Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 23 2017

☆ 1 HOUR ☆ MY ALL ♫ Instrumental Music Christian Sleeping Babies ☆

For more infomation >> ☆ 1 HOUR ☆ MY ALL ♫ Instrumental Music Christian Sleeping Babies ☆ - Duration: 1:00:46.


How to Draw a Horse for kids ! Youtube Videos for Kids - Duration: 10:30.

How to Draw a Horse for kids ! Youtube Videos for Kids

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Horse for kids ! Youtube Videos for Kids - Duration: 10:30.


Misgendering Trans People is Not an Act of Violence | How To Deal with Being Misgendered - Duration: 12:06.

Are people misgendering you? How can you learn to cope with that?

And why is being misgendered not that big of a deal?

Let's talk about that now.

[Autumn Asphodel]

Hi everyone! We are going to be discussing being misgendered,

how to cope with it, and why it's not an act of violence like

some activists claim. First, we must understand what is

misgendering. Misgendering refers to the act of

accidentally or purposefully referring to someone by the

gender pronouns they do not go by. For instance, since I am a

transgender woman who was born male and have transitioned to

female, people can misgender me by calling me by male pronouns.

I do not present as male, I do not look male, I do not sound

male, and so on. Rather, my identity is female since I

present, behave, and take the role of a female according to my

society. I have been accidentally and intentionally

misgendered, and neither of which, at almost any part of my

transition, affected me once I began my transition. However,

when I was presenting as male, being viewed and referred to as

such was very upsetting to me. Nevertheless, once I did

transition, being seen and referred to as such wasn't a big

deal since I knew in my mind I was a female. I was accidentally

misgendered initially by my family since it takes a while

for the people around you to get accustomed to calling you by

different pronouns. However, it was when I built an online

presence that I started being misgendered in a demeaning way.

But, despite all the terms people used and even the hatred

that came from some people, I never let that affect me to such

a degree that I would consider it anything more than simple

harassment and insecurities in that other person. A common

argument some people make, especially those in the

transgender community, and activists, is that being

misgendered is an 'act of violence.' Saying it's an act of

violence is nonsense for the simple fact that it's just

words. The reason why people think it's violence, however, is

often because it's uncomfortable being misgendered and it can

lower your own self-worth and esteem. Accidental misgendering

is understandable, but deliberate misgendering is rude

and ignorant. Regardless, to those who claim or think

deliberately misgendering someone is an act of violence,

let's be clear and rational here, it's not.

He/she/they/them, whatever you decide to call yourself and

identify, are just words. The moment you begin to let words

hurt you is when people start seeing how little self-esteem

you actually have and will often exploit that to hurt you more.

Am I affected by when people call me a man, guy, dude,

whatever? No, because the people who are deliberately saying this

are people who are often rude and inconsiderate and don't need

to be in my life. It's not an act of violence, but rather an

act of rudeness and perhaps harassment. These people are

entitled to their opinions the same as anyone else is. There

are people who see me as a male, and you know what, I was born

male and will always be one biologically so I see where that

thinking comes from. I get nasty comments every single day about

my transition, how I mutilated my body, how I will never truly

be a female, and guess what, it doesn't bother me because I

don't let it. If you let simple words hurt you,

then you've given these people so much more power

than they should have on the way you

feel about yourself. Let's take a deeper look at why people

think it's an act of violence. A large number of people who think

being misgendered is an act of violence are often people who

let their entire life and world revolve around their gender.

It's usually gender this and gender that and that's all they

think about. Some people going so far as to constantly observe

what pronouns people use for them and try to censor and

change other's perception and opinions of them. These very

same people often suffer from a severe lack of self-confidence

and worth because they essentially let other people

determine how they feel about themselves by the words of

others. The truth is, words can be abusive, absolutely. I will

not delegitimize all the victims of verbal childhood abuse, since

I personally was one. A child developing is greatly affected

by the words and actions of their parents when growing up as

their mind is developing. If they are constantly told they

are unloved and left all by themselves, abandoned, they will

feel alone and unloved when they are an adult until they can

overcome their past trauma. But, the moment when someone is an

adult and can make the decisions of their own life, they choose

to let the past and present actions of others affect them.

So, when someone feels that being misgendered is an act of

violence, the problem isn't with the person that is doing the

misgendering who has the right to their opinion and freedom of

speech, but rather with the person taking offense in the

first place. You don't have to let it affect you, and if you

do, the only person you can blame is yourself. Check out my

video about taking offense that goes into much more detail.

If you are misgendered, there are plenty of reasons for this.

Let's say you fully pass as a man or woman and no one can

tell. Yet, it's only until after you tell people that they

misgender you. They could do so accidentally, but also

intentionally. In this other person's mind, they know you

were not born as the sex you are presenting as and thus will try

to delegitimize you. Or it could even be the other way around,

that you don't pass well and people can't see you as male or

female. Let's say you have transitioned to female, but your

voice is deep, you have very dark facial hair, a receding

hairline, and so on. These are often traits of a male, and thus

people see you as a male. This can be extremely challenging for

some, and they want to pass so badly, but are unable to.

Regardless of if you pass or not, however, you can still be

happy and not worry about being misgendered. This is entirely up

to you. This also goes along with the society you live in,

and the expected roles of male and female determined by your

society. Now this is different from the biological differences

between men and women. Men typically are this and that way,

and their body structure reflects this. That's

biological. Societal is mostly the interests, such as men like

to do this and women like to do that. So, if you disobey society

and go against the typical "boys like blue, girls like pink,"

mentality, then people will view you differently as what they

consider male or female because they are conditioned, by

society, to believe these things determine male and female, when

in reality, it's many other things that determine it.

Another reason people may misgender you after they find

out you are trans is because they go by biology, saying

things like, "You are not biologically male or female."

