a pretty well-built slider.
These are going to be two-inch round tubing that is .12-inch wall thickness and they're
covered in a textured black powder coat finish, which is gonna help resist rust and corrosion
and makes them look pretty good in my opinion.
Now, there are some other sliders on the market that are of a similar design and they fall
into a similar price range as well.
They are going to be a similar product.
If you're definitely interested in going with the Rugged Ridge brand, I would recommend
going with these, there's nothing wrong with them.
However, if you're not that brand loyal, or that brand specific, then there are a couple
other versions of these that you can consider as well.
So, as I mentioned before, the install for these is going to be a two out of three wrenches,
and you're gonna wanna give yourself at least two hours to get them bolted up.
The process for installing these is going to be holding the slider up to the side of
the frame, positioning them where you like them, marking all eight holes, then removing
the slider and drilling out the holes.
Final assembly will be holding the slider up to the side of the frame again, and using
the included self-tapping screws to secure the slider onto the frame.
Again, if you're not interested in drilling into your Jeep, this is not going to be the
rock slider for you.
If you are okay with drilling, you are going to have to have your hand tools around to
get these installed as well as of course, a drill and a good sharp set of drill bits.
These are gonna come in right around $225 and for something that is going to offer some
protection on to the rocker area, and a change to the look of your Jeep and give you a step,
I don't think that's too bad of a price.
As I said before, there are some other versions of these out there that are built pretty well
also and right around the same price.
If you like the Rugged Ridge ones, I have nothing bad to say about these.
These are gonna be good options.
So, that's my review of the Rugged Ridge Rock Crawler Rock Sliders, fitting all 1987 to
2006 Wranglers, that you can find right here at extremeterrain.com.
[SPOILERS] HAJIME NO IPPO #1176 - Duration: 3:03.Talk to me guys, I'm Ricci. And They left spoilers you do chapter 1176 of Hajime in Ippo
It came out real fast.
I was waiting for chapter.
From this chapter, He no longer came and gone.
We had things there we can speculate that interesting are good
Of them the First They are like pages Two First we had accessibility
Kamogawa And this is either fighting with or Ippo and it's kind of upset
Somehow, or maybe Ippo is getting No Do Something or Kamogawa is Asking
And by Kamogawa THAT stayed or irritated, bound because that besides TRAIN or Ippo
And he and he obviously Takamura THAT does not make it any longer. ENTAO He well was angry
Or Ippo I was thinking, "Wow, or did it happen between THEM?"
AFTER WE HAVE MORE TWO pages, Where Takamura is at home, Passing hair despair of having to cut weight
That very common comedy in Hajime no Ippo. So it was not nothing to call it that warning
THEN yeah WE HAVE AT LEAST TWO Interesting pages were well. The first one is the
Or Ippo training with or Shinoda. And I Do not Remember How Much Rhythm I Did not See THAT
Was really surprised something quite and I think it did
That really happened a fight between Ippo and Kamogawa for was SERIOUS Thing
To get to the Point do Ippo go TRAIN WITH or Shinoda
I can not state more THAT, but it is speculated that BE I do something like that, but we lose Find out if I quit when or chapter
Another thing was also interesting that was Ippo with tremendous hand
And there Prune Many people think that appearing pugilistic dementia is
I do not think I'm nervous, I think he's nervous about HIM.
And with hum Picture only difficult FICA ANY kind of certainty about THAT
And to date, Dos appeared to make Takamura dinners
Already A DELE Doing a sparring and destroying Your opponent. Prune ENTAO HE early may not have Some knocks
And then the journalists are a little scared and he goes there and destroyed or adversary as happened sometime already
That Is Open For A Press Training On That, That Sparring Before The Fight
And Then He Already with His adversary appears business in the Press
very good! It seems that in the Interesting chapters have Much going forward. By SO SO or Hype increase and we will see or collective happens three following chapters sas
Liked to do is fast video You or how, no channel Share and More videos subscribe. I'll tie the next one! And "nois"
FINAL FANTASY XV Live Play Through Part 1 (FACE CAM) - Duration: 1:03:36.-------------------------------------------
Eerie 'apocalyptic sounds' heard all around the world mystify scientists - Duration: 4:30.Eerie �apocalyptic sounds� heard all around the world mystify scientists
For years a mysterious trumpet-like noise coming from �above� has been heard by
people from all around the world.
