Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 31 2017

As you all know, Taeri left the team,

and you have a new member.

What are you doing here?

Did you forget what you did to me?

The past is in the past.

For this mission, you'll be singing the same lyrics to this song.

Hey. What's this?

Wow. Is this true?

What is it?

You two know each other?

For more infomation >> THE IDOLM@STER.KR Ep. 15 Trailer - Duration: 0:31.


Star Salvation: Dish Mashups on Facebook Live | Food Network - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Star Salvation: Dish Mashups on Facebook Live | Food Network - Duration: 6:09.



What's up everybody

Welcome to graffiti Ally Toronto

We already passed some...

You see how the image of the horse repeats? It's like a theme running through all of it.

Did you see that one?

Which one?

It's talking about how technology can make you mindless.

That's what it's like here, and it goes pretty far.

We're going... Are we going to the top?

I think we're going up to that level up there.

Ok, so we want to go to the top. Let me show what this place is like.

We came up here and saw there's a baseball match happening.

What do you feel like doing?

I've been to a baseball game before, and I didn't really like it.

We're going to get some food.

For more infomation >> WHERE HAVE WE BEEN || TRIP TO TORONTO - Duration: 4:44.


Pressiado - No Le Digas - [Video Oficial] (2017) - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Pressiado - No Le Digas - [Video Oficial] (2017) - Duration: 2:54.


LOREMASTERS: Moria (book vs. film) - Duration: 13:56.


On this episode were talking about Moria!

Moria, you fear to go in to those mines.

The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.

You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum, shadow and flame! *record scratch

- Ok, that was a cool scene and all, but that did not happen in the book!

Gandalf did not know there was a balrog in Moria, infact no one knew that.

If he knew there was a Balrog in there he probably wouldn't have led them straight to the balrog

So there's a lot of differences between the

films and the book and these changes often make people ask a lot of questions;

usually because the films don't make any sense.

But we here at LOREMASTERS have noticed a common question about Moria and that question is:

"Why doesn't anyone know what's going on in Moria?

Isn't Gimli a dwarf?

Don't dwarves live there?

Shouldn't he be up to date with the goin ons of Moria?

He acts like his family is there having a good ol time and then they show up and everyon's

been dead for forever.

How long have those corpses been lying there?

Shouldn't Gandlaf know what's going on, in the world?"

OK that's enough.

This particular question arises from the movies lack of time.

They can't doll out all this information like the book can so they had to change everything

and ehhhh you know.

But we here at LOREMASTERS have all the time in the woooooorld!!!

To answer this question let's start at the beginning of the First Age.

Now were gonna keep things real simple for the sake of brevity and to keep the focus

on Moria alright?

We're skipping over like, three whole books with this one page of script, so if this creates

more questions than answers for you then , I dunno...... go read the Silmarillion!

Many thousands of years ago during the First Age the elves awoke in the world,

which is called Arda by the way, and the dwarves followed soon after and some of these dwarves made

their home in Khazad-dum (it wasnt called Moria at that point).

But during the First Age Khazad-dum was waaaay over in the east and didn't really come into

the stories of that time, which mostly took place in the west.

Now the First Age ended with The War of Wrath in which the Valar banished Morgoth from the

world and in the process they really messed all the land up and what was left is what

we know as Middle Earth, and so the Second Age began!

Khazad-dum comes into more of the tales and events of that time because, you know,

it's right there, but were not really talkin about that stuff lets move on!

After thousands of years and lots of things happening the Second Age came to an end with

The Battle of The Last Alliance in which Sauron was destoyed, for the time being, and still

Khazad-dum - ok im tired of saying Khazad-dum, I'm just gonna say Moria from now on.

And still Moria was the chief city of the dwarves and actually played an integral part

in thwarting Sauron's plans of conquering Middle Earth but where not talkin about that!

anyways bam!

Sauron was defeated and the 3rd age began!

And for almost 2000 years Moria remained the capitol city of Durin's folk until disaster struck!

In the year 1980 of the Third Age Durin was killed and in the following year the dwarves

fled from their ancient home.

