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Build Triathlon Bike Strength - Duration: 9:29.- [Taren] How to become a stronger cyclist.
It all has to do around building
literally physical strength.
(upbeat music)
I'm always nervous to say that.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, trainiacs.
Trainiacs, trainiacs, trainiacs. (panting)
Whoa. Mmmm.
Okay. That was a brick workout,
and a hell of a brick workout at that.
Be with you in one minute.
I'll give you an unsuccessful connection, Garmin.
Alright. Brick workout, 85K of biking
in two hours and 40 minutes.
Two hours and 30 minutes of moving time.
I had 10 minutes at the start
where I was having trouble with the new bike.
Just dialing it in, and then a 6K run in 26:20.
Miles, that is about a 53 mile ride and
a 3.8 mile run and it's the middle of the afternoon,
so it's just soupy humid.
- Okay, I'm back. Onto how to become a stronger cyclist.
First, a giant smoothie and a shower.
(upbeat music)
Alright, 1,000 calories and a shower later,
and I'm just about back trainiacs.
So, getting stronger on the bike.
I don't mean to brag or nothin',
but power numbers are pretty high right now.
That said, how do you go about building bike strength?
Number one, time in the saddle.
I've said it many times before,
but the really nice thing about biking
is that it's not like swimming,
where it's all about technique.
It's not like running,
where a lot of it has to do with fitness and biomechanics.
Literally, it's like a perfect one-to-one correlation,
that time in the saddle makes you stronger on the bike.
Straight up.
And it's not even just like time in a time trial saddle,
it can be commuting. I find commuting helps.
The road biking that I do for an hour and a half
on Tuesday and Thursday that is like crazy intense,
while it's not triathlon-specific,
that makes me a better rider.
Then just the one, purposeful, long endurance bike
in the arrow bars on the weekend,
starts forming that strength in the TT position,
time trial.
Okay, now the second, third, fourth thing,
yada, yada, yada that you can do,
it all has to around building literally physical strength.
So, the number two thing that I had in my mind
was the single leg peddling drills that Pat got me to do.
The peddle stroke is ideally a perfect circle.
You're pulling up just as much as you're pushing down,
that's really efficient.
But typically, people don't tend to pull up,
they don't tend to pull back,
and the only way to overcome that is to engrain
in your muscle memory what a perfect pedal stroke is.
Often, doing single leg peddling drills,
where you unclip one shoe,
put it on, say the back seat stay,
and peddle with the other leg,
it gets that motion of a perfect peddle stroke
in your brain.
The next thing you can do is really high gear work.
Typically you want to be cycling at around 90 to 95
revolutions per minute,
knock that down for a while to like 50, 60, 70 revolutions
per minute.
That's going to be really hard to push over,
but it's going to be working on bike-specific strength work
because you're pushing so much more power.
The third strength thing, fourth idea,
is high cadence.
Doing really high cadence,
teaching your legs how to spin really fast.
And we're talking a cadence of 110 and higher.
Doing that is the exact opposite of that low gear work,
but it gives your legs a deep amount of fitness,
where you can do low gear work,
you can do high gear work,
you can do steady gear work in that 90 to 95.
You've got basically a really broad spectrum of fitness.
Really deep fitness,
so you're not just working one muscle group,
one cardiovascular or anaerobic muscle system,
fast twitch, slow twitch,
you're going to work everything,
and it's going to make you a more well-rounded cyclist
which means you're a stronger cyclist.
Now the fifth overall thing that you can do,
fourth thing about strength,
is doing eccentric, no, concentric, no de-centric,
I can't remember what it is.
If you're doing strength work in the gym,
let's say that you're doing a dead lift
and dead lifts have been studied a lot
for endurance athletes: runners, cyclists specifically,
you want to be doing the up portion
with really, really heavy weights and a long period of rest
and low reps.
And you might even consider not even letting the weight down
with your body, but just dropping it.
What studies have shown is that the up builds power,
but the down is what builds mass.
You don't want to be building mass,
you want more power with the same weight
because then your power to weight ratio is a lot better.
You're able to put out more power,
but you're pushing the same amount of weight.
With all this said,
all your strength workout has to be a long way away
from race season.
By the time race season comes around
you want to be doing work,
like what I'm doing right now
where you're doing work in and around race pace,
maybe slightly over race pace,
maybe getting up to your FTP,
like your max threshold effort,
but only for about five, 10 minutes.
You want to be getting everything in
to building that locomotive train
in and around your race pace,
because it just takes too much out of your body
to be getting ready for race pace
while at the same time building your strength up.
If you look at Coach Pat's training plans
you'll see that there is a little bit of strength work,
but it's way at the beginning of the plan.
There you go, there you go, no, that's it.
My mouth is all mumbly from that long workout.
Check it out.
(upbeat music)
Now I've got to go and tell Coach Pat how that workout went
and I'm not sure if I want to write down
what I want to write down.
So I've shown you this a few times,
this is Coach Pat's training plan for me
and what we do is, it's not just
"Here's a training plan, sucka, go try and do it."
