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DANIELMAGICAL OPĘTANY?! - ANALIZA NOWEGO FILMU - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
California Moves One Step Closer To Declaring Independence From US Government - Duration: 5:39.California Moves One Step Closer To Declaring Independence From US Government
by Tyler Durden
After a bid to launch a California secession movement failed in April, a more moderate
ballot measure has been approved, and its backers now have 180 days to attain nearly
600,000 signatures in order to put it up to vote in the 2018 election.
The Yes California movement advocated full-on secession from the rest of the country, and
it gained steam after Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016.
However, as the Sacramento Bee noted, that attempt failed to gather the signatures needed
and further floundered after it was accused of having ties to Russia.
But as the Los Angeles Times reported this week:
�On Tuesday afternoon, Atty.
Gen. Xavier Becerra�s office released an official title and summary for the initiative,
now called the �California Autonomy From Federal Government� initiative.�
The new measure that seeks to set up an advisory commission to inform California�s governor
on ways to increase independence from the federal government.
It would reportedly cost $1.25 million per year to fund �an advisory commission to
assist the governor on California�s independence plus �unknown, potentially major, fiscal
effects if California voters approved changes to the state�s relationship with the United
States at a future election after the approval of this measure,�� the Los Angeles Times
With Becerra�s approval, its backers can now seek the nearly 600,000 signatures required
to place the measure on the 2018 ballot.
As the outlet explained:
�The initiative wouldn�t necessarily result in California exiting the country, but could
allow the state to be a �fully functioning sovereign and autonomous nation� within
the U.S.��
According to the Attorney General�s official document on the measure, it still appears
to advocate secession as the ultimate goal � even if it doesn�t use the term outright.�Repeals
provision in California Constitution stating California is an inseparable part of the United
States,� the text explains, noting that the governor and California congress members
would be expected �to negotiate continually greater autonomy from federal government,
up to and including agreement establishing California as a fully independent country,
provided voters agree to revise the California Constitution.�
Marcus Ruiz Evans, who is backing this new measure, previously served as Vice President
of Yes California before it was pulled in April.
�The relationship between California and the federal system just isn�t working,�
Evans has said.
He is now behind the movement to push through the more tempered approach.
Though some critics claim California would fail due to its massive debt, advocates point
to the state�s massive economy, ranked fifth largest in the world.
It boasts a large agricultural industry, a massive entertainment and �culture� industry,
Silicon Valley, and an ever-expanding legal cannabis market.
There are also other efforts in California to break away from the federal government.
Jed Wheeler is the general secretary of the California National Party and says he is �looking
a dozen or more years down the road when its candidates hold office,� the Los Angeles
Times reported in April when the original Yes California movement was floundering.
�[T]he idea of having a ballot initiative is seductive and appeals to a lot of people,�
Wheeler argued.
�[Y]ou can�t harvest the crop without the work of planting the seeds, then tilling
the soil and all that stuff first.� There is also a longstanding movement to establish
a 51st state called Jefferson, which would include parts of northern California and southern
That effort has been underway since after World War II.
Regardless of the method or strategy � or their effectiveness � resistance to the
federal government is growing in California and elsewhere.
There are also secession movements in Vermont, Texas, New Hampshire, and Hawaii.
As Anti-Media observed shortly after the 2016 election:
�People are rioting and protesting over Trump�s win throughout California but celebrating
in Alabama, and against the backdrop of an ever-encroaching federal government, it appears
these differences are growing difficult to reconcile.
�This election put the deep societal rifts between left, right, and those in between
on stark display, and the degree of hate and animosity is palpable.�
Now that Trump has taken office, these differences are all the more glaring and are likely to
grow as time goes on.
Butt Augmentation-Benefits of fat transfer-Dr.Cortes-YouTube - Duration: 6:54.Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Bootyman.
Today we are going to discuss: The benefits of fat transfer to the buttock.
In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures.