No one knew for certain what happened but rumor's of Durin's bane spread far and wide,

and it was after this event that the Elves called it Moria "The black chasm".

ok lets jump ahead again, a lot of other things happened in the Third Age, the invention of pipeweed,

the White Council , OK here we are - In the year 2941 of the Third Age, or 1341

by Shire reckoning, this is when the events of The Hobbit took place, and like I said

were keepin it brief but hopefully this gives you a sense of the timeline of Middle Earth,

anyways we stopped at The Hobbit for a reason!

For it was 30 years after The the events in The Hobbit that Balin set out from Erabor

with a host of dwarves to reclaim Moria, and 30 years after that the events of The lord

of The Rings took place.

So finally we arrive at the the answer to the question from several pages ago.

Moria has been vacant for nearly 1000 years when the council of Elrond takes place and

it's here that we learn from Gloin, Gimli's father, about Balin's attempt to reclaim the

long lost home of the dwarves and that they havn't heard any word from Balin for many years.

So that's why no one is really sure what's goin on in Moria; Balin and company could

be in there, they could all be dead, no one really knows.

So that answers that question.

But there's a few other questions that we see about Moria from time to time and there's

a lot more differences between the book and the film, so since were here, we might as well......

Ok - Elf runes on a dwarf door!

Despite what Peter Jackson would have you believe not all elves and dwarves hate eachother

and again this is a situation where the movie can't stop and focus too much on lore,

also I think people have enough trouble with all the names as it is.

Gandalf reads some of the runes on The Door of Durin in the film but in the book he reads the whole thing:

"The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter.

I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs."

Now you may have heard of Celebrimbor, the elven smith, hes kind of famous for, you know,

making the Elvish rings of power?!

And apparently he was friends with Narvi and helped him with his door.

We don't know much about Narvi; he was a dwarf I guess? I dunno

Alright what else happened, in Moria....

In the book Frodo and Gandalf actually had this conversation back at Bag End which is

kind of funny to think about.

Frodo hadn't even left the Shire, hadn't even left Hobbiton!

And he was already like "I wish the ring had never come to me".

This part is simply inexcusable!

They're going down and to the left!

They're supposed to go up and to the right!


It's interesting to note that this might be Ori, who was also part of Thorin's company in TheHobbit.

In The Lord of The Rings Gimli says that this last entry in The Book of Mazarbal was in Ori's hand.

So that's like a cool little easter egg I guess, having his corpse there holding the book and all.

Also there was no cave troll in the book. I mean Gandalf does say, "They have a cave troll"

but we never actually see it, this was just a large orc.

Ok this scene has always bothered us here at LOREMASTERS.

Obviously this didn't happen in the book, and a good rule of thumb is that if something

doesn't make sense or is, you know, kinda dumb, then odds are it's been fabricated for the films.

So first of all there's more than enough drama and danger in Moria without this scene.

They just fought an army of orcs and are now running from a balrog and in the next scene

Gandalf confronts the thing, so why does this scene exist?

I mean its probably here for pacing or something, which is fine, but It's kind of comical to

think that their couple of hundred pounds is gonna have any impact on which way this

800 million ton stone is gonna fall.

But even before that all of our characters do something really dumb and out of character,

which is my actual problem with this scene, they leave Frodo and Aragorn last?!

The king of Gondor and the ringbearer who is bearing the one ring!

I mean i know this is like, fake tension and that's why they're last, like we're all gonna

believe that these two are gonna die halfway through the first movie.

Sorry guys but Boromir and Samwise are more important!

But what do ya know they all survive, ok im done ranting on to the next scene!

This is one of the most accurate depictions from the book in the whole movie and there's

not a whole lot to say about it concerning a book vs. film discussion.

It was cool in the book that Aragorn and Boromir turn around and run back to the bridge to

help Gandalf, that was cool..... of course he fell before they got there

This is also a great opportuniy to discuss some lore, and we here at LOREMASTERS never

pass on an opportunity to discuss more Moria lore!

Play the intro!


Ok Gandalf is on The Bridge of Khazad-dum facing off against the balrog and he says

a bunch of words.

Now a lot of people probably think he's like, casting a spell, or just saying fantasy babble,

but if you think this is fantasy babble then you don't know Tolkien very well!

Here's our LOREMASTERS take on what Gandalf is talkin about.