Every single day, I put in my levels of motivation,
today, really high. My levels of recovery, meh.
My levels of sleep, awesome.
My workout, hard, really hard. Thanks Pat.
And then the last thing that I do is
if there are comments on a workout that I have in my brain
that I want to talk about with Pat,
I put them in here and then we go back and forth
and this is how we tailor the training plan week by week,
month by month,
because he's watching my levels of motivation
and how I'm receiving the workouts.
Here's what I'm writing down
that I think is the right thing to do
but it's the scary thing to do.
(typing) Power numbers are feeling pretty easy.
Always nervous to say that.
(typing) Holding the old race pace from previous FTP tests.
Results in a very easy-feeling pace,
and flirting around the previous FTP number
also feels easy.
Here's what I might come to regret.
(typing) Should we do another FTP test to see where I'm at?
FTP tests are awful, they're just awful.
And then, some time later today or tomorrow
Pat will read that and he'll think,
"Well, you know, maybe we should just punish Taren
for 20 minutes later this week."
(fingers tapping)
I might live to regret this later though.
There we go trainiacs, that's it.
I think it's a dinner with friends kind of night.
Mm-hmm, yeah, we're going to go.
Star Trek Continues E09 "What Ships Are For" - Duration: 49:14.KIRK (VO): Captain's log, stardate 6892.3. Admiral McGuinness...
has ordered us to respond to a distress call from Hyalinus,
an inhabited asteroid with a limited warp-capable society.
Admiral, isn't the Yorktown near the Banneker Belt?
She was scheduled to patrol near that system, but Command rerouted her to Aldebaran --
along with the Republic -- to investigate the loss of the Hood.
They find anything?
Never got the chance. Both ships suffered baffle plate ruptures shortly after they arrived.
Both ships?
Fortunately, there were no fatalities.
They'll have to be rebuilt.
The crews'll need to be treated for radiation exposure.
Funny... We've got a student here at Starfleet Medical who insists we try a new
bexarotene-G treatment she heard about from an old mentor of hers.
Well, not THAT old.
How is Ms. Chapel's doctorate coming along?
She's one of our best and brightest. But be careful. She just might take your job one day.
[LAUGHS] I might just let her have it.
Admiral, did the Hyalini specify the nature of their crisis?
Something of global proportions. Diplomacy is of utmost importance, but so is caution.
They've refused outside contact for centuries. We know almost nothing about them.
So, you want us to speak softly and keep a big stick handy.
And Jim... Take good care of that ship and her outstanding crew, you hear?
With everything I've got, admiral.
What the devil was he wearing?
No idea. But you'll never get me in one of those things.
Oh, it's not so bad. Drab, boring color palette...
I think it would complement Mr. Spock quite well, don't you think?
What is it, Bones?
She's in my spot.
I'm sorry! I...
It's all right, counselor. There's always plenty of room on the bridge for one more to keep Spock in line.
Whatever this is about, it's gotta be pretty serious for a hermit race to ask for outside help.
- "Hermit race," doctor? - That's right, Spock. Hermit race.
Don't tell me there's a term that computer brain of yours doesn't know.
I am merely surprised at your use of an abstruse and antiquated colloquialism.
The more obvious and accurate word is clearly "xenophobic."
- Tomato, tomahto. - I fail to see how pronouncing... - Call it off, gentlemen. We've got work to do.
Coordinates locked, Scotty?
SCOTT: Can you believe they only use text transmissions?
I'm still waitin' for an open transporter window!
"Transporter window"?
Aye! In their orbital defense system. Without a window, matter-energy beams to the surface are automatically scrambled.
"Scrambled"? As in "turned into a pile of mush"?
Aye. Their global defense grid is downright impractical.
It's a miracle they can see the stars at night with all the weapon-barges they've got flyin' about!
And can you imagine the maintenance, lads?
Gee, I hope they're friendly.
They would be well-served to hope the same of you, doctor.
Ah! There's the green light!
KIRK (VO): Space. The final frontier.
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.
Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds.
To seek out new life and new civilizations.
To boldly go where no man has gone before.
- Fascinating. - Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Or, more accurately, what we are NOT seeing.
Could our eyes have been affected during transport?
Readings are normal, Jim. But I'm not ruling out that damn thing putting us back together wrong.
GALISTI: Greetings! Welcome, my friends, to Hyalinus.
We are honored by your visit to our world.
I am Galisti -- leader of the Inner Council.
And this is Thaius, our newly-appointed ambassador to the Federation.
You see! I told you they'd be Hyanoid bipeds.
I must admit, I was expecting a tentacle or two. [LAUGHTER]
And you must be the commander of that magnificent ship orbiting above.
James Kirk. Captain of the United Starship Enterprise.
This is my chief surgeon, Dr. Leonard McCoy.
A pleasure to meet you both.
And my first officer, Commander Spock.
You're different from the others!
Are you an Earth female?
Madam, my appearance differs from the others because I am Vulcan.
If our human females looked like THAT, we'd go extinct!
Oh! Please forgive my foolishness. I apologize if I've caused any offense.