Welcome back!
The autologous fat transfer to the buttocks is nowadays a very in-demand plastic surgery procedure
used to enhance the appearance of the buttocks.
Many patients consider it the best option when it comes to increasing the size of the buttocks
as it uses no foreign objects, the recovery period is not very long,
and the improvement in the silhouette contour is visible.
So what are the benefits of the fat transfer to the buttocks?
1. A natural aspect and consistency of the buttocks
The buttocks are naturally made out of fat and muscle.
When using lipofilling to augment the size of the buttocks, we transfer fat,
and this is a normal component of the area.
This means that the result will look completely natural and the consistency of the butt
will be no different than a normal buttock.
Because there are no silicone implants, the normally positioned fat will give a natural firmness to the area.
2. It is a two-in-one intervention
The condition to benefit from the fat transfer procedure is to have at least one donor area
from where the plastic surgeon has to extract the fat needed for the transfer.
This means that during the procedure, the donor area will be treated with liposuction,
hence its contours are greatly improved.
During this intervention, you can sculpt some areas of your body that have excess fat deposits
and also augment the buttocks.
3. Almost invisible scars
For the fat transfer, the plastic surgeon will only make very small incisions
to introduce the cannulas to harvest the fat from the donor areas.
In other words, the incision sites are tiny.
The scars will be very small and practically invisible.
The fat is then introduced into the buttocks via syringes.
4. Fast recovery and minimum amount of pain
The recovery after the fat transfer to the buttocks is much shorter than butt implant surgery.
However, keep in mind that you will be required to avoid sitting on your buttocks for at least three weeks
until the fat transfer gets a new blood network.
5. A buttock as big as you want
When it comes to butt implants, there is a limit to the size of the implants.
But for butt augmentation with fat transfer, we can use as much as 1 liter of fat
to increase the size of the buttocks.
Of course, the requirement is for the patient to have deposits of fat in other areas of the body.
Also, keep in mind that repetitive procedures might be needed to achieve the size you desire.
The butt augmentation with fat transfer is a good option encompassing many benefits for people
who are eligible candidates for the procedure.
In this video we discuss: The benefits of fat transfer to the buttock.
Next week, will discuss: Combining butt implants with fat transfer.
Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel
for more information, here at the Bootyman channel, only on YouTube.
Also log in to our website
for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.
Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.
On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.
Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.
Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.
Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.
Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.
And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.
And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.
All these and more in the Hourglass TV!
Những Lời Phật dạy Hay Nhất về đạo làm người trong cuộc sống- Nghe một lần bệnh tật khổ đau tan biến - Duration: 1:09:41.-------------------------------------------
Dragons in Harry Potter - Letters to July 31 #WithCaptions - Duration: 2:11.Dear July, Today is Harry Potter's birthday, a day I celebrate even in years when I don't
celebrate my own because he is the bo y who lived and his story has taught me how to live.
On the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,
I published a video detailing 20 things I've learned from Harry Potter, but only 20 things.
I don't think I'll ever be able to list everything that I've learned because it keeps teaching
me new things.
That's why I love them because wherever I'm at in life, the books, they're there for me and ready
to reveal something new.
Lately, I've been thinking about the dragons and how they parallel Harry's journey.
The first dragon we are introduced to in the story is Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback,
or rather, Norberta.
She is a lot like Harry in that they are both taken in as infants by Hagrid, who just wants
to love them.
Hagrid picks an infant Harry out of the remains of his house and picks Norberta out of a pub
when she's still just an egg.
Hagrid also willingly gives up Harry and Norberta so that they can be with some sort of family
- Harry with the Dursleys and Norberta on a Romanian Dragon Reserve.
Both of Hagrid's wards are eventually taken in by the Weasley's as well, Molly considers
Harry a seventh son and Norberta is accepted into the reserve because of Charlie.
The next set of dragons we encounter are those used in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament.