The first thing he says is "I am a servant of the Secret Fire" the Secret Fire is probably

a reference to the Imperishable Flame which is mentioned at the beginning of The Silmarillion

and references Illuvatar or maybe even Illuvatar's power of creation.

Illuvatar is the one who created everything in Tolkiens universe, more or less, he created

the world, elves, men, the miar which would include Gandalf and the balrog.

Gandalf's starting off by letting the balrog know that he's wise in the ways of lore,

as only another miar could be and at the same time he's saying, "Illuvatar's on my side bro!".

We basically interpret this whole speech by Gandalf as a form of intimidation by the way.

Next he says "wielder of the flame of Anor" now this is actually up for some debate.

Flame of Anor isn't really mentioned enywhere else in the writings of Tolkien but if your

up to date on your elvish then you'll know that Anor is the elvish word for Sun.

Now the sun is actually a miar like Gandalf who is holding the last fruit of the tree



Im not making that up.

Thats what the sun is!

Read The Silmarillion!

So we interpret this phrase to mean that Gandalf is versed in fire magic much like Arien.

Thats Arien, the sun, the one holding the fruit, remember? is this confusing?

Anyways it's said that Arien was a spirit of fire that Morgoth failed to corrupt which

is exactly what the balrogs are!

Spirits of fire that Morgoth corrupted!

So again Gandalf is just cryptically telling this guy that he's as powerful as he is,

"oh, I see your kind of, like, made of fire, well I like fire too! pinecones!"

We thought at first that Gandalf might be refering to the fact that he wields Narya the ring of fire!

But we here at LOREMASTERS decided that that was bogus!

First of all the balrog probably doesn't know what Narya is, I mean he's been hiding underground

since Morgoth was defeated at the end of the First Age.

I mean maybe Sauron told him about it at some point?

I dunno, but Gandalf would never reveal that he held a ring of power, especially to the enemy.

Alright what's Gandalf say next, "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor,

"the dark fire will not avail you" Now this is just Middle Earth talk for "your goin dooown!"

But really he's probably refering to Morgoth when he says "dark fire" since balrogs were his servants.

He's saying Morgoth won't help you, no one can help you now bro, YOUR MINE!

And the last thing he says is "flame of Udun" Once again Gandalf is revealing to this guy

that he's strong in the ways of lore; no one would know to call a balrog "flame of Udun"

except another Miar or maybe an ancient, powerful elf, like Glorfindel or Galadriel.

Udun is another name for Utumno which was the first fortress that Morgath made during

the First Age, go read The Silmarillion, and needless to say balrogs probably dwelt there.

So flame of Udun, flame of Utumno, servant of Morgoth, it's all one big truth bomb that

Gandalf's droppin on this chump!

He knows whats up and he's about to give him what for!


he fell.

We'd also like to point out that this is the third documented case where someone has destroyed

a balrog but also died in the process.

Gandalf can now be counted amongst the most ultimate of badasses along with

Glorfindel and Ecthelion of the fountain!

Then they leave.

So that's Moria.

And it's pretty tame as far as changes between the book and the films are concerned.

And believe us when we say that these two are entirely, completely different things!

We here at LOREMASTERS could write a whole book about how different the movies are from

the source material.

We could call it, I dunno,

The Lord of The Rings!?

Or we could make more videos....but what would they be about?

Well there's a lot of characters that have been changed in the films.

Elrond is made out to be like, a villan.

That's a crime!

Aragorn is pretty different in the books.

Some characters are kinda like, entirely fabricated, or they do things that are completely out of character.

Peter jackson was never in the books!

Ted Sandyman was in the extended editions and I think that's farmer Maggot, so I can't

really complain about them.

What else.... now I'm just rambling because the video should have faded out by now

For more infomation >> LOREMASTERS: Moria (book vs. film) - Duration: 13:56.


ASAP Rocky Says 'Cozy Tapes Vol. 2' Is Finished - Duration: 1:14.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

On Saturday afternoon ASAP Rocky sent out the tweet that we've been waiting for.

The rapper announced that ASAP Mob's Cozy Tapes Vol.2 is headed our way.

Nine months after the first Cozy Tapes installment was released, Rocky let everyone know the

project was officially completed.