Madam, since I do not believe differences in gender render one inferior to the other,
...not only would it be illogical for me to find offense in your comment,
...but to do so itself would represent a grievous insult to YOU.
What an improbable contradiction!
Kindness and gallantry revealed by pure, calculated reason. Remarkable!
And I... too caught up with the excitement of the moment to notice anything but your ears.
How often we look, but forget to see.
Oh, Galisti. You might be wise to replace your ambassador to the Federation immediately.
Don't be so hard on yourself, my dear. They ARE still here.
I hope I do not offend by asking, but do all Hyalini politicians get along so well?
Sadly, no. But Galisti and I have the advantage of being very old friends.
Who one day realized that we had fallen in love.
What a fortunate man I am... to be able to call my "friend" my "wife."
Council leader, I must ask. Has your world always looked... like this?
- Like what? - Well...
It is as it has always been.
Gentlemen. As the first outsiders ever to be invited to our world, your presence...
...should be a momentous occasion for my people. But alas, it is a regrettable one.
Regrettable because this is not when our isolation was meant to end... nor HOW it was to end.
Hundreds of years ago, the people of Hyalinus united in a single purpose... one day become worthy to join the community of stars.
THAIUS: To us, that meant seeking out the best in each other and ourselves.
Laying down arms against each other... erasing our borders...
and refusing to be defined by distinctions like "us" and "them."
A sublime hope: The Hope of the Hyalini.
But alas, fate has intervened. And so today the hand of my people is not one that is
held up proudly to the stars, but merely is a hand held OUT.
Please, come. The Inner Council is waiting.
Spock, can you explain our vision?
In fact, I can. An unusual form of radiation emitted by their sun...
...unlike anything I've encountered. It impairs the function of cone cells in humanoid eyes.
- Cone cells allow us to see color. - Correct, doctor.
- Makes sense, Jim. - Good work, Spock. Continue scanning.
The Inner Council is the uppermost tier of the United Parliament,
representing all regions on Hyalinus. Its five members are chosen by...
They just got here, and already you're torturing them with civics!
Oh, dear...
This woman is the meanest, toughest teacher there is. I have the scars to prove it.
Sekara started out as my most obstinate student... and soon became my finest.
She now interns for the Inner Council.
And she likes to credit her teaching as the root of all my achievements.
KIRK: What a great privilege for your first guests be greeted by such an intelligent and beautiful woman.
You had no right, Galisti!
You had no right to bring them here! You've destroyed us all!
Do you hear me?! You've destroyed your entire race!
We will be destroyed only if we refuse to accept help!
She may be right, Tomiat.
Shame, Thaius! A true believer would rather die than see the Hope corrupted!
Will he live?
Tomiat is unharmed, I assure you. He is merely unconscious, and shall awaken shortly.
I apologize. You should never have witnessed that.
Show them.
It's the first symptom. The disease progresses rapidly. Sekara will...
I will not live beyond the year.
This is why you sent the distress call.
We are on a path to extinction.
From disease... and soon starvation.
Our crops have stopped growing.
- May I? - It's not contagious. That much we know.
We don't know what it is... only what it is NOT.
It's not the result of any known poison. It's not a virus...
...and it's not a bacterium, spore, or parasitic organism.
I've been doing research on the disease as part of my medical training.
I'm... I was going to be a physician.
It's definitely related to the radiation that Spock detected,
but I can't confirm a prognosis without running more tests.
And for that, we need to be in sickbay.
Sickbay? On your vessel?
Is that a problem?
GALISTI: We would prefer that she stay here. Our medical facilities...
If she returns to the ship with us, she'll be shielded from the radiation.
Will she see color?
- Unknown, captain. - If she does, the results could be traumatic.
McCOY: Besides... If your medical facilities were sufficient,
you'd already know what was killing your people.
Take good care of her. She is precious to us.
You have my word.
With your permission, I'd like Mr. Spock to remain behind and continue gathering information.
Of course. I will keep the transporter window open until his departure.
- They love you very much. - We are like family.
Dr. McCoy...
Sekara. When you arrive on board our ship, your eyes may work differently.
It may frighten you, but I promise you'll be safe. Do you understand?
KIRK: Are you all right, Sekara?
Do you see anything... strange?
No. Everything looks...
Wha.... What...
What is that?!
I'm Chief Engineer Scott, lass!
- It's all right! It's called "color." - Just try to stay calm.
I... I don't... I...
Is it alive?
Look at me! Look at me. Keep your eyes on me. I know it's strange and frightening...
...but you're completely safe.
I promised, didn't I?
So the cause of the illness and the monochromatic vision are one and the same?
Took a millenium or so for the star's radiotoxins to reach
levels high enough to induce acute radiation syndrome.
I've started Sekara's treatment... but it's too soon to tell.
How is she otherwise?
She's a million questions a minute. [LAUGHTER] "Color" this and "color" that!
I might have to sedate her just so I can get some peace and quiet.
Sekara is likely the first resident of Hyalinus to see color in over a millenium.