As if that's a reason to purposefully misgender someone.

While it is true that trans people aren't biologically the

sex they transition to, as in chromosomes, physical features,

genitals, and so on, if you present as such, and wish to be

viewed as such, then others should respect that. But, it

doesn't mean everyone will agree with it. If you are being

misgendered, what are some ways you can cope with this?

Let's talk about that now.

Dealing with being misgendered can be challenging since it does

affect your self-esteem and self-worth. But, that's the hint

as to what to work on to being able to take being misgendered.

For you see, the biggest thing is working on your own

self-esteem and self-worth. If you love yourself, accept

yourself, and live each day with gratitude and positivity, then

other people trying to bring you down will be unable to put a

dent on your happiness. I'm not saying you will be exempt from

negativity entirely, but most of the time it just wouldn't

matter. To build up your confidence with being

misgendered, realize that these pronouns are just words. Does

'he' define you? Does 'she' define you? Do they really

define who you are? No, you are much more than your gender. As I

mentioned earlier, when all you think about and focus on in life

is your gender, you will be incredibly impacted when someone

misgenders you because you are constantly observing and

analyzing others and their perception of you. Instead of

worrying about how others perceive you, focus on how you

perceive yourself. When you let those pronouns, or other words

from people in general, define you, then you are letting the

other person have too much power. How you feel about

yourself is what you think of yourself. You can't let people

define you, only you can define you. If you identify as a woman,

but don't look it to others, does that really matter? If you

are a woman, and feel like a woman with whatever you consider

what a woman is, then that's all the happiness you need. The way

I compare it is like this, an older person transitioning may

feel like they will not pass or look good enough. But, that

doesn't matter. When they transition, they find the

happiness within themselves and that's all that matters. Other's

opinions don't matter and should not define you. Check out my

video about this that goes into much more detail. You cannot

force people to call you by the correct pronouns. Let me say

that one more time, you cannot force people to call you by the

correct pronouns. Self-explanatory. There are a

lot of people who do this, not just with being misgendered

either. When you expect and demand people change for you,

all that shows is how self-centered you are. Rather,

you have no control over someone else's thoughts and actions.

Focus on changing yourself, not how to control others.

In conclusion, misgendering refers to the act of

accidentally or purposefully referring to someone by the

gender pronouns they do not go by. It's uncomfortable being

misgendered and it can lower your own self-worth and esteem,

and that's where to begin with learning to deal with it. You

cannot change other people's perception of you, or their

thoughts or actions, but you can learn to build your own

self-confidence to properly deal with being misgendered.

It's so important to share this information any way you can.

With censorship on the rise, it will be buried and hidden and we

must fight against it. However you can support this cause helps

fight the censorship. If you would like to see more content

like this, feel free to donate via Patreon or PayPal. Sign up

for my free email newsletter. And be sure to check out my

other content. Thank you very much! If you have any other

input on this topic, I would love to hear it so please feel

free to leave a comment and let me know what you agree or

disagree with, and/or how this has helped you or someone close

to you. Have a wonderful day!

Thank you for watching my video!

If you would like more content, please feel free to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Misgendering Trans People is Not an Act of Violence | How To Deal with Being Misgendered - Duration: 12:06.


イッテQ お祭り男 宮川大輔!棒幅跳び 祭り in オランダ 世界で一番盛り上がるのは何祭り? - Duration: 19:32.

For more infomation >> イッテQ お祭り男 宮川大輔!棒幅跳び 祭り in オランダ 世界で一番盛り上がるのは何祭り? - Duration: 19:32.


فلوق رقم 1|منتمرن شوي - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> فلوق رقم 1|منتمرن شوي - Duration: 3:30.


Police Academy Driving Test 3D - Android Gameplay FHD - Duration: 17:20.

police academy driving test

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DERBİ ÖZEL | FENERBAHÇE 2-1 BEŞİKTAŞ | Erman TOROĞLU: "Quaresma Bugün Beşiktaş'ı Resman Sattı." - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> DERBİ ÖZEL | FENERBAHÇE 2-1 BEŞİKTAŞ | Erman TOROĞLU: "Quaresma Bugün Beşiktaş'ı Resman Sattı." - Duration: 10:38.


FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 27-Venta de ensilaje - Duration: 17:14.

Episode 27 Silage sale

Good morning to all. As always we will start the day preparing the fields for the next harvest.

Today we will plant sunflower in the fields of group 1, soy in those in group 2 and wheat in field 23.

We will also sort the farm a bit!

Our machinery park has increased and we must keep it clean and in good condition.

In addition we are going to buy new machinery. Among others, a robot to clean the trough of the pigs.

Take a seat and enjoy.

They offer a reasonable price for silage at the biogas plant.

We have approximately 1.5 M liters of silage. Today we will sell a third party.

We will need more conveyer belts to sell the silage.

Enough for today. We will sell more when they pay a better price.

As usual, I will have dinner and rest. Good night and see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 27-Venta de ensilaje - Duration: 17:14.


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For more infomation >> やりすぎコージー 都市伝説!「京都に眠る謎のおみくじ」 - Duration: 5:53.


Perdemos um dos grandes: o cantor Charles Bradley nos deixou aos 68 anos de idade. - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Perdemos um dos grandes: o cantor Charles Bradley nos deixou aos 68 anos de idade. - Duration: 3:15.


Pslam 119 Official HD | Teri najat dai shok dai wich | sewak Voice studio Poductions - Duration: 4:54.

subscribe channel to promote zaboor

For more infomation >> Pslam 119 Official HD | Teri najat dai shok dai wich | sewak Voice studio Poductions - Duration: 4:54.


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Ranbir Kapoor And Mahira Khan CAUGHT RED HANDED | Love Bite Pictures Of Ranbir And Mahira

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