ASAP Ferg spoke about the highly anticipated album with Complex back in February saying

that it had already been recorded and that it was in the mixing stages.

Since then there has been a number of teasers including two of the album's singles, "Wrong"

and "RAF" featuring Rocky, Playboi Carti, Frank Ocean, Lil Uzi Vert, and Quavo.

There is no word on when Cozy Vol. 2 is expected to roll out but Rocky's tweet gives us hope

that we won't have to wait much longer.

Until then Mob fans have some more projects to look forward to next month.

ASAP Twelvy is gearing up to release his debut studio album, 12, this Friday, and Ferg just

announced the Aug. 19 release date for his new mixtape Still Striving.

That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> ASAP Rocky Says 'Cozy Tapes Vol. 2' Is Finished - Duration: 1:14.



For more infomation >> TRAILER PREVIEW 7x04 JUEGO DE TRONOS "LOS BOTINES DE GUERRA" - Duration: 0:31.



For more infomation >> LOS FALLOS DE LA MATRIX Y SUS MENTIRAS - Duration: 1:42:25.


HoodyJ - ADC is Dead M/V (XO TOUR Llif3 Cover) - Duration: 3:09.

HoodyJ Productions™ HoodyJ Productions™

HoodyJ Productions™ HoodyJ Productions™

HoodyJ Flame First Production

Video by Ex-Apprentice

I don't really care if you die

On the real you shoulda never tried

Shoulda saw it coming when you locked in xay (Ya)

adc skills make me want to cry



Push me to the edge

ADC is dead

Push me to the edge

Enemies are fed

Push me to the edge

all the flame is said

Push me to the edge

Blaming me no ganks, and try my best to tank

But im never given thanks

So you making me drop ranks

and I motherfuckin sank

Man it makes me wanna shank

Your ass don't even mention gangplank

ur memes are so dank dank

Boneless pizza ass motherfucking nigga

Ur gameplay just motherfuckin triggas

Feeding them like your their dinna

Just get yourself a fidget spinna

And deal with autism like a winna

Bringin out my inna flame


Always giving me the blame

Dickdrive suits ya better name

Your logic fuckin insane

Why can't you just play ur mains

Twitch tiltin giving us pain

Sike bitch man it's actually vayne

trolling on split push d cane

Mobafire fuckin main

Ally is then fuckin slain yeah

I dont really care if you die

On the real you shoulda never tried

Saw it coming when you locked in xay(ah)

Ya adc skills make me want to cry

ADC is dead

Push me to the edge

Enemies are fed ahh

Push me to the edge

all the flame is said yeah

All the flame is said yeah

Giving this bitch red, regardless if hes fed

Man he's weak af no shreddin

Dw ill give you credit

5 man bitched on reddit

That is right I said it

And dont motherfuckin forget it

Expectations never met it

Cuz christian man you have said it (not me)

"Dont gank me" man you dont get it

Doesnt matter you dont let it

feeding teams are useless

But ur worse you a susan

Stubborn ass a fuckin nuisance

So of course we end up losin

plus your flame is so amusin

The jungler it's you accusin

Which drug is it that you usin

Ironic aint it that the abused is abusin

JuicyJ said

ur the worst ur the worst Gold dodging ADC that's always gettting burst

I dont really care if you die

On the real you shoulda never tried

Shoulda saw it coming when you locked in xay(ah)

Your adc skills make me want to cry

Pushed me to the edge

All the flame is said

Christian you are dead

Once a fuckin gain

Done dealing with your shit

So I wrote this rap instead

So dont push me to the edge

HoodyJ Productions™

For more infomation >> HoodyJ - ADC is Dead M/V (XO TOUR Llif3 Cover) - Duration: 3:09.


The National for Sunday July 30, 2017 - Duration: 1:04:12.

For more infomation >> The National for Sunday July 30, 2017 - Duration: 1:04:12.


Dispatch - How To Play "Painted Yellow Lines" [Acoustic Guitar Tutorial] - Duration: 5:29.

- Hi guys, regular tuning.

Painted Yellow Lines.

I'm on the second fret here,

because this is a full step down,

this guitar is, so just regular.