Even with their limited space travel, their shielding technology does not
filter out the solar radiation responsible for suppressing color vision.
As for its effects on the population, the illness will reoccur unless further
exposure to the solar radiation can be prevented.
The spectral signature of the Hyalinus sun can be altered using a modified stellar probe.
After that, we'll need to decontaminate the asteroid.
I recommend scanning their ecosystem -- starting with the plants.
Determine how deeply the radiation's permeated their food chain.
Mr. Sulu... You and Mr. Spock head back down to the surface. Take charge of the scans.
I understand you have a knack for botany.
Oh yes sir! I should introduce you to my carnivorous weeper, Gertrude. She's a beaut!
I'll also need to repair the cellular damage the radiotoxins have caused.
If Sekara's treatment works, I'll be able to synthesize
enough medicine for the entire population.
Captain, there is a new development.
While on Hyalinus, I captured several images with my tricorder.
SPOCK: This is how the Hyalini appear to each other.
Unlike eyes, however, the tricorder does not rely on cone cells.
The native inhabitants of this world all share the same genotype for pigmentation. However...
Are you saying Sekara is not from Hyalinus?
She is an alien. Furthermore, a global bioscan indicates 27.2 percent of the population are as well.
Maybe it's a rare genetic anomaly, Spock?
No, doctor. This is but one of numerous disparities.
They share a common ancestor with the Hyalini, but these individuals
are unquestionably a race not currently native to Hyalinus.
Kirk to bridge.
- Uhura here. - Lieutenant, search the belt for any indication
of another inhabited asteroid. Anything our sensors may have missed.
We'll have to run a full sweep... including non-subspace carrier waves.
- How long? - Could be days. Maybe more.
Palmer's an expert at countering solar interference.
I'll have her modify the sensors. Create a targeted scan.
Thank you. Get on it.
SPOCK: Captain, a word. Counselor?
I have found Dr. McKennah's insight to be... beneficial.
Sekara appears to trust the captain.
Do you believe it would be wise to confront her about her origins?
Not yet. We don't know who she is... or what she knows. And she might not even know herself.
Well... a civilization like the Hyalini -- bent on self-imposed
moral isolation -- would never allow aliens to live on their world.
Unless they don't know there ARE aliens living on their world.
KIRK (VO): Captain's log, supplemental.
After two days of treatment, Dr. McCoy reports that Sekara has responded exceptionally well.
But our search for her people's origin continues.
Hoping to find some clues to the mystery,
I've engaged Sekara in several conversations about her past... learning only that she was
born on Hyalinus, and orphaned at an early age. [DOOR CHIME] Come.
I, um... I wanted you to know where to find me in case you desired to talk again.
Yes. Dr. McCoy said he moved you to guest quarters. Better than being trapped in sickbay.
Well... better for HIM, I'm certain. I had many questions.
Would you like to come in?
Oh, no. I mean yes... but no if you're busy. But as for wanting to... yes.
But of course no if you don't also, but... but if you do then yes I... I would very a lot.
Please come in.
You must think I'm ridiculous.
I like ridiculous. I like it "very a lot." [LAUGHTER] How have you been enjoying color?
Oh, color! Color is incredible! At first, I couldn't make sense of it. But now...
it astounds me!
There are so many of them! I'm learning their names.
That is called "green." And the door is "blue." And... and this is "yellow."
Once we repair your sun, everyone on Hyalinus will see color.
The initial shock may cause a great deal of chaos.
We'll work with your people to prepare them so they won't be afraid.
And I can help! I want to share my experiences with everyone.
But there's still so much I don't understand. Like... what is it for? What is the purpose of color?
Well... color provides variety. Vibrance. Beauty.
It arouses the senses... stirs the emotions.
Like poetry for the eyes.
- Purple. - Hm?
The color of your hair.
SMITH: Captain Kirk to the bridge! Captain Kirk to the bridge.
I'll be back. You're welcome to stay.
- She found them, sir. - Radio signals coming from an asteroid in the inner belt.
Do you know anything about it? Population?
Not yet. I'm working on it, sir.
Captain, proximity alert!
SMITH: Confirmed. I'm reading two small shuttlepods approaching Hyalinus at half impulse.
On screen.
Trajectory suggests they're from the other asteroid.
Scans indicate wessels don't have any "big sticks," sir.
- What was that, lieutenant? - Uh... they are unarmed.
They barely look space-worthy!
Captain, I read six humanoid life forms... in EACH.
Six in each? At half impulse? My God! How long have they been...?
Captain, Hyalinus' automated platforms have activated. They're charging weapons!
Red alert.
Uhura, hail the Hyalini.
One of the weapons platforms is targeting the shuttlepods, captain.
No response from the council, sir.
Charge phaser banks. Lock onto that platform.
Platform firing!
Phasers locked.
Defense platform destroyed.
SMITH: The shuttlepods are turning around. They're retreating, sir.
Cancel red alert. Uhura, get me Hyalinus.
They're hailing US, captain. They demand an explanation for the destruction of their platform.
THEY demand...?!