Scientists have failed to understand what causes the eerie noises which have been heard
in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ukraine, Germany, and even North America.
The mysterious sound�which has been successfully recorded dozens of times�has been heard
all over the planet.
People in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ukraine, Germany, and even North America have heard
the sound which is decried by many as �grinding metal� or �trumpets� from high above.
The sound can last at least 35 minutes.
The most recent �apocalyptic sounds��which have been identified by some as the sound
of alien spaceships, have been heard in England.
A witness in the UK told the Nottingham Post: �It was coming from the direction of the
Victoria Centre but from the sky.
�I was at home with my partner and we could both hear it � it was really weird.
On the video, I am quite shocked.
It was strange.
I have no idea what it might be.�
But the enigmatic sounds are not isolated to one place and have been heard all around
the planet.
Many witnesses have heard the sounds but failed to explain them.
Theories ranging from Earthquakes, aliens and the apocalypse join the long list of the
many �possible� explanations that try to put an end to the mystery.
The enigmatic sounds are heard across numerous continents and scientists have failed to agree
on a single explanation.
For nearly a decade people have posted recordings of the eerie sounds which are identified as
unexplained trumpet-like noises.
Even more strangely is the fact that on some occasions, the eerie sounds are accompanied
by shaking window�s which have left people frozen with terror.
The sounds can be heard on numerous videos which have made their way onto YouTube.
Kimberly Wookey from Terrace, BC Canada has recorded the creepy noises several times.
Some of her videos have been watched over 6 Million times on YouTube.
In a video recorded in 2013 (below) Kimberly Wookey writes, �This is NOT a fake or hoax.
What I recorded is what we woke up to that morning.
We still have no confirmed proven source, yet.� Interestingly, Honn Kao of the Geological
Survey of Canada said the noise is not related to any seismic activity in the region.
Kimberly Wookey has ruled out trains or building work, believing the cause of the noises may
be �geophysical�, such as atmospheric pressure or tectonic plates grinding together.
NASA explained that our planet makes background noises but in order for humans to pick them
up, we would need radio antennas.
The mysterious noises around the globe can be heard without them.
A NASA spokesmen said that: �If humans had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear
a remarkable symphony of strange noises coming from our own planet.
�Scientists call them �tweeks�, �whistlers� and �sferics�.
They sound like background music from a flamboyant science fiction film, but this is not science
Earth�s natural radio emissions are real and, although we�re mostly unaware of them,
they are around us all the time.�
Interestingly, some scientists believe the creepy noises are the result of a space quake
after the droning-like wail shook trees
in Slovakia.
Beauty and the Beast - La Bella y la Bestia Spanish Cover - (Annie McCausland ft. Javier Ramirez) - Duration: 5:01.Hello everyone
I´m super excited for recording this song
and well, I needed a prince
I invited my friend Javiercillo
thanks you for being in this video
It´s a song that we liked so much to do for all of you
Really, thank you so much for having me
We had a lot of fun
so please share this video, we made it with lots of love
Yes, lots of blue kisses, follow us on our social media
Subscribe to our channels
lots of likes (if you like it of course) hehehe
I want to invite you all to subscribe to Javier´s channel and follow him on all his social media
Lots of blue kisses!!
Let´s keep dancing...
Plane White Noise: 1 hour Airplane Cabin | Great for Sleeping, Studying, Reading & Homework - Duration: 1:00:00.GREAT NATURE SOUNDS
North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans: ex-CIA chief Woolsey - Duration: 1:56.The United States is stepping up its response to North Korea's growing nuclear and missile
threats,... passing new legislation targeting the regime.
This comes as a former head of the CIA makes some extraordinary claims,... saying the North
could kill nine out of ten Americans if it wanted to... and it might be time for Washington
to consider pre-emptive strikes.