("Painted Yellow Lines" by Dispatch)

♫ Aah, it's dark outside

♫ I've been trying to get a ride

♫ While my body waits

♫ My body waits

♫ America

♫ Warm my face

♫ I've been trying

♫ To turn the page

♫ Once I was a little boy

♫ Staring at my shoes

♫ You came along and found me

♫ In the chicken coop

♫ But time takes over

♫ I can't say when

♫ Time takes over

♫ May we do it again

♫ Take me to the beachhead let's go over

♫ All of those rocks at the end of the road and

♫ Take me down to Main Street with no clothes on

♫ With our bare feet on the

♫ Painted yellow lines

♫ With our shadows far behind us

♫ Broke into that summer school

♫ Fooled around on the infirmary cot

♫ And we can be like all those fairies

♫ Making their rain angels in the eddies

♫ And I have no expectation

♫ Just an adolescent heart

♫ Aah it's dark outside

♫ I've been trying to get a ride

♫ While my body waits

♫ My body waits

♫ America

♫ Warm my face

♫ I've been trying

♫ To turn the page

♫ Once I was a little boy

♫ Staring at my shoes

♫ You came along and found me

♫ In the chicken coop

♫ But time takes over

♫ I can't say when

♫ Time takes over

♫ May we do it again

♫ Take me to the beachhead let's go over

♫ All of those rocks at the end of the road and

♫ Help me down the seawall let's find Marci

♫ See if she got that invitation

♫ To the movie, the one where the kids break out of

♫ Juvie, and then by their own admission

♫ They go and turn themselves all in

♫ Just as they get there to the station

♫ The young one wheels and begs the pavement

♫ For brother speed to make arrangements

♫ With the spirits of the night

♫ Take me to the race track let's go bet on

♫ Aah, the one that no one expects to win and

♫ Let's bet on the skinny horse, he will surely

♫ Try the hardest to come in first

♫ I bet you for the winner

♫ They put on some kind of fancy dinner

♫ Let's be like those Philadelphia sisters

♫ That have prayed straight for a hundred years

♫ And I have no expectation

♫ Just to be here in the present

♫ And behold you for a second

♫ Before it all goes away

♫ Aah

♫ Aah

♫ Aah

♫ Before it all goes away

♫ Aah

♫ Aah

♫ Aah

♫ Aah

♫ And those painted yellow lines

♫ With our shadows far behind

♫ Broke into that summer school

♫ Fooled around on the infirmary cot

♫ And we can be like all those fairies

♫ Making their rain angels in the eddies

♫ And I have no expectation

♫ Just an adolescent heart

For more infomation >> Dispatch - How To Play "Painted Yellow Lines" [Acoustic Guitar Tutorial] - Duration: 5:29.


Interview Promos for CampoGAR 2017 Royal Rangers Greater Accra Ghana - Duration: 0:31.

Royal Rangers Greater Accra, Ghana

This year's CampoGAR 2017 is going to be special.

In fact the response coming from all outposts in the region is like never

before. All the Rangers were excited when we

showed the preliminary video of CampoGAR 2017. We are going to

experience something we've never had. Parents, Guardians let your wards

register to benefit from this camp.


For more infomation >> Interview Promos for CampoGAR 2017 Royal Rangers Greater Accra Ghana - Duration: 0:31.


Как выбрать млм компанию? Принципы млм бизнеса. - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Как выбрать млм компанию? Принципы млм бизнеса. - Duration: 3:07.


Rocket League +Smite Sessions with Trixz2007 (Subs free to join) - Duration: 2:53:17.

For more infomation >> Rocket League +Smite Sessions with Trixz2007 (Subs free to join) - Duration: 2:53:17.


100 Dolares Cada Mes | 2Captcha- Día (30) | 30/Julio/2017 - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 100 Dolares Cada Mes | 2Captcha- Día (30) | 30/Julio/2017 - Duration: 2:03.


Zeo Water - Fuck the boss (操那老闆) ft.Steven Yiwen - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Zeo Water - Fuck the boss (操那老闆) ft.Steven Yiwen - Duration: 2:17.


Rồng Rắn Lên Mây - hát múa trẻ con rất vui nhộn - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Rồng Rắn Lên Mây - hát múa trẻ con rất vui nhộn - Duration: 3:39.