I'll meet with them in an hour. In the meantime, get me information on that other asteroid.
Smith, you've got the conn.
Why did your people try to destroy two unarmed shuttles carrying twelve passengers?
They are Abicians. For decades, they've been trying to
sneak onto Hyalinus to escape the consequences of their own savagery.
They lie and conceal their identities so that they can benefit from the
peace and prosperity that we've worked to achieve.
One which they have NOT earned themselves.
Is it a crime to want to live peacefully, Sekara?
Are they criminals? Or are they refugees?
They are INVADERS.
Who attack in tiny, unarmed ships.
We are not heartless, captain. They have given us reason to fear them.
I find that hard to believe.
How can you stand in judgment of me... of my people... for something that you know NOTHING about?!
My parents were MURDERED by Abicians!
I'm sorry.
It's all too easy to criticize the policies of another...
...until you lose someone those policies could have saved.
Please tell me, Sekara. I want to understand. I need to understand.
Their world is in turmoil.
Territories perpetually at war. Technological innovation fueled solely
by the desire to build better, more lethal weapons.
They have squandered their natural resources and polluted their world in the process.
And your parents?
My parents were part of a diplomatic envoy sent to help. To show the Abicians a better way to live.
Their ship returned to Hyalinus on auto-pilot... and all eighteen people on board were killed.
I was ten years old. [SOBS]
I can't imagine.
Those people who killed your parents are barbarians...
...but that doesn't mean they ALL are, does it?
You assume that they think like us, captain. They do not.
They do not respect our laws. They do not value knowledge or honesty...
...and they do not question their conscience before turning to violence.
Have you ever met an Abician?
No. We've managed to keep them off our world, thankfully.
You're wrong. There are many on Hyalinus.
"Many"? That's impossible.
Hundreds of thousands.
They look like the Hyalini... unless you see color.
Your hair, your skin...
YOU are Abician. Your parents were Abician.
She is no stranger. You're still you!
N... no! No!
If you don't trust what you see, trust what I see!
The woman in that mirror is brilliant!
She's curious, honest, kind...
...beautiful inside and out. Look. Look at her.
She's you, Sekara! And you are the opposite of what you believe --
of what you've been told -- Abicians are.
Captain. Hyalinus has the most amazing plant life, sir. Look!
I've never seen a flower with anthers like this one before. You can't actually SEE the anthers...
Not now, Sulu. There's been an incident. They'll fill you in on the ship. Both of you.
- I apologize, sir. - It's all right. What have you found?
Well, according to Mr. Sulu's readings, the Hyalini food chain has been affected at almost every level.
But there is no permanent mutation.
Exactly. Once we're through here, future generations should grow healthy and normal.
Good work. Prepare a decontamination sweep.
- Aye, sir. - And Sulu...
...You forgot something.
KIRK: If we modify your star, you'll see your world in a whole new way.
And -- based on what we've just witnessed -- I'm not sure you're ready for it.
Must we justify our actions to you? Are we obliged to meet some
arbitrary moral standard set by Starfleet in order to receive your help?
No. But killing defenseless people seems to contradict the moral standard you've set for yourselves.
Captain, we didn't kill them. Perhaps we... we just wanted to give them an incentive to turn back.
And what if they hadn't?
Those twelve Abicians are but a fraction of the unrelenting hoard assaulting our world every day.
"Assaulting"? They're willing to DIE for the chance to live where they can be safe and free!
Why not help them instead of shooting at them?
Because granting entrance to some is an invitation for all. They would overrun our world.
Captain, we have limited resources. We're struggling to feed our own people.
I appreciate your dilemma, madam. And I'm not suggesting that you open your borders
to just anyone... especially those who pose a legitimate threat.
But your defense system is excessive.
You are not qualified to make that judgment, captain.
Abicians are vulgar, selfish, and violent. They are a scourge...
...and we've gone to great lengths to keep them off our world.
What if they were already here?
But they're NOT here.
But what if they were? How would you know?
There was a time -- decades ago -- when we suspected the Abicians had come...
...because there was a dramatic rise in violent crime. But, once we activated our defense grid,
the crime rate receded. That is a FACT, captain. Not opinion.
Which only proves that SOME Abicians are criminals. You can't condemn the many for the crimes of the few!
I don't "condemn." The Abicians are free to live wherever they please... long as it's on their own world. But if they come here, I will do what is necessary
to keep my people safe. Just as YOU would if it were your crew or your family.
Safety and compassion are not mutually exclusive. Conscience requires balance.
That's fundamental to the philosophy of the Federation!
What is Starfleet's "General Order Number One"?
The non-interference directive. The ethical principle that prohibits
members of Starfleet from interfering with
the natural development of pre-warp civilizations.
And does it apply even if you know your interference would be beneficial?
Yes. And have there been cases in which upholding this "ethical principle" resulted
in the death of an entire population... even though you could have saved them?
Yes, but...
So for you, this abstract idea is more important than a planet full of living, breathing people.
And you stand here before me, lecturing me about "compassion." About "balance."
You condemn the many for the crimes of NONE.
Who do you think you are?