Kim Hyo-sun tells us more.
The United States should be prepared to launch preemptive strikes on Pyongyang, including
the use of nuclear weapons if necessary.
This is what former CIA chief James Woolsey said in an op-ed piece in the Hill newspaper,...
accusing the U.S. media of underestimating the threats posed by the regime.
Woolsey, who was director of the CIA during the Clinton Administration,... warned that
if the North uses a warhead-triggered electromagnetic pulse,... it could kill 90 percent of Americans.
Listing the diverse scenarios of North Korea delivering nuclear weapons,... Woolsey claimed
it could attack the U.S. with a missile, a bomb-laden freighter or even a suicide terror
Reflecting the seriousness of North Korean threats,... the U.S. House Foreign Affairs
Committee on Wednesday passed legislation and a resolution on dealing with the regime.
The new legislation includes calls for harsher sanctions on North Korea and re-listing the
regime as a state sponsor of terror.
A spokesperson for North Korea's foreign ministry said the U.S. should be blamed if a war breaks
out on the Korean Peninsula.
The ministry said North Korea had its eyes on Washington as it conducted its joint military
drills with Seoul,... while pressing ahead with its anti-North Korean policies.
Amid the heightened nuclear threat,... up to 100 people have been spotted at the North's
nuclear test site,... with the leading North Korea-monitoring website 38 North saying the
regime could conduct its sixth nuclear test at any time.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
Banned Version Of Outlast 2 Will Not Be Released Anywhere - Duration: 2:01.Hello everyone, Tom from Censored Gaming here.
Recently the developer of Outlast 2 issued a statement in which they confirm that there
will be only one version of the game available worldwide.
This left us with the question of whether Red Barrels had censored all versions of the
Speaking to Kotaku Australia, the Australian classification board explained that they had
received a modified version of the game for it to recive it's R18 rating.
As we have previously covered, the title was originally refused a rating in Australia due
to scenes involving "sexual violence", hence the confusion.
Well, in a statement to IGN, Red Barrels have attempted to clarify the confusion.
They write that, "The original submission of Outlast 2 sent to the Australian Classification
Branch contained the final game code and a video file for reference taken from an Alpha
version of the game.
This video file should not have been sent along with the game code, as its content was
not representative of the final game.
In the second submission, the same game code was submitted with a video file reflecting
the final game content.
The game was then approved for release with an R18+ rating."
So this gameplay video from the alpha version of the game seems to be what got the game
banned in Australia in the first place.
In a previous video, Censored Gaming had read a detailed description of the scene that was
the main contribution to its ban.
The scene contained implied sexual assault, which is deemed not suitable for the R18+
rating by the Australian classification board.
So has this scene been completely removed from the final game or has it been altered
in some way?
There are many possibilities here and Censored Gaming can only speculate until further information
is either provided by Red Barrels or until the game finally releases April 25th.
At any rate, Red Barrels stresses again that "there will be only one version of Outlast
2 available worldwide".
As always, we'll be sure to report on any new information on the title as soon as it's
I've been Tom from Censored Gaming.
Thank you for watching.
Dark Souls 3 DLC2 Cut Content ► LEDO'S ARMOR AND SPECIAL SUMMONING ITEM! - Duration: 2:16.So with the release of the Ringed City DLC, I started to look inside the files for some
of the unused content that they might've scrapped from the DLC and seems like FROM
Software always has something cool-looking to remove.
I'm Sanadsk and today we are going to be talking about some of the unused content found
inside the files of the Second DLC.
And in this video, I'm going to be covering some of the stuff relating to one specific
character which is Ledo the Silver Knight.
Ledo invades you in the Ringed City and when you kill him, he drops Ledo's Great Hammer.
Now why he is there and why he invades you nobody knows what his story is.
So, when I was searching through the files, the first thing that caught my attention was
these weird looking icons which are for an armor set that we have never seen before but
has some elements from the Silver Knight and Millwood Knight armor sets.
Many people believe that this was supposed to be originally Ledo's set but this isn't
all the cut content related to Ledo in the files.