Intelligent People Are Often Introvert and Love Spending Time Alone - Duration: 5:28.

Intelligent People Are Often Introvert and Love Spending Time Alone

It can sometimes feel isolating being an introvert; after all, sitting at home alone, although

relaxing, can lead to a sense of FOMO and a feeling of social exclusion.

Turns out, being an introvert has its own set of perks: stronger relationships, more

energy, getting shit done.

And since introverts must have their "me time," being smarter can be added to the list of

positive introvert attributes.

That's according to a somewhat counterintuitive aspect of the "savanna theory of happiness,"

an idea expanded upon in the British Journal of Psychology.

The study found that people in more secluded areas like rural areas and small towns were

happier with their lives than those who lived in denser populations.

If you've ever been on a crowded subway jammed under someone's armpit in the middle of summer,

this theory makes sense.

It also found that the more social interactions someone has with friends, the happier and

overall more satisfied with their life they are, except for one major exception.

Highly intelligent people were actually found to have the opposite correlation.

As in, they experienced more happiness with fewer social interactions.

When these brainiacs are forced to spend time with others, even if it's with friends, it

doesn't bring them as much life satisfaction as it does to less-intelligent folks.

Our hunter-gatherer ancestors needed companionship to survive

Sure, our Paleo ancestors ate mostly plants, some meat, and other natural, unrefined foods,

and did CrossFit.

But how did they socialize?

Looking into how the hunter-gatherers associated may hold the keys to understanding how people

interact today -- and why smarter people may be better off alone.

The savanna theory follows logic that makes some sense: Our ancestors were used to traveling

vast spaces in tight-knit groups, so modern humans in high-density areas, like cities,

are generally less happy than their suburban and rural counterparts.

Close social interaction, the theory continues, is another component of happiness; collaborating

on how to bring down that wildebeest brought happiness to prehistoric humans because, hey,

they got to eat!

Dr. Norman Li, associate professor of psychology at Singapore Management University and co-author

of the study said that "spending time with friends is a very natural activity that was

likely necessary for survival over millions of years."

Today those feel-good vibes around socialization persist, giving happy hour its signature adjective.

Except, again, in super-smart people.

But why?

"High general intelligence might allow people to better handle new things that humans only

recently are encountering, such as managing one's life using computers, smartphones, and

more, and not needing for survival purposes to associate with friends on a daily basis,"

he posited.

"So, it's more like high intelligence might allow people to more comfortably live outside

of natural conditions."

It's a question of adaptation, in other words; in a modern, technology-driven world that

relies less on person-to-person contact, more intelligent people might find themselves better

able to cope, and are therefore less happy when faced with their savanna-dwelling ancestors'


Don't worry, extroverts can still be smart too

This isn't to say that social butterflies are always on the dumber end of the spectrum;

as with most theories of intelligence and personality, it's not a one-size-fits-all


"While our findings suggest that on average, less-intelligent people enjoy spending time

with friends more than more intelligent people do, it doesn't mean that this applies to everyone

or that the reverse has to be true, because many things could be leading people to enjoy

their friends' company," Dr Li said.

"So, enjoying spending time with friends does not necessarily mean that a person is less

intelligent than someone who does not enjoy it!"

Don't go questioning your intelligence just yet if you actually prefer to be around other


But if you're someone who genuinely enjoys alone time, and find yourself happiest when

you're all by yourself, that doesn't mean you're a weirdo.

In fact, it probably means you're way smarter than all the normals you're forced to interact

with on a day-to-day basis.

Well, that's the reason why intelligent people are often introvert and love spending time


Really cool information isn't it?

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Intelligent People Are Often Introvert and Love Spending Time Alone - Duration: 5:28.


Assembly committee to be briefed on N. Korean missile test by defense chief - Duration: 0:38.

The National Assembly's Defense Committee will convene an emergency meeting at two PM

today -- where they'll be briefed by Defense Minister Song Young-moo on North Korea's ballistic

missile test.

The lawmakers are expected to question the government's method of response,... such as

the deployment of THAAD and South Korea's three-pillar defense system-- as a means of

preemptive action against further provocations.

While the ruling party is expected to request a more cautious approach in dealing with the

matter,... opposition party members are likely to push for a firmer stance against Pyongyang.

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