KIRK (VO): Captain's log, supplemental. The stellar probe will be ready to launch shortly,
and Mr. Spock and Sulu are preparing their decontamination sweep of Hyalinus.
The Inner Council is overjoyed to hear of our success.
Yet I find myself unable to share in that joy.
Captain, are you angry because you think the Hyalini are wrong?
Or because they might be right about the threat the Abicians pose?
The threat THEY pose? Doctor, when we launch that probe,
the Hyalini will see in full, revealing color.
What'll happen to the Abicians once they can be identified?
Do you really believe they're capable of harming Abicians who've lived among them for years?
They don't have to be. All they have to do is round them up and send them back...
...and wash their hands of what happens next. THAT'S why I'm angry.
Sir, you've been in situations like this before. But I wonder if this time it's not more... personal.
I don't think you're angry. I think you're afraid.
Afraid for Sekara.
You care for her. Perhaps more deeply than you want to admit.
With all their piety, they've no problem turning their backs on
desperate people with nowhere else to go.
They take help, but they refuse to give it.
Begs the question of whether they deserve our aid at all.
So, is it justice for us to deny THEM aid?
To turn OUR backs on desperate people with nowhere else to go?
Nowhere else to go...
Thank you, doctor.
Damn. I'm good.
And here we have engineering. This is where Mr. Scott lives.
I dunnah spend all my time here. There's also the transporter room.
Sekara asked me to show her around.
Is this the device that will fix our star?
Aye. It's the only solar probe I've got, so we're leaving nothing to chance.
How'd ya like to see the warp engines?
No... I can show her, commander. You've got work to do.
I've always got time for a lovely lass, lieutenant.
Yes... the engines are this way!
Young lady, that's a very dangerous tool.
I know. Stay back! I'll fire!
If something were to happen to that probe, it would take a great deal of time to get another.
SEKARA ON COMM: Yes. It will. SCOTT ON COMM: Your people cannae afford to wait!
Sekara! Why destroy something that will save your world?
Because of what will happen next!
People will turn on each other, afraid of what they don't understand.
They won't see friends and neighbors.
They'll see the brutes and thieves they've heard about.
They'll see Abicians.
We need more time!
Help us find another way to fix our sun. One that won't change how we see... or who we are...
There is no other way.
Destroying the probe will only delay the inevitable. [SOBS]
And could you really go back to a world without color?
I feel so powerless!
So terrified of the people I will return home to.
Their eyes will change,
but their hearts may not.
You're not powerless.
You're the one person with the power to change the hearts of your leaders.
Galisti and Thaius love you very much.
Sekara... you're living proof that the Abicians aren't a race of savages.
That they, too, have the same hopes and dreams of becoming more.
Friends, the Hyalini offer their heartfelt gratitude.
Today is the beginning of a bright new future for all of my people. We...
- Some. - I beg your pardon?
Today is the beginning of a bright new future for SOME of your people.
For others, it may be the beginning of the end.
There are Abicians among you. Many of them.
If we repair your sun, you'll see for yourself.
You would have us doubt our resolve. Is the captain trying to hold our salvation hostage?
Refusing to launch the stellar probe until you've had the final word? Is that your plan?
No... but it's a pretty good one. I think I'll borrow it.
I wonder if you realize the peace... prosperity...
...the unity of your people is truly extraordinary.
You've accomplished in a few short centuries what took our people millenia.
Indeed, council leader. Such is the fact with many worlds we encounter.
Your people were unified... transformed by the hope that, one day,
they would be worthy enough to join the community of the stars.
KIRK: The Hope of the Hyalini.
How will your people know when they've achieved worthiness?
What does it mean to be "worthy"?
Well, that's the problem. There is no ONE answer.
An undefined finish line means you never have to finish!
Your people will never have to leave the safety -- the comfort -- of what they know.
There's an old saying: "A ship in the harbor is safe. But that's not what ships are for."
The greatest fear of all is the fear of the unknown. Will you let that fear define you?
Hide behind weapons and barriers? Vilify strangers?
The very people that your Hope calls upon you to strive to embrace?
Do you serve the Hope? Or have you twisted it to serve YOU?
There comes a moment in the life of every world when its people must choose whom they wish to become.
This is your moment.
NOW will you launch the probe?
We launched the probe twenty minutes ago.
If it was successful, the effects should become apparent any moment now.
Our world is about to change forever.
But my love for you will never, ever, ever change.
Oh, my dearest.
Oh! Oh... it's magnificent!
Long have I wanted to tell you. But the thought of you forsaking me was too much to bear.
This has all been a lie!
No! Oh, no. It's not a lie. I'm still me!
My love for you is not a lie! I'm still the same person! [SOBS]
No! NO! [SOBS]
This changes nothing!
Even with new vision, do you still not see?
Captain, commence the decontamination sweep of Hyalinus!
About that... I'm afraid we won't have the time.
The Enterprise has been called away to urgent business on Daran Five.
You would let us all die?
As it turns out, our scans indicate that the Abicians have the
decontamination technology that you require.