There is a cut item named "Proof of a Pact" and its description reads the following:
Proof of a pact, employed by the Judicator Giant.
Briefly summons the eccentric Silver Knight Ledo.
Most bound by the Judicator's pact are not willing but rather impelled.
Yet a rare few are linked to the giant by mutual friendship.
This is a precious corroboration of such amiability, and the only one that manifested in physical
So first you might want to take a look at the icon of the item which shows Ledo but
with a normal Silver Knight Set.
So as the description reads, we were supposed to do what the Judicator Giant does which
is summoning Ledo and hitting the ground with his hammer which is what this item was supposed
to do in the first place and when he summons him, he is wearing the normal Silver Knight
Now as for the unused armor set, its model and textures are nowhere to be found inside
the files so I think it is safe to say that the armor was scrapped very early while making
the DLC as if it was made late, at least Ledo would have the set worn when he invades you
or the Judicator Giant summons him.
So I just wanted to address this piece of content and I have found some more unused
content inside the DLC including the mention of new arenas and I will be covering those
very soon.
So I'll be seeing you in the next video.
Bye Bye
Colleen Lopez "Bursting Bud" London Blue Topaz Ring - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
Protests in Japan on first anniversary of controversial security law - Duration: 1:53.Protestors took to the streets of Tokyo on Wednesday, which marked one year since a controversial
law took effect to allow the Japanese military to participate in foreign conflicts.
It was the first such legislation to override Japan's post-war pacifist constitution.
Despite the depth of domestic opposition, the Japanese government seems determined to
pursue its military goals.
Cho Sung min has the full story.
Shortly after Japan's new security legislation was passed a year ago, civic groups began
to rally against the decision and are taking legal action against the state.
The rallies started in April of last year, with about 5-hundred people from Tokyo and
Fukushima Prefecture questioning if the security laws can violate the pacifist constitution.
It's almost a year later, and now there are 5-thousand-and 5-hundred people from all over
the nation, supporting the legal action.
According to local publication Asahi Shinbun, the number of people objecting to the government
exercising its right to collective defense is increasing in the Gunma and Miyagi Prefecture.
They have called the new laws "war legislation", highlighting concerns the nation could either
enter, or be dragged into military conflicts.
Despite the growing number of protestors in the nation, the government has already taken
further steps.
PM Shinzo Abe has agreed to dispatch a self-defense force to an upcoming US drill...which would
be the first ever collaborative exercise between the SDF and US Navy in the pacific.
Once the exercise takes place, the SDF's cooperation with the U.S. armed forces will
become more active than ever...moreover, the expansion of SDF's oversea activities will
escalate tensions in Southeast Asia over territorial disputes.
Cho sung min, Arirang News.
Los "sonidos apocalípticos misteriosos" oyeron todos en todo el mundo desconcertar a científicos - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
Rarities Oval Gem Vermeil Concave Ring - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
Chilly and foggy morning, mild highs - Duration: 1:05.Good morning I am Lee Jee-hyun with your latest weather update.
We'll have more spring like conditions today, daily highs in many parts of the country will
be 2 to 5 degrees higher than Wednesday, also hovering way above the seasonal averages.
However, most regions are waking up to single digit morning lows...
Daily lows in Seoul started out at 4 degrees Celsius while Daegu and Gwangju saw a low
of 6 degrees Celsius.
Mostly sunny skies to start the day but the southern provinces will need to watch out
for morning fog.
So drive with extra caution.
Temperatures will sky rocket by the afternoon.
Highs in Seoul will get up to 16 degrees Celsius while Daegu and Gwangju will see highs of
20 degrees Celsius, while we will see 19 degrees in Busan.
Most regions will have mid-April like temperatures this afternoon.
Air quality will be better compared to the last few days but high levels of fine dust
can be seen in some parts during the day.
We have rain in the forecast over the next few days.
On Friday and Saturday light precipitation is in the forecast across the nation and that
rain will bring down temperatures a couple of notches.
That's all I have for you at this hour.
I will be back with more during our next news cast.
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