Much like HArry, they are unwilling participants in the tournament who are being attacked and
gawked at.
They're just trying to live their lives, and suddenly their handlers - people they trust
- drag them into a dangerous situation.
Kind of like how teacher entered Harry into this tournament.
The last dragon I'll talk about is the Ukranian Ironbellly that guarded some of the deepest
vaults in Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
You could get past it by using something that made a noise the dragon had learned to associate with pain.
The Ukrainian Ironbelly was a survivor of abuse, much like HArry had survived and escaped
abuse from the Dursleys, from Snape, from death eaters, and countless others.
That's why I love when Harry, Hermione, and Ron free the Ukranina Ironbelly because after
you escape an abusive situation you want to help others get out of them too.
Happy Birthday, Harry.
Thank you for all you've done.
Love, Katrina.
Post-Script: please subscribe watch another video of mine, or support me on Patreon.
And, hey, I love you.
Bones and advanced prostate cancer - Why are bones important? - Duration: 5:42.This video tells you why bones are important
in advanced prostate cancer.
[sting and music sounds]
This video is the first of five short videos on bones and prostate cancer.
I'm not a doctor.
I'm just a man with locally advanced, recurrent, prostate cancer.
I ask the questions.
An expert medical oncologist answers the questions.
And when you occasionally hear this sound,
our resident artist attempts to illustrate.
Meet the doctor.
My name is Alicia Morgans, and I'm the Assistant
Professor of Medicine at the Vanderbilt University
in Nashville, Tennessee, in the United States.
Doctor Morgans, where does prostate cancer start to grow?
Prostate cancer starts to grow in the prostate.
Prostate cancer can move away from the prostate.
What do we call that?
When prostate cancer moves away from or out of
the prostate, we call that metastasising.
Is the cancer in these new places still prostate cancer?
When prostate cancer has spread outside the prostate and is growing somewhere else
we still think of it as prostate cancer, even if
it's growing in the bones, or a lymph node,
or a liver, or in the lungs, it's still prostate cancer cells.
When prostate cancer spreads, where does it prefer to go?
The most common place for prostate cancer to spread is the bones,
and up to ninety percent of men who have very advanced prostate cancer
have prostate cancer growing in the bones.
If prostate cancer grows in the bones is it still prostate cancer?
When prostate cancer is growing in the bones or in any other organ,
it is still prostate cancer cells, it just moved somewhere else.
How can we tell that there is prostate cancer in the bones?
We can tell that there's prostate cancer in the bones by using imaging techniques.
We commonly use bone scans.
We can use things like PET Scans as well, sometimes MRIs.
In the United States at least, the most common form of imaging that we use
to find prostate cancer in the bones is a bone scan.
How does a bone scan work?
Bone scans have a special die that travels into
the bones in areas where the bones are remodelling,
or remaking themselves.
Those areas are often areas where prostate cancer
is growing, and those areas then light up
when we use the imaging techniques to look at it.
When the radiologist is reading a bone scan, areas where prostate cancer is growing in
the bones
look black on the scans, with the background of the skeleton behind it,
so that the radiologist can see exactly which bones have areas of
prostate cancer growing in it.
Which particular bones does prostate cancer often attack first?
The bones that the prostate cancer often goes to first are the bones in the pelvis,
and then often the bones in the spine.
Where is the pelvis?
The pelvis is the area, if you put your hands on your hips,
it's the bones from there down to the bones where you sit.
>> JIM: Thank you.
Thank you.
This video is the first of five short videos on
bones and advanced prostate cancer.
Look for the other four videos which deal with
the special case of prostate cancer in the spine,
treatment for prostate cancer in the bones,
hormone therapy and bones,
and a special message on pain.
[sounds of a stream]
If you want to see more videos on advanced prostate cancer in the future,
click on subscribe.
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it helps.
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There are links to more resources in the description below.
Comments or suggestions are welcome below.
Thanks for watching.
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