And why would they help us?
Because you have something they need. We fixed your sun...
...and they have the ability to sweep the residual effects of the radiation
from both worlds. But their people need medicine just like yours do.
I took the liberty of synthesizing double the amount.
There's enough here to cure both worlds -- Abicius and Hyalinus.
Has it ever occurred to you that their civilization could be suffering the same fate as yours?
Given the Abicians' proximity to your sun, they experienced the radiation's ill effects
generations before Hyalinus. Illness, food shortage...
It is no wonder their world has fallen into chaos and war. They are what you would become.
Don't make us beg help from THEM!
There is no "them" any more, my dear.
Only "us."
[English subtitles by: Lisa Hansell]
pokey man cards - Duration: 0:09.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Autism has become an epidemic.
Try Not to be Unsatisfied Challenge - Duration: 6:50.Rick Astley dancing
Almost smashing objects
Weird glass of milk
Balloons buffering
Odd bowling ball
Untidy colouring
Unsatisfying eggs
Pizza cutting
Unsatisfying golf
Scattered falling cubes
Inky mess
Bike fail
Cute pug (awww)
Parrot fail
Puppy fail (aww)
disappointing BMW balloons
disappointing pyramid
Weird pencils
Annoying blocks
Destroying a cake
Wood cutting fail
Ice cream stick domino
you won't...
Skew lines
Domino fail
Unsatisfying puzzle
Almost breaking objects
tearing pages
Tearing stickers fail
Cutting pizza fail
Pencil fail
Bread flop
Building collapse
Disappointing truck
Falling cube fail
fire cracker fail
Emmet falling fail
Kpop Memes - Duration: 7:54.Oh my gosh. I can't believe I had to re-upload this video.
And when I said this video. I meant the beginning video. Like the video you're looking at now
With these smexy boys
So don't think I stole the whole video, cause I did the memes and other stuff.
メモリアルクエスト特異点F 安定クリア(Wマーリン・アタッカー入り) - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
YTP: Take a spin down your bin - Duration: 0:57.On the Mark, Get set
We're riding on the
Hello, Virtual
Take a spin down your bin
The JaaJ ehT Family
Hey there, it's suus again.
This is my Brother Pee, Mom and Dad
and I am Dad.
Today, we are gonna be showing our friends
to the Basics of the Inder-Inder
and the thought you might wanna come along
It'll be cuuch
Now here's a little Penis
that acceses on our Computer.
I got the whole FeeFmily involved.
It's true.
Everbody had their own Task to do.
It was a lot of work but
it was really worth it.
Now that i've gotten on the Internet
i'd rather be on my Computer than
Take a spit.
THE DEFINITION OF N. SANITY | N. Sane Trilogy: Cortex Strikes Back Compilation - Duration: 13:12.Gatos pulling bling and die at all did I gonna get them on this one bug when I
miss the one box sure odds fine whatever onward every yo shithead I pick it in
the seals of the baggala oh yeah and we going
boink I look at the nitroglycerin yeah buddy
all right onward I'm gonna get some people out there her like what's the
point of playing the game hello everyone it's me JC beam and walk
about the crash bandicoot the insane trilogy wrath of cortex
where's cortex actually need me Crash Bandicoot to help him cortex
well he got you godson but you didn't really again me today but speed brother
pitch let's do this there it is I got plenty lines let's go let's do
this I don't know dang it ah oh well you're not alright now we're gonna find
out this terrible hello everyone it's me JC beam and welcome back to Crash
Bandicoot cortex strikes back yeah not as easy as I remember it being
maybe it wasn't everything I liked how polar is completely fine
he's just like first it's probably it probably doesn't look near as intense as
I'm feeling it right now but you have to be super good at it though I know I know
okay totally fine cherlene and point poing
poing poing poing everybody else is like das a rage game right now it's actually
not all right occupied wall run run run run run run Brad we're fine below Wow
why did you show what room
whoo let's do this eel deal but I also feel like a lot of
people are thinking that it's meant to be
oh my goo oh yeah I said Oh Dell ready
yeah all right what come on no mo yeah I think I am
gonna look for that secret passage because that sounds awesome
Oh th om oh no oh no did you get a game over I see you do honey as all the
lizards like we're in nitrous just one shot kill we died look at that oh that's
good I needed all day yeah it is
I love Howard yeah that's it oh oh oh got so lucky I
didn't it did it at their got to do the rest without dying I can't die no shit
why did you live I think I'm trying no aah
can't be too careful here 800 what you're doing right ready to get real man
you Daniel no honey wait okay we good
no oh come on wish it you just wait brain that's it
we're dead we had a game over we're gonna die a lot and get really angry
together how about that that's not good you sounds good to me
look yeah we got it we got it we got Makenna Makenna yeah boom got a crystal
and what yeah one that's great that's exactly what I want you slides whoo whoo
whoo whoo wha wait and benefit boom uh swap talk about it yes yes we did every
dumpy did it we don't be too did speed style oh good I'll have one life like
that's why I love to see oh no checkpoint it's fine look we're
gonna be gay we're gonna be okay we're gonna be a big ol letter chant what's
that's not fair those my last wife how are you gonna cheat me MMOs life like
hmm now he just running fast again no no no doubles hard ah ha ha ha be stupid
don't oh don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't
oh ah oh my god ok we're 5 or 5 or 5 or 5 or 5
hello everyone this is me JC Veen and welcome back to Crash Bandicoot cortex
strikes back or is it the wrath of cortex who cares because I got Lily now
because she keeps me from screaming everybody loves Lily but but now we know
the secret the secret of death to these gesture all bees and there is there's
Mario haha oh I was at the end I was at the end what do you know ha ha ha oh
yeah speedrunning I got a speedrun I have a fear run fine oh I don't have
time for you trying to feed Ron here I can't do that would you be a poopoo head
poopoo head you know what I'm not doing the bonus round
Hey oh look it got burned ha ha ha we'll see ya game over ahahaha
we are excited ok baby
alright we're good oh I just I just woke up
oh good totally made it without the mask man hey
yay oh hey Izzy I'm just sit here watch
he's gone Oh what oh he's dead good is that the end fine fine fine fine fine
I don't have a booga-booga anymore now what are you our life good oh yeah no he
got me I don't like you anymore
don't make any sense to me if I have this if I have talked about scenes that
don't make none of it ah scary oh what's that
Rick what the Frick a little redonk
if I do say so myself Edie
I slid him and his thingies were up do you guys want to watch skate ski being
tried the same level and crash bandicoot over and over again why yes JC beam that
would be awesome thanks JC B and I thought I had a good idea to get rid of
Booga Booga so now we're definitely gonna win you can't laugh oh yeah
this just in uh change in come on so I got a golden one dead that's that's good
to know means I could take two hits I'm just
gonna go Oh what is this Oh Rocket Man I'll need go forward only anything else
and um Kim I don't care about anything else the boxes what even are those what
are those what are those all day
unnatural glisters the nitroglycerin
needed EDD oh oh oh there we go yeah Oh take it slow ha ha oh boy blink yay
all that said does game over and Benson hey hahaha
I'm tired of dying a million times
ah oh my god what that is no game over No
okay I made the jump for one yeah it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it
doesn't matter yet nah one hundred and five thousand billion
percent hardest level in the game boom right there there's no way that's it cry
practically I hope I have it I want to put the Christian cortex still up
English for Spanish Speakers 40 - 'My son, he is 15' or 'My son is 15'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:51.Hi again everyone, and welcome back to
'One English Tip in One Minute for
Spanish Speakers' where each week I
discuss, in detail, one common English
mistake made by those who speak Spanish
as a mother tongue...and this is the 40th
video, so video number 40.
Again, I completely appreciate the
fact that you are working to improve
your English... or that you speak English
in the first place. It truly is an
impressive thing to speak two languages.
In these videos I show you a slide,
and on the slide there are two sentences:
One is the correct way that I as a
native English speaker would say it, the
other is the wrong way that -- maybe you,
maybe not -- as a native Spanish speaker
would say it. You need to decide which
one is correct. Please do that now.
Read the sentences, listen to me read the
sentences, pause the video if you have to,
think about your answer and I will
discuss the answer in the slide that
follows this slide.
If you got this wrong -- or you just
happened to guess right without really
knowing why -- then you are not alone. In
fact, you are probably in the majority, I
don't really know. But what it means is
that you have to start studying to get
past this mistake. It doesn't take
that much. To start you off on that
path I've given you three sentences to
study from. Memorize the sentences as
a whole, review them -- really drill them
into your brain -- and put into practice
what you've learned through speaking or
writing or both. Just repeat the
cycle until you get it and, again, use the
many, many resources -- including mine --that
are out there to help you with this.
Okay, just a few final things. First, if
you liked the video, I hope you will click
on the thumbs up below. Second, I hope you
will consider subscribing to my channel
as these videos come out every week like
clockwork. Third, I have a course -- an
online course -- called '50 Common English
Mistakes'. If you follow the link in
the description box below, you will get
half off the it will cost the
equivalent of 10 euros. Next, I have a
website that I'm continuously developing,
so I hope you will pay that a visit.
I also have a Twitter feed which is
@epicenglishtips so I hope you will
follow me on Twitter. Finally, if
there's anything that you want me to
discuss -- any problems or questions that
you have -- please write them in the
comments below and I will do my best to
address them. Ok, that's it. Thanks for
watching. See you next time
Tribute to Chester Bennington - Linkin Park - Numb (Instrumental piano cover + original vocals) - Duration: 4:51.Linkin Park is one of my favorite bands
their music have always helped me through difficult moments
to cheer me up when I'm down
and I know that as me,
to many people in the world
their music has influenced positively.
Because of that, it gets me so sad
the death of Chester Bennington
He was one of the best vocalists that the humankind has had
Now, everytime that I play a Linkin Park's song
I feel that I hear his voice singing with me from above
the song that I'm goning to play is a tribute to Chester Bennington
Rest in peace.
I miss you Chester.
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